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Concrete Structures 2


Prestressed Box Girder

February 2017
The goal of this exercise is to determine the required prestressing and to check the capacity of
a statically determinate (simply supported) box girder, applying the theory presented in the
lectures CIE3150/CTB3335 Concrete Structures 2.
The following book and code are recommended:
Reader: Prestressed concrete CIE3150/CIE4160
NEN-EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules
and rules for buildings
Additional information:
NEN - EN 10138-1 (prestressing steel - general requirements)
NEN - EN 10138-2 (prestressing steel - wires)
NEN - EN 10138-3 (prestressing steel - strands)

Parts from EN 1992-1-1 and product info are presented in the appendices:
A1 Multi-strand post-tensioning data
A2 Figures creep coefficient
A3 Overview of all the losses
A4 Requirements for pre-tensioned tendons
A5 Requirements for post-tensioned tendons

Please hand in the report (hand-written or printed) at Stevinlab 2 room 2.06 (R. Braam) or in
the mail box next to the printer/copier at Stevinlab 2 room 2.02. Make sure that the cover
includes: student name, student number, e-mail address and the course code (CTB3335 for
bachelor students, CIE3150 for master students).

The report should contain the calculations and answers to questions 1 to 23. When a question
is underlined, some additional information is given to assist you answering the question.
Please present the calculations clear and precise. Pay attention to the following directives:
Write briefly and to the point how youre going to perform (parts of) the calculations.
Add detailed drawings at a sufficiently large scale, together with some explanation (e.g.
Refer to new input data or results from previous calculations. Refer to the pages where
you have performed these calculations.
When you make assumptions, note that you always have to check them.

When you start with your calculation, please keep in mind that another person must be able to
read and understand your calculation and follow your line of thinking.

Prestressed concrete with post-tensioned steel

Fig. 1 Fictitious tendon profile and actual tendon profiles (combination of linear and curved)
(dimensions in [mm]

At both ends of the girder the fictitious tendon profile coincides with the centroidal axis
(neutral axis) of the beam. A few of the prestressing tendons have a curved profile and two
tendons have a linear (horizontal) profile.

Span ( l ) : (last digit of student number * 1,5) + 28 m

Ht (depth of the girder) : 1/33 * l (span), rounded to a multiple of 100 mm
Variable load on the girder : 10 [kN/m] *
Dead load from selfweight : Ac * 25 [kN/m] *

Dead load from asphalt :3 [kN/m] *
* This is the load on the girder over the 1,50 m girder width.

Time of prestressing and loading

For the calculation of creep it is important to know from which moment on the different loads
act on the beam. In this exercise there are three different moments at which the beam is
loaded, namely:
The beam is prestressed at an age of 28 days.
The permanent load from asphalt is applied after half a year.
The variable load (traffic load) acts after one year.
ULS Load factors: g = 1,2 (load factor for a permanent load)
q = 1,5 (load factor for a variable load)
p = 1,0 (load factor for loads caused by prestressing)

Material properties concrete

Strength class : C50/60 (fck = 50 N/mm2)
Design value of compressive strength : f cd = 50 1.5 = 33,3 N / mm 2
Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete : fctm = 4,1 N/mm2
Selfweight concrete : = 25 kN/m3
Environmental class : XC4
Youngs modulus of concrete (short term) : Ecm(0) = 37000 N/mm2
Youngs modulus of concrete (long term) : depends on the creep coefficient

Fig. 2 Stress-strain relationship for concrete strength Fig. 3 Stress strain relationship for prestressing
class < C 50/60 steel

Prestressing system (Appendix 1) & Material properties prestressing steel

VSL Multistrand System (Post-Tensioning) : type E
Tendon unit to apply : 6-1 up to 6-55
Diameter strands : d = 15,2 mm
Cross-sectional area of a strand : Ap = 140 mm2
Class A, steel name : Y1860S7
Number of wires for one strand :7
Characteristic tensile strength : fpk = 1860 N/mm2
Characteristic 0,1 % proof stress : fp0.1k = 0,9 fpk = 1674 N/mm2
Design value of tensile strength : fpd = 1674 / 1,1 = 1522 N/mm2
Initial tensile stress : pmo = 0,75 * 1860 = 1395 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity : Ep = 195000 N/mm2
Material factor of prestressing steel : s = 1,1

Dimensioning of the girder

1) Calculate the cross-sectional area of the girder (Ac).

2) Determine the position of the centroidal axis in the cross-section.

3) Calculate the moment of inertia (Ic).

4) Calculate the resisting moment for the top fiber and the bottom fiber (Wct en Wcb).

5) Calculate the position of the top and bottom kern area points (kct en kcb).

Prestressing force and position of the tendons

6) Calculate the prestressing force required in cross-section A-A and the number of
strands and tendons.
Use the equivalent prestressing load method and assume that total friction and time-
dependent loss is 20%.
The critical cross-section of the girder at midspan is cross-section A-A. Assume that the centre of
gravity of all tendons (fictitious tendon) is at a distance of 200 mm from the bottom fiber of the beam.
In support cross-section B-B the fictitious tendon is at the centroidal axis of the beam. Now you can
determine the position of the prestressing tendons.
The magnitude of the prestressing force must be calculated according to the equivalent prestressing
load method. This implies that the prestressing force is modelled as a load on the beam.
The loads (selfweight G1, load by asphalt G2 and traffic load Q) result in an external moment in
section A-A:
M = 18 q l2
In case of a parabolic tendon profile, the prestressing introduces an upward load. Also an axial force is
When we consider fully prestressed concrete (which implies that no tensile stresses are allowed in SLS),
we have the following equations (eqs. 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3) to calculate the prestressing force (Pm):

Calculation of Pm, (working prestressing force)

Equation 6.1.
Calculation of the working prestressing force (Pm,) required at time t = in section A-A (bottom fiber)
(G = G1 + G2).

Pm, M P M E,G+Q
- - + 0
A c Wcb Wcb
M p = q pl 2
8 Pm, f
qp =
When f (the drape; the distance from the centroidal axis of the beam to the bottom of the parabolic
curve) and the span of the beam ( l ) are known, the equation can be rewritten. The result is:

1 8f
Pm, 8 l 2 Pm, l
- - + E,G+Q 0 (6.1)
Ac Wcb Wcb

In this equation Pm, is the only unknown, which implies that it can be solved. The result is:

Pm, ..............

The working prestressing force (Pm,) is required at time t = . At that time the full load might be
present. Therefore, you have to calculate the external moment ME,G+Q as a result of the selfweight, the
additional static load (asphalt) and the full traffic load.

For the calculation of the initial prestressing force (Pm,0) you can assume that the total time-dependent
and friction loss is approximately 20%. At t = the prestressing force will therefore be reduced by
The equation, is:
Pm,0 =

Calculation of Pm,0 (initial prestressing force)

The initial prestressing force (Pm,0) is limited by allowed concrete compressive stress (see
of the Eurocode (EN 1992-1-1)).
The compressive stress (c) allowed during stressing is:
c = 0, 6 f ck (t) = 0, 6 50 = 30, 0 N/mm 2
In this exercise, t = 28 days.
Always check the compressive stress (c) using the following equation (6.2).

Equation 6.2:
Calculation of the initial prestressing force (Pm0) at time t = 0, in section A-A (bottom fiber).
1 8f
P l2 M
Pm0 8 l 2 m0
- - + E,G - c (6.2)
Ac Wcb Wcb
In this equation Pm0 is the only unknown variable (G = G1). This implies that it can be solved. The
result is:

Pm0 ................

The initial prestressing force (Pm0) is present at t = 0. The full load is then, most often, not present yet.
The external moment ME,G, therefore, is calculated using the selfweight only.

Equation 6.3:
An additional requirement is that - only selfweight being present (G1) - the prestressing load does not
cause a tensile stress at the top fiber of section A-A.
1 8f
P l2 M
Pm0 8 l 2 m0
- + - E,G 0 (6.3)
Ac Wc t Wc t
In this equation Pm0 is the only unknown variable. The result is:
Pm0 ................

The initial prestressing force (Pm0) is present at t = 0. The external moment ME,G is calculated using

selfweight only (G1).

7) Determine the position of the prestressing tendons and prepare two drawings:
side view & cross-section A-A.
In the side view, show the centroidal axis and the position of all the prestressing tendons.
In the cross-section A-A, show the positions of the tendons and add the tendon spacing
(taking into account minimum tendon spacing).
The linear tendons are in the centre of the bottom flange. For the centre-to-centre spacing of the
tendons see appendix 5.
The aim is to locate the required tendons in the cross-section such that the assumed starting point
(section A-A) corresponds with the fictitious tendon that is assumed to be 200 mm from the bottom fiber
of the beam. If the fictitious tendon is more or less than 200 mm from the bottom fiber of the beam, you
have to revise the calculation by using a different distance from the centroidal axis of the cross-section
to the fictitious tendon.

Note that the tendon unit code, e.g. 6-7, gives the maximum number of strands in a single tendon. You
are not obliged to apply this maximum number of strands in all the tendons (although it is most
economic to apply the maximum number allowed).

Note that you dont have to show the tendon positions at a support cross-section, where the bearing
plates (anchors) are present.

Calculation of the losses

8) Calculate, after prestressing all the tendons, the reduction of the prestressing
force caused by elastic shortening of the concrete.
The maximum steel stress allowed during stressing is:
p,max min.(k1 f pk ; k 2 f p0,1k ) where k1 = 0,8 and k2 = 0,9

Y1860: p,max < 0,8 fpk is governing.

The maximum prestressing force (Pmax) allowed during prestressing (the position at the anchor is
Pmax = A p p,max
The strands are then blocked and the jack is removed. The prestressing force is now denoted as P0.
In this case study, it is assumed that wedge set is zero. Therefore, p during stressing is p after
anchoring. This implies that p0 is governing:

p0 min.(k 7 f pk ; k 8 f p0,1k ) where k7 = 0,75 and k8 = 0,85

Y1860: p0 < 0,75 fpk is governing.

The concrete will shorten elastically when subjected to compression. The steel will generally follow the
shortening. The result is a prestress loss. When a tendon is stressed, all the tendons stressed previously,
shorten elastically. The result is a stress and force reduction in all these tendons.

Shortening of a tendon causes a force loss. Shortening can be caused by tendons stressed after the
tendon considered. Therefore, the order in which the tendons are stressed, has to be taken into account.
The loss (Pel) can be presented as a mean loss in each tendon:

j c,p (t)
Pel,mean = A p E p
E cm (t)

(n -1)
j= : As an approximation it can be assumed that j =
n : is the number of tendons
Ap : is the cross-sectional area of one tendon
c,p (t) : is the variation of stress at time t at the centre of gravity of all tendons
Pm0 e 2p A c
c,p (t) = - (1+ )
Ac Ic
Pm0 : is the total initial prestressing force of all tendons
ep : is the distance of the centroidal axis to the centre of gravity of all tendons, i.e. the
position of the fictitious tendon.
In cross-section A-A (midspan), ep is the drape of the fictitious tendon

9) Calculate the prestressing loss caused by friction, P, in the critical cross-

Assume that the girder is prestressed from both ends. Note: The tendon profile influences
friction; there is a difference between a curved and a linear tendon.
Losses caused by friction
When the post-tensioning system of prestressing is applied, part of the prestressing force is lost since
there is friction between the prestressing tendon and the steel duct. Therefore, the prestressing force is
not constant over tendon length.
P (x) = Pmax (1- e-(+k x) )
: see table below
: is the rotation of the prestressing tendon (angle in rad.)
k : 0,01 rad/m (k is the factor of the Wobble-effect).
P : is the loss caused by friction

Table 1 Coefficients of friction () of post-tensioned internal tendons and external unbonded tendons

10) Calculate the prestressing losses caused by shrinkage, Ps.

Autogenous shrinkage has not to be taken into account.
Shrinkage of the concrete
The total shrinkage strain has two components, namely the drying shrinkage strain and the autogenous
shrinkage strain. The drying shrinkage strain develops slowly, since it is a function of the migration of
water through the hardened concrete. The autogenous shrinkage strain develops during hardening of
the concrete: the major part therefore develops in the early days after casting.
The total shrinkage strain is:
cs = cd + ca
cs : is the total shrinkage strain,
cd : is the drying shrinkage strain,
ca : is the autogenous shrinkage strain

The final value of the drying shrinkage cd, is: kh cd,
For cd en kh see Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 Nominal unrestrained drying shrinkage values cd ( in )

Table 3 Values for kh

2 Ac
h0 =
Ac : is the concrete cross-sectional area
u : is the perimeter of the part of the cross-section exposed to drying

11) Calculate the prestressing losses due to creep.

In this exercise, in the creep calculation, use a quasi-permanent variable load which is 1/3
of the total variable load.
Creep of the concrete
When you load the concrete, not only an elastic deformation occurs, but also a time-dependent
The general expression for the creep deformation of concrete over time is:
cc (t) = (t, t 0 )
cc (t) : the total creep deformation of the concrete
c,p : the stress of the concrete in the critical cross-section at the level of the prestressing steel
Pm0 M Pm0 e p M G1+G2+Q/3 e p
c,p = - - +
Ac Ic Ic
ep : is the distance of the centroidal axis from the cross-section to the fictitious prestressing tendon.

The creep coefficient is shown in the figures in appendix 2 (alternative: see the lecture notes, page 6-4
up to fig. 6.5).

12) Calculate the prestressing losses caused by relaxation of the prestressing steel.
Relaxation of the prestressing steel over time is determined based on the relaxation after 1000 hours.
Steel class 2 is often used. The relaxation for this class of steel is lower than or equal to 2,5% (3.3.2 (7)
of the Eurocode and appendix 1). The stress loss caused by relaxation is:

pr (9,1*) t
= 0, 66 1000 e 10-5
pi 1000
pr : is the absolute value of the relaxation losses of the prestressing steel
pi : is the initial stress in the prestressing steel (after anchoring)

pi =
t : is the time after tensioning (t = 500.000 hours to have t = )
: = pi / fpk, where fpk is the characteristic value of the tensile strength of the prestressing steel
1000 : is the value of relaxation loss (in %), at 1000 hours after tensioning and at a mean
temperature of 20C.
1000 : = 2,5%
pr is the absolute value of the relaxation losses of the prestressing steel not taking into account
shrinkage and creep losses.

Shrinkage and creep reduce the relaxation. When combining relaxation, shrinkage and creep, the
relaxation loss is:
0,8 pr

The relaxation of steel depends on the concrete deformation caused by creep and shrinkage. Clause
5.10.6 (b) of the Eurocode states that their interaction can generally be approximated by using the
reduction factor 0,8.
See appendix 3 for an overview of all the losses.

Determination of the working prestressing force

13) Calculate the working prestressing force (Pm,).

The working prestressing force at t = in the critical cross-section is:
Pm, = Pm0 - (P + Pel + Ps + Pc + Pr )

14) Check whether the elastic time-dependent losses (shrinkage, creep and
relaxation) and losses from friction are less than the assumed 20% loss.

15) If the losses are more than 20%, which actions should be taken?

Design check SLS

16) Calculate the stresses in cross-section A-A at t = 0 and t = .

1) According to of the Eurocode, the concrete compressive stress allowed at the time of
tensioning or release of prestress, is:
cc = - 0, 6 f ck (t)
2 The beam has to be fully prestressed, so no tensile stresses are allowed in the critical cross-section.
The boundary condition is: ct 0 N/mm2

Stresses at t = 0
The stresses directly after prestressing must be regarded.
The stress at the top fiber of cross-section A-A:

Pm,t =0 M P,t =0 M G
cc = - + - ct 0 (no tensile stress)
Ac Wct Wct
where Pm,t=0 = Pm0 Pel - P and G = G1

The stress at the bottom fiber of cross-section A-A:

Pm,t =0 M p,t=0 M G
ct = - - + cc > - 0,6 fck
Ac Wcb Wcb

Stresses at t =
The stress at the bottom fiber of cross-section A-A:
Pm,t= M p,t= (M G + M Q )
ct = - - + ct 0 (no tensile stresses)
Ac Wcb Wcb
where Pm,t= = Pm,t=0 (Pc + Ps + Pr) and G = G1 + G2

17) Draw for cross-section A-A at time t = 0 and t = for each component of the
expression a stress diagram and calculate the total result of these 3 individual
diagrams. Explain whether the stress requirements for full prestressing are met
(or not), and explain why (not)?

Design check ULS

18) Calculate the design bending moment MEd.
Calculate MEd :
M Ed = g M G1+G2 + q M Q - p M p

19) Calculate xu and check whether the depth of the concrete compressive zone
flange thickness.
If the depth of the concrete compressive zone > flange thickness, then determine xu using
an iterative method or use the rectangular stress strain relationship.
Present the equilibrium between internal and external forces in cross-section A-A according to the
equivalent prestressing load method. (Follow, for instance, fig. 7.7 or the example on page 7-13 in the

From the equilibrium condition H = 0, the following equation holds:

N c = Pmt + P
0,95f pk
P = A p ( pu - pmt ) where pu = (which is an approximation)
Pmt = A p pmt (the working prestressing force at time t)
N c = b x u f cd
The beam should have sufficient rotational capacity. The following requirement should be met:
f p0,1k f pk
f pd pu
s s
For further information, reference is made to the stress - strain relationship of the prestressing steel.

From these equations xu can be calculated.

For the calculation of xu the expressions can be rewritten as follows:

f pk
(0,95 - pmt ) A p + Pmt
xu = (19.1)
b f cd

For non-prismatic sections like T and I girders and box girders you have to check whether the
concrete compression zone (xu) is within the flange. When the depth of the concrete compression zone is
greater than the thickness of the flange, xu has to be calculated using an iterative procedure. According
to the Eurocode clause 3.1.7.(3) it is an option to use the rectangular stress - strain relationship, see the
figure below. Note: Eq. 19.1 then is no longer valid. Again, determine xu from the equilibrium between
internal and external forces in cross-section A-A according to the equivalent prestressing load method

Rectangular stress strain relationship

For strength classes < C50/60:

= 0,8
= 1, 0

20) Calculate the bending moment capacity MRd.

When calculating MRd the following expression can be used for rectangular cross-sections in case xu <

M Rd = A p ( pu - pmt ) (d p - x u ) + Pmt (z t - x u )


dp : is the distance (effective height) from the top fiber of the beam to the centroidal axis of the
prestressing tendons,
zt : the distance from the centroidal axis of the cross-section to the top fiber of the beam.

With the bi-linear stress - strain relationship from fig. 2 and C50/60: = 0,39)

Note: The previous expression can only be used in case xu < hflange.

For the rectangular stress-strain relationship, determine MRd from the moment equilibrium between
internal and external forces in cross-section A-A.

21) Does the critical cross-section fulfil the requirement with regard to safety?
The bending moment resistance (MRd) of the critical cross-section and the design value of the bending
moment (MEd) (according to the equivalent prestressing load method) must be known. The requirement
is: MEd MRd.

22) Check whether the depth of the concrete compression zone meets the
requirement on rotational capacity.
Before a structure fails, it should warn (large deformations and wide cracks). You should design the
structure such that there is sufficient rotational capacity to prevent brittle failure to occur. Therefore,
the depth of the concrete compression zone should be limited. Make sure that the following condition is
met (no bending moment redistribution):
xu f 500
d 500 f 500 f
f pk
pm, Ap f yd As

f s
Ap As
You dont have to take into account the reinforcing steel component (fyd As).
If MEd = MRd and the depth of the compressive zone is too large, then the structure has a too small
rotational capacity. It is allowed to calculate the depth of the compressive zone for MEd.

23) Check whether the cracking moment Mcr is smaller than the bending moment
resistance MRd (brittle failure should not occur).
If the cracking moment Mcr > MRd, then the structure might fail without any warning. Therefore, a very
important requirement is: Mcr < MRd
The cracking moment is:
M cr = (f ctm,fl + ) Wcb
where: f ctm,fl = (1, 6 - t ) f ctm f ctm
Ht is the height of the girder in mm.

1) Multi-strand Post-Tensioning data
2) Creep coefficient figure
3) Overview of all the losses
4) Requirements for pre-tensioned tendons
5) Requirements for post-tensioned tendons

1) Multistrand Post-Tensioning data

2) Creep coefficient figure (EN 1992-1-1 fig. 3.1)

Method for determining the creep coefficient for concrete (2 standard environmental

3) Overview of all the losses


Enclosed is a drawing presenting the losses (a, b, c, d, e) in a statically determinate beam.

The different losses are:

a) Elastic losses
(area A in the drawing)
The elastic losses are constant along the full beam length.

b) Losses due to wedge set

(area B in the drawing)

c and d) Time-dependent losses (creep, shrinkage, relaxation)

(area C and D in the drawing)
Creep losses arent constant along the beam length.

e) Friction losses in case of stressing from both sides.

(area E in the drawing)

4) Requirements for pre-tensioned tendons


5) Requirements for post-tensioned tendons


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