Resume 2017 Eport

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Chaz D.

Quick learning NOC Engineer with great troubleshooting and customer service skills. I enjoy using my leadership skills to
inspire my peers to work together more effectively and efficiently. I work diligently to document all policies and
procedures regarding the work that I do.


M o t t C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e F l i n t , M I As s o c i a t e s D e g r e e G e n e r a l S t u d i e s
University of Michigan- Flint, MI Senior- Pursing BBA

Lakeville Memorial High School Otisville, MI

Diploma Honors Classes Graduated 2007

G e n e s e e Ar e a S k i l l C e n t e r F l i n t , M I
Network Admin Certification 2006



February 2016 Present
Responsible for building and troubleshooting client servers
Tro ub lesh oo t cus to mer backu ps o n mu ltip le plat fo r ms
Responsible for monitoring Client & Critical Infrastructure
Administrating multiple VMware VPC environments


January 2014 February 2016
Promoted to a supervisory position in just over a year
Lead an entire shift of employees
Responsible for developing and implementing training program


November 2012- January 2014
In charge of monitoring large telecommunications network
Responsible for coordinating network repairs and customer communication
R ep air an d m ain tain cu s to me r s erv ers in Co mlink s datacen ters

District Paraprofessional
L a p e e r C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l s - L a p e e r, M I
September 2011- November 2012
Presented a PD training session to staff
Wor k e d o n a d a i l y b a s i s w i t h c o g n i t i v e l y a n d e m o t i o n a l l y i m p a i r e d c h i l d r e n
Wor k e d w i t h a t e a m t o d e v e l o p i n d i v i d u a l l e a r n i n g p l a n s f o r s t u d e n t s
Realtor/Office IT Manager Grand Blanc, MI
October 2009 September 2011
Worked as a buyers agent helping people find homes to purchase
Managed the office phones, servers, and email system
Developed great customer service skills while working on phones

Head Easy Tech

Staples Burton, MI
September 2008 October 2009
In charge of technology and computer repair parts of store
In charge of employee schedule and training
Help drive sales for the department

Customer Service Manager

Wal - M a r t B u r t o n , M I
June 2007 September 2008

Was promoted three times within a year started as cart crew

In charge of the front end of store, breaks, and service desk
Responsible for collecting money drawers and ensuring they were balanced


Leadership Development Programs, Teamwork Building Camps, Computer Administration, Microsoft Office Training,
Training in Positive Behavioral Analysis, Educational Strategies, and CPI Training (Crisis Prevention)


Volunteered as a coach in variety of sports

A member of UofM Flints Entrepreneurs Society working with a variety of local businesses
Volunteered at Mt. Morris Free Methodist Church with their youth groups
Organized and ran an after school program at Rolland Warner Middle School focused on helping students learn to
effectively use technology as a resource


Available upon request

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