J D Email 1

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From: Mandy Farrow

Subject: Accounting - J
Date: October 15, 2016 at 5:47 PM
To: d , d
Cc: A L g , T S ts

Hello T &D

I am J Accounting teacher, and we just finished Chapter 2. I am concerned with his decreased participation, which led to a
decreased understanding of the material. During the first chapter J assignment performance varied, but he completed it on time.
He also earned 89% on the chapter test, so I was confident in his level of understanding.

Throughout the second chapter I continually needed to remind J to finish assignments. The students are given class time for
assignments, because I want to be available to answer questions if they get stuck. During this time, J chatted with friends instead
of completing assignments. The graded assignments are online. He would often say that his Chromebook wasnt charged and hed do
the work at home. I extended the deadlines for him, but there was still one assignment left unfinished. I have moved him away from
the friends in an attempt to remove distractions. Every day, I need to move him back to his assigned seat at least once. As soon as Im
distracted by another student, he moves back to his friends. J lack of effort during the second chapter showed in his test score,

I allow students to retake tests, as well as improve assignment scores by explaining to me why answers were incorrect and what the
correct answer should be. In order to retake a test, students need to complete a Request to Retest form with a parent signature. They
also need to convince me that they have done something to improve their understanding of the material. I leave it up to the student to
request a retest, but I strongly suggest that J consider it. I would like to set up a few after school sessions with J to improve his
understanding (and grade) for chapter 2. During the first session, J and I can complete the missing assignment. During the second
session, J and I can go through the online study guide, which is very similar to the test. During the third session, he can retake the
test (it will be a slightly different version, but cover the same material). Please let me know if you and J think this will work. If so, we
can get some times set up as soon as possible.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions to keep J on track during class time. I do want J to be successful, and I
know that he has the ability!

Thank you,
Mandy Farrow
From: D
Subject: Re: Accounting - J
Date: October 17, 2016 at 10:48 AM
To: Mandy Farrow

Hello Mandy,

Thank you for contacting me. this seems to be a reoccurring theme with J lately. I've been in contact with Mrs. L as well
as a few other teachers.
I'm very concerned about J lack of focus. Until this year,

I think that is a wonderful idea to get him back on track. I will talk to J after school.
Thanks again for bring J lack of focus to my attention, as I told the other teachers, it only confirmed what I had suspected from
what I have seen if him at home.

Thank you,


Sent from my I phone

On Oct 15, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Mandy Farrow <mandy.j.farrow@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Tim & Diane,

I sent an email regarding Jacks accounting class earlier today. I just noticed that it was sent from my personal email account rather
than my school account. Please use my school email (mfarrow@isd2135.org) to get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from
Mandy Farrow

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mandy Farrow <mandy.j.farrow@gmail.com>

Subject: Accounting - Jack
Date: October 15, 2016 at 5@47@13 PM CDT
To: dmdaly64@gmail.com, dalyfarms.tim@gmail.com
Cc: Ann Langworthy <guidance@isd2135.org>, Ted Simon <tsimon@isd2135.org>

Hello Tim & Diane,

I am Jacks Accounting teacher, and we just finished Chapter 2. I am concerned with his decreased participation, which led to a
decreased understanding of the material. During the first chapter Jacks assignment performance varied, but he completed it on
time. He also earned 89% on the chapter test, so I was confident in his level of understanding.

Throughout the second chapter I continually needed to remind Jack to finish assignments. The students are given class time for
assignments, because I want to be available to answer questions if they get stuck. During this time, Jack chatted with friends
instead of completing assignments. The graded assignments are online. He would often say that his Chromebook wasnt charged
and hed do the work at home. I extended the deadlines for him, but there was still one assignment left unfinished. I have moved
him away from the friends in an attempt to remove distractions. Every day, I need to move him back to his assigned seat at least
once. As soon as Im distracted by another student, he moves back to his friends. Jacks lack of effort during the second chapter
showed in his test score, 50%.

I allow students to retake tests, as well as improve assignment scores by explaining to me why answers were incorrect and what
the correct answer should be. In order to retake a test, students need to complete a Request to Retest form with a parent
signature. They also need to convince me that they have done something to improve their understanding of the material. I leave it
up to the student to request a retest, but I strongly suggest that Jack consider it. I would like to set up a few after school sessions
with Jack to improve his understanding (and grade) for chapter 2. During the first session, Jack and I can complete the missing
assignment. During the second session, Jack and I can go through the online study guide, which is very similar to the test. During
the third session, he can retake the test (it will be a slightly different version, but cover the same material). Please let me know if
you and Jack think this will work. If so, we can get some times set up as soon as possible.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions to keep Jack on track during class time. I do want Jack to be successful,
and I know that he has the ability!

Thank you,
Mandy Farrow
From: Mandy Farrow
Subject: Re: Accounting - J
Date: October 18, 2016 at 5:31 AM
To: D
Cc: A L guidance , T S ts

Thanks, D . If J agrees to a few extra sessions as well, let me know and well set up some times. As I mentioned, I think we can
sort out his understanding of the material in about two after school lessons and then he can retake the test on a third day.
Thank you!

On Oct 17, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Diane Daly <dmdaly64@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Mandy,

Thank you for contacting me. this seems to be a reoccurring theme with Jack lately. I've been in contact with Mrs. Langworthy as
well as a few other teachers.
I'm very concerned about Jack's lack of focus. Until this year, he used to take meds for ADD and said he didn't want to take them
because of the way they make him feel.
I think that is a wonderful idea to get him back on track. I will talk to Jack after school.
Thanks again for bring Jacks lack of focus to my attention, as I told the other teachers, it only confirmed what I had suspected from
what I have seen if him at home.

Thank you,

Diane Daly

Sent from my I phone

On Oct 15, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Mandy Farrow <mandy.j.farrow@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Tim & Diane,

I sent an email regarding Jacks accounting class earlier today. I just noticed that it was sent from my personal email account
rather than my school account. Please use my school email (mfarrow@isd2135.org) to get in touch with me. I look forward to
hearing from you,
Mandy Farrow

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mandy Farrow <mandy.j.farrow@gmail.com>

Subject: Accounting - Jack
Date: October 15, 2016 at 5@47@13 PM CDT
To: dmdaly64@gmail.com, dalyfarms.tim@gmail.com
Cc: Ann Langworthy <guidance@isd2135.org>, Ted Simon <tsimon@isd2135.org>

Hello Tim & Diane,

I am Jacks Accounting teacher, and we just finished Chapter 2. I am concerned with his decreased participation, which led to a
decreased understanding of the material. During the first chapter Jacks assignment performance varied, but he completed it on
time. He also earned 89% on the chapter test, so I was confident in his level of understanding.

Throughout the second chapter I continually needed to remind Jack to finish assignments. The students are given class time for
assignments, because I want to be available to answer questions if they get stuck. During this time, Jack chatted with friends
instead of completing assignments. The graded assignments are online. He would often say that his Chromebook wasnt
charged and hed do the work at home. I extended the deadlines for him, but there was still one assignment left unfinished. I
have moved him away from the friends in an attempt to remove distractions. Every day, I need to move him back to his
assigned seat at least once. As soon as Im distracted by another student, he moves back to his friends. Jacks lack of effort
during the second chapter showed in his test score, 50%.

I allow students to retake tests, as well as improve assignment scores by explaining to me why answers were incorrect and
what the correct answer should be. In order to retake a test, students need to complete a Request to Retest form with a parent
signature. They also need to convince me that they have done something to improve their understanding of the material. I leave
it up to the student to request a retest, but I strongly suggest that Jack consider it. I would like to set up a few after school
sessions with Jack to improve his understanding (and grade) for chapter 2. During the first session, Jack and I can complete
the missing assignment. During the second session, Jack and I can go through the online study guide, which is very similar to
the test. During the third session, he can retake the test (it will be a slightly different version, but cover the same material).
Please let me know if you and Jack think this will work. If so, we can get some times set up as soon as possible.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions to keep Jack on track during class time. I do want Jack to be successful,
From: Farrow, Mandy
Subject: Re: Accounting - J
Date: November 2, 2016 at 4:05 PM
To: D

J just finished his retest of Chapter 2. He improved from 44/88 to 87/88! He is a really bright student. Thanks for working with me
on this!

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Farrow, Mandy <mfarrow@isd2135.org> wrote:
Jack took a retest form, but he didn't ask about setting up some times after school. Maybe he'll stop in after school today. At the
moment, I'm available every day next week except Wednesday. Thanks, Mandy

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 1:17 PM, Diane Daly <dmdaly64@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Mandy,

I talked to Jack about setting up times to meet with you and I didn't give him a choice. He was told to do it today, so I hope that he

Thank you again,

Diane Daly

Sent from my I phone

On Oct 18, 2016, at 5:31 AM, Mandy Farrow <mfarrow@isd2135.org> wrote:

Thanks, Diane. If Jack agrees to a few extra sessions as well, let me know and well set up some times. As I mentioned, I think
we can sort out his understanding of the material in about two after school lessons and then he can retake the test on a third
Thank you!

On Oct 17, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Diane Daly <dmdaly64@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Mandy,

Thank you for contacting me. this seems to be a reoccurring theme with Jack lately. I've been in contact with Mrs.
Langworthy as well as a few other teachers.
I'm very concerned about Jack's lack of focus. Until this year, he used to take meds for ADD and said he didn't want to take
them because of the way they make him feel.
I think that is a wonderful idea to get him back on track. I will talk to Jack after school.
Thanks again for bring Jacks lack of focus to my attention, as I told the other teachers, it only confirmed what I had
suspected from what I have seen if him at home.

Thank you,

Diane Daly

Sent from my I phone

On Oct 15, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Mandy Farrow <mandy.j.farrow@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Tim & Diane,

I sent an email regarding Jacks accounting class earlier today. I just noticed that it was sent from my personal email
account rather than my school account. Please use my school email (mfarrow@isd2135.org) to get in touch with me. I look
forward to hearing from you,
Mandy Farrow

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mandy Farrow <mandy.j.farrow@gmail.com>

Subject: Accounting - Jack
Date: October 15, 2016 at 5@47@13 PM CDT
To: dmdaly64@gmail.com, dalyfarms.tim@gmail.com
Cc: Ann Langworthy <guidance@isd2135.org>, Ted Simon <tsimon@isd2135.org>

Hello Tim & Diane,

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