1 Teach Yourself Russian Book

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yourself russian goal | all-round confidence category language content + learn to speak, understand and write russian e + progress quickly beyond the basics bea + explore the language in depth be where you want to be with teach yourself. teach yourself russian daphne west Launched in 1838, the teach yourself series grew rapidly in response to the world’s wartime needs. Loved and trusted by over 50 million readers, the series has continued to respond to society's changing interests and passions and now, 70 years on, includes over 500 titles, ‘tom Arabic and Beekeeping to Yoga and Zulu What would you tke to lean? Tie pblaher has ued is best endear b onsie thatthe UL for edema webs refered to Inesbooke cost enact etme cf ang press. However, publoher are euthor th webstisand can mate no guerartoe tat ste wi remain eo tat Fer UK order enqies:pleese cova Bankpot Lid, 190 Mlon Pt Anger, Oran, O14 453. Telprone: 444 (0) 1235 627720, Fac +44) 1285 400454 Les are open 02.00-17:0, Nora to Sturdy wih a24-ho mesage answering service Detalsabou ou Bes er hon ‘de a eee 3 wereschyousl.co.ck Fer Seder erques: plas contact Meta Caster Sens, PO Box 545, Bacick OF 43000545, USA Tele 1-800-722-4726, Fax. 1-614-755-5848, For Canada orer engl: plese conact sre Rjersn Li, 300 Water. Wi. Ona, LIN 985, Cena, Teloptone: 905 430 5000. Fac 906 430 5020, Lang renames faut source or sl qu amin nt moe then 50 lion pes ol wee ~ Eo tach yourself eras inudes over 500 es inthe felts of languages cas, ais, busines, computing and odoaton. ets ray Catan n Pabloaton Date: caelogue record otis ie fava tom the rsh Libary, trary of Cones Cataog Card Nabe: Fest pushin UK 1991 by Heder lon, WW Festpubished IU 1622 by Te NeSren-Hl Compas, Ino, ‘Tis extinpbished 2003, ‘ho teach youself name rgisred trade marco Hoder Hea Cepyiaht © 1801, 2008 Daphne West ‘In Al gts reserved, Apart rom any perited us under UK conn nw, no part of his {abicaion may te rerouced or tensitedn any fom ory any means, craic or mechanical, ‘ude protoxpecting or ary informatio storage and rebel im, at permission, eg fom te pls ar nd fcence trom he Coot Licensing Agency United Farner ‘also sh foster reprgaphicrepriucon may be oblanad fom the Cop Lenin ‘ancy Lio Sten House, 6-10 ty Steet, Londen. ETN BTS. ‘nS Alig resid. Goer as ported unde he Unte States Cong Act 1876, ro pat citi ork maybe eprouned or tbe nny fm or by ary mens, sre in ada or ‘ee stm wit por wien pmision of pubis, ‘Dpesety Tarst Lined, Covey England Pied I Great tein or Heer Education, an Hacetie Lime UK Company, 98 Euston Roe, Lado NW 36 by CPI Cox and Aman, Reding, Grit, AGt BOX Hachete Line UK polis to we papas that are natura, renee and ele products and ‘rate from wand roan fn swsidnabe fess. The loging and manufacturing processes ere ‘est 1 can toe errant rua of the cour fag. of Hecht Live UX, 938 Euston Road, ‘Bau naenopr, noxanyieral ‘Your passport, please! 1 ‘Mena soByt Mpa I'm called Ira 2 ‘using some more forms of courtesy ‘ecb MonHO ipororpadnponaTe? 7 _may one take photographs here? ‘ asking/stating whether something is permitted ‘or not * asking/stating whether something is possible, Impossible or necessary ‘eKoMbKO CTOMNT? how much ist? 49 + asking for and giving simple information about cost and availabilty * using further ways of describing where things are sinpepnownraio nnasare Ipreferto swim 61 ‘+ asking people about their preferences $]U9]U09; 5 or and neoessity ‘70 ecto cBoGoaHo? is this place free? A ‘obtaining information about avaliabity, «talking about days ofthe weak. + expressing approximation with regard to time 270 saewcuT OF norog ‘wrong numbers) «taking about past events and actions awe HyAHO K Bpawy? must Igo tothe doctors 7160 * seeking and giving ecvice * taking about necessity ‘cowrep Te6e oven Mat the sweater really suits you 163 * talking about clothes and appearance * asking for achice about size and colour ++ expressing simple comparisons and negatives ¢ ca Poxpenmsl happy bith! 178 ‘saying when and where you were bom and state your age * asking other people about their age, place and date of bith 101 * indicating preference in arrangements 7 hopes and intentions about ‘hypothetical statements © expressing statements contrary to fact asait sarnanen 8 topo nyrewecranis * in box Mu f a a sounds 9 in pat sounds 3 in caughter fs K & sounds yo in’ yonder no | a - sounds = in ploasuro a sounds z in 20 M dl M Me sounds ein fost, ; sounds yo in boy H # H H sounds r in botte 0 sounds P in peach oO ° a sounds f° in father sounds like ‘sin quis 0 IT 8 ne sounds chin hick Pp sounds shin shit E f P & sounds stich n_—_poshetina hard 8 ‘ c c c sounds i in in T TW T ma sot sig sounds ein tet y y y ¥ sounds win tho sounds ke moka ® 2 o @ at pe x 2 h equivalents given are only approximate and the best way ion is to listen to native speakers and try aw) {"Pinted | Handwritten Handwritten) 7 Bem gem OM i capital capital | small a (skis) ABLOWCLL m1 wh hort g : 7 ei (mother) af Ww ue m ue rg uh my uy Term rem ant) mem % = a (football) moor Br wo : 6 13 Xae6 xae6 read) eo 3 3 3 14 Uspe np (circus) 0 = a 10 15 Yaero —sécro fer) ‘TACMO a {4 7 in the handwritten alphabet look a little different Practice the printed alphabet — the full alphabet, typed and Now that you are acquainted with the alphabet, try to decipher ven above. Compare each version of the letters, and these place names (answers in the Key to exercises, p. 276). them out loud, ; ; a Jlonaon f£ Abepana [Briere are some words given in both the printed and the treacrep g Xanrmuraox fwriten form ~ note that the letters 2, M and a must always begin Manon ho Bupaararane d Kopayons i Srcom e Amerepaam i Mem6ypx 2 Given below is the room allocation list for a group of tourists. Look at the second list in English and work out who is in which room these words aloud and try copying ee eI (answers in the Key to exercises, p. 276). them out. Pay special attention to the relative height of the letters: Tison Curr 201 X10 Palin 206 (luggage) ‘Toxelin Knapx 202 Puyapa Xappucon 207 Beponuxa Tomcon 203 Creann Bpays 208 Shaman Vact 204 Mapraper [piiaws 209 Caiimon Maxens 205 Hnxostac Taisop 210 a Stephanie Brown f Hugh Riley b Jane Clark g John Smith © Margaret Davies h Nicholas Taylor Richard Harrison i Veronica Thomson Simon Mackenzie § Lilian West (uncle) The appendices and vocabulary 1 includes summaries and notes on nouns, pronouns, prepositions and verbs. Common irregularities are noted "Appendix 2 contains more on pronunciation. Other re noted in the Russian-English vocabulary. oporpona | Stress ). In Russ pronounced quite distinctly) whereas the unstressed ‘over quickly, almost ‘thrown away’. This is heard ‘0’ comes immediately before the stressed ‘reduced! to a sound rather like the ‘a’ in the | Eny 4 “Mocxna (Moscow). In any other position << in the word, an unstressed ‘0’ is pronounced like the second syllable of ©, ‘matter’: répoa. (See Appendix 2 for further details on how stress © affects vowels ~ note 8.) Note that the letter & always caries the stress. Tn texts where the stress is not indicated (which includes most Russian publications), the two dots are not normally marked above this letter. Note that stress is marked in all words in the dialogues, role-play ¢ exercises, conversations, reading texts, commentaries, key phrases, grammars and vocabularies. Od ‘idou2eu mea jesesja “yoasset PLONALeEYKOLI In this unit you will learn. ‘+ how to respond to requests for personal information and identification + some forms of courtesy ® jeioulurexou ‘adouoeu mos [Dialogue ‘Anna Prince, a tourist from England, has just arrived at Sheremetevo firport in Moscow and is passing through passport control and customs, A young man at passport ‘control checks her passport; she then moves on to customs where a young worhan checks her luggage and currency declaration. Monopoi senoséx — Sapdecrayiirel Baw ndcnopr, nowényicTa. ‘Auwa ‘Snpaacreylire! Bot mol nécnopr. Mononoa Nenoséx — Bbi Typricrxa? | Anna Aa, a typiicrka. Monopoit uenopéx Bei anrminadnixa, na? Anna fla, 9 aHrnnyanKa. Monopéitvenonéx — Kak Bawa chaminun? Anna Mod camiinia ~ Tpnto. Monopéi venonéx — Xopoind. Bor eau nacnopr. Anna Cnaci6o. Monogéa wenoséx — Noxanyiicra Aesyuixa Te pau Bardon? Anna Bor on. yk Tloxdnyiicra, re Béwa aeknapaunn? na Bor ond. ésyuna Xopows. Bor séwa AeKnapauyan. Arma Cnaci6o. Aesyuxa Tloxxényiicra. Zo camaénin. ‘Avna Bo conaauns young man ‘hello; how do you do 2 Kax eéua cbamanna? xopous ‘enacii6o §B nacnopr Passport ‘Visitors to Russia must be in possession of a passport (nécnopt) and a visa (gfiga). Russian border guards are renowned for taking their time ‘over scrutinizing these documents! On entering Russia visitors must give details of money, traveller's cheques and other valuables they have with them on thelr currency declaration form (qexnapayus) and this is checked again when they leave Russia. @aminua Surname ‘Anna supplies her sumame (baminus) and her first name (ans) Russians would also give their patronymic (6r¥ect80) ~ a middle name derived ftom their father's first name and usually ending in -oBHa or -eBHa (for a Woman) and -oBMY or -oBMu (for 2 man). ‘Women's surnames usually end in -a (which is why Tolstoy's novel is so called: Anna is married to a man called Karenin) Firstname Sumame Father's name Full name erpéea Braginnrp on Famine Tanvina Bragyuvposta Nexposa Eopiic Cepréesns Merpos pina Hrxonéesva Ersposa Anexcéii Néanoan4 Erépon ‘more formal situations the first name and patronymic are used. Taniva Bnagimupopna Netpésa would be known as Tani ‘diminutive Tans) to her close friends and formally as Tanina (comrade), which used to be used with ‘whose name you didn't know), is no longer used and rocnopal Mr (feminine rocnomé Irs) has come back into usage as an official form Of address, Bei You In Russian there are two ways of saying your Bb is used to indicate both singular (i.e. one person) and plural (more than one) ~ in the former case, it is the polite form of address used when taking to someone you don't know, or don’t know very well ike the French word vous). f you are speaking to a member of your family, a close friend or ‘a chiki, you would use the word Tht (like the French word tu). ° jeLoulrexou ‘adouseu mt 0 (a) Sapascteyire! Hello! 5. Respond to requests for items, say here itis, etc. i ag| Ts Horaty means be hat and’ ued to aes a cup of people Nas TST? 7 4] LUISE eae gee Boe ne it [32] prorcunced you were aeresing on parton whom you call Tot you : 38] would say Sapascrayit g a8 Grammar Bg Nomanyiicra Please; you're welcome 1 ‘The’ and ‘a’ “This means please, but is also used to mean don't mention it, YOU'T® ‘There are no words in Russian for the ‘ i the definite article) or a (the welcome when someone has said cnaci6e to you (like the German’ j, a for the (t ‘word bite). indefinite aricle), so ndcnopr means the passport ot a passport. =a 2 ‘Tobe’ = Questions ‘The verb to be is not used in Russian in the present tense (Iam, you are and 50 on). So Bat Typiicr ‘means literally you tourist) is the 4 True or false? way of saying you are a t if both words separated by the a Ansa — aMepuxanxa. ‘mnissing’ verb to be are nouns, a dash may be used: Mos ¢anaiums ~ b Be (her) banana — Tlerpoa. Therpina. ¢ Anna ~ Typucrxa, 3 Statements and questions 2 Answer the questions! ‘The only difference between a statement and a question in written a Apna anrmmuanxa? ‘Russian is that a question ends with a question mark ... and a statement b Kax e€ anamna? does not! ‘There is no change in word order: poe How do you say it? Atma TypiicrKa. Anna is a tourist. B pad ‘Ana typsicea? Is Anna a tourist? 7 In spoken statements, the voice usually falls on the last stressed. 1 Greet people syllable of the last word: S3apapcrayitre! ay 2 Say please and thank you Anna typrictKa. nowxdmyiicra Ina spoken question, the voice is raised on the last stressed syllable of curach6o ‘the last word: 3° Ask someone's surname and say your own A Kax pama davai? Aura Typiicria? Mod damiimis Mpnnc. If the question begins with a question word (an interrogative), the 4. Ask people their nationality and state yours jyoice is raised on that word: But aurmesanxa? —A Ja, 9 aurnauduxa. Tae pau Garaxx? ) question implies a contrast, a dip occurs: _ § How to say ‘I, you, he, she, it, we, you’ 3 “WT and ‘they’ 3 570? 3 ge a "The grammatical name for these words is the personal or subject 33 Pronoun and the table below gives a full list of them: #8) 4 Groups of nouns B31 Nouns are randomly divided into different groups — in Russian there are three groups (also known as ‘genders’): mi : neuter. The important thing to remember v pelpielelelfisruotiorhy | ‘out which group a Russian word belongs to by looking at its ending. it(can only rete toa neuter noun) “The most common endings are: we eo ‘you (singular, formal: pla) SR|_ [ mascuine words fend in ‘aconsonant (eton table) they l Feminine words fend in a (ira book) Neuter words end in ° (amcnmé fetter) ae 6 ‘My, our, your’ Sometimes 2 word has two forms to distinguish between males and’ These are Known as possessive adjectives because they denote females, e.g. Possession. They change their endings depending on the gender of the Bopiic typrter. Boris is a tourist. ‘noun they are describing: Anna TyplicTKa. Anna is a tourist. na : ‘Mok néenopt m ‘You will soon become familiar with these endings as they are also! | oA (or feminine words) 7 Wy passport woe wel cerain pronouns, adjectives and past tense verbs. Otbet | ves Ge ae car iiitace mattertrrcitay masa nae ‘groups’ endings are: name Moi (for masculine words): ‘The word rnoit is Ticino end ‘rao (your, ie. belonging to Tea) works in just the same way. oli, -i, -0f) (wath May) yToMOGANE car) Feminine words end in ||| sau (lor masculine words): maw Garéox your luggage (i. wa (Anrnua Engiand) longing to mi) fa soft sign (b) (TeTpaAe exercise book) Neuter words endin —@ (née fic) we (saévme building) nae séwa (for feminine words): awa cbeminnn awe (lor neuter words): wawle nmchmé your sumame ‘your letter nur, i.e. belonging to mbt) works in just the same way. che only ending ‘shared’ by more than is v he ot reine So, the only ending ‘shared’ by more than one groups is» ‘The folk Sign) and this isthe only time you will need to lear the gender of « oe sre Benes eee ‘word. Very occasionally you will meet exceptions to these patterns ~ er6* his, its (when referring to a masculine or a neuter noun) ihe most common are mpésts (lime) and sas (first name), which are *Note the pronunciation of this word, which is perhaps not what you both neuter. ‘would expect: yevi r its (when referring to a feminine noun) 8 Dae eré mexsapanas? Where is his declaration? = Bor e& 6aribx. Here is her luggage. opsa 0210 q 2 Kax ux cami? What is their surname? Paneasa eect! Py . 38| 7 Kan? How? “| @anmans —Bopoteiba 83) this word means how and is frequently used in questions: ee pete Vis, oreeno §Aaeuua, Conecobua Kax nena? How are things? Kax bam 6par? How's your brother? | Tpopecens UH ©! 8 Nationalities a. What nationality is indicated on this form? ‘two nouns (one masculine, one feminine) to describe. What is the person's surname? wr occupation? On anrsirvéemn He is English. (On amepmxinen, He is American. 1.2 Write! On neminen. He is Spanish. Make up sentences similar to the following for these people, indicati Oud anrsmmvanxa, their name and occupation. Practise saying the sentences aloud nn Ond amepinxdixa. ‘She is American. Tamma Cepreeaua Bopo6 Oni ane eu -preenua BopoGxéna pycexas, Ova manner, A general rule would be that the feminine nouns end in -a. b a haiii-ipuoran axypuaTICT : fapua rasan axtpuca (actress) He is Russian, she is Russian, etc. look rather different: © Bopac pyocxntt miexenep (On pyocxuit, Oud pyockas. 2: Harp pmanen crygest (This is because they are adjectives ~ see Unit 5.) me mey meas 1.3 Look and answer! : Which city features on the hotel emblem below? Practice ‘The exercises in this unit give you practice in recognizing the alphabet and in using some of the vocabulary and grammatical items covered in oc, u MUA} the unit, 4.1 Read and answer! di. Look carefully at the form opposite and then answer the questions that < : \ecernnars) 70] 1-4 Read and answer! Croapaéeca Kak péwia chamiinun? | Match the question with the answer. er egos paar ett Uséros. EE) 1 Kax nama ganas? a Her, ona anruranxa, —, een 28) 2 Cae sama zexsapanns? b Da, Mott Coappécca CnaciGo, Béwe nécro 5B. 53 3 Ona pyccnas? ee BOron ‘Typaer Cnacii6o, : 83] 4 ro pam 6arax? a Bopobsés. Croappécea Moxanyiicra. { wer 10 ‘ro lath rnese aro | [-__weere place, coat mare five ] True or false? le 1 2a Ce aia ote. nacnoprie Reet the statements about the tourist and state whether they are true or ‘Make up similar answers to the following: a. Ero daxnums ~ Tlerpor. a Tae pamia aexnaparms? “b Ero ma - Bopuc. b Tne same micemo? Hi ye: On Typacr. Te paur Garaxx? Eo 2 Reading @ Dae wa xypuan?, ee ari gelasine east Read the text and answer the questions in English a» Where is Viktor from? Db What is his job? Bixtop Mocksits. Bixrop pycckuli. Ow xypHamict, On Mockery. " locksa ~ comma . STO LeHTp NOsTHEN H KYNbTYpEI. £31.6 Read, write and listen! / : ra Roan sale np noma 0 Practise writing answers about yourself to the following questions, thea oe ac. listen to the exchange on the recording which gives you sample answers. get aaa a Kax pauta aman? mocknits Muscovite Bet anrmuanys/anrmmanKa? Bet cryment/ctyaenrxa? croniua capital Comprehension DiKey phrases [31 Conversation ‘Can you remember how to say the following in Russian? Listen to Read, listen and answer! the recording and practise saying each phrase ‘A Russian tourist has just boarded a plane at Sheremetevo for a holiday# ‘Your passport, please. in Yalta. He is talking to the stewardess. » came ‘your surname? 7 : ¢ 2. Crioapnéces Sqpdecrayiire. a onele ‘Typier ‘Sapascreyire. Thank you. ‘idouseu mea Teonkuemou a G Dialogue ‘Anna is ling with a group of tourists from England who are all intereste painting and architecture. The travel company has ‘arranged a social evening at which they are to meet a group of ‘Russian artists and teachers of art. “Mpa lasdinre nosHaxémmucsl Mens aopyt Vipa. “Ava Overs npuftTHo. ’Wpa Kax Bac aonyr? AnHa MeHA soayr Anna. Wpa Ovens npufirHo, Ania ... Bet yxxé xopowid ropopite mo- pyocku! ‘Anna Craci6o. A vay4aio pyeckiilt satik yxé Tpa ropa. Mpa, et mockeiuKa? Vpa = fla, a >xMBY 6 Mockeé, A rge Bi KuBéTe? B SloHp0He? Anna Her, 9 >xuBy 8 Bpiictone. A pa6éTaio Tam 8 wKéne, npenogato aHrniiicxnit asvix, A rae Bb pa6oTaete? Wpa Spect 8 Mockeé, 8 yHuBepontéte. A — xynoxHnua, . Apenogard xuBONUCe. dy shave Ho Zf 20 ‘Aapéiire.nosnaxéuumen [ots introduce ourselves menA sony I'm calied (it. they call me’) Owen npusirHo pleased to meet you a wsysaio I'm leaming (I have been learning) pYeexuit saku Russian (language) pu répa (or) three years MocksiuKa a Muscovite (female) Bd] Pofeo W1,| edy 1Agoe BHOIW A npenopaio SuFnAREKUR 836K nec ' ykunepeurére xyAOxnnya, 2aniponice (1) ‘crawing, painting ax pac 2087? what are you called? (It. how do they call you?) unit you will learn Seen egies ‘Bul yké xOpOUIS ronopiiTe ne-pYeeKN you already speak Russian well + how to give further information about yourself + how to request such information from others edy sAsoe unions 20 8 Aavaiite nostaxémumeal Let’s get to know each other s ly means let's get to. know each other and is used when reducing yourself (or a group of which you are a member) if you were introducing two people to each other you would say nosnakéuereck! (It. got fo know each other. Mens sopyT Mpa /’m called Ira This literally means me: they call Ira. Russians will often introduce the sort of function described here by just giving their this case, Ira is the diminutive of Irina). OueHb npusitHo Pleased to meet you ‘The iiteral meaning of this is very pleasant. There is another common way of saying pleased to mest you: you could say é4eH» pan (f you're a man) of 64oHb paa (if you're a woman). B yunpepcnrérte At the university Russia's higher education system includes universities, academies, conservatories and specialist high schools. The education reforms of 1984 made education compulsory between the ages of six and 17. For pre-school children, up to the age of three, ‘there are créches (fen). and: for, three- to. six-year-olds' there’ is the kindergarten (nétcKmit cap). Education used tobe’ free and open access; however, there are now fee-paying private secondary schools (and terms such’ as/ AMyéii. and ramnéann have reappeared). Hig! education is no longer free for all ‘students. and, increasingly, students’ studies are linked to work for commercial concerns. Questions 1 True or false? a Mpa anrsmyanxa, b Aaua rosopuT no-pyccxu, ¢ Mpa ~ mmxexep. 2 Answer the questions! - a Kax Anna ronopur no-pycceu? b Pe Anna musi? L ¢ Uro (what) Anna npenonaér? How do you say it? How to: 1 Introduce yourself Flapaiite nostaKkémumes! 2 Say your name and ask someone else’s name Ment sonfr .. Kax pac 308/17 3 Say ‘pleased to meet you" Oxcxp npuitrno! Ouent pag! Ouent pana! 4. Ask people where they live and say where you live Tae nit axunére? AL xuDy B . 5 Ask people where they work and say where you work Pure ast paGéraere? A paGérao B .. Grammar 1 Verbs a Forming the present tense We saw in Uni the verb to be is not used in the present tense as we need to know I play, she plays ete.) There are two main groups (or conjugations) of verbs in Russian: i Most verbs whose infinitive (the so do part of the verb) ends in as will work like the verb paGSrars, (to work) in the present tense: A pa6éraio re ‘1s paséraeu Mei pa6éraem we work ui pa6éraete you work they work wontons paséraer hoshol works owt paccTaer ie. remove the Tb and add: -10, -enm, -eT, -em, -eTe, 107. a ‘edy thgoe 6HaH c0 edu ahaoe sian 20 ii. Most verbs whose infinitive ends in «ire will work like ronopirrt. (to speak) in the present tense:. Mat rosopvat 301 roBophre we speak you speak they speak ‘oWoHé/on6 rosopit he/she speaks ow rosopéT ile, remove the mrp and add: 40, -mum, IT, -#M, -HTe, -5T. b Irregular verbs Like other languages, Russian has verbs which do not conform to the dar verbs). In Russian, however, even irregular stent, and in order to be able to use them, the ‘important thing isto know their stem and the a, 161, om endings (and iven for irregular verbs in the vocabilary at the end is the stem aumm- and the following endings: PEW, OF ABET, MEI AHBEM, BUI KEBETC, OHH for the complement of the verb 1 s) our knowledge of the subject fie, ‘Complement ‘Meaning ‘Moscow is the capital of Busia ‘Anna Prince Is a tourist cTonviua Pocomt vypiierica There are six cases in Russ adjectives and personal vocabularies in the nominative.) ing the nominative. (Nouns, 's appear in dictionaries and wa in,on, at the prepositional (or locative) case is used. ‘The prepositional is usually formed by adding the letter ¢ to the end Remove Add i Mascutne | yrusoponrér - e t ‘ ywiBeponrére' inl tho university Cnty > e 7 Frosch wi nponoAelit wo tach ete eeraae apetiee Tet mpenonaéume you teach sbi npentonadre you teach \ ee ts 7 he teaches wie { Tames a e ‘ou npenogaét: he teaches owsnpenoparbr they teach Lamaelrreaateery tony ‘ Feminine It is important to know this, because there are some very common Mooxsé a e verbs that work this way: e.g. aap (10 give), upoaandt, (10 sell) ! ® Mocxeé In Moscow i pan 8 ° 7 | na iae in the kitchen 2 Endings ; ; \ Neuter ‘These change according to the function of the words (nouns, ! vce ° e . pronouns) in a given sentence; the different endings are i 8 nico in the letter called cases. So far you have the met the nominative case ; nope e ° bout the person or thing doing an action (ic. for the | BMépet Inthe sea "Note thatthe prepos 1 yunmepenrére Verb Meaning iS pronounced ani paséraet Irina works > neuter noans ending a dy 1Kace wont ZO 20 ‘The only exceptions to the usual ending are: a Feminine soft sign nouns, feminine nouns which end in -um and neuter nouns which end in -1e: Remove Add rerpége » “ srerpagm in the exercise book Aarnus, 8 “ Aun in England andi ° “ sans in the bulcing b A group of masculine nouns which all take the stressed ending y {instead of -€). A full list of these is given in Appendix 1, but here are some common examples: aapondpr y Baoponopry atthe airport Kpeine re v 8 Kpeay inthe Crimea ‘non = y a nony (on the floor can y Boany Inthe garden yron y Bymnit In the comer wwicacp - y B uKachy In the cupboard ‘Note that yroz has what is known asa ‘fleting vowel’ i. 2 vowel which is omited in every cate except the nominative (words Which have leting vowels av indicated in the Vocabulay a the end of this book). © A smail group of words (known as indeclinable) never change their form in any case ~ these tend to be words imported from other Janguages. Common examples are: ‘610p6 8 61096 invat the office ecb a Kae inlat the café rake BTaKch In the taxi 4 Mo-pycexu /n Russian ‘This word describes the way in which something is done, is formed from pfcexuii and means in Russian. Such words are called adverbs. Note the following similar adverbs: Tixep roaopiir no-ppanngsexn. Thirep rosopir no-aur-miiicxn. Mapiis ronopitr no-wramsvexn. Pierre speaks French. Peter speaks English. Maria speaks Italian. Practice 2.1 Read and answer! ‘Which is the correct alternative? a met paGorato/paGoraem/ 4 onm suaere/sta10/ pa6oraror sHaior 1b ova mpenonaér/npenonaéus/ —e 5 ToRopr0/ronopuTe/ mpenonaére rosopitr © ppt xnBy/axupéTe/sxuDeue 32.2 Read, listen and answer Read the questions then match them up with the answers that you ‘will hear on your recording: 2.3 Look and answer! a But paGoraere » Mocxse? b Kax pac 3onyr? ‘The information below is taken from a theatre ticket. ¢ Bat xumére » Kuene? d Ine puno? Cepus BT QHoRGpA 000307 TAPTEP pag 16 mecto6 Eonswoi TeaTp Poccu TearpansHas ni, Zou 1 Tenecpou 292-00-50 20) ® Whatis the name of the theatre? a a o> |b What is the theatre's telephone number? i i g | 2.4 Read and writet é § | Kro rae paGoraer? Who works where? ‘Write similar sentences about the others listed above. g 3 | a Buxrop padoraTs ‘yuupepeuteT | z |b Cama paGorats can 7 | ¢ Tw paoraTs mikona Comprehension | @) Tamm paGorate sa6oparopust | © Bm paGorare Gropo €31 Conversation Qt t paGorars rocrmma ° RS) sg Bopuc paGorars Mocxpa Read, listen and answer! wD Michael Jones, a journalist, is met at St Petersburg airport by his ‘guide Tag —— Viseimire, noxanylicra, ast Maikn 2pKouc? Matin fla, Sto. Tan Sapaecrayiirel A paws rua, Mena soar Bondaa, Manin — Quer mpistHo, Bondas. Write similar sentences about the others listed above. ran Bor Hau aBT66yC, HOMep nATo, MatiKn Main — Cnacii6o. Tag Ckakirra, Maitkn, obi atirnmsaiiH? 2.5 Read and answer! Et Maiixn fa, avrnmuanun, ‘Can you work out which composers are featured in the concert Tag Bot kupére B Slongone? programme below? Main — Her, Her, a xno 8 Oxecbopae. : Tun Kak watrepécuo. Bui pasoraere 8 yunsepewréte? i | 1 aes ee E a WLC Bax- Tormara, anexno = dyra no ssamop Matixn — Cnacii6o. Fl paGéraio 8 Oxctbopae, Ho mHoraé 8 Pocomn ‘Tpuo-conata No 5 Sora Tag A, noHsirHo ... BOT noueMy BbI FoBOpITe no-pyCCKrL 2 orxenenne Main Arges xusére, Bondaa? b Mouapr ~ @arrasis a mumop Tag A xuBy n paGoraio spec B Cankr-fletep6yore. © Mlymay ~ Kanon cn masiop Main — B yeutpe? Wr AAI rap a, aa, 3 ueTpe ... Hy, sor n* edwa rocTiinnua. “Note that Mf means and, but it is also used to give emphasis: Here fs your hott 2.6 Read and write! a Anna Bpvcrom no-anrtiiexn Settee bos Bupsamram © no-axrauiioxi eee c Thep Tlapwx no-ppanuysonn 7 ‘morad sometimes a@ Xoce Monae no-ucnanckit rouse 160 lt ie understooe) e Bu Mocksa_ ‘TO-pycckH nate five rome also Tru fe 2 22 © oF false’ = G Key phrases 23 a Maiixn [xouc xupét 8 Jlouzone. oe a 8 | b Maiixn Jjxouc xypHanucr. Can you remember how to say the following in Russian? Listen to 3 5 | © Malin Tixouc xopomo rosopsr m0-pyccnH, the recording and practise saying each phrase. 8 | d Maiixx Zjsonc paGoract TomKo B Oxeopze. a What are you called? i 3 e Bonons xusér B Mockee. b Lam called Anna. = — Pleased to meet you. 3 TénbKo only e [work in Moscow. e [live in London. o 2 Reading Qo wo © Read the text and answer the questions in English. ‘What sort of city is St Petersburg? b What do we lear about the population? © Where exactly does Elena live? What does she say about the architecture? Where does she work? Enéna Merpésna Eréposa xupér » Canxr-Tlerep6jpre. Camxr-flerep6ipr Guns Gomsindi répos, KysbrYpHbl ammuncrparisueiit ueurp. B Caxxr-Tlerep6ypre xnsér Hark MiUMOHOR YeroRéx. Jéua xuméT B KBapriipe B uénrpe. 2Kurs & néwTpe Suess npustruo! Tam apxistexrypa ue, Kpactinas. Hanpumép, & néurpe naxSaatea Sinse mopéu M Spmuréx. Vi, xonéao, 8 Camxr-Ilerep6ypre Sven Kpactinas pexd — Hend. B uéurpe réxxe waxdsurrea ovens Gonbuidii, crépsiit yumpepeurér, rae Enéna paGéraer. Enéua ~ reémor. Conmuidit reénor geologist Simm Bopéy Winter Palace | Keapripa flat | eee Sous Ba et ee ane | ‘Hanpamép for example Waxogiteca — to be situated —, EHOSLaL qoote off £9U0UdE}9} OU} $,Q194UM {n this unit you will learn + how to ask for and give directions + some more forms of courtesy @ Dialogue Ira, who lives near the hotel Castor, has invited Anna to her flat. Anna has some trouble in finding the flat and asks passers-by for help. = rocruntua Canir| Anna Mapnuire, noxanyiicra, Bb He skdeTe, rae rocrimnya Canior? Tipoxomnit 1 Viseniiire, He aHdi0. Anna Vopunitre, noxkanylioTa, Gb He sHéeTe, Kak poiira 8 rocramuy Camor? Fipoxomnit2 Kya? Anna B rocrvinmyy Canior, Mpoxomnit 2 3xéwo. Y Bac ect nnan? Anna Ba, y mena ecto nnak. BoT on. Tipoxomnit 2 — Hy, xopowid. (Points to map.) Msi Bot specb. TowsTH0? Auna Da, nowsTHo. Tipoxomnit 2 — Xopowd, Bagnre pectopan BoH Tam? Anna Ba, aiony. Tpoxommit 2 — Xopowid. Orryaa npvire Hanpéso, noréw Hanéeo, oTém onde wanéeo. Anna Xopow, | nowndio: Hanpaso, Hanéso, noToM onfrs Hanéso. Cracii6o Goneube. Npoxomnit 2 Moxényliera. Anna, (Follows instructions and arrives at Cami.) Bot Toctiunya Camior. A rae xxnB8t ipa? (Looks in her bag for the address.) Bot 6 appec: Huuwckwit npocnéKr, Ao 120, Kopnyc 3, xeapripa 5. Off, Kak cnOxHO! ... CKaniire, nomanyiicra, Kak npofiTi 8 AoM 120? Qto aaneK6? RpoxoxKni 3 Het, He Over. Baigure anréKy, aa? Orryaa warire npAMo, novou Hanéso, anocpouss soatie tts [B £0 Anna Cnaciibo Soneude. @B Bui ne sxdere You don’t know by any chance 27 26 | poxomni 3 Hé sa uro. e Z| Anna Hy, xopowi6, Bor gon 120. A rae Képnyc 3? ... BOT ‘Verbs are made negative by the use of He (not) ~ e.g. 3 Kopnye 1 ... Yoké néaqHol (Anna sighs and decides | 3 to give in and ring Ira) ... Ckawsire, nomanyiicra, Tequesting information oughly equivalent to You don't now by any | 7 rae agece Tenedon? chance ...). z 3 | mpoxonni4 Tenerpow-asroué pox Taw, Hanpaio. 3 3 ao ieereiarhaslimeis Cnaci6o Gonbuide Thank you very much 2 2 | Mpoxommi 4 — Moxanyrora. g ere response is 46 3a 410, don't mention it. 2 snot ° o passerby ao ‘how do Iidoes one get to? Russian urban addresses Ménnackuit npocnéxr, AoM 120, Kopnyc 3, keapripa 5 {you see, | 800 (to 506) over there trom there go! (0 go on foo, to walk) It is not surprising that Anna feols daunted by the task (on theo the right fiat - the blocks and wings, then large groups and in a ty (7 theo the lett complexes of flats will have ‘gain and so on ft nonmméio (nowmméts) 1 understand (to understand) reese eomasy Accommodation remains something of a problem in Russian cities; finding a flat can be a long and expensive affair. Typi flats are not large - 2 small family might expect to he bathroom, sitting room and one bedroom have more than one use - e.g. sitting room doubles up as second bedroom). Concerns about problems of living space (xnannéuaps) feature in the cartoon below, where the wolf is enquiring of granny (6a6yu:xa) why on earth she has so much living space. ‘Tenedouastomar 2 3 anegaues soolte ots B Ckanniite, nomanyieta Tell (me), please literally means say/tell, please and, like waBUHiiTe, oxanyiiera way of attracting someone's attention. Tenecp6u-aptomat Telephone box Calls can be made cheaply from public telephones using aKeToHb! (tokens). Questions 1 True or false? a Anna omaer, rie rocrumma Camor. b Anna suaer, rite Kopuye TPH. ¢ Caoxno mpoitrn 8 0M 120. 2 Answer the questions! a Tlepaniii (first) npoxoxnit sHaer, rae roctunana Camor? b De xusét Vipa? 120, 3, 5 ¢ Tae renehox? Hanpaso wma wasieno? How do you say it? How to: 1 Request information: Do you happen to know ...? Bui He 3Hdete ...? 2 Ask the way Kak mpoitrit ...? 3. Ask if someone has and say that you have Y pac ectp ...? 'Y Mens coms ... 4 Give directions oH TaM, Hampaso aén0 orryaa pAinto 5 Ask and say ifa place is far or not Sro gamers? Her, we Suen sanexd, 6 Attract someone's attention Cxanuire, noxésyiicra. Vsanmitre, noxényfiera 7 Respond to thanks, saying ‘Don't mention it’ Tloxanyticra. Hé aa aro. Grammar 1 Kyaa? Where to? ‘This means where to? (like the English word whither) ~ i.e. it must be used when you are asking a question about direction (as opposed to rae, used when you are asking about position): Kyaa on wer? Where (lt. where to) is he going? Tie on paGéraet? Where does he work? 2 Negative ‘To make the negative of a verb, simply use ne in front of the verb: AA xe rosopio no-nendnexs, I don't speak Spanish. Aue noumntdio, x10 on“ 'don't understand what he rosopiir. says. ue is pronounced as part of the verb: we ropopro as nigavaryii. 3 Verbs Hani means to go on foot, to walk; this is another irregular verb. Remember that what you need to know here is: ‘Ons form way If you compare this with aarm (in Unit 2), you will see that the paitem is the same. awotoues sootie ots BB asodouss costs obs Biers (10 see), like most verbs whose infinitive ends in -en second conjugation verb and so it works like ronopirrt ~ but cs needed with second conjugation verbs with aa in their stem, Whenever you meet a verb like this, remember that in the present tense, » form only, the changes to a ak: niixy, To RiLTHNTE, OH RATE, MB BiLIHM, BEI BiLANTE, OM Bist Another very common second conjugation verb which works in this way is cHaér (10 sit, be seated): emmy, TH cM etc, ‘Note that the personal pronoun (with the exception of on, ont, ott) can’ ‘be omitted in direet speech: Biuunrre anréxcy (How see the chemists?) 4 Vigne! Go! This command (or imperative) form of the verb. You have already met several of these (3apdsctayitre, wanuuitre, cxaairre). ‘They are very straightforward to form; take the vas form of the present tense and remove the last three letters ~ if with a it you're commanding 1 if you're commanding Ts): paGéraeum — paGéra- > + ii/ite > paddrail/pa6sraitre! ye Ft /arTe + vui/nwre! Note that commands are usually followed by an exclamation mark in Russian. 5 Accusative case In Unit 2 we learnt about the nominative and prepositional cases. Now we meet the accusative case, which is used in the following ways. a For the ‘object’ of the sentence Tn Russian the person or thing to whom/which an action is being done (known as the object) in a sentence must be put into the accusative ase: Meaning ‘Anna sees the building ‘Anna sees the restaurant ‘Anna sees the chemist’s nouns which don’t refer 10 masculine animate nouns nouns except those ending endings to form the accusative: a soft sign change their nominative ‘OW xopouss suet Mockey He knows Moscow well cbaminnn He knows her sumame (Ont ander 08 chansinino pepe ‘On orxpuisder asepe He's opening the door (ie. a y; 1 — 10; & stays the same). b Deseribing motion or direction In Unit 2 we leamt that 8/wa + prepositional case are used to describe the position of something/someone: nan pa6éraer m pecropaue. Ivan is working in the restaurant. But, if you're describing motion towards (L.e. if you're answering the question where to?), when you're describing direction, w/a and the accusative must be used: Misa uaér 8 pecropéi. Ivan is going into/to the restaurant. 6 Y Bac ecTp ...? Have you got ...? If you want to say have you got, the phrase you use by you is there? Take away the question mark and, of course, you have the statement you have. NB a This is not a verb, but a phrase used instead of a verb, b Its not essential to include the word eers (which means there is/are): ¥ Mend naam and ¥ mews ecrs naan both mean I have a plan, Bere lends greater emphasis: Ido have @ plan. enorgauer soebie ot £0 © Note these forms: Practice 3.1 Read and answer! nich is the correct alternative (motion or position)? Kyna/rae pei nage? Ona xnBér B Omcx/s OmcKe. Msi paGoraet B ympepcHTeT/B yaunepcuTete. Cama ugér B anteky/B antexe. Bostoga cur B pectopasi/s pecropaute. ii Which is the correct alternative (subject or object)? £ Bu auaere Anra/Asry? g Bor ero zexnapamas/nexnapanno. hb On sumr Oxwra/Omery. neece 3.2 Look and answer! Look at the following extract from a theatte programme: a Will the audience be watching an opera or a ballet? 1b What is the title of the performance? HOH KVXOT Banets 3 peiicteunx Jiv6perro M.Netuna no pomany M.Cepspanteca 3.3 Read and write! Kro rae xuBéT? Who lives where? a Onura/Camapxany —> Onura aupér 8 Camapxare b Buxrop/Kues © A/Auroms @ Ts/Ostecca ¢ Mapu x Awronio/Mrams [33.4 Read, answer and listen! ‘You are asking a passer-by how to get your part of the conversation, then Conversation on the recording. chemist’s. Complete n to the complete Bui ‘8 Ask how fo get to the chemist’ Tipoxoxnk — Vigiire npsimo, But Ask if itis far Mipoxoxua — Her, He éueHt Boi Say thank you very much, Mipoxémait — Hé 2a uTo. 3.5 Read and answer! ‘Work out what question was asked for each of these answers: a Mena sonyr Ansa. b A xusy 8 Annan. ¢ Sl paGoraro B Bpuctose. dA may » rocrmmny. eV wens ects maai. Comprehension €31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! ‘tourist stops a passer-by to ask for directions to the Cosmos cinema. Typuer Vasunire, noxanyiicra. Mipoxomus la? Typact Boi ne shéere, rae Haxdauton KunoTedTp Kécmoc? Npoxomni — Kioredrp Kécmoo? ... Hy, Aa... Ha npocnékre Miipa. Typuet Cnacii6o. A kak npoitti Tyga. noxényiicra? Tpoxoxnit Bei He siete, rae npocnékt Mpa? Typnet Her, Ho SHat0. He S4eH xopoUl6 sHdIO MocKey. Tipoxoxnii — Huverd. KinoTearp Kécmoc He Suen janeK6. gaoipouer soatis tts €0 & gnogouss soatie ots £0 Typner Tipoxonstit Typuor Tpoxorwit ‘Typnet Mpoxoxnit ‘Typaer ApoxoxKnit Typuet Nipoxoxnit Xopows! But BiiguTe cTaHujio MeTpO BOH TaN? a, pio, Xopows. Ortyaa uate Hanpaso. Sto npocnéKt Mitpa, Hanéso roctamnya Kocwoc. A KunoTedtp Toxe TaM? Her. Viaitre npsimo. Hanpaso vaxdquroa mys6it KocMonaeTvin. Xopowo, A NOHMMdIO ~ rocTHMYa HANéBO, Myséit Hanpazo. Ta. Vagire npawo, TowsrrH0? Ba, cnaci6o 6onew6e. H6 3a 470, Kuoreatp Ha yrny. oréHuma meTp yaeh KocMoNaBTiKU B My3eé ove Nogp Mm ‘Kunorearp Koomoc waxomurea rocrmumye Kocmoc 1¢ KOCMOHABTHKG xa npocrexte Mutpa Kunorearp Koemoc naxoautca ove masteKo He O4CHE sazTeKO B MCTpO Bor cramp merpo. Oryza Typwer wiér Hanpaso ‘ypwer wiér Hameso ‘Typwer wiér 8 rocrmmny Bor yron. Tam Haxosures xumoreatp Toctiemma yaell oes ReeE wD 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English a What is Anatoly’s sumame? 1b Where does his wife work? ¢ How long has Marina worked at the cinema? Where exactly do they live? What isa typicat Russian flat like? £ What amenities are there in the area where Anatoly and his family live? Auarésuii bExoposws Mawarun ~ mxenép. Ox xupét B Mocxné ne 3 uéuTpe, a Ha oxpamne. Y veré xexd, Basennitna Huxondepwa, 20%, Mapiiua u cobixa, Mlapux, Bancntima paSéract p anréxe, a Mapiina ye ‘pu réaa pabsraer p xuoTeéTpe; ond Kacciipura. Ipux, xouéwio, He padéraer. Omi xuByT B KBaptiipe, a oxpamie. ‘ro Tumivnag xpapripa: xYxna, Bénnas, onda m rocnimas. 3udwnr, 5To ue Suey Gomunia xpaptiipa, Ha oxpéume, rae ow axup{r, ecrs yHusepcds, anréxa, Kmuotedrp, wikdsa a crénuma merpé. Viréx, Bancutiua n Mapina pa6déTaot Ha oxKpdune, a Auatésuii pa6éraet B néuTpe, To ecrh Ovens nanexd. pannas rocrinan op (t) ona nasnr accapuia KonéHO. wpm a oxpanne ‘0068Ka enospouor sootic ots €0 (3 Key phrases Can you remember how to say the following in Russian? Listen to the recording and practise saying each phrase. a Thank you very much. te qieaod dioLocb -vcde OHKOW 999 {In this unit you will learn + how to ask/state whether something is permitted or not gaiay sydes6o}oud eye} euo Aew G ‘ornKon aoatfe Taivaodngedioob gy 90 © Dialogue Tra has taken Anna to see Kolomenskoye, a former royal estate on the banks of the Moskya river. ‘Anva — Kak6e kpacigoe mécto! Vipa Ala, sgece sAanun O4eHb Kpaciebie. Anna — A Kaxde 570 394Hve, BOH Tam, HanéBo? | vipa So Sue» crdpas uépKoae. Kpactivas, Aa? Anita — fla, 6veH. A xouy noceTiITl Myaéih, MOxKHO? Wipa la, KOHé4Ro. Anna — Xopourb. A ders 061i mya6n. Vipa —Xopowid ... Hao kyniire OMNETEI B Kacce. Anna SlaaHo ... CKaxi, Mpa, B Kdoce MOXHO KNITS OTKDEITIA? Vipa He axdio ... (Asks at ticket office.) .. Het, Henbat. Spach MOKHO KyMiATb TONBKO OMNETEI, Anta — Haverd. Vipa Hy, wor exon, 8 myaéi ... CuoTpii, AHA, 20H Tam HanpaE0, Suen cTépaA KApTA. Anna — fla, $ro gelictevirenso miTepécuaa Kapra, A $T0 4To? Vipa ‘So Gene crépoilt aepessnniilt ctyn. Ava — Cant, pa, sect MOxHO cpororpacbiposats? Vipa (Asks the museum attendant) ... Het, Anka, K comanéHMio 8 mysée HenbsA bororpacbapoBars. Avia — (Sighs)... Hy, HM40r6 .. aK6e Kpaciiwoe mécTO sagnun uspKoBs (t; floating 0) ‘A xOMY, Tht KONE (xOTETE) noceritT 8 nio6 mb (moGsTe) wp0 wynit onnéret Bkécce al the ticket office gororpadiposar> — to photograph: HenesA itis not possible, one may not ‘BXOA entrance ontorpér fo look, watch Képra_ map pelicrairensio realy Repenfnnein wooden cryn chair \ Ke corkanéuite unfortunately nage OK méxno itis possible, one may orKpirrim postcards | | | I GB myse% The Museum Moscow is full of museums; the only pressure on the tourist is how to fit in all the interesting sights! Konémenckoe Is a myaéi-sanopéquux - a museum and conservation area. itis usual for an attendant to be on duty in each room of a museum {often an elderly person) and in all but the smallest museums Visitors are ‘expected to leave their hats and coats in the rapaep66 (cloakroom) — indeed itis considered HexynbrypHo (uncivilized) to wear one’s outdoor ‘lothing in public places (@.9. theatres, restaurants) Thi x64eulb You want ‘Anna and Ira have clearly become friends and now address each the polite form of address and on unless a Russian invites you to Questions 1 True or false? a Anna aymaer, 470 epKonb Kpacupas. b B xacce Hems3a KYNHTS OTKpBITEH. yaar 10th et incjsee donno borespadmeceenstt (terres 2 Answer the questions! a Dae nano xymars 6usersi? b Yro onn pinst B Mysee? ¢ Yro Hensas jenaT B Mysce? How do you say it? How to: 1. Ask/state whether something is possible or if one may do something 3uech MOxKHO pororpadipoBaTs? Bnech MéxHO KymitTs 6ue: 2° Ask/state whether somethin something B kdcce nesb34 Kymin OTKpEITKM? B ysée Hema (botorpadrpopate. mpossible or if one may not do ‘onto aaoce {aueaodubedioiod v0 aivsodbodsoiod 5 ‘owmou soot (ro * 3 Ask/state whe Hiao writ » Kéccy? Hano xynitre 6unérst, necessary 10 do s * Express regret K conasigumo ... Grammar 1 Plural nouns tive plural of masculine or feminine nouns it ends in a consonant ot or Remove Add — Nom. pl. Meaning ‘The nominative plural of neuter nouns is a for ‘hard’ nouns (i.e. those ending in ©) and » for soft nouns (ic. those ending in Nom. sing, Remove Add —Nom.pl. Meaning mou letters saan buiigings following are the most common (a fuller list is notice how (apart from the words for people and children) there are recognizable pattems to these irregular: Masculine a youepontér — ——yamaeponréres universities Meaning Singular abrowo6iine © aBrowoSAnn cars m cid pe6bHox eu paw & we Tpameéin frame tid pata Feminine on ee eee sar foe He ° i sia mother Mats drepn cranes Row Crd ations tee eee time mC MeHa ‘There is an essential rule of spelling in Russian which it is important ae ae — to learn now. There are certain letters which can never be followed Dy bi, 10, ‘This rule often affects different forms of nouns and verbs and you will see that it affects what we have just learnt about making the nominative plural of masculine and feminine nouns e.g: Nom.sing. Remove Add ockes - " Nom. pl. mockanah nésyunt asaya a “ PEE eee eee See ‘The good news is that the accusative plural is exactly the same as the ive plural for all inanimate nouns (for animate nouns see Nominative plural Typicrer ‘The tourists Accusative plural vim 2 Adjectives We have already met the possessive adjective (Unit 1) —i. which describes to whom something belongs. describe. We have already met the following phrases 1! adjectives: Gaivaodubedsoi0b ‘owKon sabe qaieacdabedioed ‘owxon aoale v0 xpaciinas apxurextypa beautiful architecture ramisias KBapripa a nppical flat ‘The famous Boapmdii redrp includes an adjective — Goanméii simply means big (See Unit 3)..The most important thing ‘to remember about adjectives is that they must agree with the noun they describe in number (ic. singular or plural), gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) and case (ie. nominative, accusative, etc.). The most usual endings for adjectives in the nominative singular and plural are: Fem. sing. Neut. sing. Plural ssi an -08 owe “abl “Taninnan “unio Tunienie ynneepontér — Keapripa manne ‘Typiterst Note that the plural ending is the same for all genders. The spelling rule we met in (1) above is important when dealing with the masculine singular arid the plural of adjectives ~ if an adjective’s stem (i.e. the last letter before the ending) ends in r, x, X, >, ¥, mi, mx then the masculine singular ending will be -mit and the plural will be -ue: wazensxuit ynapepoaTéT a small university xopéumnte *xypHiutst good magazines ‘A small group of adjectives, ‘masculine ending -ofi (not -bii), Gompmndit 0M Monopdit axtép In dictionaries and vocabularies adjectives are always given in the nominative masculine singular. “stressed adjectives’, have the a big house young actor 3 Kak6ii Which? ‘This is a stressed adjective and means either which ?Avhat sort of? or what at: Kaxoii dame Tet xOueuIS cMoTpers? Kaxds xpaciipas népxos! Which film do you want to see? What a beautiful church! Ménwo, weamsi and wiigo are extremely common and very useful words. They are all used with an infinitive (fo do), e.g: B tedrpe uenaa xypiire! No smoking in the theatre! 5 Verbs a Xoretb to want Xerére (to want) doesn't conform to the pattern of iregular verbs we have met so far and is one of a very small number for which it is not sufficient just to know , Tt, ont forms: A xoWy abt xovH ‘rat x6veU bu xovire ot xoTsT on xéuer b Mo6iiTe to fove ThoGir» is a second conjugation verb (like ronopirr.), but notice that it has an extra tin the @ form only: a mobo, Tot rob um, Ow sndéirr, etc. This applies to all second conjugation verbs whose stems Ge. what's left when you remove -mrs) end in 6, B, M1, €.g.: Tordsurs 10 prepare 4 TOTORMO, Th TOTSEMLIB, OH FOTOHHT, Mbt TOTOBHM, BEI rordpure, omm rorésaT Practice 4.1 Read and answer! ‘Match the questions with the answers: 1 Tae Moxtio emorpert dbustats:? »B ynmsepcame 2 Tne moxno xymits punto? 1B ace 3. The Moxto cMotpers Oaner? 4 Tre moxno xymrrs Gusiersi? dQ 5 rearpe 4.2 Read and answer! ‘You are trying to find your way round Kolomenskoye. Complete your part of the conversation: But a ‘Say excuse me, please’. Tipoxomwnit a? Bur 'b Ask how to get to the church. Mpoxoxnit —_Llepkose BoH Tam, HaneBo. Bot ¢ Say ‘thank you’ and ask where the museum Is. Nipoxormnit panto, notow wanpaso. Bur Ask where you can buy tickets. AIpoxorxnit —B Kacoe, KoHeHo. 8) jodindbedioiob ‘oHMON 90H gains v0 ausaodubedioiod p ‘onnon aoobie v0 Bet Say ‘thank you" and ‘goodbye’. Mpoxorxuit Mlomanyiicra, Ao CBRAaHIA. 4.3 Look and answer! ‘These items are from a leaflet in a hotel room, What instructions are being given? a B mbre nems3a xypare! bb B moctemr ne KypHTs! ¢ If @éGpuxa means factory, what sort of factory is being advertised below? Poccun woKonaaHan da6puKa CKA3KM1_ JIECA KOH®ETBI JTecuoit opex @ uencnom nparune u meuneiit woKonad ——_1972}) (3.4.4 Read, answer and listen! ‘Here are some answers. What were the questions? The first one is done for you. When you have worked through the exercise, listen to the complete dialogue on the recording. Dro GompuoH ropoz ‘QTo crapasl WepKos ‘Bro murepecunii Myseii a Kaxoil oto ropoa? b : : a Dro manembKoe suzanite mr e ‘ro wonas KaKra f Dro Gommmno! OM 38 4.5 Look and answer! BE Viktor is standing outside the school. Give the six instructions [3 8 (indicated by the arrows) which will enable him to get tothe reatp. | | Y oe > wom) fh | | g a" — LE Mure _____, norom » HoToM ,WoTOM noTose TOTO 4.6 Read and write! ‘Answer these questions about yourself ‘Kax pac 20nyt? Tae wat unite? Tne pot paGoraere? Bur xupére » OMe uaut (or) B KBaprupe? Kaxoil y pac om?/Kaxaa y sac xaaprapa? eneee Comprehension ©31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! Oss: has just artived in St Petersburg for a holiday and is chatting 10 the répuwaizas (maid) on her floor in the hotel fonna (Indicating the armchair next to the maid's desk.) MaxKHo? Fopununan fla, noxdnyiicra, soe 8 ‘owxon Gaseaodnpodioso (ro fonnsa CKansire, noxkanylicra, 8 rooTHANYe MOxHO KynitT> onepsiras # MADE? Fopsmaiian fla, KOHONHO, MOXHO, BHNSY, B KNECKE. tons Craci6o. A uTo MOxKHO AénaTs Bévepom & roctiiiiue? Topnmuian —Y Hac 6 rocTaHMye ecTe KMHoTeaTP. tonwn Xopowid. A duene nioGno cuotpére canewes. B roctiinvye M TeATp e0TS? Topnmman K coxKanéniio, Her. Ho y Hac ecTe AMCKOTéKa. tonna fla. wwTepécHo ... HO A He GYeHE MmoGNO nom yabiny. Topnmunan VM, KoHoWHO, B rocTiIMMYe ECT OYeHe xopoUMit poctopay, tonna Ard, A BéuepoM “70 MOXKHO ANAT B ropone? Toprisiaa B ropone? Hy, ® ropone ecb KOHEsHO TeATPH, rarmoTedTps, PecTOPAHe, AACKOTOKH, ionna Xopou6. (Pointing to television near maid’s desk) Cxaxire, noxanylicra, specs MOKHO CMOTPETS ‘enesiisop? Topnmunad — fla, KoHe4HO MOKHO, tonna Xopows ... (Moves to sit by television and takes out a cigarette) Topuwsnan — Viseuiiire, sect Henbos KypiTe! néyepom in the evening pHuay downstairs wcxoréxa disco | MOCK Kiosk épxa stamp non-mgssika pop music True or false? a b ce a e t YOamag paGoract » Casxr-Herep6ypre. B rocraHHle MOXHO KyIHTb MapkH. YOsux moGur aucKoreKn. B ropoge Hestb38 CMOTPeTh wb. B rocTUHAlle MOxHO CMOTPETE TesTeBUIOP. ‘Hano KypuTb, KOrsa Bbl CMOTPHTE TesIeBESOP. el 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English MOCKBA-B/IAAMMUP Moscow-Viadimir-Suzdal? b What sort of cities are Vladimir and Suzdal? oalp ¢ What sort of buildings are BNAQMM to be found there? Ere @ What is produced in the QIN 22" factories in Vladimir? e Why is Suzdal called a gl ‘museum town’? {What else is Suzdal famous for? Toésaka » Mocksy, Buantimup u Cisaans? Kaxda xopémian uiéa! Towemj? Toromy ro Mocxné- Baaminasp-Cionam — 910 «@oxorde komsu6> ~ sudsuT aM p¥cckas ucTOpas m pycckas KyaBTYpa u pyocKas xpacori, Mat yaé sndiem, ito Mocxsé — ctomaiua Pocctia, HO S10 Téxxe, KOHEMO, OueHb cTApialt pYcexit répor. Braminup u Cysnams rxe Sueu erépwie pYecxue ropoad, xpaciinite x nctopiticcue, B Cysnane 1 Baaswimmpe ects xpactisite, cTapsie My3éu, WEpKEI, co6éput u nimatanet. Xors Brasiimup dues crépsit Tépox, Tam TéxKe HAXSnATOR 3aBdmu1, THE npousBonsT paropsi, KoMmbiorepst m AgnaloT Kpactisusit xpycram. Cioaam, ~ So myséii-répox — anasr Tam miTepécaBte My3éu, néMaTHUKH, Suen crépas, Kpaciiwax apxnTexTypa. B CYagane ect xpaciipare canbi mM oropéami, THe BEIpALINRAIOT OFypUEI H HOMILIOPHI. corypéy (fleeting e) cucumber coropéa kitchen garden nawsrrame monument noéaqKa joumey nomuasp tomato novouy4ro because a qaissodnbedioiod ‘oroxow soot v0 nmonsonfe pecs : cathedral 8 Som athougn ey i xpyeréne (m) ental | Fe i : 0 pacizen pjookan pcos 2 eeu Fussian church &y S| Yon MOY ¢LNOL9 owauow9 {3 Key phrases Can you remember how to say the following in Russian? Listen to the recording and practise saying each phrase. b c 4 It's not possible (one may not) smoke here. e OK. 1n this unit you will learn + how to ask for and give ‘simple information about cost and availability + further ways of describing where thinas are janoia oxsuoxo B so (Dialogue Anna is trying to get two tickets for the theatre and tries first at the hotel service bureau (Giopé o6cayanpanns), then at a kiosk. Anna Cxanirre, nokanylicra, 3Aece MOkHO saKaséTe ‘ounére! 8 Tedtp? esyuat — Moxio, ‘Avia Xopowd. ¥ Bac ecTe OMNéTEI Ha cerdqHA Ha BEEP? Fesyuxat Her. Ho Ha cerdaHA wa sé4ep y Hac eujé ect Gunéres 8 unpK. Xorvire? Axia CriaciiGo, HET, & UMpK A He xO¥y Peoyuwat — Y Hac ecTe Onnéres B Tearp, HO TOnbKO Ha sABTpA. Xorire? Asse Cnaci6o, Het. A xoNy Ounéror Ha cerdaHA Ha Béuep. Aeoyukal — SxdeTe, mora MOKHO KyniAT» GMnéTEt B Kdcce vin B KnocKe. Anna B xutocxe? Desywka 1 — fla, Knock Haxdgnroa wa Yrmue, Hanéeo oT arréxn, wepanexé oT CTaniyan METS. Anna, Cracii6o. lo caunanus. AesyuKat — Moxanylicra. ‘Anwa (At the kiosk) Cxarxiite, noxénylicra, y 8a¢ ecTe Ounéret wa ceroqHA? Hesywxa 2 Ha KaKoi cnexraKnb? Aun Ha Ganét oKuséno. Besywka2 Her. Y Hac oii Onnér Ha nepy «Kapmén~ erbipe 6unéra Ha nbéoy «TpH cecrps™ HéxoBa. Anna Of, Kak xopowd. A YéxoBa GueHD mIo6Nd. CkOnbKo crOuT Gunét Ha nbécy? Alesyuxa2 — Béceusaecar py6néi. Anna Haire, noxdnyiicra, apa 6unéra Ha nécy. esywxa2 — Moxanyiicra ... C Bac cTo wecTegectT py6néit. (Anna hands over a 200-rouble note) ¥ sac HET menos? Anta Mssmuire, Het (Receives change and tickets.) Cnacii6o Goneuée. Hesyuma2 — Morxényiicra. sexaaire aboot ore cunératnncorgynna sep kets forts evening ce ceréqyn toy to for the play ‘Tho Three Sisters’ ‘how much does a ticket cost? a nbécy «Tp ceerpsm ekORRKO cTOMT 6UNGT? Bécembgecat py6néh eighty roubles ‘Raitre! give! (command form) ea Gunéta © pac cro wecreqecsT py6nén y pac Her ménown? haven't you got any chango? {BB Bi0ps o6cnyxuBanus Service bureau Most large hotels have a ‘service bureau’, where guests can book tickets for excursions and the theatre, plane and train tickets, arrange car hire and book tickets to hotel amenities such as the Sauna and swimming pool. Kuéek Kiosk Kiosks are a frequent feature on the streets of big cities in Russia and (eg. look out TeaTpanbHbi Y Bac HeT Ménoun? Haven't you got any change? Note that ménoss (f.) Is small change; the Russian word for money given to:the buyer as change is awa. Questions 1 True or false? a AnHa XoveT KyMTS GuneT B WpK. b Hema kynur 6unet B Knocke, c AHHa xover kynur 28a Gutera. {anos oxauox0 $0 quero oxeuen 8 sO ve Answer the questions! fa Kaxue 6nimersi Moxo KytiTb B Sropo OGenyxHpanHa wa cerommst Ha Bexep? b Dae naxogntes xnocx? ¢ Cxomsxo crout Guier wa mbecy? How do you say it? How to: 1 Enquire about availability Y pac ecth Gunétet? 2. Ask for tickets to places and events Y pac ecrb Gunéti B TeaTp? Y pac ecre Gunérs: Ha Snepy? 3. Ask how much something costs Cxéabxo crdut Gunér? 4 Express the amount due C pac aéeare pybneii 5 Express location and distance from Hanéso or Teétpa. Henaexs or crams merpé. Grammar 4 Band na + accusative: ‘to’ We already know that these two prepositions are used with the accusative case in order to express motion and direction towards: Ow tunér B roctinmuy, He is going into the hotel. In this unit we see a further very useful role for B/nia + accusative: onnér tedTp ‘Sunér wa Suepy Notice that when a place is specified » + accusa the performance or day/date is specified, wa + accusativ ‘This use of na + accusative involves the idea of planned for for and is very common in such phrases as: SA xouy xymiirh MomOK6 Wa xu. T want to, buy some milk for supper. AA we suéto, «ro Kymitr® wa I don't know what 10 cndneby. buy for the wedding. accusative is usually used, as in cus building that is implied, rather onoKé — milk mus supper epaaséa wedding or ‘at’ There is a group of words with which the preposition m is not used when expressing the position in or: ese words you must use ua, Here are the most common (a fuller list is given in Appendix 1): wapoKeéne at the (railway) station (erminus, mainline) at the (bus/underground/smat! raiiway) station at the post office at the stadium Infon the square infon the strost, at the concert at work in the east a crényit a nbs na cranne va noua na ynnye wa wonépre wa pasore wa 2anea6 wa céeope haere in the west in the north in the south 3 The genitive case ‘Once you know this case all sorts of possi principal meaning of this case is af. For example, if you This is Viktor’s book, in Russian you must say This is Viktor ~ the way you do this is to put the word Viktor into case, The genitive case is also used: a after quantity words: e.g. miéro, a lot; cxéabKo, how many and how much; 6yTéunca, a bottle Db _after certain prepositions: e.g. 6e3, without; ans, for: 20, until, before, as far as; us, from (out of); or, (away) from; néene, after, e (doven) from, since; y, by, near, at the house of tanoss owuoxo quners ovauoxs & © after numerals (after 2, 3, 4 the genitive singular is used; for fuumbets 5 and above, see pages 56, 75 and 251). @_ innegative phrases: e.g. straightforward nouns (ie. masculine nouns ending in a consonant, neuter nouns endings in -0, feminine nouns ending in -a) take the first option and all the others take the second option, ‘The genitive case of the personal pronouns is shown in bold below: ening ens ou, oud eré = Mbac on ux This is Vito's book mu te6i— otto ux ae You've a fo of luggage! ; Youve alot of uggege! Note that whenever any form of ou, ow6, ond is used after a Te tokets wor Gand vent gota tiket _ : . Yuen wer Gunéra J havan'Y or y is the preposition meaning by or at the house of and it is always eee ; followed by the genitive case ~ so if you want to say, for example, “The genitiye singular of nouns is formed from the nominative in the Boris has a passport, all you need to do is use y with the genitive of following way: Boris: ¥ Bopiiea eer ndenopr. re eee eee Remove Add : : 4 Animate accusative 8 ‘As we saw in Unit 3, masculine animate nouns (0. those that describe something which is alive) have their own accusative ending; yeuepenréra not far from the university the good news is that this ending is exactly the same as the genitive eo h * singular ending: Yuen ver aerouéiinn — Ihavenit gota car panei a 7 ‘Subject (nom.) Verb Object (acc. Meaning Joe rpaiedn two trams Buys suiere Gopica? Do you areagy know Bovis? coe Her, Wo so Bivetopa—_—No, but know Viktor 10 he sight ofthe tol a ou NB Similarly, the genitive form of the personal pronouns is also their three weeks accusative form: Out ya auier reGil? Does Olya already know you? a 8 a spanend or crémyn not ar rom the station 5 Numerals GE aeigemeeuone We have now met several ofthe numerals 1~20. Here isthe full st: ‘Neuter 7 one @ were ee . 8 2 poe 7 cous Yow wer cea 1 haven't got the tor StF 8 eécoms — Bae 4 ventip 9 gone we eorutpn ret farhom iba 08 Some 10 pare ry snéiwe snr axbus —_‘tofhorgnt ofthe outing raps ——_totmengmorte pulling 3 has Notice th a patter here and that each gender of noun ; : EE eae a pater here a0 on the gmntive angular ‘Oniin functions like an adjective ~ i.e. ithas masculine, feminine and have the same endings (a or s), while feminine nouns end in st or; neuter forms and must agree with the word it describes: qawo1s oxsuor Zl So a) iat atlas OaUOxO onim Gunner cand nenéns ond need (one ticket) (one week) (one letter) Jkwa has two forms — saa is used with masculine and neuter nouns, must change to mpe before feminine nouns (and, like 3 and 4, ways followed by the genitive singular): wa Gnrera ne nese (owo tickers) (evo weeks) One of the most frequent uses of numerals is when you're dealing ‘with money, so it's important to know the genitive singular of the word rouble, Russia’s main unit of currency: cosin pyOa» one rouble saga py6aih two roubles Numbers above 4 are followed by the genitive plural (see Unit 7), but as the genitive plural form of rouble isso frequently used, itis worth noting it nae py6éit five roubles “There are 100 copecks to the rouble and it is important to know how the copeck (tonéinca) forms its genitive singular and genitive plural: nate xonéex five copecks z ama mucosa (awo letters) -rpu woméiixas three copecks 6 CKk6nbKo créut? How much does it cost? ‘the verb to cost, to be worth ~ créure ~ is a regular second conjugation verb, like rosopitrb; remember to use the 3rd person plural (they) form of the verb if you're asking the price of more than one item: Cxémbxo créur 6anér? Cxéapxo créar Gnéres? How much is a ticket? ‘How much are the tickets? 7 Word order Note how flexible word order is ~ it’s quite acceptable to vary the position of, say, subjects and objects in a sentence: 8 oxen sono Texoma.) 1 really like H Yéxona ducnn momo.) — Chekhov. Haven't you got YY pac ner Mén04n? } ‘any change? Mésoun y pac wer? Practice 57 5.1 Read and answer! 3) How many times is the genitive singular used in this sentence? : | 'Y Auubi ja Gusera Ha mbecy Texona «Tpx cecrpsrm. & g (35.2 Read, answer and listen! 8 Work out what question was asked for each of these answers, then check your answers by listening to the recording. a Yomeus ner nacnopra. bb Kuock naxommres Henanexo or cranumm MeTpo. so On paGoraer Ha sanone. Ha, 4 ovens mo6mo Yexona. 5.38 Read and answer! ‘You like listening to music. Look at the kiosk signs below and ; id which one you would be most likely to visit. oe * | TABAK b AYJIMO KACCETBI © | OTO 5.4 Look and write! Look at the list below, then write sentences expla " planing, what each person has (7) or hasn't (X) got. The first one is done for you: Kero? Cobaxa Anromosum —Tesepou a Onsra v x v b Bagum x v v © Huma v 4 x @ Asexceli —-X v v a Y Osama ecrb coBaxa m Tenebon, Ho y Heé Her apromobuza. quneis oxsuoxe B 5.5 Read and answer! Which is the correct alternative? 8 Bst siqare Buxtop/Buxropa? b Dro mbeca/mbecy “exona. ¢ Oxa owent snoGut onepa/onepy. dA xouy xynutp Gunter Ha mmbeca/TmBECy. Bor Baaamap/Baanusupa. Comprehension {31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! Hungry and thirsty after a day's sightseeing, Igor visits the Gydér (snack bar) Vrope Alesyua Vrope Desyuna Vrops esyuxa rope Aesyuna Wirope Deoymxa Virops esyuxa Vrops Aesyuka Mrope Aesyuca Mrope Aesymxa Mrope Aesywia Wrope his hotel. CKaxure, noxénylicra, y Bac ecTb MMHepanbHan ona? Ecte. Ciéniko crour oAHa 6yTéiNKa? Décare pyonéa. Bairro, noxanyhicra, ABe 6yTEINKH. Tloxxényiicta. A euye 470? : Tiditre, noxdnydicra, pM 6JNOMKN H KYCONEK céipa. Mécno xoritre? Ta, naire, noxanyiicra, TpH nopynn wéona. Mowanyiicra. Sto BS? Tm... mnroury ... ¥ Bae ecTb woKondA? Her, y Hac ceréaua HeT woKonda. Tm. faire, noxényficra, onH6 nHpéxHOe. Moxxanyiicra. Sto 808? ia, cnacii6o, 670 Bc&. CKénbKo ¢ MeHA? C Bac cémepecaT pyonéi Bor ... 010. Ménoun y Bac Her? MiyTosiky ... a... @6Te (Gives her 70 exactly.) Cnaci6o Goruuse. Tloxanyiiera. maunepanetan Bop 6yrsinxa eujé wr0? ‘6ynouKa rycovex cxipa méeno népuaa auangrouny ‘nMpéxnoe 1 Vrrops xover xynum asuHo bBomKy © Boay 2 Onna GyrbuiKa crour 2 100 py6ne% —b 1000 py6zeH —¢ 10 py6zxeit 3° B Gydete ceromna ner amacia bitioxomaa —¢ cuupa 4 Y Mropa aecTh Menious b HeT Meno —¢ TONBKO Ha py6ne 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English 2 Of which country is Kiev the capital? b Why is Kiev known as the mother of Russian cities? e a e Kies - cromma Yxpaint, Sto duenn cripstit répor, X6 TPM ACA... Tipaoaal Msi y>x6 Tpn vacd cmOTpHM KApTiHs. TENDS wine xOyerca nuTb ... Has nopa maT, ipa. Ho a xouy nokasaT Anse eusé ... (Volodya groans.) .. Hy nagHo, noljgéure 8 rapaep6s ... Anwa, Aah mHe ‘TBdit HOMEpOK, NOKANYTICTA. Bor ox, Mpa ... # cnacii6o Gompude sa o4eHb wurrepécnoe YTpO. ‘Shaw, TeGE HpABUTEA STOT MySeAN? Da. Suet. ‘h ceitudc noipém B Gytbér! MHe pyKTOBsiit CoK. A ye6é 4To, Anna? Mue sai, noxanyliera. Are66, ipa? Mae TOxe Nail, noxcanyiera. Génewe acer most of a rejixém landscape me 64oHb Hpaentea {realy The noprpét portrait samevdrensnan (samendtenbittit) splendid kaprina picture noKasére 10 show ‘oxjso boring nompém fers go sro teil what next! TaKite wHTepécHule 50 interesting Apécro simple xynémnux artist mane xovera nate fm thirsty urpate B XOKKEH 10 play hockey ‘TpHMacé for three hours Ham nopa warh its time for us to go nompsure lets go Momepéx tag, metal disc enacii6o Gonbuide 2a thank you very mucin for yrpo-moming pynréauih cox fut juice ‘Tel npegnounréews (npeanownrérs) you prefer (to prefer) ‘ro Te6€? what would you lke? (It. what for you?) (BB XoKxéii Hockey Football and other games played on grass are only r really practical in summer in Russia, but the climate there does favour the paying of ice hockey; when Russians refer to hockey, itis usually th the game they have in mind. . ys fom of Uro Teil Come on now! Literally meaning that you, this is a useful we erally ] , ay of expressing surprise, indignation or objection in response to what Someone nas sald. #0 ! would, of course, be required if addressing m person or using the polite form. eee Homepok Token This is the small disc (usually metal) bearing a nu i imber, exchange for your coat atthe rapnaepee eee Unt 4 . ‘A nio6nio/mHe HpaBuTes: Expressing liking Both these phrases express liking, but moGmd i Gove) and ton to apply in goer (2g. mobi jy = Hh 1d Hove! like musi jpapnres is less intense (/ ike) an’ tends to. appl ‘occasion (MHe MpapuTcn SToT konyépr-! Questions 1 True or false? ‘a Bospme scero Auna sno6nT neiisaan. : b ipa ue nommmaet, nowemy Bonoas rosoput «xaK cKyaHob> © Hipa- xacempma. Onn p mysee yxe weTnipe aca, © Vipa ayMaer, wro uM mopa WATE. | Beer DN ayuat to think Answer the questions! Bosons mo6nr myseli? Uro eer B Mysee? Tlosemy Mpa sco6ur xapriunt? ‘ro Anna xoue muTB? rte (irregular: nbv0, mui... nbtor) —t0 drink E How do you say it? How t9: 1 3 Enguire about preference Uso rH mpennosmTéens? ro aut upennowrsere? State preference SA npennoamrato urpath B xoKKéit Borpme aeerd 2 310Gmo nelision. Ask about likes and dislikes ‘Tht rum criopr? Te6e mpapuren Stor My3éi? Bur woGure chopt? Bam upaputea Stor My3éit? 4 State likes and dislikes A (Guens) 06m A ne (Ssenb) moGm ... Mue (6seus) updpurcs ... Mue ne (Sten) upasites .. Grammar 1 B + accusative in ‘to play (at)’ ‘A further use of @ + accusat ‘urpars B’ ~ to play (at); note that urpare » pyr6éa a MATH NB If you want to talk about not used; na + prepositional is urpare wa hiéiire urpare Ha THrape found in the construction used for games and sports: to play the flute to play the guitar 2 ‘Has/have been...’ In order to say we have been looking for three hours (i.e. an action which is still going on at the moment of speaking), Russian simply uses the present tense and no word for for: Mist yxé Tpw wacd emérpi .. 3 CnaciGo 3a + accusative Thank you for... This is the way to say ‘thank you’ for something: Cracit6o sa 2xypndst Thank you for the magazine. Cnach6o 3a xniry, Thank you for the book. 4 Dative case ‘The principal meaning of this case is to or for. For example, if you ‘want to say Olya gives the tickets to Viktor, then the way 10 do this is, to put Viktor into the dative case: Subject (nom.) Ova Ons Verb gives abt ‘Object (acc.) the tickets ‘owners Indirect object (dat.) to Viktor Bixropy 8 “aaeseuu oreuntoutfodu 1 90 (Note that in do not always ish the indirect object is often hidden, because We rd to: Olya gives Viktor the tickets.) The dative case i with the prepositions x and no in the following ways: HAN towards us/to our house x Hipe to Ira’s (to Ira’s house) no {aune along/down/up the street no répoay around/throughout the town no tescsiisopy on the television with méaeno (it is dane may noi), wt0 Dative of person Boaéze , one may), meat (i necessary) and nopa (i g) wops infinitive nopd wart {idigmatically in phrases with mpdsurres (to express liking) and xdueren (to express wanting, feeling like): Dative of fez.) person pipures noun ‘Ame updsuren — Sror My3éli (Anna likes this museum) Expression ‘Onn aaér 6anére: Baxropy ane Kocbe, noxényftcra A mag « BincTopy ‘Ox rosopitr no vrenedouy Mie Hn paborare Te6e HenesA Kypir> ne ert Hpaeuron ara mbéca Bondpe xouerca orapxére Meaning Olya gives the tickets to Viktor Coffee for me, please Fm going to Viktor's I really tke this play Volodya wants to rést ‘The dative singular of nouns is formed from the norainative in the following way: 67 Remove Ase | i i nasa ; Ser 3 EB eps xbveroa orate Her brother wants to rest : a yairens » “fla,” rosopiir on yuiteno — ‘Yes,’he says to the teachor Anexcéa sp ‘Onn aaér Kniry Anexcéo — Olya gives the book to Aloo! 3 Fomine cosa a Cobaxe xoueron urpate The dog wants to play Ee ‘Ona Kyadounmér?-KOne Wheres he going?” : To Olya's Maple a a | Maps nop& wai Its tim for Mariya to go sven beet On waér « aBépa He's walking towards the door outer vais ° On Maer K OKHY, He's walking towards i the window wpe 2 © ‘kK Opto towards the sea saanne e © On uaeér k snaHiMno He's walking towards the buling Note the dative form of the subject pronouns: a une st te 1206 eu tau On ond emy Onn “Mm ond eh suaaet oreumnoutiodu & 5 Srot This ‘Sror is a demonstrative pronoun and means his. It has three forms ithe nordinative singular (masculine, feminine and neuter) and one the plural and it must agree with the word it describes (a list of case endings of Stor is given in Appendix 1): bron yuunepeurér this university Sra rocriua this hotel 470 gpdume this building ‘Srm Tearps these theatres Note that the neuter form $r0 is identical to the word for it is/this is/these are. Practice 6.1 Read and answer! Choose a word/words from the list below to complete each sentence ‘or to angwer the question. (NB Not all the words in the list are needed!) a Vipinnre, noxanylicra, pst He ne ‘MeTpo? bY nac ects macuopt? ¢ Y Meus B Homepe Tesieipou He aoe 'Y pac maoro _ 2 ema KypMTs, awaere paGoraer GaraxKa paGoraere Tla, not 08 Bopucy Hla, Moxtio Hla, sor ond (36.2 Read, answer and listen! ‘You are asking the service bureau in your: ‘hotel about museums in the city. Complete your part of the conversation; then listen to the complete conversation on the recording. Bet (@) Askif there are any museums in the city Aesywika Konéuno! ¥ Hac MH6ro. Bot (bp) Ask if these museums are near the hotel. Aesywika fla, Hepanexd oToiona (from here) ecte Sonbwoi mya6i. Bet {¢) Ask what there is in the museum. Bonyurxa B mysée Kpaciionlo KapTiiNBI u cTépan Mé6eNS (furniture). Bur (d) Ask how much a tickst to the museum costs. Aeayuika Asdayare py6néh. But (€) Say ‘thank you very much. Goodbye’, AesywKa Hé aa uo. flo canaanns. E 6.3 Read and answer! Put the words in brackets in the correct form: a A npeanowsrato woe Ges Ceromua pesepon mer weM K 3uaere, Bepa, (mo10Ko). (Bopac). (ou) yxe mopa TH. (roctmma), b c Her, myseii we oven» aancxo or e oven XoueTes OTMEIKATS, @ 6.4 Look and write! Look at the pis it oe the pictures and write a sentence about the preferences of a Bopie npennowtraer urpars » Tex Bopne » Bonona earapa dena xnapner xoKKoi Comprehension €31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! A journalist from the newspaper «Cropt» is vi i Hi >» is visits v te imerviews Lena Etmakows a adent eres oY and 2Kypwanner — Sppascrayiire, Néwa. Mens soeyr Briktop. A us raaéret «Cropt». Tena Sppascrayirre. aieaeuu oreunnoutiodu s 90. dkypnannet — Cxaxiire mie, Mena, abi wayudere waTeMarHny, pa? Jlewa dla, maremarany. >Kypanver Batt Hpapisron Kypo? Slew Bla, ypc o4eHb murepécreil. SKypranner Axo bi Aénaere B cBoG6AHO® EpeMs? Tena Hy, 9 cMoTpio Teresitg0p, YATEIO wHérO, MH Get suo6nio nnasar. dKypanner Bui vdcTO nnawaeTe? Jlewa Her, He vécTo, noromy Wro Gacoéiim HaxOANTCR panex6 OT ROMe. dKypHannct A gpjece, 8 yruaepouréte, ecr> cnoprsan? Teva a, ecto. Sto HeGonbwidl cnopradn, Fe MOXHO vmpat B Boneli6on 4 Gacker6on. warendraxa mathematics Hae nopraan sports hal ‘acebin swimming poo! 1 Sena waysaet a pycoxmil sop b MatemaTuky 2 Oua nymaer, 410 a Kype oven» cxysuntit b Kype He oven unrepecttit © MysBIKy © KYPC He ONeHE xopomit @ anramitoxnit x91 @ Kype oven mnTepecHbt 3 Jlewa nnasaer He oe 4acTO HOTOMY, TO Yy wee moro padorst ‘ona He over» SOOT TABATS ond mpennounraer Hrpats B pomeHGON Gaccelin nasteKo oT && BOMA nore vn Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English “What sort of building is the Tretyakov Art Gallery housed in? Exacily where ‘Who was the founder of the gallery? Why are Repin, Surikov and Ivanov popular? aoe B Mockaé axéaures wonécTHas TperbaxdncKast ranepés, ro O¥eHb Kpacimoc M_THMsHO pyecKoe paanine, OxG HaxdyuiTea B MéHTpe TOpona, ReaeKd OT Coamnpm merpé «TperbaxéncKas», OcHondremm rastepéH a" Cepreit. Muxdittonns Tpetsaxdn (XIX Beka) ~ Gordrati mockdackuit xyné é cxosckuit xynéu. B ranepée ynuxdupHan xonnéxims pYeckoit misonncu. Tam HanpuMép MoxHO sizer wssécTaie Kapniinst Péniia, CYpaxosa mt Wisduova (Pénun, C¥puxon, Vsduon ~ xyadaxeuxn XIX oe Taw ers Boproérs unelisioxn, Siem wspécrite HBIe, HOTOMY) “TO Ont 1306} mpo6német Poccrim XIX péxa. eee aes wapéorHuilt Tperenkbackan ranepén ‘ocnondrent (m.) G Key phrases Can you remember how the recording and practise saying each phrase. emeee ‘What do you prefer? Most of all J like football. I prefer to play the guitar. Do you like this pi Do you like sport? say the following in Russian? Listen to 2 “aueaeuu oteumhouttedu eo1yo ysod au} ye @LhOLl CH tn thie ‘unit you will learn + how to ove information about cost, availability and necessity © Dialogue ‘Anna has asked Ira to go with her to the post office to help her buy envelopes, stamps and posteards pa Ciaonit, Anita, 170 1266 Mjpmno? FA XONY KyMiATb KOHBEPTDI, MAPKIA H OTKPEITKH. Ckénbko OTKpENTOK xOUOUIS? ect» kpaciistix OTKpsITOK M wWecTe MapoK. Kya Tot xoveu nocnére TH orxpéimen? B Anrninio? Aa, 6 Aurnmo, SxaunT, wecTs OTKPEITOK KM WecTe MépoK NO ASEATE py6néit. Ckénbko KOHBEpTOB xOYeWS? Tate. A rae moxto Kyte 8c8 Sto? Bok Tan... MQM OKOUIKO? ... «MpoAéKa MApOK, KoHBépTOB, OTKPETOK. Mai cKaKh AeByUKe: QaiiTe, Toxdnyiiera, wecTe MApOK, WECTE OTKREITOK HW nATS A eUi® 40 T2O8 Hi>KHO, KpOME OTKPSITOK, MApOK H KoHsépros? ‘Mae Ha a0 noondr e-mail aoMdi, ‘Ara, Sto KOHE4HO MO>KHO B OCTHHMUE, Vinny MEH AOMa. A 1266 urb-H6yap Hi>KHO? Aa, mapKn ann moerd cocéna. what do you need? envelope ‘No Aéesite py6néh at nine roubles exbuKo countar, postin (8 post ofc or bank) sale npopéxca nah oxen aésyuKe go and say to the gil (go and {oll the git) poue nocnére e-mail at my house (lit. ‘on me atone) e66 uré-HUByA HpKHO? do you need anything? ANA woeré cocéaa for my neighbour x 3 ‘aunou oH BB Ha noure At the post office Most tourists buy postcards and stamps in their hotels, but. it is poseible to buy lems such as postcards, envelopes and writing paper at the post office. E-malls can be sent from hotels (We larger Pope often have a business centre ~ 6franec-yeNTp) and telephone calls abroad can also be made from hotels. CxaKn pésyuice ... Tell the gif ... Note that the word ageywika (gin) is a very useful one! Here it is being used to denote the post office employee; as there afe 0 poe ot equivalents for Miss, Madam, etc. it 1s also the way of Eftracting the attention of a shop assistant, waitress or female {between the ages of about 15 and 50!) whom you don knows MonojeA enoéx (young man) is the masculine equivalent, Questions 4 True or false? a Apia xoseT KYMTH TOKO OTKPEITKH pb Afia xO¥eT NOCHATh OTKPEITKH B ABTIHIO. © Ha oare Hestb3s KYHUTS KOHBEPTEL - 2 Answer the questions! a Kare orpxetran Asia xo¥eT Kyu»? Bb CKompxo KonBepToR OHA xoucT? ¢ Hipa xouer noosa e-mail oMoit? How do you say it? How to: 1 Enquire what is needed Yro te6é/pam ByKHO? Te6é/nam nyaHo 416-nHGyAE? 2. Express cost per item [lect mépox mo nésare pyOnti. 3 Request instructions ro nano aénath? 4° Give instructions Minit cxanvi/Vnire cxanaire! Grammar 1 Yro Te66 Hy>KHO? What do you need? Note that in this phrase the e the person who needs something is i dative case and that its literal meaning is What to you is ices? 2 Dloméii (To) home The word om (house, home) is unusual ithas forms : in that ithas four ear area share sas eee oot TE eee néma at home ombil 10 home Note that » née means in the house and ® om means into the house. 3 Numerals In Unit $ we met all the numerals u jumer: al 1p to 20. Compounds of are formed quite simply (note that tere are no hyphens). apaayar> aBaquars TPH “piigyare oliqyaTs nae comcor ocempcér ensacér 20 23 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 (00 1 ‘TnUnit we saw that numerals 2, 3,4 are al 4 are always followed by the genit singlar case. Not that this also apples to compounds of2 3,4 spiianars asa Ouxéra 32 tickets aadamars Tp xwirH 23 books Note too that when you are dealing with that follows stays inde nominative singular ee tapes wh qpiimar» afin Guser 31 tickets aBaauaTs onna xurira 21 books See Appendix 1 for more information about numerals. 8] & 3| 5 4 Mo aépare py6néii Nine roubles each : ‘The preposition no, followed by the accusative case of the number, is used to express price per item, €.8.: ‘Sym maiirn o 100 py6aéit. These books are 100 roubles each. 5 Adjectives — genitive singular and plural “We have seen that adjectives must agree me the: they describe ilar or plural) and gender (masc Mute they st the noun they deere in ese (nominative, accusative, geni Adjectives - genitive singular eee . in the dialogue we saw the phrase nam meré cocéaa (for my ition sam must be followed by the genitive cum (costa) ive (moii) have been put sculine and neuter ed if you remember the pattem: mascul at the same and, as for nouns, there ae always two endings to choose from: ii (old) which end in the genitive -asit (maseuli ; singular endings are as follows: Gen. sing. adjective créporo cerapoh (Rowe that the pronunciation ofthe ending oro is 0¥0.) i when you are dealing with ‘An exception to this pattern occurs when you ae eaceet hose stem (ie. what's left when you've removed the last ‘This is another important spelling rule: these Tet ‘an unstressed 0. So, for example, ct ‘cannot use the endings given above for the genitive tt be used instead (note that the Gen. sing. adjective xopéwer xopéwel xopbwero Maso. xopouuit Wit oro Fem. xopéuian “8A et L xopouiee “ee “ero Note how this spelling rule also affects the neuter form of the nominative singular — xopéuiee. ‘The possessive Kind of ending: ‘Sro nonépox asx Moers Gpara. This is a present for my brother Adjectives - genitive plural ‘The genitive plural of adjectives is rather more straightforward ~ here, ‘whatever the gender of the noun you are describing, there are only two possible endings: -tsx and ix; always use the first (-stx) unless you are dealing with an adjective whose stem ends in one of the letters ‘which may never be followed by Bx (r, iG, x, 4 1, Hl): jectives moll, Tsoi, naus, wat all take this second ‘Nom, Remove Add Gen. pl. adjective crépeh ot sox crépine arene Maren inh i {smal 6 Nouns - genitive plural In the Dialogue we met several examples of the genitive plural (e.g. meCTs KpACiBEIX OTKPEITOK, ck6.I5KO KoBEpTos). We have just seen that the genitive plural of adjectives is quite straightforward (Cither ix or -nx); the genitive plural of nouns is rather more complicated, because here the ending depends on the gender of the noun (and, unusually, there are more than two endings to choose ‘Feminine nouns ending in a and neuter nouns endis ‘the last letter of the nominative; when the rest a consonants at the end of the word this someti Jeads to the insertion of an o or an e. Here are some common examples: pKa mect Mépox OKHS iecth 6KOH aépyuika ect mépyniex aénErH Muéro éHer six stamps Very occasionally, a 8 is used and the most common example of this, is in the word ceerpd (sister): nami cecrép (five sisters). Note that not all clusters need this treatment! Some common words ‘manage without it: MécTo ~ TATE MecT Jive places aunouen 2 ere vt | Masculine - 8 ‘unér oro GuinéroB: a lot of tekets , > aprouotiine Sjece wer asronosineli there arent any cars here a a 8 spawedit rare Tpausses five trams | rare rpauebos five tame Feminine ue cobana, ‘eKOMEKD CO6EK? how many dogs? ‘ enone ‘wecrs HeAéne six weeks : rants conte oraHUpA seven stations i bea rerpaab ‘peck et Terpaner ——-‘theraare no exercise socks here (re et oe Titer w6cro west Her! no vacancies! st none . 6rd non many folds F ° née 1 ones su many buléings i i ‘native plural als ‘Some nouns which have an irregular nominative pl Tidpular genitive plaral. Here are the most common (af irregulars is given in Appendix 1): ing Nom. sing. Nom. pl. Gen. pl. tears pore og pesinox nen fond pox Aoyeeh owed person Nenoéx mba sor —_— 7 Accusative plural it ill be able to deal that you have met the genitive plural, you wil é viet ail nouns and adjectives in the accusative plural as wel: all inanimate (ie. not alive) nouns and their adjectives in the plural look ‘exactly the same as they do in the nominative, while all animare plural nouns and their adjectives look exactly the same as they do in the genitive: A Ovens mo6mo wréTe pyccxne rasérss, JA due moGm cMorpére PYCCKUX aKTepon. Treally like reading Russian newspapers, Treally like watching Russian actors. Practice 7.1 Read and answer! ‘You're on a shopping trip, but aren't having much luck. Every item you ask for has been sold out! (Remember that not any is wer + Benitive.) a mbTepectte OTKpEITKH. ~ ¥ Bac ects murepectste OTKpEITKH? ~ Visnmmarre, ceroaiia y Hac HeT mtTepecimx OTKpEITOR. Now make up similar sentences for the items below: b rearpambuste Gwreret © METepecubie KHHTH a pycerue rasersi fe cho6osmnte (free, vacant) mecTa f anrmulicne xypnazt (37.2 Read, answer and listen! ‘You are in a post office. Complete your part of the conversation, then listen to the complete conversation on the recording, Bu a Say ‘excuse me, please’. Aesyuxa Aa? Bot b Ask how much it costs to send a postcard to England. 4 pyonéi. Bui Ask for five stamps at 15 roubles. Bor, noxanyiicra. Sto 88? Bor Say ‘yes, thank you, that is al’. Toxanyiicra. flo canpasnn, a 7.3 Look and answer! Look at the advertisement for a fax machine. What advertisement say the fax machine is for? does the @AKCHI ANIA TIPO®ECCMOHANLHOrO BM3HECA _ 7.4 Read and write! “The following people want to send posteards. What kind of stamps de they need to buy? Look at the example, then write similar sentences for the others: Kro Kyaa? Coamico_.. Kaxwe wapxw? oTKperToK? a xen = Aursna 5 15p b Tlarpux — Amepirea 6 16p ¢ TH ianax 3 16p 50K a Ma dpa 7 15p e Cama —_‘Tlerep6ypr 2 12p tH Kanana 10 16p 50x a Aixeitu xover nocaars nate oTxpurTox » AnniTo, Sua ei wayto KYAT HAT MApOK TO TixTHAAAT PyOTEH. 7.5 Read and answer! Who likes doing what? Match the following questions and answers, 1 Siw overn mobi a SHQNUsT, OF JOGWT MTS. KHNL. b .3nawtt, ona mobuT 2 Bopne oxen smo6utr BOmKY. ormbixath. 3 Fleua ne mo6ir ¢ 3waumr, oa mo6uT paGorare. cana (to read). 4 Bagune oven 06uT a 3uaurr, ona moGut ‘usmeens, urpath ® TEHHIC. 5 Asia over mo6uT fe 3namnr, o moGuT enopr. eMOTPETb TEsICBHSOP. 7.6 Read and answer! ‘Complete the questions below using the appropriate question word: a a pac 208y1? a Burne suaere, 3 b OuneToR BEI ita ; EET e __ bama hamam? | © vot nnére? f __ woman 3 juobmiie cootpers? | Comprehension oO a €31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! (On her way to the post office, Natasha meets her friend Olya. Ona Haréwa, npupér! Kak aend? arama — Hennoxo. A Te kya Maqui, Ona? Ons Sug wa néxry. Harawa — Wis TOxel U0 Te66 Tam HirKto? cna Mh Tomo romps A ra66 ro up? we Hago nocndTe Stor nopapox Epaty Ha Me a HApOK 6paTy Ha erd eM Onn Argo xs08r root Spar? aS 4 : Bkjpore. Qué, ne nao noc en npipoxno na Tonto. Ho KaKan Gonewiés nocéinKal Hirrawe a np, Samu in in HrTepécro, KaKOit 6TO NORA Harawa — Cairep. onondnon? Ona Kaxés Tel xopowiasi cecrpa, Haréusel Harama Laughs.) a, papa, xopowes! ‘npaaér hello (informal) no nowre wenn6x0 not bad ae ocsinka parce! cairep sweater ‘eeerpa sister ROpapOK present AoHe pom genus birthday 7 7 : Ona nner 2 Ons xower xymuns xa Aionneca a KOHRepTA H MapKit b pao b TOmbKO OTKpEITKH © TomBK dna craton @ Ompornar 1 aps OTKPHITKH 4 MapKHL anoves B Harama xoueT mociaTs e-mail ZoMoit pOK 6paty onxpuinky cecrpe aucbMo bpaty 3 a b © a 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English ‘8 What is Novgorod’s nickname, accofding to the old Russian proverb? b From which century does the ¢ On which main road is Why do tourists particul e What is an icon? {What sort of work is being carried out by the restorers in the 14th-century church? g How long have they already been at work? Bot oad orépan pfockaa nocnésuua: «Kiies ~ Mats p§eexinx ropoxés, Mocxsa ~ cépane, Hésropoa ~ orén ‘A nroxemy pycckue ropopir, yro Hésropoa «oréu pyccxux ropose»? ~ Toromy, sro Sro crapstit répox IX péxa. Hésropom waxémuron wa pexé BOnxos, Ha aptomarnctpiaa Mocné-Cauxt-Ilerep6ypr. Cerda Sr0 KpYmMEi Mpomuumienmuit répon m uaséorHbtii ‘rypmcritvecenii ueurp. Typitcrst moGar SroT répoz, nofoms To Tam G¥eHb MHGTO Kpaciiabix w cTépsix nepxséii, a TAKE muro MHTepécHEX WaneTHAKOD. B Hopropoge ects SueHb vapéctabili My3éit. My3éit ‘aRéCTHHI MOTOMY, 4TO TAM ecTh SueHb MHOTO cTappix 1 HiTepécHbIX PYCCKUX UKOH W3 HORTOPOTCKHX HePKBEi ‘Uo raxde uxdHa? Vix6ua — 57 pemmrudanaa xapruna, noprpér casréro tout cparéix; $70 mAMsTamK pYccKoll xyhorgpst nm pyookoli uctépun. Ho ecth wKOmst He Tomko B My3ée. Ecre ond uépxoph XIV péxa B Hénropone, ne pecraspéropu paddraiot yxxé mpaquath net. Tam ne TOKO xpaciiabie UKOHBL, HOH. xpacissre Opécxu. Kaxés paGéra y STux xyAGKHHKOD- pecrampéropos? Vim udizo pectaspiiposare épécku XIV Beka. date? a? this a @ Key phrases Can you remember how to say the following in Ru: 1? Lis the recording and practise saying each phrase. Picard S a What do you need? b c a e At my house. Do you need anything? Tneed to send an e-mail. Is that all? Leey eoejd siut SI ~OHTOgON9 OLOSIN OLE In this unit you will learn + how to obtain information about availability, variety and cost + how to place an order + how to indicate that a mistake has been made + how to apologize for a mitalee Dialogue Anna and Sasha decide to have a meal together in a restaurant. Anna Cama Anna Cama Monogoi enopeK Cawa Anna Ocpuynanrxa Cawa Ogmynantia Cawa Odmynanrca Cawa Odnynantka cawa Anna. Ocpuynarrxa Anna Ocpmynantxa ii, Kak kane. Pectopan, KéxeToR, SaKpErT. Her, ner, Anna, ut Thi! eepe saxpeira, a pectopak, no-wGemy, oTKpsiT. (Go into restaurant) Speck MHOrO Kapoay!. KéxeToA, cBObOAHUK MeCT ner. Kaxéa Tet cerdana neccmmictkal ¥ axoqa ece MecTé SaHATEI, a NO-MOeMy BOH TaM ... B YFNY ecTe cBoG6aNbIe MecTa ... (Approaches table where one young man is seated) ... Vaemmitre, noxAnyiicTa, sqect cB066AHO? Aa, ce066aHo. Noxényiicra, cagyrrece. Craci6o. A rae moni? Bor on6 ... (Waitress approaches.) A Bot ochmunderrica, abi wéxeM saKasérD, Crnjusato Bac. Carwitre, nowénylicra, KaKile y Bac aaKyoKn eran? Y Hac ceréqHn orypusi co cMeTaHO’, STO O4eHe BKYCHO ... W TpHOEI ECTS ... A cyn xoTTe? ‘Cracii6o, Her. Mbi He Sven rénopkes. A MTo ecTh Na Bropoe? WewrntiK ecte? A OueHb moorid awe! K conanénino, ceréaa y Hac HET wiawiniaKs. ¥ ‘ac cerbaHA TonbKo KOTAETEI c piicon. ‘A ckOnbKO CTORT KOTHETEI C pico”? 55 py6néii. Xopowd. aire Ham, noxénylicra, orypysi co cMeTaHOR, KOTNETH! C piicoM, a Ha CNagKoe ... MopéxeHoe ... a, Anna? Aa... Wait c niéHoM, noxanyiicra. Tak ... BaM Orypyst ~ Ape NOpyyne, KOTNETE! ... Toe ABE NOpynN, NOPOKEHOE M Halk c CéxapoM, aa? Her, S70 Henpéeunsio ... mHe Yar ¢ miméHoM, Roxanjicta, He c céxapow. Ax, gal Visemniite 3a owwi6Ky! MpnstHoro anneniral zorkdogess c1son o1e & 80 aK wane what pity/shame Kéxeron it seems | saxpeit closed nowGemy in my opinion ‘OrKpiiT open ace mecré all the places muéro Kapéay 2 lot of people aéitatet occupied eH — menu capitreck, noxénynera sit down, please, do sit down ocbiwanrxa waitress ‘aaKaaéTe fo order saKjeKn —siartors ‘orypusico emeréHo cucumbers in sour cream pKyeHo decious, tasty, nice ma stopée for the second course at He Gene FénopNLI —we''8 not very hungry awn | Kornétel ¢ picom a enéaKoe nepynR opoxeHoe aa ¢ nmménor ait ¢ c&xapom Henpapnnbuo pwsrHore annerira ‘bon appéttt, enjoy your meat aeniTe 3a ouAGKy sorry about the mistake/excuse the mistake @B Pectopan Restaurant At busy times you may have to stand in a queue (64epeat and you will want to attract the attention of the op use «Monogéh YenoBéK!») or ocbMyMaHTKA (Waitress - Use saéeywxal>). When the waiter/waitress comes to take your order he/she will usually say enyualo Bac (it. I’m listening to you), and when they have taken your order they will often say ceitwéc (now, immediately - not a comment always to be taken literally). ‘The menu is usually divided into various sections: saKyoKit starters népece (6nioq0) first course [soup] ‘ropée (6nioA0) ‘second course cendaKoe dessert nanaTion drinks Athough many items may be listed in a menu, usually only those with @ price written next to them are actually available. Bread (xne6) Is usually on the table as a matter of course. At the end of the meal you will need to ask for the bill (ever), g Questions 1 True or false? a Pecropan orxpstr. b Ecre cnoGomunte Mecra y sxoma. € a e zonttogoas o1sew o1¢ Cama xover cyn Cama mo6ur mau. Atma xower sail ¢ suMoHom. 80 2 Answer the questions! a Tne cpoGomue mecra? b ” Kro (who) yxe cammt 3a cronom (at the rable) ® yeny? ¢ Anua u Canta rosonnt ceronna? @ Yro om xorar na craaKoe? € Uro Anna xouer murs? How do you say it? How to: 1 Enquire about avaitability Y Bac ecb maui? 2 Enquire about variety Kaxtie 3axjcku y pac ects? 3° Place an order Méxuo 3aKa3atE? Aaitre uam, noxdnyiicra, mopéxenoc. 4 Ask about cost ‘CxdmpKo créur? (CxémbKo ¢ Mena? Maitre, noxdurylicra, ever, poutiogoas arson oie 80 5 Indicate that a mistake has been made ‘Sro nenpaBwsHo. 6 Apologize for a mistake Vispumize 3a onni6xy. Grammar 1 Reflexive verbs We have already come across the reflexive verb naxoaimses (0 be situated) ~ literally, this verb means to find itself, a reflexive verb in ‘Russian corresponds to the sort of verb which in Engl lowed by self or where self can be understood: for examy |, to dress (to dress oneself). The ending -c om the infinitive (the to do part of the verb) is what identifies a reflexive verb and the only possible reflexive endings are -e# (after a consonant) and -cb (after a vowel). So, this is what happens to the present tense of cazxinrsest—a second conjugation verb meaning fo sit [oneself] down: a canyes api caine, ‘rar camiiunben pet cautrecs on camttres: oun canivon 2 Short adjectives adjectives in Russian: e.g. cwodéauoe Bpéns (spare/free = these are called long adjectives. In this unit title we have seen a rather different ending. ‘This is a short adjective, ‘Sto Mécro cBoGdaHO? Here is a typical set of short endings: dnbiit; Masculine: nox Neuter: nés0 Feminine: won Plural: néwst ‘The short form exists only in the nominative (when you are talking about the subject of a sentence) and is usually found when the Is this seat free? adjective comes last in a phrase or sentence i.e. when you're saying My book is new (rather than This is a new book): Most xuisra nos Not all Russian adjectives have a short form, for example a of colour (e.g. xpaeuntit, red) and nationality (e.g. peck, have no short form, In modem conversational Russian, the long form there are some occasions when you should use the short form when you are using the adjective at the end of a phrase; the most common are as follows (note that pas, glad, happy is the only common Russian adjective which does not have a long form): ‘Short form [Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural ‘sap saxpértaaaKpsiro—_saxpsires ane Sanaa sdwsrro aaron onwpsi ——orxpsira —orKpkiro —_orxpéimat pea pana Pant BKjoen BKycHa —KJCHO jen Rovénen —osénena poBéneHo AoBénbHes lceosopen —caccé gua cBobdqHo —oBoG eqns Jeornacen —cornécHa cornice cornéchet Note what has happened in the masculine form of the last four examples: when the stem of a masculine adjective ends in two consonants (c.g. skYeubiil, stem pxycH-) an e is inserted: Stor cyn nem: pyceut (This soup is very tasty!), Note that the short form neuter adjective is also the adverb (ie. a word which describes a verb - e.g, 6xieTptali means quick, Gx1erpo means quickly), ; 3 Instrumental case ‘The instrumental ca to describe the instrument by which an action is performed ~ so, for example, if you want t pe Teat ice cream with/by means of a spoon, the word spoon must be put into the instrumental case. The instrumental case is also used to describe , the word waiter ‘must be put into the instrumental case. The instrumental case is also used after certain prepositions, the most common of which is ¢, which means with/accompanied by. Note also népea (in front of), 3a (oetin, Meany (between), wast (over) and won (under), piiom © (next 10). PoE 90 | 3 g i a Singular nouns ‘The endings are formed in the following way from the nominative: 2 Remove Add Masculine ‘odpm - om A paGérao oxpuynéutow I work as a weiter yairrents bow ‘On paGoraer yarrenen He works as a feacher AnaKcsit i oom A may va énepy © Anexcéom —_f'm going to the opera with Aleksei Feminine noma, ao Flow mopéxexoe nowxo ——Feat ice cream with a ‘spoon Town aoe Fi nay wa Ganér ¢ Tove Im going to the ballot with Tonya ordinyan a eh Kuno Haxdquron ga crémupielt — The cinema is behind the station peeps > wo Cryn aa qpépuio The chairs behind the door Neuter Ko oom Cron népen oxnd The tablo is in front of the window néno : eo BoM naxdzyrica pAjom cnénem The house is next to the fet panne eo Knbox 9a onan The kiosk is behind the building ecre (em, elle, ecr, epi eAiTe, eft) to eat —némxKa spoon cemember the spelling rule we met in Unit 7 ~ you can never write an Teen oni aos 1m, mL Ht: so, if you are trying to make the instrumental of a masculine noun ending in one of these letters, or a feninine oF neuter noun which ends in one of these letters when you have removed the final a or 0, don't add unstressed om or oii, add ext or eli. Myx (husband) 5 WKY B KHHO ¢ MYxxeM (I'm going to the cinema with ‘my husband) Somua (street) PéinOM © Youu (next to the street) b Plural nouns ‘The instrumental plural of nouns is very straightforward: irrespective of gender, the endings are either -aym (for nouns ending in a consonant, -a or -0), and -sm for all others: rpu6 (mushroom) ym © Tpu6émn (mushroom soup) rocTh (guest) odumndur crovr népen rors (the waiter is standing in front of the guests) Note that nouns with irregular nominative plurals form their instrumental plural from the nominative plural, e.g: Nom. singular: apyr (friend), nom. plural: xpysesi, instr. plural: apysesom. Note also the highly irregular mowh (people) ~ © aoabatit (with people); net ~ © eventit (with children). © Adjectives ‘The instrumental singular and plural of adjectives are also very straightforward. In the singular masculine and neuter adjectives add -uru, unless the stem ends in'r, i, x, 2, 4, ml, my in which case add -um. Feminine the rule about the unstressed 0 applies, in their endings are exactly the same as the g feminine noun endi pxyeniii céye (delicious sauce) Mico co* Big (meat with del xxépenas xaprOusxa (fried potato(es), chips) puiGa ¢ xApenoit xapréunxoit (fish and chips) In the plural, irrespective of gender, add -simm, in r, K, x, a, 4, ml, my, in Which case add -mmaa, HOnbic crynéurss (new students) A uny wa dnepy ¢ wésemn crynénran (I'm going to the opera with the new students) pYjoexne cryséaret (Russian students): A nay na dnepy c pYcoxnma cryséeran (I'm going to the ‘opera with the Russian students) ‘Note that co, note fien neta he went Refan t t ss the stem ends ‘corltogons ossen o1e 80 [QQ covtiogoan essen oie Note the instrumental case of the personal pronouns: 4 Kro? who? and sto? what? ‘These two very useful words dectine (je, have different case endings) as follows: Nom. Kio ro? (Who is it?) ‘Acc. Koré nut aitdere? (Whom Yro $70? (What is it?) Uro pur sxere? (What do do you know?) you know?) Gen. Tux xoré? For whom?) [aa ser6? (For what?) Dat. ‘Kom updmures minira? ew Sro nomoréer? (Who likes the book?) (What does this help?) Inst. C xem on matt ty? (Who C yem watt xéuenmm? C ishe going there with?) auméuom? (What do you want your tea with? With lemon?) © ués on rosopiit? Prep. xom ox rowopitt? (What is he talking about?) (Who is he talking about?) Practice (3.1 Read, answer and listen! ‘You are in a restaurant, ordering a meal. Complete your part of the dialogue with the waiter by choosing items from the menu on the right. You can listen to the complete conversation on the recording, Ocpuynanr — Cro Bac. Ber (a) Order a starter. Ocpuynant — Boi xovvrre cyn? Bet (b) Say ‘no thanks’, you're not very hungry Odmynayt —UTo Bb xoTHITe Ha BTOF Bui {e) Ask how much the beef stroganoff costs. Orpnywant — 68 py6néit Bot {(d) Order the beet stroganof. Ocbnunant AUTO abi xoTHiTe Ha cndAKoe? der fruit juice and tea with lemon, Coinuae. Ocpmynant Baxyorar orypmst co cMetanoji @ canat ¢ nonuyopamat Hepsoe ym ¢ rpu6anat © um Bropoe xorzets! ¢ piicom © Gebcrporanon ‘Caamoe MopoxeHoe © dpyxrn Hannren cox © sHto O vali Oxope canar salad Getberpéranos beef siroganoff yn ¢ rpn6amn mushroom soup 8.2 Read, look and answer! Look at the table below showing Sasha's preferences and expla what he prefers. The fist one is done for you as an example: make up similar dialogues about each of the others: 7 avait + monoKo = ¥ + amMoH x b own + nomanopss X + rpy6ut v g sown + pie ¥ + xapromsa x pata + rapmp =X + kapena xapronna¥ © Gudusresc + puc Seca aeeeeeeee A. Cama npennourraer sail ¢ MostoxoM wt ¢ mmnoHon? B_ On npemnowntraer wail ¢ mosioKoM. rapwip garnish; vegetables >xépenan xaprowKa chips Gmcburréxe — steak(burger) Kaprouka potato(es) 8 Zouttogoas oxzeW o1e 80 8.3 Read and answer! Match the questions with the answers: 1 Ana xover wali c a Ha, canurece, noxanyiicra. ‘Mostoxon? 2 Bnect enoGon0? b Her, on npenountraer Maco (meat). 3. Tlaiire, noxanylicra, cxér.¢ Her, ¢ smowom. 4 Cama mo6nt pay? —d_ Haire, noxazryitcra, Gyrimny (bottle) puna. 5 Ckomxo crour canat ee Toxanyiiera, nor on. nommzopamu? 6 Uro Be xorure mrs? =f 20 pySueli. 8.4 Read and answer! lowing sentences by choosing the appropriate words s1dw. (NB Choose carefully ~ you don’t need all of BRYCHO, BKYCHSI, ORONIBHA, TOBONKHM, 3AKpDIT, SamsT, SaHATBI, OTKPBIT, part, pallet, cROGOIHO, corsaceH, corsiaciia a Off, xax Karts, pecropan yore 1b Ckasxure, moxanyiiera, 9To MecTO 2 © Cama oveup TOTOMY STO CerOMHA EcT OrypHIT co emeranoi! Awa aymacr, wro nce Mecra 8 pecropaue ye ea, cmacnGo, met oven » Korserat oxei i {Si aymato, wro wano saxasaTs BHO. Tst___, Anna? 8.5 Read, look and answer! BeiGepure Gnioga ana Fann! Choose a menu for Galyal Tas He oven 2006uT Maco, Ho O1la OMEN TOOT OBOUHE Mt Qpyets. One He oven MOGUT THT BHHO, HO OHA OxedH moGuT cOK Ht ‘aii c AHMOHOM. Bor Meio B pecropane “Kammnca. == Sanyoxis Bropoe canat cnowmpopaua —_ounet © culpom canat acon others! ¢ prcoM Nepace coyn c rpwamn cyn cmacon Hammrnu: Sino, wananekoe, cox, sunepansian Bona, Nall, Korba ‘Kaxne saxycxn? Uro Ha neppoe? Uro wa Bropoe? Uro na cramtkoe? Kaxne wamrci? eacge Comprehension G31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! ‘Vadim sits down at a table in a snack bar and Viktor prepares to go to the counter to get something to eat and drink. Bukrop —Caayice, Bagi! Tam y ex6aa ecte e306 A op Cas mona oaHbie Mecré, Bukrop ro Toi xo4ew nar, Bagyin? Bap Avvo specs ects? KTOp —_-Hy, ecb vail, Kécbe, mawepanbHan BONA .. . Baawm © Aniipa specs Het? sue reaee eect Bukrop Hy to Tes, Baglin! Koné4Ho Her. Bagnm — Torna mie Kétbe, noxanyiicra. Bukrop — Auto Toi xo4ourn ects? Baqnm —_Kakite y Hix Gyrep6poqul? Buktop —C seTunn6iiu c csipom. Baga — Ogi Gyrep6p6a c ceipon, noxanyiicra. Buxtop Sto Bcd? Bagma — a ... a woxonda fin chpyicret ecte? Bukrop — Woondna, Kéoxeron, Her, ... a anenecin ecto, Baguu — Torga me, noxanyiicra, Kécpe, 6ytepspsA © csIpoM anenecit corttogoss orsen ore Bl 80 niapo beer ‘TorAa then, in that case . (Viktor returns with the tray of sandwiches, coffee, Hy 4To TH, Bincr peTunnoii! Viseinit oa owi6ny, Bani Beae sro Gyrep6poa ¢ peranné ham anenseaa orange munyrosxy just a moment ‘you know/ealize L 1 Ecr cnoGogumie Mecta 2 Baan xouer mutT ay sxoza a sumo bd oByray b ponKy © ua yume © cox dB Teatpe ds nHB0 3 Baa xouer 6ytep6pon 4 Banu xoueT ecth a © mommtopanat a Mopoxentoe bc peramHoit b Korserst ¢ pucom © © cupom © um dc mepoii (caviare) ds anement 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questior English What different kinds of soup feature prominently in Russian cooking? ‘What is the main ingredient of mya? if serving mushrooms? ‘What ingredients are needed for the pastry? Pycoxas xyxna - ncemipno waeécrnas. Hanpunép, ecrb ‘Tawie wsnécrHLte HaMOAmMbubte OoroNA, KaK INL, OOTHHES, maporti. Kéqua, rpu6et a cymit Toxe 3annMétor Gombunde uéeTo B pYockoM HamwondseHom meno. B_ pyccKoit HanmondsibHoli KjxHe ecT MOTO cyndB: HAMpHMEp ecTb n xondmmue u ropa cyMi, priGune cyt, cymt c Micom x ¢ opominas. Hn ~ Topsail cyn; octopHén kommonéut — kanijcra. Pfjeckme dyems mbar TpHOts, ccéGenno TpHbit co cMeTanolt mc YecHOKOM. Thnporit Tome Oyen nonyndpmst. Tupér 1 muporni c péi6oit Suen BKYouBY; OcHOBNBIe KOMMOHEHTEI - pLiba (wanpunép, uxé KaMGamm) mu récro (ocHopntte KoMmouéurHt ~ Myxi, Mien, alin6, com). Gnwwsi pancakes BoemipHo MaBécTHbih world famous FopANnA hot (to touch, taste) fo occupy cabbage (Key phrases the recording and practice saying each phrase. Ts this place/seat free? ave the bill, please? (lit. Give, please, bill) waa I re please? (lit. Js ssible to order? 1at would you like to drink? (lit. What do 2) Sorry about the mistake. ferent desou é LutvoxLo ONGLIOND OG LeAe9 UI2!] OU} SBOP UBM + how to ask and tell the time questions about particular the railway station waiting with her fellow tourists for the train to St Petersburg. Ira has come to see her off. Mpa Auna Mpa Anna Anna Anna Ténoc Mpa (Arriving in @ hurry.) Ava, Bor Tei rae! Ber T2808 rpynna specs? Aa, Mei sce égem 6 Cankt-Merepoypr. Ckéneko ceinude apéueHn? Apaguars munyt aseHaqyaroro. A.B cxénbKo orxéqur néesa? B nonwowe, SHAYNT, YEPES COPOK MUHIT. Ara, ROHSTHO. SHéuT, SABTPA YTPOM TEI YKE G/AAEL 8 Cankr-Netep6ypre. Ala, B come vacds. Cénbxo qHed Tel Tam 6/eue? Boeré tpi aH. Teb6é Besét, Anna Cankr-Metep6ypr TaKoh Kpachobih ropog. M1 Bcerad yAG6HO, KOHENHO, ésqHITe NbesOM. Towemy? Totomy uro 8 ndegge Tennd, npisTHO. MOxHO cnaTb, Rute wai. A 64ers miOGM ésquT> NdesnOM. A y TEA kakoii Onnér Ha néesq? B opi KoHéy, 42? Her, # o6paTieil 6HN6T ... BOT OF. Aré ... wectoi BaréH, YeTBépToe Kyné, aBAqyaTS yeTBéptoe mécTo. OT KaKéit nnaTtbépmer oTxégur néesq? Or nstroik nnarepopme. Oseasnfetca nocéaKa Ha néesq Mockeé-CaHKT- Nerep6ypr. SndunT, Te66 yrxé nop, AnHa. CuactniBoro nyTi! sen regina the whole group Mat Bee 6qem ckOnbKO celtuéc BpémeHn? ABSqyaTS MHHyT ABeNéqYATOrO BO CKENKKO? orxépur (otxoptirs) leaves (to leave) BNEAHOU_ at midnight ‘épes cépox in forty minutes" time ‘36 Heoou suttono onaioxs oa 8 60 3 gieaou antioxio oMsUD 08 60 066 pesér you're lucky ‘raK6i sucha, so poeraa always yA@6xo (yA66xBI#) convenient, comfortable éapnte ‘renné itis warm | enate 10 sleep Bonn Konéy one may wecr6H paroH sith carriage obuamnérken fo be announced noodaKa boarding bon voyage! evaernwaro nyt { paves good fourey! {8B Néesq The train ‘Accommodation on trains is usually either mairxwit (sort) on éerknit (hard); in the lat eats may be wooden, but the msrkuit accommodation or \g-distance trains is usually very comfortable, with two or four sleeping berths in each compartment of a KynéitHpii Bar6H or cnanbHblit paréu (sleeper carriage); a inayxaprHbii BaréH has numbered reserved seats. Each carriage is looked after by a train attendant (npoBoAHAK or Mposopnnya), who checks passengers’ tickets, makes sure that each compartment has the correct supply of bedding and supplies ‘tea to the passengers (although refreshments may also be available in a paréu-pectopén). CKépeiit néeaq is an express train, while ‘aneKrpiuxa is a local electric train and a naccexipexuii néesp is a slow train. Public transport within towns (ropoaeKéit tpaxcnopr) includes buses (anré6ycbi), trams (rpameéu), trolleybuses (rponnéi6yct) and, in some cities, an underground (terp6). Bus/tramv/trolieybus tickets can be bought from the driver and each ticket must be punched when it is used (kowmoctiposar, to punch): passengers gain entry to the metro system by inserting a token (xeT6x) in the slot of an automatic entry bare. Itis also possible to buy a epaHbth 6unér ~ an all-in-one ticket which covers transport by bus, tram, trolleybus and underground. Questions 1 True or false? a Yaxe cet wacon. b 3aprpa_yrpom Anna Gyzer (Anna will be) » Canxr- Terep6ypre. Anna 6ynet 8 Canxr-TlerepSypre versipe 04s. Y Annu net o6patuoro Gauera. Tloesa orxomut ot nsToit mtanopss eae Answer the questions! Bo cxonsko orxoaur noesa? Bo cxoasxo Anna 6yger B Cauxt-Ierep6ypre? Yro Hipa rosopur o Cauxr-Iletep6ypre? Tlowemy pa aymacr, ro neerta yuo6uo esau noesnom? Kaxue Gunerit y Annet? eacee How do you say it? How to: 1 Ask the time CxénpKo ceitsdc spémenn? 2 Ask at what ti the train leaves Bo cxéanko orxdguT néesn? 3 giieoou 60 sivorso oxaioxo ce 8 queou Anitioxzo onsu0%9 02 60 3 Tell Cem wacés, 4° Say at what time B comb acon. 5 Request and give information about tickets Y pac ects o6pérnptit Gunér’ Buxér » omit xonén. Busér wa nées » Canxt-Tlerep6ypr. 6 Ask directions in the station Or Kaxdit ataribOpaer orxégunr mée9st? Grammar 1 Bes rpynna The whole group All/the whole group ~ in Russian the word for all (a determinative ‘behaves rather like an adjective; in the nominative it looks eck em» ex rpyta BCE MCL MS ce Typicrsr ve. all the case endings) of weet is given in (the whole day) Appendix 1 2 Instrumental case describe the instrument commonly used when 3 Thi 6yqeu You will be Although there is no present tense of the verb to be (GuiTh) Russian, there is a future tense (J will be, you will be, etc.), which as follows: 3 yay want 6ynem rat OY eu aut Omere on G§ner ont 6ynyr 4 Time In order to tell the time in Russian we need to know two sets of numbers, cardinal (the ones we have already met ~ 1, 2, 3, ete.) and ordinal (the ones which tell us the order ~ Ist, 2ni etc.). The lists below show that the two sets of numerals have a lot in common, ‘but note that the ordinals are actually adjectives: NeTeéproit neat wocroA conpnoi Docent pessreii ocsTet Onnnaayare eavonaan~ Feensayareti Telling the time ‘on the hour’ is quite straightforward: simply state the appropriate cardinal numeral and follow it by the word ae (hour) ~ in the nominative singular after 1, genitive singular after 2,3, 4 and the genitive plural after five and above: Cxéapxo ceftude Uac. One o'clock. ppéwenn? Cx6nxo celivae Tpa uaca, Three o'clock. ‘spémeun? (Cxémxo ceiivic Zésate sacés, Nine o'clock. pémenn? (You will also hear Korépmsit sac? as a way of asking What time is it?) a ations omens on 60 3 svifoxto oNsi0xD o8 (60 “To tell the time on the left-hand side of the clock (ie. minutes to the hour), use the word 6e3 (without), which is always followed by the genitive case’ 50, anit to say ren to five what you are literally saying in Russian ut ten fives Bes necarit nats. Bes uérnepra Tpit (sérnepte (£.) quarter), ‘To deal with the half hour, you need the prefix moa- (half) and you attach this to the appropriate ordinal numeral; if you want to say half ‘past five in Russian, what you literally say is half of the sixth hour, ‘which is why the ordinal nameral needs to be in the genitive case: Ten minutes to five. A quarter to three. Tlomuecréro or Tlostonvinta mecréro. Half past five Tlomnecsroro or Tlonoptinta aeckroro. Half past nine, ‘You must think ahead in this way whenever you are dealing with the right-hand side of the clock (i.e, minutes past the hour): ‘Uérneprs ceapmdro. A quarter past six. Ikcath mmr tpémero. Ten minutes past two. To say am. use mé-m for the very early hours and yrpa (literally of the ‘moming); for p.m. use ui (of the day) and néxepa (of the evening): Iiécarp vacés yrpa (10 as wrepe acd mast (4 p.m); cemb sacép Béwepa (7 p.m.); pa wacd Hout (2 a.m). Note also néajjenb (midday) and né.tmows (midnight) ‘To answer the question Ar what time? the preposition w is used, except in the case of minutes to the hour: Bo cxésmsko oTxénuT née3n? B pm saca. At three o'clock, B npdsuare mujr propéro. At hventy past one. B nonosiive mecréro (or At half past five. omuiecr6ro). Bes wernepre Tpu. At quarter to three. Note that of timetables (.g. train timetables) often use the twenty- four hour clock, ¢.g. nocesmiyuuart rpivaats — 18.30. (You will also hear p Korépom wacf... as a way of asking ar what time...2) “See Appendix 1 forthe declension of cardinal and ordinal numbers. 5 “épes Across Yépea literally means across and it is always followed by the accusative case. When used with time expressions it means after time has elapsed, e.g: Téesn » Cancr-Terep6ypr___ The Si Petersburg tain leaves orxdmur wépes cOpoK Mamyr. in forty minutes. Hepes is also useful when giving information about the number of stops to be travel Koraa mae auixoniirs? When should I get off? ‘Yépes tpu ocranénxu. After ehree stops. 6 ‘To go’ ‘The verbs meaning fo’go have two forms of the present tense in Russian. The verb which means to go on foot, to walk makes its present tense from either xomirre or muri, while ésanT% or éxare. must be used if you want to say to go by transport, to travel. Consider the following: : ©n foot ati repeated ‘One cecasion, one direction opie (8 XO, Te KEpNue, HAT (R MA, TH MELD, OM ow x6) wag ba | ‘Ona sceraa xoger @ r6poq Celtic ond npr w répon, She always walks nto own She is walking into town now By transport abit, repeated ‘One occasion, one direction says (a Gey, Tot Eau, éxare (a éay, Th! Enew, OM cov 6a) ea) FH o6tino Cony Ha pabory ——_Cerbgin Anka éner 8 asré6ycou Caner-Ferepjpr ‘usually go to work by bus Anna is going to St Petersburg today ‘Note that the rules of habit or one occasion/one direction apply to the use of the infinitives too, e.g.: A mpemiowrréio éxams néestom. Iprefer to travel by a ‘rain (in general) Mae nopa wari Ha paGéry its time for me to walk to work (now). Note that while people travel (ésamrs/éxate) on vehicles, the movement of certain vehicles is described by xoairre/uxrit ~ thus trains and trams, for example, walk: Tloesnd xéaar 6trerpo wero, The trains run quickly and frequently, ‘ticoou Anttox10 oxeuioN9 O8 60 ‘The other common verbs of motion — f0 carry, fo fly, 10 lec cansport ~ are all governed by the same princi all have two infinitives from which you can make the pres and you must always decide: habit? or one occasion/one (Note that some of these have an irregular present tense ~ this is indicated in brackets.) Gérarb/Gexire (ery, Gextiuns, Gexcitr, Geaaim, Gexiire, Gert) to run nomiire/necTs (peny, Benémub, penéT, Bené«, pemére, Beny to lead nostirs/pestit 10 transport jew, neni, senir, evo, wietiire, evn) to fly ociire/stecrH (Hecy, Hecéutb, wectT, HectM, nectre, Hecft) mrdwars/nmbin (abby, HIBEUN, WeULBET, TUTbIREM, ILIBIBETE, MTEIBYT) to carry to swim, sail 7 Cuactniporo nyti! Have a good journey! always understood: snot stated, 7 Bon appéti/Enjoy your even if the verb its (SL xemito Bam) mpuitrxoro amnersral mec (SL xen4t0 Bam) Bceré All the best! xopomero! Practice 9.1 Read, look and answer! A Visonmnre, nomamyiicra, cxonKo celiac apemen? B pa yaca, Uerzeprs socsmoro fa" It’s quarter past seven °, /—~J B Towaayiiera. Bes jlecarn nsith Uersipe aca It's four o'clock Tlosserséproro It's haif past three Now look at the time and answer: Cxomsxo celiac ppemenn? ee. Nes 9.2 Read, look and answer! Bo cKombxo orxogur 0033? Kyaa? Korga? BMocxsy = am, a B onmmmannats acon yrpa. BOGumack 6 pm. b B Surry 80am. e B Kuen 1.30pm. d (9.3 Read, answer and listen! You are buying a train ticket. Complete your part of the conversation, then listen to the complete conversation on the recording. Bet (@) Ask how much a ticket to Yalta costs. Aesyuxa 150 py6néi. Ber (©) Ask for two tickets to Yalta. Aesywxa Toxanyicra. C sac 300 pyonéi. Ber (c) Say ‘here is 500 roubles’. Aesyuxa V pac ner Menon? Bot {(@) Apologize that you have no change. Aesyuixa Huverd, Bat {@) Ask what time the train leaves. esyuxa épes vac. But {f) Ask what platform the train leaves from. Aesywxa ‘Or YeTespToH nnarcbopess. 9.4 Read and answer! Look at this advertisement, on the next page, for railway travel and answer the questions. (NB You don’t need to understand all the words in the advert to be able to answer them.) Wear B snttonso omnes oe 60 Bopuc Kak bi obsiiHo éagure Ha paséry, Anna? 2KENESHBIE AOPOTH ‘Anna Snéere, S70 HeMHOmKO CnOKHO APAIOT: Bopue Moueny? -MENESHBIE HOPOTH NPER here = ero) cocina t-te Eston 4 Ana TypncroKoro nyrewecroun growna. : 7 1 Ain rpawawra uopes CHT Bopne —Shaunr, Héno camimraoa Ha TpaMBaii? Anna Her. Hago caniiTacs Ha cTo Aeaquar» sropoi aprobyc, Hloesga n Gecnepecagounele cnanbieie Barone Bopne A xorgé nago sbxopyirs? Gnamptsie waroret npexpacio ‘Anna Yépes wecTs ocrande0x, ripenocoSnens ann Anwrreneienc Bopne Cranuyn merp6 qanexd ot ocran6eku asrobyca? nyrewecrenit Anna Her. Orrjpa cramp metp6 «Bensieso» Henanen6. Npnmoe coobuyenne ¢ 24 crpanama Esponei 4 Asan Bopue A orrjqa uéncio npoéxars 8 ueHTp? Anna fla, uoxto. Bopuc Bes nepecdqok? Anna fa, Gee nepecdgox. Bopwe — Snauur, cauéna aBré6ycom Ao MeTpO, a noToM B MeTpO, Ges nepecdqox. Hy, noTém 470? >KENAEM NPUATHOW Anna — TloTé qécaTe mnHyT xoab6Ei Ao MACTUTYTa. Bopue fla ... cnéxso. Nogagka Ha pa6dry car Horo: NOESAKUL e Be ower Hiner Anna — Hy, naTeqectt munyr, vac. ‘What different types of joumey can the railways cater for’? ‘What sort of carriages are especially designed for long journeys? Which continents do the railways connect? ‘What wish is expressed at the end of the advert? aces Renosén noéspKa business tp anrenemeit long, lengthy enéanan jopéra railway nyreuiéorone travel cHr is 61 Ansa anmer 2° Anna o6u1ano eam Ha cranmmo merpo | @ Henazexo or cram a _nenocitrienon. MeTpo b apromoSunem . b Hazteno or cranuin © apro6ycom : Comprehension : Mero aetna: : © ¢ Tlanexo or cram : €31 Conversation ; poset Read, listen and answer! d Hanpapo or cram a Alla is taking to her new neighbour, Boris, about how best to get to MeTpo work in the morning. t 3 L quesou S antioxio owsuov9 o@ 60 3. Cranmus merpo 4 Or cranium metpo a [lasexo or ocranopkn =a Ama eat wa paGoty aproGyca “tpannae b Hayanexo ot ocranosxn bana xomutr na paSoty apro6yea © Amma esaur wa pa6ory ¢ 3a ocranonxolt anro6yca apromoGauiem a Panomcaomom Aami Ana esanr xa paGory ‘rponeliSycom 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English ‘a What sign indicates the presence of a metro station? b prefer to travel by metro? © s pay for a ride on the metro? a the entrance hall of a typical metro station? Eom Bal waére no fume u Biante Gomburfro Kpacnyio Gjxny cyeHapin pao yrpoN. Ckéneko vache Bb pactaeTe K&xKAbIi ACHE? Mlonmdere, Sto sasviowt ot paGérel. O6kiHo A pa6oTaio vacbe Cem B eH. Anno pevepan sbi orguxdere, qa? Ala, ... w We Téneko no Bevepanll B KnHoCTYgHA A 66H O66A|a0 ¢ ApysEsNa, acd & TPH, NOTOM MBI ryndien 8 napKe. Auto Bui aénaere nécne yoata? OsémHo A cHMy AOMA. Vinorga chywaro psano, cwoTpio Tenestizop fin swTéo MATepECHYIO KMItTy. 3 = onthiggo w welteds ou OL “~ ontiago we wefado ou Oh yuirenennya (female) teacher cyenapiier scriptwriter ary 1 write kéxauih every rmocryawn fn stuclo no nowenéniuiKaM on Mondays o6uIHHO usually To eore that (Le, oTpexaTe Ha niicema fo reply to letters sovéronarncn © (+ instr) 0 consult, get advice from vonnéra no opénan six (ri) A Mors cenoK fo (enoKsinei8) Torm’ then, in that caso extneKo omy ner? ow olds he? Doorné aay Maunnate to begin sm pcra (ecravare) 10 got up ‘yac6s B AéeRTe at about nine o'clock patio Yrpom anita or (samiicere ot + gon) ‘066Ajato (oGéqaTs) | have lunch (to have lunch) rynére (rynio, rynfeus) to stot niécne yaxnna after supper ow sui paGéracre? what is your job? (lt. as whom do you work?) SaHindioce anMAHNETpATABHOn pa66rOH | do (lit. busy myself with) administrative work sasrpaxatd (séerpaxare) have breakfast (to have breakfast) ‘Who wrote the script for this fm?” @ Russian meals: 34pTpax, 066, Ku ‘Sastpax (breakfast) typically consists of Kawa (porridge, cooked cereal), meat, fish or eggs of some kind }. AMSA (fried eggs), perhaps a glass of Ketpap (a sort of id, sour yoghurt), sweet buns, tea, coffee and bread (xne6), which accompanies overy meal. Ifthe main meal ofthe day is to enn the late morning there is a second breakfast, which onsists of a savoury dish, bread and perhaps a sweet ottage cheese dish - e.g. Kucénb (sweet fruit jelly). ‘The main meal of the day, 068A, is a moveable feast ~ it may be at midday, in the afternoon or in the evening; it may start off with ‘3aKy/cKu, usually includes a rich soup such as uM, ish such as KoTAE Tot. Yaxnt is a lighter meal ~ bbe Guns (pancakes) served with sour cream (cm Questions True or false? Auarommit ~ axrép. Anna — yurremimma. Tio nowenemsuuxam Anatosmit pa6oraer toma. Avatosmii xqrBér HexaeKo OT KHHOCTYHH. Auarosmit poraér noncesmoro. canes ow 2 Answer the questions! a Kem paGoraer Anaromiii? b Uro on nemmaer mo cpenaat? © Kak on eaqur na pabory? 4 Korna Anatom npeanounraer nica cuewapma? e Kax on ormrxaer no newepam? How do you say it? How to: 1. Ask for and give information about daily routine Bo cxémpxo pt Hawundere paGérars? AL btm netato omcenbMéro, AL o6tt4H0 o6éza10 yack B TPH. a ~ ouniago u weeds ou ge w wetted ou 2. Ask for and give information about weekly routine Tio cpéaant o68raHo pa6érare aba. Uo st o6srHo agate m0 NoHenémbENKAM? 3 Say how often you do something 51 oGkraHo paGSrato B xuNOoTYAUUE Ydcto mue an oTRetéTD Ha TichMa. A ncernd ésxy TymA na MeTps. 4 5 Say someone is not at home Moers cima ner x6Ma. (lit. There is not of my son at home.) Grammar 1 Verbs Note that two of the verbs met in the Dialogue are common irregular verbs — mucins (fo write) and mow (to be able): mmedire: Moab: mun, mhuemp, miner, mines, mimere, mimnyT Mory, MOxeIts, MOXeT, MOKeM, MOxeTe, MOTYT 2 Dative case In Unit 6 we met some of the uses of the dative case and learnt how to form the dative singular of nouns. The dative plural of nouns is as follows: irrespective of gender, the endings are -ant (for nouns ending in a consonant, -a, of -0) and -sm for all others (which, as for other, | cases, will need final -b, if, -e removed first) ‘rypticr (tour Typiicram npénares — The tourists like Stor Myéii. yulrens (teacher) Yuwrensioa xOveres ormrxér, Note that nouns that have an imegular nominative plural form their dative plural from the irregular nominative plural, e.g. Nom. singular: 6par (brother), Nom. plural: Gpérks, ural: Gpariso singular and plural of adjectives are also very straight- the singular masculine and neuter adjectives add -omy, unstressed 0 applies, in which case add -eif: x unrepécHomy myséio no crapoii game xopéureny 3nisro In the plural, irrespective of gender, add -bin, unless the TVR, X, 2% 4, i, ot in which case add -ane nOaute cryéuru Héssim ‘The new students crynénra apasures like Russian, pYconit souk. pYockue Typricrut: Pyccxina ‘TypiicraM Hpnures crépsstit répon. ‘Note that the dative case is used when asking and giving information about one’s age: ‘The Russian tourists like the old town, Cxdmmxo emy* ner? How old is he? (dit. How many years to him?) Usiny xsdmare omia ron Ivan is 21. Omare cépox na réna. Olga is 42. Em meets zer. He is six. Onint is always followed by rom (Year); pa, Tpm and seréape ate followed by réuza (i.e. genitive singular of ron), but note that exé:154K0 and numbers 5 and above (but not compounds of 1, 2, 3, 4) are followed by ner (which is actually the genitive plural of néro, summer), 3 Accusative case ‘The only form of the accusative we have not yet met is for feminine singular adjectives ~ in other words, if you want to say I'am reading an interesting book: uarepécnas xuira: 51 unréto mutepécnyto xaniry. As you see, ly a question of changing -ast to -yro. 4 Time phrases ‘The dative and accusative cases are very useful when dealing with time phrases that involve days of the week Note that days of the week are written with a small letter in Russian, unless at the beginning of a sentence, "See page 266 for te dative of, Tu, 08, On, O06, Nu BE, on a = onnago # wetfedo on Day ‘Accusative Dative 10.2 Look and answer! BrovenénbHuK no NoHepénibHuKaM Look at these advertisements for jobs and answer the questions which (on Monday) {on Mondays) follow: 180 BrOpHHK no BrépHnkam (on Tuesdays) a [:BAKAHCHN {on Wednesday) (on Wednesdays) BueTsépr no werseprant (on Thursday) (on Thursdays) 3 “* onnago w welfedo ou BnATHMLy no naTHMyaN (on Friday, {on Fridays) EJIABYKCKHM 3ABO, ABTOMOBIIEN 8 cy666ry no ey656ram MIPHYIAWIAET = wesran ra eS ‘cite oa cnemmiamicron no mecty paGors. eee Laude Textespous: sa cnpanox: 2-11-00, 7-19-29 The accusative is also useful in the phrase per day, per week, etc.: MOPAOBCKMIi TELAT OPM4ECKMIt eee 7 hours a day MHCTHUTYT OBbABIAET KOHKYPC cépox sacé B Henémo 40 hours a week so Baxasrn y If you want to give an approximate time, simply invert the numeral and See eee the number of hours: spenomparesel pyesxoro sna : © npenozasareneit marewaruxa wacén eM, & seH about 7 hours a day 7 Bo cxésxo Bb a4prpaxaere? Af what time do you have © mpenonasarencit aur-MHiicKOrO A3BIKA breakfast? Tenedonnt 1a empanox: 4-40-30, 4-60-39 Hacdn n cen, At about seven o'clock. Practice 10.1 Read and answer! Look at the shopping list on a xpacnax pysna the right. Make up sentences b sépuas 106xa (skirt) : asking the assistant to show © nepensimnstt crys What sortof teaches ae necked atte poste nsiute? you each item. @unTepecnas ximra : ba : epycermit xypxan f Woas xapra | 10.3 Read and answer! a Tloxaxure mae (show me), nowanylicra, xpacnyto pysKy. i ‘Complete this paragraph with the correct form of the verb in brackets: Mops (xT) B Mocxpe. Or (pa6orars) TePeROsMIKOM H OFEHE XOPOUIO (Fosopurs) 110- connage ¥ welveds ou mrambshickn. Ox wacto (xomurs) B tearp c Tpyimamn TypHctos, Bor HOYeMY HO ReYepaM OH YacTO He (ows) OTAEIXATE ZOMa. B cBoGomHoe BpeMs of (mo6uTs) cMorpers TexeBH30p K OR wacTO Pare) B imaxMatst ¢ mpysbawn, Minor on {CATL) MHCEMA H MO BOCKPEceHBSM OH OOBTIHO ‘noanas) » Bacceline 1m (ryzaTe) B mapxe, £3 10.4 Read, listen and answer ‘You are explaining your daily routine to a friend. Complete your part of the conversation, then listen to the complete conversation on the recording. Apyr Bo cxbnoko abi peraére? Bai (a) Say you get up at a.m. Ayr Kar eet éagyre na pabory? Bei (b) Say ‘by tram’ Ayr Bo cx6nbko obi Hawndere pa6orars? But (¢) Say you start work at 9am. Apyr Ck6nbko acbs 8bi paboraeTe KéKaLIn ACHE? Bui (d) Say about nine hours. 10.5 Read and answer! ‘Answer these questions about yourself: Tre abt axnpere? Bot axupére » moMe Hm B KBaprupe? Kem ast paGoraere? CKomxo pant ser? Bo cKompXO But OGEIMHO BeTaéTe nO yrpaM!? Kax npr eamprte wa pabory? Bo cxouisKo ast HasunaeTe paGoraT? Bo cxompxo But oGenaere? Yro Bit OGsruHO AenaeTe MO BeYepaM? ro BHI OGLIMHO jlexaeTe HO cyOGoraM Ht no BocKpeceHBSM? om mene ee Comprehension €31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! ‘A journalist interviews a waiter from the restaurant ‘Kalina’ 2Kypkanuer Ocpinynarrr >KypHanner Ocpmynanr >kypranner Ocbnynant >kypranner Ocbmunanr >Kypranwer Ocnynarr >Kypanner Ocuynant >XypHanuer Ocpnynartr >kypHanwer Odnynant >KypHannet Ocbuynanr 1 Bagumy 2 Pa6dora Banuma a mpamuars mecrs ner a neersia unTepectian b spiama7s mers ser b ncerma cxystan € mmamars BoceM Ter ee —_HaeTo mtTepecias d= rpwquats socemp ner d= uxorna uutepecuas 3° Basu moGur, xoraa» 4 Tocne pa6ors: Bama pectopauie a Her Typucros a mpaer p maxoearsr ‘b aurvmiicxue Typnerst b muasaet B Gacceiine © rampaxciye TypucTt =e rysaer B nape ad xypuamerst 4 sioxsres cnare Sppasoreyiire. Kak ac sonir? Mena soayr Bapyin. Bapviw, okémbKo Bam ner? Mie asdquare Bécemb ner. Vi ckéneko net ett pabstaere ocbnynditrom? Yoxé weer ner. Vi ato murepéctan pa6éra? W na, W HoT! Mioraa dueHb cKjMan, a HHorAa unrepécnan. Bor Hanpumép, Korgd y Hac 8 ecropane arniiiickne TypiicTs: Floveny? Tlotomty, 470 Hetan6xxxo roBopib no-axrniificKn, ‘CkOnbKO 4a0d8 B eH Bui pabTacTe? Yacés AésaTs. Hawwndio 8 Asa 4ach gHA, pa66TaIO MHOrAa Ao OAMMHaRUATH, a UHErga HAO ronyHoun, Bb) QaneK6 xxnaéro oT pectopéHa? He duen qanexd. Kak Bui é3anre Ha pabory? Ha tpanedo. ro Boi aénaere nécne pa6orei? Jlowyor care! ... Boab pa6éra koHuserca 4eHb nésqHo! 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English a What sort of activities make up ‘cultural leisure"? What choice of newspapers and magazines do Russians have? ¢ How do newspapers and magazines cater for leisure? Where do Russians play chess? € _In.which countries is chess taught in schools? Kax npoxdaur sat oGKiwntit eHb? Ckémsko wacde y ac yxéanrr na a) pa6ory? 6) nomémaroro paSéry? 8) sanirua © neta 1) xymerypmit gocfr? (ro ects pismo m ‘Tenenepesiivu, KuNd, Tedtp, wTéHMe, chopT, TypHioM ...) K comazténito, éxem Mano Bpémenn yxOmIT Ha KyTETYpHBIit nocyt! Ho xorm spéms ect, piockwe duem mo6aT wurrdir ~ y wice madxectmo piommix raaér at axypedston. Vorrepécyo, ro emp wiicro B rasérax HW AxypHAsIAX ec ‘rawie pasnémi Kak, Kampunép, «xpocendpasi, ToMOp, maAxwaToln ~ To ecTs pases, PACcHTAMEBIE Ha «OCT>. PYecxne, konésno, duckb moGaT urkxwarex ... omit urpdot B mdxwarrar peané — 1 NOMA, HB MipKe, miKe D LUKE ... 8 mdunt jut miéxMaTst Mpenozarores B umkénax CHT, Tepsciuun, Kandi, Méxcunn, ®pénmant CHIA. Pyocxne maxMaTticrst BeeMiipHo M3RECTHEL, HampmMép Boe SHAIOT tina mw channimmo Anaréms Kapmona, . 9xc-enmména saipa. (Key phrases ‘Can you remember how to say the following in Russian? Listen to the recording and practise saying each phrase. I get up at eight o'clock. usually have lunch at one. 8 How old is he? What time do you start work? a b e a e ~* onnago w welteds ou «Chyna» seané wan pein axe ‘nowéunnn paosra (here) to be spent deyyeem ay} uo spuedep y igv7o.10u LO LUDAGPE OLE In this unit you will learn. + how to talk about future actions and intentions + how to give and seek information about the weather (3 Dialogue Sasha is trying to persuade Ira to come mushroom picking in the country with him on his day off. Cawa Yipa Cau Vpa Cawa Cama pa Cama Mpa Cawa Mpa Cawa Mpa Cama Mpa Cawa Yipa, kaxie y Te6A nndil Ha sdeTpa? Ha sésrpa? Aa, 470 Te 6Yaeue abnare sderpa? Sderpa A 6yzy cBod6aHa, A noviay no marasinam Wen Xopowi! SéeTpa y mena suXoAHOM Aer. NaBdii noépem 34 ropogt Cnyuan, Céwa, wy mens Oger rocTeA, axrniiicKan oppyra, Ania. Tem nyse! B necy 6yaer Ovens npisiTHo ... eHow, TaN ‘OfayT rpnost Aa... Ho crywai, Céua ... ue KaxeToa, ro Sto saBiicnT oF noréabl. Kakaa cerdqun noréqa? — xOnoAHo, Hast AOA. CoSupaTe rprEi B TaKjlo norday AHO ONE KONY ... (Thoughitully) ... Ba, ceréaHa noréqa nnoxéa. A Korné npornés norénei no paqno? ... Ceiiuac? ... Her? ... Hy, ‘Aavdit nocnywaeu nporhés noréast ceroAKA BéYepoM — cnn 6jaer xopéumit nporHés, Tora Noégem 36 ropoal JiggHo, éonn 6Yper Tenné m poxns He OYaeT, noéqeM. Xopows. 11 nosBond Te6é cerdaKA Bé¥epoM wdcoB B s6cem». Ecru OygeT xopéwan nordfa, noégem Ha aBré6yce 8 AepéeHi0. B Kars aepésiio? B TapaKénoony, Aa? Aa. Henanekd orrjaa Gonsuor, Kpaciieeii nec. Taw Bcerad wdcca rpn6de. Hy, 6omm w noéaem, rae porpéramca? Tlo-éemy, Ania He sHaer, rae OCTAaHbeKa aBTo6yca ... HO ‘ond sauder, rae crasuns MeTp6 «BenAeno», na? Aywaro, aa. Xopowss, Borpérauica 8 MeTpO, NocepepiiHe nnaTdépul, B cette Yacbe. Aorosopiinncs. Tot nossoHiiws tHe _cerdqHa BéYepoMs, NOTOM A NOBOHIO AHH H BCB OBEACHIO ei. Hy, 8c8! flo cxéporo! [Lh rtoiouso moves oie ‘Anoaay no warasinas [1/0 the shopping (90 to the shops) ay of lets go ‘nto the country (omale) guest female) tend ‘80 much the bettor weather tis cold its raining Insuch weather to gainer, colloct weather forecast ‘onthe racio lets listen thon, in that case si nossom 1266 Ising you Senn w noégem if we do go ‘AepéoHA village; countryside Mécca mass rae serpérmcs? whore shal we meet each other? nocepepive nnarbépmsi in the middle ofthe platform ‘oropopinuce agreed ‘obeRcHID J Will explain (B rpu6e: Mushrooms ‘We saw in Unit 8 that mushrooms are an important part of Russian cuisine; collecting mushrooms is a favourite weekend pastime for town dwellers, who dry, salt or pickle their mushrooms for later use in a variety of 4ax¥cxa, soups and main dishes. Metpé Metro As well as being a very convenient means of transport within large towns, the metto also provides a very convenient meeting place (especially in uncertain weather). Because many stations have various entrances and exits, nocepeaie maardépyea (in the middle of the platform) is usually a sensible place to arrange to meet Questions 1 True or false? a Saprpa Cama xower cimerb Bech eH soa. b Cerogxs noroza xopouias. ¢ ipa ne xouer co6upars rpu6ta, ecnn 6yner xonoato. d Een moroaa Gymer xopomas, onM Noenyt 3a Topox B onuEHaataTt acon. 2 Answer the questions! a Tloxemy Causa aymaer, 470 B siecy 6yaer mpustio? b Kak oun noeayr 3a ropon? ¢ Dine onm scrpersrea? 4 Bo ckonbxo omm serpersres? Hh r0.00 so.manaer oie How do you say it? How to: 1. Ask about future actions and intentions Kaxtie y 1e64/pac nndiet na sé6rpa? ‘Uro TH 6yzem zénaTe s4erpa? Uro per Gynere nénary sdBtpa? 2. Talk about future actions and intentions 3anrpa a 6ixy cno6éana, 3aarpa 4 noiigy mo Marasinam. 3aprpa wt noéent 34 ropog. 3. Ask about the weather Kaxéa ceréqua noréya? Kaxas 34nrpa 6yet noréna? 4. Give information about the weather Cordana xénogHo m unér Hox. Baurpa 6§ner Tennd. Grammar 1 Talking about the weather Answers to the question Kaxda ceréaua noréna? fall into four different categories: ‘ntfosou 10 asonase ose AS those which use the verb marit - rain, snow and hai une? AOA it's raining wore cHer it's snowing nner rpan it's hailing those which use verbs specific to the kind of weather ~ the sun shines, the wind blows: ‘onétur cémmne the ayer pérep the wind is blowing © those which use an adverb — it’s cold, chilly, warm, hot, ete.: xésonHo ——it’scold ~—xdipxo hot npoxnazio yao 's suffocatingly hot renas nécmypuo it’s overcast NB If you actually state the word weather you must use an adjective (not an adverb) and make it agree with noréja: Ceréaua nora xépkas. ‘The weather's hot today. Cerénus 2Apro. It’s hot today, those which just state a noun ~ fog, a blizzard: Ceréaua Tymdn. 11s foggy today. 3éurpa Gyner meré. There will be a blizzard tomorrow. 2 The future tense There are two kinds of future tense in Russian; one is used to describe actions in the future which are incomplete, unspecific, repeated, of continuing, e.g.: When you are in Moscow Iwill ring you every day ot Tomor ill write some letters, do some gardening and watch some tel ‘The second form of the future is used for actions which are specific, single, completed, ¢.g.: J will ring you tomorrow at four o'clock or 1 will write to Vanya tomorrow and watch the news at nine. ‘The first kind of future tense is sometimes called the compound — future, because itis made up of two elements: the future tense of the verb to be, which we met in Unit 9, and something called the imperfective infinitive. In Russian, verbs usually have two the to do part of the verb). Or perfective. The present ei imperfective infinitive: cnyunare (to listen to) present tense: a omyinaro, Tot cmyuaenm etc. compound (or imperfective) future: cg: A 6§ay exjmars piano Kécxstit nésep. Iwill listen to the radio every evening. ‘The second kind of future tense is made in exactly the same way as the present tense, except that it is formed from the perfective infinitive: a Oyay eafumary perfective mocajurate (to listen 10) perfective 4 nlocsTyaaro e.g: A nocmymato mporués nordms » wecTs sacds, T'lllisten to the weather forecast at six o'clock. tis important from now on always to lear both infinitives for each ver and they are usually written like this in dictionaries and vocabularies: cajuars/nocnymars second) A large number of verbs have a perfective infi ‘exactly like the imperfective infinitive, except that. prefix ~ thus, eaymiam, has the perfective nocafmar», Here are some more examples: (ic. imperfective first, perfective itneTb/yBiacTS 10 see aénarh/cnésate to do, make apomttrb/nozBomiirs to ring ncdtb/HanncaTh to write o6énaTb/nooGézaTE to have lunch cemorpérn/iocmorpére 10 watch, look at ‘Sometimes the spelling of a verb is changed slightly by the ad of a prefix: unpre /csirpats (to play). ‘Sometimes it is not the beginning but the ending of a verb which changes: netpeudrbca/Borpérutbes to meet one another nonysérb/nomysiire 10 receive Sprouts /oGbacHITS to explain Jn the examples above, the imperfective infinitive is first conjugation like arte) and the perfective is second conjugation (like Fonopitr) — this is often the case where the imperfective and perfective infinitives differ in the way they end. NB Note especially the verb to buy, whose infinitives differ both at the beginning and at the end — nokynars/Ky 8 tatfosou 10 snonaee ore th LL wtesousowouare ove Sometimes a verb has only one in occasionally there is little or no resemblance betwe imperfective and perfective: ronopirs/exasirs (to say, tell); sosnpamtdrnen/nepuyrpes (to return), ‘The verbs we met in Unit 9 which have two forms of the present tense have two imperfective infinitives, but only one perfective infinitive, Imperfectives Perfective xopiitb/uarh noir Gopuroléxars noéxars | Gératb/enaty ober | Note that sandiifre] (/er') is always followed by the perfective future: Aawattre nogzem 34 ropon. Let's go into the country. Remember that the future tense of 6xiTs is needed if you want to use, say MOxHO, 140, Hens or nopé in a future sense, e.g. Séprpa Mae Haxo 6YxeT paGSrate. Tomorrow I will have to work. Note too that, just as wer + genitive is used to express do not have any, ue Yer is used to express will not have any: Y mens ne Ojner spémenn. I won't have any time. Usually it is quite clear when you need to use the future tense — will is the clearest indicator and there are often other clues as well (tomorrow, next week, ete.). However, English sometimes implies the future tense, but doesn’t use it, eg. When you are in Moscow I will ring you every day. In Russian the future tense must be used. whenever it is implied: Korné ny1 6fnemm » Mocks, — When you are (i.e. 4 Ojay snouitrs Te6E in Moscow, xin nen. ring you every day. 3 3eoniTb/nosBoHMTb To telephone This verb means to ring, to telephone. If you are ringing someone remember to se the dative case for the person: hail, this verb is also used to describe wha Bomw6s tedrpe? What's on at the Bolshoi? 5 34 ropog Into the country A nosnont re6E ceréaua wesepom. I'll ring Mpa nossomir Aune sntpa. Ira If you're ringing a place, use w + accusal On nospomir 8 Gomminy. He'll ring the hospital 4 Warn To walk, go on foot u this evening, ring Anna tomorrow. as well as being used when talking about rain, snow and on, e.g. ro wer B Lh rvescuso monaee ose & This literally means beyond the town — here the preposition 32a (beyor is used 34 ropox ind) which is normally used with the instrumental case, the fe case to express motion; in the country is .e. with the instrumental case), 6 Emphatic u The principal meaning of w is and, but it is also used to give extra emphasis; on such occasions it can be translated by English emphatic terms, such 2s do, indeed, even, e.g. éeam w noéueM if we do go. Practice 11.1 Read and answer! Choose the correct form of the future tense: a ener Kora ona 6yzer » Amepnxe, ona vacro Gynet urpaTs/ cuirpaer B Texac, 3apTpa 1 Gyay mtcaTe/nammny mctmo Buxropy. A ocerna Oyzy enarb/csena‘o HoxynKH B yuiRBEpcaMe. Al 6yay 3RoHHTL/no3BoNIO BAM 3aBTPa B MAT wacoR. Koraa ons 6ynyr Mocese, onu acto Gyayt obeneTD/ nloobegaior 8 pecropane «Kaman. 11.2 Look and answer! Look at the pictures on the next page and answer the questions: ‘stfosou 10 unonave cue bi Kaxas ceronus norota? 000% 2,0 90% 20. Kaas ceromua norona? Bes Vy tits, 11.3 Look and write! Look at the list below and make up sentences about where each person lives and what the weather is like there. Kro? Tne? anexo or Kaxcast ceroaus. Mocksst? ——toroa? a Omsra OGnnuck He oven comne, He xos0mm0 b Cepéxxa Apxanremcx ovens cuter, one xonOTHO ¢ Exena Kes slanexo ryMau, Ter0 d YOpaii Tamkenr oven namexo comme, nyumo e Tana Creparoncx mamexo BeTep, TacmypHo a Osnra xupér p OSumtce, Henastexo or Mocxos.. Ceromua cBerHT cominte, He XOs10NHO. €311.4 Read, answer and listen! You're not keen on taking up Petya’s invitations Complete your part of the conversation then listen to the complete conversation on the recording, Nera Y wens ga Gunéta Ha énepy. Bui xorhre noiini co mnoii? Bot (@) Thank him, but say you can’t because you've got to work (i.e. itis necessary for you to work) this evening. Nera Of, Kak >anb, Hiverd. Y mena TOKE asa Ounéta B Kv6 Ha sdatpa. Xoviire novTi? Bui (©) Say ‘sorry’, you're going (i.e. will go) to Olga’s ‘tomorrow. Nera Huveré. B uetaépr 6Yget xoKKéiineih wars — y Mona yoKé ecto Asa Gunéta. XoniiTe noliri Bot (©) Thank him, but say it’s very cold today. ‘Thursday you won't really want to watch a hockey match. Nera Toraé gasaiite nocnywaem npori6s noroge 8 cpény. Bui {@) Say OK, you'll ring him on Wednesday at about eight o'elock. Nera Axxanie y Bac nna! Ha cy666ry? Bui (e) Say you don't know. it depends on the weather. 11.5 Read and answer! Look at the following extract about television programmes and answer the questions. ‘stfo10u 10 mowaze o1e bh Which programme is on at ni What is on at 18.30 on a Mond: When ate there sports programmes What are the names of the various music programmes? Which programmes would interest language students? ck every evening? canes CIPABKH: TB Tlouenenpunx ~ 28 mas Broprmx ~ 29 mas 18.30 Jlosyneenranmsnalt Quumne «Cyanams 18.30 Texaae | 20.15 Menanesut sacs 19.30 Plramsancxoit zane | 21.00 Hosocrx 20.00 Koraza Mama xanntner THCbMO Mame? Ha onepy a B cy6Gory nocne o6ea b na dumm DB BocKpeceHbe yTpoM ¢ Ha 6aneT € B BOCKpeceHbe Tocne o6ena da mecy dn nockpecenbe Bevepont (2 Reading Read and listen to the text and answer the questions in English a How much rain will there be in the Crimea this week? b_ What news is there for swimmers? € Will it be colder in Moscow or St Petersburg during the night according to forecast A? Which is the only place in forecast A to be unaffected by rain? Where is there a risk of fire? Where will there be snow according to forecast B? Which place will be affected by strong wind according to forecast B? amo Lf wvoionio nome oie B Jp reescu so sonass ous A B Kpuimy » wavisne wenémm Ges ocdgKos, HOwbIO 12-17 rpdaycos tend, mnés 22-27. Kpsina 16-18 rpaaycos. B Cauxr-Lerep6ypre 3 or nésbHble JH KpaTKoBpémen- Hste 2x, HoaIO 4-9, JM 13-18 rpazycos. B Mocxpé u TloaMocxépse Kparkonpémennpie — noxKstti, néwi0 712, atm 14-19, » orgémune HH go 22 rpdnycos. B Cpéaneit Asm G6Yner cyxéa Ho xdpKaa noréga, Ges ocdakon - Tam oxuadercs sucéxas noxdpHast onécHocrs B necax. » panenéiwon noné 12 rpbaycos rennd rpo38 KpatkoBpénentiie ROKAR B B Apxduremexe 3 naydze neném Temneparypa aHeM 6§aer 2-6 rpanycos mopésa. Ha nocréxé Yxpafinnt 2-7, mecrémat 9 rpénycon mopésa. Cuer a Merémt ua cézepe Ypana. [wea or 1-6 n0 7-12 rpanycos mopésa. B Cancr-TerepOjpre n wasiie wenémm océaxn; atm 1-5 rpdnycos Mopéaa, camuii | érep. B_ Mocxse 1 Tloamockésse ast 3-7 rpdycon mopésa. Key phrases Can you remember how to say the following in Russian? Listen to the recording and practise saying each phrase. enege ‘Where shall we meet? 3 g [proto 10 sronaos ous ESWOY ye ei] S! éewor edy In this unit you will learn + how to hold a conversation ‘on the telephone (how to Identify yourself, ask for the person you want to speak to ‘and how to deal with wrong numbers) + how to talk about past events and actions. ‘Anna decides to ring Tra from a call box to thank her for the trip into the country with Sasha, but she has some trouble getting through ... Anna Tonoc 1 ‘Anna Fonoc 1 Anta Tonoc 2 Anna Mpa Anna Vipa Anna Mpa Anva Mpa Anna Mpa Anwa Mpa Anna pa Anna Mpa ‘Anné ipa, S70 Tel? 2... Kaki HOMep Bb HAOpANN? 428-9-56. Her, S10 He Tor. Nipocrire. (Dials again) ... Anné. Marasii «fjéroxii mnp». Cniuiaio rac. Vosunire. OnAre #1 He Tyaé nondnal (Diels again) ... Annd, ipa pbma? Kro 810 rosopitr? Tosopitt Auta ... Axta Maric. Avia, npmér! Orkjja Tel aRonmute? Als asrondre. Vipa, A d4eH xO4y Te6# noGraroAaplire sa Haw nogsaKy 24 ropoal Vritepécro Osin, 42? Da, BoB 68ino 6ueH® uATepécHo! Cnacii6o Gonbuibe! Hy, 4To Tel, Anta, Ham TOxe OuINO OueHE NPMATHO. CKaxh Céue, noxAnylicta, To noésaKa MHe ONeHb noxpasnnacs. OoasarensHo cay. OH 6ypeT OueHE pag ... Anna, y mens aga Gunéra 8 Bonbuioit Tedtp Ha nocnesderpa. Tot x6Newls noliTh co MnO Ha Onepy? Konéuno, o4eHs xouy! Xopows, yeviqnucs nocnesaerpa Ha Snepe 8 Bonsuow Tearpe, Aa? Kax xopowi! Botpériuca y exdga 8 Tedtp, noncepbMéro. FlonsttHo? Aa, 08 norsitHo. Ewé pas cnaci6o! flo cképoro. Boeré ,é6poro, Anna. Ho comaanis. kaK6ii HOMep Bi HaGpinn? what number did you dial? it's not the right one CChitcron’s Workd (name of a store) sine TyA& nonéna I've got the wrong number orKyqa tet ssonmum? where are you ringing from? Bcé sino everything was yafpuuca we will see one another nocnesstpa the day after tomorrow sceré aé6poro all the best z & ganol ed, GnaropaptitanoSnaronapirs (3a + accusative) to thank (for) oésqka Mie eH NoHpEBUNace | really enjoyed the excursion ‘oGaadrenkuo cKamy 1 fel him without fal’ be sure fo tll him { Teneou Telephone ‘When answering the telephone, it is usual to say Annd. Cnywato sac ‘or Kro Sta roBopétr? If you are ringing a person’s home telephone number you can ask for the person you want to speak to by asking if they are at home (pita qéma2); in more formal situations you might say Méxuo Upiiny Huxondesry k Tene@dony’ call] Irina Nikolaevna to the telephone?) or Huxonaesny Teneiény, noxanyiicta (lit. Call rina Nikolaevna to the telephone please). To identify yourself say C Bam roBopAt ... OF just Topopir ...; if someone asks for you and you want to say speaking, simply say ro 9 or Ay Teneipoxa. When you are dealing with wrong numbers, use Sto He Tor (it. It is not that one/that number). Bl He Ty nonanm (li. You have tured up not to there) or Bb! HenpapunbHo HaGpann HOmep (lit. You have dialled wrongly). Note that the Russian for mobile phone is either eéropisi renedén OF MOBANbHEt TeneoH, Questions True or false? 1 a Ana He tyma nonana 18a pasa ice). Tlocnesastpa Ansa 1 Mpa nojiayr » Kunorearp. Ama ix Vipa nerperstes 1osiceabMoro. 2 Answer the questions! a Anva xover nosnonmTe B Marasun «JlercKnlt Map»? hb Kax Anse noxpapnutace noesaka 3a Topo? © Korma Mpa 1 Ama onars yonartes? Tae om acrperatcs? i f i f f How do you say it? How to: 1 Identify yourself on the telephone (C sas) rosopitr Hpiina Huxondenza. Tosopiit Ana, 2. Answer the telephone And, Cajuato sac. Kro $ro rosopiir? 3° Deal with wrong numbers ‘Sto He Tor. Bui we Tya4 nondsmn. Bu nenpénumuo waGpam Homep. 4° Talk about past events and actions Beé 6tiu10 Sueu» mnrrepécno. Tloésaxa Mue Guenb noupépmiace. Ham Téxe Sueus no“pasiiocy. Grammar 4 Bnarogapirp/no6narogapite to thank Note that this verb is followed by sa + accusative: Gaaronapro TeOli 3a akeKypemo. Note also Cnacii6o 3a + accusative (Cnaci6o 3a nonipox, thank you for the present) and naatirs/sanzarire 3a + accusative (to pay for). 2 Past tense Jn English we have various forms of the past tense: Twas reading, 1 used to read, Ihave read, I read, I had read Jn Russian there are only two forms of the past tense; one is made from the imperfective infinitive (or imperfective aspect) and the other from the perfective infinitive (or perfective aspect). ‘The imperfective past tense is used for actions which are repeated, continuing or incomplete: z genio edly 1 4 = z a 8 Tused fo read the newspaper every day. Iwas reading the newspaper when the telephone rang. Twas reading/read the newspaper yesterday (but I didn’t read for two hours yesterday. sentence such as I read for two hours yesterday, there is wwe are not informed whether the reading was it went on for two hours — so we need to use tense. id the newspaper all the way through yesterday morning. «already read the newspaper when the telephone rang Formation of the past tense is the same for both imperfective and the perfective. Take the infinitive, remove -rs and add the following: Subject of verb Add Example Masculine singular mm Bikcrop uiran pont (verb: wares hnpowrars) Feminine singular a Ons Henucéna nvcemé Olya has written the (verb: nucaral letter anuicér) Neuter singular (verb: cooriite! {no pert) Plural fn Mescrjuam ujeony — We were listening to (verb: emjuarey muse nocnjwars) no Connye ceewiino The sun was shining In other words, past tense endings are rather like adjective endings — they have to agree with the number (singular or plural?) and gender (masculine, feminine, neuter?) of the subject. Note that when you are forming the past tense to agree with mbt the ending will always be ant, whether bt is referring to a group of people or whether it is being used as the polite form to one person only. Most irregular verbs form their past tenses in this way too, ¢.g.: arb (asain, acu, etc,), xoTET (xoréa, xoréaa, etc.). The only exceptions among the verbs we have met so far are: ect (t0 lead, take on foot) Ben, Bend, Bend, vem f f t L és, Beand, nesn6, Beam ea, éa, és10, 6m wigan, mra, ust, mame ecrit (to carry) Verbs of motion have three possible past tens the first imperiective can imply a habit or a return journey; the past ie second imperfective indicates an action which was in Impertective Impertective xopuire a (1 xem ho used fo go (habit) on win he was going {action in progress) ow nowisn he has gone, has set off on xopiin he has been (return journey) is required if you need to use phrases like V Mews wer ener (J have ‘no money) inthe past tense: ¥ mend ué Geisio néser (I had no money). 3 Mbt ye4qumca We'll see each other Note that the addition of reflexive endings to the verb niaers/ysinner (to see) produces the verb meanin; another: yaiumnucn s4erpa (lit. we will see one another frequently heard when people are saying goodbye. In Us that Fae mex serpétumes? means Where shall we meet fone nether]? ~ bere the verb nerpexirh/nerpérins (to meet) bas been ‘made reflexive in the same way. 4 Prepositional case We have already met some of the uses of the prepositional case and Jeamt how to form the prepositional singular of nouns; in» Bommu6s« edrpe (at the Bolshoi Theatre) the prepositional singular of the adjective Commit is used. To form the prepositional of masculine and neuter singular adjectives add -on4, unless the rule about the unstressed eenottedn B © applies, in which case add -em, Feminine singular adjectives add -oll, unless the rule about the unstressed applies, in which case add eit: B HéHoM Mysée xopomelt xwire 1 crépone sida in the old building Practice 12.1 Read and answer! Match the questions with the answers: 1 Komy ona snonnr? a Tio cpeua. 2 Kora om o6nrao nenaer_ = Heer, ne oven, noKyinKH? ¢ B ynunepeame. 3 Korga on nossouns tebe? = ds Hipe. 4 Tre on oGuuo noxymaer eB epeny. mponyerst? 5 Bam noupasiuiacs okexypeua? 12.2 Read and answer! Which is the correct alternative (imperfective past or perfective past?) a Korja om sw Pepmasiit, of acto mrpan/csirpan dyr6on. b Bsepa ona mcana/namicasa nucemo Burropy. ¢ Panpine Hora noerna nenana/cjesiaa noxynxn 8 uerTpe Topo. @ Buepa sat emorpenn/nocmorpesmt TenesH30p, Kora BAPYP KTO-To SROHIET/TOSBONIET B I1BepE. e Cyayana a uiTasia/npowTana rasery, noToM « oBenazta/ moobenaa. 12.3 Look and answer! ‘What sort of career would you be interested in if you applied for a place ‘on the coltse outlined in this extract from an advertisement? @PakyeTeT aMHHHCTpaTHBHOTO MeHeIpKMeHTa Mpemaraer ... Kypest MEHEJOKEPOB - MAPKETOJIOTOB B nporpamme o6yyenus — muopsanmonnste | pay TTEPHET suum maprernara | pecypest HET 12.4 Look and write! You are a ‘telephone addict’ — describe all the telephone calls you made yesterday, using the following information: Komy? Owém? a Cana ero HoBas Mantua b Mpa noesaka p Cepries Toca © Maxcum ¢pannyscenit puatsm @ Anna Hopsiit yxeGumK (textbook) € Bostona noxas noroza a Buepa .noszomun(a) Caure, Mit ronopaim 0 ero HoBOt aunt 12.5 Read and answer! Read what Nina did yesterday, then answer the questions that follow. Buepa Gtura ove samara. A peTasIa B comb TaCOB nosaprpakama Ha xyxte, Yrpom @ paorasia 7a "aca B GuSmoreKe, noTOM # oOGe;tasIa B Gybere. Tlocie oGena 4 crenana nOKyuKK B YauBepcame. Bewepom # mparoTopisia oGen, Hanvcalla mcbMO MaMe, TOTOM ‘cmorpena TesIeBHBOp. eenotedn Bo ckombxo Hana ecrana? Tue ota nosaprpaxazia? Uro ona nenata yrpom? Tae ona noodeqana? rasta RexepoM? eaege Ur0 ona porapétb/ectars to gel up Foréoutbinpnroréante to prepare, cook {The following information tells you wtiat Vadim did yesterday. Use it to write a paragraph following the model about Nina above: ‘Yizpon Tlocae ofexa | Bexepow Borate: nonmecroro paGorars: | urpars: yr60n nosaprpakats: KYAHA 3 yaca/sanon | cMotpeTs: Tenemssop paGorars, 5 wacos/sasom nooGenatp: pecropait sarrare: razera Now answer these questions about yourself. a Bo cxompxo pot scram pycpa? & Due sit nosaptpaxamt? ¢ Uro set jena yrpom? a Tne sit noobenamt? e Uro set aenamt pevepom? Comprehension €31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! Maxim is very absent-minded and has forgotten the essential details about an important meeting, He rings Lena for help. Fonoc | And. Maxcum And. Moxno SIény x renedony, noxénylicra? Tonoc — Muniyrourg ... oH cede nogolaer. Maxcwm | Annd. nena? Jena fla, Sto 5. Kro 10 rosopitr? Maxenm — So Maken. Siena Sapéscreyii, Maxcim, Kak end? Maxcum | Hiverd, cnaciiGo ... Ckax, Néva, To séetpa Gjqews Wa copeuannn y aupéxropa? Flea ——_KonéuHo, sep STO GUeHS BéKHOE coBeAHINE Maxcnm — 3x10, and10 ... T6nbKO #1 Sa6bIN ... BO CKSmIBKO STO 6ypeT? i 5 Teva onopinnanyaroro yrp. 7 4 Maxcmta AX, 4a, KOHEHO .. 3 3 Tlena Gro B08? ... A celiudc OveHE sansa, MaKcio, 5 a Maxeun — Visnunit, Jiéva ... a 5 He OYeH® xopoUld AOMIHIO, O HEM tuoi OYs{ew rosopizTs Ha coBeUIaHMN, - Jlena ro Tal, Maxcii! Mii KoHEHO Oyen roBopiire o ‘ ROBOM JoroROpe c cbpaHuyscKoh aBToMOGANBHO Koundinet Maxeum AX, a, KORSYHO ... Craci6o, Seva ... éro acé! Ao |g. sasrpa. nD Mena Boer 66poro, Maker. Jo cenpénus, ona cenude nuRoliaéT she's just coming copewanne meeting ‘Bupéxrop —cirector BaxHbIA important sa6ninére/aa6siT® néniurre/ecnémnars ‘RoroBép apToMOGAnbHaA KOMREHAS 10 forget to remember ‘agreement, contract ‘car company aege waoce Bovxsoe coneumane Gyner 2 _TTewa celiac ceromaat 8 10830 yrpa a ommixacr saptpa B 10430 yrpa b cooGona saptpa 8 11 sacop © oveHS sansTa ceronis yrpom a ‘Ha cosemannn ona 6yzyT rosoputh o ve Oven sanaTa HOBOM JoroBope ¢ HTATbaHcKOlt KoMnAHHeM crapom foroBope ¢ d)pannyscKoit KoMTIaNHeit HOBOM fOTonope ¢ hpaKUyscKoit KoMnaHHeH HepaxkKoM AoroRope c ppanityscKoit Kommannedi 2 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in English ‘a What is the first step in making a direct call to another town from. your hotel room? b What are the next two steps? ¢ Why is the number 274-93-83 useful? eonol ed B How can you make an intemational call? What information must you give the telephonist when you book call to another town? Vnaiemmie rocrn CanxtTerep6gpral Tio Tenedduy, yeranénaeniomy 5 Béuem HOmepe, ya66H0 RochémaokaTkest aproMarineckoll Mextyropésmoll TererpoHHOtt cafeno, Zia Storo JocréTOMHO HabpaTs: i i <8» (43 rocrémmnt sie a micbpy 7 ii yompurdn nenpeprisnsstii ii ndmep reneOua aGonénra. (Cupénrat o paGére apromartiveckoit epsan no teneddny 2714-93-83. Ecam ppt ne Méxere pocnésm30RaTEca apromaTiMeckoll cBt3510, pasroaép méaxso saxasdrs no Tenedénaxe 314-47-47 ¢ ropondsan sapyexenx crpas. Baxésninaa Mexayropémmptit pasrondp, oGsséremuo HasonriTe Tenehomicrke HasBénme rocriimmst, Hep Texedéua x Bamy cpanaiumno, { ‘aGonént subscriber MexayHapéqHeit Intemational vaspisdre/uaseéTe fo name wasnénne name enpepsipnbiit Rénesosateea/socnénsosarecs (+ inst) 10 make use of, avail onesof of MexAyropéANeil Teneo pasroBép trunk call (it. iner-town {telephone conversation) (Key phrases Can you remember how to say the following in Russian? Listen to the recording and practise saying each phrase. eaeee conoledy All the best. L ~_Ahneda 3% OH)KAH SHIN 28J0}00p ay} 0} 06 | ysNwu Irahas Posad, Mpa Anna CO Aan Mpa. Avia C3 Dialogue led for Anna at her hotel room, to go on their trip to Sexgiev i finds Anna is not well Anna, Toi ceréana nendéxno Béirnagnulb. 470 ¢ TOGA? Tet Oonena? fla, me Kameron, saGonéna. Mue nnéxo. ¥ wens Gonitr répno. Vi ronoaa Soniir? Kaxeres, Aa. Tm, mOxeT Obir y Te6A HaunHéeToA spun. Uno wie génaTs? Uro Te COBéTYeWE? Mie HY>KHO K spauy? Her, Te6é nyswe nexarh » nocrénn, 9 celiac nosBonio B Giopd obcnyxuBaHUA. Boas cKOpo NPAT. ‘SudsuT, Han ceréaHm HenbaA 8 Céprues Mocag? Da, Ava, « pyuaio, 470 ceréaHA HenbsA. Olt, Kak xanb. User, Vipa. Hiveré, Ania. He 6ecnoKélicn 06 Stow. CeroaHa Tht Rome OTBLKETD. Cracii60, Vipa, Tet ovekb aoe. H6 2a wrol Ckaxi, AnHa, 470 Te6é HixHO? Tebé xéNeror mith? Aa, oxen xouy. Xopouis ... 9 akan vépes pexypHyio Halt ¢ mAMOHOM, Gro acerga noworder. Te6é cx6po 6yaeT nyuwe. ‘Tol HenaKHo BEiFnAAKUL ‘you don't look too well } 70 © T066H? what's wrong with you? et Gonna? are you il? s2a6onéna mill (it. "ve been taken i) ‘une nnéxo {feel unwell ymenA Gonit répno i have @ sore throat ronosé head une wipro K Bpasy? must / go to the doctor's? ro Tet coséryews? what do you advise? ‘To66 njnuwe nexxéTe Brocrénn you'd Detter stay in bed ‘aaa ex6po npuaét the doctor wil soon be here We GoenoKdiien 06 SoM! dont worry about it Tei gormKHa you must ‘Tet 6uoHe Ao6pa you're very kind In this unit you will learn peek dedates sarerct on pou tee? se ew 19 ey ew You tee naaKanny (saxéabinarwtsaKasite) 10 order + how to ask others how they | feel t + how to seok and give advice + how to talk about necessity | divede x oot own & eh a 8 ehnoda 8 onsdn ants Romorére/nomé4e fo help 1006 cx6po GYAer nyuue you" soon fee! better @B Bpay The doctor Visitors to Russia can arrange to see a doctor by contacting the hotel service bureau; the doctor may visit you in your hotel room, or you may be referred to the hotel's own treatment centre = meqnyHKT. The AexjpHaa (literally woman on duty) is responsible for the ‘organization of her floor/oorridor it Russian citizens would normally ring a to arrange for the doctor to make a home visitor they might go to the polyolinic themselves. When patients make appointments at a polyctinic they are given a Tan6x (coupon/card) for a particular doctor's surgery at a partic time, The doctor may give the bought at the anréxa (chemist doctor - spay (to denote the pr talking to one). In the event of an emergency, an ambulance can be summoned by dialing 03 (Hone tpi). For some, a stay in the Gontmiiya (hospita) may be necessary or a spell in a caHarépinit (convalescent home) or Rom érAbixa (rest home). Sergiev Posad ‘The town of Sergiev Posad {formerly Zagorsk) lies some 75 kilometres from Moscow; it is an important centre of the Russian Orthodox Church and site of the Trinity Monastery of St Sergi. Questions 1 True or false? a Aue ceromna m0xo. b Cerogna Auna n Vipa nocayr » Cepres Tocan. ¢ ipa spoxmr B nomuKananinKy. 4 Hipa pexomennyer wali c smmoxom. 1 | Answer the questions! 2 a Kak Anna ceroms nuirnautr? bb Uro y Annet Gommr? ¢ Kak Moxio saxasats aii ¢ mumoHom? 4 Kyna Anta xorena ceroana noexars? How do you say it? How to: 1 Say how you feel Mue m76xo. 2 Ask others how they feel Ur ¢ 1o66ii? Tai Gomuna? 3. Ask for advice ‘Uno mue aéaaTe? Uro Tet coséryems? 4 Giving advice Te6E ayume, Bam ayuue. A conéryr0. He Gecnoxdjica! He Gecnoxéitrece! 5 Talk about necessity Mue wyxno x spasy? ro Te6é HyaKHO? Tot gomKnd. Tit aésvKeu. But 2OKEEI. Uro ¢ wasn? ‘Tat 662en? Bot Comput? ro sur copéryere? Grammar 1 Dative case In Unit 6 we saw that the dati verbs such as to give, to say. describing how you feel; up of the dative case and Mute xxapxo. Bam we x6.10nH0? Emy 6110 nxéxo. a chveda onmhn oH ‘This construction is useful not only when you are describing physical feelings, you ¢an also use it to talk about boredom and interest: interesting to vwurrér» pyoexme raséres, in newspapers ‘The dative case is also used after certain verbs, some of which we have alteady met. Here is a list of the most common: ‘seobiine/nosaowirs (0 ring) ‘Ons nossowina epasy (ya rang the doctor kasérecalnoxasérecn (io seem) Me KéoweTen, vro y Te6 rpunn | think (t seems to me) youve got the ty pdsiereesino- (fo please) it ne updesion amu TaGnérkM ‘She doesn't like these tablets RoMorére/nowéu (to helo) Om raGnérxst nomdryr Bam These tablets will help you PexosenspadtuinopeKouoHnoséTe TO abi peKoMeHAyeTe He? (to recommend) What do you recommend for me? conérosareMocossrosat Bpas nocosérowan ei orppixére (00 advise) The doctor advised her to rest xoréreca/saxoyénece Mie xéueren crate ‘ (to want, feel ike) | want to sleep/l feel Ike a sloop Note that the dative case is also found in time expressions with the reposi K wacy at about one o'clock, towards one o'clock k mectst tacdm at about six o'clock, towards six o'clock Finally, the dative case is very useful when you are talking about necessity: Uro muse jésrare? What should I do? (lit. What to me to do’ Korna mite npmamare When should I take the raGnérKu? tablets? 2 Short adjectives In Unit 8 we saw that most Russian adjectives have along and a short form and we met some commonly used short forms — note the following further examples of short form adjectives: have to, should) Meaning Masc. Fem. = Neut. Pl. i Génen — Gore Geo Gonbitt ‘duty-bound (must, AGAoKeN—_ATOKHA —OMKHO ORME | necessary wnen pedo ss Amxen agrees with the person who must do something, e.g. Coréaua Anna nomad ‘OTALIXATH. Buepd Anexcéli a6.Kex Obi OTABIXATS. 3ABTpa Mbt JOIKHEI OfeM ormeixdTs, Anna must rest foday. Yesterday Alexei had to rest. We musthvill have to rest tomorrow. Hyxex must agree with the thing that is needed e.g. Te66 uyaud Sra xusira? Do you need this book? this book necessary toy ‘The neuter form ayaa is identical in meaning to uno. Note that GéeH (Goss, Gomis) Somnoi Note also: pap upapstit | | | | re is a difference in meaning between the short form 66.en and the long form adjective Gosmudil: zhvods x ovchn avin Ft el 3 Verbs ending in -opatp and -epaTb ‘The infinitive of these verbs looks like the infinitive of a first conjugation verb, but beware! In the present tense the -owa and -ena change pexomenondTh ——_peKOMeHLyt0 peromenayent (to recommend) Pexomennjem ——pekomenayere pexomennyjet PekomenstyioT Many of these verbs are imported from other languages, e.g.: TannesaTe to dance (from German) mirrepecond acs to be interested HoxayTapopat to knock out In the context of health, the following are very common: axisiona rica 10 complain (of, about) (a + accusative) Ha wro pat xxasyerecs? What's the problem? (lit. What are you complaining of?) sfectBobaTh cbs to feel Kax ner ce6s sypcrnyere? How are you feeling? (Note that with the verb to feel the ce6 never changes.) ; ‘to hurt’; ‘to be sore’ Gonére (present tense Goxéi0, Goaéeums) means to be 8. Gonéer rprintom. Anna is ill with the “flu. b The verb saGonenste/sa6onert means to fall ill with, 10 catch, eg, Auna 2a6onéna rpinnom. Anna has caught "flu. (NB 3aGosresire, exceptionally, does work like a first conjugation verb — i.e, sA6osendi0, saGonendems.) © The verb Goaér» (2nd conjugation, like ropopitrs) is found only in the third person singular and the third person plural: Y mens Gomir rononé My head aches. Y meng Somir uéra My legs/feet ache. ‘The perfective form saGoaére has the meaning to begin to hurt Kora y wac sa6onén 3y6? When did your tooth begin to hurt? Note that Russian does not use possessive adjectives with parts of the body (ie. to say your tooth, use y Bac 3y6). 5 Verbs ending in -kasat> This ending is found in the verb for to seem (kasdrses/ noxasdrica) and also in the perfective infinitive of a number of common verbs: ronopiirs/cxaxrs to say, tell 3akd3bipaTh/3aKa3aTb to order, book, reserve noxéaeiBat/oKaséT 10 show Note that verbs which end in this way are not regular first conjugation: a ckaxy (I will say) MBI CKAKEM ‘Th ckaKeHIb BEI CKADKETE (OH cKéxeT On cKéDKYT Practice Look and answer! Kax oun ce6a uyscrsyior? a Haw hot Vinay xxapxo cold © Cepéxa badfunwell 13.2 Read and answer! Look at the dactor’s question and the patient's answer: 3y6 - Ha ro per xaayerecs? — ¥ mens Com sy6. Answer in a simnilar way, using the words given below: a rostora b @ xxuBoT (stomach) fe ommna (back) {213.3 Read, answer and listen! ‘You are on holiday in Yalta. You are feeling unwell and the doctor hhas come to visit you. Complete your part of this conversation, then listen to the complete conversation on the recording. Bpas Sapascreyirrel Cagitrece, noxdnyiicra. Ha 4To Bb! >wanyeTecs? Bot (@) Say ‘h the doctor. Explain that you have a sore throat. Bpaw A xakés y pac teuneparypa? Bat (b) Say you think you have a high temperature. Bpay Hy, oTkpéiire, noxanylicta, pot ... 4a, rOpno KpdcHoe. ¥ sac anriva. Bet (©) Ask what you should do. Bpay Bui gormKnei ovabxaTs. BoT Bam TaGnérKs, Bot (d) Ask when you should take the tablets. Bpay Tpuimmaiire no Ta6nérKe asa pésa 8 Aon. Saxoqire ko wHe a4epra B MeanyHKT. ‘evineparypa onkpoire! por anrina pwn veicSKit no raGnérke ppa psa 8 Api» one tablet tice @ day ‘saxopirelzanra fo cal inpop in 13.4 Look and answer! ‘Look at the pictures and decide what the doctor is advising: a Yro pexomenayer mpay? Bpaw pexomenuiyer mule we kypirr a v 13.5 Read and answer! Choose the most appropriate ‘prescription’ for each of the following: 1 Apxasmit wyscrayer ce6a nexopomio. Y wero Gomr 2y6. Yro emy nano zenaTe? @ KyTMTS MopoxeHoe; b noftrH 8 Gaccelisi; ¢ npmmaare ‘a6aerKi 2 Y Creri Oonut ropno. Yro eit nano aenars? a cmorpers hyrGomsmnilt Marvy; b OTABINATD OMA; ¢ METS Ha Koutepre 3° ¥ Bopnca ronosa Gonmr. Yro emy Hato nenav? a wnat «Boliny m Mup»; b IIH Ha AHCKOTEKY; ¢ AexaTb B nocrem 4 ¥ sac Gon nora. Yro nam Hao aenars? a HIpaTs B XOKKeif; b cane AoMa; ¢ TynsTb ¢ cobaKoii rete (now, noBws) to sing AueKoréKa discotheque Bolina wmnp War and Peace a s cAvoda » onWAN OF Lived > oNekH on £1 13.6 Read and write! Read the symptoms, advice and conclusions in the list below, then write a sentence about each following the model. Kro? Yro Gomn? Yro nenaTs? Suara, Hesham... a Ona amor ——TossoHuT» B oGenaT® » pecropane nommxmny b Tans nora emer josea urpars 8 TenHUC c Bu chia —sewaTh ocrem = paGorars » cany @ Ana ropno mrp wali c aumonom mer Ha KoHMepTe e Ox rn ormexars, ‘eMoTpers TeeRHIOp a Y Osm Gommr xemor. Ona nowkHa no38OHNTS B TOAH- KAHHHKY. 3HANHT eit MesDS# OGemaTe B pecropane. snces about the others listed above. Now write similar Comprehension £31 Conversation Read, listen and answer! Sasha is at the doctor’. Bpay Ha uTo epi oKanyeTecs? Cama —_-V mets Ger» Gon KHBGT. Bpay Kora dto Havandou? ‘Cama — Buepa TOneKo, Bpay — Mloxacire wie, rae y sac Gonitr? Cama Bot secs, c npasofi cropoxt Bpay Cristo Gonitr? Caura fla, A6kTop, dveH» GénbHO. Bpay Tx. Anneriit ects? Cama Her. /Buepé a niveré He en. CerdaHs Toke He xoMy ecto, Uro aénare, A6KTop? TanérKn MHe NoMoryT? Bpat Ae aymato. ¥ Bac, KéeKeToA, anneHgMyT. Caua —_S4BTpa wie Hi>KHO NogxaTs & HoBocuGiipcK! Bpay Hu 8 K6em cnysael Baw HipKHo HeméaneiHo & Sonbiity, caine strongly Hw B K6em cnjuae on no account G6neHO painful HeMéATeHHO immediatoly nveré He en} fate nothing True or false? YY Cam Gon pyxa. On Goxen yxe veTEIpe AH Y wero ciuisemie Gost (pains) » oxunore. Came ne xowerea ects. Cama fomxex npmamMate TaGserKH. Came Hens3a samrpa noexars B HosocuGupcn. menecs G2 Reading Read and listen to the letter and answer the questions in English a What cannot be bought? b_. For whom is illness particularly unpleasant? ¢ From what illness does Tamara’s child suffer? d Why are medicines a problem for Tamara? © What takes her a great deal of time every day? £ What must her child do four or five times every day? Yoaxdemsi peadxrop! «Bcé Méxuo xymits, xpéme snopénba». Bonérs scerné nenpuirno. J[éram océGenHo HenpuirHo. Y Mmoerd peGéuxa céxapaniit znaGér. Sto crpdumas Gonésus. A re mporpéce B aeséuum auadéra? Celie nce rosopéT Ho pamtio, no Testeptigopy. » raxérax o CITMJJe. A wro xe 1012661? Celiac » Poccria et nosMéxno stewitnen Geom: Ho y Mens taxis mpo6néma: Kpéme uncymina, He Boe xgoxnoe exdpcrea Geendram. Emé mpoGnéma. Kéxmisti neue a Tepito Méccy ppémewm p néucxax Hyxnbix oBouéli m pYxrow, a peGéHoK AdsvKeH 4-5 paz B deus upuuuMdrs miiiny. ro Ke me AéTaTR? Tasipa Visduonua Kysuendna, r. Tepe («Jluteparypuas rasera>) Gecnnérauih ‘GonéaH BoaM6KRO ‘8 nénexax (+ gen.) agopoaee xpéte (+ gen.) = chneda > ommchi one 8 cAneds 3 osm ont €h 1 noA syns Ajees soduunf ay} L9t'v GHdhO eoQe1 deainad In this unit you will earn + how to talk about clothes and appearance + how to ask for and give ‘advice about size and colour 164] £3 Dialogue ee Tra is shopping for a new jumper and Anna has gone Fly Mpa Awna Mpa Anna =| Mpa Anna Mpa Anta Mpa Anta Mpa Avia Vpa Anna Mpa Anna Vipa Mpa Anna Vipa Uo Th xOvewe Kyniitb, Vipa? Kyaa Met af A xouy KyniTs certrep. SHéuMT, Mt Nofigém cHaudna 8 yHusepmér, a écnn Tam Hiueré He Haiiay, nonaéM &. Marastin «Ogékaa, a nots & «MOAHbIA TPUKOTEDK, Apo waraaiina «Mégpbil TpAKoTaK» jyaneK6? Her, He Oven» — Stor maraatin Hax6auToa HeganeK6 oF cTéHunn weTPO AKageMitueckaa ... Tei He yoTana? Her, «70 Tel (Looking at jumpers in «MopHeih tpnkoréx».) Tet AYMaewe, YTo SToT cBitrep me MAST, AnHa? TaKoi kpaciani, Spxo-Kpacubit user! (Uncertainly) a, 64eH» ApKiit ... TOMKO HeMHEKKO man, no-mooMy. (Sighs.) fa, Tet npapa .. Alnocuorpi na Stor cavirep, of a pastép Gonaue. Tel He xOHeub er6 npnmépuTs? Ba ... (Tries it on) Tet He aymaeww, sro STor cexirep Beni? Her, Her, Sto nyawe, Ceittep Te6é ovenb ugér. Kakéro upéra Taos 106Ka? SenéHan, 4a? Ra, caérao-senénan. i yeépevia, To STOT YépHuIM cBMtTep O4eH xopOWO nogOAgeT K TaOSI KOOKe. Hy, a a xoréna kynit» calirep GOnee secénoro yséra. A cossryio Te66 KyniiTe BOT STOT YépHbil calTep. Ho a o6tiuHo HOUIy Gone ApKNe YBETA ... ‘Sas? YépHati uper Tak xopoUl6 Te6E Aer ~ BEAD y ‘Te64 TewHBIe rasd, TEMHbIe BONOCE, Tot B HEM OYEHS LunKapHo Bsirnapi, Mpéena? fla, moxeT Geir Te npasd. Xopows, a Bosbay BOT ToT. Ouens xopowss ... Can, Vipa, y Hac BpéMs euye ecTs? A Gser — KON TpMIAépHTS —_MeXOBYIO lari. Konésol Kak6il y Te6A paamép? He sia, Hiverd. Mponasuyiya nam noméxker. naiiay (Haxopirre/uairrh) yerana (yetapatb/ycrare) carep tne mat the jumper suits me SpKo-KpacHeth bright red luper (pl. ywera) colour man t00 small Ha paamép 6énewe a size bigger ‘npauépnaare/oper toty on to0 big senénas (sent green cBérno-sensuan light groon yeépewa (yBépennuii) certain, sure epi lack nysuie better pecénvit cheerful ‘noponnér « (noaxonireinogoitA) (here) will go with ‘A OGSIHO HOW (HOCmTS) —/ usually wear ‘TOMHBIA dark aénoce! hair waKépao sxirnaguuus you look smart mémer Germ perhaps Bosna (Gpare/sssTs) 10 take mexonéa unka fur hat MopHei TpuKoTém Fashionable Knitwear {name of a store) popasuyiya Haw nomémer (nomorére/nomé4s) the shop assistant will help us. @B Yxnsepmar: 2 department store Yamaepmar is a department store; the most famous of all Russian es describing their goods: O6yas (footwear), On@xkna (clothes), ToBapsi ann Aeréit (children’s goods), Xostopapb! (household goods). ab atHeno eges doxnes lh Questions eRe re wt True or false? ipa xoxer xymirh 106Ky. Chasana Mpa a Ania nyt 8

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