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A was the head of the first phase of the project in 1974,

and is hence considered as the Father of the Indian

Nuclear Program. His mantle was taken over by B
during the second and more famous phase of the same
When B contested to hold an important administrative
position, C was Bs opponent albeit that C didnt find
any success. Cs main claim to fame was the position C
held in an organization which was established by D.
Ds daring move to hoist the tricolor in E when it was
under the control of Japan is pretty well known. F, who
has made a biopic on D, is a very famous filmmaker
who has also directed a movie based on Gs success
story. (G is not a person) In this movie, H plays an
important role.
H is a recipient of the highest award in his main field of
work and has always been a controversial personality.
H was most recently in news for airing his opinions
about a state Governments decision to celebrate I. Hs
most famous work is a play on J, who is one of the most
misunderstood figures in Indian history, a crazy lunatic
or an ingenious leader who thought way too much.
K, a political satirist and analyst runs a magazine titled
J. K was nominated as a member of Rajya Sabha by L,
who was Bs predecessor. L hailed from one of Indias
most progressive princely states M, which initially
looked like posing trouble to those who were on their
mission to integrate India, but later merged.
A very famous Indian personality in the field of art, N,
also hails from the very same region. O played the
titular role in a recent biopic made on N. O has also
played the role of Q, who is infamously known as the
Bikini Murderer. O is also set to play the role of P, who
met with a tragic end across the border. R is playing
the role of Ps sister in this upcoming biopic.
R also played the role of the protagonists wife in a
movie T, which is loosely based on Ss life. The
organization which is synonymous with S recently
acquired a media house, which prompted T to resign
from his position in the media house.
The organization also co-owns a popular sporting
league in which U co-owns the team V, which claims to
represent an entire region rather than a city. U also
played a critically acclaimed role in the movie W which
is based on a high profile assassination. X, who plays
the role of Us superior in the movie, is also the brain
behind the show Y, which rescued Z from going
bankrupt owing to his firms losses while organizing the
Miss World Show in Bengaluru sometime in late 90s.

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