Syllabus: Physics 411 Modern Dynamics Spring 2017: Nolte@physics -

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Syllabus: Physics 411 Modern Dynamics Spring 2017

Instructor: Professor David Nolte

Office: Room 78, Physics Bldg.

Office Hours: by arrangement

(MUST PUT Phys411 in subject line)

Class Times: MW 1:30 AM 2:20 PM

Text Book: Introduction to Modern Dynamics (Oxford University Press, D. D.

Auxiliary Notes: Companion to Modern Dynamics can be downloaded from

Homework: One set per week. Due Wednesdays.

Programming Language: MATLAB


Programs: Skeleton Matlab programs can be downloaded from

Midterm 3/8 7:30-9:00PM
Final Exam (cumulative) to be announced

Class Presentation and Report:

A 12-minute presentation analyzing a dynamical flow for a selected topic (network
dynamics, neurodynamics, evolutionary dynamics, economic dynamics or relativistic
dynamics). Establish the dynamical flow, find the fixed points and limit sets, evaluate the
stabilities, present the phase portraits, explore parameter space (bifurcations, invariance,
etc.). A 5-7 page report (single space with equations and figures and references) is also

Final Grade: 20% Homework

20% Midterm #1
30% Class Presentation and Report
30% Final Exam

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