Complite Writing

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The bar chart shows information of calls activities in three different categories
from 1995 to 2002 and is measured in billions minutes. Overall, it is important to
note that the local category saw the highest number of calls duration with the
different much than other categories in the beginning the period. In contrast, all
figure of the calls duration show amoung similar rates in the over time frame.

Initially, the locals communication is the most favorite of communication

category than the other two. Meanwhile, there expererienced the fluctuation
during the period. Interestingly, the local call has start with a well rate at 73
billions minutes and the highest achievement at 90 in 1999. Unfortunaltely, over
the following three years, there dropped significantly to 73 in 2002.

Turning to two other categories, the calling by international and mobiles

categories stood at 38 and 3 billions minutes respectively in 1995. Interestingly,
the number of percentage by mentioned subjects saw a dramatic rise continually
untill the end of the period.

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