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PYAME Dost be On —— AND Ut OTHERS h te 6 Rights of people In the Light of Quran & Sunnah BLA RIGHTS OF PFO! SS Inthe name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Alas Messenger (SAW) sad: “Do you know who 1 poor?” They (the Companions ofthe Prophet sad: ‘A poor man amongst us is one who has rneithercrhar with him nor weath”He (the Prophet said: “The poor of my Ummah woud be he who woud come onthe Dy of Resurrection with payers and fasts and zakah but (he would ind hse bankrupt on that doy os he would have exhausted hs funds of vues) snc he hurled abuses ypon others brought calumny agaist thes and unlawful consumed the wealth of others and shed the blood of others and bet oer, and his irtues would be credited to the acount of one (wh suffered at his hand). Andi his good deeds al short to clear the acount, then his sins would be entered in (his acount and he wouldbe town inthe Hel-Fre"(Mustim) ‘This means that we must aot only do good deeds, but that it is equally important to safeguard them, In addition to being obedient to Allah we ‘must be sincere well-wishers fr Alls creation So mentioned here are just Some ofthe ght thershave onus. We need to try our esto get to know ‘ur responsibilities and rather than focisng on caiming our right from thers, we shouldbe more concer about giving them this. Some BasicThings ‘= “Austin i he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe” (Musi) ‘slam terally means peace, safety and sect. So what kind ofa Muslim would harm afellow Mustim wth hishand or tongue? ‘= TheProphet (SAW sat: Do not be people without minds ofyour own, saying that others reat you wel you wl weather welland tha if they do wrong, you wil do wrong; but accustom yourselves todo ood if people do ‘good and not do wrong they do evi” (Tirmidhi,) = Tobe fairand justin giving people theit rights is extremely important itis not coect io neglect one uty to one's wife and cilren and be concemed only about giving the parents their ight; neither itcorect to beso influenced by the love fr one wife and children that their rights are sjven at the expense ofthe rights of ones parents and siblings. A ustice andfaimess) meanstobe balanced in one's approach Faimessisenoinedin Islam time and time again and although the reason given inthe Quran fr the permission for more than one nikah (mariage) is primarily out of concern forthe orphans, but we hae ben tod: “Buf you fear that you shal ot be able to dal justly (with more than one wife) then ony one (4:3) = People’ right are often usurped when the other party is considered week, However itis important to remind ourselves that in both our power andthe relative weakness of others is our test Narrated Abu Mas'udal-Ansri(RAA) that: es Beating my slave with a hip whe | head the voice ofthe Prophet (SAW) behind me and he was saying Bear in mind, Abu Masud, very Allah has mre dominance upon you than you have upon your lve (then) sid Iwill ever beot my serantin fire” (Muslin, ‘> “Nocbedence frei deeds, obedienceisequred onlin whatisgood” (Buknari) > Allah has specif the ode of relationships and this should be kept inmind when giving people their due rights. Ths means that even fone i a fountain of generosity for athers,the generosity has no value in hs sightifone hasnt gven the near ones their rights fis. ‘= slam creates in a person the deste and spirit to seve and beneft others. Abeleveris meantto be agiverratherthanareceiver andifheisnot able to help others, he shoud atleast try to refan from causing them problems ormaking tings dificult fo them. = According toa Hadith, Hell beceme incumbent on a woman whose \ 7D_READ AND AS READ GN la LA RIGHTS OF PEOPLE SY «at died becuse she dd nat give it food or drink, while Paradise will be ‘the reward ofa man who removed a thorny branch ofa tree from the way Just imagine what asin it to cause distress to humankind and how reward worthy itis to help them in their ifclties and make things easy forthem. = "Fanyone deprives on her of his neritance Aah wil depriehim of isinhertanc in Paradseon the Day fRsurecton” (Ibn e Majeh) ‘= Pride and arogances normally the root cause of ot ving people ‘thei rights. About the arogant, the Prophet (SAW) sald: "The proud willbe resucted ike specks on the Day of Rsueton nthe form of men, covered «lund with ignominy” (Trig) ‘o> The teal goal of ll our striving should be to please Allah and He judges us according to our intentions and efforts. Soi our intention ae pureand wedo our best, lah willbe well-pleased wth us evenf the other person isnot satisfied with our efforts. ‘The Rights of the Parents ‘ter llahrights onus, paentsare foremost on thelist when it comesto Inaccordance with hismeansand atthe ame tine staying within the Ilamically permissible limits, she should make herself attractive for her ‘husband, She should aso kep hikes an css in mind when spending TA RIGHTS OF PEOPLE a ismone, in adition to maintaining an attde of rateflnss to him ‘= “Mrawoman es whileher husband waspeased wth her shevilenter Paradis (Tirmidhi) ‘The Rights of Relatives ‘ia rohm(alntainng tes of kinship) means being good to relates. ‘Aman asked the rope (SAN), "OAlah’s Apostle! Who mre entitled to be trated with the best companionship by me” The Prophet (SAW) replied: "Your mother, next your mother, next your mother, and then comes your {athe andthen your reaiesin rer ofeatonhip” (Abu Dawood) ‘Ths means tata person parents, then his wife and citren, brothers and sisters in that ode aethe forernostintheline of lative followed by those who ae clases lationship. The daser the lationship, the higher the roi. ‘> “Theword Ar Rahn (wom) drives itsname from Ar Rahman one of thenames of Ala) and Allah sc: wil keep goodrelation withthe one who wil Keep good relation with you, (womb, ie ith and kin) and seve the relation with hi who wi sever therlation with you, (womb, Le. kth and sin)" Bukhari) ‘> "The person who seves the bond of kinship will nat enter Paradise” (Bukhari) ‘> "Sodagah charity) given toa poor manisjustsadaga, but when gen ‘oa eltvitseres a double purpose, being both sadagah anda connecting link? (Tri) = “He who wishes to have his provision enlarged and his term of fe prolonged shoud treat his relatives well (Bukhari) ‘= “thapeson provides for andloks ater two or three daughters or two co thee sisters, until they separate fam him (by geting marie ory dying) runt e des and leaves ther behind then he and wil be ite these tn Paradise" and to show what he meant by “these two" the Prophet (SAW) Pointed this index and middle ger. (Ahmad) ‘= “Sogivewhatis due to kindred the needy ond the wafer Thats best for those who sek the Countenance of lah and its they who wil prosper.” (Quran-30:38) Tis means that giving to relatives isnot charity but their right upon youand tis favourthat you are doing them. ‘= Maintaining a good relationship with relatives may require alot of patience and tolerance andthe abit to overlook thet mistakes and forgive them. When problems exist between family members respective of who's, at fault we should resolve to obey Allah and His prophets commands. we are at fal, then itis even mare important to make amends. the other party iat fault, then despite being blameless, itis more pleasing to Aah that we shoul inate the process of puting things right a5 son as possible. According othe Prophet (SAW) itis not perisible fora Muslim to have estranged relations with another Muslim fr more than thee days. “The beter ofthe twos the one who starts greeting the other (Bukhari) = A person said: “Alo Messenger, ave relatives with whom ty to have ose relationship, but they seve (ths relation). tect them we, but they treatm lam sweet them but they are hash towards me Upon this, he (the Prophet sad: "ts so as you say, then youn fact throw hot ashes (upon teirfaces and there would aweys remain with you on behalf Aah {an Angel support you) wo would keep you dominant oer them slang as ‘you adhere 1othis (ath of righteousness). (Muslim) ‘ter being bestowed the honour fa helper to support him, what more cana person want? The Rights of Neighbours Due to the proximity, a neighbour canbe a better companion than any ‘others in both our good and bad times. tis aso due to this very proximity that ther isa greater chance of hurting or aggravating him. HFapersonisnot only a neighbour butalsoa relative then he has the most ae RIGHTS OF PEOPLE some ights on us. This followed by our Musi neighbour and then our non-Muslim one. In the case of having mare than one neighbour, the neighbour whose door sclsesthas greater rights on us = “Gabel kept on commending the neighbour to meso that thought he would make him an hei” (Bukhari) ‘> “Tswearby God he doesnt believe, Iswear by Go he doesnot ble, |swearby God he doesnot believe. The oe fom whose injurious conduct is ‘neighbours not safe will no enter Paras” Muslim) ‘= ‘Abefverisnottheane who eat hisfll hen hsneighbour beside him ‘shungry(Bainagi) ‘= Inllam we have been instructed tobe a good as we can to even the “ “Those who unjustly eat up th property of orphans eat up afr ito theionn bodies: they wllscon be enduring blazing fre (Quan-4:10) ‘> "land the one who looks ter an orphon wil be like thisin Paradise” and the Prophet (SAN) was showing his middle and index fingers and separating them. (Bukhari) Rights of the Poor, Needy, Helpless and the Calamity-Sticken ‘= Onseeing 2 crippled beggar on the streets or some ther helpless person, we shoud try to visualize ouseves inthe same poston, Tis wll bing about a feeling of gratitude to Ala for having saved us from sucha fate We should remind curses that this is a test from Allah who i, watching to see how we wil teat those les privileged than us. = "He who alts the sufrng of brother fam the fection ofthe world, Alb wil alleviate his affections fom the suferngs ofthe Day of Resurection He who find rele fr one who i har pressed lh vel make things esy for him nthe erate and he ho conceal (the fous) ofa Masi, \EZD_READ AND LET OTHERS READ NS ‘Ala would conceal faut nthe ward andi he Hereafter Allah sat the ‘back ofaserant so lng asthe servants athe ack of bater Musi) ‘= "Many a person with disheveled har and covered with dusts turned away fo the doors (whereas he shed in such ahh este by Ala) that ie weretoadre in the name of Aah (about anything) Allah would fui thot" (Mustim) From this ve lear that those people who lock down onthe poor and needy ae truly shortsighted. ts frequent happens that once itisknown that a person is about to become powerful, people immediately start flattering and giving him attention in the hope that he wil benefit them ‘when he acquies his new postion. But itis strange tat thes pious but oor people who have so much standing with Al are not considered ‘worthy of attention. tis possible thatthe poor man, who isthe picture of humility and deprivation here, may became a great king in the Hereafter and then we will wish that we had befiended him. If he can become a source of honour for usin the Hereafter, why should we not establish a bond ‘ofrespect, love and compassion with im inthis ery word? ‘= "When yu sil in your brother’ foe or enjoin wha isreputoble, or forbid whats objectonabe ordre someone who has lost his way or hepa ‘man who has bad eyesil,orremove stones thamsand bones fm theroad, pour water fom your bucet nto your bother, counts youas charity.” (irmiahi) So we shoul ryt help theless pleged and calamity-sticken people asmuch as we can and we wil In sha Allah, be saved fom calamities i both this wold and the next The Rights ofthe Ruler and the Ruled = "any ner having the authority to rule Musi subjects des while he ‘sdecevng them, Allah wil forbid Prac for him: (Bukhari) ‘= "AMuslm os tolsten to and obey (ie order of srl) whether he likes to not fang as his orders do nt inl one in dsobedience (to ‘Ala but fan at of disobedence (to Allah's imposed one should not iste ‘oitorcbey t"(Bukhar) The Rights ofthe Sick “Yel, when a Muslim vis hissck Muslim rather he's as twee none of the garden of Praie(enoying tripe fut) nt he returns to his ‘rome Tirmidhi) ‘The Rights of Debtors and Creditors ‘= Debts be they for small or lage amounts, shouldbe contacted in ‘wing, specifying the repayment period in oder to avoid problems later on, (Quran-2:282) ‘= “Althe sins of marty ar forgiven except debt ”(Mustim) ‘= "He who grants a respite to one who in statened cumstances or remiss deb willbe taken by Aah under Hs protection” (Muslim) The Rights of Servants, Workers & Employees ‘= "ne who teats badly those under his authority willnot enter Pradlse” (irmiahi) ‘= “Give the iling his wags before his sweat dies e Majah) ‘= “Tshal bean adversary onthe Dy of Resurrection fr aman who ied «aservantand after receiving fll ervce fom hi, didnot give him his wages” (Bukhari) The Rights of Dhimmis, Non-Muslims ving in an Islamic state are called hin becuse the Islamic state has taken te esponsibility for protecting ther lives, property and honour. In adtion to these rights, they have the freedom to fllow theirreligon. ‘= "Whoever led a Muah (a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Musi) shall nat smel the fragrance of Paradise though ts DLA ; RIGHTS OF PFOPL SX fragrance canbe smelt at adstanc of ft years of traveling) (Bukhari) ‘= “Beware fanyone wrongs contracting manor diminishes sight, or forces im to work beyond his capac, o takes fom hin anything without his consent, shal plead for him onthe ay ofudgement.(Abu Dawood) ‘The Rights ofthe Human Brotherhood {nIlam, al human beings are tobe treated wel and deserve our hel, sympathy and compassion. The life, property and honour of every person, imespectve of whether he is a Muslim or non-Musim, is considered inviolable. ll humanity sthe progeny of Adam (AS) and hence, asbrothers, they shouldbe sincere well ishers for each ater. ‘= ‘Alcretures are God ward, and those dearest Gadarethe ones who treats ward kindy” (Baihaqi) ‘The Way ofthe Prophet(SAW) and his companions: ‘= Every chapter of theif ofthe Prophet (SAW) replete with stories of benevolence and the highest standard of good treatment with others. ‘= Aman sid tothe Prophet (SA), ‘Messenger of Alla | have slaves who litme, deceive me and dsabey me, and reve and beat ther. How do stand wit respect other?" He replied, "nthe Day of Resurrection account willbe taken ofthe extent ofthe dec, dsabedience and yng toward yo, «nd ofthe punishment you administered totem. our punishment of them wasinacordance with ther offences its being exact ight wll count nether {or younor against you. your punishment of them wasless than theroflence cleserved it wl be something extra o your credit. But your punishment of them was greater than their offences, deserved equi willbe token from you

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