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Vedic Astrology and Education January 2008

Abha Bansal

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 216 |

"Education yields humility. Humility bestows ability. Ability or skill brings money. Money helps you to do religious
deeds and your religious deeds bring lot of happiness to you." In a horoscope 4th house is the karaka house of
education and 5th is that of intellect. As 2nd house is the house of speech and goddess Saraswati so this also can be
considered as house of education and erudition. For making achievement in the field of higher education 9th house is
important and 10th house is the Karaka house of name and fame from education. There is very close relationship
between education and intellect. Similarly there is close relationship between 4th and 5th house. All the planets are
associated with different genres of education. For eg. Jupiter is the chief karaka of Vedas, philosophy and astrology.
Mercury is significator of mathematics, financial management and medical. Venus is auspicious for music and
effective interpretation. Mars gives the ability to rule and to fight against injustice. It is the chief karaka of art of
warfare. Sun represents administrative education, medical and philosophy. Moon is auspicious for medical, poetry,
astronomy, spiritual and astrological education. Saturn and Rahu are chief Karakas of foreign education. 9th house,
Jupiter and Moon are the chief karakas of spiritual education. In a horoscope the grasping power and the ability to
acquire education is studied from Mercury whereas Jupiter is the chief karaka of ones educational upgradation.
Intelligence : If the lord of fifth house Mercury is conjoined with any benefic planet and gets aspect of a benefic
planet. If 5th lord is in conjunction with benefic planets, Mercury is exalted, Mercury placed in fifth house or the
navamsa lord of 5th lord is well aspected by a benefic planet in Kendra. If any of the above be the case, the native
would be intelligent. When Mercury is in its own house or in a Kendra from the ascendant or remains in a trine the
native gets flourished with high education, vehicles and property. If Jupiter is well aspected by Venus and Mercury in
the ninth house the native is complete erudite. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in the ninth house the native is
renowned scholar. The combination of Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn in the ninth house equips the native with complete
erudition and eloquence of speech. The native is very intelligent if 5th lord is hemmed between benefic planets or if
the lord of the sign where 5th lord is placed gets auspicious aspect from a benefic planet. The intellect of native is
very sharp when 5th house is in between two benefic planets, Jupiter is in 5th and Mercury is unafflicted. Memory: If
the lord of fifth house is in conjunction or aspected by a benefic planet or the fifth house is occupied or aspected by a
benefic planet or if the lord of fifth house from Jupiter is in Kendra or Trikona the native is blessed with sharp memory.
Grammar: If powerful Jupiter and the lord of second house are aspected by Sun and Venus the native can be an
efficient grammarian. The conjunction of powerful Jupiter with 2nd lord and Sun also proves beneficial to be good in
grammar. Mathematics: It is important for the Jupiter to be in the centre and Mercury should be the lord of second
house or Venus should be exalted or in its own house. Because of this combination the native has deep interest in
mathematics. If Mars is in the second house with a benefic planet or aspected by Mercury or Mercury is in Kendra the
native becomes a mathematician. If Jupiter is in Kendra or Trikona, Venus is exalted, Mercury and Mars in house of
wealth or in any Kendra aspected by Mercury the native becomes a very good mathematician. If Moon and Mercury
are in Kendra or in conjunction with 3rd lord Mercury or Mercury is in 6th from Saturn and Jupiter in 2nd from Lagna
the native is very expert astrologer. Eloquence of Speech: If 2nd lord Jupiter occupies 2nd house the native can
become a full time public speaker and expresses his opinion effectively in his lectures provided it is not aspected by
any malefic planet. Unafflicted Jupiter and Mercury in 2nd house can enable the native to become extremely efficient
in interpretation. If Mercury and Jupiter occupy or aspect powerful 3rd house or are in Kendra from it, the native has
very sweet voice. Different Sutras (planetary combinations) have been mentioned in astrological texts like - Sarvaarth
Chintamani, Jatak Parijaat and Jyotish Ratnakar which indicate about the erudition, knowledge, education and
intelligence of a native through his horoscope. Here we shall be knowing about these Sutras with illustration - In
the horoscope of Adi Guru Shukracharya 2nd house lord Sun is exalted in 10th house, Venus the karaka planet of
erudition and imagination is also occupying 10th house in conjunction with Sun. 9th lord (the karaka of spiritual
education) is exalted in kendra. This exalted Jupiter is also aspecting 5th and 9th house. The karaka of intellect
Mercury is occupying 10th house in conjunction with Sun and Venus. Yogakaraka planet Mars is in 10th from 5th
house. Shankaracharya was a world famous erudite of unparalleled genius of his time. There is mutual exchange
between 2nd lord Sun and 5th lord Mars. In this way all the karaka planets and karaka house lords of education are
very beautifully placed in this chart because of which he earned the title of Jagadguru by defeating all spiritual gurus
in debate on scriptures. It was a world famous event of his victory popularly known as Shankardigvijay. According to
Sarvaarth Chintamani the significator of knowledge Jupiter and that of intellect Mercury prove extremely beneficial for
the native to become a king or to win lots of appreciation from people, if they aspect each other or have mutual
exchange or are together in an auspicious house. This is the notable horoscope of Shri B. Suryanarayan Rao. In this
horoscope 5th lord from lagna, Moon and Sun all are together in 10th house in conjunction with Jupiter. 10th house
stands for getting success in examinations and name and fame. 4th lord Sun is in 10th house in conjunction with
karaka planets of knowledge and intelligence i.e, Jupiter and Mercury and is aspecting 4th house. 2nd, 4th and 5th
lords are in 10th house with Jupiter. The combination of Mercury and Jupiter with Sun in 10th house earned him lots
of name and fame not only in India but also abroad. He was a renowned scholar whose contribution to astrology is
unparalleled. This is the horoscope of Shri Arun Bansal who is the man behind first astrological computersoftware in
India. The credit of making astrology accessible to common man through computerised astrological software goes to
him. In this horoscope there is a mutual exchange between Jupiter and Mercury. Second lord Mercury, natural karaka
of speech and intellect is occupying the house of 5th lord Jupiter and this Jupiter which is also 9th lord from Moon is
occupying the house of 2nd lord Mercury. This very auspicious Jupiter is also giving aspect to the house of name and
fame from education i.e. 10th house. Because of this exchange between the karaka of knowledge and that of intellect
he is very intelligent, soft spoken, knowledgeable, serious and logical. Not only did he make astrology easier with his
software but also earned name and fame for himself. This is the horoscope of world famous industrialist Shri
Dheerubhai Ambani. In this horoscope lagna and 5th lord Jupiter is in 10th house from lagna, Moon and Sun. second
lord Saturn is occupying its own house. 5th lord and 12th lord Mars is in 9th house in conjunction with Ketu. Second
lord Saturn is well aspected by lagna lord and 4th lord Jupiter. Everybody knows that Dheerubhai Ambani converted
his small business into a big empire, earned lot of name and fame and became the richest business person in India
with his sharp intellect. He established new records in his area of work with his sharp intellect. This is the horoscope
of a very popular IPS officer Smt. Kiran Bedi. Her sharp intellect, communication skills and spiritual knowledge is
remarkable. She started spiritual and Yoga classes for the good health of prisoners in Tihar Jail. She was honored
with Magasaysay award for rendering outstanding services. In Kiran Bedis horoscope lagna lord & 10th lord Mercury
is in 9th house in the sign of Venus in conjunction with Sun and Mars. In addition 2nd lord and 9th lord Venus is in
10th house in the sign of Mercury. So it is very good mutual exchange between 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mercury.
Fourth lord Jupiter occupying 5th house is giving auspicious aspect to 9th house where 10th lord, lagna lord, 3rd lord,
Moon sign lord and Sun are also getting benefited from this aspect. Jupiter is also giving aspect to lagna. Jupiter and
Mercury are forming connection with lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 9th houses. According to Jyotish Ratnakar it is very
auspicious for acquiring excellence in the field of education. According to one more Sutra, if the lord of the sign where
5th lord is placed, gets auspicious aspect from a benefic planet the native becomes very intelligent. In Kiran Bedis
chart, 5th lord is in 12th house in Leo and the lord of Leo gets auspicious aspect of Jupiter and Moon. In
thehoroscope of Sir Rabindranath Tagore lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is exalted in 5th house. There is mutual
exchange between 2nd lord Mars and 4th lord Mercury. Mercury and Venus are in 2nd house with exalted Sun. There
is very beautiful mutual exchange between Lagna lord Jupiter and 5th lord Moon. Therefore in this horoscope several
planetary combinations are indicating exceptionally good intelligence level which earned him lot of name and fame.
He belongs to ages. National song Jan Gan Man was written by him. He won noble prize for his creation Geetanjali.
Britishers gave him the title of Sir and Tagore. This is the horoscope of freedom fighter Subhash Chander Bose who
acquired higher education and qualified the examination of ICS. In this horoscope 5th lord Sun is in 10th house with
Mercury and Ketu. Lagna lord is in 2nd house and 9th lord Jupiter is in 5th house. Jupiter and Venus are aspecting
each other. Venus is aspecting 5th house. Because of these planetary combinations he impressed masses with his
sharp intellect, knowledge and eloquence of speech. This is the horoscope of former elections commissioner Mr. T.N.
Seshan who worked on several senior posts of responsibility. Fifth lord Mars is occupying 9th house with Lagna lord
Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter is aspecting 5th house and Lagna. Benefic planet Venus is also aspecting 5th house. Second
lord Saturn is in 2nd house. Ninth lord Sun is well aspected by Jupiter. Because of these combinations he acquired lot
of education and recognition and handled all responsibilities very efficiently. Swami Vivekanand is the name of a great
spiritual miracle. Venus and Mercury are in 2nd house. Saturn and Moon are in 10th house in Mercurys sign. Ninth
lord Sun is in lagna. Second lord is in 10th house. Fifth lord Mars in its own sign is well aspected by Jupiter. In
addition to that 4th lord Jupiter is aspecting 5th house and 5th lord Mars. There is mutual exchange between 10th
lord Mercury and 2nd lord Saturn. These combinations earned him international fame for his spiritual knowledge.
Conclusion : For making any type of achievement in the field of higher education it is inevitably essential that 2nd, 4th
, 5th, 9th and 10th houses in a horoscope should be under the auspicious influence of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Moon
and Sun.

Psoriasis and astrology December 2014

Jatinderpal Singh

Related Articles | Views : 215 |

Psoriasis--is an immune-mediated disease that affects the skin. It is typically a lifelong condition. There is
currently no cure, but various treatments can help to control the symptoms.
Psoriasis occurs when the immune system mistakes a normal skin cell f or a pathogen, and sends out faulty signals
that cause overproduction of new skin cells. It is not contagious. Psoriasis has been linked to an increased risk of
stroke, and treating high blood lipid levels may lead to improvement. There are five types of psoriasis: plaque, gutate,
inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic. The most common form, plaque psoriasis, is commonly seen as red and white
hues of scaly patches appearing on the top first layer of the epidermis (skin). Some patients, though, have no
dermatological signs or symptoms. The name psoriasis is from the Greek language, meaning roughly "itching
condition" (psora "itch" + -sis "action, condition").

In plaque psoriasis, skin rapidly accumulates at these sites, which gives it a silvery-white appearance.

Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knees, but can affect any area, including the scalp, palms of
hands and soles of feet, and genitals. In contrast to eczema, psoriasis is more likely to be found on the outer side of
the joint.

The disorder is a chronic recurring condition that varies in severity from minor localized patches to complete body
coverage. Fingernails and toenails are frequently affected (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and can be seen as an isolated
sign. Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints, which is known as psoriatic arthritis. Between 10% and 30%
of all people with psoriasis also have psoriatic arthritis.

Diseases due to afflictions of the Karakas of houses.

If the Karaka of a house is in the 6th house Associated with Saturn and Rahu, the native suffers From a
chronic disease indicated by the house in Question.

What causes diseases ?

Saturn and Rahu are slow moving planets and are said to be huge in form (symbolically). Therefore according to
principles of symbology, the diseases caused by them are long lasting and chronic.
Astrological causes

Mercury - As it rules over immune system and skin.

Saturn - For all chronic diseases and skin significator.

Sixth lord, 8th lord and 11th lord (because 11th is 6th from 6th and significator of expansion)

Jupiter for expansion as karak for 11th house.

Rahu and ketu for sudden onset.

Mercury represents memory and intelligence. Weak nervous system, skin problems, allergies, hay fever, Obsessive
Compulsive Disorders, confusion, weak mind, lack of memory are some of the effect of malefic mercury.
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3. Diseases can be cured by Gems

Diseases can be cured by Gems April 2007

Kusum Bansal

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 206 |

Joint Pain : The inflammation in joints is caused by the deposition of uric acid in various parts of the body, especially
in cartilage inside the joints. Astrologically the planet Saturn is the agent for development of Arthritis if posited in 6th
house and aspected by Mars. Capricorn and Sagittarius governs knee, joints and hips. Gem Therapy : Use red coral
in 9 ratti and yellow sapphire in 5 rattis warn on fourth finger (kanistha). Asthma : It is very serious disease. The
bronchial tubes are narrowed by spasmodic contractions and secretes an excess of mucous which makes breathing
difficult. The patient wheezes and coughs and usually suffer from insomnia. Astrologically, the Saturn is the chief
planet which causes this trouble, when Saturn afflicts the 4th house from the ascendant or Leo. Gem Therapy : Use
emerald in 6 rattis, yellow sapphire in 5 rattis, moonstone (moti) in 6 rattis may be worn in fourth finger. Blindness :
This disease is caused by infection or due to accident to eyes. Astrologically 2nd and 12th houses from the
ascendant governs the right and left eyes. Sun controls the right eye and moon controls left eye. Gem Therapy : This
disease is practically in curable but use ruby and white pearl in first finger to get some relief. Myopia : It is called near
sightedness. The eyes can focus on near by object but vision at a distance is blurred. Use of concave lens in
spectacles cures this disease. Astrologically, Sun and moon controls the eye sight. Afflicted Sun and Moon give all
sorts of eye troubles. Gem Therapy : Use of 6 rattis of red coral and white pearl in first finger. Pleurisy : This disease
is caused by inflammation and infection of the pleura. It may arise suddenly. Symptom : Sharp pains in the lungs
followed by fever, dry cough and difficulty in breathing. Astrologically, Gemini and Leo governs our lungs, Jupiter and
Mars in Gemini or Leo afflicted by Saturn or Rahu. Gem Therapy : 6 rattis of red coral and yellow sapphire in first

Profession May 2014

Future Point

Related Articles | Views : 205 |

Profession is the pillar of the life. It is true that predicting the professional prospects of a native is a tricky job. In this
fast life all the professions are undergoing tremendous changes due to technologeal advancements. Through divine
source of Astrology, we analyse the physical, mental and spiritual level of the native through his horoscope.

Karma Bhava is the most important pillar of the horoscope. Karma done by the native not only reveals about his
profession but also about the capabilities, morality of the native.

Karma Bhava signifies the name, fame, success, power, faultily, respect, humor, dignity, action, trade and commence,
political power, repetation status and command.

Before analyzing the profession house we should consider the following factors to judge the general strength of
the horoscope. Ie Lagna Bhava, lagna lord, Moon kundli, navamsa chart to assess the strength of the planets in
the horoscope.

In addition, for rapid growth in ones care it is essential to have 2nd house of wealth 5th house of intelligence, 9th
house of Destiny and 11th house of fullfilment of desires should be strong.

The strength of the horoscope and the powerful planetary combination i.e. yogas reveals the total accumulated karma
of the person.

If the Raj yogas and horoscope is strong indicates that person is destined to get the name, fame, glory, reegution in
the society in field of profession.

The planets posited in the 10th house from the lagna, Moon or Sun (which is strongest among the three) ascribes the
nature of the profession from which the native will acquisite wealth. If there is no planet posited in the tenth house
from lagna, Sun or Moon, we take the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th from lagna, Sun or Moon.

Dashmamsa is the concerned divisional chart for the profession. The strength of 10th lord in Dashmamsha (D-10)
chart should be given equal importance otherwise the results can be misleading.

Different professions signified by different planets are as follows when posited in 10th house.

1. Sun is the significator of name, fame, authority, administration, government and the profession related to
medicine as the Sun is the main karka of innumity.

2. Moon Signifies professions related to artistic field, drospetality, water related business and work related to
woman welfeare.

3. Mars Signifies energy, action, interpret nourish, armed forecast work related to metal.

4. Mercury signifies intelligence, finance writing and work related to the education.

5. Jupiter signifies purely, dharma, charity, professions related with judgement law.

6. Venus Signifies glamour, beauty, art and profession dealing in luxurious items.

7. Saturn signifies service, dealing with labour responsible jobs, and jobs related with punishments.

Birth chart only indicates the professional field of the native, the timing of rise in profession is indicated by Dasha of
planets. Operating during a particular period nad the favourable transit of planets fructifies the promise in the chart.

Dasha and transit parameters for determing the timing of rise in profession.

1. Dasha of 10th lord of birth chart.

2. Dahsa of the dispositor of 10th lord.

3. Dasha of lagna lord of Dashmamasha.

4. Dasha of a planet occupying or aspecting 10th house of Dashmamsa or birth chart.

5. Dasha of 7th lord, 5th lord, 11th lord.

6. Dasha of lagna lord.

7. Dasha of Ninth lord ie bhagya bhava which will change the destiny.

The favourable Dasha gives the result when the transit parameters are also favourable ie when Jupiter and Saturn (ie
Bhagya nad karma lord) make contact by conjunction or aspect with the two conditions out of four ie. 10th house,
10th lord, 7th house, 7th lord from lagna or Moon.

Promising charts having powerful Raj yogas yield fruitful results as discussed in kundlis as follow.

Ratan Tata

Lets short with salt, go ones to telephones, television and just do not stop at automobile, we are talking about the
owner of the multi starver company Tata Industries, Ratan Tata from as Sagittarius ascendant, Bhagyesh, 10th lord
and 11th lord in lagna. Parvartana yoga between the lord of 2nd house and 4th house assures the inherited empire
from the family and to increase his credibility in the profession.

His 11th lord, Venus dasha starts in 1955 and from that period he never looked back and in 2001 2008 in the sub
period of Jupiter, which is Bhagyesh he displays the smallest affordable car for the Masses ie Navo the cheapest car
in the world and which made with the automobile king of India.


An unimaginable journey from chandni chowk to china beemes true when one speaks of our politician Mayawati. She
is born as a cancer ascendant and the 10th lord Ma in own sign in 5th house Bhagyesh Ju in Dhana Bhava ie 2nd
house. According to the Jaimini astrologyaspect of 5 planets on the lagna and 10th house, 7th house and the three
planets in the Kendra astrology their impact on the pillars of thehoroscope yielding the horoscope very powerful.
During the Dasha of Saturn in 1987 her political career formed.

T. N. Seshan

The man behind the clean nad dependable electral system of our country India. The ascendant lord Jupiter and 9th
lord Sun makes a parivartanya yoga. The lord of 2nd wealth and lords of 11th gains Saturn and Venus occupies their
own signs. Rahu in 3rd house going outstanding stamina and energy. In the Ketu dasha period 7 years. Placed in the
9th house, gave him high intution, intelligence and to work for the Saturn. In the dahsa of Venus 11th lord from 1989-
2009 which is the Y.K. planet from the Moon chart his powerful personality came into limelight and transformed the
shape of election commission of India.

Leander Pace

The golden boy of Indian Tennis who made the Indian play proud at the Olympics. He is born as Virgo ascendant and
in his natal chart 8 planets are ascribing their impact on 10th house. By Jaimini Astrology, all the kendras have impact
of 8 planets which makes the pillars of the life very strong. The debilitated planets Jupiter, Ketu, Rahu, the debilitation
is being cancelled, thus going rise to neech Bhanga Raj yoga. Five planets in 10th house gives the total effect of
Mars, thus. Native, in the field of sport attained name, fame and recognition. His golden period in the dasha of moon
(which is 11th lord) from 1992-2002 gave him international success in the field of tennis.
When auspicious promise about the successful professional life of a native is indicated there in his chart in that case
native acquires all positive results in his professional career if Bhava, Bhavesh and Karka of 10th house are in strong
position along with lagna lord and destiny lord especially during the combined effect of transit of Jupiter and Saturn
on 10th house if major period and sub period in operation are also

Know about Pluto Transit on Other Planets January 2004

S.R. Swamy

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 202 |

Pluto is a very slow moving planet. It remains in a sign for more than 20 years and takes 248 years approximately to
complete one rotation of the zodiac. Pluto is a planet, which transforms our lives and makes every person to let go
old habits and start to learn new things in life. Usually transit of Pluto on natal sun, or opposite to natal sun will bring a
very big reformation on the life of native. Persons having strong influence of Pluto on Ascendant, will be very brave,
will be research oriented mind, shall have many creative ideas, having criminal tendencies with leadership qualities,
always Jealous and revengeful. Such persons usually become popular as politicians, Dictators, Terrorists, or a noted
Don. SUN : Transit of Pluto on natal sun, will convert the native to be very much egoist, inducing power struggles,
Developing leadership Qualities, over ambitious, there by indulging in criminal activities to get authority or power. At
the save time if there is influence of a powerful Benefic Planet on Pluto the native may excel as Top level spiritual
leader. Moon : Transit of Pluto on natal moon converts the native to be very much passionate, and to indulge in
unsocial activities secretly to satisfy the sexual urge, will commit adultery with other married persons. If this Transit
Takes place on 2nd house there will be adultery with in the family thereby the native will loose his prestige and status.
Elderly persons develop illicit relations with very young persons. At the same time if there is powerful influence of a
Benefic planet on Pluto the native may turnout to be an intellectual persons and may undertake many research work
in their adopted field and will prove useful to the society. Mars : Transit of Pluto on natal mars usually brings many
negative results, Particularly if there is a strong influence of a malefic planet on either mars or on Pluto the native will
be involved in criminal activities on a large scale and starts acquiring wealth or a large scale, shall be involved in
scandals, sexual exploitation unleashing Terror on the society. Under extreme conditions may face violent death also.
Mercury : Mercury symbolises the five senses in the personality. When Pluto Transits on the natal mercury, there will
be radical change in the thinking pattern of the native and the native may take up development work with his creative
ideas. Persons having profession of Astrology or any similar occult sciences, Black magic, and professional
magicians will earn a very big name and become popular. Professors in the field of education or writer will also gain
immense popularity and will have many disciples. If there is powerful malefic influence either in mercury or on Pluto
the native will make use of his intelligence and extra sensuoury Powers in creating frauds and cheating. Jupiter :
Transit of Pluto on natal Jupiter brings a radical change of life on the native. The native shall start following a new
faith, getting new illusions which may lead to the rebirth of a new personality, Pluto Jupiter transits are very
productive, revelations of new vision comes very easily. It is seen that many ordinary persons will become a God man
or a high level spiritual leader and will rise to a sudden popularity. Venus : Transit of Pluto on natal venus will bring an
irresistible urge to start a new love life. Persons having a creative talent and personality will find big attraction from
the opposite sex. Persons with long courting with their lovers will decide to marry immediately. If there is a strong
influence of a malefic planet like mars or Rahu either on venus or Pluto the person will be addicted to lust and will
indulge in changing their bed partners frequently to satisfy their lust. At the same time if there is a strong and powerful
influence of a Benefic planet and if the native is an artist of any branch he will gain immense popularity and will
venture to earn big money with his creative ideas in Art. Saturn : Transit of Pluto on natal saturn will always give
mixed results, with a strong and powerful influence of a Benefic planet the native will change himself to be a
philosopher, meditator, a Scientist or a God man finding a New path for the society and helping the poor and
downtrodden. At the same time if there is a strong and powerful influence of a malefic planet then the native may
become a Gambler, Cheater, Criminal. Many times this may lead to the suicide of the native or death may come as a
punishment. Transit of Pluto on rahu will give similar results as that of Saturn and on ketu will be as that of Mars.
Transit of Pluto on Uranus will make the native to act very cruel and indulge in destructive activities, many persons
prove to be sadists in their personal life. Transit of Pluto on Neptune will make the native to be spendthrift and may
indulge himself in unsocial activities and fraud to meet his demand. Will loose his name and prestige, suffer from
illness and will be a Bankrupt.

Identity of Profession October 2006

CSVLN Sharma

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 197 |

Astrologically 5th and 10th houses play an important role in identifying the profession, the course of intellectual
pursuit. In the modern world many new courses and branches of knowledge have come out, making it difficult to
choose out of many branches of knowledge with the help of 12 Rasis, 12 Bhavas and the 9 planets. Our ancient saint
like Parasara, either considered, that the Astrologers will be wise and logically well developed to make a judicious
selection by permutation and combination of planets. Thus the new generation of astrologers are groping in darkness
as to how to judge the horoscope to find the course of studies and the nature of profession. A study in a particular
subject does not necessarily mean that he will take up a profession in the same line. There are many Doctors,
Engineers who become a contractors, actors, politicians and dacoits. In other words many of them did not choose a
profession suitable to their educational qualifications. Hence an astrological assessment of profession on the basis of
study of planets in the 5th house may go wrong, without considering the 10th house. The course of study may be
influenced by the ruling planets, in the life during the formative years i., 5th to 20th years of age. A qualified Doctor, by
leaving his medical profession become a politician or an industrialist or an actor. An Engineer after 10 years of
profession has become a Homeopathic Doctor, Ayurvedic Doctors have alternative medicine profession like
magnetherphy, flower therphy and so on. Educational and profession deserves to be investigated astrologically fifth
house, besides other things, is the house of gaining knowledge and education. 10th house is the house of profession
and the karma. The Dasa of a planet from 5th to 20th year i.e., formative period gives an indication of the field of
study. In the following example : Cancer is the lagna, 5th house is the Scorpio, and Aries is the 10th house. The 5th
and the 10th house lord is Mars posited in 5th house, associated with Mercury the lord of 3rd and 12th. Jupiter the
lord of 6th and 9th, Mars being 5th lord he should give technical education, 10th lord also being mars should give
technical occupation, Engineering, Defence Services, Police etc. This assessment may not lead to correct prediction
with reference to education and profession, we have to take into consideration the modifications in view of Mars
association with the Jupiter., and mercury in the 5th house. The Mercury is a mathematician, a literary man, chemist,
and a philosopher. As a lord of 3rd house he should deal with many people, being lord of 12th, he should have
spiritual mind, loss of opportunities. The Ketu is not lord of any house in association with Mars and Mercury he goes
with live stock, forests, timber and bones. So, the choice of profession largely lies in the shoulder of Mars, who is lord
of Education and Karma bhava. Mars, Mercury and Jupiter posited in 5th house are in shadastaka with Moon the lord
of 1st house. So, we can assume that the native will have technical education with a mixture of mathematics,
literature, logic, chemicals food education, and teaching as per the qualities of Mercury and Jupiter. With this data, it
becomes possible to fix the course of study, but to pin point we have to examine Dasa period from 5th to 20th year.
The balance of Dasa at Birth is around 5 years Rahu. So 5th to 20th year, Jupiter dasa will be in force. Jupiter,
essentially a teacher. During this period the native will take Technical studies connected with the Mars and Mercury.
Mars is technician, Mercury mathematician. During this period the native studied a technical course with tinge of
educational system designing and architects. But from 20th onwards for 19 years the native will enter Saturn Dasa,
posited in 6th house, associated with the lord of 2nd Sun. This gives a Government Job involving certain changes
induced by Saturn. Now during the sub-period the native is likely to be in a subordinate position. From 40th year
Mercury Dasa being the lord of 3rd and 12th posited in 5th should give a position where certain elements of
administration and pin pricks of comments or criticism are inevitable. The education can be decided from the planets
who are ruling during dasas from 5th to 10th year with reference to their relatin with the 5th and 10th lords. But the
career ordained by 5th lord need not necessarily be the same. The professional choice will be influenced by the Dasa
lords from 20th onwards. The transition from Jupiter Dasa to Sani dasa will be quits sudden and unexpected with a
change of all parameters. Saturn and Mercury they being friendly planets will not oppose each other ensuing
continuity of profession in the same location or department with a change from servitude to official status power and
financial gain. In this way though 5th house influences the course of study and the 10th house decides the course of
career as to whether it should be technical course, subordinate position of administration position. The certification of
the 5th and 10th lords depend entirely on the Dasa lords and their lordship of houses. The 5th and 10th lords may not
always give them a career in accordance with the education alone. For fixing the profession one has to study and
aspects of the horoscope to foresee the changes in the life by combined assessment of 5th and 10th lords dasa and
their lordships associations the Bhavas. r

The Relevance Behind Marital Matching April 2004

Aparna Sharma

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 196 |

We all understand that relationships is a very vital sphere for, the humans, but at the same time it is subtle, difficult
and vulnerable area; specially if we explore marital relationships we feel that we really do not know the reasons for
difficult pattern of marriages and there is something that always remains beyond our control. What is it that governs
us to be driven for someone and resist the other one and the reasons for which are not apparent to us at all? The
point arises further that what is the glue that ties two people to share similar experiences in life and forces them to
live under the same roof. First of all I want to clarify that I am not at all handling or justifying the
traditionalastrology rather I am trying to reach the truth under cover. I just try to be logical in accepting that astro
factors behave in many ways in giving endurance/ approach towards relationships and creating the psychological
capacity to understand others needs (it varies in humans). Further, everywhere in this world relationships have
similar human level requirements and compatibility comes in when requirements (somehow hidden in the
subconscious mind) meet with fulfilment through the other person. Astrologer can judge and understand all these
things while others live life in ignorance and justify the saying that ignorance is bliss. I am literally shocked
when some astrologically correct combinations end up in the garbage heap due to lack of love between them. I
ponder over this point as an astrologer -can the combination be astrologically correct, if they dont have love between
them? It simply means that there is some flaw and deficient understanding about matching, which needs to be
explored extensively. The ancient texts have considered astrology as a very sacred subject. Somehow, unfortunately
in Indian scenario, the greatness of astrology has taken the shape of very low level business. There are several
socio-economic factors for this kind of practice. Anyhow, I will not go in details about the reasons for distortion of
Indian science of astrology, but it is a fact that these days most of the Indians are losing faith in their own ancient
treasure regarding astrology. They have started disapproving the customary match making style through Ashtakoota
(Guna) matching, which is actually incomplete and can not peep through the future and quality of a relationship,
single handedly. Only thing that can complete the match making astro norms is more and more research work and
nothing else. My efforts are solely in this direction to restore peoples faith in astrology working behind every human
act. Then how relationships are not affected? The sole point is to find out the level of compatibility and knowing the
flaws and possible causes of breaking up. For example, when the ascendants ( key points of any horoscope)of
couples are in 2/12 relation, or are in 6/8th relation mutually, there is every possibility of discontinuity/ breaks/physical
separation and the logic is that Lagna stands for physical entity in this world and mutual co-relation of signs is lost
when the signs are Dwirdwadasha or Shadashtaka. If husband has sun in aries and wife too has saturn in aries, there
are possible ego clashes between the couple at times and still the relationships may go on affectionately if other
planets are posited favourably in mutual horoscopes and Dasha pattern is fine. Here, I think, knowing of
positive/negative factors is beneficial for improvement in dealing. If any person has negative factors for relationships
in his/her individual horoscope, then certainly he/she will come across the kind of person who is likely to be painful to
the concerned he, or she. By no means we shall be able to alter the individual horoscopes, good or bad, in
relationships, or in other walks of life, like professional, or health matters etc. When we scrutinize astrology, it is the
third eye of knowledge and light and knowledge is power. Astrology helps in peeping into the truth. In my research I
am trying to find out: the astro logics for a continuing relationship. the astro logics for relationships full of love,
but no legality/continuance. I am handling the couple cases in 3 categories 1. highly compatible couple cases 2.
average compatible couple cases 3. low compatible couple cases. Further, I am applying Ashtakoota, the age old
technique in match making in couple cases under consideration. -Then Mars Dosha which is regarded as most
dreadful point in match making. -Then afflictions to Mars/Venus, Lagna/7th house and Lagna lord /7th lord, by
malefics like Saturn/nodes -Lastly the Astro parameters based on sign linkages and mutual planetary placements,
which I selected, are as many as 107 in number and apply in horoscopes of couples, on each and every case under
consideration. The gratification of sexual desires is dependent on the individual horoscope and then the partners not
only ascendant but all vital points regarding relationships (Mars and Venus, Lagna and 7th house lord ) should and
must be favourably disposed in other partners horoscope. If ones Mars is attacked by partners Ketu on same
degree can the couple persue a long term mutual relationship? I doubt it. Similarly, if wifes ascendant is where the
husbands 7th house lord is placed, then there is strong chance of their pursuing the relationship between them and it
will be on emotional note, if husband has that sign in trine to his ascendant. However if husband has that 7th lord in
6th house, he may have to suffer due to that wife ruled by that very ascendant. Sign linkage certainly tells that one is
going to pursue with such and such person the result can be happiness, or pain. There will be variance in quality of
relationship, depending upon other astro factors. These concepts are applicable to all cultures of the world and there
are hundreds of astro factors keeping the relations go. The need is to explore and analyse all these in wider
perspective and understanding the others requirements and flaws and try to act in best possible manner to maintain
peace. Astrology ultimately teaches all of us to develop ourselves as good humans in the light of truth and accepting
what is given to us by the almighty. Somehow, the results pertaining to Ashtakoota matching have not been
encouraging at all and thus this cannot form the base, leading to the decision of a lifetime like marriage. I have
handled as many as 60 cases for Kootamatching and found the results, as shown in the chart. The percentage
variance between highly compatible cases / low compatibility cases is very small and cannot be depended upon for
consideration of matching single handedly. Secondly, after failing of most authentic and usual consideration of
Ashtakoota matching, I tried the efficiency of Mars Dosha, which is again a dreadful point, when horoscopes are
being matched. In Mars Dosha too, the results have been very unclear and in all 60 cases considered, including
some of high compatibility, some of average compatibility and some of low compatibility the results are not varying
and distinct at all. This again points towards that Mars Dosha is not dependable criterion and there is something
different which should be depended upon for vital decisions like marriage and many more parameters are waiting to
be judged and analysed for further application in this regard. Let us watch the results through the following charts
pertaining to Ashtakoota matching as well as efficacy of Mars Dosha in the cases of married couples having
high/average/low compatibility.
Paralysis : An Astrological Analysis January 2006

Future Point

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 195 |

Pakshaghata (Hemiplagia) is a major disabling disease, Ancient Indian classics describe it as a Vata-vikara that is
always very difficult to treat because of dominance of Vata among the Tridosha. There are plenty of diseases that
cause sensory or motor function disturbance causing disability. Ayurveda classifies these all diseases in Vata-
disorders. The success rate of curing the disease Pakshaghata is very high in Ayurveda in comparison to modern
science except the acute conditions and surgical requirements. Realizing the severity of the disease it was decided to
evaluate the horoscopes of the patients of Pakshaghata along with Ayurvedic drug administration plan. Astrology and
Ayurveda are closely related and interlinked to each other. Ayurveda and astrology have constituted a way of life in
India. Astrological guidance was sought for all day to day work, including the collection of the herbs, drug
administration etc. In astrological classics only Ayurvedic standard terminology has been used regarding the
description of the diseases viz-Vata, Pitta and Kapha and Ayurvedic specific name of the disease, which are very
easy to understand for Ayurvedic scholar but difficult for modern systems experts. Considering all positive factors
regarding the Ayurveda andAstrology (combinedly known as Medical- astrology) and the severity of the disease
Pakshghata, the research project was selected. Probably this is first attempt made in the higher education and
research stream. The present astromedical study was worked out with following three objectives. To analyze the
planetary positions for Pakshaghata in the horoscope of the patients. To draw a hypothetical astromedical
etiopathogenesis of Pakshaghata. To establish the co-relation of Ayurveda with astrology on the scientific basis
Materials & Methods : The following material and methods were used in present research work : Selection of the
patient : 10 cases suffering from Pakshaghata (Paralysis) were selected from O.P.D. and I. P.O. wing of National
Institute of Ayurveda Jaipur as well as S.M.S. Hospital, Jaipur on the basis of a specific performa prepared. Inclusion
criteria : According to this following correct information was collected. 1. Exact time of birth 2. Date of birth 3. Place of
birth All the patients were analysed with detailed Astro-medical history viz. Major Period, Sub Period, Sub-Sub Period,
position of the 6th lord and its relations, benefic and malefic planets, birth signs, constellations etc. Exclusion
Criteria : The patient not having exacthoroscopes, were excluded from the trial and the patient who had no signs and
symptoms according to clinical inclusion criteria were also excluded. Criteria of Assessment : The horoscope of the
patients were analyzed according to the specific performa prepared. General Observations : After interviewing and
confirming the exact horoscope of the patient registered under the present trial with history of past and present
illness, ascendant and planetary position, Navamansha, Dreshkana, History of Astro-medical treatment, signology
and other relevant information were worked out. Observations & Results : Various observations made according to
the horoscopes of ten patients registered under the trial generally as well as individually. The following observations &
results have been recorded. 1. Ayana (Solistic) In the Horoscopes of 10 cases of Pakshaghata Ayana No. of Patients
Percentage 1. Uttarayana 05 50.00 2. Dakshinayana 05 50.00 TOTAL 10 100.00 2. Varna (Caste) Varna No. of
Patients Percentage 1. Brahmina 06 60.00 2. Kshatriya 02 20.00 3. Vaishya 01 10.00 4. Shoodra 01 10.00 TOTAL 10
100 Table shows that during the current research work 60% cases were Brahmina, This may indicate people having
Brahmina varna are prone to paralysis. 3. Vashya Varna No. of Patients Percentage 1. Jalachara 05 50.00 2.
Chatuspada 02 20.00 3. Vanachara 01 10.00 4. Manav 01 10.00 5. Keeta 01 10.00 TOTAL 10 100 Table shows that
the incidence of Vashya was reported to be Jalachara (watery) 50% while Chatushpada 20% and remaining three
were 10% each. This may indicate that watery Vashya are more prone to Pakshaghata. 4. Varga Varna No. of
Patients Percentage 1. Mesha 02 20.00 2. Sarpa 02 20.00 3. Mooshaka 02 20.00 4. Swana 02 20.00 5. Marjara 01
10.00 6. Mriga 01 10.00 TOTAL 10 100 Table shows that during the current research work 20% cases were found
each of Mesha, Sarpa, Shwan and Mooshaka Varga. 5. Masa (Lunar month) Lunar month No.of Patients Percentage
1. Phalguna 02 20.00 2. Shravana 02 20.00 3. Kartika 01 10.00 4. Vaishkha 01 10.00 5. Ashadha 01 10.00 6. Ashwin
01 10.00 7. Pousha 01 10.00 8. Bhadrapada 01 10.00 TOTAL 10 100 Table shows that the incidence of birth month
(Lunar) was found 20% of each Phalguna and Shravana respectively. 6. Paksha (Fortnight) Varna No. of Patients
Percentage 1. Shukla Paksha 07 70.00 2. Krishna Paksha 03 30.00 TOTAL 10 100 Table shows that during the
present research work 70% cases were born in Shukla paksha (bright half of the moon) while only 30% were in
Krishna paksha (dark half of the moon). It shows that full moon may be harmful for the patients having mental tension
and hypertension. 7. Hansaka Tattva Hansaka Tattva No. of Patients Percentage 1. Vari (water) 06 60.00 2. Agni
(Fire) 02 20.00 3. Bhoomi (Earth) 01 10.00 4. Vayu (Air) 01 10.00 TOTAL 10 100 Table shows that maximum no. were
as Vari (water) 60% in present trial while Agni Tattva was found in only 20% cases. This may indicate that watery
Hansaka tattva is prone to develop Pakshaghata. 8. Incidence of Tithi (Lunar day) Tithi (Lunar day) No. of Patients
Percentage 1. 09 03 30.00 2. 15 02 20.00 3. 03 01 10.00 4. 06 01 10.00 5. 07 01 10.00 6. 10 01 10.00 7. 14 01 10.00
TOTAL 10 100 Maximum cases were found on 9th lunar day (Navami) born (30%) in current research work. 9. Lagna
(Ascendant) Tithi (Lunar day) No. of Patients Percentage 1. Karka (Cancer) 03 30.00 2. Dhanu (Sagittarius) 02 20.00
3. Mesha (Aries) 01 10.00 4. Simha (Leo) 01 10.00 5. Tula (Libra) 01 10.00 6. Makara (Capricorn) 01 10.00 7.
Meena(Pisces) 01 10.00 TOTAL 10 100 30% cases were found in Karka (cancer) lagna and 20% were Dhanu Lagna

The Importance of the Uranus on the Human Natal

Horoscopes January 2005
Parimi Sambaiah

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 186 |

In this paper I want to emphasize the signification of the Planet Uranus on human horoscopes. The whole analysis of
this article is based on K.P. ( Krishnamurthy Paddhathi) only. Late Guruji Jyothishamannan Prof. K.s. Krishna Murthy
gave valuable and accurate analytical predictive system as Stellar Astrology. Before I start my topic I want to explain
concisely how K.P works. Guruji in this system introduced SUB division of Constellation into 9 parts according to the
ratio of vimshottari Udu Dasa. For example: Aswani the first star of zodiac that starts from 0 Degree to 13 degrees 20
minutes is divided into 9 parts. He named each part as SUB. In ancient and traditional astrology each nashkthra is
divided into 4 parts as 4 Padas of 3 degrees 20 minutes each. The 27 constellations are divided into 108 padas and
are incorporated in the Rasi chakra. Each house has the capacity of possessing 9 padas each. Our beloved Guruji
divided the 27 constellations into 249 SUBs and 2163 SUB-SUBS as in the ratio of Vimsothary Udu dasa system.
Along with the above division, the special feature of K.P is Ruling planet system.( R.P ). The Role of Ruling Planet is
more in Horary Astrology (Prashna Sastra ) than in Natal Astrology. In 1781, Herschel discovered Uranus planet.
After the discovery of the planet both Homeopathy and Uranium became available to the mankind. Thats why Uranus
is a planet for Atomic Energy, Electronics, Electrical Science, Higher Research, Astrology and Homeopathy etc. Most
of the western astrologers study the influence of Uranus on human beings. Now I want to put before you the influence
of Uranus in the natal horoscopes according to K.P. The Most significant feature of K.P. is the divisions of Bhavas .
The Bhava division of k.p. is different from Sripathi padhathi. Here in K.P., the Bhava Division is bassed on the
Plascidus Semi Arc System and the Cuspal point is the starting point of the Bhava. In my observation, I have noticed
that influence of Uranus is more when it is on the exact cusp. In India the Influence of Uranus is studied by
astrologers like Prof. K.s.Krishnamurthy and Master Ekkirala Krishnamacharya of Visakhapatnam. The Influence of
Uranus on 12 Bhavas I cusp( Lagna ) :If uranus is in Lagna, the native may be tall or short, speed walking, beautiful
face, freedom oriented, eccentric, independent, research habits, spiritualism oriented, inventive, unconventional
changes in office and at home, unfortunate marriage and in some occasions marriage may be denied and has a quick
mind. II cusp (vaak) : Ups and downs in fortune, unsettled state of mind, gains through investigations or harsh talk,
nobody knows how the native thinks and behaves, discoveries, interest in mechanism, music and electricity.
IIICusp(Bharthru):Separation from rith and kin, sharp and intelligent, more talkative, if the native studies Astrology he
can master the subject within short period, they lose their property with one signature, accidents in journeys, they
publish lies in the name of science and cheat themselves and public, worried, sudden and unexpected news,
accidents, adventurous, clairvoyance, claireaudience and nervous troubles. IV cusp ( Matru): Fortune in foreign
place, difficulty in inheriting property, quarrel with parents and departs away from them, even though the native has
own house, he will stay in the rented house, problems in domestic life, disharmony with wife and close relatives, ups
and downs of financial position, loss by theft, misjudgment etc., philosophical bent of mind with hindrances. V
Cusp(Santhana): Secret life, research, changeable, no pleasure, danger in child birth, may have one child, well
educated, abortions, congenital deceased children, may be dumb or deaf, loss by risk taking. VI Cusp( sathru):
Nervous, undiagnosed desease or incurable diseases, disorders, sickness, metaphysist, psychic expressions,
strange and incurable disease etc. VII Cusp ( Kalathra) : late marriage or hasty marriage, pleasant romance,
somebody may spoil their life after marriage, somebody may spoil before marriage, loss of wife or divorce, fire
accidents or suicide, misunderstanding after marriage, litigation, misunderstandings with business partners, loss in
the business due to sudden death of the partner, court cases, disputes with municipal authorities, partner intelligent,
contracts, etc. VIII Cusp (Ashtama): Loss of property due to death of relatives, transition from the psychic and
spiritual world, may be after long suffering due to sudden and unexpected end, sudden and substantial gain through
partner, financial trouble, etc., IX Cusp (Bhagya): Independent, expert in religious andspiritual studies, psychic power,
original, inventive, intuitive, ever planning and scheming, taste for occult, metaphysical, religious and interest in
philosophy etc., reformative and progressive ideas and pioneers. May be unmarried, study of secret books,
clairvoyance, if mars and Saturn aspect, unrealistic, against religion and God. X Cusp (Rajya): Always fights with
higher officials, independent, original, astrologer, research oriented brain, higher level doctors, enmity from public,
inventive, difficulty from government and public, electrician and investigator, reformer, psychologist, engineer,
hypnotist, reporter, sudden and frequent changes . XI Cusp (Labha): Friends, scientists, philosophers, intelligent and
independent, original, impulsive, attachment, romantic life, progressive hopes and selfish ends, loss through friends,
lifelong benefits, etc. XII Cusp( vyaya):Occult investigations, fame and name after death, detachment from public,
psychic power, secret love affairs, hospital bird, or jail bird, strange and secret enemies etc, fortune in foreign land

Astrology, Wealth and Prosperity May 2014

Future Point

Related Articles | Views : 179 |

The natal horoscope is a portrait of a person's life. Health, Wealth, Career and Marriage are the major issues which
are of concern to all of us. Today we are living in a materialistic society, therefore, Wealth gets prime importance to
everybody. For getting all comforts, we need money in abundance.

There are various ways by which a person can acquire wealth. Some people are born with silver spoon in their mouth
and they get all comforts by virtue of luck or Raj yogas in their horoscope. Some people work hard, some use their
intelligence, some resort to black marketing, smuggling and all sorts of illegal means to get wealth.

The 2nd and 11th houses are mainly responsible for finance. Lagna, 9th and 5th houses also play important roles.
Even 10th house, Jupiter and Moon are important for finance.

The person is a pauper ever since his birth and lives by alms if the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses are placed in 6,
8 or 12 along with malefics. The association or affliction of 6th, 8th or 12 house destroy the ambitious effects of
wealth or dampen the financial prospects. The lord of 2nd with lord of 9th occupying the 11th with Moon and Jupiter
will make a native a millionaire. Lord of Lagna in a decent position is itself a great asset which sustains a person
throughout his life. The best place for Lagna Lord to occupy is the Lagna itself. Even strong Sun at a benefic place
from the lord of Ascendent is a great asset.
The 2nd house itself, lord and Jupiter represent accumulated wealth. The association of the 1st, its lord and the sun
with the second and its lord increases the natives wealth through his own efforts. If the 9th, its lord and the
significators Sun and Jupiter are related to them, wealth is inherited. According to the Bhavarth Ratnakar, the native is
rendered poor if the 2nd lord occupy the 12th and 12th lord is placed in the Lagna aspected by a Marak or a malefic

11th house is the house of gains and rules income. The 11th and its lord along with Jupiter must be strong to
generate wealth. According to the Sarvartha Chintamani, if a benefic occupy 11th house, the native gets wealth
through honest and novel means. If the malefic is in the 11th house, the native resorts to unfair and unscrupulous
methods of earning. The source of gains and incomes can be known through the nature of the planet from the
Bhavas related to the 11th, its lord and its significators. For example 7th lord and its Karak Venus associated with
11th may help the native to gain through the spouse.

The 9th house represents fortunes and, therefore, if the 9th house, its lord, Sun and Jupiter are strong and
associated with good houses, planets, luck favours the native with financial prosperity. When the 9th lord is placed in
the 1st house of Lagna lord is in 9th house, the native is a self made person.

The 10th house is to be examined regarding native's professional and financial opportunities as it rules livelihood. If
the 10th house and its lord and the significators (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury) are strong, the native occupy a
respectable occupation which helps in improving the financial status. There are a large number of Yogas which have
been described in the various Astrological texts. Even the Panch maha Purush Yogas bestow special characteristic.

Some important combination for wealth :

1. Lord or 10th house occupying 5th house will prove a great asset for a native bestowing abundant wealth
which will never leave him.

2. Laxmi Yogas : If lord of Lagna is powerful and lord of 9th house occupies own or exaltation position in
Kendra or Trikona.

3. One who has strong Sun in Horoscope can never be mean, vicious, criminal or untrustworthy. Therefore, he
can not adopt wrong means for livelihood.

4. If lord of 2nd and 11th be placed or related with 6th/8th/12th while Mars is in 11th and Rahu is in 2nd, native
will loose his wealth on account of royal punishment.

5. If Lagna, the lord and Sun are weak or afflicted and also have the association with Rahu or a malefic, the
very foundation of Horoscopeis deeply shaken, The native suffers setbacks in his financial matters owing to
wrong decisions.

Other important factors which are to be examined for wealth are ;


Rashmi Kiran

Divisional Chart (Hora, Navamasa and Dasamamsa)

Good indications are obtained from the Hora Chart regarding the flow of wealth in a particular Dasha period. During
operational period of planets placed in a Hora of Sun, person has to make efforts to earn and accumulate wealth.
During the period of planets placed in the Hora of Moon earning and accumulation come naturally without must

In the Navamamsa Chart, Vargottam planets play very important role and according to the Astrological texts they
cause Raj Yoga and bestow very good results.

In Dasamamsa Chart, Lagna assumes a tremendous significance. If Lagna is aspected by benefic it becomes strong
and in that case it may be presumed that the career of the native stands on a good foundation.
If powerful Sun is posited in upachaya houses aspected by the Jupiter, native is likely to get recognition and
eminence in his career. Planets in 10th house in Dasamamsa Chart during the ruling period better the prospects of
once career. The period of planets in kendra in Dasamamsa will be a milestone in one's career.

1. Home

2. Astrology

3. Judgment of Educational Prospects

Judgment of Educational Prospects May 2014

Future Point

Related Articles | Views : 169 |

A well qualified youth is assured of a lucrative job and status in life. Hence all the parents pay special attention to the
education of their children. But it is also true that a child cannot be made a doctor, engineer, C.A. or M.B.A. as wished
for by the parents and that many professionally Successful and famous persons were not highly qualified. It is,
therefore, advisable that the parents, instead of pressurizing their child for outstanding performance, should consult a
competent astrologer to assess the childs educational prospects, and accordingly plan for his future. Children with
weak intelligence have difficulty in pursuing academic courses, and should be best shifted to job oriented courses.

The astrological classics hold that the 2nd and the 5th house and their lords should be examined to assess the
educational prospects. Among the planets Moon is manah karka Significator of mind, Mercury is Buddhi and vidya
karka (significator for Intellect and education), and Jupiter is Janana karka (signification for learning).

When the Lagna and Lagnesh are strong, conjoined with or aspected by benefics, the native is healthy, intelligent,
capable and enjoys good status in life. The 2nd house denotes wealth, speech, education, etc. Its karka is Jupiter.
The 3rd house indicates endeavour and effort. When the 3rd house and its lord are conjoined with or aspected by
benefic planets, the child studies with devotion and does not get disheartened. The 4th house shows the state of
mind and atmosphere at home. When the 4th house, its lord and karka Moon are strong conjoined with or aspected
by Jupiter or Mercury, the education of the child progresses smoothly, but if the 4th house or its lord is in papkartari
yoga or conjoined with or aspected by malefics, there is difficulty in concentration or obstruction in education
Educational attainment depends on the childs intelligence shown by the 5th house. When the 5th house, its lord and
mercury are strong, conjoined with or aspected by jnana karka Jupiter, the child is quite intelligent (Budhiman), and
easily understands the subjects taught. Mercury gives best result in Fiery, Airy and its exaltation sign.

When the Moon and Mercury are posited 3-11 or 5-9 to each other and aspected by Jupiter, the child has sharp
intelligence. Strong Jupiter with the Sun in Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th house makes the child learned. Lord of 5th
house with Mercury, and Jupiter in Kendra or Trikona, makes the child highly intelligent. Ninth house shows higher
knowledge and Jupiter is its karka. When the Moon and Mercury are in the 9th or 5th house, aspected by Jupiter the
child is prodigious and a merit scholar. An exalted Jupiter in Lagna or 2nd house makes the native famous for his
Though the scope of education has much widened, yet a systematic analysis of the horoscope clearly indicates
whether the child has aptitude for Arts, Science or Commerce. The influence of Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on
the 2nd, 4th and 5th house and their lords indicates medical, technical or engineering line. The influence of Mercury
and Jupiter on these houses and their lords indicates Commerce, Accounts or Teaching line, and that of Moon and
venus gives success in music, drama and other fine arts. The combined influence of the Sun, Mercury and Venus
makes the native scientist. Involvement of Mars points to Engineering. The combination of Moon and Mercury shows
bio-chemistry. Strong Saturn with Jupiter gives success in legal profession. Mars in own sign and aspected by
benefics makes one proficient in mathematics and logic. Jupiter and Mercury in own or exaltation sign in Trikona
make one accomplished scholar and writer.

Planets produce result in their dasa-bhukti in keeping with their strength. Exalted planets in the horoscope give full
result, Vargottama or in Mooltrikona 3/4, in own sign 1/2, and in friendly sign 1/4 result. Benefics in inimical sign, with
or between malefics (papkartari yoga) give less than 1/4 result. When the dasa of the lord of Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th
-and favourable Moon, Mercury and Jupiter operate during educational period (5-25 years), the student has good
success. The dasa of lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house and malefic planet naturally cause obstruction in educational

It is also important to look into transit of planets during examination period. When Saturn, Rahu or Ketu transit Lagna,
2nd, 4th, 5th house or over their lords, Moon, Mercury Jupiter and bhukti lord, the child does not get expected result
in the examination. However, when dasa-bhukti is strong the effect of malefic transit is less effective. The transit of
Jupiter in Lagna, 5th and 9th house augments the effect of favourable dasa-bhukti.

Some combination for educational success and deficiency are as follows:-

Good intelligence (Buddhiman Yogas)

Exalted Lagna lord aspecting or placed in 5th house.

Lord of 2nd house in own, friendly or exaltation sign, in Kendra or Trikona

Lord of 2nd house with Jupiter in Kendra or Trikona,

Lord of 2nd exalted, and with either Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon, in Kendra or Trikona.

Strong lord of 4th house in Kendra or Trikona or 11th house, and conjoined with or aspected by benefics

Mercury in own sign in 5th house, conjoined with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus or both.

Strong lord of 5th in Kendra or Trikona or 11th house.

Lord of 5th with Mercury or Jupiter, or aspected by them, and posited in 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th house.

Lords of 5th and 9th house in 5th, aspected by benefice.

Budha-Aditya Yoga in benefic signs in Kendra or Trikona and aspected by Jupiter.

Low Intelligence (Heena Buddhi Yogas)

Malefics posted in or aspecting lagna, and Saturn in 5th house aspecting Lagna lord.

Lagna aspected by Saturn and the 5th lord with a malefic.

Weak Moon in Lagna aspected by Saturn or Mars.

Combined aspect of the Sun, Mars and Saturn on the Moon.

The Sun and the Moon in Lagna aspected by malefics.

The 2nd house and its lord in association with Rahu or Saturn without any benefic aspect.

5th house occupied by malefics, and the 5th lord also aspected by or associated with malefics.
Lord of 5th in inimical sign, in 6th, 8th or 12th house or debilitated, and aspected by malefics.

Lord of 2nd and 5th house with Mercury and Jupiter in 6th, 8th or 12th house in inimical sign.

Saturn or Rahu in 2nd house, not aspected by benefics affect intelligence and give little education.

Rahu in 5th, with malefic aspect, gives little education due to low intelligence.

xii) Evil Mars in 5th house causes low intelligence and violent temper.

Evil aspect of Mars on Mercury makes the child go astray and disturbs education.

A few horoscopes highlighting the above astrological principles are as follows:

Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore

DOB: 7.3.1861, 26.51 (LMT) Calcutta

Revati 2nd Pada; Mercury

Balance: 10 yrs. 2 months 10 days

He was born in benefic Meena Lagna and Rasi. Lagna lord Jupiter is exalted in 5th house and lord of 5th
and Manah karka Moon is in Lagna. This made him a person of noble thoughts, Philanthropic and
humanitarian. Budhi karka Mercury is 1n Kendra from Jupiter with exalted Atmakarka Sun, and forms Budhi-
Aditya Yoga in 2nd house. The location of Venus with Mercury and the Sun in 2nd house made him a world
famous poet and painter. However, the location of Mars and Ketu in the 4th house caused breaks in his
educational career due to family disturbances.

Female: DOB- 17.3.1972, 23.30 hrs.

Bulandshahr (UP), Aswini 2nd Pada

The lord of 2nd and 5th house Jupiter is in 2nd house in its Mooltrikona sign. There is Budha-Aditya Yoga in
5th house. Lord of Lagna and 4th (Mars and Saturn respectively) are in 7th Kendra and aspected by Rahu.
There is also Subhkartari aspect of strong Jupiter on Mars and Saturn. There is also exchange between 6th
lord (Mars) and 7th lord (Venus). She completed M.B.B.S., M.D., and is a successful doctor. But due to
strong malefic effect on 7th house she is yet unmarried.

Female: 4.9.1972, 21.41 hrs., Mumbai.

Pushya 3rd Pada.

Lagna lord Mars is in 5th house (Leo) with 5th lord Sun and Mercury, aspected by strong 9th lord Jupiter in
9th house, in its Mooltrikona sign. Lord of 10th Saturn is in 2nd in friendly sign and its dispositor Venus is in
4th house with 4th lord Moon. There is Shubhkartari aspect of powerful

Jupiter on 2nd and 4th house. The native after doing her C.A. is working with a MNC at Bombay.

Male: DOB -18.7.1962, 10.30 AM, Delhi

Sravana 1st Pada

Lagna lord Mercury though posited in 10th house is in Papkartari Yoga. Jupiter is retrograde in 6th house and suffers
from Papkartari Yoga. Lord of 2nd Venus is in 12th house in inimical sign with Hershel and Pluto and aspected by
malefic Mars.

Lord of 5th house Saturn is retrograde in 5th house with Moon and Ketu, and aspected by Rahu and Sun from 11th
house. Thus Mercury, Jupiter, Moon, lords of 2nd, 4th and 5th house are afflicted. The native, son of a Chief
Engineer, could not pass his Secondary School Examination even after vigorous coaching and several attempts. He
is working as a salesman in a small firm.

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Know Your Profession with the Help of Karakamsha October

S.R. Swamy

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People are more anxious to seek guidance, well in advance about the profession and careers of their children. Soon
they attain a particular stage in their education. It is the ignorance of the parents, guardians and the teachers who
contribute considerably to the miserable failures of careers of the children. We have often come across people,
whose lives are a failure just because they chose an unsuitable vocations. In other words, what we call aptitude is
completely ignored with the result ones talents are suppressed and one is made to suffer apparently for no fault. One
of the most important uses of astrology is the guidance it gives to the parents, who are more keen to know about the
future of their son or daughters educational career well in advance. Astrology can guide a grown up man who is still
undecided about the occupation in his life. If a study of astrological principles is taken up seriously, a more valuable
guidance can be given to an individual as to what vocation would be suitable for him to achieve success. Required
level of accuracy in prediction of this subject is still awaited as it needs to be strengthened with more research. I shall
endeavour to show in this article how far astrology enables one to choose a successful vocation consistent with his
aptitude. The important considerations are (a) In what occupations the child would take interest. (b) what are the
occupations in which the child can display his / her ability and knack in a brilliant manner. To begin with, consider
Karakamsha chart as a pivotal point. A planet in Karakamsha becomes the key planet. The dominant planet having
been thus discovered notice must be taken of the blend, it makes with other planets, which is aspected, or with the
sign in which it is placed etc. In considering the blends care must be taken to note which is stronger of the influences
blended. According to Jaimini the planet with highest longitude becomes the Atmakaraka. The sign in which the
Atmakaraka is situated in the Navmansha becomes the Karakamsha. Association of various planets with Atmakaraka
either in the Rashi or Navmansha, we can get a clue for the vocation of the native. Here are some of the astrological
combinations of planets, which shall give a glimpse of the profession of the Native. SUN : Sun is responsible to give
more power, ability to rule and command, will make the native to gain fitness for a Government employment, or a
high profile business executive with status and dignity. (a) If Sun occupies the Karakamsha lagna, the native will be
fond of public work, and will take interest in political activities. (b) If Sun and Venus aspect Karakamsha, the native
will be employed by Royal people or Top Class politicians. (c) Sun occupying 10th house in Karakamsha chart and
aspected by Jupiter, the native will be a successful Trader of Cattle. (d) If Sun occupies 5th house in Karakamsha
chart the native will become a Philosopher or a Musician. (e) If Sun is in conjunction with Rahu and occupies
Karakamsha, and Sun being located in benefic vargas, the native will become a Doctor treating poisonous afflictions.
MOON : Moon is responsible for fluctuations in occupation or business, but encourages the native for business in
aqua products, Marine produces, Liquid chemicals, Restaurant, Dairy products etc. (a) If full moon and Venus joins
Atmakaraka in Navmansha money will be earned by education. (b) If Moon is conjunct with Jupiter in Karakamsha or
in 5th from Karakamsha, the native becomes a author and earns his livelihood by authouring books. (c) If Moon is
alone in Karakamsha or in 5th from Karakamsha, the native become a musician. (d) Moon in Karakamsha aspected
by Venus makes the native an Alchemist. (e) Instead of Venus if aspected by mercury he will be a Doctor. MARS :
Mars denotes employment in the field where courage is required and a need to be skillful, brave. Dentists, Surgeons,
Engineers are also part of this group. (a) If mars occupies the Karkamsha the native earns his livelihood by meta
llurgy. (b) If mars occupies the Karakamsha with benefic aspects, the native will be a Judge. (c) If mars occupies 5th
place from Karakamsha under the aspect of Saturn, the native will become a Mechanic. MERCURY : Mercury is
solely responsible for the field of literature, arts and occupations requiring study, skill and intelligence. (a) If mercury
occupies the karakamsha the native becomes Merchant and well versed in social and political matters. (b) If mercury
occupies 5th place from Karakamsha, the native will become a Vedic Scholar. Jupiter : Usually Jupiter gives the
profession of physicians, lawyers, ministers, bankers, authors, journalists, philosophers etc. (a) When Jupiter
occupies the karakamsha the native becomes a philosopher, religious head and will have good knowledge of
Vedanta. (b) If Jupiter occupies 5th place from karakamsha, he will be a scholar in Vedas and Upnishads. VENUS :
Venus is responsible to gain financial assistance through marital sources, jewellery pleasure and luxury. (a) If Venus
joins Atmakaraka in Navmansha, the native will become a big politician. (b) If Venus joins karakamsha or the 5th from
karakamsha, the native will become a great poet. SATURN : Saturn is responsible to the professions, such as
builders, miners, land surveyors, agriculturists, labour contractors, municipal officials etc. (a) If Saturn occupies the
Karakamsha the native will adopt the profession of his forefathers. (b) If Saturn alone occupies 4th or 5th place from
karakamsha, the native will be skillful in archery and will adopt the same skill for livelihood. (c) Saturn occupying
karakamsha under the aspect of mars the native will become a builder. RAHU : Indirectly Rahu will give results like
Saturn but some of the combination indicates different professions also. (a) If rahu joins atmakaraka in navmansha,
the native earns his bread as a thief or decoit. (b) Rahu having close association with Mandi and occupying 4th place
from karakamsha the native will be specialised to treat snake bites and poisonous problems. (c) Rahu in 5th from
Karakamsha makes the native to be a good mechanic. KETU : Ketu will give results partially like Jupiter and mars. (a)
If ketu occupies 4th place from karakamsha the native will become a clock maker Repairer. (b) Ketu occupying
karakamsha makes the native a mathematician, if occupied in 5th house from karakamsha under benefic aspects the
results will be same. (c) Ketu occupying karakamsha under malefic aspects makes the native a thief. (d) Ketu
occupying 5th place from karakamsha under the aspect of Jupiter makes the native an astrologer. NOTE :
Combination of planets will give more than one activity with relation to the occupation of the respective planet. Apart
from above there are other Methods are also available as indicated by different schools of Astrology. In the matter of
determining the profession, importance has been given to the Ascendant, 10th and 8th houses either from ascendant
or Moon and the planets occupying these houses, lordship of these houses can also be taken in to consideration. In
this article only a glimpse on determination of profession has been taken, to give a general idea of the subject with
the help of karakamsha and Navamsha etc.

Knowledge, Education and Astrology January 2006

K. Santhanam

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 162 |

All education should primarily lead to upliftment of human beings. Education stems from two basic roots namely (a)
Attainment of knowledge and (b) Proper utilization of that knowledge. The former again depends on (i) The ability of
the individual- which in turn rests upon the mental faculty he/she possesses at birth and (ii) The interest one develops
during the course of his journey in life. The latter could again be either transient or progressive and lasting.
Somewhere hidden in ones interest being constructive and long lasting is an inert force known as Talent. It would
immediately be apparent that this force is so strong and benign that when it is exhibited and harmonized in a practical
mode, optimal contentment and satisfaction is reached. This is known as Manushya Nama Anandam and forms the
first of the eleven Anandams that lead to Bramhanandam. Knowledge by itself may be good or bad. This very function
of relativity in its applicability to living and non- living beings makes it so vast that one rightly feels its complete
attainment is a stupendous task. This inherent quality in acquiring knowledge makes the fulfillment of (b) i.e. the
proper utilization of knowledge a difficult task indeed. Surely, the human brain is roaming in an ocean of knowledge
without knowing where the destination is. This process eats up a high percentage of the human resources that one
possesses, and leaves him/her null and void at the end of the day. Should then we not acquire any knowledge? This
unfortunately is out of people's scope, as the human mind even in its most deformed state at birth, as per medical
terms, thirsts for the attainment of that complete knowledge which is so difficult to attain. The MIND is known as
MANN in Sanskrit, which means Ego. The reverse of Mann is Namm which term is a yoga used in Hindu rituals to
automatically remove that stressful ego and enable us to tread a more constructive journey in life. This realization of
inability to attainment of total knowledge has dawned on the Human race, though belatedly and given rise to what is
today so explosively termed as Expertise. This term is just like the Wolf that termed the Grapes as Sour, as it was not
able to attain themin this case the attainment of total knowledge. When viewed from Man made functionaries,
Expertise may seem to a certain extent appropriate; but not so if applied to Human Beings, which works holistically
and must be so analysed. No wonder Expertise in a particular medical field has left the Medical doctors roaming wild
and leaving the poor patient stranded not knowing where he has to go to find the real cause of his distress within his
system. Acquirement of knowledge falls into two categories, namely Sruthi and Smrithi. While Sruthi literally means,
what is heard, Smrithi denotes what is remembered. The laws and byelaws for social upliftment are Smrithis. The
principals enumerated by Parasara, Manu, Bhaskara and Jaimini are some Smrithis which form the basis to formulate
fruitful and constructive modes to better living. It may be mentioned that every thing that is heard need not
necessarily be remembered. In fact only those items that have a deep internal effect upon the individual is carried to
the Human memory plane. All students hear from the same teacher; but some remember more than the others!
Obviously, the inert field of talent one possesses has a large part to play in this vital function. On the other hand the
sound vibrations that one hears, affect the system directly and cause divertive motions within the human body. These
may be negative, transient or positive. Their reaction on the human breathing system is extensive and is many times
a cause for improper and unstable functioning of an individual. The harmonization of Sruthi and Smrithi leads to inner
satisfaction and contentment and optimal utilization of human energy. The daily cycle of life is an apt exposition of the
working of the human system, which had been so well propagated by our erstwhile SAGES. These are Dwaitha by
Madhwacharya, Vishishta Adwaitha by Ramunaja and Adwaitha by Shankara. When the Sun rises Dwaitha or
duality comes into play. Each individual feels that the other is different to what he is and therefore the world is
immersed into an ocean of competitiveness, selfishness and hatred. As the evening sets, the tired body seeks refuge
but the Mind has yet not relented. The body is traveling through semi sleep or dream state. This may be termed as
Krishna Vishista Adwaitha. In this period, the Mind wanders into the happenings of the day, tries to analyze it,
relative to past conducts and in the process draws conclusions which may elate or depress one's feelings. In both
cases it leads to large-scale loss of ones energy resources. The Mind thereby also tires and seeks revitalization in
deep sleep. The human being is running through a state known as Adwaitha- the feeling of oneness within oneself
and with the world. In this state the human body revives its lost energy, conserves and optimizes utilization of its
energy resources. Clearly good sleep is an indication of vitality in health. From this state, one again reaches a semi
wake or dream position. In this state the body with its high available energy resources feels confident to take up any
task whatsoever. This can be termed as Shukla Vishishta Adwaitha. The dreams during this state are said to come
true and verily so, as the body has emerged from the most optimal stage of available energy resources. Ones it
wakes up it again falls into the Dwaitha or Duality state and the cycle continues. This cycle clearly indicates the need
for proper remodulation of energy resources for integration of the Jivathma and Parmathma or in other words
attaining lasting Bliss. The above elaborate exposition of acquirement of knowledge, its proper utilization keeping in
view the ultimate constructive target of attainment of steadfast happiness - known as Education and the process of
remodulation of available Human resources indicated by ones horoscope, to attain the same, is to enable stringent
astrologers, the path they should adopt to guide the public in this most important sphere to harmonious living. Let us
analyze a few horoscopes to clear the above points:- (a) The boy was born on 20 2 1974 at New Delhi Clearly the
aspect of Jupiter and Mars aspect on the fifth house, Mercury (the lord of the sixth) alongwith Jupiter in the 11th
House, indicate that the literary studies lead to electrical engineering. The above in collusion with Moon and Venus in
the 10th, give an inclination towards electronic engineering and management in financial fields. The aspect of Saturn
the lord of the 10th and the 11th houses together with Marss the lagnadhipathi , upon the 5th ensures ample
remuneration from these literary qualifications obtained by him. However, the constellation in which the Lagnadhipathi
is travelling being Ketu who is conjoined with Saturn-the lord of the 10th and the 11th and aspected by Jupiter upon
the 3rd house, clearly indicates that ultimate satisfaction and contentment would arise only from in depth studies in
the spiritual field. Even Jyothism cannot be ruled out-but it would not primarily be for commercial purposes. Though,
this is inert within the boy, it will surface only around the mid forties when Saturn dasa starts. Moreover, it will carry
the full support of his wife, who will work directly or indirectly, as a catalyzing agent in this regard. Jupiters collusion
with Mercury-the lord of the 6th confirms the above trend. The 4th house represents the palatable resource one
possesses and the 10th house defines its direction of utility. The 3rd house indicates the sources and efforts needed
to create this resource. Here, the lord of the 4th is Moon while that of the 10th is Saturn which are 6/8 to each other.
This clearly indicates that material upgradation alone will not bring contentment. He would have to seek other means
to fulfill his inner satisfaction. Ketu in the constellation of Mars the Lagnadhipathi who is situated in the 2nd
aspecting the 5th comes to the rescue. Its conjointment with Saturn the lord of the 10th and 11th, clearly indicates
that inert earning for attainment of transcendental powers and its fulfillment will be the source of contentment during
this journey of life. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter will help him in attaining this. Here Sruthi is represented by Ketu and
Smrithi by Saturn. The boy should therefore be guided towards the above ultimate aim so that he starts enjoying life
far earlier than when the actual exposition comes. This would not only supplement his resources but would optimize
his implementation progression in his material field. This would lead to better living for himself as well as for the
environment surrounding him. This is Education. The boy is an electrical/ electronics engineer with MBA in finance
looking for an alliance. The erstwhile Gurus used this methodology to optimize manpower and instill self-dedication
and confidence within oneself. Unfortunately, the modern schools and teachers therein who are more dedicated to
themselves than to optimize the students capabilities, guide them to the path of merely material output, thereby
leading the oncoming generation easily susceptible to depression and hypertension, which Education is primarily
meant to remove. More examples and analysis will follow.

Aaya Prakarana January 2006

CSVLN Sharma

Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 160 |

In the Vastu sastra The Aaya Prakarana is one of the most important part. The word Aaya means income. While
taking-up any construction in the selected land Aaya should be followed to achieve good results so that the
construction will remain beneficial for a long time. Vastu sastra is an integral part of the Sanhita of Jyothisha Sastra. It
is classified for Temples (Alayas), Gruha, Silpa, Yantra etc. The formula of Aaya and Vargas are to be followed for
scientific and accurate construction. The importance and the need of these Navavargas are clearly stated in the
classical references such as Samarangana, Suthradhara, Mayamata, Aparajita Prucha, Kalarnrutha, Viswakarna
Prakasika, Vasthusara etc., In the Viswakarma Prakasika the nine vargas are clearly elaborated. Sloka:
.... Ayo varom sako drayya mrinamrksam tidhiryutih ayuschadha i.e., Ayam, Varam, Amsa,
Dhana, Runa, Nakshatra, Tidhi, Yuti (Yoga), Ayuvu. There are some differences of opinion in classifying these nine
vargas; some classical texts state only 6 vargas i.e., Aaya, Dhana, Vyaya, Tidhi, Vara, Nakshatra. Manasara states in
concerning the characteristics of village. Sloka : (Eva Mayadi sadamvarga kuryattatra vicakasaneh) which defines
vargas as 6 types. But in Samarangana Sutradhara the 49th sloka states v;ksO;;'p ;ksfrO;a rkjk'p Hkorka'kdk%
x`gkuesfr fpaR;kfr dj.kfu x`gL;"kV~ Ayovyayasca yonityam tarasca bhavanamsakah grhanameti cintyani karanani
grhasyasat The main elements or vargas for a house are six; Aaya (income), Vyaya (expenditure), Yoni (dhvaja etc.),
Amsa of building (indra, yama, rajasa) letters in the name of house (Dhruvadi grah namakshara). The life span is
dealt separately. Determining Aaya : Sloke : Dhvajo,
Dhurnro harih svagauh khare bhavayaso Purvadi diksu castanam dhvajadi namapisthitih. There are eight different
types of aayas namely Dhvaja, dhumro, simha, svana, vrushabha, khara, gaja and kaka yayasa). The representation
of these eight aayas in eight direction i.e., Dhwaja in East, Dhurnra in South-East, Simha in South, Svana in South-
West. Gaja in North and the Kaka in North-East directions. These aayas are considered for the native according to
the direction. Always the fifth Aaya is enemical to the native and should be avoided. For example East is the native of
dhwaja, so the fifth aaya which is opposite to it is enemical. The construction of house, temple etc., are to be made in
all the four directions i.e., East, South, West & North, but not in the corner directions. The effects of Aayas are: (i)
Dhwaja Aaya : Monetary benefits (ii) Dhumra Aaya : Sorrows (iii) Simha Aaya : Luxuries (iv) Svana Aaya : Great sins
(v) Vrushabha Aaya : Increase of wealth & gains (vi) Gaja Aaya : Success (vii) Kaka Aaya : Death Among these
aayas the dhwaja aaya will aspect the West from the East and right and left side. Rear side aspect is not favourable.
The Simha aaya will aspect the North from the South and right and left sides. Rear side is not favourable. The
Vrushabha aaya will aspect the East from the West and right & left sides. Rear side aspect is unfavourable. Gaja will
aspect the South from the North and right & left sides. Rear side aspect is unfavourable. Regarding the main doors,
for the Dhwaja aaya Western door, Vrushabha East door, Northern Door for Simha aaya, Southern door for Gaja aya
are favourable. East facing house which has Dhwaja aaya a western door, a house constructed on South which has
Simha aya also a western door are good. Likewise a house constructed on Southern side which has simhaaya a
Northern door, for a West facing house with vrushabha aaya Eastern door is favourable. For a North facing house
with gaja aaya Southern door is favourable. The aayas are having its swarupas and lordships and cast also. Simha
aaya is of lion, vrushabha aaya is of bull, gaja aaya is of an elephant, dhumra aaya is cat, svana aaya is dog, khara
aaya is of donkey and where as the kaka is of crow, considering the lordships. Sloka :
Sarveca vrsabha rudah purusakara mudgalah
tadrupakasca hastabhyam padebhyam vihaganugah grivaya simha rupasca prabalasca mohotkatam All these aayas
have masculine features, bullock, like features, elevated neck, hands which resemble human hands, features like
bird-feet, lion neck, are favourably considered. Sloka :
akaradisu vargesu diku pragadiksu kramat Khagesau tu harisvakhya sarpakhu gajasukarah Direction Varga Aaya
Lordship East a Dhwajaya Eagle South-East Ka Dhumraya Cat South Cha Simhaaya Lion South-West Ta Svanaya
Dog West Ta (tha) Vrushabhaaya Snake North-West Pa Kharaaya Rat North Ya Gajaaya Elephant North-East Sa
Kakaya Pig Above all these vargas the fifth varga of a native varga is enemy varga, which should be always avoided.
Swa varga i.e, own varga is always favourable & preferable. Sloka :
Digvarganamiyam Yonih Svavar gatmcamoripuh Ripuvargam parityajya sesa vargah subhapradah Varga
Swavarga Enemical 5th varga varga A East West Other vargas favourable Ka South-East North-West Cha South
North Ta South-West North-East Tha West East ; Pa North-West South-East Ya North South Sa North-
East South-West Sloka :
Svavarga Dhana labhancha Dvitiyam Tarivisakam Tritiyam visamityahuh Chaturdhe
Vyadhipidana Panchamantu ripusthanam shastamtu kalaha pradam, Saptamam Sarva saubhagyam astamam
maranam dhruvam i.e., Swavarga - Dhana labha-monetary benefits Second varga - Less profits Third varga -
Auspicious Fourth varga - Diseases Fifth varga - Enemical Sixth varga - Quarrelsome (other classical texts states
wealth) Seventh varga - All kinds of benefits Eight varga - Death In consideration of aaya castes For Brahmins -
Dawaja aaya with Western entrance For Kshathriyas -Simha aaya with North entrance For Vaisyas - Vrushabha aaya
with Eastern entrance are good and favourable. The Dhwaja aaya is also good & considered for Kshathriyas &
Vaisyas. Simha aaya brings inadequate progeny. Simha, Vrishabha & Gaja ayas are always preferable and the other
aayas lead to bad results. Different castes indicate their professions. People should follow the aaya of their
profession. The Result of Amsa : There are only three Amsas in the Aaya prakasana; (1) lndramsa, (2) Yamamsa
and (3) Rajasamsa. The lndramsa will present the status and happiness. The yamamsa will lead to death, sorrow,
many diseases. The Rajasamsa will improve the wealth gains and progeny. Vara (weekdays) among the 7 days the
week Sun & Mars of a house will result in threat from fire and the other days will be favourable. Tithi (Lunar Day)
Sloka : Tidherikte daridratvam darse garba nipatanam Among the tuthis the rikta tithi
will cause poverty, new moon day (amavasya) will cause diseases of worms. Yoga : As against 27 yogas the bad
yogas will affect the owner by loss of wealth and gains. The vratipat yoga creates fear of death. The vaidhruti yoga
causes all sorts of losses. Ayuvu (Life Span) : When the life span of house based on the arithmetical calculations is
more than 60, it gives auspicious results, if it is less than 60 years then it is inauspicious. Regarding the Dhana &
Rina, the total no. of Dhana should be more than that of the number of Rina as per the prescribed mathematical
calculations and the pada should be taken in all the constructions. Dikpatis (Lords of directions) : As per the
calculations the remainder gives the results as follows: 1. lndra - Good for women 2. Agni - Threat from fire 3. Yama -
Inauspicious 4. Nirti - Fear from enemies 5. Varuna - Increase cattle field 6. Vayu - Unsteadiness 7. Kubera - Increase
of gains 8. Siva - Auspicious Now let us know the method of calculations of Aayadi nava vargas : First of all the
Kshetripada is required i.e., Padam. It means the area (selected area for constructions) is got by multiplying the
length & width of the same. The kshetripada is also called as graha pinda. By multiplying and dividing the kshetripada
i.e., area with the given numbers we get the nine vargas i.e., Aaya, Vara, Amsa, Dhana, Rina, Nakshatha Tidhi, Yurti,
Ayuvu etc., The classical texts of vastu sashtra, i.e., Viswakarma Prakasika, Kalamruta state the methods in different
ways. The Viswakarma Prakasika Method 1) Padam (length x width) x 9 (nava) /8 (naga) = Aaya 2) Padam (length x
width) x 9 (amka) /7 (adri)= Vara 3) Padam (length x width) x 6 (amga) / 9 (nava)= amsa 4) Padam (length x width) x
8 (gaja)/12 (surya) =Dravyam 5) Padam (length x width)x3 (vahni) /8(asta) = Runa (Debts) 6) Padam (length x width)
x 8 (naga) / 27 (bha) = Nakshatra 7) Padam (length x width)x8(asta)/30 (Tidhi)= Tithi 8) Padam (length x width) x 7
(sagara) / 27 (Ruksha) = Yuti / yoga 9) Padam (length x width) x 8 (naga) / 120 (Khabham) = Ayu (life span) The
Kalamruta Method 1) Padam x 8 / 12 = Dhanam (Income) 2) Padam x 3 / 8 = Runam (Debts) 3) Padam x 9 / 7 = Vara
(The week) 4) Padam x 6 / 30 = Tithi 5) Padam x 8 / 27 = Nakshatra 6) Padam x 9 / 8 = Ayam 7) Padam x 9 / 120 =
Ayu (Life span) 8) Padam x 6 / 8 = Amsa 9) Padam x 9 / 8 = Dikruti In the Sarnrangana Sutradhara, the writer King
Bhoja states. 1. For Aaya: If the Kshetripada (length & width of the selected area) is divided by 8 the remainder, 1.
Dwaja, 2. Dhuma, 3. Simha, 4. Svana, 5. Vrashabha, 6. Khara, 7. Gaja, 8. Kaka the remainder 0 = 8. 2. The
Nakshatra : By multiplying the Kshetra pada by 8 and dividing by 27, we get Nakshatra. If the remainder number is 8,
it stands for vyaya. ie., expenditure. It this number of expenditure is less than the no. of income, it is known as yaksa,
if more than that it is known as rakshasa. If it is equal it is called as pisacha. Among these yaksha is considered for
best, rakshasa is negative and pisacha will give normal result. 3. Amsa Sadhana : Add the number of vyaya and
gruha nama nakshtra and divide this total by 3, the remainder 1 is indramasa, 2 is yamamsa and the 3 is rajasamsa.
Indra & rajasamsa will give best results whereas the yamasa is inauspicious. 4. Rasi sadhana : Multiply the gruha
nakshatra with 4 and divide by 12 the result is the rasi. When the rasi is 6, 5,2, 8, 12 against the native's rasi it is
inauspicious. 5. The Tarabala : Counting from the Janma Nakshtra of a person to the nakshatra of the house and
dividing by nine, the remainder 4,6,9 are auspicious, 1,2, 8 are normal and the numbers 3, 5, 7 are evil. 6. Ayuvu
(Longevity) : Multiplying the kshetra pada by 8 and dividing by 120, we get ayuvu of the house. 0 counts as 8 which is
not good. The other classical texts like Aparajita Prucha, Vastu Vidya, Manushyalaya Chandrika, Manusutra etc., give
some variations. So it is necessary to observe the Aaya and the navavargas before any constructions to achieve
good results for prosperity, wealth, growth etc.

Judgment of Educational Prospects October 2005

Sitaram singh

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A well qualified youth is assured of a lucrative job and status in life. Hence all the parents pay special attention to the
education of their children. But it is also true that a child cannot be made a doctor, engineer, C.A. or M.B.A. as wished
for by the parents and that many professionally Successful and famous persons were not highly qualified. It is,
therefore, advisable that the parents, instead of pressurizing their child for outstanding performance, should consult a
competent astrologer to assess the childs educational prospects, and accordingly plan for his future. Children with
weak intelligence have difficulty in pursuing academic courses, and should be best shifted to job oriented courses.
The astrological classics hold that the 2nd and the 5th house and their lords should be examined to assess the
educational prospects. Among the planets Moon is manah karka Significator of mind, Mercury is Buddhi and vidya
karka (significator for Intellect and education), and Jupiter is Janana karka (signification for learning). When the
Lagna and Lagnesh are strong, conjoined with or aspected by benefics, the native is healthy, intelligent, capable and
enjoys good status in life. The 2nd house denotes wealth, speech, education, etc. Its karka is Jupiter. The 3rd house
indicates endeavour and effort. When the 3rd house and its lord are conjoined with or aspected by benefic planets,
the child studies with devotion and does not get disheartened. The 4th house shows the state of mind and
atmosphere at home. When the 4th house, its lord and karka Moon are strong conjoined with or aspected by Jupiter
or Mercury, the education of the child progresses smoothly, but if the 4th house or its lord is in papkartari yoga or
conjoined with or aspected by malefics, there is difficulty in concentration or obstruction in education Educational
attainment depends on the childs intelligence shown by the 5th house. When the 5th house, its lord and mercury are
strong, conjoined with or aspected by jnana karka Jupiter, the child is quite intelligent (Budhiman), and easily
understands the subjects taught. Mercury gives best result in Fiery, Airy and its exaltation sign. When the Moon and
Mercury are posited 3-11 or 5-9 to each other and aspected by Jupiter, the child has sharp intelligence. Strong Jupiter
with the Sun in Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th house makes the child learned. Lord of 5th house with Mercury, and
Jupiter in Kendra or Trikona, makes the child highly intelligent. Ninth house shows higher knowledge and Jupiter is its
karka. When the Moon and Mercury are in the 9th or 5th house, aspected by Jupiter the child is prodigious and a
merit scholar. An exalted Jupiter in Lagna or 2nd house makes the native famous for his learning. Though the scope
of education has much widened, yet a systematic analysis of the horoscope clearly indicates whether the child has
aptitude for Arts, Science or Commerce. The influence of Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on the 2nd, 4th and 5th
house and their lords indicates medical, technical or engineering line. The influence of Mercury and Jupiter on these
houses and their lords indicates Commerce, Accounts or Teaching line, and that of Moon and venus gives success in
music, drama and other fine arts. The combined influence of the Sun, Mercury and Venus makes the native scientist.
Involvement of Mars points to Engineering. The combination of Moon and Mercury shows bio-chemistry. Strong
Saturn with Jupiter gives success in legal profession. Mars in own sign and aspected by benefics makes one
proficient in mathematics and logic. Jupiter and Mercury in own or exaltation sign in Trikona make one accomplished
scholar and writer. Planets produce result in their dasa-bhukti in keeping with their strength. Exalted planets in
the horoscope give full result, Vargottama or in Mooltrikona 3/4, in own sign 1/2, and in friendly sign 1/4 result.
Benefics in inimical sign, with or between malefics (papkartari yoga) give less than 1/4 result. When the dasa of the
lord of Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th -and favourable Moon, Mercury and Jupiter operate during educational period (5-25
years), the student has good success. The dasa of lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house and malefic planet naturally cause
obstruction in educational attainment. It is also important to look into transit of planets during examination period.
When Saturn, Rahu or Ketu transit Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th house or over their lords, Moon, Mercury Jupiter and bhukti
lord, the child does not get expected result in the examination. However, when dasa-bhukti is strong the effect of
malefic transit is less effective. The transit of Jupiter in Lagna, 5th and 9th house augments the effect of favourable
dasa-bhukti. Some combination for educational success and deficiency are as follows:- 1) good intelligence
(Buddhiman Yogas) i) Exalted Lagna lord aspecting or placed in 5th house. ii) Lord of 2nd house in own, friendly or
exaltation sign, in Kendra or Trikona iii) Lord of 2nd house with Jupiter in Kendra or Trikona, iv) Lord of 2nd exalted,
and with either Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon, in Kendra or Trikona. v) Strong lord of 4th house in Kendra or
Trikona or 11th house, and conjoined with or aspected by benefics vi) Mercury in own sign in 5th house, conjoined
with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus or both. vii) Strong lord of 5th in Kendra or Trikona or 11th house. viii) Lord of
5th with Mercury or Jupiter, or aspected by them, and posited in 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th house. ix) Lords of 5th and 9th
house in 5th, aspected by benefice. x) Budha-Aditya Yoga in benefic signs in Kendra or Trikona and aspected by
Jupiter. 2) Low Intelligence (Heena Buddhi Yogas) i) Malefics posted in or aspecting lagna, and Saturn in 5th house
aspecting Lagna lord. ii) Lagna aspected by Saturn and the 5th lord with a malefic. iii) Weak Moon in Lagna aspected
by Saturn or Mars. iv) Combined aspect of the Sun, Mars and Saturn on the Moon. v) The Sun and the Moon in
Lagna aspected by malefics. vi) The 2nd house and its lord in association with Rahu or Saturn without any benefic
aspect. vii) 5th house occupied by malefics, and the 5th lord also aspected by or associated with malefics. viii) Lord of
5th in inimical sign, in 6th, 8th or 12th house or debilitated, and aspected by malefics. ix) Lord of 2nd and 5th house
with Mercury and Jupiter in 6th, 8th or 12th house in inimical sign. x) Saturn or Rahu in 2nd house, not aspected by
benefics affect intelligence and give little education. xi) Rahu in 5th, with malefic aspect, gives little education due to
low intelligence. xii) Evil Mars in 5th house causes low intelligence and violent temper. Xiii) Evil aspect of Mars on
Mercury makes the child go astray and disturbs education. A fewhoroscopes highlighting the above astrological
principles are as follows: (1) Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore DOB: 7.3.1861, 26.51 (LMT) Calcutta Revati 2nd Pada;
Mercury Balance: 10 yrs. 2 months 10 days He was born in benefic Meena Lagna and Rasi. Lagna lord Jupiter is
exalted in 5th house and lord of 5th and Manah karka Moon is in Lagna. This made him a person of noble thoughts,
Philanthropic and humanitarian. Budhi karka Mercury is 1n Kendra from Jupiter with exalted Atmakarka Sun, and
forms Budhi-Aditya Yoga in 2nd house. The location of Venus with Mercury and the Sun in 2nd house made him a
world famous poet and painter. However, the location of Mars and Ketu in the 4th house caused breaks in his
educational career due to family disturbances. (2) Female: DOB- 17.3.1972, 23.30 hrs. Bulandshahr (UP), Aswini 2nd
Pada The lord of 2nd and 5th house Jupiter is in 2nd house in its Mooltrikona sign. There is Budha-Aditya Yoga in 5th
house. Lord of Lagna and 4th (Mars and Saturn respectively) are in 7th Kendra and aspected by Rahu. There is also
Subhkartari aspect of strong Jupiter on Mars and Saturn. There is also exchange between 6th lord (Mars) and 7th
lord (Venus). She completed M.B.B.S., M.D., and is a successful doctor. But due to strong malefic effect on 7th house
she is yet unmarried. (3) Female: 4.9.1972, 21.41 hrs., Mumbai. Pushya 3rd Pada. Lagna lord Mars is in 5th house
(Leo) with 5th lord Sun and Mercury, aspected by strong 9th lord Jupiter in 9th house, in its Mooltrikona sign. Lord of
10th Saturn is in 2nd in friendly sign and its dispositor Venus is in 4th house with 4th lord Moon. There is Shubhkartari
aspect of powerful Jupiter on 2nd and 4th house. The native after doing her C.A. is working with a MNC at Bombay.
(4) Male: DOB -18.7.1962, 10.30 AM, Delhi Sravana 1st Pada Lagna lord Mercury though posited in 10th house is in
Papkartari Yoga. Jupiter is retrograde in 6th house and suffers from Papkartari Yoga. Lord of 2nd Venus is in 12th
house in inimical sign with Hershel and Pluto and aspected by malefic Mars. Lord of 5th house Saturn is retrograde in
5th house with Moon and Ketu, and aspected by Rahu and Sun from 11th house. Thus Mercury, Jupiter, Moon, lords
of 2nd, 4th and 5th house are afflicted. The native, son of a Chief Engineer, could not pass his Secondary School
Examination even after vigorous coaching and several attempts. He is working as a salesman in a small firm.

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