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TSR™ Fiend Forio TOME OF CREATURES MALEVOLENT AND BENIGN AN ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MONSTERS FOR USE WITH ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGON: ADVENTURES, INCLUDING ATTACKS, DAMAGE, SPECIAL ABILITIES, AND DESCRIPTIONS; RANDOM ENCOUNTER TABLES BY LEVEL; AND MORE, Edited by Don Turnbull, Managing Director of TSR UK, Ltd © 1981, TSR Hobbies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Illustrations by: Chris Baker, Jeff Dee, Emmanuel Albie Fiore, ‘Alan Hunter, Fuss Nicholson, Erol Otus, Jim Foslot, David C. Sutherland I, Bill Willingham, Polly Wilson, Tony Yates. Cover by Emmanuel TSR Hobbies, Inc. POB 756 LAKE GENEVA, Wi 53147 Distrinutedto the book trade in the United States by Random Hous, Inc. and in Canaca by Random House of Canada, Lid, Distributedin te United Kingcom by TSR Hobbies (UK) Lt Distributed to the nebo Wade by regional strbutor ‘Questions regarding this volume shouldbe accompanied by astamped sel-addressed envelope and sent to TSR Hobbies (UK) Lid, The Mil, Rathmore Road, Cambridge ‘CBi#AD, UK or ADAD™ Questions, TSA Hobbies, Inc POB 756, Lake Geneva, WI SIA ‘This books protected under the copyright iawsor he United States of America Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of te material or artwork contained herein \s promblted wnhout tne express writen permission of TSA Hobbies, Ine. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DBD, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & ORAGONS, ADVANCED D&D, ADD, and FIEND FOLIO are trademarks owned by TSRMobbles, nc. SBN 0:955696-21-0 Printad in ne U.S.A. FOREWORD ‘The FIEND FOLIO™ Tome of Creatures Malevolent and Benign is the first major British contribution to the ADVANCED DUN- GEONS & DRAGONS™ game system, Hat any time there were doubts whether ADAD™ games would be popular in Britain, they were rapidly discarded. So many are its adherents that tis hard to believe the game has only been available over here for less than five years. Though in sheer population ms the game could never command the numerical support in Britain as it does in the U.S.A, the enthusiasm with which British ‘gamers have greeted this American inspiration is not so arbitrarily constrained. Here, as in its country of origin, the AD&D system has been a truly remarkable success and it is appropriate that, sooner or later, major contributions to it should stem from an initiative which is substantially British, Hence the FIEND FOLIO Tome. In effect, itis an all-new companion volume to that excellent compendium the AD&D Monster ‘Manual. Such will be evident to those who now have copies of both, not only because of the nature of its contents butalso because the tome unashamedly emulates its elder brother in its high quality of presentation. The FIEND FOLIO Tome is my first official ‘AD&D work: from the outset | was determined that it should be on a qualitative par with the other AD&D works -not only the Monster ‘Manual but also the other handbooks. ADD enthusiasts deserve something more than mediocrity and the many contributors to this volume deserve a high-quality presentation of their creations. The FIEND FOLIO Tome would be desperately inadequate were its presentation not of the same superior quality as those earlier TSR publications which put them head and shoulders above their competitors. ‘Those familiar with the Monster Manual will therefore recognize the FIEND FOLIO format since the general layout and the method of presenting the monster contents are the same. The purpose of the FIEND FOLIO Tome, too, is complementary to that of the ‘Monster Manual -to extend the range of monsters available for use in AD&D gamesand tocollectail the newcomers into one volume for easy reference. A few of the monsters in the book relate in one way or another to creatures which appear in the Monster Manual, ‘so small relevant sections of the Monster Manual re here reprinted, by kind permission, and there are also some cross-references ‘tothe Monster Manual. Though itis probably true that most owners of this tome will alredy have a copy of the Monster Manual, the number of cross-references has been kept to a minimum. itis helpful, but not essential, to own both works. ‘There is one major difference between the two volumes - the source of their contents. The Monster Manual is very largely the sole work of one person - Gary Gygax - who not only created and developed most of the Monster Manual monsters himself but also developed those he did not personally create. The new monsters in the FIEND FOLIO Tome, however, are the creations of many people. Some time ago, the editor of a UK magazine asked readers to submit their monster creations to a regular feature which became known as the Fiend Factory. The response was quite enormous and many worthwhile contributions reached the editorial offices. As editor of the feature, | never lacked new and interesting monsters to fill the Factory pages each issue - indeed (for a magazine has inevitable limitations on space) it very soon became evident that many worthwhile creations would not be published until long, long after their submission, ifatall. Atthe same time, the readers were praising the featureand demanding more! So there was.a goodly supply of, andastrident demand for, additional AD&D monsters - and these two factors gave birth to tne FIEND FOLIO ‘Tome of Creatures Malevolent and Benign. ‘This volume therefore contains an overwhelming majority of monsters which were originally submitted for the Fiend Factory feature. A small fraction of them have already appeared in the Factory (though not inas developed a formas they appear here) while ‘larger number have come straight from creation via development to this book without pausing at the Factory en route. Additionally the FIEND FOLIO Tome includes new monsters from TSR in Lake Geneva, USA, Which brings me to my first debt of gratitude - to the contributors. There are many names - too many to list here, but they are all listed in the index to the rear of this volume next to the name of their creation. Toall these people, my warm and mostssincere thanks. Quite literally, the FIEND FOLIO Tome would not have been possible without you, {itis worth noting that contributions to the FIEND FOLIO Tome have come from many parts of the world - the U.K., the U.S.A. Australia, Canada and Europe. The AD&D games are spreading!) My own task has been quite simple one- to select monsters for inclusion, to develop them as necessary and write the statistics and ‘texts, to assemble the entries in coherent form andto produce the various tables. Perhaps selection was not so easy a task after all, for there were over 1,000 contributions to consider; | have been able to be quite ruthless in selection to ensure that the monsters ‘which finally did appear were of the highest quality and originality. To nave sacrificed quantity for quality in this way is, | believe, nat discerning AD&D enthusiasts would want me to have done. On the development side my efforts have been variable. Some ‘originals werealmost fully developed when they reached me and not a great deal of work was required to adc the final touches to them. At the opposite end of the developmental spectrum, other contributions arrived incomplete and embryonic, with the tip of a 900d idea just showing above the surface, as it were; these needed development to “flesh them out” into complete and coherent form. A few names have been changed and a tew characteristics altered (most for good and sufficient reasons, some out of sheer instinet) but substantially the task has been to build on creations rather than to re-work them entirely. So, in the final analysis, and excluding those which appeared in the TSR Modules, | must bear final responsibility for the presentation of all the FIEND FOLIO ‘monsters. Hore | must make more acknowledgements and expross more thanks. Throughout the project ! have received very helpful advice ‘and guidance trom Lawrence Schick and from Gary Gygax, who gave me a great deal of editorial rope inmy first ADBD project but ‘made sure I did nothang myself. Since began work on the FIEND FOLIO Tome in the U.K. at the same timo as the Dungeon Masters. ‘Guide was being finalized in America, it was important for the one to be compatible with the other and for the Tome to be as to-dateas possible, and lam particularly grateful to Gary for letting me in on the secrets of the Dungeons Masters Guide before it was published. To Gary mustalso.go a very special acknowledgement and very warm thanks, for without his creativity there would be no AD&D games and no FIEND FOLIO Tome. And | owe particular thanks to Albie Fiore, who in addition to being a major contributor to the FIEND FOLIO project has done an enormous amount of work during its preparation acting asmy second pairof eyes, bringing to my attention possible deficiencies and inconsistencies, suggesting Improvements and coordinating all the printing. Albie's help has been invaluable. ‘The quality of the art work in the Tome is, I believe, particularly good and! am sure the readers will appreciate the endeavours of the artists, who have my praise, thanks and envy! Lill make only one apology in respectoof the FIEND FOLIO Tome anditis this. There are many. many places in the text wh necessary to refer toa person (Yor instance tothe victim of a monster's attacks) who isnot identified as to gender, In such placesitis tempting, though | believe unnecessarily pedantic, to lapse into the cumbersome and ugly style of "he or she’, “him or her” and other such awkwardnesses. (The English language has not yet bent to accomodate these alleged requirements of modern society. and i the products are tobe words ike “hime” and “hisr” | devoutly hope it never wil).Early in the proceedings, I decided to eschew such clumsiness, and i there isa reader who is offended by ths, itis to him that | apologise. Or, of course, to her. Let me confirm that, unless there are specific contextual indications to the contrary, all references in this book to males apply equally, mutatis ‘mutandis, to temales. ally, to my most important expression of thanks. if anyone has suffered during the preparation of this book, that person is the lady who shares my life. Nevertheless, June has displayed enormous tolerance, despite the late-night clattaring of the typewriter, the liberal bestrewing of FIEND FOLIO Tome dratts on all available horizontal surfaces in our home and my apparently infinite preoccupation with the project. | owe her my very special gratitude and offer her the consolation that it is now all over....until the next time, Don Turnbull Cambridge, England. August, 1979 ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS ® 8 C D € x 6 ca $ % K £ a mT 0 ® Q R 5 t a 9 ® x x z AARAKOCRA — ACHAIERAI — ADHERER — ALEAX — ALGOID — AL-MIRAJ — APPARITION — ASSASSIN BUG — ASTRAL SEARCHER BABBLER — BAT, GIANT — BERBALANG — BLINDHEIM — BLOOD HAWK — BLOODHAWK, GIANT — BONE. SNAPPER — BOOKA — BULLYWUG — BUNYIP CARBUNCLE — CARYATID COLUMN — CATERWAUL ~CIFAL ~ CLUBNEK — COFFER CORPSE ~ CRABMAN — CRYPT THING DAKON — DARK CREEPER — OARK STALKER — DEATH DOG — DEATH KNIGHT — DEMON — DENZELIAN — DEVIL — DEVIL DOG — DIRE CORBY — DISENCHANTER — DOOMBAT — DRAGON, ORIENTAL — DRAGONFISH = DUNE STALKER ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL—ELF—ENVELOPER—ETTERCAP—EYE KILLER—EYE OF FEAR AND FLAME FIREDRAKE — FIRENEWT — FIRE SNAKE — FIRETOAD — FLAIL SNAIL — FLIND — FLUMPH — FORLARREN — FROST MAN GALLTRIT ~ GAMBADO — GARBUG — GIANT — GIANT STRIDER — GIBBERLING — GITHYANKI — GITHZERAI = GOLDBUG — GORBEL — GORILLA BEAR — GRELL — GRIMLOCK — GRYPH — GUARDIAN DAEMON — GUARDIAN FAMILIAR HELLCAT — HOAR FOX — HOOK HORROR — HORNET. GIANT — HOUND OF ILL OMEN — HUECUVA ICE LIZARD ~ IMORPH ~ IRON COBRA JACUL! — JERMLAINE KAMADAN — KELPIE — KENKU — KHARGRA — KILLMOULIS — KUO—TOA LAMIA NOBLE — LAVA CHILDREN — LIZARD KING MAGNESIUM SPIRIT — MANTARI — MEAZEL — MEENLOCK — MEPHIT — MEZZOD AEMON — MITE NECROPHIDIUS — NEEDLEMAN — NIL8OG — NONAFEL — NORKER ~ NYCADAEMON OGRILLON — OsQuIP PENANGGALAN — PERNICON — PHANTOM STALKER —POLTERGEIST — PROTEIN POLYMORPH QUAGGOTH ~ QUIPPER — QULLAN RETRIEVER — REVENANT — ROTHE SANDMAN — SCARECROW — SCREAMING DEVILKIN — SHADOW DEMON ~ SHEET GHOUL — SHEET PHANTOM = SHOCKER — SKELETON WARRIOR — SKULK — SLAAD — SNYAD — SON OF KYUSS — STUNJELLY — SUSSURUS ~ SVIRFNEBLIN — SYMBIOTIC JELLY TABAX! — TENTAMORT — TERITHRAN — THOQQUA — THORK — THROAT LEECH — TIGER FLY — TIRAPHEG —TRILLOCH ~ TROLL — TWEEN UMPLEBY — URCHIN VISION — VODYANOI — VOLT - VORTEX WHIPWEED —WITHERSTENCH — WITHERWEED XILL —XVART YELLOW MUSK CREEPER ZOMBIE, YELLOW MUSK EXPLANATORY NOTES Asin othercollections of the same nature, the term ‘monster“has two itferont meanings in the FIEND FOLIO™ Tome. Its first — and more important — meaning is o designate any creature encountered, hos- tle oF otherwise, human, humanoid or beast. Thus the term is used ‘generically to signify the eubject of an encounter: until the party of adventurers are certain what they have mel, itis a “monster’. The ‘Secondary use of the term is the more traditional one— to signify @ wicked or horrible creature of some sort ‘The two meanings of the term are not necessarily mutually exclusive but nor are they necessarily identical in encounter terms. Thus, ita party encounters @ monster which turns out to be an gull wizard, the latter is probably a monster in the second sense of the word, too, however, if the encounter is with a pacific creature with no malign Intent, the second sence is inappropriate. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS" players will almost certainiy be familiar with these two s@s of the word already: those who are newcomers may find them little contusing at first, put experience willsoon determine which of the ‘wo uses of the word is appropriate n the particular context. Note that, despite this terminology, a human (and nearhuman) en- countered as a monster always uses the combat matrix for humans. ‘when attacking. In other words dwarves, elves, gnomes, hall-elves, hhalflings, half-ores and humans always use the human attack matrix ‘whether they are "monsters" or player-characters" Each FIEND FOLIO monster is given aull description inthe text which follows; additionally, each has been assigned a value for each of a ‘number of parameters which collectively describe its bat mode and go forth in general terms. The parameters are explained her FREQUENCY refers to the likelihood of a particular creature being neountered fa where it might be an inhabitant, ‘denoting therarity or otherwise of the monster insuchareas, Very rare indicates a 4% chance of occurrence, rare indicates an 11% chance: uncommon indicates a 20% chance and common indicates a 65% ‘chance. These proballitios are reflected, with necessary minor approx- mations such asare well within ine limits statistical variation, nthe Monster Lovel Tables. There are some variationswithin each category — for example, some creatures which are ‘vary rare” wll in fact be rarer than others under the same general description. NUMBER APPEARING indicates a good average spread. Generally, if 4 creature is encountered in oF near its lar. it can be expected to appear in such numbers, while further away from its lair it will be ‘encountered in smaller numbers. Again, here are exceptions to this —inteligent, organized monsters forming a war party for a specific raiding or punitive mission may be encountered in considerable fhumbers some distance from thei lar, whileancountere with the same (ortuitously, be with small numbers of ‘scouts” or "perimeter guards". The number-range indicated should therefore be used only as a guideline and should be altered to suit the circumstances particular to any adventure as the need arises, More specifically, he number-range indicated is not necessarily re- ‘commended for Underground (dungeon) encounters. Since many ad- ventures take place in dungeons, however, an additional section after the Encounter Listings gives guidance ‘on the numbers of each ‘monster-type likely be encountered in such locations, ARMOUR CLASS describes the general type of protection worn by hhumane, near-human or humanoid monsters, protection inherent toa ‘monster due to its physical structure and/or magical nature and the degree of difficulty of hiting a monster due tots speed, reflexes and 0 forth, All these factors are combined into a single armour class value, Referees need not adjust this value to take account of high dexterity. Where necessary alterations tothe AC value are included in the monster's individual description iheserneedito be made in partic- ular eitcumstances. MOVE shows the relative speed of the monster on a constant basis. Higher speeds may be possible for very short periods. The creature's ‘movement rate can be sealed to whatever lime period is desired by adjusting the ground scale accordingly. In certain cases, more than ‘one numbers given under this heading: this indicatos that the monster can travel in two or more diferent media or riodes:— x monster's movement rate in its normal medium 7X" = monster's flying in addition toa normal mode of travel YX = monsters swimming speed, in addition to a normal mode (0°) = monster's burrowing speed, in addition to 2 normal mode "x" = “monster's speed in a web, in addition to a normal mode) Ha single numbers given, that does not automatically mean that the monster only moves along the ground (though it does in most cases) =the main text must be consulted to make the meaning clear, Thus, 8 ‘monster whose only means of locomotion is flying will have a single ‘number — and this s, in this case, a flying speed. HIT DICE indicated how to calculate the number of hit points the ‘monster can withstand before dying, Uniess stated otherwise, hit dice are -sided points per die). The indicated numberof dicearerolledand the resulting numbers added together to arrive at the monsters total hit points, ‘Some monstershave hit points which areless than the full 1-8 rangeo! an €-sided die (48), and these are indicated by a range of hit points. This, fa creaturehas 1-4hit points, a4-sided dieis rolled to determine is hit points Other monsters have hit points additional to the numbor derived from ‘heir hitcice; hiss ndicated bya plussign followed by the numberof ‘additional hit points. This, if a monster has "HIT DICE: 5+3”. five 2 sided dice are rolled, the number are added togother and 3 is added to the result: this monster will ave a range of 5-40 hit points plus 3 it points, or 8-43 hit points. 4% IN LAIR indicates the chance of encountering the monster in ques- tion where it domiciles and stores its treasure (if any). Note that some ‘monsters are never found in ther lars, this is elther because the lai is inaceessibie (or unknown) oF because the monster simply does not have a fixed lair and isa true wandering monster. Note that certain monsters have their lars on planes other than the Prime Materiat Plane; clearly, these monsters will never be encoun- tered in their lair f the encounter takes place on the Prime Material Plane, oF ary other plane which is not the monsier’s plane of resi- dence. However, some monsters whose normal lairs are on planes. ther than the Prime Material may have established las there of a temporary nature, inthe pursuit of @ particular purpose or mission. TREASURE TYPE refers to the table atthe rear of this book. The table shows the treasure-types and numbers of the incividual components Of the treasure, together with the probability that the treasure will Contain that component. Thus, treasure type J indicates there will any silver, elactrum, gold, platinum, gems, jewellery, maps or magical items. In contrast, treasure type P indicates that oniy silver and/or ‘lectrum pieces may be present, the former ata probability of 90% and thelatter at a probability of 25% (so there is a chance that there willbe no treasure at all), Thus, i individual treasure is indicated, each indi- ‘vidual monster of that type will, or may, carry the treasure shown. Otherewisa, treasure is only found inamonsters lar (which, in normal circumstances, will also contain the monster on guard). However, ‘even ifan encounter takes place in helair of a monster with aparticu- lar treasure type, this does not automatically mean that the adventur= 'swillgain the treasure if they defeat the monster. I'dice rollsindicate that a particular teeasure component is not in the monster's lar, tis simply not thare: it Is thus quite possible to gain no treasure trom Geteating a monster in its lair, despite the fact that a treasure type is Indicated ‘Treasure types are based on the appearance of a mean number of ‘monsters ofthat particular type, as indicated by the “number appear- ing’. In instances where fewer, or more, monsters of that type are fencountorad, the treasure should be reduced, or increased. in value Larger treasures of a given type are denoted by a multiplier in paren= ‘theses ((x2) for instance) — not to be confused with treasure type X. NUMBER OF ATTACKS shows the number ofbasic attacks, excluding special attacks, the monster is able to make during a given melee ‘ound, This number may be modified by spells such as haste and siow but does not include unusual or special attack forms. Multiple attacks Usually indicate the use of serveral modes of attack during the same melee round — for example a monster which rakes with Its two claws and inflicts a bite in the same melee round would be given attacks. DAMAGE PER ATTACK simply indicates the amount (number of hit points) of damage @ given attack will infict on a victim when it hits, expressed as a range of hit points of damage. Referto the main textfor ‘8 more detailed explanation of the monster's modes of attack and the ‘damage which each might inflict. I «monster uses a weapon in attack, the damage will nat be shown since it will vary according tothe {ype of weapon used SPECIAL ATTACKS detail such special attack modes as dragon breath, magic-use and so forth. Refer to the main text for a detailed ‘explanation of these, including the method and frequency of the tack, the damage it inflicts and any special effects which might re from it ‘SPECIAL DEFENSES are almost self-explanatory and are detailed in the main text in the same manner as are spacial attacks. They will include the use of defensive magic, camouflage abilities and so fort. MAGIC RESISTANCE indicates the percentage chance of a spell absolutely failing if tis cast at, or on, the monster in question. The basis! the figure isaspell cast by amagic-user of the 11thexperience level the figure must be adjusted upwards by 5% for each experience level below 11th, ordownwards by 5% for each experiencelevel above 11th, of the spoll-caster. Thus, a monster with 95% magic resistance ‘cannot be affected by a spell Cast by a magic-user of the 10th expe- rience level orlower, whilea 12th level magic-user has a 10% chance ot affecting it. Note that, even if @ spell doos “overcome the magic resistance” of a ‘monster, the monster is sul entitled to normal saving throws INTELLIGENCE indicates the basic equivalent of the human intelli ‘gence quotient (atleast in concept even if 1 itself appears now to be much isgraced). Certain monsters are instinctively cunning or par- !y devious in their encounter behaviour, andif this is soit willbe Indicated in the text. The intelligence ratings correspond roughly 10 the following character intelligence scores: ° Non-intelligent, or inteligence not ratable 1 ‘Animal inteligence 2-4 Semi-intelligent 57 Low inteligence 8-10 Average (human) intelligence 14-12 Very intelligent 13:44 Highly inteligent 45-48 Exceptionally intelligent 17-18 inteligence 18-20 Supra-genius 2H Godlike intoligence ALIGNMENT indicates the characteristicbent of the monstertowards behaviour, perhaps. modified by agod or evil intent. A monster's alignment will nave a significant effect on the way itbehaves whenitis encountered, the way In whieh it reacts to certain situations, and so forth, SIZBis abbreviated as: = smaller than a typical human; M = approxi~ mately man-sized (5'~7" tall ané approximately the build of a man; ‘and L.= larger than man-sized in one way or another and generally a (Greater mass than a man, Amongst other things, the size of a monster ‘will govern the amount of damage inflicted on it by @ successful hit {roma particular weapon. PSIONIC ABILITY and ATTACK/DEFENCE MODES indicatethe gen- al psionic capabilities, if any, of the monster. Some monsters have ‘suspected, rather than confirmed. psionic powers and where thisis the ‘case the text wil so indicate, LEVEL and EXPERIENCE POINT VALUE are determined by the me- tod indicated in ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Dungeon Masters Guide. If 2 monster has varying ht dice andior "experience levels, values for each are shown, “The tigures and facts given under these headings indicate the general parameters of the monster in question. In each case, there follows: ‘eseription of the monster in datall — its behaviour, normal habitat, aitack/detence styles, special characteristics and so on. Asketch ofa typical ereature of the type is included where necessary. In the main text relating to monsters which are capable of flying ppearsmention of themonsie’s Aerial Manoeurablty Case, Thisis fal grading, from A al one extreme to E at the other, which indicates the monsters general capability to manoeuvre when inthe air. A monster with manoeuvrability class A is quick and highly ma- Roeuvrable in the air —ditficult to hit and capable of rapid and fund mental changes of direction. Atthe ther extreme, amonster of class E Isslow-flyingand ponderous —relatively aneasy target and incapable ff sharpturns, requiring agood deal of space to accomplish more than, ‘avery minor change in direction of fight. AARAKOCRA AARAKOCRA AARAKOCRA — ACHAIERAI — ADHERER — ALEAX — ALGOID — AL-MI'RAJ — APPARITION — ASSASSIN BUG — ASTRAL SEARCHER AARAKOCRA (Bird:Man) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 110 ARMOUR CLASS: 7 MOVE: 676° HIT DICE: 742 SIN LAIR: 6% ‘TREASURE TWPE: D NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3 ‘or by weepen type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mir SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standorc! INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Neutra good SIZE: (20° wing span] PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nit LEVELIX:. VALUE: 11728 +2 per hie poine ‘The aarakocra are a race of intelligent avian humanoid. Ther coclaty consists of small tribes of about 11-30; each ube hes @ hunting ‘wrritory of sbout 10,000 square miles. The bird-men live on high ‘peaks in the mountains, whore they can sear all day on tha winds and the thermas. Aarakocra have little to do with humankind beyond the oscasional poaching of @ farm animal (they appear incapable of distinguishing between domestic and wild animale, for thi sctienot one motivated by malice). They have even les to do with demi-humansand actively istike humanoids. Infrequent. an aarakocra may agree to give Infor- mation to, or set 2 scout for, humans in exchange for shiny coin for gems. As they are extremely reluctant to leave their forilior ‘mountains such an act will only very rarely take place outside the Diemon’s own toritory. ‘Asrakocra stand about 6! high but thov have 2 wing span of 20 Their wings/arms are built somewhat like those of @ pterodacty, with «hand helf-way along eech leading edge. The wingsection beyond the hand has elt lading edge an extremly lengthened and strengthened ‘outer finger which locks in place during fight. The wing-hands cannot ‘rasp while inflight, but when the bird-man ison the ground and the Wwinge are folded boek, tha hands are nosey az useful ot normal human hands. Esch hand consists of three normal-szed fingars and an copporable thumb. ‘The bird-man's mighty wing muscles are anchored in 8 bony kee! wich projects forward from the chest 2 fll foot beyond tho normal fxtent of a human chest. The legs are powerful, with backward: ‘bending’ knaes and dangerous-looking talons on the feet. The feet are sctuslly more dangerous then they appear: the talons can unlock and fold back, uncovering a pair of fully-unctional hands, each wth three tough, powerful Fingers and a thumb, ‘tis these nether ‘Rands’ thatthe bird-man employs in aerial combat, her sing te talon sone or tching hey ete etn, sed for stabbing or foe throwing. Each feathered warrior usally c talf'a dozen Of hes javlings which do 2 hitpoints of damage each, Strapped to its chest in individual sheaths. Aarakocra are remarkably ‘adept at flinging these avelins while in the ar, incurring none ofthe ‘to hit’ penalties used in aerial missile fre. Their most devastating form of attack is to dive upon a victim with a javelin in each nethor hand, building up great speed. The bird-man pulls out of the dive just as It reaches its target and snaps the javelins forward into its prey with great force and accuracy, meanwil ‘omitting a blood-curdling shrisk, Such attacks ore’ at +4. hit probability and do double damage if successful, but the sarakocra ‘needs atleast 200’ of dive 10 perform them properiy. Aarakoera share with eagles the ability to plummat a great distance Yertielly downverds and pull out at the last moment, For the purposes of aerial combat, they are manoeuvrability class C. Rath than fling Ht awey, 2 bird-man will save ite last javelin for stabbing purposes in bale. ‘The aarakocra are oviparous and the fomeles tend the egos during ‘heir Bmonth ineubetion period. It is thase temporarily nest bound females which fabricate all the javelins, tools and other amall items the tribe ures (the malas work other than hunting), The femeles ‘weave the brillant feathered banners and pennants which fly ‘above the tribal nest and mark out their toritory (each tribe hes @ ‘unique, highly individual design). The sight ofan sarakocra weaving is ssid to be Impressive, as they do 20 while resting on thelr bocks and Using all four hands at the same time. individually, shir hands are not ‘9 dextrous as those of a humen, but the extra pair more than com- Densstes for this. Aarakocrs speak their own language and that ofthe giant eagles, with ‘which they are on mutuslly respectful terms. 10% of aarakocre also “peak the common tongue, They get on very well with all forms of a Slomental, and any five sarakecra can summon an air elemental by ‘chanting and flying through an intricate oerat dance (this takes three ‘aloe rounds). The sir elemental wil comply with the bird-men's requests as 2 favour, but wil not fight to the death on their behelf, ‘returning to It own plane {if itean) before such an eventuality could ‘occur, The bird-men are known to have tribal shemens Colour of plumage emong the aarakocra varies from tribe to tribe, but ‘the males are always erested and gaudior than the females. This is ‘especially true during the once-yearly mating season won tho plumage of the males shows up in perticularly striking fashion. Their beaks ere sbout 5” long, grey-black and in shape somewhat between that of a parrot and an eagle. The besk can deliver s nasty bite (1-3 hit points of damage) but is rarely used for fighting unless the bird-man ie trappad on the ground. Their feces are in na way similar tO human faces, thoush thelr eyes are set frontally on the head to provide binccular vision, and in fact ther sight is 60 keen that they fam distinguish detail_et considerable distances. Though they are powerful, they are also light — an adult weight is typically in the ‘ange 60-80 pounds — and are unwilling to become involved in ground melee or fights which could result in grappling, since their hollow ‘bones are quite fregile ond could break If, for instance,» bird-man ‘thrown heavily ta the ground. The ssrokocra are extremely fus- Ceptible to claustrophobia. Such is their fear of being closed in that they will not even enter buildings, end only a mad or insenely- desparate birclman would venture Below ground. Aarakoora con carry up to 1,500 g.p. weight (150 pounds) each, ACHAIERAT ACHAIERAL FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-8 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: Body 8: Lege —1 MOVE: 18 HIT DICE: Body 40 hite points: legs 15 hie points each SGIN LAIR: 5S. ‘TREASURE TYPE: F NO.OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/-8/1-10 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: Toxic Smoke MAGIC RESISTANCE: 35% INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic ev! ‘SIZE: £15" ral) PSIONIC ABILITY: Wu ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Ni LEVELIX.P, VALUE: V1//1,300 + 14 per hitpoints = 2,700 “Though the foul motives which eaused there loathsome birds to be first summoned from the infernal gions are now lost from memery.. remnants of the original achaieral flock stil stalk the earth, haunting shadowy places and underground passages. In form they consist of 2 huge spherical head:body, with a powerful beak and feathery crest, ‘atop four long lege ending in strong claws. Men-tized opponents cannot usually attack the soft body but can only reach the hard, ‘metallic legs. Ukewise # will not urvaly be able to reach a victim ‘ith its beak and will therefore fight with two claws, doing 1-8 hit points of damage each ‘A beak attack, when this Is poste, will have the hit probability of @ ‘Scdice monster, while the claws attack with the hit probability of a 4- ‘ico moneter in all cases. Ifa beak attack le dativered, It wil inflict 1-10 hit points of asmage on the vietim. “The achalorai often travel ih groups and, though group need never ‘check morale, ach inivicial bird wil try to flee i it ses a lg (a total ‘of 15 hit pointe of damage or more on a particular lg will break it from the body). Though flightless (the rudimentary wings ae scarcely Visible end will not support flight), a bird often eludes pursuers with its tong strides. Ite movement rae ie unaffected by tho los of» sing 9, But the loss of two logs halves movement rate. An injured leg wil regenerate fully in about two days but the birds do not possess other roponerative powers and a leg which hes been compitely lost wil not bere-grown, 1 a bird loses three legs, or is otherwise seriously wounded, it wil ‘lease 8 cloud of black toxic smoke which in shape and size approxi ‘ates t0 9 sphere of 10" radius. All within the cloud (except acheieri) ADHERER take 2-12 hit points of damage automatically and must save ageinst poison or suffer insanity for 3 hours (treat as the Druidicfeeblemind fell of limited duration). In the confusion the wounded bird will ‘20k to escape, crawling if three legs have been lost at «2 movement rate. Description: The logs ace a metallic biuegrey, the body-head @ dull seatlet with deep red biotehes. The eyes are steo-blue and the wings blue-green. A wide range of crest colours have been obierved.the most ‘common being bright flameed, ADHERER FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 4 ARMOUR CLASS: 3 MOVE: 9” HIT DICE: 4 SIN LAIR: 20% TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1.9 SPECIAL ATTAGKS: Aahesion see below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Seo be/ow MAGIC RESISTANCE: See bo/ow INTELLIGENCE: Som? ALIGNMENT: Lawfut evil Size: PSIONIC ABILITY: Ail Attack/Defence Modes: Ni! LEVEL/X2. VALUE: MI60 + 4 per hit point ‘This curious erasture beart 9 clote resemblance tos mummy — rman-szed and with loose folds of dirty white ski appear on first sight to be a mummy's bandages. Coincidentally. the creature is just sx vulnerable 10 fire a is a mummy due toa resinous solvent in its its body fluids, (See ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL — Mummy). It is immune to all fistovel ‘magicuser spells except magic mislle which causes t 318 hit points (of damage per missle. ‘The creature's skin constantly exudes @ soursmeling glueike substance with very powerful adhesive properties: any material excent stone will adhere to it and only fire, boing weter or the creature's ‘own voluntary secretions will break the adhesion. Thus any weapon ‘ahich hits the beast will adhere to it (and only deliver haf damage) Similarly the creature will stick to any character it hits with it two- handed flailing fist ettack (which also inflicts 1-3hitpoints of damage ‘on the victim): its favourite tactic Ie to bind up an opponent in thie fashion and dee him as an involuntary shield. ‘The odhetive properties of the secretion wear off in S10 turns after the beasts killed Usually the adherer will catch its prey by waiting in ambush, camou: flaging itcelf by rolling in dirt, sticks, and leaves and then artfully arranging larger ploces of debris to conceo! its form. Any prey (regard: lass of size) passing near its ‘hideout’ will rigger its attack response fad the adherer will pounce on the closest target, attempting tohit and 1 cling with bulldogaike tenacity until the prey expires. However, if it is spotted and sttacked before any potential prey has come into ouncing range (with misile fire, or sometimes even loud noises), it ‘ill become confused and beat a hasty retreat. Bolling water (or bolting liquid of other types) will cause the adherer 13 hit points of domone if @ sizeable quantity is thrown over the beat {the contents of 0 large bucket would just suffice if thrown from close engugh to minimise “spread” adhesive properties forthe subsequent melee round, “The adherer's tarto for pray is wideranging and it wil usually attack, iven a eultable opportunity. The only exception to this isthe spidor = the edherer wil never attack a spider of whatever variety and sometimes it has been known t0 co-operate with them in trapping Despite is appearance, the adherer is not an undead creature, ALEAX ALEAX FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: See befow MOVE: 12° HIT DICE: See bolow SEIN LAIR: Mil ‘TREASURE TYPE: Nid NO. OF ATTACKS: See below DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below ‘SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Regeneration —see below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 100% INTELLIGENCE: Genius ALIGNMENT: See below SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Wi ‘Axtack Defence Mod LEVEL/X.P, VALUE: See below ‘An aleax is @ physical manifestation of the vengeance of certain gods. ‘There is but one sleax for each such god, sant to punish and redeem ‘those who stray from alignment, fall to sacrifice enough tressure or ‘otherwise angor their god. An aleax will never be met by chanes. ‘An aleex appears in human form and will closely resemble his Intended victim. To thot victim, the aleex will appeer bathed in shimmering light which varies in colour according to the god's align~ mont — golden for lawful good, deep purple for lawful el, ever- Changing roseand-blue hues for’ chaotic good, and so forth. On appearance, the aleex will attack hie intended victim — he cannot be detected in any way by others, nor will physial oF magical attacks ‘ouch the sleax except those from his viewim. To an observer, the Victim appears te be in conflict with a totally invisible, totally ine ‘winerable being. ‘To the victim, the aleax will be in all respects (except as indicated elsewhere) his own exact duplicate. it will have the same character- latis, hit point, semour, weapons ond so on. There are but two differences in cornbat: 2) the oleax regenerates after boing frst wounded: the round after the wound is taken, itragenorates 1 it point, the next round 2 hit points, then 4 hit points, then 8 hit points and so on until itis killed (reduced to zero hit points or below) or al hits are restored. [Wit i then hit again, the progression starts against 1 hit point bb) any hit scored agsinet an alesx on an unmodified roll of 19 does ‘double damage, and any hit on an unmodified 20 does quadruple ‘damage.Note thet damage inficted by the aleax on its victim is ‘normal, whetaver the ‘ta it roll. ‘A vietimn kllad by an aleax loses al treasure (even if cached — gods fare near-ornniscient!) and half his experience points. The character is ‘hen automatically raised and may then bepin life again at the ‘appropriate experience lavel. All the victim's magical items lose their ‘mogieal properties, serolls become blank, potions become inert anid 0 on. No resurrection is necessary and the character will not receive ® further visitation from an aleax provicing he remeins true to his god ‘hereafter, fan Intended victim kills an aleax, that person is taken to Heaven (or ‘Olympus, Hell, Velalla as sppropriete) to serve hs god personaly for f Year end e dey. On return, the character wil regin all forms Posseslons (which in this case retain their properties and powers, though they are not available for use by another character during the Cwner's absence) and the deity will almost certainly (95% chance) ‘add an extra reward (e.g, « powerful magial item, promotion to the ‘axe highest experience level ac. — at the referee's dcretio). As it oppeors, an eloax wil, the victim's alignment language, utter fa Tew briet words to ingieate that the victim 1s {0 be punished by his (9°4. Otherwise an alex will never converse, no matter ander what sures, " ALMIRAJ ALGOID FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-6 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 6” HIT DICE: 8 S6IN LAIR: 20% ‘TREASURE TYPE: D(x) NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-10/1-108 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Immune to edged weapon of les than #2 bomus MAGIC RESISTANCE: Immune to firebsle and Lightning: otnerwise standard INTELLIGENCE: Semi: ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutrar SIZE: PSIONIC ABILITY: 107-120 {and see befow) ‘Attack/Defencs Moder: A LEVEL/KP. VALUE: V/280 + 5 per hit paine This creature appears as a green humanoid with coarse, rough feature. Its appearance is misleading, however — itis in facta colony ‘of algae which, arembled In this form, her developed tome mobility and 2 rudimentary intelligence. Its form is only of temporary It is immune to psionic attacks but can diver one mind blast per dy. It ettacks otherwise with its powerful fists each of whieh can inflict 110 hit points of damage Edged weapons will pass through an elgoid without doing any damage, unless they have magical bonus of +2 or better in which case they inflict half normal damage. Blunt weapons — magical or ‘otherwise — wil do Full damage The algoid has control over certein types of tees, similar to the con ‘yol exerted over trees by the treant (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL — Traant). The typer of tree ‘ver which the algoid has contrat are those which wil be found near Fas normal habitat (swamp, lakeside pasture — stall events close 19 water of some kind whether stagnant or otherwiee; thus It will ba able 0 control two willows, waterooks, eypresses or other similar Varieties of tre, Trees thus controlled move at 3" rate and strike with two attacks per round for 1~10hit points of damage each, Despite theic immunity to cietain forms of mages! atack (reba lightning) slgoiss are. porticulerly vulnerable to. part water at lower water spell, each Of whicn inflict 1~6 hit points of damage per ‘oxporiance level of te spall caster ALMI'RAJ FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 2-20 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 18” HIT ice: 7 SIN LAIR: 5% TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1—# SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below INTELLIGENCE: Animo! ALIGNMENT: Neutra! ‘SIZE: $(3" all) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mil ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nit LEVELIX P. VALUE: 10 +1 perhit point APPARITION ‘Tho skmi'rai generally roam partures and woodlands but ie sometimes discovered in dungeons. is Ini i usually small cave just below around. “The creature resomibles large yellow hare with a long (1%-2' black hhom protruding forwards from the centre of is forehead, resembling that of 2 unicorn. In mee Ie wil stab with its horn, its nimbleness fiving the horn demage potential of @ dagger (1-4 hit points of damage) {te intellect is saveraly limited snd its beheviour unpredictable — for Instance It mey well attack for no good reason. If Its captured alive ‘when young, tha beast shows a surprising aptitude for training and its fearlessness makes it a useful companion. ‘Tho slmiral hae particularly scute sense of smell and sharp eyesight APPARITION FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOUR CLASS: 0 MOVE: 24 HIT DICE: 8 SGN LAIR: 20% “TREASURE TYPE: NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mir SPECIAL DEFENCES: Can ‘only be hit by magical or silver weapons MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evt size: PSIONIC ABILITY: Wir ‘Attack /Defence Modes! Nid LEVELIX.P. VALUE: 'V//1,000 + 10 per hit point “This ghostly undead creature exists mainly on the Ethereal Plane, though when making ite ‘attack’ Ht can be hit, s f armour class O, by ‘magica! or silver weapons. An apparition is turned as a spectre. It ll be reluctant to approsch mirrors or anything made of silver, “The apportion has an emotive E.S.P ability which enables it to sense potential victims up to 100' away. It surprises party oF an indivi fon a roll of 1-5 (a6) due to its uncanny appserance from wal, floor ‘or ceiling, using the surprise thus geined to close the distance between it and its vietim. When in sight it appears as en insubstantial skeletal boing in 8 thin white robe. In actuality the apparition is uneble physically to attack. However its chosen victim will feel bony clawlike fingers at the throat ~ this effect is felt even through armour. Even though the vietim may be aware that the apparition cannot physically do them harm, the suggestion is immensely strong. The Sictim must roll 346; 2 total under the victim's intelligance means ‘that the suggestion is ineffective and the victim is immune (though ‘only to that individual apparition). However a total equal too Greater than the victim's intelligence means that they are stricken horror and must apain roll 306, This score fs matched against th ‘constitution. If the total is fess than the constitution the vietim feos in terror for 14 melee rounds (and may be attacked again in so doing). Howover if the total is equal to or greater than the onstivution the victim suffers # mastive heart seizure and Instandy AA slain victim may be rized but If the body #s left, oF no attempts ‘made within one hour to raat, it wil rise asan apparition in 2Bhours ‘Tho apparition may be attacked ‘normally’ on the Ethares! Plane by characters able to move and fight on that plane, but remains on the 12 ASSASSIN BUC Prima Materia! Plane for only one melee round per victim attackedand iv is only during this period that it can be attacked by non-etheree! To make is “ttack’ the apparition need not score a hit in the usual sense s0 no ‘to hit rol is required. ASSASSIN BUG FREQUENCY: Aero NO. APPEARING: 2 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 67718 HIT DICE: 147 XIN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: il NO. OF ATTACKS: # DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Paratysation SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Anima! ALIGNMENT: Noveral SIZE: $ fup to 2" lang) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit AAttack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIX.. VALUE: 165 + 2 per hit point Resambling giant blueborte flies with four limbs ~ miniature arms and legs — the assassin bugs are rarely seen except ducing their mating feason fone day in every two months) when » mole ond a female may be encountered iving In search of a host for their offering. The fetural host is human, but assassin bugs have been known to lay their eggs in demi-numans and (rarely) humanoids, ‘The male wil always attack fist biting @ vitim for 1—4 bit points of damage while the female flies nearby, as close to the intended victim ‘6 potsble consistent with not risking being attacked. f the m attack succeeds, its saliva well paralyse the affected area of victim's body unless the vitim makes his saving roll at +2. The male will continue to atwack until desuoyed. For purposes of serial ‘combat, they are manoeuvrability clas C. ‘As soon as one ofthe male's attacks has achleved the desired paralysa- tion, the female (which detects the scent of the male saliva) will ‘attack’ the affected area. If successful, the female implants her 9g into the victim's body. The female will die as soon asthe eng has been implonted, ‘The o93 will hatch, producing 7-12 larvae, 13-24 hours after it has been implanted. Ouring this period only 8 very powerful spell such as a limited wish oF heal will remove or kil the egg. When the larvae heteh, each ono will cause 1 hit point of damage to the host each hour It devours the host's internal organs. After 2 weeks the larvae wil leave the host, burrowing out through the area in which the egg was originally implanted and causing an additional 58 hit points of damage per larva a5 they do so. As soon as they are outside the body, ‘they will metamorphose inte full-grown essassin bugs. While the larvae are in the host's body, they can be killed by a ‘number of spells east on the host: Cure serious wounds — vill ‘one larva por experience level of the arvae: ‘Hea! — will Kil all larvae and restore all but 8 of the victim's hit 3 spel can also be effective during this period. ‘Assassin bug 099s ae regarded as great delicacies by tolls, troglodytes fond busbears. The oggs themselves are 4-5" long and oval, coloured a ep blue. Description: Assassin bugs are generally the colour of blucbottle flies though the female tends to be 0 lighter shade than th “The four limbs are the colour of human flesh, The wings are nearly trangperent but have 2 falntsiver hue. ASTRAL SEARCHER ASTRAL SEARCHER FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 424 ARMOUR CLASS: 10 Move: 12°" HIT DICE: 2 SIN LAIR: We TREASURE TYPE: Wi NNO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: A/7 victime ACE SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Any SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Mi ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Mi LEVEL/X?. VALUE M/73 + 2 per hit point ‘Astral sarchers — mindless shells of nebulous humenoil shape — are crested by concentrated andor traumatic human thought. Viole death, spells cast while on the Astral Pane and astral combat often sult in the eroation of asiral searchers (an event quite unknown to ‘their creator or source). Driven by thelr past connection with material beings, astral searchers sack material bodies with complete singleness ‘of purpose. Wandaring the Astral Plane, they search for woak points in the fabric connecting the Astral to the Prime Material Plane: they Cluster at such points, wating for the stres lines to become calineat 50 that they can pass from the Astra! to the Materal through the singularities thus created. Such weak points exist naturally they may BABBLER also be ereated during seta! exist only temporary vel (4% chance) in wich esse they When they have been able to cross to the Prime Material Plane, astral Searchers emerge there and attack the nearest living hurmanoids inthe hope of possosting their bodies. Astral searchers attack the peyehe (+o all vitims ore treated as ACS against thelr atack, regerdies of ‘Bhysical or magical protection) though their vieims will boli the attack to be physical and wil sustain damage accordinaly. All damage inflicted by astral searchers is illusory and will fade in 3-12 rounds following the termination ofthe astral searchers’ attack, 11 an astral searcher reduces it victim to zero hit points or below, the ‘mind and personality of the vietim are cstroyed and the sal Saorcher porsesins the body. It sequires the victim's physical abilities fand hit points (as all damage fram the astral searcher's attack now issppeare) but not the former owner's personality, and alignmant should be re-determined at rendom. The possessed body becomes 2 ‘now nor-player character in the body of a player character and what this nonplayer-character may do is entirely in the hands of the referge, who must have regard to the body's alignment in determining its action ‘Astral searchers ean be exorcised from a body, but the original payche vill have been completely destroyed and the player character cannot 'e raised or brought back. If an astral searcher is driven out of s body, ‘the empty corpus will then be an open invitation to possession by s demon or other similar creature (atthe discretion ofthe referee) ‘Astral searchers may bo attacked physically; destruction of the ‘materialised searcher body will result In the destruction and diss ation of the astral eenrchor itualf, Since they exist simultaneously ‘on two planes, astral seorchers are 50% resistant to magic Astral searchers are not in any respect undosd. BABBLER — BAT, GIANT — BERBALANG — BLINDHEIM ~ BLOOD HAWK ~ BLOODWORM, GIANT — BONESNAPPER — BOOKA — BULLYWUG — BUNYIP BABBLER FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 14 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 6” or 12” (see below! HIT Dice: 6 S6IN LAIR: 15% ‘TREASURE TYPE: B NO. OF ATTACKS:3 DAMAGEIATTACK: 1-6/1-6/1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard} INTELLIGENCE: Average but high cunning ALIGNMENT: Chaotic SIZE: L (8'ral) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mi ‘Attack /Defence Modes: Nit LEVELIX?. VALUE: M/130 +5 por hitpoint Wold mutations of lizard mon, bebblors are largo ponderous marsh dwellers, known as mars\-gberers to native tribes dwelling near their swamp habiext. Their predominant colour is a cirty yellow, though their undersides are grey. Mottled grey patches create weird designs fon their muscular bodies. In form, the babbler resembles a small sorgosaurus with a floxible, tough tail employed te keep the eresture Stable in erect movement. 13 (1-6 hit points of damage each) and its bite (1 hit points of damage). It hes @ particularly large mouth, filed with rows of sharp teeth When moving on ite belly the babble i difficult to detect (25% chancel but animals will smell it some distance away. if it Is LUndotected In approach it can strike from behind at a 4th lovel thief, ‘doing double damaps and gaining a bonus of #4 on the “to hit” rol ‘The bebbler ie particularly fond of human flesh and will attack humans unless outiumbored by more than two to one. Raiding parties of marsh-welling lizard men have been observed tobe led by ‘One, two or even three babblers in an ev quest for human flesh “The babbler communicates with its kind in @ quesitingual babbling tongue which defies efforts at snah ean understand the comman tonal BAT BAT, Giant FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO, APPEARING: 318 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: & Move: 37718" HIT DICE: 14 hit points or 1 SkIN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: Vi NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2 or 1-4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mil SPECIAL DEFENCES: See MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standard INTELLIGENCE: Non: ALIGNMENT: Nevera! SIZE: s PSIONIC ABILITY: nit Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVEL/XP, VALUE: 15 + per hit point or 110 +1 per bit point ‘These creatures — giant versions of the carnivorous variety of the ordinary bet, with bodios 3° long and a wingspan of 5-6’ — dwell in dark caverns, usally underground. In flight they emit a high-pitehed whistling sound, @ navigational device which compensates for their poor ayesighe Giant bats are highly manoeuvrable in flight — anyone with 3 dexterity af less than 13 who fires a missile ata flying giant bat does 50 at —3 hit probability. For purposes of aerial combst, they are manoeuvrability cats C. “The creature must land — usually on its vietim — to attack with its bite (1-2 oF 1-4 points of damage). 1% of victims bitten by giant bats contract rabi Only 10% of glnt bate are of the 1 hit de varity BERBALANG FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: move: 67724" HIT Dice: 141 IN LAIR: See betow TREASURE TYPE: D NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1441-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wi SPECIAL DEFENCES: | macic Resistance: ‘Standard INTELLIGENCE: Very ‘ALIGNMENT: Chaotic ev Size:at PSIONIC ABILITY: wa ‘Atack/Defence Modes: Ni LEVEL/XP. VALUE: M1168 + 2per hit point ‘The berbalang Is @ solitary biped with leathery skin and bar-ike wings. Its eyes are white and watery and its powers of infravision are twice 2s effective as elves’ (120" range! The creature epende the greater part of each month in an apparently dormant state, hibernating preferably in a wallhidden cave. Though Prano where it sponds its time hunting and kiling creaturae weaker ‘gran elf and engaging in bizare and complex courtship and mating rituals with other berbalanos. If its body is discovered and interfered 14 BERBALANG with during the creature's astral roaming, the berbalang will attempt {0 return to the body and animate it; however this can take a ong time (1-100 rounds) depending on the barbalang’s actual distance ‘anay across the planes. Ifthe body Is destroyed, the astral berbalang jes at well. For this reason the creature takes 8 great deal of care in hing itself ang is very ingenious in tis regard For three days each month at the time of the full moon, the berbalang returns to its material body, only to alter its form of trance land send forth @ physical projection of iself upon the Prime Matariel rane. The projection flies in search of food — a freshly-kled human ‘omse. The projection is physical inthe sense that it can recsive and inflict damage — in this respect it is © duplicate of the original, The berbelang can use all of the senses of the projection ‘and will ‘command (and escentially “ie? the projection in Its quest for food. ‘The projection can range up to 3 miles from the material berbelang body. The projection fights, i it needs to do so, in the same way as the berboleng — with its two claws (14 Ait points of damage each) and a bite for 1-6 hit points of damage. If the projection is hitand suffers damage it immediately takes flight, returning at flying speed (24 rate) to the body which wil be unable to project again for a numer of days equal to the number of points fort. If the projection fs “killed” it cisappears, and there is @ 75% chance that the original wl also dl from system shock. It the berbalong survives an attack, it will eventually seek revenge upon ite attacker, though thie may be delayed while the body recovers. If 8 wounded projection is followed beck to the berbalang lair, the followers may. be taken abeck when they confront the turmounded physica! creature, If the protection is forced beck tothe body before the berbalang wos able to feed, or if the projection was destroyed before feeding, a new Drojaetion will go. forth aguin se soon st pottible.(aftor the ompulsory period of recovery? regerdes of the phese of the moon, ‘To oop from doplating its food supply oF arousing too greet a local Alarm, a berbalang will move its physical body to a new area every theee ‘or four months. They always travel by night and avoid con- frontations hen” they are actually physically present. Since Derbaiangs live on the edge of civilisation, where lack of organisation allows them frae rein, 2 berbolang is very rarely encountered in ite physical form unless adventurers happen upon its lair or follow its Drofaetion back to its body. If @ projection kills @ human it will immediately pick up the body and fly, at fll rate, back tothe host which will immediately ersarge frorn ts trance, While inflight, the projection wil be feeding on the body ‘fully grown human can thus be devoured in one turn, leaving only ‘the bones, garments and equipment. For the purposes of serial combat, the berbalang and its projection {are both manoeuvrability cles . How the berbalang derives sustenance when only its projection feed, and how it reproduees wien all mating sctiviy takes place on the ‘Astral Plane, are mysteries 0 far unexplained. BLINDHEIM BLINDHEIM FREQUENCY: Very rare NO, APPEARING: 14 ARMOUR CLASS: See below, MOVE: 9” HIT DICE: 442 IN LAIR: 5% ‘TREASURE TYPE: 8 NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Blinding stare SPECIAL DEFENCES: My MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standord INTELLIGENCE: Animal ALIGNMENT: Chaotic vil SIZE: $ (eal) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Attock/Defence Modes: Nit LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Wi/130°+ 8 per hit point This subterranean creature i a yellow frogstike humanoid with huge eyes that shine like seerchlights, While in repose, the beost keops its eves ‘turned off’ by means of an extra eyelid: however it can ‘stack’ inctantanoously by opening its eyes, and its acute sense of hearing will Usually Indleate vo It the lection of its “target, Those who eome within Its beams st a range of 30° or lose murt sav (at agsinet wands) OF be blinded for 11—20 turns. Anyone with infravision in that range ‘must save st —3. ‘Those not blinded will stil be unable to look directly at the beast so its fective armour ela ie 1. Howover if for any reason an attacker it immune to bright light, the biindheim’s true armour class is 3 Wher at close quarters, the blindheim attacks with a vicious bite ‘which ilies 18 hit points of damace ‘The creature is coloured in verying shades of yellow, the derker shades on itt back contrasting with lighter shades on ite underbelly. f sof dead blindhoim are opened, they are sean to be s dull gold BLOOD HAWK FREQUENCY: Uncommon |. NO, APPEARING:4~15(@72+9) ARMOUR CLASS: 7 ES Move: 24°" HIT DICE: 197 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: Ox2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4-4/1-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nid MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standore| INTELLIGENCE: Semi ALIGNMENT: Neutra! SiZe:s PSIONIC ABILITY: Ai ‘Attack /Defence Modes: Wil LEVELIX?. VALUE: 1220 + 2per hit point Blood hawks rosomble normal hawks in sizo alone, a¢ thor boske aro razor sharp and their talons unusually strong, Their wings are similar to those of an eagle, giving them considerable speed in flight. For purpetes of aerial combat, they are manoeuvrability clas B. ‘They attack with their beaks (1~6 hit points of darnage) and two set: of talons (14 hit points of damage each set), swooping swiftly and Silently onto their victims. Blood hawks are fond of human flesh and Will continue to attack humans even when the melee is going agent them. 16 BONESNAPPER They will pick at the dead bodies oftheir rey, not anly for foad but ‘also for gems with which they line thoir nests as an alluroment to blood haw females. All other types of treasure wil be ignored, In colour the blood hawk is @ uniform medium gray. BLOODWORM, Giant FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 6” HIT DICE: 6 S6IN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: 0 NO.OF ATTACKS: DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 + Blood drain SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wi! SPECIAL DEFENCES: Wir MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stancurd INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Neveral Ci SIZE: L (20" long) ° PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni Attaek/Dofence Modes: Ai! LEVEL/X?. VALUE: 1V/225 +6 per hit point Giant bloodworms are usually found in the shallow pools of ‘underground caverns. They cannot swim, but propel themselves slong the bottom of such pools or on nearby firm ground. Thai underbelly is @ dark slimy brown while their upper surface is mottled green Living hatf in, half out of @ pool, @ giant bloodworm is asity mis: taken in dim light for a moee covered boulder ‘A Giant bloodworm will only attack if hungry (they will eat once 2 ‘week! orif trodden on, When the git bloodworm does atack, it will attempt to fasten its large suekered mouth onto a vietim. If success ful, it will drain blood from ite victim each subsequent round. Trough the inital attack requires @ successful ‘to hit’ roll and causes no ‘damage, subsequent blood drains are automatic, requiring no “to hit fall, and deliver 1-8 hit points of demoge until the bloodworm des for releases its ores Giant dloodworms are particularly wuinerable 10 fire ~ they take ‘double damage from all fie attacks and save st ~2 against magical fire, A successful fire attack isthe only way, short of killing the baa, 10 force it to relax its grip on a victim, though if the bloodworm i ot kiled, it will attempt to rettach itslf to a victim immediately BONESNAPPER FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-3 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 6” HIT DICE: 4 IN LAIR: 20% ‘TREASURE TYPE: ¢ NO.OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 12/14 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Now: ALIGNMENT: Neutral ‘SIZE: Mt (5° high) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIX.P. VALUE: 1/60 +4 per hitpoint The bonesnapper is s small descendant of a longextinct class of carnivorous dinosaur, at stupid st it is aggressive. The large jaw omiains many sharp teeth which it uses to inflict 1—8 hit points of BOOKA damage in molee; at the same time, the til swoops round to deliver 1 hit points of damage on the same victim. Its aggressive natu leads it always to fight to the death. ‘Thoush nonintllignt, the bonesnapper hat inherited a primeval ingtinet for the collation of human bones, particularly Janbones, wmbich ie uses to decorate te subterranean lair, The number of such ‘bones discovered in a lair will give 8 good indication of the occupant’: status among its kind, Description: The bonesnapper is » grey-green colour mottled with dark grey spots and patches. It has tiny sariet eyes and Vellowawhite BOOKA FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOUR CLASS: 7 Move: 12718" HIT DICE: 74 hit pointe SIN LAIR: 75% TREASURE TYPE: J NO. OF ATTACKS: Ny DAMAGE/ATTACK: Nit SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: See betow| MAGIC RESISTANCE: 10% INTELLIGENCE: Very ALIGNMENT: Newtral (chaotic good) size: s PSIONIC ABILITY: Mi Attack/Defence Modes: Ai! LEVELIX., VALUE: 18 1 per hit point The books are sprite-tike erestures given to dwelling in at {and on sunny rooftops. They hete cold, and in such climes wil always be ins, near chimneys. On bright, sunny mornings they ual sweep the stare or porch of the place they cell in, always doing s0 when there is nobody around to observe them. if disturbad when involved in euch tasks, they will become angry and immediately romove to a new home, Books are very fostmoving and can also fly. They can become invisible at will, even when running or flying. They hate vil creatures {and will play ticks on them If given the opportunity — hiding valued objects, tangling things like rope, hair, clothing ete, and generelly causing trouble. Ha books Is captured or harmed in any way, itis certain that others of is ilk aware ofthis act wil bring dozens of other booka to cause ‘mischief and trouble until the offender freer the eaptive or maker ‘amends for the harm by giving a valuable gift (such a: a sack of gold, BULLYWUG Jewellery or even something magical) to the books, placing the item Offered on a roof-top and leaving it fora day. Failure to placate angry books will evantually result in some sort of fatal accident, for the creatures will place shares and traps for the offender. ‘A books is only about 1" tall. Bath males and females tend to have large features and thin bodies. They can be described, ot best, ‘homely’. For purposes of aerial combat, they are manoeuvrability class A,though they will avoid combat of this or any othar sore by ‘means oftheir invisibility fatal possible. BULLYWUG FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 10-80 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 (or better) Move: 2"//15" HIT DICE: 7 SIN LAIR: 20% TREASURE TYPE: J, K, M, O(x5)) ‘& Clmagic only) in air NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 or 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/2-5 or by weapon SPECIAL ATTACKS: Hop SPECIAL DEFENCES: ComoutlagS MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low to overage ALIGNEMENT: Ghaotie vi! SIZE: $ to Mf PSIONIC ABILITY: Ai/ Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVEL/X?. VALUE: Regular = 1/18 + 1 per hit point Leader = 16 + 2per hit point Shaman or Great Chief = I/80 + 3 per hit poine which Inhabit wet places ~ rainy forests, marshes, damp caves or virtually The bullywugs are o batrachion rece of bipedal monste any other place which Is shady oF dark a bullyugs need to darnpen their skins from hat water nearby, for Some typee of these creatures are more intelligent than others. The imetigent groups tend to well in caves or deverted. human habitations. and they will usualy have armour, shields and various forms of woopons (use the example of humen bandits for arms ond armour). The less advanced bullywasgs hate their more intelligent fellovs and war upon them Uniess encumbered by armour and shield, a bullywwi is able to swim rapidly. Even with such ®2 bullywug can swim at 8! Speed. Likewise, with or without adornment, a bullywug can bop forward 3" or upwards 11". In doing so, the creature adds +1 10 its 10 ht’ die rll or role fis using an impaling weapon, the bullywn delivers double damage asa reult of » successful hopping attack. BUNYIP “The hopping attack with a weapon is their normal means of melee. However bullywugs without access to weapons, or those which have ‘been cisarmed, wil stl hop to the attack in which case they use two ‘laws (12 hit points of damage each) and a bite (2-5 hit points of damage). _Bullywuge have @ chameleon-tike power; their skin colouration can be ‘grey, green or brown in light or dark shades. Thus, if motionless and area which allows use of camouflage power, a bullywaia is 75% Lnlkely to be noticed (thi apps to infavision at wal, asthe colour ‘alteration also alters body heat). When attacking unnoticed trom ‘camouflage conditions, the bullywug has. 3 in 6 chance of surprising its vietim (5 in 6 if hopping to the ertack). “The major weakness of these creatures is that unless they are employ- Jing Jong weapons, their attacks always take place after those of thelr ‘opponents, due to slow speed of movement or exposure. while hopping, Note that a weapon can be set against a hop just as against 3 charge (which, in ffect, hop it. tyerugs form organised bands and are always led by 2 larce vidual with a full 8 hit points. If 30 or more of these creatures are ‘encountered, there will be atleast 5 large individuals and s leader of 10-13 hit points (effectively @ 2-dice monster) doing +1 damage on all attacks. Those using ermour ete. will alo have @ 10% chance per ten creatures in the group of having a tribal shamen of 11-14 hit points. Groupe of 60 or more will have a great chiel of 1619 hit ;oints which does +2 damage on all attacks. “These creatures will readily serve chaotic evil masters, human or ‘otherwise. It is rumoured that bullywug-human crossbreeds ae viable ‘and that certain degenerate humans dull in mixed communitios with these monsters, serving unnamed things from caverns deep beneeth theearth “The bullywugs have their own, rather primitive language and the more intelligent ones can converse haltingly in the common tongue, though ‘their vocabulary. Is rather limited. They are held in disdain. by schusgin, who will occasionally rid » bullywaug lic for sport and out ‘of hoor malice, eating any captive alive. Lizard men will rraly associate with bullywugs, though there is no open hostility towards the CARBUNCLE BUNVIP FREQUENCY: Reve NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 10 Move: 12” HITDICE: 5. SIN LAIR: 20% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Mir NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nit SPECIAL DEFENCES: i MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord] INTELLIGENCE: Animes ALIGNMENT: Neutra! (chaotic good) SIZE: M (6° fong) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mit ‘Attack Defence Modes Nt LEVELIX.. VALUE: M180 + per hie point ‘The bunyip is an aquatic beast resembling a ses! covered in thick black fur, with a block mane and unusually powerful jaws. It was in {is 2 mischievous beast of playful intent, but Is large and strong enough to tip over a small boat. It can also sense the approach of hhuman beings and may (50% chance) rise momentarily above the surface to roar at a nearby party of adventurers: all members of the party wh are below the 4th experiance level must save ot ~2 ageinst ‘wands oF flee in panic. {f & small creature such as 2 dwar is struggling in the water, the ‘bunyip will usually (80% chance) bite in an attempt to sever and swallow a limb, but it will not attack snything larger than @ wart ‘except in selt-defence or unless the victim is sready bleeding. A ‘conssful bite by the bunvip's powerful ave inflicts 1-6 hit points ‘of damoge, I it attacks ono ‘to hit’ ral of 20, a limb of the victim i severed etermine at endam or according to the rcumstances of the attack) CARBUNCLE CRABMAN ~ CRYPT THING = CARYATID COLUMN — CATERWAUL ~ CIFAL — CLUBNEK — COFFER CORPSE — CARBUNCLE FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 2 MOVE: 3” HIT DICE: 1 S6IN LAIR: 108 TREASURE TYPE: Wi (out see below) NO. OF ATTACKS: Nir DAMAGE/ATTACK: Ni SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wit SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below ip MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ~ average ALIGNMENT: Mevtral with chaotic tendencies SIZE: $19" long) PSIONIC ABILITY: Wil ‘Attack/Defence Medes: i! LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: 1/18 + 1 por hit point “This small creature is similar armadillo with an ‘armoured’ upper surface of small interlocking ‘plates’ of tough leathery skin. It foeds ‘exclusively on leaves and small insoees and is rarely found cutie u treat (euch a2 woodland and marshland) where there i a copious supply of such food. Its upper surface armouring is attractively Dattamed in shades of brown while its undrbady ie ight grey flocked with amall green patches. Set in itz hesd, immediately above its ever, le 3 large ruby. This is dctualy part of the animal and if the beast dies the ruby wil shatter into. worthless dust, The creature may, however, be coaxed Into iving up its ruby by 2 wizard (or anyone of equal status) wine use 9 harm monster or charm animal ability. The gem is usualy (70%) 500 9p value though rare specimens (25%) have 1,000 gp coms and ‘there is a 5% chance that @ carbunele will have a 8,000 9p gem. If successfully removed a carbuncle’s gem will reprow at the rate of 100 gp per month, The value of the geen may change each time it regrows, The creature hes empethy and telepethy, communicating via the latter, and also sight powers of prophecy concerning the immediate ‘ature. Is power af empathy enables it to understand the character of teach person it encounters and know wht that person knows, though its intalligonce does not permit it to formulate more than very basic concepts. If attacked, it puts up no reslatance and is easly captured. tan will itself to dle, however ~ it has no fear or conception of death and will ‘ive up its lite if placed under duress. It will usually approach a party ‘of sdventurers and communicate the value of its gem to. them, CARYATID COLUMN seeking 1 accompany the party. When this objective hes been ‘achieved, however, and it has gained the confidence of the party its malicious nature will lead it to ty to cause disruption within the — but rarely — it may communicate steratly with nearby monsters to enrage thom into attacking the party. Its motives In spreading wich disidonce are not entirely clear, but ite the boliet of certain sages that the carbuncie’s Inability to comprehend death ‘makes it fascinated by combat and particularly by death, tothe extent that it will do its utmost to promote such events. Having achieved its objective, tho carbuncto will watch the events in ‘morbid fascination then, choosing an opportune moment, it will ‘uietly slip away. CARYATID COLUMN FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-12 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 6” HIT DICE: 22 nit poines S6IN LAIR: Mi TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mi! SPEGIAL DEFENCES: See ‘below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Aur saving throws at +8 INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Nevera! SIZE: M4 (7' tal) PSIONIC ABILITY: Wit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Ai Caryatid columns are much ike stone golems (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL — Golem, Stone) in that they are created by means of a magical tome or by a magie~ User of 16th level oF higher, who must use tho same spells as for the creation of a stone golem: however the cost i lightly higher and the time taken doubles because of the intricacy of the creation. ‘The result is @ slim, decorative stone pillar sbout 7° high. A easuel lance will reveal nothing more than this decorative piece of stone ‘work which will perhaps stand with an identical partnar either side of the entrance into @ chamber, chapel or throne-room. Closer inspection wil reveal that the column is not, as would be expected, ratally symmetrical about its longitudinal axis and has the very slender shape ‘of a human female. Once such detail hes been discerned, it wil be lear to the observer that one of tha ‘hand’ ofthe femal, hald close to her side, caries a slim sword which blends into the fest of the stone so smoothly that tis near-invisibe. ‘A caryatid column will alvays have a specific defensive function (and will never be met as a wandering monster). This might be to guord a tweasurechest, 10 prevent intrusion into a particular area or another imilar task. This task will have boon set by the creator whe, hand when the column animates, wil be able to control it with simple verbal commands. Moro often, though, the ereator is absent when the ‘column performs its task, in which case it will follow simple courses Of action which have been predetermined by the creator. The caryatid column wil “sctivate’ 9s soon as any act is committed Which Rs task specifically prohibits — the approsch of a potential {thief towards the treasure the column has byen set to gusrd, an Intrusion into “forbidden” area and so on. When it does animate, the aryatid column takes on a fleshy appearance, It reduces to about 5%" height end its form expands slightly so that 't now appears as a for ‘young maiden. The sword, former of stone, becomes steel and it ie this weapon that the caryatid column wall use in melee if necessary, ing ata ereature of SHD to inflict 2-8 hit points of damage 18 CATERWAUL However the earyetid column wil not necessarily enter into combat its main task it to guatd the traasure, prevent intrusion into particular area or anothar similar task and if it ean corry out this task without combat it will attempt to do so. Its behaviour will depend a ‘reat deal on the circumstances and the instructions given by. ite creator but it might, for example, attempt to divert the attention of Intrudingadventurers from the forbidden area and lead them to a place ‘whore they will be trapped, attacked by monster or subjected to Spall arack by the creator of the colurn, 1 combat is inevitable, however. the caryatid column will initiate it Normal weapons inflict only helé damage on the creature and mage ‘weapons do full damage but without the mages! Bonu. Ifa weapon, ‘magical or otherwise, hits the carvatid column, there isa 25% chance (not cumulative) that it will snap, with each ‘plus! of @ magical ‘weapon reducing that chance by 5% (so a +4 sword would have a 5% chance of snapping); magical weapons with no ‘plus’ are treated wa. When the carvatid column's ‘ask is complete — intruders killed, treasure no longer vulnerable, for example — it will return to its ‘original position and revert to its orignal stone shape, the sword does the sword) on the spot. CATERWAUL FREQUENCY: Rore NO, APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 leew bolow) MOVE: 18” or 24” (ee below! HIT DICE: 442 % IN LAIR: 20% TREASURE TYPE: ASU NO. OF ATTACKS:3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1414-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘Screech; mutipre attacks SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Ghaotic evi! SIZE: Mm PSIONIC ABILITY: Wit Attack/Defence Modes: Nj LEVEL/X». VALUE: IW/70+ Sper it point “The catorwaul is @ solitary, vicious fete bipedal predator rmidnight-bive fur, yllow eyes anda long tail. ts sir is usally @ cave ittored with twigs and rushes. Its treasure will consat only of shiny ‘objects and itis particulary fond of goms. The walls of its cave well be covered with raking seratch marks where the caterwaul has honed “The beast has an uncanny natural agility which varie from indiviuat to Individual roll on the tebie below when @ specimen is lncountered, uring percentile dice: %edieroll ‘Armour class bonus ‘Attacks/round oraz o1Acs) ra 43-73 ~11Acs) 32 74-92 =a 1acs) 3/2 93-00 Fl! agsin on the sub-table below 0140 -3(AC3) 2 41-67 =4(AC2) 20 65-85 5KAC1) an 86-96 =6(aco) Biz 97-00 -nac-1) 52 CIFAL Armour class bonus: this dexterity bonus also applies to dodging ‘ability and to saving throws against fireball, ghtning bore and the like ‘Attack/round: use this table in exectly the same way a8 the ‘multiple attack table for fighters, rangers and paladins. “The caterwaul con move swiftly on two legs and can reach top spond (24°" rata) in short bursts when dropping to allfour. As it has the ability to climb almost every surface (bose 5% chance of slipping), ‘move silently (75%) and hide In shadows (75%), ts pratorred method Cf attack is to lurk high above and spring down on an unsuspecting ‘uarry. Ie hat keen hearing and an exceptional sense of smell and is therefore aitficut to surprise (10% chance). {te initial attack (and this attack oniy) is always eccompanied by 3 high-pitched Keening screech which is of a frequency to do 1-8 hit points of damoge to all hearing within 60' (a character who saver ‘geinst breath takes no damage). “The caterwaul attacks with two claws (1-4 hit points of damage leech) and one bite (16 hit points of damage) each round, or more frequently as indicated above. CIFAL FREQUENCY: Rore NO. APPEARING: 1-6 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 6” (see below) HIT DICE: 8 or 70 (ee below) SIN LAIR: 15% ‘TREASURE TYPE: @ NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12 ‘SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mil ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘Damage from edged vweepons reduced = tee below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Neutral Size: PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Attack/Datance Modee: Ni! LEVELIX.P. VALUE: VUI/,350 + 14 per hit poine “The cifal — the name is seronymie of ‘colonia insect-formed artifical life’ ~ is an_apilomeretion of several swarms of insects (several hundred thousand insects to each swarm) which come together to ‘form a single emorphous creeture about men-sized. ‘The mass as @ whole has 8 hit dice while another 2 hit dice are Involved in providing the nuclear energy required to Keep the con Sstituent swarms locked in a single body. Iti from the hit points of ‘the latter 2 hit dice that initial damoge is extracted, and if these hit ‘points are lost the mass body will separate into its individual com Ponent insects, at which point the insacts will fy sway at 24” rate — ‘hey will only attack and defend in mass body form. However, the hit ‘Boints of the binding force may be replaced from the hit points of the remainder of the mass body at the rate of 2 hit points per melee round. ‘The cifal attacks by an agglomeration of tiny bites which collectively infket 1~12 hit points of damage. Edged weapons only cause 1 hit point of damage on the cifal whatover tyoe of weapon is used and whether it is magial or not ‘Blunt weapons cause full normal damage. ‘Strictly speaking, this creature does not fly and the movement rate ‘oNen above refers to movement slong the ground, albeit the rerult ‘nf the flying apeed of the swarms restricted by the need to maintain Coherence of shape. The cifal has no aerial manoeuvrability class, but ‘he constituent insects are of manoeuvrability class A. 19 COFFER CORPSE cLUBNEK FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING: 2-8 ARMOUR CLASS MOVE: 12" (ove below) MIT DICE: 2 SIN LAIR: mir ‘TREASURE TYPE: Wi NO, OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK 1-6/1~6/1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Ni SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni) MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Neutra! SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Mil ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nit LEVELIX?. VALUE: 1120+ 2 per hit point ‘Thewe creatures are mutated forms of the ostrich with hard bony beaks which can inflet 1-8 hit pointe of damage. They also fight With their two elawe, each of which inflies 1-6 hit points of damage ‘They can make oecasionsl bursts of high spred and can achieve & movernent rate of 28” one melee round in every five Glubneks are coloured varving shades of oreen and have yellow beaks, They are not normally agpremive unless threatened, but ther behaviour is rather erratic nd unpredictable. Normally they are her: vorous and are rarely found below the ground, preferring to roam ‘meadowland and wood. COFFER CORPSE FREQUENCY: Rere NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: & Move: 6” HIT DICE: 2 SIN LAIR: 60% TREASURE TYPE: 8 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 or by weapon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Con Cnty be nit by magical weapons MAGIC RESISTANCE: Scandera| INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Chaotic vt size: M PSIONIC ABILITY: mit “Attack /Defenee Modes: Mi/ LEVELIX?. VALUE: M28 + 2 per hit point ‘These fou! creatures of the undead class are found in stranded funeral berges oF in any otrer situation in which # corae has failed to return to its _meker. Though the coffer corpse resembles a zombie it ‘Wested as a wraith on the cleric/undaod table. Normal weapons sppear to do damage, end it 2 coffer corpse is struck for more than 6 hit points of damage by normal weapons in ¢ ‘single melee round, it will fall to the ground, spparently finished, However normal weepons do not, in fact, do any damage to the creature, and if it has fallen to the ground one round, it will iso Up ‘the next and continue melee — at which time all involved in melee ‘withthe beast must save acninst fear or flee in pane. A cofter corpse is occasionally (25%) found with a weapon which it CRABMAN ‘will use in combat, but otherwise It will attack with its bere hands (treat as 2 single attack inflicting 1—6 hit points of damage). IF attacking with bare hands, a hit indicates that the coffer corpse has Tocked Its hands around it victim's throat. Each round thereafter, Ie ‘ill infliet 18 hit points of damage on ite vitim automatically (a ‘x0 hit’ roll Is not required) until itis killed or its vietim is dead, ‘Nothing will release the grasp of the cotter corpse one it has locked its hands in place. ‘Sleep, charm and other mincnfluencing spells do not affect these Creatures. Magical weepons can inflict demege on these creatures with the usual bonus ‘CRABMAN FREQUENCY: Rave NO. APPEARING: 2-12 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: 4 wove: 97776" HIT DICE: 3 SIN LAIR: 26% ‘TREASURE TYPE: K NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 14/14 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mi ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nit MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standerd INTELLIGENCE: Low to ‘SIZE: & (9 cal) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nir Attack/Defence Modes: MV LEVELIX., VALUE: 1235 +3 per hit point “Amphibious ersatures usually found in sea-zhore caves, erabmen are humanoid in appearance but with e hard, reddish-brown exotkeleton. {Instead of hands they have two pincers which they use in combat. ach inflicting 14 hitpoints of damage on a vitim. ‘Graben greatly value siver and will go to any lengths to obtain it, fever attacking # character suspected of carrying any item made of this metal. in normal circumstances, however, they ore quite pacific creatures, though from time to time an instinct makes thorn leave ‘their coastal dwelling to mount a savege rad inland, roaming in bands fof 30 or 40 crenturee and pillaging all property in their path, not bsitating to attack those who would defend, Crabman are often subjected to raids by sahuapin who conti them ‘9 tanty delicacy. However the sshvogi’s usual netthrowing tactics are Ineffective agginst erabmen since the latter's natural weaponcy allows ‘them to cut through nets very quickly. CRYPT THING FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 3 MOVE: 12” HIT DICE: 6 S&IN LAIR: 100% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Z NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Ser below SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standard INTELLIGENCE: Very ALIGNMENT: Neutra! SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: wit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIX.P. VALUE: V/27S +6 perhit point 2 CRYPT THING ‘A pale, solitary skeletal being which always wears 2 brown, hooded robe, the erypt thing stays in its lair permanently (at least, none have ‘been encounters eleewhere) and will not attack if i is left undisturbed. lis special power i ts untalling sbilty t0 cast an improved form of 8 teleportation spall on a party (once per party encountered). Those who fall to make thir siving throws are instantly teleported According to a percentile dle rol on the table below: % die ott Distance and diretion 01-20 100-1000" north 21-40 100-1000" south 41-60 100-1000" east 61-80 1001000" west 81-90 cone dungeon level up 91-00 Distance and direction are determined individuelly for each victim teleported. Victims never arrive in solid material and will arrive inthe clorest open space to the target spot, it the target spot Is solid however victims need not arrive at floor lve Those who make their saving rolls may attack the crypt thing, but it can only be hit by magical weapons. The erypt thing will attack in return, using 2 two-handed clawing movement which inflicts 1—8 hit points of demege ‘The erypt thing can communicate in the neutral tongue, but i itis questioned on the disappearance of some members of # party, it will hot reveal its power but will instead maintain they have beon dvineegrated. ‘There ore rumoured to be aberrant crypt things in existance, which, instead of te/eporting vietims, paralyre them and simultaneously turn them invisible. Neither this nor the more common type feeds on victims, however — their sim appears to be solely that of obtaining pleasure by creating confusion and dient. DAKON DARK CREEPER axon — DARK CREEPER — DARK STALKER — DEVIL — DEVIL DOG — DIRE CORBY — DISENCHANTER - DOOMBAT — DRAGON, ORIENTAL — DRAGONFISH — DUNE STALKER DEATH DOG — DEATH KNIGHT — DEMON — DAKON FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING: 6-60 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 6” HIT DICE: 147 SIN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: € NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1=10/1-10 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nu ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: (i MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord, INTELLIGENCE: Average ‘ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral SizesM PSIONIC ABILITY: Wa Attack/Defence Modes: Ni LEVELIXP. VALUE: 120 * 2per hit point ‘A shabby, intelligent ape with 2 reasonable grasp of the common tongue, the dakon will never attack except in self-defence oF 10 recover teature stolen from it. When it attack it does 20 at +2 bit probability bonus because ofits strength and sharpness of clans, using tach claw to inflict 110 ht points of damage “The dakon is ually light brown colour with greon eyes and black hhande. Its found in all types of location except near large expanses ‘of water. It is normally on good terms with lawful humans and near- hhumans, though it has » suspicion of the motives of humanoids and wil not communicate with ther, DARK CREEPER FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1 (20-80 se betow) ARMOUR CLASS: ‘0 (or 8 ~ se below) move: 9 HIT DICE: 1+ SIN LAIR: 20%, TREASURE TYPE: See below NO, OF ATTACKS: F DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1~4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Mi! MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Groote neuera! SIZE: $4" tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Ni! LEVELIX». VALUE: MAYO + 2ar hit point “The dark creeper (a folk name for the race since the race name fs lunknowa andthe race language incomprehensible to linguists) is & humanoid, slighty built creture about the same height a: 6 dwarf ‘Members of the race always dress in sombre, darkcoloured clothing, concealing as much of ther pallid skin ae poesia. They detest light ‘and dwell deep underground ~ usualy leading a solitary existence ‘hough there have been rumours of underground villages inhabited by 2 ‘a many as 80 inclviduals, including 20%—25% females. These villages re always ruled by a dark stalker. “The dork creaper is particulary fond of small masical items such as rings and magic dogger: — solitary inalvidsls will cary 2BX of thelr treasure In the copious pockets of thelr cloaks, so there is a 15% ‘chance of a magic daggie, 5% chance of a magical ring and 10% ‘chance of 1~4 goms or 1-2 Items of jewollry on any individual on ‘countered. In lair multiply these probable treasure items by the ‘umber of mele individuals resident, and add 1100 platinum pieces ‘and 50-500 gold pieces. “The craeper hat the abilities of a 4th loval thief In addition to the ability to detect magica items st 2 range of 15°. I attacks with @ ‘normal (or, if one is possessed, a magical) dagger. The creeper also hes the innate power to cvoute darkness three timas a day —whon thie power is used, ll torches, lanterns end other nom-magieal sources of ilumination within 50 re extinguished and cannot be redgnited ‘during the next hour (the duration of the ereeper’s power). During this time the ereeper has two main objectives. First, 10 destroy lanterns and tinderboxes, break flasks of oll and so on ~ any act ‘which wal inhibit the creation of ilumination. Secondly, to steal any small mapcal items detected. Sel/preservation ranks marginally above such obietives. darkness abilities In fact, thay obtain 8 saving roll against magica! frost, and If the Item makes such 3 save Its nok affected. If the fem falls to save, however it is extinguished forthe next hour, after which its property returns to normal During the darkest. even infravsion becomes useless; however the reaper will not wse its power against parties not using arti iMlumination,s0 elves using Infravision, for instance, will usualy pass ‘unmolested. “The dorknes: power may be cou ‘the ergopar ia attacked in normal red by spalls such as ight, and if jumination its AC ie 8, killed its body undargees spontansour combustion of tensity that all within 10" of the vietim are blinded (saving rit inst magie permed) for 1-6 full urns. All traces ofthe creeper are destroyed though metal items will normally (80% chance) be un ‘damaged; magical items, metal or otherwise, will lowe their deomer ‘if they fail to save against apical fre. DARK STALKER DARK STALKER, FREQUENCY: Very rere NO. APPEARING: 7 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: ‘0 lor8— se below) Move: 9” HIT DICE: 247 SKIN LAIR: 2058 “TREASURE TYPE: Soe below NNO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 ‘SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Seo below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Nis ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Wi! LEVELIXP, VALUE: 17200 +3 per he point Dork stalkers are the raraly ven leaders of the dark croopers, They are nearly a race apart, for they breed atmost exclusively amongst themselves. They are instantly noticeable amongst # group of dark Creepers as they sre man-sized and stand head and shoulders above ‘their underlings. “Thera is an average of one dark stalker to every 25 dark creepers, and ch darke creeper villoge will contain at Teast one stalker ruler Stalkers will rarely be encountered on thelr own, but this hae Been known to happen as the stalker goes about some mysterious personal (Dark stalkers have all the powers of dark creepers, plus the ability to ‘create a wall of fog twice per dey. “They fight with short swords If they must, and some of these are ‘magical (25% chance). All of thelr treasure is carried — there isa 7% {chance of a magical ring and.a 12% chance of 25 gems or 12 items ‘Of jewellery on any siven individual encountered. If attacked in ‘ormalilluminetion, the dark stalker has ACS. If klled, 2 dark stalker explodes in a blinding flash equal to a 3-ice fireball DEATH DOG FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 550 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: 7 MOVE: 12" HIT DICE: 247 S6IN LAIR: Wi ‘TREASURE TYPE: Wil NNO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 110/110 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Diteoro SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ai MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standloret INTELLIGENCE: Animal ALIGNMENT: Neutra with evi tendenciee ‘SIZE: M (6" high at shouiaer) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Attack/Detence Modes: il LEVELIX, VALUE: 1/105 +3 per hit point Large black hounds with two heads, the death dogs can sttock ‘with each heed Independently. They usually hunt in packs, in deserts Corin dry ereas underground. Esch bite delivers 1—10 hit points of damage and the victim of @ 23 DEATH KNIGHT ‘ito must save agsinet poison or die at a reqult of 2 slow, rotting isease in 4-24 days. Cure clisease will bean effective remedy. When attacking, the death dog usually aims for its vitim’s lage — natural roll of 19 oF 20 on the ‘to hit’ die against 2 man-sized or flr vetin moans that the victim has been knocked to the ground fand attacks at —4 until able to ran sin to his feet (which he ean do ring @ single round if he fe not knocked dewn again). Q#- eR . ‘These vicious hounds, which usually attack humars and near-humens ‘on sight (85% chancel, are sid to be the descendents of Cerberus: their loud penetrating double bark tends to lend support to this ‘theory. DEATH KNIGHT FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 0 MOVE: Variaaie HIT DICE: 9 /10-sided dice! RIN LAIR: Nid TREASURE TYPE: Wi NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Sve below ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 75% (eee below) INTELLIGENCE: Average — ‘genius ALIGNMENT: Chaotic ot Size: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Mir ‘Attagk/Dofence Modes: Ni! LEVELIX. VALUE: VIII/3,700 + 16 per hit point “The death knight — and there are only twelve of these dresdtul creatures known to exist — is @ horrifying form of lich created by & ‘demon prince (it i thought Demogorgon) from a fallen human Deladin, The death knight itelf cannot be turned or dipelied (though fis affected by Moly word) but It has power over undead equivalent ‘0 that of 2 6th lvel cleric. It has 75% magi resistance, and if 11 or lower is rolled on percantage dice a magic spall will be reflected ‘back at the caster (rll each time a spell is atterpte), “The death knigrt wears light armour |9" of 12" movement depending ‘on its other encumbrance, if any) butis always trested as armour clast 10, hae 18(00) strengti and umvally attacks with © sword (80% ‘chance of thls being # mapa! sword). It will usually be riding 8 night ‘mare (yee ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL — Nightmare) one of which can be summoned to sarve ‘death Knight every ten years; the beast will serve a death knight at 8 Daladin’s horse serves a paladin. The fearsome powers of the death Kenight derive largely from its use of magic. It continually generates fear in a 5' radius, can create 8 wall of ice at will and has innate powers of decect magic and detect invisibility Twice a day it can ‘igpel magic a gate in a demon type | (20%) type I (25%), type I (30%), type 1V (20%) or type VE (5%), with a 75% chance of the gate ‘opening, Once per day » death knight ean use any one of the power ‘word spells, a symbol of painffear and generate a 20-dce fireball Whore appropriate, © death rights magie use is at the 20th experience love. ‘A death Knight will speak 3-6 languages in addition to is alignment ‘ongue and the common tongue. DEMON DEMON Characteristics ond abilities which are common to all demons are raprinted here, in edited form, from ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL. Demons are able to move from their own plane into thote of Tartrus, Hades, of Pandemoniam or roam the Astra Plane. However, they cannot enter the Material Plane without aid (conjuration, gate, or by ‘pame speaking o similar means). Demons are chaotic and evil, the emartor and stronger rule those of ‘sir kind who are weaker and less incelligent. The less intelligent vil attack without question and fight until sian. Demons of type V and shove are not actually alain when thoir material form is killed In ‘combat; their material form being removed from their ut, the demon [nquestion s thereby forced back to the plane fram whence t orginally ‘came, there to remain until a century her pasted or unt another aids to go forth ain. However, if demons are encountered on their own plane, they can be slain. No demon can ever be subdued. All are able {0 divide their attacks amongst two or even three opponents if theit ‘cans allows Demons wil never willingly serve anyone or anything. If forced to serve through magic or throst they will continually seek a way to slay theit ‘mesterfcaptor. Those to wtiom demons show e liking are typlcaly Carried off tothe demons’ plane to becomes slave (although a favoured fone), Note that demons can be summoned by cherscters of any alignment, but controlling 2 demon is another matter entirely. A Special pentacle is required for demons of type VI or greater. The ‘rest or reward which the conjuring party uses to attempt gaining 8 ‘demon’s service must be carefully handled by the dungson master. pelied by holy (good) relics or artifacts. Demons frequently roam the Astrof and Etherso! Planer. Theit ‘ttention is alao attracted by persons in an ethereal state. If the name Of a particularly powerful demon is spoken there is a chance thet he ‘and turn his attention to the speaker. A base 5% chance Is recommended to the referee. Unlest propared to void such attention orto control the dernan — the demon will thereupon immediately by whatevar means are most expeditious, the one pronouncing Demons! Amulets: Demon lords and princes maintain their vital ‘essences in small containers — their souls, 0 to speak, are thus at ‘once protected and yet vulnerable if rome enterprising charactor should gein the amulet. Demons with amulets are able to magic jar ‘once per dey. Demons’ amulets cannot be detected as auch by any rmapicel mesns, and they do not otherwise appear unusual in ony way. “The device need not be with the most powerful prinees, although the lesser demons typically need to carry thers on or near their person. Possession of an amulet gives the possessor power over the demon to ‘whom it "botangs” for the space of. for example, one adventure, and ‘never more than a dey (24 hours). The emulet must then be retured ‘0 the demon — or it can be destroyed and thus condemn the prince to abyssment for a year (and it may return thereafter only if summoned). Use of an amulet is very, very dangerous. Porrssion ‘fone will double chances of calling the attention of another demon, land any demon not controlled by the device will immediately tteck ‘he person possessing such an amulet. If the amulet leaves the hand ‘of the one commanding the demon to whom it belongs, that demon tttacks him in ite most effective fashion, immediately, axtempting ite ‘utmost to slay and then to carry all that remains to its own domain, that charactor it lost and gone forever. On the positive side, however, it the wielder of the amulet carefully repays the demon for aid ‘rendered, adds 8 considerable sum for having the temerity to care to ‘command the demon in the first place, and then caretlly restores ‘the amulet to the demon, the prince might not bear him s grudge {oraver afterwards nor seek to hunt him out whenever possible, 24 DEMON (LOLTH) Lolth (Demon Queen of Spiders) WLeser Goxdes) FREQUENCY: Very rave NO, APPEARING: 7 ‘ARMOUR GLASS: —10 (-2) Movi 15°) HIT DICE: 66 hit pomnes (16:hie dice) SIN LAIR: 25% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Ofe5),8.XU3), NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ang’? (1) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-16 + poison and webs (by weapon type) SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘See befow MAGIC RESISTANCE: 70% INTELLIGENCE: Godlike ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evi! SIZE L MM) PSIONIC ABILITY: 266 Attack/Defence Modes Alla LEVEL/X. VALUE: xy12.470" ("for destroying Material Plane form only — if actualy killed permanentiy, multiply XP. figure by 10.) ‘The demoness Lolth is a very powerful and feared demon lord. She Lusutly takes the form of a giant black widow spider when she is on the Prime Morera! Pane and she sometimes sesurnes thi form on het ‘own plane as well, but she also enjoys appearing as an exquisitely Deautiul female dork aif (the statistics for this form are ven in parenthetes). Little is known about her sims, and only the fact thet ‘the drow worship of Lolth causes her to assume form on the earth Permits compilation of any substantial information whatsoever. Lolth enjoys the compeny of spiders ofall sorts — giant species in her srachnid shape, those of normal, large and avers huge type in her hhumanold form. She is able to converse with all Kinds of spiders, and they understand and obey her unquestioningly, ‘Although Lolth has but 66 hit points, her high armour class prevents most damage and the is able to hea! herself st wil, up to thrice per day. As Lolth enjoys roaming about in one form or another, she will Seldom be encountered in her lair no matter what the plane, unless \worshippars have Invoked her to some special shrine or templ In the form of 2 lant spider. Lolth is able to cast web strands 30" long from har abdominal spinoretts which are equal to those of a ‘wet spall with the addition of 1—4 hit points of damage per round Beeruing to webbed victims due to a polsonaus excretion upon the strands; during the same melee round she is able to deliver a vicious biting attack for 4—16 hit points of damage lus death if the victim Js unable to save against poison at a ~4 penalty. In her humanoid form, Lolth will use weapons common to drow. ‘As a giant spider, the damoness can use any one of the following owers, one per! mwlee round, st will: comprehend languapes, Confusion lereature looked at only), darkness (70" rads), digpel ‘magic: once per day gate in a type | (45%) type 11 (35%) oF type IT (20%) demon with 66% chance of the gaee opening: twice per day use ‘hase door, read magic, shape change: once per day summon 9~16 largo (20%), 7—12 huge (30%), 2-8 giant (40%) or 14 phase (10%) spider, teleport with no inaccuracy, tongues and true seeing. In her hhumanoid shape, Lolth is'@ 16th lovel clerc/14th level magie-user with commensurate abilities. However in the latter form she is unable {0 war armour of any sort, and hor psionic powers are lost to her (soe hereafter). Lolth is not affected by weapons which are not mapica, silver does her no herm (unless magicked to at loast +1) and cold, electrical and Gas attack forms cause only half damage. Acid, mapie missles (if her magic resistance faile her) and polzan affect the demoness normally. Colth Is especially susceptible to holy water, taking 6 points of damage trom a splash and 6-21 points (346 + 3) from a direct m ‘The visual range of the demoness extends into the infrared and ultra- DENZELIAN violet spectra to 2 normal distance of 120". Lolth has limited ‘olepachy communication ability, as do demonsin goners. Her psionic disciplines are body equilibrium, clairvoyance, domination ond the major sciences of dimension walking, mind ber, ‘molecular rearrangement ard probability travel, These disciplines (as ‘well as magical powers) are porformad at the 16th experiance level of sbilty. DENZELIAN FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7-2 ARMOUR CLASS: 0 wove: 1” HIT DICE: 6 S6IN LAIR: 100% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Wit NO. OF ATTACKS: Mit DAMAGE/ATTACK: Mi SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mi ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nir MAGIC RESISTANCE Standord INTELLIGENCE: Sem ALIGNMENT: Neveral SIZe:s PSIONIC ABILITY: Mit ‘Attack/Defence Moder mi LEVELIX. VALUE: Nor applicable “The denzetian is 9 peaceful rock-2ater. Very thin, but of large surface ‘area (about 10°x10°x3"), tha danzelian tunnels through solid rock at the rate of 1” per week, slowly wearing it eway. Generally one mal ‘and one female tunnel/nesr one another. The crestures wil ‘metal, making 2 detour round even small deposits — hence denzelin ‘tunnels tend to fellow a meandering course. Je ig nearby (and one usually.) the resulting letor ‘which hatch in 100 years, The egos look like non: stones. The chance of finding s single o9g — for they ‘re not deposited together — in an area frequented by 8 denzelian female is 1 in 1,000. An ogg is worth 1,000 gold pieces or more to certain wealthy rnine-owner. DEVIL Full details of the devils aro given in the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL. Edited details applicable to the styx dovil are reprinted here.) Devils follow a definite order, a chain of command, which they dare not bresk for feer of the arch-dovils, Stil, share ie raat rivalry, even ‘open antagonism, between the devils of the various plones and between the various arch-dovil. All devis are able to move about the Planes of Hell (although they ‘dare not do s0 without authorization, save for the dukes). They ean ‘move to the Planes of Gehenna, Hades and Acheron at will Devils can ‘also move through the Astra? Plane, although they seldom do s0. No ‘dei sable to enter the other planes unless the proper ritual is ‘formed, a gate is opened, oF the proper name of a devil is spoken (an heard). {tis possible to destroy the material form of a greater devil or duke of Hell'but such crostures can not actually be slain unless encountered ‘and fought in Hell or those Lower Planes adjacent to it. Devils can never be subdued. The lesser ones will always fight until destroyed ‘The reater ones will nagotiate if seriously threatened. Dovils will _zrve f properly commanded but itis @ risky business for an improper ‘command will Break the law which binds them to service. (It also typically requires 9 contract for the soul of the creature commanding 25 DEVIL (STYX) ‘the infernal power to obey). It is possible for other than lawful evil prtons to invoke or otherwise trast with devils (but the long spoon, Oft spoken of, had better be used when supping with such monsters) Magic circles ‘will keep devils off for a time if thev are properly scribed (and ensymboled In the case of greater and arch-devil Devils are repeted by holy (good) artifacts or relies. {All devilscan direct ther attacks ogeinst two or more opponents ifthe ‘means are at hand, Ifa greater dovil hes its material form destroyed it le forced to lamure status for nine decades of torment before it resumes Its former station. (sce ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL — Dewi, Lemur). {All ovis have or a Charm Person Suggestion tiluston Infravision ‘Teleportation (no error) ‘know Alignment Cause Fear (effect varies) Animate Dead able to perform the following: Devils are able to summon thelr fellows, summoning being similar to ‘a monster summoning spel Because they have a special form of telepathy, devils are able to ‘understand and converse with any intelligent creature. Dovils are affected by the listed sttack forms as noted below. Attack ‘cid cold electricity (lightning) fire (dragon, magical) 198s (poisonous, ete.) Iron weapon magic misile poison silver weapon ‘unless affected by normal weapons in which ease damage will be ‘secording to the weapon type. sacrifice is required of evil erastures using 8 talisman. Merely looking at these talismane ie dangerous if not properly protected by spells or a maple Circle, study of a charm gives 2 10% chances of summoning the kind or specific devil to whom the talisman belongs. Speaking the name on 8 call forth the kind or specific dail Styx Devil (Greater Devil) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7-2 ARMOUR CLASS: MOVE: 6°15" HIT DICE: 646 SIN LAIR: 60% TREASURE TYPE: 0,8 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below] SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘Cannot be hit by normal weapons ~ s¢e below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% INTELLIGENCE: High ALIGNMENT: Lawful evit SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: 127 ‘Axtack/Defence Modes: BDIEGH LEVELIX.?, VALUE: ViI/1,275 +8 per hit point (tor destroying Material Plane form only — if actuelly Killed permanently, multiply XP. figure by 10) DEVIL DOG Fesidents of the fifth plane of Hel, styx devils are humanoid but with ispropertionatoly larbe, oly head and wings of black trimmed with silvor. Their main task Is to search for souls to take bock to Garyon, but from time 10 time they will tour the Material Plane with intant 13 ‘destroy all humane they moet, “The styx devil ie invulnerable to ordinary weepons but ean be damaged by aver weapons and by magical weepons with @ bonus of “Hor better. “Their touch causes 2-8 hit points of damage and has & 50% chance of ficting an imprisonment spell on the victim ino saving throw ‘llowed). Trest this ab I cast at the 22nd level of mogle use and regard the stvx dvil as having perfect information regarding the victim's rrame and background. “To dispel a sty couil requires the utterance of holy word. For purposes of serial combat, the styx devil it manosuvrability class DEVIL DOG FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 4-16 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 20” maximum HIT DICE: 6 SEIN LAIR: 108 ‘TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Throat attack SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni NAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic ev? SIZE: M (3’at shoufder) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit ‘Attack/Oefence Modes: Ni! LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/350 +6 per hit point ‘Sterk-white hounds with blue eyes, devil dogs live in cold regions and ‘when encountered in snew- or fost-covered areas are invisible beyond ‘2 range of 30', They room in packs in an endiess search for food and will always attack human parties, being sly enough to use their [Protective colouration tothe bert advantage. “The devil dog uses s vicious biting attack and always jumps for the throst. Normal damage inflicted is 2-8 hit points, but If the “to hit” ie roll is 4 or more greater than required to hit, o @ natural 20 in DIRE CORBY any event, @ hit fs scored on the throat — the vietim suffers double damage, ie comatose tor 2-8 turns and must receive cure light wounds (or a stronger ministration of the same nature) during the Comatose period to avoid death at the end of that period. (Of course the initial damage may Kill the vitim anyway} When attacking or giving chase — and devil dogs move very fast indoed — the creatures emit an intense baying which wil cause far in any charactor of the third experience level or lower unless they save at —4 fon their die roll agsinet magic. They can sustain ther extraordinarily high (20") movement rate for three turns, following which they must ‘rast for another three turns during which their meximum movement rte is 12" DIRE CORBY FREQUENCY: Rave NO. APPEARING: 1-12 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 12" HIT DICE: 2 IN LAIR: 208 TREASURE TYPE: Q(x) ~ mainly rubies NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/7-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Ail SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standerd INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Nevrraf evi! size: Mm PSIONIC ABILITY: Ail ‘Attack/Defence Modes: il LEVEUX.?. VALUE: 1120 + 2 per hie point This subterranean race of huge bleck bipedal birds contains ferocious fighters which need never check morale, Long ago the dire corbies lostthepower of fight; however thoy make up for thie wth thelr great strength end ferecity, slways attacking and fighting to the death. What were onoe wings have now developed as two powerful arms ‘which end in herp, rockchard claws. They fight with thase claws and {ech is capable of inflicting 1~6 hit poines of damage on a viet. ‘They hunt in flocks, running down their hapless victims, at the same ‘time emitting horrifying shrieks. They have rudimentary language (their atteck’ cry can be recognised as ‘Doom! Doom!” by those omilior with i) Dire corbies live in large underground caverns: at one time there was ‘open warfere between them and giant bats, but this has now become fan uneasy truce. DISENCHANTER DISENCHANTER, FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7-2 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 12” HITDICE: 5 SIN LAIR: we TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO, OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: ‘See below — special ‘fect only SPECIAL ATTACKS: Disenchants ~ sae below SPECIAL DEFENCES (Can only be hit by ‘magical weapons MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standerd INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Neutra! SIZE: M (6" high at shoulder) PSIONIC ABILITY: Wi? 4 ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Ni LEVELIX.. VALUE 1V/205 + 5 per hie point ‘The dinchenter resembles @ spindly dromederysike animal with # long, flexible and muscular snout which can oxtend as much as 5 from the head in attack. It isa pale elactric-blue in colour and tranclucent: sometimes it may even be seen to shimmer dscernably ‘The creature hes the power to detect magical dweomer — from magical armour, shields, swords and the like — on which It feeds nee from the powerful enchantment such items ing stronger radiation. Should the boast fncounter @ party of adventurers i will be able to detect the most Powerful magical item presant and will attempt, as its attack, to fasten its snout onto the item in question. If je scores a it, it will «rain the magical power, leaving the Item unmarked but non-mnagical. Roferses will have to consider the ease with which the disenchantor ‘would be able to ‘attack’ a particular item, despite the dexterity ofits snout. Generally speaking Ht will attempt s relatively simple dis nehanement — say on a magical shsld in easy reach ~ rather than attempt 2 more dificult attack, say on 3 more powerful magical itm hidden in a backpack or sheath. ‘The disenchanter can only be bit by magical wnapans, but thete will, ‘not lous their enchantmant in hitting the beast — only with its snout can the ereature disenchant magical itams, Noone hat ever discovered 2 disonchanter Ini, nor come to any proven conclusion about its metabolism, which at the least can be ‘Seecrbed as curious DOoMBAT FREQUENCY: Aare NO. APPEARING: 1-2 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 18” HIT DICE: 643 SIN LAIR: 100% ‘TREASURE TYPE: NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 16/14 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Shriat SPECIAL DEFENCES: Wil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Animal ‘ALIGNMENT: Neutral evi! size: Mm PSIONIC ABILITY: Ai? ‘Attack/ Defence Modes: Ni! LEVEU/X.P. VALUE: 'ViA00 + 7 per bit point a DRAGON, ORIENTAL ‘This is @ species of glant bat found In dismal underground coverns ‘The monstrous black creature has a wingspan 2 full 25° and can pick up and carry off objects weighing up to 300 pounds (3,000 gold Dlecee weight). At night, It flee into the outer world to hunt, aways Sttacking and seaking to kill any living thine. For the purpose of eral combat, It menoouvrability class C. “The bite of the doombat inflicts 6 hit points of damage and it also lashes with it tail for 1—4 hit points of damoge. The tal ined with crucl barb, stretches @ considerable distance from the body, and Specimens with talls up to 12'long have been reported. ‘The normal bats sonar yip hes developed into @ terrifying shrek of great’ sonie power in the doombat. Each doombst can shriek Continuously for 2-5 rounds end during the shriek, all within 100 ‘who can hear wil not be able to concenvate, making spell us, impossisle and all attacks at —1. No saving throw is permitted against these effects. The effect of several doombets shrieking at the same time fe not cumulative Bright light (such as @ ight spel) will Keop @ doombat at bay, though it is undeterred by toreh- or lanterm-ight DRAGON, Oriental Oriental dragons are related to, though different in some respects from, other dragons, and indlvidusle very ae to colour, being possibly white, red, yellow, blue, green or black. Their powers vary with thelr ‘pe, and each sort of dragon is treated inlvidually hereafter. General information andcommon sharacteriatcs are included in this preamble. [As with other dragons, oriental dragons_have three oaneral size ‘atogorioe (mall, average and huge) ecearding to the siza typi! of ‘each, This eategoristion i determined by rolling @8; 1—2-xall S—Teaverage: Sehuge. This size determination alko indicates the numberof hit dee a dregon has Oriental dragons, tke other dragons, passthrough eight ogee in thelr lives. These growih stages are: 1 hit point per die 2 hit points per die 3 hitpoints per die 4 hit points pe die ‘5 hit points per die 6 hit pointe pr die 7 hitpoints per die B hit points per die Very young ~ 15 years Young — 615 years Subsadult — 18-25 yoort Young adult — 26-50 years ‘Adult — 61100 years 1d — 101-200 yeors Very old - 201-400 years ‘Ancient — 401+ years To determine the oge (end thus the number of hit points per die & dragon has) simply roll an Bsided di, the number rolled indicating the age as shown above. riantal dragons never sleep and furthermore they have continual ESP (as the spell) at a range in foot equal to 5 times the agedevel of the dragon. All except yu lung ean polymorph into human form and back ‘st wil, They can alto become invisible and vieible st wil though they Slwvays bacome visible when attacking, Only yu ling ean be subdued Certain types have the saly command power. No sesly unintelligent cremure which lives in the water chiefly fisher and reptile) will ver willinly attack an oriental dragon with the power. In addition, such dragon can, once per day, control for s half-mile radive the number (of unintligent scaly creatures which vo in the weter which Is ‘specified for each clase. This command lasts 2-12 turns and cannot bbe dispelled. Creatures already under the scaly command power ‘one dragon cannot fall under the power of another. There is no saving throw against scaly command. Certain other types have the power of water fire. This unearthly stutt may be ereated by any oriental dragon with the power whenever itis under or touching water, and may be dispelled by the ereator at any time, Water fire surrounds the body like the flame of a cemon and, does damage to anyone touching it at the amount specified for each type. All oriental dragons are themselves immune £0 water fire. The ‘fect will disappear for 20-120 rounds after being contacted by real ‘or megicl “heat fire, and cannot be recreated until the end of thet period DRAGON, ORIENTAL (LI LUNG) Like other dragons, oriental dragons (except for yu hung) develop the ‘power to Danic enemies as they mature. At adult age and older they Fadiate 2 powerful aura which causes a fear rescticn, when a dragon fies overhead oF charges, 2 follows: 1. All ereaturas under 1 hit dio, as well as non-carnivorous creatures (of any sort which are not trained for warfare or basically not fearlots or aggresive wil lee in panic. Such rout will be made at fastest speed posse and it will continue for 4~24 turns. 2. Creatures with fewer than 3 hit dice must save versus magic or be ‘Baralysed with fear (60%) or panic as above (50%). 3, Creatures with 3 to 5 hit dice wil fight eto penelty of —1 on their “to hit roll unless they save versus |4, Creatures with 6 or mare hit dice automatically disregard the aura 5. effect. 5. The aura of adult, ald and very old dragons is not as powerful = ‘that of ancient dragons, so saving rolls applicable to ther auras are fat #5, #3 and +1 respectively. Thus, a 2nd level tighter, normally hhaving 40 sore 16 (75X) oF better to cave against magic (the ‘dragon's aura inthis case), would gain @ bonus of § on his saving roll versus an adufe dragon's aura; so any score of 11 or more ‘would save him from pants Encountering Multiple Dragans: If two or more dragons are e countered outside their lair it will be @ mated pair if wo are ‘encountered and sub-adults it three or more are encountered. If two ‘or more are encountered in their isir it wil be 2 mated pair — with ‘thle young if spplicable. Mated pars are always Sth—8th age categories. Any young in lair ae eggs (10%) or very young (9OX!. If ‘Young ere attacked, both adults wil eutometically breaths and then ‘melee to bite, gaining a ferocity bonus of +2 to hit and 1/49 in Clawinglbiting damage. IH sither of the matod pair is attacked the ‘other oriental dragon will rush to its defence, gaining the ferocity bonuses stated above, unless it is attacked simultaneously ‘Teaasure: Very young oriental dragons will usualy have no treasure, but there is 2 10% chance that they will have one-quarter the possible listed treasure. Young oriental dragons have 25% chance for one ‘quarter of the listed treasure, Subradults have a 50% chance for fone-half the possible listed treasure. Young adults, adults and old dragons have normal treasure. Very old and ancient dragons are SO% ‘and 75% likely to have 150% and 200% respectively of the listed its saving throw is calculated by dividing its total hit pointe By 4, thus giving @ higher number of hit dice than it ‘scully has, This rflects the magic resistance and genaral toughness ff the creature. Conversely, even a very young oriental dragon gains the benafit of the sctuel numberof its hit dice, even though the hit points/die aro but 1 each, for determining scores required. This Faflects the same nature of dregonkind, |. resistance and toughness, Li Lung (Earth Dragon) FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 74 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 Move: 9”/24/6"(1"-6") HIT DICE: 7-9 JIN LAIR: 60% TREASURE TYPE: H NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8/2-8/1-20 SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘Spells — see below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni! MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord. INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Neutra! SIZE: L (18°tong) PSIONIC AGILITY: Mir ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Wir LEVELIX.P, VALUE: ZHD: Vi/875 +8 perhie point BHD: VI/925 + 10 per hit point ‘SHD: VII/1,400 + 12 per hit point DRAGON, ORIENTAL (LUNG WANG) “The only orfental dragon with wings, these have @ on's body and dragon's heed with human features. They live underground and can swim, though they cannot breathe water, Thay attack with two claws whieh inflict 2-8 hit points of damoge each and a bite whieh Infles 1-20 hit points of demee ‘They have no bresth weapon, but onc a day they can cause an ‘ardhquake (as the spall but with no chance of it bsing dispelled) with {width and length in tons of feet equal to three times the age level of ‘the beust (so a subradule would produce an effect 30° square). Such convulsion may bring down the eavern in which the oriental dragon Is tiving, but It lung are never harmed by any earthquake (though they may be Inconvenienced by having to dig out. of the rubble). ‘Their ‘powerful claws enable them to burrow through solld stone at 1” per ‘ur and through earth at 6 times that rate [U.tung are manoeuvrability cles E in the ai ‘Lung Wang (Sea Dragon) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: 0 MOVE: 3°7/9"" HIT Dice: F119 SIN LAIR: 60x TREASURE TYPE: Hix2) NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12/1-126-36 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breach ‘weapon and spells ~ see below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ai) MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standiord INTELLIGENCE: Very ALIGNMENT: Neutra? SIZE: & (up t0 20° diameter) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mi! ‘Attack/Defence Moder: i! LEVELIXP. VALUE: 17 or 12HD: VINA, 550 + 16 ‘per ie point 13HD: 1X/6,350 +18 per ‘These solitary brutes are oriotal relatives to the dragon turtle, turte’s body, crested neck, and head like a shen lung. They rule large is of water and can breathe either water or air. They can lift any ship they come under or ram asthe largest warship. ‘Their ordinary attacks are with two claws which do 112 hit pointe of damage each and a bite which inflicts 6-36 hit point of damage. ‘They can breathe a cone of steam 100" long by 50! wide at the base Lp to three times a day: this breath weapon does damage equal to the current hit points ofthe ereetu Lung wang have the sly command powor over 440 ersatures times the age level of the dragon, but no water fize. They have no spells ‘other than those general to oriental dragons. [AS rulers of the seas, lung wang demand tribute from every passing ship. Regular travellers may work out an arrangement — for example, 0 much treesure dumped overboerd at given spot. “They have their own language. DRAGON, ORIENTAL (PAN LUNG) Pan Lung (Coiled Dragon) FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 14 ARMOUR CLASS: 2 MOVE: 12°/712"/8" HIT DICE: 6-8 SIN LAIR: 60% TREASURE TYPE: H(t) NO.OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTAGK: 1-3/1-3/2-16 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Constrietion and spelle -0e bolow. SPECIAL DEFENCES: Mi MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord INTELLIGENCE: High ALIGNMENT: Chaotle novtra! SIZE: (54" long) PSIONIC ABILITY: wis ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIX.. VALUE: ‘GHD: Vi475 +6 porhie point ZHD: VI/700 + 8 per hie point BHD: VII/1,100 + 1Oper hitpoint ‘A smaller, thinner and longer variety ofthe shen luna, pan lung live in ‘marshes and swamps. Unlike the shen lung, they have no tall spike, ‘but If they succeed in gresping with their bite (which does 2—16 hit ppoints of damage) they will, on each succeeding round, automatically bite for 1-8 hit points of damage and constrict with thelr tal for 8 further 2—12 hit points of damage. They also attack with their two claws, e0ch of which inflicts 1-3 hit points of damage. Pan lung can fly, breathe alr or water at will, have the scaly command ower over 1—10 creatures times the age level of the dragon, and can use water fire for 1-6 points of damage. They have no. breath ‘weapon, but may east charm monster theee times day Pan lung are manoeuvrability class E for purposes of arial combat. In ‘heir brain they have @ magical orgon like thet of the shen lung which ‘ives them the power of flight ~ the organ is inextractable, Pan lung speak their own fenguage which they shere with the shen tung. ‘Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon) FREQUENCY: Rae NO. APPEARING: 7-4 ARMOUR CLASS: 7 MOVE: 12°127/8" HIT DICE: 9-17 SIN LAIR: 60% ‘TREASURE TYPE: H NNO. OF ATTACKS: ¢ DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-42-24/1-8 ‘SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘Spells — see below SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘See below MAGIC REISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: High ALIGNMENT: Chaotle neural SIZE: L (48" tong) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIX.P. VALUE. ‘SHO: VII/1400 + 12 per hit point YOHD: VI1/2,100 + 14 per hit point 11H: V1Vf2,000+ 16 per hit point “The most common oriental dragon, shen tung are wingless, long and fourfooted, with a spiked back and tal, whiskers and two horns on ‘the heod. Inside the brain isan inextrsctable magical organ which ‘ives shen lung the ability to fly. DRAGON, ORIENTAL (TIEN LUNG) ‘Shen tung typically attack with two claws for 1-4 hit point of damage each, a bite For 2-24 hit points of damage anc a tll spike for 41-8 hit points of damage. The tail is as supple as that of a wyvern, but not polsonous. Shen lung have no breath weapon but can cast bless and curse once 2 day each and control weather and Ice storm ‘three times a day each. ‘These oriental dragons live in rivers and laket and can breathe air or \woter. They take no demoge from lightning, but take double demage ‘rom fire attacks. They have the scaly command power over 2-20 creatures times the age-tevel of the dragon and water fie of 212 points value. ‘Shen lung are immune to poison. Another curious power they postoss | that no insect, arachnid or arthropod can approach @ shen lung within a radi of 0" ‘They are manoeuvrability clase E at ragarde serial combat, Shen lung speak their own language which they share with the pan ton. ‘Tien Lung (Celestial Dragon) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: ~2 Move: 9748”7/6" HIT DICE: 11—18 TREASURE TYPE: Hx 2) NO.OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK 16/16/4440 SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘Breath weapon and spells — 00 botow SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Exeapdiona! ALIGNMENT: Lawful never! SIZE: L 148" long) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nit LEVELIX.P. VALUE: 11 or 12HD: VIIIM4, 650 + 16 per hitpoint 19MD: 1X/,360 + 18 ‘bor hie point ‘Tien ung ive on high mountain peaks and in cloud cattle: they are rulers of the al. Thalr usual colouration fs yellow. Though wingless, they fly by using the same organ In the brain as pottessed by shen hn. Usually they attack with two claws, each of which does 1-6 hit points of damage, and a bite which does 440 hit points of demege. They breathe fire in 9 90'x30" cone up to six times 2 day, doing ‘damage equal to the dragon's current hit points. They may also cast control weather @ number of times per day equal to twice the Sagan's 098 love. ‘Tren lung of age ald and older have # 50% chance of being saccorpanied by 1-6 wind walkers (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL — Wind Walker); these {anatially loyal senans cannot be charmed from their purpose and will do their utmost to defend their master and, if necessary, avenge his death, ‘Tien tung are very fond of eating opals and pearls and will look favourably on any mortal giving them such delicacies, Inthe i ‘en lung are manoeuvrability class D. ‘They speak their own language, thelr alignment language and the ‘commen tongue, DRAGON, ORIENTAL (YU LUNG) Yu Lung (Corp Dragon) FREQUENCY: Rare NO, APPEARING: 14 ARMOUR CLASS: 3 Move: 6"/18" HIT DICE: 5-7 SIN LAIR: 60% TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO.OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 14147216 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wit SPECIAL DEFENCES: Mi MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Neverar SIZE: L (18° long) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni! ‘Attack/ Defence Modes: Ni LEVEL/X.?. VALUE: ‘HD: 111/130 +8 per hitpoint GHD: 1/225 + 6 per hiepoint THD: V/360 +8 per hie point These shy erearures live in fresh watar end have a dragon's head, two foreiogs and a giant cerp's body/tall. They cannot fly, polymorph oF turn invisible: they have no breath weapon and breathe only water, though they can emerge awkwardly onto land for up to one hour. Their attack is with two claw for 14 hit points of damage each and 1 bite for 2-16 hit points of damape. When determining the age of yu lung, bring al age levels of Sor above ‘down to adu/t. There are no older yu lung: when they reach 101 years of age, they are metamorphosed into another Kind of oriental dragon (equal probability ech type). DRAGONFISH FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 6” HIT DICE: 2 SIN LAIR: Wi TREASURE TYPE: Ni NO.OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stancord| INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Aout! size: s PSIONIC ABILITY: Mit ‘Attack/ Defence Modes: Nil LEVELX.. VALUE: i/65 + 2per hit point Dragontish are 2° long, mottled brown flatish which turk on the bed of a shallow Tresh-nater pool or a slow:moving stream or Fiver. They re very difficult to spot (15% chance even ifthe avurchors know whet they are seeking) because they merge extremely well with the background. ‘They heve 2 fringe of horny spines tipped with poison (highly toxic — saving throw it at —1) which snap off in any vietim who steps on ‘them or puts his hand on them, The spines are very strong and wil penetrate leather boots. In melee dragontish bite for 1-6 hit points of damage. The spines ‘themsslves do not cause damage other than the poison damage. DUNE sraLKeR | DUNE STALKER FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 2 MOVE: 12" HIT DICE: 6 SIN LAIR: Wi TREASURE TYPE: Nit NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 272 SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘Kiss of death SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘Onty damaged by ‘magical weapons MAGIC RESISTANCE: 30% INTELLIGENCE: High ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil SIZE: PSIONIC ABILITY: Ait ‘Artack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIXP. VALUE! V/400 +6 per bit point ‘A vile naked human in appearance, bony and with long sharp fingers ‘and clawed toes, the dune stalker roams desert areas in response 10 ‘summons from high level evil magicians. 1t wil attack good characters ‘only any alignment combined with good will attract attack, It ig a faultloss trecker, as the invisible stalker (soe ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL — /nvisible ‘Staker) once set ona particular mision { \ aes “The dune stalker’ attack is usually by sonic vibration which has 2 range of 60' and delivers 2-12 hit points of damage on 8 single target (faving throw not permitted. In close contact the stalker can deliver the ‘kiss of death’ by placing its lips in direct contact with skin. The sonic vibrations thus set up in the victim's body are of such an Intensity that failure to make © saving throw versus spells means Instant oath. A successful saving throw negates the effect. Dune stalkers can only be harmed by magical weapons. ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF BVI (IMIX} FZ i FLAME ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL — ELF — ENVELOPER — ETTERCAP — EYE KILLER ~ EYE OF FEAR AND ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL. The princes of evil lr, cold, earth, fire ond water creatures are Powerful beings whose principal areas of domination are on the Elemental Planes but who slso have many followers on the Prime Materia! Plane. Though often at odds with each other (mainly through the actions of their underlings) the elemental princes of evil do share cortain common charscteisics, ach being able to perform detect Inesibte, dispel magic (at 20% level, sntrevision (duration one dV), know aifgnment, suggestion (duration 12 hours) and teleportation (oo error), all at wil, They have 2 special telepathic power which fnables them to understand and. converse with any. intelligent crosture. Three times per day (sech) they can read languages anc read magic: once por day they can teekinese 6,000 gold pieces weight, ‘The experiance point value shown for eech prince is for destroying the material form only. If 9 prince is kled permanenty, the XP value is multiplied by 10. Cryonax (Prince of Evil Cold Creatures} FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: ~6 MOVE: 9" HIT DICE: 90 hie points %IN LAIR: 55% TREASURE TYPE: H, V,X. NO.OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 5-20/5-20 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Cold amage; spits SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 75% INTELLIGENCE: Genias ALIGNMENT: Nevtrat evi! SIZE: L (15° all PSIONIC ABILITY: 200 ‘Atteck/Defence Modes: “Alla! LEVEL. VALUE: /28,000 CCryonax apprars as a 16° tll yet with tontacos covorad with suction ‘cups In place of arms, He radiates 1~6 points of cold damage con- tinvally, affecting all within 15" (those with resctance to cold take holt damage, but there is no saving throw as such against this). He attacks as-3 20 hit diee monster with two tentacles, ch of which inflicts 8-20 hit points of damage; in addition the vietin must save versus paralysation of be frozen in place for 312 full turs. Cryonax ‘can only be damaged by +2 or bettar weepone. ‘There isa cumulative 10% chance that any particular weapon hitting CCryonax will shatter; the weapon does break, damage inflicted by ‘that particular hit is nulified ‘As a prince of evil creatures of cold, Cryonax may summon one of the following groups once por day: 14 white dragons, 14 Trost giants for 1-8 yeti. In addition he can, thrice per dav, produce & Strength wall of ice, can hold person and can east an ice storm of ‘4740 points, Once per day, he can couse a blast of cold of 15-dice strength Fire attacks against Cryonax are at +2 hit probability and do an adeitional point of damage por attack dio. Cold attacks add to his hit points in an amount equal to the intended damage, up to but not ‘exceeding his origina! 90 hit points. He is completely immune t0 Polson, nor can he be turned to stone. “Thie prince liver in a huge cattle of ice, quartz and gas, situated at the juncture of the Planes of Air and Wiater ond drawing power from the Negative Material Plane. Imix (Prince of Evil Fire Creatures) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: # ARMOUR CLASS: ~# MOVE: 18” HIT DICE: 80 hie pommes SIN LAIR: 45% ‘TREASURE TYPE: R, U NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 6-36 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fire damege, spells SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 86% INTELLIGENCE: Genius ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil SIZE: L (18° tal) PSIONIC ABILITY: 190 ‘Attack/Defence Modes: ‘Alla VALUE: X/25,900 LEVELX TAL PRINCES OF EVIL (OGREMOCH) a, Ahn ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL (OLHYDRA) Imix gonerally appears at an 18" hich pillar of fire, He radiates 1~20 points of heat damage constantly, affecting all those within 10" (those with resistance to fire take half damage, but there sno saving throw + such apainet thisl, He ettacks ae ¢ 20 hit dice ereature onca por round for 6-36 hit points of damage. Only +2 or better weapons can harm him. ‘As prince of evil fire creatures, mix may summon one of the following groups once per day: 1-2 sfrect, 1-3 fire slamentalt ot 1-3 salamander. In addition he can perform the following thrice per ay: couse peintully bright continual “ight, cast 9 triplestrength well Of fie and intiete pyrotechnics. Onea = dey, Imix can throw 8 2dice fireball. Water attacks on Imix are at +1 hit probability, whi cold attacks are at #2 hit probability and add one point of damage to each attack die. Imi is immune to paralysis, poison and petrtaction Iimix fives in the dopths of 2 monstrous active volcano on the Elomental Plane of Fire “There is great enmity between Imix and Olhydrs. Ogrémoch (Prince of Evil Earth Creatures) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: ~7 move: 9” HIT DICE: 110 hie poines IN LAIR: 65% ‘TREASURE TYPE! W, U, 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 5-50/5-50 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spel SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 85% INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil SIZE:L(10' tar) PSIONIC ABILITY: 785 ‘Attack/Defence Modes: ‘Alla! LEVELIXP. VALUE: x/29,450 ‘Ogrémach appears in a rough, apparently unfinished bipedal form, 10° tall. He ottacks a 0 24 hit dice monster, striking twice for 6-80 hit points of domege per attack each round. 43 oF better weapons are ‘equired to harm him. ‘As prince of evil earth creatures, Ogrémoch can summon one of the “ollowing groupe once por day: 1-3 earth elementals, 1-6 evi khargra, 14 umber hulks or 14 evll xorn. In addition, he can pparform the following thriee per day: produce a triplestrangth wall of one, move earth (double sree, casting time in rounds rather than ‘ums, flesh to stone. Once per dey he can cause an earthquake of 100° ciametor He cannot be harmed by normal fre or by poison. Cold, lightning and magia! fire sttacks subtract 1 point of damage parattsck die against him. Ogrémoch livesin «great fattopped mountain an the Elemental Plane of Earth Olhydra (Princess of Evil Water Creatures) FREQUENCY: Very are NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: ~5 MOVE: 6”7/18" HIT DICE: 90 hie pointe SO. SIN LAIR: 75% TREASURE TYPE: HSU NO, OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-24 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Drowning, spells ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 70% INTELLIGENCE: Genius ALIGNMENT: Neutral evi SIZE: £(20' diameter) PSIONIC ABILITY: 270 ‘Attack/Defence Modes: l/l! LEVELIX, VALUE: X/23,000 Olnyéra appears only near water as 2 watery amorphous blob 20" ia ameter. She attacks os @ 20 hit dice monster once per round with a ‘water wave which inflicts 2-24 points of damage ‘She ean also attack by enveloping and drowning victims: up 10 five hhumman-sized creatures may be attacked and enveloped at one ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL (YAN-C-BIN) ‘and are powerless to do anything (fig, cast soos) while enveloped. All defenders are considered armour class 6 against this attack (with ‘appropriate megical and dexterity modifiers). Victims drown in 2-8 rounds and take 2—12 hit points of damage each round in any ease ‘The only way to save enveloped victims i to kill or dive away the princess since she cannot move enveloped bodies. ‘Othydra can ram ships with the force of two heavy galleys. She can fonly be hit by +1 or better weapons, and edged weapons only do helf {darnage on her when thay hit. ‘As princess of evil water creatures, Othydra may summon one of the {following groups once per day: 13 water elementals. 1~2 see hags. 2-5 water weirds or 20-200 sahuagin (salt wator only). She ean also ‘perform the following thrice per day: prodiuce a triple-strength wail (OF fog, lower ond part wetor (at 20th level, ansmute rock to mud, Fire attacks are at #2 hit probability eguinst her and don additional 11 point of damage per attack die, Cold attacks cannot damage her bout if over 20 points in value, they act ar slow spell upon her (her ‘magical resistance ls ineffective in ths cats, nor does she get a saving throw). Any normal fire within 10° of Olhydra is automatically ex: tinguished, She cannot be paralysed or turned to stone. ‘thydra lives in a grost undersea castle on the Elemental Plane of racer. There is great enmity betwen her and imix Yan-C-Bin (Prince of Evil Aerial Creatures) FREQUENCY: Very rave NO. APPEARING: F [ARMOUR CLASS: ~6 i trove: 4" GE eG HITDICE:B5hiepoins 7g" Sivuainie¥ 4s, % TREASURE TYPE: U,Z NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 rg DaMAGE/ATTACK:2-20/2-20° 79). SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spelt, whi, monks bier SPECIAL DEFENCES: Sor below MAGIG RESISTANCE: 90% INTELLIGENCE: Genius ALIGNMENT: Vastra ei SIZE: 1/10" domerer) PSIONIC ABILITY. 220 Attck/Detonce Made: ‘Alfa LEVELIX, VALUE: x/28,650 ‘Yan-C-Bin is naturally invisible, creating a slight disturbance in the sir 2s he flles which may be detected by highlevel charactors (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS DUNGEON MASTERS: GUIDE ~ dnvisibiley). He is about 10" in dlameter but has no defini shape. He attacks as 2 19 hit ice monster twice per round for 2-20 hit points of damage each attack, with the same chance ae that of ih tevel monk to stun oF Kill an opponent outright. +2 oF better ‘weapons ate required to hrm hie. For purposes of aerial combet, he Is manoeuvrability class A. [As Prince of evil serial creatures, Yon-C-8in ean summon one of the following groupe once per day: 13 air elementals, 1A cloud giants, 1-4 Invisiestalkers of 13 wind walkers Lightning attacks are ineffective agsinst Yan-C-Bin, but fire attacks ‘against him are at bit probability bonus of +1 for every four levels, ‘of the attacker (+0 @ 3rd lovel charactor would get a bonus of +1, @ 33 ELF (DROW) seventh level character 42 and so on). Yan-C-Bin cannot be harmed by ‘any object cast into the air and is immune to potritacion, He ean orm a whirlwind — a truncated reverse cone, with 9 2” bottom ameter, a 8” top diameter and a height of 16". Ifthe full height (of the whirlwind eannot be attained due to some overhead obstruction ‘the whirlwind & only half strength. & full strength whiriwind sweeps ‘avay and ills ll ereaturae undsr three hit dies and causes 422 hit points of damage on all non-aerial creatures which it fails to Kill Cutright. (A half strength whielwind does 2—16 hit points of damage. Yan-C-Bin can sustain this form for 26 rounds. Formation of thie whirlwind oF dissipation of It requires one full round, ‘Yar-C-Bin lives in a great ary palace on the Evemencal Plane of Air. ELF \ Drow (Dark Elf) FREQUENCY: Very rare (at best) NO. APPEARING: 5-50 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 (and better) MOVE: 12” (females 15°) HIT DICE: 2 (and better) SIN LAIR: ‘TREASURE TYPE: Individuale: NfvB),Q(x2) NO.OF ATTACKS: 1 or 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: By ‘weapon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: See balow MAGIC RESISTANCE: {60 %fand better; al! saving throws at #2 / INTELLIGENCE: Mean: highly intelligent ALIGNMENT: Chote evit ‘SIZE: M(5" tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Unknown ‘Attack/Detence Modes: Unknown LEVELIX., VALUE: Wand wp Variable ‘Ages patt, when the elvenfolke were but new to the face of the their number was orn by discord and those of better disposition drove from them those of the elves who were selfish and eruel However constant warfare between the two divisions of eivenkind ‘continued, with the goodly ones ever victorious, until hore of dark ature were forced to withdraw from the lands under the skier and ‘sock safety in the realm of the undorworid. Hera, in lightless caverns land endless werrens of twisting passages and caves hung with icicios Cf stone, the dark elvenfolk — the drow — found both refuge and ‘comfort! Over the centuries they grew strong once again and schooled themselves in arcane arts. And though they were strong enough 10 face and perhaps dafeat their former brethren in batt, the drow no Jonger desited to welk upon the green lands under the sun and stars “They no longer desired @ life in the upper world, being contant with the doomy feiryland beneath the eorth thot they had made the Yer they neither forgave nor forgot, and even ow, above they bear enmity forall oftheir distant kin ~ elves and fae ‘Grove them down beneath the earth and now dwall in the meadows {and dell of the bright world. Though they are seldom if ever seen by ‘any human or demi-human, the drow still porsst, occasionally fentaring lower dungeon levels and consorting with oer creatures in ‘order to work out ther schemes and inflict revenge upon those who Tnhabie the world above Fegardless of the number of crow appearing, there will always be one ‘of higher level than the main body. Drow males areal atleast 2nd level fighters — some are ot high as 7th level in fighting bility, Motes can also be mapic-users, some as high as 12th level. Female drow are tls at least 2nd level fighters and some have attained 91h level as fighters. Most drow clerics are female, and no upper limit to thel level of ability i known: however no male drow cleric has been known tobe higher than 4th level, Drow wear a fine mesh armour of exquisite workmanship. It is made of an alloy of ste! containing adementite. Even the lowilest fighters ENVELOPER have in effect +1 chainmal, with higher level drow having +2, 43, +4 ‘oF even 45 chainmail, Small bucklers are also used — shields of lunusual shape — those drow of greater experience level and importance in drow society heving bucklers fashioned of edamantite 1:0 98 t0 be +1, #2 oF even +3 value. As will be described later, all drow move slensyy and with graceful speed, even when wearing their black mesh of armour. Each drow Carries a small amount of personal wealth in a soft leather bog worn round the neck beneath the mal. In addition they arm themselves ‘with long dagger and short sword of ademantite allay (+1 to a8 high {8 #3 oF even #4 borne by noblefolk); 50% oF more carry small cross- bows which are held in one hand (6' range light exossbow) and shoot dere Coated with a poison which renders the victim unconscious (save is at —4). These darts also inflict 13 points of damage on a victim. ‘A tow drow also carry adamantite mocas (+1 t0 18) and/or small jnvelins (also poisoned with the same substance as the darts) with atats (9 range, #3/42/+1 to hit at shortlmedium/ong range). Drow have superior infravision of the 12" range variety andl move with silence, The black boots and cloaks that Drow wear are simFar to cloaks and boots of evenkind, except that the weerer has only a 78% chance of surprising enemies or blending into shadows, The Material will not cut easily and cloaks have 2.46 to saving throws vs fre attacks; however, any alteration to the cloak hes a 75% chance of unraveling the material and making it useless, Drow themselves ae only 121% (1 in 8) likely to be surpeiaed by opponents Drow are leo both inteligent and highly co-ordinated, being able to use either oF both hands/arms for attack and defence. They make saving tirows versus all forms of magic (clerical included) spell, whether from a caster or from a device, at +2, Drow magic resistance increases by 2% for each level of experience they have gained, with mult-classed Individuals gaining this bonus for but one of their clases (the highest). Thus, 2 7th level Drow is 64% resistant to any magic and will save at +2 against any rmagie which could have an effect. Because the drow have dwelled so long in the derk labyrinthine places under the surface of the earth, they dislike bright light. They will not venture forth into dayHight except on the clouciest,gloomiest days. If within the radius of 8 fight or continua ght spell the derk elves are ‘90% likely to be seen, they lore 2 from their dexterity end al attacks ‘made by them are at —2.0n the to hit’ roll (+2 on saving alls against such attacks ss applicable). If they are attacking targets intide the radius of fight or continual light spells, the bright illumination causes ‘them to suffer a ‘to hit" penalty of 1 and the converse #1 on saving throws against auch ettacks is awarded to the torget creatures. If bright light exists, itis 75% likely that drow wil retire from the situation because of the illumination, unless such a retreat would impertl one of their number, would otherwise be harmful to thelr desired ends or would expose some important feature to the light- bringing intruders. In any event, such dimmer light sourees os torches, lanterns, magic weapons, fire beetle essence or faerie fire do not adversely affect the performance of the dark elves. Drow are able 10 speak the subterranean trade language common 10 most intelligent dwellers in the underworld, the common tongue, ‘gnome, elven and their own language in addition tothe other tongues ‘which their level of intelligence allows. Many know the languages of the various races which speak and Gell underground. All of the dark fives lso have a silent language combosed of hand movernents, and this means of communication is highly sophisticated, being abie to ‘convey much information to a,considerable degree of comple When drow are within 30° of each other, they use fecal and body ex: pression, movement and posture; these latter means af communica- tion alone are capable of conveying considerable information, and \when coupled with hond/finger movements the whole isos erudite as ‘any spoken speech. ‘magic, know alignment and levitate once per day. Drow femeles can, in {2ddition, use the following spells once per day: clairvoyance, detect i, suggestion. dispel maple. Drow have powers which are the some as those ‘of dwarves with respect to stone and things underground. They also ‘etset hidden or secret doors at elves do, Drow abilities are determined as follows: Strenath 8 + 1~6 (6+ 1-6 for males); Ineligence 12 + 1-6 (10 + 1-8 for males): Wisdom 8+ 1=10 (8 + 1-4 for malesl: Dexterity 12 + 2-8: Constitution 4—16; Charisma 10 +1-8 (8+ 1-8 for mate ENVELOPER If more than 10 drow af encountered there will be in adltion 3 male who ie-a fighterfnagic user of atleast rd level, If more than 20 are encountered, there will be a female fghter/clerie of at leat 6th level Clerical ability in edaition to the male fightor/magic user, I more then 530 drow are encountered, 11—16 wll be females, the leader will be 8 female clorc/fighter of at least 8th/7%h ability level, the male fightor/ magicuser will be at lesst of 5th/4th ability level nd each will have an assistant of leva as previously indicated or the ones present with ‘Special Note Regording Drow Treasure: Cloaks, armor, and weapons made by the Drow have special properties, although they do not fadiate magic. The items are mace In the strange homeland of the Drow vast underground cities of carvan stone and minerals, laces of ‘weird and fentartc beauty inundated with unknovin radiations which Impart the special properties to their items, When there are exposed to direct sunlight, jereversble decay stars and the items will become totally useless in 2—12 days. If protected from sunlight, they will re tain their special properties for 3150 days before becoming normal Item: and if exposed to the radiations of the Drow homeland for 9 Deriod of 1 waek out of every 4 weeks, the itemecould remain potent indefinitely. Drow sloop poison decays instantly in sualiht, and will Joe its effectiveness efter 60days in any event after being exposed 10 sie, although unopened packets of the poison will remain potent for Description: Drow are black-skinned and palehaired. They ar sight of build and have long, delicate fingers end toes. ENVELOPER FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 9” HIT DICE: 3, 5,7 ee. SIN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: € NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Mil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Variable INTELLIGENCE: Voriable ALIGNMENT: Variable size:t PSIONIC ABILITY: Variable Attack/Defence Medes: Variable LEVEL/XP. VALUE: Mand vp Variable ‘The enveloper is basically 2 mass of malleable flesh in the form of @ rough cylinder 8° tall nd 3° in circumference. It can form up to five appendages at will by reshaping flesh in the appropriata areas, and ‘when in view Of humans or near-humans ft wil adopt approximate tance and no psionic abilities. In melee the enveloper strikes with two ‘tists’, each capable of olivering 1-8 hit points of damage. {f the enveloper kills avietim — monster or charactor —is first act it to fall on the body which in one melee round is ttally consumed, leaving all clothes, weapons ete. benind, After @ further delay of three melee ound (during which time the beast can fight ax normal ~ iteannot latack in its onsuming round’) the beast can use any of the vidi 's blities: for example. it ghing the vietim's experience and knowledge, can speak with the victim's voice, can cast spells memorised by the Victim and $0 forth, For each hit die ofthe victim, the enveloper gine 1-3 hit pointe (though it continues to attack’ with the same hit probability as before, no matter how many extra points i gains) ‘As the onveloper consumes additional victims it will gsin additions! abilities and powers. In the case of mutual confit (for example in terms of alignment] of ateibutes or powers, one js discarded at tandom until the conflict is removed. The beast will tend towards the Sligoment of its most rocantly-consumed vietim, and alignment la quage wil vary accordingly. The enveloper gains hit dice ss it ages, in steps of 2 dice; theoretically there is no limit to the number of hit dice, or hit points, an old fenveloper mey posses. ETTERCAP ETTERCAP FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-2 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 Move: 72” HIT Dice: 5 SIN LAIR: 30% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTAGK: 1a/t-a/t-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison SPECIAL DEFENCES: Traps ~ see below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Never evi! Size: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil ‘Astack/Defence Modes: Mi LEVEL/X.P, VALUE: IAGS + 8 per hit point AA biped, roughly mansized, with very long arms, protruding pot belly, shor legs and nary skin, the ettereap nas clawed hands and two olson fangs protruding one on each side of the mouth, Ettrcaps are cruel, cunning and treacherous. ‘The attercap attacks with its clawe for 1—2 hitpoints of damage each and also inflicts @ polsonous bite for 18 hit polnts of damage ‘The creature hos silk glancs like those of spider located near the anus, These glands secrete a thin, very touch, silvery cord which the bbeart user to make serorted weapont and dovicer — lariat, net, gorottes, tripwires and s0 forth, Each ettercap har is preferred ‘weapons and trap devices, #o an encounter will vary according to an tettercep’s preferenes, though they will alwaye lay traps and prepare lan ambush if there is time to do so. Ettereaps get along wal with all forms of spider. EVE KILLER Pianos Ree, in pune ts Scene nctey wee pais Sintec ena sage ee ‘At birth, the eye killer is limbless and simost soherical; later it develops 2 batike upper torso on the body of a large snake, Iie stunted wings cannot support flight. The upper part of its body Is a dark grey-areen while the lower pert is @ medium green flecked with dull yellow. Its eyes are disproportionately large and apparently Nidiess. ‘The creature csikes daylight and hates bright naked flame. It dwells In dark places underground, where 2-8 may also (10% chance) be found. EYE OF FEAR AND FLAME ‘The behaviour of the creature depends almost entirely on the ion, the eye kailler well attack with its coils only, crushing its vitim for 1-6 hit points of damage (a hit indicates thet it hae managed to wrap its cole ‘ound a victim; each molee round thereafter it automatically delivers crushing damage of 1-8 hit points without 2 ‘to hit’ roll) 1H an approsching party is carrying lanterns or torches, however, the eve killer can use the deeded Deoth Stare up to a range of 50%. Its ‘eyes gather the illumination falling on them, amplify it enormously ‘and project it back at the lightbearer in a powerful. narrow ray of intense tight. This ray swikes a victim as though he were ACTO; the tim must make hi ‘Vietims who make their saving throw take 3—18 hit points of damage. ‘The stare can be reflected though it does nat haren the eye killer —it will simply gather the illumination, amplify it still more, and project it in the tome round at snother victim. Fortunately for adventurer, ‘the Death Stare can only be used once per day. 11 torch-or lantern-bearers come close to the eye killer, it will not face ‘he light and will try to flee if the illumination becomes intense (equivalent to three torches at 2 range of 10). IF the illumination is ot strong enough to force its flight, it will stack with is colls as previously deseribed EYE OF FEAR AND FLAME FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: 2 MOVE: 9°” HIT DICE: 12 SIN LAIR: Wi ‘TREASURE TYPE: Wil NO. OF ATTACKS: See below DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: See befow INTELLIGENCE: High ALIGNMENT: chaotic ev! SIZE: 4 PSIONIC ABILITY? My Attack/Detence Modes: Mi LEVEL/.?. VALUE: V1172,850 + 16 per hit point “The eve of fear and flame is 2 hooded men-sized figure: the face is always invisible, the interior of the hood bsing seen as an opaaue black screen. It constantly stalks the underworld seeking lawful oF lawfulineutral perties or individuals. It will comerand an Indivisual, for 8 member of a party, to perform evil deeds (speaking in the align: ment tongue appropriate 10 the individual eddressed since it has ermanent know alignment power and can spaak all alignment Fanguoger). The nature of th deeds will vory but they will be Uniformly evil. If the eye is attacked, or is commands are not ‘obeyed, it will cast back the hood to reveal a bare skull with a red Jewel in one aye rocket and biack jewel in the other ‘The red gem unlessher 2 firebsil once every three melee rounds, while the black gem acts ass fear wand every melee round, ‘The gems are worth 1,000-2,000 gold pieces each, though they lose their properties when removed from the skull or when the creature i kite 1H malee is going against the creature it has the power to transfer to the Etheree! Plana, taking two melee rounds to do so, whore it will ty to make ite eecape, ithe no meant of fighting handt-to-tond 1 the splls Blindness or power word: blind are cast on the eve, they will be reflected back tothe caster with no los of power. 1 is aaid that the eyee of fear and flame ware either crested by the chaotic evil gods. forthe ‘destruction of lawfuls, or by. the lawfulineutral gods for theie testing. The truth is hidden. It is rumoured that only about twenty of these creatures exist FIREDRAKE FIRENEWT FIREDRAKE — FIRENEWT — FIRE SNAKE — FIRETOAD — FLAIL SNAIL — FLIND — FLUMPH — FORLARREN — FROST MAN FIREDRAKE FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 2-8 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 Move: 6/18" HIT DICE: 4 SIN LAIR: 80% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weopon ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: Wit MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Sem ALIGNMENT: Nevera! SIZE: § (4° long) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defence Modes: Nii LEVELIXP, VALUE INA26 +4 por bit poine Found only in rocky areas, this small dragonet (4° tong or there: ‘2bouts) resembles @ miniature red dragon in appearance if not in ‘temperament. If it Is disturbed even with peaceful intent there is a [50% chance it wil attack, Its clave are not used in combst but its bite will cause 2-8 hit points of damage. “The flredrake also has a breath weapon which it can use five times daily. This is 2 cone of fire 60" long by 10" base diameter which livers 216 hit points of damage (halved if a saving throw is made. Firadrakes have a short lifespan compared with their larger cousins, the dragons — the age-ineremantal hit point steps do not apply “The dragonet’s blood burns fiercely in air (the breath weapon is in fact @ jet of blood) though it Is inert if kept in @ container undor water, Swords dipped in the blood immediately become flaming ‘swords for 3-6 melee rounds though there is 82% cumulative chance uring this time of the sword breaking when a blow is struck with It. It the sword “rirviver this 3-6 round period, it reverts to Its original powers after it ceases to flame, For purposes of aerial combat, the firedrake is manoeuvrability class C. FIRENEWT FREQUENCY: Rare NO APPEARING: 10-100 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 9” HIT DICE: 242 36 IN LAIR: 75% TREASURE TYPE, Individuals K, Mi lle F. NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breathe fe ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil size: PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit Attack/Detence Modes: Ni! LEVELIX., VALUE: Normal: 11/90 +3 per hie point Elite: M/125+4 por hit point Priest: 1V/190 +4 per hit point Overtora: 1/1655 per hit point “These distant relatives of the lizard men live in sun-baked rocky hi voleanie regions or any other locale which tends to be hot, dry and sometimes tulphuroue, whether above or below ground, They are sometimes known as salamen, Firenewt warriors (the most common variety) ere in chainmail anc carry normal weapons — pil sword only (25%), pike and hand-exe (20%) or battle-axe (10%. For every ten warriors encountered there will be one elite warrior with 349 hit dice and of AC3 (ehsin plus dexterity bonus). For every 30 encountered there will, in adaltion to three elite warriors, be one ‘priest’ with 343 hit dice, ACB and the following druidie powers, each usable once per day: animal friendship, feerie fre, predict weather, metal and pyrovechnies. Elite warriors always 33% of al firenowts encountered above ground (90% of elite warriors, ‘all priests) will be mounted on giant strders; these beasts are wained bby the priests and are highly skilled in melee even if the firenawt ‘raster’ diemounts All renews have a limited breath weapon. Once per turn they can ‘breathe fire ons foe immediately in front of them and within 2 5° range for 1-6 points of damage (a successful saving throw indicates half dermage) Firenewts have high resistance to fire-based attacks, saving with a bbonus of #3. Additionally, all fre-based attacks which affect them are reduced by 1 hit point of damage per attack die. Conversely, firenewts save at —3 against cold attacks and damage inficted on ‘her by these attacks is increased by 1 hit point per attack ale Firenowas are cruel marauders — if firenawts are encountered they tuvually be the members of a hunting party. They delight in tor ‘roasting vetime alive before feasting on them. wilbe guarded by DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL ~ Lizard, Fir). ‘The lair will be ruled by an overlord firenowt of 4¥4 hit dice and ACS ‘who wil have a close retinue of four elite warriors. Description: A typical firenowe is 9 mottled sepia colour, darkest ong the id fading to near-white on the belly. The smooth flesh and features are oo-ike, though the flesh is dry. The eves are doop crimson. Females are slightly shorter than males (about 5Y4' ‘alld and are a duller brown. The young are light in colour, darkening progressively as they approach maturity NS xt al i! Hy NN Wess FIRE SNAKE FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO, APPEARING: 1-6. ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 4” HIT pice: 2 SIN LAIR: 100% TREASURE TYPE: @ NO.OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACH SPECIAL/ATTACKS: Paralysotion SPECIAL DEFENCES: Immune to fio MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standara INTELLIGENCE: Semi- ALIGNMENT: Neveral SIZE: S(2°3"/ong) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Attack/Deferce Modes LEVELIX.. VALUE: MI73* 2 par it point Fire snakes — coloured in shades trom blood-red to orange — are ‘always fourd in fires. Some large permanent fires will contain 16 of ‘these creatures, though in smaller, semipermanant fires such as fie bits and oil bowis there may be one snake. Beneath the snakes will be ‘he gems they accumulate. Since their colour matches well with theit surrouncingr they strike with © 60% chance of gaining surprise, Thoit bite inflicts 14 hit points of damage and injects a mild venom which causes paraysation ff the victim for 2-8 tuens unless the vietim makes a saving throw ‘against polson. {tis conjectured that fire snakes are Larval salamanders, FIRETOAD FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 7-6 ARMOUR CLASS: 10 Move: 6” HIT DICE: 4¢7 SIN LAIR: 20% TREASURE TYPE: C NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: Variable SPEGIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Wil INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutrat SIZE:S PSIONIC ABILITY: Wit ‘Attack/Delence Modes: Ni! LEVELIX.?. VALUE: 1/165 +5 pec hit point A large red toad about 4" high and covered with warty purple excres~ Ccences, this beast shuns water and inhabits dry regions above and below ground. Throwing liquid — oven ordinary wator — at it will Cause it to retreat, though in doing so it will concentrate two freboit fttacke, in the single melee round of ite retreat, on the person Performing this act. “The firetoad has the.power of breathing small frebals witha range of 30" and » blast radius of 5" at wil. This i Its only mode of attack, the Fireball doing damage equivalent to the number of hit points the firetoad has remaining. A normal saving throw is permitted against ‘this attack, succass indicating half damage. “The firetosd will rarely (20% chance) attack unless threatened, ‘molested or in dafance ofits treasure FLAIL SNAIL FLAIL SNAIL SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below INTELLIGENCE: Low FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: ¢ MOVE: 3” ALIGNMENT: Neutral HIT DICE: 4-6 SIZE: ¢ SIN LAIR: Wi PSIONIC ABILITY: il TREASURE TYPE: Wil “Attack/Dafence Modes: Nit NO. GF ATTACKS: f per tentacle. LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 per 4H10: 1/180-4 per bit point tentacle BHD: 1V/205+ Sper hi¢point SPECIAL ATTACKS: Mil HO: V860+6perhitpoint ‘This silleon-bated mollute averagas &" high st the crown of ite shall ‘and koeps its lub-tentacles (of which it has 4~8) in constant motion flailing everything in Its path. In combat each tentacle has its own hit points ond when ‘dead’ ceases to attack. Aftor all the tantacis hove ‘been killed the beast withdraws its head and the rest of Is Body into its shell: i will die in 1—2 turns, during which time it utters pitiful walling cles which have a 60% chance per tun of attracting 3 ‘wandering monstor. The creature's body also has hit point, but is £0 adopt at withdrawing it into the shell at high speed that it can be regirded as AC —8: any hit on the body will, however, kill the Creature outright even if some tentacles survive each of the tentecles will strike for 1-8 hit point of ture, 508 sll with Im damage. Each tentocle represints THD of thecr 5 tentacles has 5 hit cee. The fat enal is immune to fire normal or magical) end poison, but is hypersensitive to bright illumination and hence is always encountered at night or underground. The highly-coloured shell affords the fll! snail partial protection against magic, acting et @ type of robe of sintilating colour. Whenever itis sttacked by magic the effects are variable ~ 40% hanes of the spell malfunctioning, 30% chance of it functioning normally, 20% of it falling to work 9% all ond 10% chance of it being feflected onto the person casting it, If a spel malfunctions its effects will alter (atthe total clzeretion of the referee, who will not permit more than minor alteration) and the altered effect will be deviated {rom the snail to the neerest person or creature. The shell weight 250 pounds (2,500 gold pieces weight) and retains its mogieal properties for 16 months after it occupants death, It can be told for at much ae 6,000 gold pieces LIND FLIND FREQUENCY: Ror NO. APPEARING: 2-24 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 Move: 12” HIT DICE: 269 SIN LAIR: 20% ‘TREASURE TYPE: 4 NO.OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 or 1-4 — see below SPECIAL ATTACKS: Disarming ~ se0 below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil ‘SIZE: M(6%'+ tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ail ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIX.P. VALUE: ‘Hormel: 1/38+3 par hit point Leeder: IM/60 + 4 per hit point Relatives of the gnolls, these beasts are powerful humanoids 6" tal which always attack at +1 hit probsbility due to ther strength. Most Of their characteristics and behaviour pattorns are simiar to those of fgnolls which regard flinds #8 higher beings (the charisma of a flind is at least 18 in the eyes of a gnoll). A large group of gnolls will some- times be led by one or several flinds. (For dotalls of gnolls, see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL). ‘The normat flind usually attacks with 2 club which delivers 1-6 hit points of damage. 25% of # group encountered will instead carry chaininked iron bars which they use in attack, moving +0 swiftly with these devices that they gain two attacks per round. If either attack hits, the victim will receive 14 hit points of damoge and in addition must save (at against wands) or his weapon will have become entangled with the chains and he i dlarmed. ‘This disarming device — the flindbar — can be used by any cheractor with both strength and dexterity of 13 or better, providing he Dractices with it and selects it as a weapon of proficiency. Leadertypes (one for every 15 finds encountered) are 3+3 hit dice, have 17 strength and high intelligence, with 18 charisma a0 far ab ‘gnolls are concerned, Leaders all use the flindbars in melee. Finds speak the same tongues 2¢ do gnolls ond are on friencly terms with ores, hobgobline, bugbears and ogres, However, they dislike ‘als and will not co-operate with them. FLUMPH FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 2-16 ARMOUR CLASS: Upper surface 0; underside 8 Move: 6” HIT DICE: 2 SIN LAIR: Ni TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 plus 14 lacid) SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Lawiul 900d SIZE: $ (2 diameter) PSIONIC ABILITY: it ‘Attack/Deferce Modes: Ni! LEVEL/X.. VALUE: 1/36 + 2per hit point 39 FOREARREN ‘These strange crestures are saucer thaped and pure white in colour. ‘The mouth is at the cantre of the upper surface which is ACO; ether fide of the mouth is @ 4” long eyertalk, The underside is ACB and Cartes @ mass of small spikes and numerous small tentacles The flumph flies’ by sucking air into its mouth and expel through ite undersice. Normally it floats about 4” above the ground but can fly up to 10°, particulerly for attack purposes. It is manoouv- ability class 0. Normally the flumph repels an attack with a squirt of foul-smeli liquid; thie can strike anyone within 2 60° arc up to a range of 20° ~ ‘any victim who fale bit saving throw (versus poison) will flea in ‘disgust. The liquid is squirted through an aperture on the creature's ‘equator’ ~ the horizontal line of maximum diameter. For 1-4 hours afterwards, a victim struck by this Rquid will be shunned by his com anions who will not be able to tolerate his presence within 100° Lntil the effects wear of If this method of repulsion fails the flumph will rise above ite target and drop vertically on its chosen victim. The spikes collectively inflict 18 hit points of damage and the tentacles fil the wounds with an acid which does an additional 14 hit points of damage, the latter ‘damage recurring for the next 2-8 rounds Unless magical’ means are lused to negate the acid (slchemiets have 10 far failed to create an effective antidote). ‘A flumph is helpless if turned over. ‘The creature cen communicate in the lawful alignment tongues, ‘though its vocebulary is severay i FORLARREN FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 2 move:9” HIT Dice: 3 S6IN LAIR: Nit ‘TREASURE TYPE: Nil NNO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 14/14 SPECIAL ATTACKS: “Hast metal — see below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Wir MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Sen. ALIGNMENT: Nevera! evil SIZE: PSIOWIC ABILITY: Nit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nit "48S LEVELIX.P, VALUE: 11//90 +3 per hitpoint ‘These creatures are descendents ofthe offspring of @ oad nymph and ‘the greater devil who enslaved her. They wander alone, seeking ver- igeance on good and evil alike, 3s thoy datest their own existance in a Timbo, They attack characters on sight, using their fists oF cudgels for 14 points of damage each fist ‘The forlarren slso has the ability to heat meta! once a day by contact and will use this mode of sttack on the first opponent wearing metal ‘armour they encounter in malee, All armour clesres are treated as ACTO for the purpose of this attack. Ifthe heating of the metal succeeds (i if a ‘hit’ is scored) the vietin will take 3-18 hit points of damage ‘ach round contact is maintained it wearing plete mail, 2-16 nit points of damage per round if wearing lithtor types of motal armour [the latter category including all types of magical metal armour) ‘nee contact has bean made it will be maintained until the forlarren Or its victim is dead. A successful saving throw (versus dragon breath) will halve the damage. [As soon as it has killed one character the ambivalent nature of the forlaren is revealed. It will show great remorse and will offer any survivors its services and powers (the blood of its ancestral mother Stil runsthrough its veine). After @ time the dominant evil part of the ferlarren resumes control and it will leave the party iti aiding. From FROST MAN ‘that time on, the fortarren will again attack on sight, including the party it earlier befriended if it encountore that party again. ‘The period of friendship is variable and cannot be forecast with accuracy. As an approximation the referee may select 1-6 days, ‘though there Is 8 10% chance of the period being shorter (13-24 hours} or longer (7-10 days) ‘The creature can speek @ rudimentary form of the common tongue, FROSTMAN FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 Move: 12" HIT DICE: 4 SIN LAIR: 20% TREASURE TYPE:C NO.OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: By wespon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: feo blast SPECIAL DEFENCES: Mi! MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standara! INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Lawful evi! SIZE: PSIONIC ABILITY: Ait ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Wit LEVELIX, VALUE: J1/125+4 perhitpoine GALLTRIT Because of the deadly talent of these creatures, native tribes are ‘greatly fearful of them and call them ee demon®’ though frast men fare in most respects vary like normal humans and ean have the bilities of fighter, clerics, thiever or even mapie-users. They will Ccarry weapons appropriate to their cass. Frost men also have the power, three times per day, of radiating a freezing cone of ics mist, 35 long and with 10 base diameter, from usually covered by a patch The Feduetion in hit probability dua Any creature eausht in the mist cone takes 3-18 hit points of damage (halved fa eaving throw vereus Gragon breath is mad only been encountered singly and the air. its type and thei pattarn of living are unknown. tis thought thet there are villages of frost men, with females end chlidren, Buried in deep caves ir mountains, mainly In cold regions. 1 yot ventured to establish the veracity of these rumoure. normal human males. However they radi cold — raadily clkcernable from a2 far away a2 20° though not of sufficient power to inflict damage, They dress in loose animal skins ‘and carry their personal treasure in leather sacks. Baied on the limited evidence avellable, the melorty (75%) of frost men are of the fighter class. 15% are thieves, about 8% clerics and only 2% magieusere. Clarice and masicusere appear only to have ‘Geveloped spell-use to the second experience level in comperison with GALLTRIT — GAMBADO — GARBUG — GIANT — GIANT STRIDER — GIBBERLING — GITHYANKI — GITHZERAI — GOLDBUG — GORBEL — GORILLA BEAR — GRELL — GRIMLOCK — GRYPH — GUARDIAN DAEMON — GUARDIAN FAMILIAR GALLTRIT FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7-4 ARMOUR CLASS: 2 move: 918" HIT DICE: 2 it posmrs S6IN LAIR: 20% ‘TREASURE TYPE: 1-3 goms NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2 SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘Blood drain; anticoagulant; anseetheris SPECIAL DEFENCES: Mil MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evi SIZE: S (5 tal) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mi ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Wi! LEVELIX?. VALUE: 1/82 “The galtrit isa smal (tall) winged gremlin with a nasty disposition. Its coloured a stone grey, which combined with its small size makes Fr atficut to detact — humans and most dami-humans detect thern 1 chance in 8, elves t chance in 6. A alltrit will be found in areae containing dung, earrion or offal. It wil attack If disturbed (e. by noise) by flying onto # victim — preferably unnoticed — and biting for 1-2 hit points of damage, locking its teeth into the vietim’s tkin. Hf the gollerit goins surprie prior to attacking, this initial attack wil be at +3 hit probability. It is ‘manoeuvrability class 8 for purposes of aerial combat. ‘The saliva of the gallirit hes an anesthetic effect, deadening the nerves and skin local to the bite for a full ten, during which the gailtrit sucks blood atthe rate of one round. Every four melee rounds the reduces the victim's constitution by number of hit points drained (eg. has drained 10 points of blood and the victim has lost two points of constitution which wil be restored efter 10 days) ‘A galltrit will rarely remain in contact with a victim for more than ‘one full turn even if not noticed, and will try to flee as soon as its re ‘hereafter because of the anaesthesis; the victim will sense the loss of blood after 8 time and wil fet his constitution waning, but only then wil he be conscious enough of the effects of the attack to consider soorching for the causel. {fa vietim loses three constitution points (albeit temporarily) he wilt collapse and the gallit's presence ie almost certain to be revealed at ‘that time. After collapse the victim will take two full urns torecover {and 12 devs to regain the lost constitution) GAMBADO GAMBADO FREQUENCY: Rere NO. APPEARING: 1-2 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: See be/ow HIT ole SIN LAIR: 100%, ‘TREASURE TYPE: P, NO.OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-81~4/1-4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wi SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nid MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standra INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral SIZE: 16 PSIONIC ABILITY: Wi? ‘Attack/Detence Modes: Nif LEVEL/X.P, VALUE: 11785 +4 per hit point ‘These extraordinary looking creatures are man-sized, with a powerful ‘human torso and two arms ending in very sharp claws. Supported on the thin (bus very strong) neck isthe creature's head which 8 skull, = usually of an snimol but sometimes of primitive man. The lower Cf muscle and skin below which are ‘three long and thin single-toad feet. Its manner of locomotion — since It lacks lops as such — isa series of springs; it jumping vertically it can just reach a 14” high ceiling with its head, and when moving hor!zon- tally it has speed equivalent to a 12" movemant rate. A gambado’s normal form of attack ie to stand upright in its lr, which is a pit some 6" deep, with Its head just at ground level. BY shoring up the sides of the pit it can create a ‘cover’ of rack, wood, ‘rags and old bones, so that to an approaching adventurer the pit is hhidden and only the skull is seen, apparently simply iving on the ‘ground. Ifa living creature comes within 2" of the edge ofthe pit. (ia. within 4° or so of the skull-head) the cresture will spring out andi attack, in the first instance with bite only for 1-8 hit points of damage and thereafter with bite and its claws, each of which 1-4 hit points of damage. If melee & going against it, it wi rather than fight to the death. 11-2 gambado kills a victim it will ignore all booty except coins, ems 1nd small pieces of jewellery. These are taken into the pit ond stored ‘either on the pt floor or hidden in & cache-hole inthe pt side, packed tightly with earth, Though essentially solitary creatures, a gombaco will often dig its pit nearby those of others ofits kind; in places where bbones are common, as many as 8 of the crestures may be found tO hhave dug pits quito close togather, although they do not sppear ‘ectuelly fo communicate with each other, GARBUG Black FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 13 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 MOVE: ero" HIT DICE 22 SIN LAIR 40% ‘TREASURE TYPE: ce NO. OF ATTACKS: tend 6 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 16 and special SPECIAL ATTACKS: Prralysation SPECIAL DEFENCES: il MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE. “Anima ALIGNMENT: Neutral size: £19" fon) PSIONIC ABILITY: ‘Nil ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Wil LEVELIXP. VALUE: III/145 + wrso+ Sperhit point 4 perhit point at GIANT Both types of garbug resemble wasp-bodied lobsters. They can fly in rather a cumbersome manner on flimsy wings but their more normal i tentacles sar ‘means of locomotion it on their sx legs. They have rounding their mouths which tal a prey; each tenta {In melee each type of sarbug will attack with its tontaces os well 2s its ‘spocialiet’ woapon. The tantacles only have the paralysing effect — they do not inflict hit points of darmage os such, For purposes of aerial combat, both types of garbug are manoeuvrs- bilisy claee D, Black Garbug: The black garbug is @ uniform glossy black, It has, In addition to its tentacles, a proboscis which it uses to strike at a Victim within a 5! range. If @ it is scored, the victim suffers 1—4 hit jpoints of damage. The creature may deliver this attack at the same tm 2s flailing with its tentacles, Violet Garbug: The vicle gorbug citfers from Its black cousin in that it has no attacking proboscis. Instesd — and in addition to the falling tacks from its tentacles ~ it attacks with two large pincers, placed in ' position similar to those of a lobster; each of these can inlet 1-8 hitpoints of damage. ‘The violet garbug is a uniform violet of striking hue except for ie, claws which are deen yellow. GIANT lants are huge humanoids. In addition te the six malor races of ionts (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL — Giant), there are atleast these two sub-races. Common characteristics are given here, while the unique features of each sub- race Is detalled under the heading appropriate to each All giants are very strong, with strengths ranging from 21 t0 30 as ‘compared with humans. Because of this strength, they are able to pick ‘up rocks and hurt them as Ifthe missle were shot from a catapult, but without the minimum range restriction of the deve, Whenever they leave their Ist, glante of sll sort will always have @ hhuge sack with them, Giant's bage contain various odds and ends of things precious only to the giant: a large rack or two, and from 1,000 10 6,000 coins of some type — usualy gold Although giants are often stupid, they are usually cunning, too, They can sometimes be ticked and will be likely to bargain if approached from a position of strength. It is not unutual for giants to ogres to share in. an undertaking with a group of creatures of similar ment to that of the giant, for those huge monsters are eager for treasure ‘Young giants will have hit points and do damage accord centage of «normal adult male indicated by the dice rll Each race of giants speaks its own particular dialect which is unintal- ligible to other races. They also speak their appropriate alignment tongue. to the per- GIANT, FoG Fog Giant FREQUENCY: Very rare NNO. APPEARING: 14 (carely 1-6) ARMOUR CLASS: 7 Move: 15” HIT DICE: 14 SKIN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: € NO.OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4—24 SPECIAL ATTACK: ‘Hurling rocks for 2-20 points of damage 2 ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: See befow MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stonderd INTELLIGENCE: Average to high ALIGNMENT: Neutral (good 50% SS evil 50%) SIZE: £ (18° ell) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nir ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nii LEVELIX?. VALUE: VIN/3,960 + 18perhitpoint Fog giants are cousins to the cloud glants and if on vary rare occasions ‘3s many a5 six fog giants are encountered, they will always be accom panied by a cloud glant. Fog giants have very keen hearing and e highiy-developed sense of ‘smell. For thoes reasons, they are surprised only on a 1 (d6). They ‘also heve the ability to blend into fog, thus gaining surprise on thelt ‘opponents (80% chance). They inhabit foggy areas such as marshes, ‘swamps, dense forests and places near the sea coast Fog giants have milkwhite skin, sllvery white hair ond block, pene- ‘wating eyes. They love massive omate swords and prefer armour made from white dragon hides studded with sliver. In melee they fight ‘ither with the swords they love or with their fists, in either case Inficting 4-24 hit points of damage on their victim. Their armour, if ‘worn, has no effect on thelr AC which ie always trested os 1. ‘Adult fog giants, like thelr cloud giant cousins, can hurl racks from 1” {0 24” glatance, inflicting 2-20 hit points of demage If they hit. They ‘have a 45% chance of catching similar missles. Fog giants speak their alignment language and their own perticular W other glants except dialect of the giant language, uninceligble to cloud giants, Mountain Giant FREQUENCY: Very rave NO. APPEARING: 14 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 Move: 12” HIT DICE: 12 SIN LAIR: 90% TREASURE TYPE: E NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-40 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Hurling rocks for 2-16 points of damage ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: Wir MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: High ALIGNMENT: Cheotie neutral SIZE: ¢ (74" all) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nit ‘Attack/Dafence Modes: Mil LEVELIX. VALUE: ViI/2,860 + 16 per hit point 42 GIANT STRIDER Mountain glants ero rarely encountered outside th ‘cavern carved out of the heert of a rocky mountain. ‘their normal tongue, they can all speak the ogre language. Like their cousins the hill glants they can hurl rocks from 1!" t0 20" distance, infieting 2—16 hit points of damage if they hit. They are fable to catch similar missiles 30% of the time. In meloe they strike \with huge clube, inflicting 4—A0 hit points of damage, ‘The mountain olant can summon and control other monsters — usually (70%) 6~15 ogres, but sometimes (20%) 49 trolls or even (10%) 14 hill giants. If 8 mountain giant is encountered in its lar, it | 75% probable that those creatures will be there, acting 9¢ servants and guards. Giantesses and young mountain giants are rarely encountered ~ if four mountain giants are encountered in thelr lair, there will be in sddition one female and one young gant (eech has hit dice of 8+ 1~2 and 1 attack doing 2—16 hit points of damage; otherwige mountain giants encountered will always be adult males. Mountain giants have light tan to light reddish-brown skin and cress in rough hides or skins, at do the hill giants, GIANT STRIDER FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-6 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 HIT DICE: 2 a Dear 8 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-10 a) SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fireball MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard ‘but #2 bonus on saving roll land immune to magical fire INTELLIGENCE: Anima! ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil SIZE: £(6°7" tall at shoulder) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil ‘Actack/Defence Modes: Nit LEVELIxX.. VALU; MIIZ2 + 2 por hit point Thete large Mightless, featherless birds appear ax heavy ostriches. Beside each of their two dully-lowing red eyes is smell duct trom Which the beast can project a small fireball which does 1—6 hit points Of damage. The beast can project these fireballs atthe rate of two per hhour (one from gach dict) with accuracy a a +4 longbow, maximum range of 60" and a burst radius of 10” {In addition, the glant strider can attack tots front or flank with a bite for 18 hit points of damage or deliver a kick to its rear for 110 hit points of damage. It cannot, however, co-ordinate both attacks simultaneously in the sare melee round and will generally launch its attack in the direction from hich it wat lst hit “These birds ara immune to fire, magical or otherwise, and in fact their bodies heve adapted to derive sustenance from wareth; consequently they are most at home in desert and voleanic repions. Intanse heat, flames, firballs and 20 on act 88 8 cure light wounds spall on them fonce every three rounds. AS a result, glant stiders are often found wading in lave-beds or standing in the flames of a forest fire (it it possible thatthe phoenix legend derived from such a sight) Conversely, cold spells end the like do an adctionsl 27 hit points of damage and water (if drunk) is poison to them. Even if a cold I ‘a thrown over their bodies, they will take some damage (at the discretion of the referee according tothe circumstances, but normally 12 hit points of damage ‘These creatures are used as steeds by the firenewts. They are generally fearless and never cheek morale. CIBBERLING GIBBERLING FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING: 40-400 ARMOUR CLASS: 10 Move: 9” HIT DICE: 1 SIN LAIR: 40% TREASURE TYPE: 0 NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 SPECIAL DEFENCES: Wit 3; MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard! INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Qhaotie never! SIZE: $ (4°~5' tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mil ‘Attack/Defance Modes: Ni LEVELIX?. VALUE: 1118 + tper hit pont Pale, hunched, naked humanoids with short legs and long arms, sibberings are usually found in desolate woods or dark caverns under. ground. The subterranean variety loethe bright light ond ere per ‘teularly afraid of fre Gibbertings attack in great numbers, uttering ghastly howls and insane ‘chattering noises which cause aven the boldest hirelings to check ‘morale ech round, though ployer-characters are not affected. They ‘attack with normal swords and such is their skill in using these ‘weapons that they strike with a +1 hit probability bonus, In sll ir ‘cumstances they will fight to the death, relying on sheer weight of ‘numbers 10 defest their enemies (wich means virtually any creature which dares to venture into their territory, for gibbertings ere highly ‘garessivel. “Though they cleerly have a primitive means of communicating among themselves, they have no discernable language, Curiously, though it might be expected that creatures who attack in such great numbers ‘would have leader-typas to control them and determine their policy, ‘no such leader-types have yet been encountered. Nor are there, apparenity, glbbertings of omer than the fighter clas, GITHYANKI FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1—4 ARMOUR CLASS: Variable MOVE: Variable HIT DICE: Variable upper Tine of 11) SIN LAIR: 40% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Individuals N: Ilr A, 2142) NO.OF ATTACKS: Voriable (as human) DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weepon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: if SPECIAL DEFENCES: Mit MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standord INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional or ‘genius ALIGNMENT: Voriable but ‘always evil size: PSIONIC ABILITY: 750-250 “Attack/Defence Modes: Alléall but J LEVELIX?. VALUE: 1 ond up/rarioble Millenia go. the mind flayers (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL — Mind Flayer) conquered a race of evil humans and bound them to service, usually employing them as slaves but from time to time selecting particularly choice vitims for food. The humans harboured degp resentment for centuries but could ‘not summon up sufficient strength to free themselves from the rind 43 GITHYANKI flyer yoke. Gradually, in secret, they developed their powers and strength. Then under the leadership of the supreme leader Gith, they ‘belled against their captors and, after @ long and vicious struggle, ‘succeeded in gaining their autonomy. From that moment, the rece became known as the githyanki and they quickly gained a repunation ‘8 powerful psionicists and deadly fighters with an instinct for Violence, “The githyanki now dwell in the Astral Plane but from time to time project themselves to the Prime Material Plane (an innate ability now ‘common to all members of the race) and set up temporary refuges Lnderpround, using these as bases from which they mount raids on humans and mind flayers alike, (If githyanki encounter humans and rind flayers simultaneously they will destroy the mind flayers first ‘and may’ appear to be co-operating with the humans, but 2s soon as the mind flayers are killed, the githyanki will turn on the humane ‘and attempt to destroy them too.) “The githyanki worship o lich-queen said to have powers at the 24th level of magic-use or even higher. Githyanki progress as fighters, maglé-usors oF fighter/magic-users; ‘they have no ranger, moni, druid or assssin class though illusionists ‘are infrequently (6%) mét and there is @ form of antipaladin cass — ‘the knight. They have never been known to progress beyond the 11th level of experience and rarsly sbove the Sth — itis assumed that the lich-queen destroys any githyanki who becomes powerful enough to tisk challanging her supremacy. ‘The githyanki dwell in huge castles on the Astral Plane, each castle boing ruled by 2 supreme leader ~ 2 fighter/magiowser of 10th/Bth or ‘11th/9th level. The supreme leaders have power of life and death over all under their rule. Esch castle will also contain 40 knights (ont ppoladins of 9th level) — the supreme leader's elite supporting force ‘and personal guard — and up to 1,000 aithyanki of lowe status. “They use armour and weapons as men do, though the omateness of their design is often distinguishing feature. When on war expeditions ‘hey wear 44 splint mail (ACO) but do not earry shields. Fighters and fighter/magic-users of Eth lovel and above will usualy (50% chance) carry twohanded swords of +1 bonus, otherwise using normal two- handed swords. A githyanki fighter of 7th level and above wil usually {G0%) carry a 42 oF +3 longeword, while + knight of 7th level and above will have (100%) a silver sword — a +3 twohanded sword Wich, if used astrally, has 2 20% chance per melee round of cutting ‘the silver cord (this does not affect mind barred vietima). A supreme leader will wield a special silver sword whieh is +5, fully vorpal and affects mind barred vievins. The silver swords are non-aligned, though they have intelligence of Bor more and appropriate powers, Githyanki will go to almost any lengths £0 prevent any of thes silver sworde {ror falling into human hands and tha loss of « special silver sword will promote the immediate formation of 2 very powerful raiding Party of githyankl whose toak is to recover the sword — failure to do ‘So means instant death, Outside their Prime Material Plans lars, githyanki will rarely be en- ‘countered in parties larger then 4, a typical party consisting of two trainees of any of the three classes (level 1-3), one fighter of level 4-6 fond 2 leader fighter/mogicuser of 7#h/6th iovel. Raraly (10%) the ‘aithyankl parties encountered will have a special mission in which ave there will only be one trainee and the party will be led by 9 knight of Bth level. 1 2 lair ie foun i will houso 21-30 ethyankcl with typical distribu- ‘ion as follows:— ‘supreme leader: 11th level fighter or 7th/Bth level fighter/magio-ser 2eaptains: ‘8th level fighter and 7th/6th level fighterimagiouser 1 knight: th level antipladin| 2 warlecke: mapicusers of 4th-7th level fightors of 4th-7th level fightor/magicusers of “4th/ach lvel evenly distributed between the three Possible classes and with txperionce lavels 1st 3rd. 10-19 lower levels GITHZERAL Very infrequently, githyanki partiae larger than four in number will bbe encountered (5% chance). These will be on particularly purposeful missions (though not in search of a lost silver sword ~ that activity ‘promoter an evan larger and stronger party) and will be strongee than ‘normal; 5-10 individuals can be expected, led by the supreme leader fof the lair, supported by one of the captaine, the knight and 2-7 “lower ranks", evenly distributed. Both In the lair and in 8 large part there is @ 5% chance thet there will be an illusionist of 6th leval Instead of one of the lower level types, Githyanki have normal humen chances for magic item distribution other than swords, ‘A Prime Material Plane tai will comtain S10 magica items, selected as being particulary appropriate to the mission. In a small githyanki party there will usually (75%) be one magical item anda larger party will have 110, Githyanki have a pect with a group of red dragons (see ADVANCED. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MONSTER MANUAL — Dragon, Red) which, in return for shelter, food and treasure, eit the githyonki whan on the Prime Material Plane by acting as steeds. The dragons transport 4—6 and 1—5 githyanki each according to size/age (above subadult); thus a small young adult dragon could transport 5 Bithyanki (4 for size, 1 for agel, an averagesized ld dragon could transport 8 (5 for size, 3 for age) and a huge ancient dragon could transport 11 (6 for size, 6 for age). These red dragons will bey onty pithyanki when the latter are on the Prime Material fare. Githyanki move at 96" movernant rate on the Astra Plane. GITHZERAI FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO, APPEARING: 74 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: Variable MOVE: Variable HIT DICE: Variable (upper lite of 8) SIN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: A NO.OF ATTACKS: Variable fas human} DAMAGE ATTACK: By weapen type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Ai SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: 127-250 Atteck/Dafence Moder: Aliit LEVELIX?. VALUE: Wand up/Verieble The oithzerai are a race of inhabitants of I slaadi, roaming the Prime Materia! Plane like the githyanki and Constantly at war with the lattr race. The githyank-ithzerai warfare {s curious since they are both offshoots of the original rece rlaased from mind flayer bondage under the leadership of Gith — yot the war I vicious and long-enduring. Githzerat are generally slightly weaker 1 githyanki, but their magie resistance appears te compensate and neither side holds supremacy for long over the other. “The oithzersi and the mind flayare hole to an unesey truce, but thie i Constantly being broken in isolated skirmishes. “The same class limitations apply to githzerai as apply to githysnki, though some githzeral have been known to specialise as monks and ‘appear not to have developed the special silver swords as have the ‘ithyankl. They have the same sort of political organisation as have the githyanki and are ruled by an undying wizard-king seid to be of 161h/23rd level of fiehting/magicuse who prevents glthzeral pro ‘ression beyond the Sth level of exparionce. 45 GITHZERAT Whorest the githyanki ore usere of baroque armour and omate weapons and are generally florid in their magicwuse, githzeral are ‘monastic creatures their weapons are very plain and thelr magic-sse feconemie of movernent and direct in effect. Githzerai hold a fow fortresses on the Prime Morera! Plane but these ‘are, particularly strong holdings, with walls of ademantite rising 36 huge squat towers from dusty plains. Esch houses about 800 sithzeral All githzarai have the following psionic abilities at the 6th level of ‘mastery: astral projection, mind bar, probability travel and energy control. Their psionic powers are highly developed, with all attack /defence modes. Like the githyanki,sithzerai wil rarely be encountered outside their lair in partis greater than 4, 2 typical party consisting of two treinees Of any of the three main clases (fighter, magicusor or fightor/magic- ‘ser, levels 1-2), one fighter of level 3-5 anda leader fighter! ‘magicsiser of Sth/Sth level. The chance of a character with monkish abilities is only 5%, but Hf one is encountered it will be of 6th 8th perience level since the monks’ main training takes place in the sithzerai fortresses. 2 laie ie found it will bo a temporary base for huntinghwarring ctivities and will house 21~20 githzaral, with distribution approx ‘mata 26 follows:— 1 supreme leader: 9th level fighter or 4th/7th lovel fightor/magicsssor 1 captain: 6th level fighter or Sth/Sth level fighter/mapic user 2 warlocks: magic users of 3rd-5thlevol fighters of Sesh Level, fightor/magicasers of 3rd/Sed level evenly distributed between the three possible classes. fa monk ie pretont (10% chance) it will replace one of the owertevel githzeral and will be of the Bth-Sth experience level. 11=20 tst-2nd levels: Githzerai have normal human chances for possession of magic items (except for swords). A lair will contain 216 magieal Heme, A large githzersi perty will be organised on much the same lings as 2 large githyanki party, depending to # certain extent on the import ance of the mission. A typical large party would contain the supreme leader. both warlocks, 2 of the sergeants, a z0rth and 47 Ist or 2nd levels. If monk ie present in the Isr, twill always accompany @ coLDBuG GoLDBUG FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-20 ARMOUR CLASS: 9 move: 1” HIT DICE: 1 SEIN LAIR: 100% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Nit NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nir MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Neutral size:s PSIONIC ABILITY: Wi ‘Attack/Deferce Modes: Nid LEVEL/X.P, VALUE: WAS +1 per hie point “The golsbug is a bootie with a flattened, circular body and 2 gold shall the sito and shape of 2 gold piece. Ie is 2 very sluggish creature ‘end spends most of is time asleep, aften choosing» pile of gold coins ‘35 its bed. Only a very close examination wll distinguish it from the Coins on which i ies. Thus, though it hes no tressure of ts Own, it inhabits that of others When disturbed it inflicts 2 poisonous bite like that of large spider, inflicting 1—4 hit points of damage on the victim who must also save versus poison or die. GORBEL FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING: 1-20 ARMOUR CLASS: 3/10-20e below) Move: 12" HIT DICE: See below O%IN LAIR: Wil ‘TREASURE TYPE: wil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4 of 1-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wil ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ai! MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Non ALIGNMENT: Neutral with ‘chaatie tendencies SIZE: 5 (3"alometor) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mir ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Wl LEVELX, VALUE: WA32 +2 per hit point ‘A curious creature, the gorbel sppears as a red globe of thin rubbery ‘material about 3° in dlameter (its high armour class is due to is high dexterity) with a tiny mouth, sb tiny ayer on short retractable stlks ‘equally spaced around the upper hemisphere and two clawed logs hich it uses to move at remarkable speed When sttacking (which it usually does), it attempts to attach itself to itz victim's back with ite claws! a successful initial it means i has done #0, delivering 1~8 hit points of damage. Thereafter it cannot be {detached until dead and it automatically hits Its victim each round for 1-6 points of clawing damage. Initially, it attacks as a creature of 2H0. ‘A hit with @ blunt weapon will not harm the gorbel, but « hit with a pointed or edged weapon causes it to burst asunder, killing it and Soing 1~4 hit points of blast damage to anyone within! Naturally, when the gorbel is attached to a vietim it lose ts dexterity ‘bonus and its AC is then 10, Gonbale a GRELL GORILLA BEAR FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING: 2-7 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 9 HIT DICE: 4 IN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Hugs for ‘2-F2 hitpoines of damage SPECIAL DEFENCES: Ni MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard! INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Newirat SIZE: L (9" call) PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVELIX?. VALUE: 11/85 * 4 per hie poine “These monsters have the heed, body and legs of @ gorilla with the sharp teeth and powerful arms of a bear. They have the aggresive disposition of the grizaly bear end the camivorous tendencies of the eave bear. They have excellent hearing, smell and eyesight so are rarely (15%) surprised. Their dexterity high, accounting for their improved AC. “The beast atwcks with its two paws for 1-8 hit points of damoge each; 2 pew hit scored with an 18 or better indicates that the beast siso hugs for 212 hit points of additional damape. If a roll of 18's insufficient to hit the vitim, the hug only occurs on roll of 19 or, that too if insufficient, on a roll of 20. A roll of 20 means = hug ‘whatever the AC of the victim, ‘The gorilla besr does not have the normal bears ability of continuing to fight after its hit points are reduced below zero. GRELL FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 12" HIT DICE: 5 SIN LAIR: Ni TREASURE TYPE: Wil NO. OF ATTACKS: 17 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 10x1-41-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Paraiysation| SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘Immune to lighening MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: ‘Neutral evil size:M PSIONIC ABILITY: Nir ‘Attack/Defence Modes! | LEVEUxe.-VALUE: Vi/840 +5 per it point “The appesrance of this dreadful eeatureis fearsome indeed — like 8 lant exposed brain approximately 5° in diameter and with a frontal beak, below which trail ean 6° long tentacles. The beast by a levitation process, small inflections of the tentacles controling horizontal movement. itis manoeuvrability class D. Grall are ususlly found underground but are oecasionally seen in ‘uined/ebendoned buildings. They are particularly dangerous and Vicious, dropping on their victims from above whenever circumstances GRIMLOCK All ten tentacles are brought to bear on a single victim. Each inflicts 1-4 hit points of damage and carries small spines wich can inject 2 venom into the victim; this will paralyse the victim unless he makes ‘saving throw against paralysation at +4. If any one of the tentacles succeeds in paralysing a. victim, each melee round thereafter two ‘tentacles will remain anchored om his body, the gral lashing with the ‘ther eight tentacles (for 18 hit point of damage each) ond rand with its beak for 16 hit points of damage. None of these attacks, ‘after the inital paralysation, requires 2 ‘to it’ roll — once the grall has grasped its victim, lucky i he who escapes alive. render It inoperative (though ifthe creature I eagenerate in 12 days) but the damage ‘ot subtracted from the eraature's hit points — only by hitting the body can the grell be damaged in the usual way. The body and hhave ACA. immune to lightning but otherwite have standaed resistance to normal and mapical attacks. ‘The body of the grll is a drab olive colour stresked with white: the tentacles are pale oive-green. GRIMLOCK FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO, APPEARING: 20-200 ARMOUR CLASS: 5 move: 12” HIT DICE:2 SIN LAIR: 50% ‘TREASURE TYPE: Individuals KL, Mzin lair 8 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTAGK: 1-6 ‘or by waapan type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Ail SPECIAL DEFENCES: ‘See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: ‘Save as eh level Figheor {ond see below) INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Neutra evi! size: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Ni ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVEUX.P, VALUE: Warriors: 1728 + 2 per hit point Champions: 1/85 + 4 per hit point “Thee force subtorranean humanoid warriors dwellin doop caverns, only ‘merging in raiding parties to marauld across the earth's surface late at night, searching for humens to butcher and devour. Their eyes a blank and sightless; however they have highly developed senses of hesring and smell, there giving them effective Vision’ within 20°, ‘They are immune to the effects of spells affecting the viual nerves such as phontasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image and s0 fon. However spells such as audible gfamer will partially ‘blind’ them, reducing their efective range of ‘vision’ to 10’ end reducing their hit probability by 2. Substances auch ar snuff have the same effects I inhaled by a grimiock. GRYPH For every 10 orimlocks encountered there will bea ‘leader’ of 3 hit die and ACS, vii onal 80% of the number of males, ech with 1 hit i ‘young (an additional 100% of the number of males, each with 1 hit point, ACB and non-combatant). Grimlocks rarely consort with other beings, though there is « smal! (10%) chance that they will allow medusae to share their 4 ‘chance that a wandering group of grimlocks will be accompanied by 4-2 mind layers. For the latter reston, grimlocks are particularly hated by githyanki. Grimlocks prefer edged bloodletting weapons and though they can ‘ight with their bare hands (for 1=6 hit points of damage) they will usually be armed (G0% chance) with weapons a flows: handaxe ee 20% battleaxe » sib waar 215% tworanded sword 222212 eer bestard aword =... ai 15% broad sword... =: oe long sword: Z 120% Leaders and championé will wild « batloaxe or two-hended sword. If encountered in rocky terain,grimlocks ae able to blend with their surroundings: +0 long st they remain motionless, they cannot be etected other than by detect invisibility (unless someone actually bumps into them) Al grimlocks — whether warrior, leader or champion — make all saving throws as if they were 6th level fighters. Description: Powerfully-bullt humanoids with thick, aly grey skin, ‘they are usually clad in dark rags. Their hair is long, black and usually unkempt. Their teeth are white and particularly sharp. GRYPH FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-6 ARMOUR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 27” Hit o1ce: 2-4 GIN LAIR: Nid TREASURE TYPE: Nit NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nit MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Anima! ALIGNMENT: Neuere! evi! SiZe:s PSIONIC ABILITY: Wi ‘Attack/Detence Modes: Mil LEVEL/X.P, VALUE: 2HD: 11728 + 2p hit point HD: 11/50 +3 por hit point 4H: INS +4 per hit point bird with multiple logs — usually four, but specimens ‘with six or even eight have been seen. It approximates to the size an eagle inflict 2-12 hit points of damage and it will normally attack at high speed ‘rom high up in the shadows of an underground cavern. For ‘Purposes of aerial combat, itis manoeuvrability clas B 1 3 or more of these birds are encountered, one will be female and ‘there is 3.35% chor she will be ready to lay her 99s. If such 2 female gryph attacks it will attempt to grapple its victim with its lope, ‘and if 2 hit is scored, (t wil inject its snail eggs into the bloodstream, "Note that in such an instance, the beak it not used in the attack and the victim receives no damage ~ the eggs are injected through a thin tube which projects from the bird's abdomen. GUARDIAN DAEMON If these ego remain alive they wil hatch in 1—3 days, ki victim immedietaly and releating 1-4 baby gryphs. During this period the vietim will feel sight discomfort and swelling of the abdomen, this increasing to an agonising intensity just prior to the hatching. In fact there are tar more than 1—4 eggsin the victim ~ itssimply that number which survive the 13 dey period. ‘Serweon the time the eggs are injected and the time of the hatching, the casting of cure disease oF dispel evil on the vietim will kil the 2998. Of course, « with or similar spell will also have this effec, if used property. GUARDIAN DAEMON FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-3 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: 1 MOVE: 3” (out see below! HIT DICE: 8 SIN LAIR: Ma ‘TREASURE TYPE: See below NO.OF ATTACKS:3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6-1212 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See be/ow SPECIAL DEFENCES: Soo below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Soe bv/ow INTELLIGENCE: Very, ALIGNMENT: Neveral SIZE: Variable PSIONIC ABILITY: Ail ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil eh, LEVELIX.. VALUE: ~-& VII/,275+ 1Operhitpoint 4: ‘These daemons very in size and form — examples encountered have resembled type Il of type IV demons, large bears and wild cats. They fre summoned by evil high prasts to guard troture and though thelr movement for mlee purposes is 8" they are constrained never to leave the treasure they Quard, unles eleased by the summoner. Despite their variation in size and form they shways exhibit certain charecterstics in common 8) immunity t0 chor, hold, slop, polymorph and Fear; b) immunity to non-magieal weapons and to magical weapons with @ bonus les than #2: 2) ability to speak and understand all languages: nd 4) bility to breathe fire in conse 20’ long with 10” bate diamatar inflicting 5-30 hit points of damage (saving throw will halve damage) {In melee the daemon attacks with a bite for 1—6 hit points of damage land two claus, each inflicting 112 hit points of damage, since they are unable to use thelr breath weapon on 8 target within 10%, ‘The nature of their summoning usually (80%) leaves them in: vulnerable to one other particular form of atack (eg. fire or swords] im addition to those speciied above, Guardian daemons have no treasure of their own (on the Prime Material Plane ~ they may well own treasure in the natural home) ‘and will always be guarding the tressure of their summoner, so treasure must be determined by reference to the summoner. In that treesure there will usually be at least one clerical scrall and/or @ rmagleal device of clerical nature 49 GUARDIAN FAMILIAR GUARDIAN FAMILIAR FREQUENCY: Very rae NO, APPEARING: 7 ‘ARMOUR CLASS: 8 Move: 72" HIT DICE: 1 (9) 5 IN LAIR: Ni ‘TREASURE TYPE: See below NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/14/1~4 ‘SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nii SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below INTELLIGENCE: Animal ALIGNMENT: Any (cee below) SIZE: S (ave befow) PSIONIC ABILITY: Mi ‘Attack/Detence Modes:Nil LEVELIX. VALUE: VII/i,800 + f2perhiepoine “The guardian familiar takes the form of a small blsck cat sotto guard the treasure of a high-level wizard (thus the guardian familie may be ‘of any alignment ~ the same as that of its summoner. It will never leave fis position on top of the treasure or chest, nor does t attack Unless iti itself sttacked or attempts are made to get atthe tressure. WE ie attacks, it dose 20 with two raking clawe (14 hie points of ‘damage each) and by biting with Its sharp teeth for 1~6 hit points of ‘damage. During its attack, the creature grows progressively larger, eter robbers ‘The guerdian familigr will hove mople resistance which varios ‘according to the experience level ofits master. The familiar of 910th level magie-usor will have 50% mapical resistance and the incremental variation will be 5% per level in either direction, zo the familiar of 9 {6th lovel mapi-user wil have 30% maple resistance and the familiar of 2 16th level magic user will have 75% magic existance. Note ‘magie-user of 4th level or below will not be able to secure the services of guardian far “The guardian farniliar has nine lives (and isthe creature upon which the traditional ‘eat. with nine lives’ legend is built). Each time itis slain, up to the Oth time, itis instantaneously reborn, stronger than before, At each rebirth, add 1 to Its number of hit dice (revolting hit been sian four times it will be reboen ot ‘Sth level’ — it will have ACA, ‘8 movement rate of 20", 5 hit dice and will deliver 5~8/5—8/5—10 Ie points of damage with It atacks. This ‘pyramiding of powers’ can bbe stopped by the following spells (or powers which duplicate their tffects) 10 long asthe creature's magi resistance is overcome: disi- {egrate, flesh to stone, temporal stasis and of course wis? and alter ‘ality (if ured propedy). Holy (Unholy) word will banish the Creature beck to ts plane of origin. 1 attackers choose to bresk off melee at any time, the guardian fami wall not pursue but wil return to continue its duties. ‘The qerdian femiliar should not be confused with the normal mille, delineated in the first level mgicsser spell find familiar (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLAYERS HANDBOOK Character Spells]. Its means of summoning, though they involve the casting of the ind familiar spell, are known only to 3 tall group of arcane magicions (and those few who they train in their specialist art) and are believed to involve bargaining with the enizens of the Outer Planes on which the guardian familiar dwell, Naturally, the guardisn familiar wi ead ond wil not rise again. if killed 2 ninth time, remain

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