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Amorous Adventures: Curse Of The Dead Bride

PROBLEM: The Quest doesn't start.
This quest has a lot of requirements to begin. All the following must be true:
- You Must be a Thane of Solitude
- You must have completed the Amorous Adventures quest "A Widow Too Soon".
- You must have completed the Amorous Adventures Quest "An Angel In Steel"
- You must have completed the Amorous Adventures Quest "Fangs Of Desire"
- You must have completed the Amorous Adventures Quest "A Song Of Lust and Guile
- Broken Oar Grotto must be marked clear - Complete the game quest "Lights Out!"
and / or kill the leader of the Blackblood Marauders for Ahtar.
- Make sure the characters needed are alive in the game.

PROBLEM: A character the quest needs is dead

You need to use console commands. To resurrect a dead NPC:
go to UESP, search for the NPC and note down its RefID
That's RefID - NOT BaseID. No, no, no BaseID!
open your game, open console and type Prid #RefID, where #RefID is the numbe
r you wrote down. This will make your console "select" the NPC as a target for f
uture commands.
now type moveto player, making the NPC's dead body appear at your feet. This
isn't strictly necessary but it'll allow you to immediately check whether the N
PC has been revived and is functioning.
now type recycleactor. This will "reset" the NPC to its default status (incl
uding inventory) and behavior.

NPCs needed:
Required: You Must use Jordis the Sword-Maiden as a follower
Jarl Elisif The Fair - Reference ID: 000198C1
Sybille Stentor - Reference ID: 000198C5
Jordis The Sword-Maiden - Reference ID: 000A2C95

Required: You Must use Jordis the Sword-Maiden as a follower
Talk to Elisif and find out she has a problem.
Next, talk to Sybille Stentor about the problem. Sybille will tell you about a c
Next, Talk to Elisif again. Elisif asks you to make sure and take your Housecarl
Jordis the Sword-Maiden along with you.
Take Jordis to the cave Broken Oar Grotto.
Fight through enemies to the body of a slain woman.
The slain woman has a Wedding Dress. Get it off the body.
Talk to your Housecarl Jordis in the cave after getting the wedding dress.
Finally, return to Sybille Stentor at the Palace in Solitude with the wedding dr
ess you found.
Broken Oar Grotto is a dungeon location that never, ever re-spawns. Once you cle
ar it, it stays clear for the entirety of the game.
That means that if it's cleared, then I can re-populate it with enemies. And I h
ave. Oh yes, I have.
If it's too much for you:
- use your difficulty slider to get through it
- Or, use the Mod "Amazing Follower Tweaks" and take a small army of followers w
ith you
- Or, use all those tricks you keep meaning to use except the game is to easy
- Or, toggle God Mode on the console
- Or, ... the options are many

Quest ID and Stages
Quest ID: SexLabAmorousAdventuresOar
STAGE 10: Milady Elisif has not spoken recently of the strange bond we seem to s
hare. I should speak with her and see if there are mutual feelings of love betw
een us.
STAGE 20: Milady Elisif says she has taken ill. An unnatural illness, perhaps t
he work of assassins! I should seek council from the court mage Sybille Stentor
on this matter.
STAGE 30: Sybille Stentor has discovered a cave which may be the source of this
dark magic affecting Elisif. I will go tell Lady Elisif that I may have a lead
on the problem which has made her unwell.
STAGE 40: Milady Elisif requests I take my Solitude Housecarl Jordis on my inves
tigation. Elisif trusts Jordis and seems concerned for my well being. I will s
peak with Jordis about this.
STAGE 50: I will investigate Broken Oar Grotto near Solitude. Once the hideout
of the Blackblood Marauders, who knows what villains lurk there now and what the
y are plotting against Elisif.
STAGE 60: I have discovered a strange Wedding Dress on a dead woman. This match
es the visions Elisif was having! I wonder if my Housecarl Jordis and I can do
something about this curse right here. I should talk to Jordis.
STAGE 70: I must return this foul evidence to Sybille Stentor in Solitude.
STAGE 80: This is serious indeed. Some sort of dark magic affects Lady Elisif,
and a ritual involving the Forsworn and a profaned wedding is at the root of it.
I must find a way to put an end to this plot and save Elisif.
STAGE 200: Quest Complete

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