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Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave Filozoficka fakulta Studia Academica Slovaca centrum pre slovenéinu ako cudzt jazyk KRIZOM-KRAZOM Slovendina A1 ‘Mgr. Renata Kamendrova, PhD. Mgr. Eva Spanova Mgr. Hana Ticha Mgr. Helena Ivortkova Mgr. Zuzana Kleschtova Mgr. Michaela Mo8atova doc. PhDr. Jana Pekarovigova, PRD. Mgr. Dorota BaKinkova ‘Mgr. art. Michal Uhrin ‘Mgr. Tomas Zahumensky FO ART, s.r0. LeKrORDVA PhDr. Ludmila Zigova ‘Mgr. Dagmar Roberts, PhO. PhDr. Marianna Sedlékova, PhD. Uzebnica je vystupom projektu ‘Ministerstva Skolstva Slovenske} republiky: Vzdelavaci program Slovenéina ako cudzi jazyk © Studia Academica Slovaca centrum pre sloventinu ako cudat jazyk Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave Studia Academica Slovaca Filozoficka fakulta UK Gondova 2 818 01 Bratislava Slovensko www Isan 978~-80-223-2441-0 Uvod ‘ai pate, "mors chet po dewey, once aaujmavy oily ote rtrd ~ kn dor Iria €B- Ky vim porte oot ay sven Redo tom pitanja ety ko adnan Komuntne Stutce Nato boat trovany Oi Stney ota Hoy ote nc each teeoveh autres ade spobudetan Spoctnthoeupaicho tentnhotanea pre italy (CEP) cen pre supe At - Oly zatot. Tato uci e spon poets ates Siva Sve puy Viel teawamn Severn ako ct jy Key felt autoror apace Sia caer. Shove cents pe sont ako cd yk na Fact alte Unveraty Komensicho sotadou se utebyeh mater prpravevanich pre ety yo pre Uesonch orae Olt metodhy preryenu pena Htiou you frp dalla tore ma nin Zara, Kad lek or 3 ervtenyh Gologor peer ben murat Stu, Now lena peterieponocos bro adopt oe Panernd na omoyme, Okt Sundar ty rer) re Ajo otis dla town ab, ore regoisdom na perenne ranch omonaenye tc Pan sem febetorane Introduction slov, sown spjenia ary, tre vrame rosin ‘orsah slovnik, ale netvora zac lexkne kompendum. \ kad} el sa postupne ednoduchjnspzobom predstavge zklady gramabhy, prom sa reepektus Spectikh sovetiny ake cud jy pre 2iatotnow Ver gamaticch joy (rg Uekinaené akonjugatne vzory,pezentovant pidy nominatyakizat instrument, ol v singel 3 \ purl) bo metedckypripdvoben komunatryn pote ktorévplyul2tematckeho zaman tebrice Na kone kde eke si sutrane ons \ tone 52 upevaujkomunikathne riot so zeefom na potwvane actane 5 pororumen 2 tvoreneedoduchch cstyeh a piomnyeh Prejavov.Pricusueebrcou mba spestt Sprewodne oh, dopinkove text soem, Navlamy& ine date hy Ueebricaobsahuie Ek ondensam, dovensko-anglckydovrek sporadany pod edna ke a prehiadné sramatce tbat. ‘erie, 4 ksfomrdsom bude dob spricvodom na cst kovendine, fe vis pave | zabai a pométe osvogtspotebné Komaniaene eros. ‘set pousvatelom felis dost > wens vel wspechov Contents Obsah Unit 1: Welcome to Slovakia! Lekcia 1: Vitajte (GRAMMAR «Fst pases «Sovak alpabet GRAMATICN = Pr Unit 2: Hello, | am Johanna. Lekcia 2: Ahoj. Ja som Johanna. Ge GRAMMAR + > CGRAMATIKA. + Pesonalne pronoin Substantive (maskin, fearing os Replr . neuter = Konya es elt, vo, Suva Simpeiureas bite feerncd« Neprideleverbu b= Negica vero» Namah {rakdnd aval) roncs + : > Tem: «Oda tes?» Kany to je kta Unit 3: Dormitory Lekcia 3: Internat es aha 3 ; z CGRAMATICA, «Adela «Posie pronain « Posene ada {reno ay? Kony? ones , TEM sinter dr ace « ent etn :_ Towns and places Lekcia 4: Mesta a miesta a - a CGRAMATIAS + Nori» Ada v pee » Numer 2.34 °F : {Pras talon» Neprandeneverbum Sat MCS, \Thatwone Tey Mesto rotese Unit 5: We have a party today. Lekcia 5: Dnes mame oslavu. cram 5 . CGRAMATIA: + Akuzl« Verbs hua» Ala — pronoming * Atuath —pepoace hepa eur at < Modine ee TORIES: + Shopping» Temy, + Nakaporanie Fatty Unit 6: Inthe restaurant Lekcia 6: V restauracii sa can : GRAMATICA numer = insvuentl—pronomie inane — i Rega prepoie Verba V.~ Vl konjgatna teda(poeat fies) ‘ E Reprvidelné veroum stat sa TOPICS: * Restavant« y ean + Reitaurica» Gin este? Unit 7: At university Lekcia 7: Na univerzite - 2 GRAMMAR wt CGRAMATIKA: + VerbA Vil —X.korjugaén eda oa stn, ve) { Prtertum + Ete a2 TORIES + Unveray+ : tur Unwert «Deny raga Katloje hadi? Unit 8:_In the company Lekcia 8: Vo firme ag GRAWMAR + Die «Boh 5 Z . CGRAMATIA: + Diu «Dv gc» Lok» Lola - peptic TOPICS Thecompany+ : 7 Teme, + Faas Def, mesa, ok» Drv sd " * Bim «Botan Unit 9: At the conference Lekcia 9: Na konferencii ee MmtaR + CGRAMATIA, = Reese vert Tey: + Ronferenca = Pcs potagom + Doar Unit 10: Newspapers Lekcia 10: Noviny review COPAKOVANIE Key to excercises Kllaé k evigeniam Grammar reference section Gramatické tabulky Glossary Slovnik Wz] Pokyny k cvigéeniam Instructions to the exercises Pesos “cirate. €0 sANeHODI? DiskUTUITE. DoKoNEIt (PRIBEH, KOMIKS). DOPLNTE. Doruire SPRAVNE FORMY. DOPLNTE LoGicKy DOPLNTE. NAKRESLITE (MESTO A NAVIGUITE NAPISTE, €OJENA OBRAZKU. NapisTE sLOvOM. ODPOVEDAITE. ‘OPAKUITE. ‘OPRAVTE (CHYBY). OSEMSMEROVKA. POCUVAITE. PRAVDA A NEPRAVDA? PYTAUTE SA. ROZPRAVAJTE © SEBE. ROZTRIEDTE, ‘SPOITE. “TRANSFORMUJTE. Urvorre (PLURAL). VYBERTE (SPRAVNU ODPOVED, SPRAVNE \VYSVETLENIE FRAZ, KONIEC). VyTVoRTE GEDALNY LisTOK). ‘ZORADTE, Read (Odd one ou Complete the exerase (the sentences, words, ‘questions, etc.) Use the right Complete the crossword Match (the words, sentences, Brainteaser. Pat (the words, sentences) | order. inthe right logic Draw fat your frend). ally: Write) Write what is in the picture itin words Answer the questions Repeat - Correct the mistakes. 7 Wordsearch Listen, True of fale? phrases, etc.) the questions ourself Sort (the words) out ‘Match (the words, senterces, phrases) together. Guess, ranstorm words, sentences, phrases, ete) (the plural Forrns) ‘Choose (the explanation o of the story Make (a menu 7 Put (the words, sentences, the right order Vysvetlivky Symbols 7 ~ posluchové evigenie na CD1/nahravka ¢ 1 pozrie v slovni¢ku ~Ohastrane.. samostatna prica verbum, 1. konjugagné skupina j maskulinum / mutsky rod + ‘maskulinum osobné 1 muésky rod ‘maskulinum Zivotné J musky rod ; femininum / tensky rod peutrum J stredny rod, potujeme vwyslovime napiSeme poznamka alebo Vsimnite sil Vairmnite si obrazkovy slovnik (nove slovicka vdialogu) vwykladovy slovnik (nové slovieka vdialogu) ~—nepravidelné verbum Ustening =CD4/ Track 1 Glossary, page number, Individual work Irregular verb verb, Conjugation verb group | masculine / masculine gender ‘masculine noun / personal noun / masculine gender ‘masculine animate noun / masculine gender sculine inanimate noun / masculine ‘gender feminine noun feminine gender neuter noun / neuter gender What we hear How we pronounce it How we spell it Note! vocabulary / new words from the dialogues explained in pictures ~ vocabulary / new words from the dialogues explained in definitions

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