Reality: They Supposed That The Kingdom of God Was To Appear

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(Luke 21:8-11)
April 9, 2017

Read Luke 21:8-11 My watch has a stopwatch function. So one day, I

pushed the button to time something. A few minutes later, I pushed the button
to stop the watch. But surprise! It showed minus 2 minutes. Impossible? Yes.
It was calibrated incorrectly. Instead of starting at zero, it started at -6 minutes.
It was out of touch with reality and had to be recalibrated by an expert.

Similarly, Jesus disciples have a hope that is out of touch with reality. Luke
19:11b, they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately.
But that wasnt happening. They had given everything for a false hope that
started in the wrong place. So Jesus has to reset their expectations. Thats the
purpose of the Olivet Discourse His longest prophetic sermon which
continues thru the end of this chapter. Already weve covered three points:
A Reach for Hope (5) an appeal to the temple as their center.
A Repudiation of Hope (6) -- Jesus prediction temple is going!
A Reapplication for Hope (7) Given this, the disciples have 3 questions:
Mt 24:3: Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your
coming and of the end of the age? They know nothing of Jesus going away
so His coming to them is to set up His kingdom. In their minds, the temple
destruction, His coming and the end of the age are must be simultaneous. So
Jesus must clarify in detail.

IV. A Reorientation of Hope (8-33)

In a nutshell, what Jesus will clarify is this: 1) the temple and Jerusalem will
be destroyed. 2) He will be absent for an indeterminate, but lengthy period of
time. Thus the temple destruction and His coming again are two separate
events. 3) He will come again in an unmistakable manner. 4) Whereas His
first coming was about providing salvation for everyone who would believe
and instituting the spiritual element of His kingdom by His rule in hearts the
second coming will be characterized by judgment on all unbelievers and the
establishment of both the spiritual and physical elements of His kingdom.

So, the disciples expectations were not wrong as to content, just as to timing.
They never imagined a 2,000 plus year church age, of which they would be
founders! Thus, the need for this recalibration of hope and expectations.

Now, Matt and Mark primarily address Jesus answer to what will be the
sign of your coming and of the end of the age. So, their gospels address
issues future even to us. Luke primarily records Jesus answer to the first
question when will these things be [destruction of the temple]? But, since
that event is predictive of an even worse ultimate judgment, Luke does make
some limited reference to the intervening age, and the Second Coming.

Rejection delayed full realization of the kingdom a delay characterized by

hardship. Persecution will be the norm, not the exception. The intervening
age will see people trust Christ, but also be a continuing reminder of the
consequences of rejecting Christ. In the Fathers time, Hell come again, and
their expectations will be met just not where, when and how they thought.
So vv. 8-33 record 5 characteristics of the new age to reorient expectations.

A. Disturbing Delay (8-11)

What time do vv. 8-11 indicate? Vv 12-19 clearly refer to events that will
happen to the apostles prior to 70 AD. But vv. 8-11 are harder to pinpoint.
The main message is clear. There is going to be a delay characterized by harsh
conditions. Things will be calamitous at times. But, v. 9: do not be terrified.
Expect calamity, but dont be terrified.

Okay but when? What time period is this referring to? Is it the time between
now and the destruction of the temple in 70 AD as some suggest? Is it a
general pattern of the intervening church age as others have it? Or, is Jesus
indicating what happens just before His 2nd coming? What is the right answer?
Ill tell you what I think, and why. But realize it is impossible to be dogmatic.
You may agree or disagree; its hard to be certain here, but there are clues.

For context, let me give an overview of the Bibles teaching on eschatology

(study of future things). Good, Godly people disagree on these details. But the
pre-millennial, pre-tribulational position Ill show you is most faithful to a
grammatical, historical interpretation of Scripture. It takes Bible texts
literally unless there is good reason to infer figurative language much like
you would read any book. Others who are absolutely faithful to the gospel
message take a less literal view of eschatology [future things] but they are
our highly respected and valued brothers and sisters in Christ.

So, look with me at the overview which we will reference throughout this
study. A copy is on the back of your outline. The next prophetic event on

Gods timetable is called the Rapture. This is first of two phases of Jesus
Second Coming. Its described in I Thess 4:14-17. 14 For since we believe that
Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him
those who have fallen asleep. 15 For this we declare to you by a word from the
Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not
precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will descend
from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with
the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then
we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

Notice in this event, Jesus does not come all the way to earth as he will in the
second phase of His Second Coming 7 years later. And people leave earth
here which they wont later. These are two separate events. This is the end of
the church age. When Israel rejected Jesus, God stopped the time clock on His
dealings with Israel and created a new entity the church to represent Him
on earth. That ends when He is ready to deal with Israel again. No prophetic
event remains to be accomplished before the Rapture. It could happen today.

Following the rapture, God turns His attention from the church to Israel as a
nation again, and seven years of marked tribulation follow. In Daniel 9:24-27
God prophesied a period of 70 periods of 7 (obviously years) = 490 years
starting with a decree issued by the Persian Artaxerxes in 445 BC allowing the
Jewish exiles to rebuild Jerusalem. It prophesied that from that decree to the
cutting off of Messiah 483 of the 490 years would elapse, which they did. But
the last period of 7 years never happened. The prophetic clock stopped due
to Israels rejection and has never started again. The Rapture will signal the
restart of that clock. Seven years of tribulation will follow (Rev 6-18).

The Trib is divided into two periods of 3-1/2 years each. Chaos will reign
throughout, but will intensify exponentially during the last half the Great
Trib. Why? Dan 9 clarifies. During the first half of the Trib, a world-ruler,
Anti-Christ, establishes himself on the world stage as the ultimate human
authority. Then Dan 9:27: And he [Anti-Christ] shall make a strong covenant
with many [Israel] for one week [7 years], and for half of the week he shall
put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall
come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the
desolator. Anti-Christ will make a 7-year Peace Pact with Israel at the
beginning of the Trib. But after 3-1/2 half years he will break his covenant,
stop Jewish sacrifices which have been established in a new temple, and set

himself up to be worshiped (an abomination to Israel). II Thess 2:4 says he,
opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship,
so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be
God. Daniel calls this an abomination that will desolate the Jewish people.
The last 3-1/2 years of the Trib are like nothing the world has ever seen (Dan
7:25; 12:7; Rev 11:2; 12:6, 14; 13:5).

Now, to Jesus sermon Matt 24:15, So when you see the abomination of
desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the
reader understand), 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Jesus picks up on Daniels prediction of this abuse in the temple that ignites
unprecedented persecution against the Jewish people. This gives us a time
reference. Mt 24:15 is mid-Trib. Now we can work backwards to a couple of
other time references. So back in v. 5 Jesus gives some signs false
Messiahs, wars, famines, earthquakes same list as Luke. But Mt adds one
telling statement Luke doesnt have! 8 All these are but the beginning of the
birth pains. So, these arent the end. They are general signs of the whole age!

V. 9 begins another section: 9 Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and
put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my names sake.
Note the word tribulation. This comes right on the heels of his comment that
the turmoil in vv. 5-8 is the beginnings of birth pains. So it makes sense that in
v. 9 weve moved into the actual birth the beginning of the end the start of
the actual 7-year tribulation. Are you with me? Hang in.

This section ends at v. 14, 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be
proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then
the end [of the age] will come. Remember, Jesus is answering the question
about signs of the end, and in this verse, He has taken us all the way there
end of the 7 years of Tribulation, and right to the verge of His 2nd coming.

Note, Jesus uses the word tribulation twice more in this chapter. We know
that in v. 15 He has moved exactly to mid-trib. In v. 21 He summarizes
this last 3-1/2 year period: For then there will be great tribulation,
such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never
will be. So, Jesus refers to this last 3-1/2 years as Great Tribulation. Then
drop down to v. 29: Immediately after the tribulation of those days guess
what? Jesus comes in v. 30. So, here Jesus is clearly using the word
Tribulation to refer to Daniels 70th week the last 7 years of history as we
know it.

So, while valid opinions vary what I think Jesus is doing in Mt 24 is this: 5-
8 = general signs of the whole church age from Pentecost to the Rapture -- the
beginning of birth pains, but not the actual Tribulation. 9-14 = Tribulation
time in general with emphasis on the first half. 15-28 = Last half of the
Tribulation and then Jesus comes again. Okay so thats the pattern.

Now back to our question on Lu 21:8-11. Is it describing the time leading up

to destruction of Jerusalem; general characteristics of the church age or are
these Tribulation events? When we see the wording of Lu 21:8-11 matches
almost exactly Mt 24:5-8 which we determined characterizes the church age
in general, so must Lu 21:8-11. This is further shown by v. 9 where Jesus
says, 9 And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, for these
things must first take place, but the end will not be at once. End refers to
end of the age. These things all occur prior to that. Thus vv. 8-11 are
general characteristics of the current church age.

And the main message is, Guys, theres a delay. The kingdom is not coming
immediately as you expect. And the delay will tough -- a wild ride the whole
way. In Jesus absence there will be false Messiahs. Dont go after them.
And there have been many through the years. Around AD 44 a man named
Theudas claimed to be Messiah (Acts 5:38) and promised to part the Jordan
River. He didnt and the Romans massacred him and 400 followers. In the 2nd
century Simon Bar Cochba was identified as Messiah by a leading rabbi and
led a revolt against Rome leading to his death and death of 5,000 followers.

Shabbetai Zvi, a Jewish rabbi announced in 1648 that he was Messiah and
gained a huge following. But when captured by the Muslims he converted to
Islam on pain of death. And, the list of those claiming to be Jesus or Messiah
extends to our day with the likes of David Koresh, Jim Jones and Sun
Moon. Others may not claim to be Jesus, but claim to know when He is
coming writing exotic books claiming The time is at hand. Jesus says,
Dont go after them. There will be a new one around every corner. Dont
go after them. Youll know when Jesus comes, meantime be faithful! He
tells His disciples in Acts 1:8, It is not for you to know times or seasons that
the Father has fixed by his own authority. That prohibition still stands. Study
prophecy, yes. But when someone starts predicting dates be wary.

V. 9 predicts wars. Certainly that describes our age. By one estimate there
were 50 significant wars in the first 1000 years after Christ and 850 since

then 500 of those since 1800. They are increasing in number and deadliness.
But they are not the end. We had a war to end all wars in WWI. Peace lasted
20 years. V. 10 continues this theme of nation against nation. Until the human
heart is changed, war is inevitable. Historian Will Durant writes, War is one
of the constants of history, and has not diminished with civilization and
democracy. In the last 3,421 years . . . only 268 have seen no war. Its easy
to think war means the end. But Jesus advice is Dont be terrified, for these
things must take place, but the end will not be at once. War takes a huge toll.
War is the norm, not the exception. But war will not end the age, Jesus will!

V. 11 further predicts famine, earthquakes, pestilences and terrors and great

signs from heaven. Terrors -- deadly fires, nuclear accidents, terrorist attacks.
Were getting first hand experience, right? Great signs from heaven will
become catastrophic worldwide during the tribulation as described in
Revelation, but we get hints during this age with tornadoes, hurricanes and the
like. History is replete with devastating earthquakes and volcanoes and tidal
waves. According to Luke 18 all these things are intended by God to show the
realities of eternity and the need to repent and be ready. Its God saying to
mankind, Remember, youre not in control of your destiny. I am, and
unless you repent, you will likewise perish.

Conc Now, why is Jesus telling this to the disciples? He is setting

expectations. Heres Phase I in recalibrating hope. They were expecting a
kingdom; theyre getting delay -- a disturbing delay. But Jesus knows it. He
can even predict it, so the message is 19 By your endurance you will gain your
lives. Theres the key. Things arent happening they way you expected.
But victory is coming. So meantime endure. Keep the faith.

Its the same message we all need. Been 2,000 years now. Whens He coming?
Soon. Things arent happening in my life the way I planned. What do I do?
Endure. Keep the faith, and you will gain your life.

Building the Panama Canal turned out to be a lot more difficult than anyone
thought. Criticism against Col Geo Washington Goethals who was in charge
grew fierce. So a colleague asked him, Arent you going to answer these
critics? Goethals replied, In time. But when? Goethals replied, When
the canal is finished! And thats just when Jesus will finally answer all His
critics. Every question answered. Every wrong, righted. Every suffering worth
it. Delay doesnt mean defeat. It just means, delay. Meantime Dont worry.
Endure. In the end, Jesus wins and so do His followers. Lets pray.


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