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Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000000

10th International Conference on Marine Technology, MARTEC 2016

Establishment of EEDI Baseline for Inland Ship of Bangladesh

Dr. Md. Mashud Karima, S.M. Rashidul Hasanb*
Professor, Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Ph.D Student, Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh


Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) [1] was introduced by the International Maritime organization (IMO) to stimulate
innovation and technical development of all elements that increase the level of energy efficiency of a ship at design stage. Sea
going ships over 400 gross tonnage are considered in the current regulation of EEDI. Inland ships are not covered by current
EEDI regulations by IMO. As inland vessels share 0.6% of the global CO2 emission [2], the reduction attempt will not have
bigger impact. But from the commercial point of view of a country the significance is very high, specially for under developed
countries like Bangladesh. Inland self propelled ships face additional restrictions (shallow water/channel, low density water,
restriction of ships dimension, etc.) which increase the power requirement at the same speed, burning more fuel and emit more
CO2. This paper is a continuation of the Ph.D research of the author where previous published papers [3] results were updated
and verified. The result of this paper would be one of the 1st attempts in the world was made to establish EEDI baseline for
different types of self-propelled inland ships.
2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 10th International Conference on Marine Technology.

Keywords: EEDI, IMO, Inland ships, CO2 emission, Energy Efficiency, MEPC

1. Introduction

Environmental issues are always been an important part of the global shipping industry monitored and regulated
by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). According to the 2nd GHG study [4] shipping industry in the
world has emitted 1.046 million tonnes of CO2 in 2007, which corresponds to 3.3% of the global emissions at that
time. At the present trend, this percentage could go two or three times higher by 2050.
EEDI is simply quantifying the CO2 per transport work. The basic formulation of EEDI is based on the ratio of

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +8801717050145; fax: +0-000-000-0000 .

E-mail address:

1877-7058 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 10th International Conference on Marine Technology.
2 Prof. Dr. Md. Mashud Karim & S.M. Rashidul Hasan/ Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000000

total CO2 emission per tonne.mile. As CO2 depends upon fuel consumption and fuel consumption depends upon the
total power requirements, eventually this EEDI formulation has certain impact on ship design parameters and
hydrodynamics. The baseline coefficients [5] for different types of vessels are imposed by IMO which are for sea
going ships over 400 gross tonnage. The purposes of IMOs EEDI are:

To achieve a minimum energy efficiency level for new ships;

To stimulate continued technical development of all the components influencing the fuel efficiency of a ship;
To separate the technical and design based measures from the operational and commercial measures; and
To enable a comparison of the energy efficiency of individual ships to similar ships of the same size which could
have undertaken the same transport work (moved the same cargo).

The adopted EEDI solution to increase energy efficiency of sea going ships is successful so far [6], but IMO does
not have any guideline for inland ships in EEDI regulations yet. Inland ships in general require more power at the
same speed in comparison to similar type open water/sea going ship [7]. Fig.1. shows CO2 emissions defined as
emissions of CO2 per transport unit (tonne-km). Different freight transport mode (road, rail, maritime, inland
shipping) over the period 1995 to 2009 in Europe [8] are compared here. In general CO2 emission from inland ships
are more than double over other maritime transport which are basically the sea going ships.
Unlike the proposal made by Simi A. and Radoji D for inland vessels [9], here the proposed baselines are not
made for different speed, rather it is generalized. This proposed line will be the phase zero for Bangladeshi inland
vessel. After wards when this reference line values are validated with exact measurement, the CO2 emission control
standard for Bangladeshi inland passenger vessel can be established and thus emission from those vessels can be
controlled. Optimization of ship design at design stage is also possible in light of EEDI [3]. The optimization with
respect to EEDI will reduce CO2 and increase energy efficiency which will in turn save lot of fuel.

2. Brief Description of EEDI

The EEDI indicates the energy efficiency level of a ship in terms of gramCO2 (generated) / tonne.mile (cargo
carried) which is calculated for a specific type of ship at design stage. The intention is that by imposing limits on
this index, IMO will be able to drive ship technologies to more energy efficient ones over time. EEDI is thus a goal-
based technical standard that is applicable to new ships. Ship designers and builders are free to choose the
technologies to satisfy the EEDI requirements in a specific ship design. Overtime, the EEDI level will reduce; this
gradually leading to more energy efficient ships [10].
In the simplified form, EEDI [11] can be described as

EEDI = (1)

= f P () C () SFC () + (P C SFC ) + f P ()
P () C SFC f () P () C SFC (3)

= (4)
= (5)

The main EEDI equation contains different constants and coefficients. The definition and meaning of those are
described in IMO MEPC resolution [12].
The calculated EEDI for a ship will be called the attained EEDI. This attained EEDI must be less than the
reference EEDI or reference line. This reference line becomes stringent at different phases. The Reference line
values shall be calculated as follows:
Prof. Dr. Md. Mashud Karim & S.M. Rashidul Hasan / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000000 3

Reference line value = a b-c (6)

Where a, b and c are the parameters given [5] in Table 1. The reference line is based on the vessel database of
Lloyds Register Fair play [13]. Figure 2 gives a sample reference line for Bulk Carrier as per Lloyds Register Fair
play database. The present EEDI rules will be more stringent in different phases.

Table 1. Parameters for determination of reference values for the different ship types.
Ship type defined in regulation a b c
Bulk carrier 961.79 DWT 0.48
Gas tanker 1120 DWT 0.46

Tanker 1218.8 DWT 0.49

Container ship 174.22 DWT 0.2

General cargo ship 107.48 DWT 0.22

Refrigerated cargo carrier 227.01 DWT 0.24

Combination carrier 1219 DWT 0.49

Roro cargo ship (vehicle carrier) (DWT/GT)0.7* 780.36, where DWT/GT<0.3 DWT 0.47

1812.63, where DWT/GT0.3

Roro cargo ship 1405.15 DWT 0.5

Roro passenger ship 752.16 DWT 0.38

LNG carrier 2253.7 DWT 0.47

Cruise Passenger Ship having non conventional propulsion 170.84 GRT 0.21

* If the design of a ship allows it to fall into more than one of the above ship type definitions, the required EEDI for
the ship shall be the most stringent (the lowest) required EEDI.

Fig. 1. Specific CO2 emissions per passenger-km and Fig. 2. Reference line sample for bulk carrier
per mode of transport in Europe, 1995-2009.

3. Analysis of attained EEDI for inland ships of Bangladesh

The formulation of EEDI by IMO is implemented on inland vessels which has given a preview of CO2 emission
level. 32 nos. passenger, 50 nos. general cargo and 41 nos. oil tanker of Bangladeshi inland ships were taken under
consideration. Based on the actual data, attained EEDI was calculated and graphs of CO2 emission in gram per
4 Prof. Dr. Md. Mashud Karim & S.M. Rashidul Hasan/ Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000000

tonne-knot was (that is EEDI) plotted against dead weight or GRT. These graphs will be considered as the proposed
EEDI base lines for Bangladeshi inland passenger, general cargo and oil tanker.

Table 2. Proposed parameters of reference values for the different

Proposed EEDI Reference line for inland passenger ships
types of inland ships of Bangladesh 130.00
Ship type a b c R2 No of
defined in Vessels 120.00
y = 227.5x-0.17

EEDI (CO2/tonne.mile)
regulation 110.00
R = 0.332
Passenger ship 242 GRT 0.18 0.312 32 90.00
(Excluding Ro- 80.00
Ro Passenger
General Cargo 140.1 DWT 0.2 0.267 50
Vessel 50.00
0.00 300.00 600.00 900.00 1200.00 1500.00
Oil Tanker 89.29 DWT 0.08 0.1 41 GRT
Fig. 4. Reference line for Inland Passenger vessel

Proposed EEDI Reference line for inland cargo ships

80.00 Proposed EEDI Reference Line for Inland Oil Tanker of
y = 140.14x-0.204
75.00 70.00
R = 0.2671
y = 89.29x-0.08
EEDI (CO2/tonne.mile)

70.00 65.00
R = 0.100
EEDI (CO2/tonne.mile)

60.00 55.00
55.00 50.00
50.00 45.00
45.00 40.00
40.00 35.00
35.00 30.00
100.00 400.00 700.00 1000.00 1300.00 1600.00 1900.00
100.00 350.00 600.00 850.00 1100.00 1350.00 DWT
Fig. 3. Reference line for Inland Cargo vessel Fig. 5. Reference line for Inland Oil Tanker

4. Data Validation of the Calculated Result

The calculated results for three different types of ship are based on the ship data from different ship Design
Company enlisted at the Department of Shipping (DOS), Bangladesh. Using the updated guideline by IMO
regarding [12] the attained EEDI was calculated but the results were not validated by any on board CO2
measurement. As a result there is question whether we can go for further research based on this study or we should
validate the results properly.
Though the data was not validated by any on board CO2 measurement yet some proven CO2 emission data for
inland ship will justify the calculated results. Table 6 shows us the result validation.

Table 3. Validation of calculated EEDI values with other calculations as calculated by different world recognized research organization
Type of Capacity Reference/Proven measurement authority Proven results (Average Calculated result (Range
Ship Range Value for all ship data) of results for all ship
data, results are
calculated using Load
Factor=0-6 for cargo
vessel and 0.7 for oil

0-5000 Tonne SHIP EMISSIONS STUDY [14], Prepared by: 27.2 gram CO2/ =
National Technical University of Athens Laboratory 50.48 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
for Maritime Transport. Prepared for: Hellenic
Chamber of Shipping. Data Sources: Lloyds-Fairplay
Prof. Dr. Md. Mashud Karim & S.M. Rashidul Hasan / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000000 5

world fleet database (2007)

36.56-77.67 gram
0-1720 Tonne Prepared by: Department 11 gram CO2/ =
for Environment 20.42 gram CO2/Tonne.mile (30 among 50 ships
Food & Rural Affairs [15], United Kingdom (Load Factor not used) results are between 45-
Data Sources: Data has been taken from a 55 gram
combination of trade associations, who provide CO2/Tonne.mile)
average information at a UK or European level; data
from the Eco invent database and reports / data from
third parties (e.g. academic journals,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

0-4999 Tonne Prepared by: IMO, 2nd IMO Green House Gas Study 13.9 gram CO2/ =
[16]. Data Sources: Lloyds-Fairplay world fleet 25.80 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
General database. (Load Factor not used)
Cargo 500-999 Gross Prepared By: Netherlands Research Program on 15.1 gram CO2/ =
Tonne Particulate Matter (BOP) and Netherlands 28.03 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
Environmental Assessment Agency [17]. (Load Factor not used)
Data Sources: The activity data used to calculate
emission in national territorial waters of Netherlands.
250-3000 Prepared by: Haskoning, Schilperoord, H.A., 10.6 - 47.2 gram
tonne Binnenvaart voortdurend duurzaam, Environmental CO2/ = 19.67-
Performance of Inland Shipping (Schilperoord 2004) 87.60 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
Data Sources: Various emission factors for different
vessel types (vessel dimensions) and
transport operations.
0-10000 SHIP EMISSIONS STUDY [14] 29.1 gram CO2/ =
Tonne Prepared by: National Technical University of 54.00 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
Athens Laboratory for Maritime Transport.
Prepared for: Hellenic Chamber of Shipping
Data Sources: Lloyds-Fairplay world fleet database
0-844 Tonne Prepared by: Department 20 gram CO2/ =
for Environment 37.12 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
Food & Rural Affairs, United Kingdom, [15].
Data Sources: Data has been taken from a
combination of trade associations, who provide
average information at a UK or European level, data
Oil Tanker 34.64-66.62 gram
from the Ecoinvent database and reports / data from
third parties (e.g. academic journals,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
(28 among 41 ships
0-9999 Tonne Prepared by: IMO, 2nd IMO Green House Gas Study 33.3 gram CO2/ =
results are between 50-
[16]. Data Sources: Lloyds-Fairplay world fleet 61.80 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
60 gram
500-999 Gross Prepared By: Netherlands Research Program on 23.0 gram CO2/ =
Tonne Particulate Matter (BOP) and Netherlands 42.69 gram CO2/Tonne.mile
Environmental Assessment Agency [17].
Data Sources: The activity data used to calculate
emission in national territorial waters of Netherlands.

5. Cause of High Scatter of Attained EEDI Values

When we give a deep look into the calculated results of EEDI we can see that a large part of the results are
scattered. The reason for the random sequence of result can be explained as follows:

Differences in operational profile;

Application of cargo handling gear; and
Structural enhancements related to additional class notations.
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6. Suggestion to decrease EEDI for inland ships

The vessel that has less EEDI means lower CO2 emission and vice versa. Considering EEDI as standard, the
analyzed vessels were categorized as efficient and inefficient vessel as shown in the table 4-6. The good and bad
results in terms of EEDI are marked in green and red colour. Later on the reason behind one vessel emitting more
CO2 is analyzed.

Table 4. Part of the analyzed passenger vessels those have higher and lower EEDI values.
Vessel name LWL (m) B MLD (m) T (m) GRT Speed(knot) EEDI_att Fn
M.L. Sharos 14.15 4.58 0.75 35.2 8 113.25 0.35
M.V. Eagle-2 30.8 7.8 2.2 255 12 104.07 0.36
M.V. Swarnadip-4 31.09 6.7 1.47 151 11 109.12 0.32
M.V. Prince of Russel-3 61.21 10.37 1.8 794 10 59.94 0.21
M.V. Manik-1 49.2 9.46 1.7 483 11 60.73 0.26
M.V. Shahrukh 52.17 9.76 1.6 499 10.5 61.05 0.24
M.V. Jamal-3 38.51 7.4 1.4 218 11 103.57 0.29
M.V. Running Sun 34.15 6.77 1.35 249 9 111.98 0.25
M.V. Jaltaranga-1 36.8 6.71 1.2 211 10 111.97 0.27
M.V. Ferry Boat 47.97 10.62 2.25 563 9 61.57 0.21
M.V. Keari Sindabad 34 7.62 1.5 213 12 143.67 0.34
M.V. Tanguar Haor 40.79 8.5 1.4 270 11 107.75 0.28

Table 5. Part of the analyzed general cargo vessels those have higher and lower EEDI values.
Vessel name L WL (m) B MLD (m) T (m) DWT DWT/Disp Speed(knot) EEDI_att Fn
M.V. Bilkis Islam 65.8 10.36 4.4 1041 0.46 8.5 36.56 0.17
M.V. Sea Pental 42 9.15 3.35 449 0.42 8.5 74.55 0.22
M.V. Sujan Express-1 32.51 7.92 2.6 180 0.33 7.5 77.67 0.22
M.V. Agailjhara-6 66.07 10.98 4.3 1290 0.46 9 45.12 0.18
M.V. Titu-13 58.02 11 3.7 810 0.47 8.5 37.54 0.18
M.V. Madina-1 63 10 3.5 589 0.41 11 71.36 0.23
M.V. City-18 66 12.8 3 602 0.4 11 73.71 0.22
M.V. City-17 64 11 3.5 591 0.4 9 45.62 0.18
M.V. Markentile -2 63 11.6 3 513 0.39 11 74.12 0.23
M.V. Amazan Lili -1 63.5 10.06 3.1 482 0.39 10.5 70.92 0.22
M.V. Abdullah Al Asib-2 61.8 9.91 3 470 0.4 10.5 72.44 0.22

Table 6. Part of the analyzed oil tankers those have higher and lower EEDI values.
Vessel name L WL (m) B MLD (m) T (m) DWT* DWT/Disp Speed ((knots) EEDI_att Fn
OT Kingfisher-3 37.65 6.7 2.64 231 0.43 7.5 66.09 0.2
OT Ahmedullah 50.67 10.68 1.8 398 0.51 8 60.21 0.18
OT Precious One 57.24 10 2.2 488. 0.51 9 61.69 0.2
OT Chittagong 45 10 1.8 347 0.55 8 63.29 0.2
OT Sealink Bijoy 45 10 1.9 389 0.54 8 66.62 0.2
OT Sonartory 64.55 11 4 1051 0.52 10 45.04 0.2
OT Monowara 64.8 10.4 4 778 0.44 11 62.86 0.22
OT Nurjahan-1 63.8 10.1 4 951 0.52 11 60.09 0.23
OT Al Quds 65.32 10 4 894 0.52 10 42.29 0.2
OT Portland-1 45 10 2.3 479 0.55 8 60.08 0.2
OT Talmah 53 11 2.4 673 0.6 8 34.64 0.18
OT Shipu 38.4 7.62 3.2 357 0.51 9 62.14 0.24
OT Moni 32 6.86 2.6 209 0.54 8 45.70 0.23
*At 70% load factor

In the following table 7-9, the criterion that makes a vessel efficient/inefficient is identified in light of EEDI.
Based on the identification some suggestions are produced.
Prof. Dr. Md. Mashud Karim & S.M. Rashidul Hasan / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000000 7

Table 7. Comparison on existing efficient and inefficient Passenger vessels of Bangladesh

Criteria Efficient Vessels Inefficient Vessels Suggestion to decrease EEDI
L/B 5.20-6.14 4.64-5.2 Increase L/B ratio
Draft 1.6-1.7 1.40-1.47 Increase draft
GRT 483-807 150-270 Increase GRT
Fn 0.22-0.26 0.28-0.32 Decrease Froude Number

Table 8: Comparison on existing efficient and inefficient Cargo Vessels of Bangladesh at 60% load factor
Criteria Efficient Vessels Inefficient Vessels Suggestion to decrease EEDI
L/B 5.44-6.08 5.53-6.35 No significant effect
Draft 3.2-4.38 2.9-4.13 Increase draft
DWT/Displacement* 0.4-0.45 0.38-0.47 Increase DWT/Displacement ratio
Fn 0.19-0.20 0.20-0.22 Decrease Froude Number

Table 9: Comparison on existing efficient and inefficient oil tankers of Bangladesh at 70% load factor
Criteria Efficient Vessels Inefficient Vessels Suggestion to decrease EEDI
L/B 6.14-7.4 6.2-6.3 Increase L/B ratio
Draft 4.25-4.68 4 Increase draft
DWT/Displacement 0.48-0.52 0.44-0.52 Increase DWT/Displacement ratio
Fn 0.21-0.22 0.22-0.23 Decrease Froude Number

7. Optimization of inland vessels

The suggestions made on table 7-9 are implemented on the worst vessel of each type. The results are shown in the
following table 10-12.
Table 10. Optimization of Inland Passenger Vessel, M.V. Keari Sindabad at 12.0 knots speed
LWL B L/B T Cb GRT Main Fn Attained EEDI Reduction of
(m) MLD (m) Engine EEDI Reference EEDI after
(m) (kW) (Proposed) optimization
Parent Data 34 7.62 4.46 1.5 0.6 213.3 596 0.34 143.67 90.21
1st Optimization attempt without 40 7.2 5.56 1.7 0.55 235.5 453 0.31 98.97 90.21 31.11%
reducing speed
2nd Optimization attempt without 40 7.2 5.56 1.7 0.55 235.5 453 0.3 90 90.21 37.35%
reducing speed

Table 11: Optimization of Inland Cargo Vessel, M.V. Sujan Express-1 at 7.5 knots speed
LWL B L/B T Cb DWT Main Fn Attained EEDI Ref. Reduction of
(m) MLD (m) (Tonne)* Engine EEDI (Proposed) EEDI after
(m) (kW) optimization
Parent Data 32.51 7.92 4.1 2.6 0.81 180.46 170 0.21 77.67 48.56
1 Optimization attempt without 39 7 5.57 3 0.66 180.46 105 0.19 48.05 48.56 38.14%
reducing speed
* 70% Load Factor used

Table 12: Optimization of Inland oil tanker O.T. Sealink Bijoy at 8.0 knots speed
LWL B L/B T (m) Cb DWT* Main Fn Attained EEDI Ref. Reduction of
(m) MLD (tonne) Engine EEDI (Proposed) EEDI after
(m) (kW) optimization
Parent Data 45 10 4.5 1.9 0.85 389 336 0.2 66.62 55.41
Optimization at same 50 9 5.6 2.2 0.74 377 200 0.19 40.23 55.41 39.61%
displacement and speed
* 70% Load Factor used

8. Conclusions

a. If we consider the total CO2 emission from shipping of the world, inland shipping will share a small portion.
However, from the business point of view of local traders/shipping companies and individual countries overall
8 Prof. Dr. Md. Mashud Karim & S.M. Rashidul Hasan/ Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000000

environmental impact, this is very important. Also, financially the traders/shipping companies and the country will
get the direct benefit as reduction of CO2 emission will cut down the fuel consumption.
b. When sea going vessels are considered geographical boundary does not play big role. However for inland
ships, specific geographical boundary, inland water way and nautical conditions will have some important role. This
role cannot be generalized because these conditions will vary country to country. So EEDI baseline for inland ships
should be region based not generalized as sea going ships.
c. The attempts considered in this paper are to propose EEDI baseline for inland ships. The proposed baselines
can be more refined by increasing the number of vessels.
d. The calculated results were verified with existing data measured and calculated in different methods by several
world recognized research organization in table 3. The comparison shows that calculated result ranges mostly
merges with the existing results. It should be noted that the existing results are calculated for inland ships of different
country (mostly European). The variation of the results is mostly due to different geographical boundary condition,
efficient technical measures adopted by European countries, etc.
e. The proposed baseline gives us a guideline (Table 7-9) to optimize inland ships in light of EEDI. It has been
shown in the calculation that only by choosing appropriate dimension of ship according to EEDI formulation,

24% to 31% reduction of main engine power requirement and CO2 emission reduction at the same speed for
passenger ship is possible.
38% reduction of main engine power requirement and CO2 emission reduction at the same speed for cargo vessel
is possible.
40% reduction of main engine power requirement and CO2 emission reduction at the same speed for oil tanker is


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[2] Web page information:
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[4] Buhaug , Corbett JJ, Endresen , et al. Second IMO GHG study 2009. London: International Maritime Organization (IMO), 2009.
[5] Indian Register of Shipping, Implementing Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), 2015.
[6] Zabi Bazari (Lloyds Register, London, UK), Tore Longva (DNV, Oslo, Norway). Assessment of IMO Mandated Energy Efficiency Measures
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[8] Tremove, Specific CO2 emissions data for road, rail and inland shipping transport, 1995-2009, V 3.1, 2010.
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145, 2013.
[10] IMO, International Maritime Organization, Train the Trainer (TTT) Course on Energy Efficient Ship Operation, Module 2 Ship Energy
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[11] Hasan, S.M.R. Impact of EEDI on Ship Design and Hydrodynamics, A Study of the Energy Efficiency Design Index and Other Related
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Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011.
[12] MEPC Resolution 245 (66), Marine Environment Protection Committee, 2014 Guideline on the Method of Calculation of the Attained
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[13] MEPC 62/6/4, Marine Environment Protection Committee, Consideration and Adoption of Amendments to Mandatory Instruments,
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[14] National Technical University of Athens Laboratory for Maritime Transport, Ship Emission Study, Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, 2008.
[15] 2013 Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting: Methodology Paper for Emission Factors, Department for
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[16] IMO, Second IMO GHG Study, 2009.
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[18] H.A. Schilperoord, Environmental Performance of Inland Shipping, 2004.

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