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Average weekly household expenditure by region, 2007-09

The bar chart shows the information of spending money every week by FOR ten
different cities in England during 2007-2009 FROM 2007 TO 2009 and is
measured in the number of pound sterling. Overall, it is immediately apparent
that the families of London saw the highest rate of expendable money in weekly
during the period. There is shown that the cities were sequenced upward from
the lowest rate to the highest rate.

Initially, London household donated the highest rate in expenditure overthan

MORE THAN 500 pound sterling in the total rate of England household during the
period THE TIME FRAME. However, the families in North East saw the lowest rate
of weekly expenditure less than 400 pound sterling.


Over the following two years, all cities had the variety rate of expendable money
in 7 days. Interestingly, North West and East Midlands saw almost similarity of
rate at around 420 pound sterling and South West rate and total rate of England
cities had the same quantity of the weekly expenditure.

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