CRC Book Feb15 To Jan16

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Expenditure Jan-16 febuary Mar-15

Rent/Mortgage 200.00 200.00 200.00
Council Tax 137.00 137.00 137.00
Petrol 25.00 175.00 30.00
Car Insurance 45.76 45.76 45.76
Professional Cost
Indeminity Insu 32.80 32.80 32.80
Electric 40.00 40.00 40.00
Water 43.00 43.00 43.00
Accountant 45.00 45.00 45.00
Membership 76.00 76.00 76.00
Gas 20.00 20.00 20.00
Salary ( Sectary )
Business meeting 35.00
MOT +Car Service 138.08
DVLA 68.25
No. of shifts 0.00 9.00 16.00
Meals -20/shift 0.00 180.00 320.00
Parking - 7/shift 0.00 63.00 112.00
Mileage Cost - 27/shift 0.00 243.00 432.00
Medical insurance 18.00 18.00 18.00
Mobile 41.88 41.88 41.88
Total 930.77 1369.44 1644.44

Sheet2 contains shift report

NOTES: For utilities and rates you need to divide 1by the amount of rooms which are in the house t
For petrol divide the total amount of miles you have travelled for the month by total business milea
Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15

200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00
75.00 30.00 125.00 48.00 85.00 27.75 75.00
45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76 45.76
32.80 32.80 32.80 32.80 32.80 32.80 32.80
40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00
45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00
20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
66.74 75.65 151.00

9.00 13.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 7.00 6.00
180.00 260.00 60.00 100.00 40.00 140.00 120.00
63.00 91.00 21.00 35.00 14.00 49.00 42.00
243.00 351.00 81.00 135.00 54.00 189.00 162.00
18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00
37.99 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94
1503.75 1509.24 1063.15 1588.75 1392.50 1610.25 1753.50

rooms which are in the house times the amounts charged

e month by total business mileage times the cost of petrol for the month then times the amout by 45 pence
Nov-15 Dec-15 Total

200.00 200.00 2400
137.00 137.00 1644
50.00 25.00 770.75
45.76 45.76 549.12
32.80 32.80 393.6
40.00 40.00 480
43.00 39.37 512.37
45.00 45.00 540
76.00 76.00 836
20.00 20.00 240
500.00 2500
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 1400
0.00 0.00 490
0.00 0.00 1890.00
18.00 18.00 216
39.94 39.94 483.15
1247.50 718.87 16186.16

the amout by 45 pence

CRC CARING LTD - Shifts Report From FEBUARY 2015 TO JANUARY 2016

Dates Location Hours Miles Mileage cost

2/11/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/12/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/15/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/16/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/20/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/25/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/26/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/27/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
2/28/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/1/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/2/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/6/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/7/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/8/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/11/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/13/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/14/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/15/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/17/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/18/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/19/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/20/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/22/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/27/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
3/28/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/2/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/3/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/5/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/11/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/17/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/18/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/21/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/22/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
4/24/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/1/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/2/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/8/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/9/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/14/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/19/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/20/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/22/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/23/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/24/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/27/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/29/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
5/30/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
JUNE , 2015
6/12/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
6/19/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
6/20/2015 QE Birmingham 11 60 27
JULY , 2015
7/2/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
7/4/2016 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
7/10/2016 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
7/17/2016 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
7/31/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
8/1/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
8/21/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
9/6/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
9/7/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
9/8/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
9/12/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
9/25/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
9/26/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
9/27/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
10/3/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
10/8/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 110 27
10/9/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
10/17/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
10/24/2015 QE Birmingham 12.5 60 27
10/30/2015 QE Birmingham 11.5 60 27
NUARY 2016

breaks Parking Shifts Count monthly

9 Mileage from home to work place = 30
25 7 Total miles from home to work place = 60
25 7 Mileage Cost = 60x0.45
25 7 27 (each shift )
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
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25 7
25 7
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25 7
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25 7
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25 7
25 7
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25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
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25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
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25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 6.8
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
25 7
work place = 30
to work place = 60

each shift )

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