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Name: _______________________________________ New Test Grade:


Category 4- Plant and Body Systems

1. The diagram represents one way an enzyme can be

Which statement explains the effect of an inhibitor on an


A. A substrate will be able to bond with the enzyme.

B. The enzyme will likely be attacked by immune cells.
C. The enzyme will be unable to produce more enzymes.
D. A substrate will be unable to attach to the enzyme.

2. During the final stages of human gestation, receptors for the hormone oxytocin increase
on the smooth muscle cells of the uterus. The release of oxytocin during labor stimulates
the smooth muscle tissue in the wall of the uterus. The vigorous contraction of the uterine
smooth muscle helps push the baby through the birth canal so that delivery can occur.
This process involves the interaction of which organ systems?

A. Endocrine and muscular only D. Endocrine, reproductive, and

B. Endocrine and reproductive only excretory
C. Endocrine, muscular, and


3. Which statement best describes the relationship between the products of photosynthesis
and the reactants in cellular respiration?
A. The products of photosynthesis serve as the reactants in cellular respiration to
provide chemical energy.
B. The products of photosynthesis combine with the reactants in cellular respiration to
remove ATP from cells.
C. The products of photosynthesis inhibit the reactants in cellular respiration in the
presence of light.
D. The products of photosynthesis change the structure of the reactants in cellular
respiration in the presence of light.


4. Cytokinins are a class of plant hormones that help regulate growth by promoting cell
division. Cytokinins are produced mainly in meristematic tissue, where most plant growth
occurs. Which system carries cytokinins produced in the roots to the rest of the plant?

A. Vascular system C. Reproductive system

B. Dermal system D. None of these

5. Kidneys are part of the excretory system in a human body. They purify the impure blood
and send it back to the rest of the body. Which system is mainly responsible for the
transport of plasma to the kidneys?

A. Respiratory system C. Muscular system

B. Circulatory system D. Nervous system

6. Scientists studying illnesses caused by chemically contaminated food conduct research to
minimize the effects of these diseases on society. These chemicals harm the body through
interactions between the digestive system and the immune system. Scientists conducting
this research are likely to describe which of these interactions between the digestive and
immune systems?
A. Chemicals enter the immune system through a break in the skin. The chemical
contamination is then passed to the digestive system by the circulatory system.
B. The immune system transforms the chemicals in the contaminated foods into
harmless chemicals. These harmless chemicals are then broken down by the
digestive system.
C. When contaminated foods are eaten, the immune system prevents the chemicals
from entering the digestive system.
D. Chemicals enter the digestive system through contaminated foods. Once in the
body, the chemical contaminants impair the bodys ability to fight off infectious



7. Several structures work together to allow flowering plants to reproduce. The diagram
shows a typical flower.

J. Which table correctly identifies the function of each structure or group of structures
in the reproduction of the plant?

K. B.
C. D.



8. Diatoms are one of the most common types of phytoplankton in marine habitats. Like
plants, diatoms contain chlorophyll and produce glucose from which of the following?
O. A O2 and ATP Q. C ATP and H2O
P. B CO2 and O2 R. D CO2 and H2O


9. The graph models core body temperature during a rapid change in environmental


V. Which statement explains the pattern in the graph?

A. Body temperature varies in a predictable pattern during the day.

B. Body temperature is controlled by an internal feedback mechanism.
C. Vasodilation and vasoconstriction are dependent on the time of day.
D. Vasodilation and vasoconstriction trigger an immediate increase in body temperature.


10. The table shows some observations made by four students during a field trip to a nature
Y. Which student made observations of
a community of organisms?
A. Student 1
B. Student 2
C. Student 3
D. Student 4



11.Plants called sundews have rounded green leaves with many hair-like
structures. The ends of these structures contain enzymes in a sticky
liquid that looks like nectar or moisture, as shown in the picture. The
hairs do not react to dust or nonliving material but will bend inward
when insects get caught in the sticky liquid. Sundews digest trapped
insects over a period of a few days. Based on this information, what
functions do the specialized leaves of sundews perform?
A. Provide water to the plant and perform photosynthesis
B. Respond to stimuli and anchor the plant
C. Provide nutrients to the plant and respond to stimuli
D. Release pollen to insects and perform photosynthesis
12.An informational pamphlet in a health clinic describes an interaction between body

AD. Which statement identifies the body systems that are directly involved in the
interaction described and explains how they accomplish the interaction?
A. The nervous system produces hormones that stimulate the ovum, and the circulatory
system moves the ovum into the uterine tube
B. The circulatory system supplies the uterine wall with oxygenated blood, and the immune
system prevents damage to the ovum.
C. The reproductive system produces the ovum, and the muscular system causes the
migration of the ovum by peristaltic contractions.
D. The excretory system expels the ovum from the ovary, and the nervous system causes the
contractions of the smooth tissues of the uterine wall.
13. When the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is too high, the excess carbon dioxide reacts
with water and produces carbonic acid. The carbonic acid causes the blood pH to become
more acidic. When the blood pH becomes too acidic, chemoreceptors in the brain instruct
the body to react and maintain homeostasis in blood pH. Which of these responses by the
body would eliminate the excess carbon dioxide and help maintain homeostasis in blood
A. Increasing the body temperature by C. Breathing more deeply and frequently
shivering D. Decreasing the heart rate
B. Increasing glucose levels in the blood
14. Coracias garrulus is a blue bird with an orange-brown back. The offspring of this bird have
an effective defense mechanism. The young birds vomit and cover themselves in a foul-
smelling orange liquid when they sense a threat by predators. Which two systems alert the
young bird to the danger and help produce the vomit it uses as a defense?
AN. A Nervous and digestive AP. C Immune and respiratory
systems systems
AO. B Integumentary and muscular AQ. D Excretory and
systems reproductive systems
15.A science class is planning a field trip to a local farm that has a large pond. Which of the
following lists the order of biological organization from smallest to largest that the
students can expect to find at the pond?
A. Organism, community, population, C. Population, organism, community,
ecosystem ecosystem
B. Organism, population, community, D. Population, organism, ecosystem,
ecosystem community
16. What two human systems work together to provide body cells with a constant supply of
oxygen while removing carbon dioxide waste products?
A. Nervous and endocrine C. Respiratory and circulatory
B. Muscular and skeletal D. Excretory and integumentary
17.Animal body systems often coordinate their actions to carry out specific functions for the
whole animal. Which of these correctly describes the interaction of two biological systems
for a specific purpose in the human body?

18.The outermost layer of plant stems in dicotyledons consists of epidermal cells and guard
cells that surround openings called stomata. The epidermal cells are usually covered with
a waterproof layer that provides protection from injury and water loss. The stomata allow
gas exchange. The epidermal cells and stomata have functions similar to those of which
two human body systems?
A. Skeletal and respiratory C. Integumentary and respiratory
B. Cardiovascular and skeletal D. Cardiovascular and integumentary
19.Some students are instructed to put a celery stalk in a red dye solution for
a lab activity. First the students carefully cut the bottom of the stalk with a
scalpel. Then they put the stalk in the beaker with the solution and place
the beaker on a shelf in the lab room. The next day they check the stalk
and make observations. The students note that the leaves at the end of the
stalk have changed color from green to red. The students cut across the
celery stalk and use a hand lens to see that the small tube openings along
the edge of the celery stalk are also red. The cross section is shown below.
J. How do the plant systems work together to make this movement of liquid possible?
A. The roots absorb water and minerals and move them up to the stem, while the stem
moves food produced in the leaves down to the roots in tiny tubes.
B. The roots anchor the plant in the soil, and the stem holds the leaves up.
C. The roots absorb their own water and minerals, while the stem absorbs its water and
minerals through the leaves.
D. The roots lose water vapor to the soil, and the stem loses water vapor through the leaves.
20.The diagram shows the reproductive system of a plant.

R. Which of the following best describes the interaction that occurs between a plants
reproductive parts during self-fertilization?
T. A Pollen is released from the anther and is transferred to the stigma. A pollen tube
forms and grows through the style. The pollen tube reaches the filament, where the sperm
fertilizes the egg.
V. B Pollen moves from the ovule up through the style and is released from the stigma.
The pollen is transferred to the anther, where the sperm fertilizes the egg.
X. C Pollen is released from the anther and is transferred to the stigma. A pollen tube
forms and grows through the style. The pollen tube reaches an ovule within the ovary,
where the sperm fertilizes the egg.
Z. D Pollen is released from the stigma and is transferred to the anther. A pollen tube
grows down from the anther through the filament and fuses with the ovule, where the
sperm fertilizes the egg.
21.Health-care workers are exposed to many different types of pathogenic and nonpathogenic
microorganisms. Which body systems work together to protect the body from pathogens?
AE. A Muscular and vascular AH. C Circulatory and immune
AF. B Digestive and excretory AI. D Endocrine and reproductive

22. Lactose is found in milk products. It is converted by the body into a usable form in a
series of chemical reactions. The diagram shows the series of reactions that convert
lactose into a usable form.

AM. If Enzyme 2 is denatured, the levels of which substance will increase?
A. Lactose C. Galactose-1-phosphate
B. Galactose D. Glucose-6-phosphate
23.Leaves are part of a plants shoot system. The xylem tissue in leaves transports
A. the bacteria needed for nitrogen fixation in root nodules
B. the wax required to coat the surface of actively growing tissue
C. the water and minerals that are absorbed by the roots
D. the oxygen that regulates the rate of carbohydrate production
24.Toxoplasmosis is an infection producing brain lesions caused by the parasitic protozoan
Toxoplasma gondii. Mice with their gonads removed are
more resistant to T. gondii and develop very few lesions
on their brain tissue. The graph shows the results of a
scientific study of normal adult mice infected with T.
I. Which systems most likely interact and cause
the severity of infections to vary?
A. Muscular and skeletal
B. Immune and endocrine
C. Excretory and respiratory
D. Nervous and integumentary
25. An animal can wound a tree by scratching away the
bark. The tree can respond to the wound in many ways.
Usually sap quickly covers the wound, and then the tree
covers the wound with new growth. The diagram shows a
cross section of a tree with a healed wound.
I. What process worked most directly with the
transport system to heal the wound?
A. Cellular reproduction
B. Photosynthesis
C. Water intake
D. Carbohydrate storage
26. Most plant leaves take in more carbon dioxide as light increases. They give off carbon
dioxide if light intensity is too low. The graph shows a plants carbon dioxide levels at
different light intensities.

R. At point X, the rate of which process is equal to the rate of photosynthesis?
A. Cellular respiration C. Growth
B. Transpiration D. Reproduction
27.Enzymes are proteins that help increase the rate of chemical reactions inside cells. These
proteins are composed of many simpler molecules called amino acids. Which of the
following suggests that the shape of an enzyme determines the enzymes function?
A. Enzymes are specific to a substrate. C. Enzymes are activated by neighboring
B. Enzymes can operate in a wide range of molecules.
conditions. D. Enzymes can be found in all life-form


28. Which of the following correctly describes how a diagram of cellular respiration would
differ from a diagram of photosynthesis?
A. The cellular-respiration diagram would show electromagnetic waves as the final product.
B. The cellular-respiration diagram would show glucose as the main source of energy.
C. The cellular-respiration diagram would show energy stored in large protein molecules.
D. The cellular-respiration diagram would show water as the main source of chemical energy.
29. Plant hormones serve as chemical messengers between cells and tissues. Auxin is a plant
hormone that causes the cells on the shady side of a plant shoot to elongate. The
response enabled by auxin is known as
A. geotropism C. phototropism
B. transpiration D. photosynthesis
30. A student is studying the ecology of a playa lake, which forms after a rainfall in a dry lake
bed. The table lists the organisms that the student observed. Which level of biological
organization has the student described in the table?
P. A Biosphere R. C Ecosystem
Q. B Organelle S. D Community
31. Changes in water pressure within guard cells cause the cells to open or close the stoma.
This response helps the plant maintain homeostasis by
Y. A stabilizing the plants temperature through the evaporation of water
Z. B regulating the amount of water the plant loses during transpiration
AA. C allowing oxygen needed for photosynthesis to enter the plant
AB. D enabling the plant to release more carbon dioxide at night for photosynthesis

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