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The following diagram shows how greenhouse gases trap energy from

the Sun. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the

information shown below.

The diagram illustrates the influence of some human activities for the suns
energy. Overall, it is immediately apparent that the extra carbon dioxide was
produced from several activities of humans. Furthermore, there were some
processes of suns energy which was caused by the gases which were released.

Some sources which released the carbon dioxide. First, the cars engine puts out
the exhaust gases into space. Second, the burning fossils fuels of factories and
homes are the major source which released extra carbon dioxide. On another
side, the large areas of forest have been cut down by the cutters whereas it is
useful to absorb the carbon dioxide.

The carbon dioxide fuse in the air becoming a cloud which will disturb the sun
light activities up to the earth. It can be seen that the clouds reflected the energy
off atmosphere and trapped the heat energy that was sent back to the earth.

Energy from the Sun reaches the Earth as heat. Some of this heat energy is subsequently/then
radiated into space, while some of it is trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and
reflected back to Earth. This is a natural process, but in recent decades, human activities have
led to an increase in the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which is now
trapping too much heat.

One of the main greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, and extra quantities of this are
released/have been released into the atmosphere as a result of burning fossil fuels as a source
of energy in power stations, factories and homes. Exhaust gases from cars and lorries result
in/have resulted in further emissions of carbon dioxide.

Plants serve to remove some of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by absorbing it
through their leaves. However, as large areas of forest are (being) felled/have been felled in
the Amazon and elsewhere, less carbon dioxide is removed in this way.


The diagram illustrates the way in which greenhouse gases are produced and
further how these gases trap heat from the sun. One of the most common way
gases are released into the earths atmosphere is by means of transport. The
engine of a car, plane, motorized boat or other vehicles release toxic substances.
The pollutants also meet with extra carbon dioxide, evacuated from power-plants
or factories which burn fossil fuels, forming a clutter of man-made pollutants. The
process is fastened also by the marring deforestation, which logs trees that could
have absorbed the man produced carbon dioxide. The second stage takes place
in the atmosphere, where a part of the energy received from the sun should be
reflected back to the outer space. Instead, the greenhouse gases trap the heat,
warming up the environment. Overall, it is easy to notice that pollution itself is a
complex process, with roots in the mankind actions. [ Written by - Gianina C. ]


One of the most common way gases are released into the earths atmosphere is by means of
transport. The engine of a car, plane, motorized boat or other vehicles release toxic
substances. The pollutants also meet with extra carbon dioxide, evacuated from power-plants
or factories which burn fossil fuels, forming a clutter of man-made pollutants. The process is
fastened also by the marring deforestation, which logs trees that could have absorbed the man
produced carbon dioxide.

The second stage takes place in the atmosphere, where a part of the energy received from the
sun should be reflected back to the outer space. Instead, the greenhouse gases trap the heat,
warming up the environment.

Overall, it is easy to notice that pollution itself is a complex process, with roots in the
mankind actions.

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