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rspeciic swords, identiying: pronoun references, Inferring information from textual clues, text reconstruction TIME 40-50 minutes KEY LANGUAGE leave school, start work; meet (someone), fall in love, get engaged, ‘get married, have children, retire Past simple PREPARATION. One photocopy for ‘each student = cut into two parts (the text and the exercises) Unit 2 The family 17 years of marriage ‘Warm up 1 Write the words and phrases from Key language on the board in random order. Tell students that they are going to read a text which includes these words. Ask what they think the text will be abaut (someone's life) 2 Ask students to put the stages of ife in order. When you check the order, elicit the past tense form of the veros. Main activity 1 Give each student the text. Tell students that they have one minute to look at it. Then ask al where the text is from, b} what itis about and c} who isin the photos. Draw students’ attention to the date ofthe article. ‘Answer key ‘2) anemspaper bp the longest married couple in the UK ©) Fred and Olive Hodges; the longest married couple 2 Ask students to read the first paragraph and find four of the stages of life on the board 3 Explain that newspaper articles often give the mah pains of the story inthe fst paragraph and then return to thom later inthe article. Ask students in which paragraph the stages of life are mentioned again, Then ask what paragraph 4is about Answerkey Sit g i __ paragraph 2 (and 3) -mct (someone); paragraph 5- go! engaged/ engagement, ‘got metrled /macriage: paragraph 4 the Fist World War. 4 Ask students to read the text again and find the other stages of life in thelist on the board, ‘Answer key cae paragraph 2-llt chow started work: paragraph 5—hac children, paragraph 6~retiedietirement ee 5 Flt the pronouns and possessive adjectives which are used to tak about Fed (he, hi, ‘his), Olive (she, her, her) and the couple (they, them, their), Ask students to find these ‘words i the text and to check that they all fer to Fred, Olive and the couple. Elcit that the use of fe and his in paragraph 7 refers to John, the son 6 Ask students to find examples of J, my, me and we, us, our and decide who they refer to. Point out that these can all be found in the direct speech, and depend on who is speaking ‘newer key od ee “Paragraphs 3 and'6 ie Ove’ we, our Olive and Fred ‘paragraph $ i-fred eee "paragraphs 7 an B cm =John us our John ang Brende 7 Give each student the exercises. Encourage students to work together in pairs so that they Can help each other with Exercise A. Then they complete the summary of the text for Exercise B, Answer key = Exercise A : ‘Vr’ The couple met. as they stated ona frozen ser 2 True: The couple met :.. in Northampton... Back home: ‘inNorthamipton, Fred. 3 False: The couple met .. in 1915. But, three years later’... Fred joined the army "4 True’ Fred and Olive «.. have been married for 77 years in April 2002. ag 5 True: Fred worked for the gas company in Northampton. Afters miarriage, Fred becante chiet cashier at the gas Company. é qe ‘False: Ihe Couple now have 17 grandchidren ahd 12 great-yrandchildren. -~ Exercise B : : ‘Vinetn 2.1919 alter the 3 itiove and got 4.ahouseand got § had two ‘G rotired in she 7 are both 8 11 grandchildren and 12 9 old people's i Tred and Olive Hodges, who have been married for 77 years in Apri, are about to enter the Guinness Book of Records as the UM's longest martied couple. The couple frst met in 1915, then were separated by the First World War. They met again in 1919 and fell in love. They got company, Olive stayed engaged and marred - but only while the children after six years, when they had saved The couple now £600 to buy thet first house srandchildren and The couple, wio are both 102, mat in their teens as they skated on 3 frozen river in Northampton in 1915, Fred had left school at 15 and started work for the local gas company; Olive had left at 14 and worked in a leather facto. ‘V waso't really interested at the time, Ijust wanted to have fun on the ice,” said Olive, ‘Fred came up behind me and knocked me down, He told me years later that he did it hecause he wanted to pick me up.’ But, three years later, when he was 18, Fred joined the army and was soon fighting in France. Many of his comrades were il Fed published a book of his memories, Men of 18 in 1918, in 1988. nhs bok he described how a sudden silence signalled that war was over. Now I new | was going tohave a ie ater all’ si-year engagement their marriage. They the best decade for m Fred retired in the Fred so much. t don't would do without him.” parents. ‘They are evoted to each othe more loving parents.” Exercise A The sentences below are not in the text. Use other information in the text to decide if the sentences are true or false. What information helped you? 1 Fred and Olive first met in winter. 2 They were from Northampton 3 Fred joined the army in 1915. 4 They got married in April 1925. 5 They bought a house in Northampton. 6 John and Brenda didn't have children. 77 years of marriage Bach hime in Nortampton, Fred renewed his friendship with Olive. The couple had a children, John and Brenda. Fred became chief cashier at the gas ‘grandchildren — the latest just two us years old. Two years ago they had to leave their own home because of Fred's poor health. They now live together in an old people's home in Welisborough, Leicestershire, ‘We have lots of lovely memories but the birth of our two children is tie most special,” said Olive, And retirement just meant we could spend moro time together. | love Their son, John, 73, a retired professor of genetics who lives in Austria, is full of praise for his “And my sister aud I could nut have before had two at home grew up. “iy mother gave up her life for have 11 her family and home. Our parents 12 great- opened doors of opportunity for which they never had themselves and encouraged us to go through them.” ie Was When 1960s. His now what | completely he said Pr emer ae? Exercise B Complete the sentences and write a summary of the newspaper article. Fred and Olive first 1. 1915. They met again in 2 war. They fell 3 engaged. in 1925 they bought 4. married. Fred and Olive © children. Fred 5. 19605 The couple 7 109 Theynowhave & great- grandchitdren, They ive 9 home. They have been 19 in Apri They are 1! longest married couple, From Reading xtra by i isol'© Cambridge Unveraty Press 2004 7

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