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Rubric for mission 3: Learn it, write it.

Teacher: Eulogius Couronne Name of student:

Category Marks
4 3 2 1
Identification of All the terms Most of the terms Less than three Only one term has
terms have been have been terms identified been identified
identified and are identified
Explanation of Concepts are Concepts are well Concept Concepts
terms clear and well elaborated but explained but no explained are
explained. Good need to review example difficult to
use of example the examples. provided. understand.
Use of items in Very good use of Good use of items Only few items Only one item has
Storyboard That items which but some do not have been used. been used.
match examples match examples
and context. and context.
Writing skill Very good use of Good use of Four to six Seven and more
language, no language. Two to grammatical or grammatical and
spelling, three spelling or spelling mistakes. spelling mistakes.
grammatical and grammatical
punctuation mistakes.
Scenes and use of Scenes and Good use of Characters used The different
characters characters scene and lack proportion characters used
communicate characters, but and emotions. do not
ideas clearly. Very characters lack communicate
good use of emotions. your ideas.
space, proportion
and emotions.

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