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Network Security: Modes of Operation Chap # 4

Network Security: Private

Communication in a Public world by Charlie
Kaufman , Radia Perlman & Mike Speciner

Punjab University College Of Information & Technology Lahore

Umair Bilal Chaudhry;

Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Encrypting Large Messages

Most secret key ciphers are block cipher w/ fixed size input
How to encrypt a large message?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Encrypting Large Messages

Most secret key ciphers are block cipher w/ fixed size input
How to encrypt a large message?
Electronic Code Book (ECB)
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
k-Bit Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
k-Bit Output Feedback Mode (OFB)
Counter Mode (CTR)

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Issues to Consider

Information leakage
does it reveal info about the plaintext blocks?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Issues to Consider

Information leakage
does it reveal info about the plaintext blocks?
Ciphertext manipulation
can an attacker modify ciphertext in a way that will produce a
predictable/desired change in the decrypted plaintext?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Issues to Consider

Information leakage
does it reveal info about the plaintext blocks?
Ciphertext manipulation
can an attacker modify ciphertext in a way that will produce a
predictable/desired change in the decrypted plaintext?
can the cipher encrypt/decrypt blocks in parallel?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Issues to Consider

Information leakage
does it reveal info about the plaintext blocks?
Ciphertext manipulation
can an attacker modify ciphertext in a way that will produce a
predictable/desired change in the decrypted plaintext?
can the cipher encrypt/decrypt blocks in parallel?
Error propagation
how many blocks will be affected by a garbled ciphertext block?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

Encrypt each block independently with the key, decrypt the same

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

Encrypt each block independently with the key, decrypt the same
Information leakage?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

Encrypt each block independently with the key, decrypt the same
Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are the same

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

Encrypt each block independently with the key, decrypt the same
Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are the same
Ciphertext manipulation?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

Encrypt each block independently with the key, decrypt the same
Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are the same
Ciphertext manipulation?
attacker can cut and paste ciphertext blocks

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

Encrypt each block independently with the key, decrypt the same
Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are the same
Ciphertext manipulation?
attacker can cut and paste ciphertext blocks
Parallel encryption/decryption?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

Encrypt each block independently with the key, decrypt the same
Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are the same
Ciphertext manipulation?
attacker can cut and paste ciphertext blocks
Parallel encryption/decryption?
Error propagation?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

previous ciphertext block to the message block, then encrypt it
Cn = K { mn Cn1} = E(mn Cn1, K )
use IV (not secret) so ciphertext of same messages is different
each ciphertext block depends on all previous blocks

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

previous ciphertext block to the message block, then encrypt it
Cn = K { mn Cn1} = E(mn Cn1, K )
use IV (not secret) so ciphertext of same messages is different
each ciphertext block depends on all previous blocks
mn = D(Cn, K ) Cn1
each plaintext block depends on ??? ciphertext blocks

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Information leakage?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
Jo knows plaintext of a certain byte of cypher text.
Ex: he knows his last byte is his salary and he knows
his salary to be 54000. Whatever the last cypher will
be will map to 54000. To make 54000 into 74000, he
needs to change the previous cypher so when it is
xord with 54000 gives 74000

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
modifying cn predictably changes mn+1 (= D(cn+1, K ) cn), but
garbles mn because mn = D(cn, K ) cn1

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
modifying cn predictably changes mn+1 (= D(cn+1, K ) cn), but
garbles mn because mn = D(cn, K ) cn1
rearranging ciphertext blocks with known < mi , ci > pairs allows
calculation of decrypted plaintext: mn = D(cn, K ) cn1

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
modifying cn predictably changes mn+1 (= D(cn+1, K ) cn), but
garbles mn because mn = D(cn, K ) cn1
rearranging ciphertext blocks with known < mi , ci > pairs allows
calculation of decrypted plaintext: mn = D(cn, K ) cn1
Parallel encryption/decryption?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
modifying cn predictably changes mn+1 (= D(cn+1, K ) cn), but
garbles mn because mn = D(cn, K ) cn1
rearranging ciphertext blocks with known < mi , ci > pairs allows
calculation of decrypted plaintext: mn = D(cn, K ) cn1
2 nd attack used mostly to
garble data and destroy it

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

CFB is a stream cipher very similar to OFB

Converts a Block Cipher to Stream Cipher
Does not require waiting for complete block for encryption
k bits shifted are k-bit ciphertext, instead of k-bit one-time pad
one-time pad cannot be generated in advance
Every byte requires a DES encryption
Rearranging attack not that harmful as not much data would
be in 8 bits

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
modifying cn predictably changes mn, but garbles ??? blocks

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
modifying cn predictably changes mn, but garbles ??? blocks
Parallel encryption/decryption?
encyption - No, decryption - Yes, why???

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
modifying cn predictably changes mn, but garbles ??? blocks
Parallel encryption/decryption?
encyption - No, decryption - Yes, why???

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

OFB is a stream cipher:one-time pad to be ed to message

64-bit OFB has a one-time pad of b0|b1|b2|b3|... with
b0 = K { IV } , b1 = K { b0} , b2 = K { b1} ...

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

OFB is a stream cipher:one-time pad to be ed to message

64-bit OFB has a one-time pad of b0|b1|b2|b3|... with
b0 = K { IV } , b1 = K { b0} , b2 = K { b1} ...
IV must never repeat!!!

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

OFB is a stream cipher:one-time pad to be ed to message

64-bit OFB has a one-time pad of b0|b1|b2|b3|... with
b0 = K { IV } , b1 = K { b0} , b2 = K { b1} ...
IV must never repeat!!!
pad is independent of the message, can be generated in advance

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

OFB is a stream cipher:one-time pad to be ed to message

64-bit OFB has a one-time pad of b0|b1|b2|b3|... with
b0 = K { IV } , b1 = K { b0} , b2 = K { b1} ...
IV must never repeat!!!
pad is independent of the message, can be generated in advance
k-bit OFB: only k bits of bn are used

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

Information leakage?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different

Fall 2014 34 / 42
Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?

Fall 2014 34 / 42
Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
A few garbled bits would damage only certain bits in the
message and wont effect other messages

Fall 2014 34 / 42
Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
A few garbled bits would damage only certain bits in the
message and wont effect other messages
Parallel encryption/decryption?

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Output Feedback Mode (OFB)

Information leakage?
ciphertext for identical plaintext blocks are different
Ciphertext manipulation?
A few garbled bits would damage only certain bits in the
message and wont effect other messages
Parallel encryption/decryption?
one-time pad can be generated sequentially
parallel encryption/decryption is possible with pre-generated pad

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Secret Key Cryptography Modes of Operation

Counter Mode

Stream cipher: one-time pad is K { IV } , ..., K { IV + n} , ...

one-time pad can be pre-computed
parallel encryption/decryption is supported
IV must never repeat!!!

Fall 2014 37 / 42
Secret Key Cryptography Message Authentication Code

Message Authentication

Encryption provides confidentiality for a message

How to use encryption to authenticate a message?
prove the message was created by someone with the key
prove it hasnt been modified except by someone with the key

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Secret Key Cryptography Message Authentication Code

Message Integrity with CBC Residue

Encrypt message using CBC mode with IV set to 0
The final ciphertext block is called CBC residue, transmit it with the
Confidentiality doesnt matter but integrity does
CBC residue depends on all previous blocks
only someone with the key can generate the correct CBC residue
(except with a probability of 2164)

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Secret Key Cryptography Message Authentication Code

Ensuring Privacy and Integrity

Encryption alone doesnt guarantee integrity

decryption just transfers the ciphertext to some message

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Secret Key Cryptography Message Authentication Code

Ensuring Privacy and Integrity

Encryption alone doesnt guarantee integrity

decryption just transfers the ciphertext to some message
CBC encryption plus CBC residue doesnt work
just repeat the final ciphertext block as the CBC residue

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Secret Key Cryptography Message Authentication Code

Ensuring Privacy and Integrity

Encryption alone doesnt guarantee integrity

decryption just transfers the ciphertext to some message
CBC encryption plus CBC residue doesnt work
just repeat the final ciphertext block as the CBC residue
CBC encryption of plaintext plus CBC residue doesnt work
the final ciphertext block is always K0, why?

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