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Us0051 15882A
United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,115,882
Woody [45] Date of Patent: May 26, 1992


SYSTEM FOR MCLTI\\'AY LOUDSPEAKERS A sound dispersing system using two or more vertically
[76] Inventor: D. Grier Woody, 420 Summerour St.. facing drivers in substantially coaxial alignment on a
Norcross. Ga. 30071 vertical axis. The drivers face conic re?ectors which
re?ect sound radially over 360 degrees with substantial
[21] Appl. No; 330.052 dispersion in vertical planes that include the vertical
[22] Filed: Mar. 29, 1989 axis. Mounting means for drivers and re?ectors are
spaced vertically apart so that the vertical separation of
[51] Int. Cl.5 ...................... .. H05K 5/00; H04R 25/00
the effective acoustic centers does not exceed industry
[52] L15. (:1. .................................. .. 181/144; 181/153;
standards for coherent sound above and below the hori
181/155; 381/160; 381/184; 381/205 zontal plane equidistant between two drivers assigned
[58] Field of Search .............................. .. 181/144-147.
adjacent bands of sound frequencies. The spacial rela
18l/l53-156:381/90.l60,182,184,186. 205 tionship of the drivers and their mounting means coop
[56] References Cited erates with the slope of the re?ectors insuring that
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS sound energy is re?ected directly into ambient air with
out re?ection back upon driver diaphragms without
2 820.525 1/1958 Fountain et a1. .. 181/187 encoutering obstructions in the soundpath from drivers
3.326.321 6/1967 Valuch ............ .. 181/144
to ambient air. without high frequency energy loss due
3.371.742 3/1968 Norton et a1. . .. 181/153
1 424.8"? 1/1969 \X'alsh . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 381/158
to internal re?ections and without high frequency
3.500.953 3/1970 Lahti ............ .. .. 181/153 X
standing wave activity between interior parallel sur
3.816.672 6/1974 Gefvert et al. .... .. 181/144 X faces. The dispersion system features means for adjust
4.200.170 4/1980 'illiams. Jr. .. ..... .. 181/155 ing time and phase alignment of the drivers in order to
4.148.549 9/1982 Berlant ..... .. .. 181/155 X compensate for time and phase characteristics of differ
4.574.906 3/1986 White ................................ .. 181/145 ent drivers and crossover networks. The dispersion
system can exist as an independent structural unit which
can be adapted to otherwise conventional loudspeaker
143597 9/1951 Australia . systems as an inexpensive way of adding the enhance
2325603 12/1974 Fed. Rep. ofGerman) 181/153 X merits of point-source omnidirectional sound to existing
788943 1/1953 United Kingdom . systems for enhancing non-directional frequencies.
Primary Examiner-Russell E. Adams
Assistant Examiner.1ae N. Noh 20 Claims. 2 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent May 26, 1992 Sheet 2 0f 2 5,115,882



2 - m


M. I I I I I
1 2
surfaces to disperse sound radially about a vertical axis
OMNIDIRECTIONAL DISPERSION SYSTEM FOR have shown two major types of faulty acoustical de
One major type of design ?aw found in prior art is
FIELD OF THE INVENTION that which prevents directional sound waves from
This invention relates to loudspeakers and particu being radiated directly into ambient air. All known
larly to systems for dispersing sound radially 360 de examples of prior art show a combination of several of
grees about a vertical axis. Speci?cally, this invention isthe following conditions which disrupt the proper re
an improved system for dispersing midrange and high ?ection of sound waves directly into ambient air and
frequency sound waves. otherwise referred to as direc IO thereby cause distortion:
tional sound waves, radially over 360 degrees about a re?ectors that do not completely cover the planar
vertical axis using a plurality of conventional drivers surfaces on which the re?ectors are mounted. Sound
which reproduce adjacent bands ofthe audio spectrum waves radiating directly off driver diaphagms and strik
and which face conic dispersion surfaces to obtain the ing these exposed surfaces are re?ected obliquely back
desired radial dispersion. 15 across, or converge with, sound waves dispersed by the
conic re?ecting surfaces. Sound waves striking conic
re?ecting surfaces near their bases and being re?ected
The quest for loudspeakers that more perfectly repro at relatively small agles can also strike these exposed
duce recorded sound has intensi?ed since the introduc surfaces and be re?ected back across, or converge with,
tion of recording techniques that eliminate background other sound waves. Because of the differences in dis
noise and restore the dynamic range of the original tances travelled the overlapping or obliquely converg
performance. ing sound waves can be out of phase and cause sound
One theoretical model of "perfect" sound reproduc wave interferences which, by intensifying some fre
tion is that produced by a pulsating sphere which radi quencies and canceling others, introduce serious distor
ates sound outwardly in all directions away from the 25 tions in the reproduction of sound. Also. these exposed
point at the center of the spherical "loudspeaker". The planar surfaces cooperate with the surfaces supporting
rays of sound waves would diverge outwardly and drivers to establish parallel planar surfaces across the
interferences between sound waves would thereby be soundpath of sound waves dispersed by the re?ecting
eliminated. Practitioners who strive to approach this
surfaces, a condition conductive to standing wave activ
ideal refer to it as point-source omnidirectional" sound
ity which also causes reinforcement of some frequencies
dispersion. and cancellations of others.
In the l940s. before the advent of stereo sound, a
method of dispersing sound was employed which re
conic re?ecting surfaces of re?ectors having slopes
mains the closest approach to point-source omnidirec that re?ect sound waves back upon the surfaces drivers
are mounted on. This causes additional re?ections back
tional sound dispersion yet achieved A conic re?ecting
surface was positioned before a vertically-?ring driver across sound waves emitting into ambient air with the
in a facing relationship. Sound waves were re?ected problems described above.
outwardly. away from the central vertical axis of the re?ecting surfaces having slopes such that sound is
system. radially 360 degrees in horizontal planes. The re?ected back upon driver diaphragms. Sound energy
natural dispersion of the driver about its ?ring axis absorbed by a driver diaphragm alters the pitch and
caused sound waves to strike the conic re?ecting sur waveform of the sound waves radiating off the dia
face at decreasing angles of incidence as the points of phragm. A serious coloration of acoustical output is
striking approached the base ofthe re?ector. The corre introduced. This is particularly noticeable throughout
sponding decrease in the angles of re?ection off the the midrange frequencies, the predominate tones vin
conic surface imparted a vertical dispersion of the most music and the human voice.
sound in planes that include the vertical axis of the conic re?ectors with apexes extending into the conic
system. Thus all directional sound waves were re?ected opening of a driver diaphragm. This has two major
away from a series of points on and about the vertical detrimental effects: upper frequency sound energy is
axis ofthe system in the region of the geometric height re?ected back on driver diaphragms as above; and an
of the conic re?ector and, for all practical purposes, irregular horn-like annular passageway enclosing the
point-source omnidirectional sound was achieved. soundpath of emitting soundwaves is created. Any par
But all efforts to adapt the above method to multiway tially enclosed interior space having irregular sides
loudspeakers have failed in terms of modern standards cause detrimental interractions between midrange and
for low distortion sound reproduction. Recent offer high frequency sound waves.
ings. ignoring acoustical principles, introduce various 55 re?ecting surfaces of re?ectors de?ning steeply con
forms of distortion. None has proved successful com cave slopes. A steeply concave re?ecting surface intro
mercially. As a consequence, the enhancements of duces three major problems: high frequency energy
point-source omnidirectional sound and its enhance deteriorates as these sound waves with very short eave
ments of sound reproduction in stereo applications has lengths undergo several energy absorbing re?ections
been unavailable to the audio enthusiast. The present 60 when maneuvering concave surfaces; directional sound
invention addresses this need and resolves the problem waves are focused along closely parallel, and/or con
using relatively inexpensive, conventional dynamic verging lines, promoting interferences with detrimental
drivers. effects already discussed; and dispersion of directional
sound waves in vertical planes is significantly restricted,
PRIOR ART 65 the steeply concave re?ecting surface signi?cantly re
Heretofore, loudspeaker dispersing systems with a ducing or eliminating the progressive decrease in angles
plurality of conventional drivers assigned adjacent of incidence and re?ection as points of re?ection ap
bands of audio frequencies and using conic dispersion proach the base of the re?ector.
3 4
The other major type of faulty acoustical design However, the acoustic center of each driver does not
found in prior art involves the respective distances from constitute an acoustic center of the dispersion system.
the acoustic center of any two adjacent drivers to the In omnidirectional dispersion about a central vertical
ear ofa listener. When there is a discrepency in the two axis by conic re?ectors the acoustic centers of the sys
distances the sound from one driver reaches the ear ofa tem are associated with the re?ectors which direct the
listener before the sound from the other. Time-wise, the sound toward the listener.
drivers are said to be incoherent. Phase-wise, the driv Actually. there are numerous acoustic centers associ
ers will be out of phase over a range of frequencies. ated with each re?ector of a dispersing system and the
Both the time and phasal discrepencies result in a loss of method of locating them is illustrated in the attached
clarity in the reproduction of sound sources, particu drawings and explained in a later section describing
larly those musical instruments and voices having char them. For our present purposes it is sufficient to adopt
acteristic tones and overtones spanning the frequencies the convention of referring to the median point of a
of midrange and high frequency drivers. Many of the spacial array of points approximately on the geometric
subtle nuances of tone and timbre which distinguish height ofa conic re?ector as the effective acoustic center
various musical instruments and the human voice can be of a conic re?ector.
lost. Transients are smeared", masking delicate har As already suggested, there are no known examples
monics and the subdued ambient content ofthe original of prior art showing a vertical separation of effective
sound. Stereo imaging is vague and often shifting. par acoustic centers of adjacent reflectors that approxi
mates one-half the combined distance across the mount
ticularly with regard to the placement of individual
instruments and performers within the perceived ing ?anges of two adjacent drivers. The vertical separa
tions of these centers in known examples of prior art
soundstage. range from approximately 1.5 to more than 5.0 times
It is commonly recognized that one technique em
this distance. This suggests that the the vertical spread
ployed in the design of frontal-firing louspeakers to of the "listening window produced by prior art is
overcome time and phase incoherencies as much as
reduced to two-thirds to less than one-?fth of the uwin
possible is to position the midrange and high frequency dow" produced by the better frontal-firing loudspeaker
drivers as close together as possible in a vertical align systems which presently establish the standards of the
ment on the speaker baf?e ofthe loudspeaker enclosure. industry.
It is not uncommon for the mounting ?anges of the two
drivers to actually touch each other. By doing this the OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION
vertical separation ofthe acoustic centers ofthe drivers The first object of this invention is to advance the
is made as small as possible. state of the art of point-source omnidirectional disper
The above practice is followed because the upper and sion systems for multiway loudspeakers. The objective
lower sides" of a "listening window" over which the is to obtain omnidirectional sound dispersion of direc
sound from the two drivers is reasonably coherent is a 3 tional frequencies which conforms as closely as possible
function of the vertical separation of the acoustic cen to the ideal of all sound waves radiating outwardly from
ters of proximate midrage and high frequency drivers. a single point in space, each ray of each sound wave
The vertical spread of coherent sound over which the diverging from its neighbors so that interactions be
listener connot detect the time differential is inversely tween sound waves are eliminated or minimized to the
proportional to the vertical separation ofthe two acous 40 point of inaudibility. The method of achieving this ob
tic centers. That is say. if the vertical separation can be jective is very direct, the elimination of the faulty
halved the vertical dimension of the window is dou acoustical design features of prior art.
bled. Thus. positioning the drivers as close together as Another object of the invention is to make the advan
possible maximizes the opportunity to hear coherent tages of point-source omnidirectional sound systems of
sound in the listening area. high quality available to the public at affordable prices,
Since the acoustic center of a driver is located at the using drivers of conventional dynamic design.
geometric center of the driver diaphragm. the vertical Still another object of the invention is to make the
separation of the acoustic centers of the midrange and above dispersion system available with means that per
high frequency drivers of a well designed frontal-?ring mit fine adjustments of the time and phase alignment of
loudspeaker system will approximate or will equal one 50 the drivers so that discrepencies that inhere in crossover
half the combined distance across the mounting ?anges networks and voice coils of drivers can be compen
of the two drivers. There are no known examples of sated. This feature adapts a given dispersion system to a
prior art wherein the corresponding vertical separation variety of drivers and crossover networks and is useful
of acoustic centers meets this standard. to practitioners desiring to experiment with various
In prior art and in the present invention the factors drivers and crossover designs to further advance the
which determine the vertical separation of acoustic art.
centers are different from the corresponding factors in A final object of this invention is to make the disper
frontal-?ring systems. Several explanations are in order sion system available as a separate structural unit which
for the problems of vertical separation of acoustic cen can be incorporated into the design of many otherwise
ters to be understood, keeping in mind that the position conventional loudspeaker systems with different types
of the acoustic center of each vertically ?ring driver of enclosures for the enhancement of the essentially
remains critical. The distance between the acoustic non-directional sound waves.
center of one driver in the vertical alignment and the
apex ofa facing re?ector must be essentially the same as SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the distance between the acoustic center of an adjacent 65 The present invention is akin to prior art in that it is
driver in the alignment and the apex of the reflector a dispersion system for directional sound waves com
facing the adjacent driver or time alignment would be prising a plurality drivers of conventional dynamic
disrupted. design which are assigned adjacent bands of the audio
5 6
spectrum. which ?re vertically. which face re?ecting FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating acoustical principles
surfaces of conic re?ectors. the drivers and re?ectors important to an understanding of the invention.
being mounted on supporting means which are main
tained in position by spacing means in a vertical align
ment about a vertical axis so that directional sound
waves are dispersed outwardly 360 degrees about the FIG. 1 shows woofer/midrange driver 1 mounted
vertical axis. across centered opening 16 (not shown) of supporting
The present invention improves prior art by elimnat means 10. mounting ?ange 4 being attached to mount
ing substantially all of the design defects of prior art ing surface 11 so that the front side 3 of diaphragm 2 is
which inhibit the undisturbed re?ection of directional upward and driver 1 faces re?ecting surface 21 of re
sound waves directly into ambient air thereby eliminat ?ector 20. Re?ecting surface 21 is de?ned by apex 22
ing the many sources of distortion introduced by these and base 23 of re?ector 20. Two cylindrical spacers 17a
design defects of prior art. and two cylindrical spacers 17b extend downward
Further improvement is achieved by establishing a through four circular openings 5 in mounting ?ange 4
vertical separation of effective acoustic centers that the lower extremities of spacers 17a and 17b seated in
approximates or is less than that of well designed fron four cylindrical recesses 15 (not shown) in supporting
tal-?ring louspeakers so that the vertical limitations of means 10. Spacers 17a and 17b extend upward through
the listening window" of coherent sound will meet or four cylindrical openings 26 in re?ector 20 and continue
exceed present industry standards. Speci?cally this im through four corresponding openings 35 in supporting
proves the vertical spread of coherent sound produced
means 30. Spacers 17a and 17b continue upward
by known examples of prior art by approximately 50 through four cylindrical openings 56 in re?ector S0.
percent to over 500 percent.
The upper extremities of spacers 17a and 17b are seated
This invention further improves prior art by eliminat in four cylindrical recesses 65 (not shown) in supporting
means 60. Supporting means 30 is maintained in position
ing concave re?ecting surfaces which focus re?ected
by the pressure of two resilient friction means 39 (not
sound waves along parallel lines. restricting dispersion
in vertical planes and encouraging sound wave interfer shown) against spacers 17b. Planar surface 24 (not
shown) of base 23 of re?ector 20 is attached to bottom
mounting surface 32 (not shown) of supporting means
Preferred embodiments of this invention further im
30. Circumferential edge 25 of base 23 coincides cir
prove prior art by the use of re?ectors having re?ecting cumferential outer edge 34 of mounting surface 32 (not
surfaces that define true geometric cones. This feature, shown) of supporting means 30. Planar surface 54 (not
cooperating with the vertical separation of effective shown) of base 53 of re?ector 50 is attached to bottom
acoustic centers as mentioned above. results in even
mounting surface 62 (not shown) of supporting means
dispersion of directional sound waves in both horizontal 60. Circumferential edge 55 of base 53 coincides with
and vertical planes and is believed to be state of the art circumferential outer edge of mounting surface 62 (not
in point-source omnidirectional sound by multiway shown) of supporting means 60. Driver 41. reproducu
loudspeakers. ing a band of frequencies above that reproduced by
The invention also features an option which provides driver 1. is mounted across centered vertical opening 36
means for adjusting the relative distances in the spaced (not shown) of supporting means 30. mounting ?ange 44
relationships of the apexes of re?ectors and the acoustic fastened to top mounting surface 31 so that front side 43
centers of facing drivers thereby providing advantages of diaphragm 42 is upward and driver 41 faces re?ect
already mentioned for the practitioner who desires to ing surface 51 of re?ector 50, re?ecting surface 51 being
advance the art. defined by apex 52 and base 53 of re?ector 50. Acoustic
Finally. this invention features supporting means for center Oof driver 1 and acoustic center 0' of driver 41
drivers and re?ectors and spacing means that are inde are indicated below the surface of diaphragms 2 and 42
pendent of a loudspeaker enclosure. This improvement respectively. Supporting means 10 and supporting
makes it possible to adapt the invention to a variety of means 30 are proximate to each other in a spaced rela
loudspeaker enclosure systems for reproducing the es tionship. Supporting means 30 and supporting means 60
sentially non-directional sound waves that require no are proximate to each other in a spaced relationship.
dispersing system. It also enables owners of presently 50 Vertical axis xy of the dispersion system, indicated by
existing loudspeakers to convert them to point-source a dashed line, can be seen to intersect the geometric
omnidirectional systems without adding greatly to their centers of diaphragms 2 and 42 and apexes 22 and 52.
cost. The diviation of the slopes of re?ecting surfaces 21 and
The invention and it objects and advantages will be 51 off vertical axis xy are constant, re?ecting surfaces
better understood by a consideration of the accompany 55 21 and 51 being true geometric cones.
ing drawings and their descriptions which follow. Re?ecting surface 21 shields mounting surface 32
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS (not shown) from sound waves radiating off diaphragm
2 and re?ecting surface 51 shields mounting surface 62
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a preferred embodi (not shown) from sound waves radiating off diaphragm
ment. 42. This shielding eliminates the possibility of said
FIG. 2 shows the cross section of a portion of the mounting surfaces re?ecting sound waves across the
embodiment shown in FIG. 1. soundpath of sound waves re?ected off re?ecting sur
FIG. 3 is a perspective of a portion of the embodi faces 21 and 51 and eliminates distortion from sound
ment shown in FIG. 1. wave interferences resulting therefrom. This shielding
FIG. 4 is a perspective view ofa modified version of also eliminates the possibility of distortion from stand
the embodiment shown in FIG. 1. ing wave activity between opposed parallel planar
FIG. 5 is a cross-section of another modified version mounting surfaces 11 and 32 respectively of proximate
of the preferred embodiment shown in FIG. 1. supporting means 10 and 30 and, similarly, for opposed
7 8
parallel mounting surfaces 31 and 62 respectively of The absence of steeply concaved re?ecting surfaces
proximate supporting means 30 and 60. eliminates the loss of high frequency sound energy from
There is a spaced relationship of acoustic centers 0 multiple re?ections of these short-wavelength sound
and O' with apexes 22 and 52 respectively which assures waves when they must maneuver curved surfaces. Fo
that directional sound waves re?ected off re?ecting cusing of directional sound waves by steeply concave
surfaces 21 and 51 respectively' are not re?ected back surfaces along parallel or converging lines in vertical
upon diaphragms 2 and 42 respectively. This feature planes, another source of sound wave interferences.
eliminates coloration of midrange and high frequency would also occur. This same focusing also would signif
sound waves which_results from the absorption, on the icantly reduce dispersion in vertical planes.
part of diaphragms 2 and 42. of re?ected sound energy The elimination of many sources of distortion and the
and contributes significantly to accurate saound repro even dispersion of directional sound waves directly into
duction. ambient air in both horizontal and vertical planes ap
Continuing reference to FIG. 1, the slope of re?ect proaches true pointsource omnidirectional dispersion
ing surface 21 cooperates with the spaced relationship and represents a significant improvement in the acousti
of proximate supporting means 10 and 30 and the slope 5 cal performance of dispersion systems for multiway
of re?ecting surface 51 cooperates with the spaced loudspeakers which disperse sound away from a central
relationship of proximate supporting means 30 and 60 so vertical axis over 360 degrees in horizontal planes.
that midrange and high frequency sound waves radiat The perspective of FIG. 1 prevents accurate mea
ing off diaphragms 2 and 42 are re?ected substantially surement of the distance between apexes 22 and 52. In
directly into ambient air. This feature eliminates interior embodiments as shown. where drivers and re?ectors
space which encloses the sound path of midrange and alternate in the vertical alignment, this distance is the
high frequency soundwaves, said interior space would equivalent of the vertical separation of the effective
cause sound waves to be re?ected across the path of acoustic centers of the dispersion system. This vertical
other soundwaves resulting in interferences which dis separation approximates or is less than one-half the
tort sound reproduction. Eu III combined distance across the mounting ?anges of driv
Continuing reference to FIG. 1. since the sound rays ers 1 and 41 and assures that the vertical spread in the
of midrange and high frequency sound waves are direc listening area over which sound from the drivers is
tional, and since re?ecting surfaces 21 and 51 describe coherent is equal to or greater than the vertical spread
essentially true geometric cones the midrange and high of coherent sound from well designed frontal-?ring
frequency sound waves radiating off diaphragms 2 and multiway loudspeaker systems. This feature maintains
42 and striking re?ecting surfaces 21 and 51 are dis the two acoustic centers as close together as practical
persed with even intensity in horizontal planes. And and enhances the point-source nature of the sound re
since these sound waves strike re?ecting surfaces 21 and production ofa loudspeaker system utilizing the disper
51 with decreasing angles of incidence as the points of sion system and contributes thereby to precise and sta
striking approach the perimetric edges 25 and S5 of ble imaging in stereo applications.
bases 23 and 53. said sound waves are re?ected at corre Continuing with FIG. 1. lateral openings 48 provides
sponding decreases in angles of re?ection assuring even access to hollow interior portion 47 (not shown) of one
dispersion in vertical planes that include vertical axis of spacers 17a and make it possible for wiring connec
xv. tions to driver 26 to be concealed while at the same time
Continuing reference to FIG. 1, the distance across 40 permitting supporting means 30 to be moved up and
supporting means 10 approximates the distance across down when external force is applied in order to alter the
the mounting ?ange 4 of driver 1 minimizing diffrac relativedistances in the spaced relationship of acoustic
tional losses across mounting surface 11. Perimetric center 0 and apex 22 and the spaced relationship of
edges 13 and 14 of supporting means 10. 33 and 34 of acoustic center 0' and apex 52. This feature is shown in
supporting means 30, 63 and 64 of supporting means 60, greater detail in the cross section drawing of FIG. 3.
25 of base 23 and 55 of base 53 are circumferential and Continuing with FIG. 1, the embodiment illustrated
essentially congruent. Mounting surface 32 is shielded in FIG. 1 is an independent structural unit suitable for
from sound waves generated by driver 1. mounting mounting on the top panel of several different types of
surface 62 is shielded from sound waves generated by loudspeaker enclosures designed to enhance the repro
driver 41. Thus there are no exposed surfaces to re?ect duction of bass frequencies of woofer/midrange driver
sound waves back across the sound path of directional 1 in a two-way loudspeaker system. The embodiment in
sound waves re?ecting off re?ecting surfaces 21 and 51, FIG. 1 can be mounted on the top panel of woofer
eliminating a source of sound wave interferences that enclosure for a three-way loudspeaker system. A cen
cause reinforcement of some sound frequencies and tered vertical opening can be added to supporting
cancellation of others. 55 means 60 and a third driver, reproducing a band of
Continuing with FIG. 1, it can be seen that apex 22 frequencies above those reproduced by driver 41,
does not extend into the space defined by the horizontal mounted thereon with an additional re?ector centered
plane of mounting ?ange 4 and front surface 3 of dia above it for a three-way loudspeaker system. Replacing
phragm 2. Re?ecting surfaces 21 and 51 define essen driver 1 with a driver of similar diameter but reproduc
tially true geometric cones having constant deviations 60 ing only midrange fequencies provides the option of
off vertical axis x-y. And the slope of re?ecting sur supporting the dispersion system on a small base and
face 21 cooperates with the spaced relationship of prox using a pair of same as midrange/high frequency satte
imate supporting means 10 and 30, and the slope of lite speakers of a large speaker system for enhancing
re?ecting surface 51 cooperates with the spaced rela bass frequencies.
tionship of proximate supporting means 30 and 60, so 65 Additional factors affecting the acoustical perfor
that directional sound waves generated by drivers 1 and mance of the dispersion system illustrated in FIG. 1 are
41 are re?ected substantially directly into ambient air. discussed in the description of the cross sectional dia
These features are more clearly discernable in FIG. 6. grammatic drawing of FIG. 6.
5,115,882 10
FIG. 2 shows driver 1 mounted across centered verti 70, in the same manner illustrated with supporting
cal opening 16 of supporting means 10. The lower ex means 30 in FIG. 2. so that retaining pressure is exerted
tremity of one of spacers 17a is seated in cylindrical against the sides of the two spacers 17b. Supporting
recess 15. Said spacer 170 extends upward through one means 70 can be moved up and down with the applica
of openings 5 in ?ange 4 of driver 1 and continues up tion of external pressure to adjust the relative distances
ward through opening 26 of re?ector 20 and opening 35 in the spaced relationships of acoustic center 0 of
of supporting means 30. A wiring pathway from termi driver 1 and apex 22 of re?ector 20 and of acoustic
nal 45 of driver 41 is provided by lateral opening 48 in center 0' of driver 41 and apex 52 of re?ector 50 allow
said spacer 17a providing access into hollow interior 47 ing thereby the correction of time and phase anomolies
of said spacer 170 which extends downward through that may exist between driver 1 and driver 41. Not
hollow interior 47 into diagonal opening 46 of support shown in the cross section drawing of FIG. 5 are the
ing means 10. hollow interiors of the two spacers 17a extending the
FIG. 3 shows resilient friction means 39 installed in a entire length of spacers 170. the two lateral openings 48
cylindrical recess in supporting means 30. The cylindri and the two diagonal openings 46 through supporting
cal recess intersects cylindrical opening 35 in support means 10 which permit the wiring hookup of driver 41
ing means 30 so that a side portion of frictional means 39 to be hidden.
protrudes into cylindrical opening 35. Frictional means In FIG. 6. triangle AHC represents one half ofa cross
39 is compressed against the side of one of spacers 17b section of a conic re?ector such as the one faced by
when said spacer extends through opening 35. The driver 1 in FIG. 1 taken in the plane that includes the
pressure exerted by two frictional means 39 against each 20 vertical axis of the dispersion system. Side AI-I repre
of spacers 17b maintains supporting means 30 in place sents the geometric height of the conic re?ector and
unless acted upon by external force. side AC represents the re?ecting surface ofthe re?ector
FIG. 4 shows driver 41 mounted on supporting from the apex at A to a point on the circumference of
means 30 so that driver 41 faces re?ecting surface 51 of the base at C. The position of a driver having acoustic
re?ector 50 as in FIG. 1. Vertical spacer 37 is a piece of center represented by 0 is indicated by D and that of its
heavy guage steel wire with a horizontal portion 38 supporting means is indicated by S in the diagram. The
extending into supporting means 60. Spacer 37 extends supporting means for the re?ector represented by ABC
downward through small O-ring 59 which is secured in is indicated by T.
a recess in supporting means 30. Spacer 37 continues Continuing reference to FIG. 6. sound energy that is
downward through hollow interior 57 of spacer 18b. 30 most likely to be re?ected back upon the diaphragm of
O-ring 59 has a small inside diameter so that pressure is a driver is that which is radiated vertically offthe driver
exerted against spacer 37 with sufficient force to main diaphragm from the direction of the acoustic center of
tain the assembly of spacer 37. supporting means 60 and the driver, Accordingly, the vertical portion of dashed
re?ector 50 in place when spacer 37 is raised to com line OBR represents a sound ray radiating vertically
pensate for time and phase anomolies between drivers 35 from O and striking AC at B immediately adjacent to
as previously discussed. apex A in a vertical plane that includes AI-I. BR. the
FIG. 5 shows a modified version of the embodiment continuation of dashed line OBR slanting downward to
shown in FIG. 1. Supporting means 30 is inverted and the right. represents the re?ected portion of the sound
occupies the position that supporting means 60 occupies ray. Apex A is elevated above the level of supporting
in FIG. 1. In addition. supporting means 30 has been means S so that the slope of AC and the spaced relation
modified in that cylindrical openings 35 have been re ship ofthe acoustic center at O and apex A cooperate to
placed with cylindrical recesses 76 and supporting assure that sound ray OR is not re?ected back upon any
means 30 no longer has recesses to accomodate friction part ofthe driver represented by D or ofthe supporting
means 39. Supporting means 70 occupies the position means represented by S. but is re?ected directly into
that supporting means 30 occupies in FIG. 1. Top cover 45 ambient air.
88 covers centered vertical opening 36 of supporting The downward slant BR indicates that the dispersion
means 30. system represented can be positioned above the heads of
Continuing. planar surface 24 of base 23 of re?ector listeners. BR' represents the re?ected portion of a
20 is attached to mounting surface 72 of supporting sound ray OBR' when the re?ector represented by
means 70 and planar surface 54 of base 53 of re?ector 50 AHC is lowered. AB indicates the distance that the
is attached to mounting surface 71 of supporting means re?ector can be adjusted downward to compensate for
70. When two re?ectors are positioned between drivers time and phase anomolies before the adjustment would
1 and 41 in this manner the two effective acoustic cen cause sound energy to be re?ected on to S or any part
ters 0 and 0' can be positioned somewhat closer to of the driver represented by D.
gether than they are in the embodiment shown in FIG. 55 Since the angle of re?ection of directional sound
1. provided the deviation of the slope of re?ecting sur waves equals the angle of incidence, simple geometry
face 21 and the deviation of the slope of re?ecting sur determines that angle HBC equals angle CBR and that
face 51 are both greater than 45 degrees. This results in angle HCB minus angle HBC gives the de?ection off
a still larger vertical spread in the listening area over the horizontal of the re?ected portion of OR. Since
which soundwaves from drivers 1 and 41 respectively angle BBC is greater thatn angle I-ICA the de?ection
are coherent. On the other hand, when the deviations will be negative, or below the horizontal. If the slope of
mentioned are relatively small the vertical separation of BC were 45 degrees, the de?ection would be zero. This
acoustic centers can be so far apart that the vertical information enables a practitioner to avoid many of the
spread is seriously shortened and coherent sound can be acoustical de?ciencies of prior art and to plan for the
heard only in a horizontally narrow space in the listent 65 use of the invention with loudspeaker enclosures of
ening area. various heights and horizontal dimensions.
Continuing reference to FIG. 5, resilient friction FIG. 6 also shows OE, representing a sound ray,
means 39 is secured in two recesses in supporting means striking AC at C. Angle ECV, the angle of re?ection is
11 12
equal to angle OCW by de?nition. and is seen to be ferred and optional embodiments thereof. Those skilled
approximately one-halfangle CAR. Angle L' represents in the art will envision other possible variations within
the dispersion of sound waves in vertical planes which the scope and spirit of the invention. Accordingly. the
include AH. Line segment AY represents the series of scope ofthe invention should not be determined by the
points on AH away from which the re?ecting surface embodiments illustrated. but by the appended claims
represented by AC disperses sound energy 360 degrees and their legal equivalents.
in horizontal planes. Point 2 is the median point of AY 1 claim:
and represents the effective acoustic center of sound 1. An omnidirectional dispersion system for midrange
waves dispersed by the re?ecting surface represented and high frequency sound waves of multiway loud
by AC. speakers, said sound waves de?ning directional sound
When horizontal cross sections ofa reflecting surface waves; said dispersion system comprising a plurality of
de?ne a circle of points equidistant from the vertical drivers for generating said sound waves, a plurality of
axis. the points away from which sound is re?ected lie re?ectors for dispersing said sound waves, a plurality of
on the vertical axis in the region of the re?ectors geo supporting means for mounting said drivers and said
metric height. re?ectors, and spacing means for vertically spacing
But when circles are not de?ned by horizontal cross apart said supporting means; each of said drivers having
sections of the re?ecting surface, as in the case of a a diaphragm, said diaphragm having a planar perimetric
pyrimidal conic re?ector, the points away from which outer edge and front and rear surfaces disposed about a
sound is dispersed would lie partly on and partly proxi geometric center, said diaphragm being vibrated by a
mately about the vertical axis in the region ofthe re?ec voice coil. said voice coil having general dimensions of
tors geometric height. their pattern and exact locations a thin-walled cylindrical tube with two opposed circu
being determined by the contour of the re?ecting sur lar ends, said two ends lying substantially in parallel
face. In either case the effective acoustic center will lie planes and having geometric centers, said voice coil
on the re?ector's geometric height and the re?ecting having a longitudinal axis intersecting said geometric
surface will re?ect sound outwardly, away from each of centers of said diaphragm and said two circular ends,
said points on and about the vertical axis. one of said ends being a forward end of said voice coil,
To locate the effective acoustic center on the geomet said forward end rigidly attached to said diaphragm so
ric height ofa re?ector when the re?ecting surface does that said longitudinal axis is substantially perpendicular
not de?ne a circle of points equidistant from the vertical to a plane of said perimetric outer edge of said dia
axis it is necessary to draft a vertical cross section where . phragm. said rear surface of said diaphragm facing
the diviation from the vertical axis is the average ofthe toward said voice coil, said diaphragm radiating sound
least and greatest of the actual deviations. waves off said front and rear surfaces thereof in oppo
Normally. the effective acoustic center is positioned site directions along and about a straight line that in
on the re?ectors geometric height between the apex cludes said longitudinal axis as a segment thereof, said
and the midpoint of the geometric height. Exceptional straight line de?ning a ?ring axis ofeach of said drivers;
conditions. such as a re?ecting surface with a deviation said dispersion system utilizing only the radiation of
from the vertical axis ofless than 45 degrees. can deter sound waves off the front surface of said diaphragm;
mine that the effective acoustic center will be proximate each of said drivers having a rigid frame for supporting
to the apex. said diaphragm and said voice coil, said sound waves
In the design of dispersion systems where the drivers 40 generated from each of said drivers originating from
and re?ectors alternate with each other in the vertical and approximately about a point on said ?ring axis lo
alignment the vertical separation ofthe effective acous cated approximately at said geometric center of said
tic centers will always be substantially equal to the diaphragm, said point being an acoustic center of each
distance between a point on the geometric height of one of said drivers; said frame of each of said drivers having
re?ector and the corresponding point on the geometric 45 a forward part de?ned by a mounting ?ange, said
height of an adjacent re?ector. The distance between mounting ?ange being a relatively ?at outward exten
the apexes. visible and easily measured. is convenient sion ofsaid frame in planes approximately parallel to the
for determining the separation. plane of said perimetric outer edge of said diaphragm;
However, in the case of a system where adjacent said mounting ?ange having a perimetric edge; there
drivers face toward each other with facing re?ectors being de?ned a shortest distance across said mounting
between them. or where the drivers face away from ?ange, said distance being a length ofa shortest straight
each other with the re?ectors before them, the location line segment intersecting said ?ring axis of each of said
ofthe effective acoustic center of each re?ector must be drivers and having ends thereof on said perimetric edge
established in order to determine the vertical separation. of said mounting ?ange; said shortest straight line seg
Finally, point X in FIG. 6 represents one of the two 55 ment de?ning a distance across each of said drivers; said
actual acoustic centers of the re?ector in the plane of drivers being reproducers of different bands of audio
the sketch. Each acoustic center is the point at which frequencies, at least one of said drivers being a repro
geometric extensions of the lines representing the re ducer of midrange frequencies, other of said drivers
?ected portions of sound rays off the opposite side of reproducing bands of frequencies above said band of
the re?ecting surface converge. Thus, an in?nite num 60 frequencies reproduced by said at least one driver; each
ber of actual acoustic centers of a true conic re?ector of said re?ectors having a generally conic re?ecting
exist forming a ring around the vertical axis of the dis surface de?ned by an apex and a base; said base having
persion system. With other generally conic re?ecting a planar surface and a perimetric edge; each of said
surfaces the pattern of points around and about the re?ectors having a geometric height, said geometric
geometric height or the vertical axis, will differ. 65 height being substantially perpendicular to a plane of
While the above descriptions contain speci?cities, said base and extending from said plane to said apex,
these shoul not be construed as limitations on the scope said conic re?ecting surface of each of said re?ectors
of the invention but as exempli?cations of speci?c pre disposed 360 degrees about said geometric height, said
13 14
re?ecting surface sloping from said apex to said peri said effective acoustic centers associated with said prox
metric edge of said base. said sloping de?ning a slope of imate re?ectors: wherein the improvement comprises:
said re?ecting surface; said geometric height having a said perimetric edge of said base of each of said re
mid-point half-way between said apex and said plane of ?ectors that substantially coincides with said peri
said base; each of said supporting means being of rela metric outer edge of one of said mounting surfaces
tively ?at one-piece construction. a top and bottom of of each of said supporting means upon which each
each of said supporting means being vertically aligned of said re?ectors is mounted, whereby said one
planar surfaces in substantiallyv horizontal planes, said mounting surface is substantially shielded from
planar surfaces being mounting surfaces; said mounting midrange and high frequency sound waves radiat
surfaces of each of said supporting means having sub ing off said diaphragm of a facing driver, and also
stantially congruent perimetric outer edges and geomet eliminating thereby parallel planar surfaces par
ric centers: each of said supporting means having a tially enclosing the soundpath of said sound waves;
continuous side surface. said side surface connecting and
said mounting surfaces at the perimetric outer edges of said slope of said re?ecting surface of each of said
said mounting surfaces; each of said supporting means 5 re?ectors that cooperate with the spaced relation
for mounting said drivers having a centered vertical ship of said proximate supporting means so that
opening intersecting a plane of each of said mounting said re?ecting surface re?ects directional sound
surfaces, said openings accomodating a passage of rear waves directly into ambient air.
ward portions of one of said drivers when said one 2. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein said
driver is mounted on one of said supporting means; distance across said supporting means for said at least
there being de?ned a distance across each of said sup one midrange frequency driver approximates said dis
porting means. said distance being a length of a shortest tance across said at least one midrange frequency
straight line segment intersecting a geometric center of driver.
one of said mounting surfaces and having ends thereof 3. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein in said
on a perimetric outer edge of said one mounting surface; vertical alignment there is a sequence in which said
each of said drivers being mounted across said opening drivers and said re?ectors are positioned, said drivers
of one of said supporting means for mounting said driv alternating with said re?ectors in said sequence.
ers. said mounting ?ange of each of said drivers being 4. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein two of
attached to one of said mounting surfaces of one of said said drivers face toward each other, and wherein be
supporting means for mounting said drivers: each of tween said two drivers at least one of said re?ectors is
said re?ectors being mounted on one of said supporting mounted in a facing relationship.
means. said planar surface of said base of each of said 5. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein means
re?ectors being attached to one of said mounting sur are provided for adjusting said spaced relationship of
faces of one of said supporting means; said spacing the apex of said re?ecting surface of each of said re?ec
means spacing apart said supporting means so that said tors and the acoustic center of a facing driver.
drivers and said re?ectors are positioned in a substan 6. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein said
tially vertical alignment wherein any two of said sup perimetric edge of said base of each of said re?ectors
porting means adjacent to one another de?ne proximate and said perimetric outer edges of said mounting sur
supporting means. any two consecutively aligned driv faces of each of said supporting means are substantially
ers de?ne proximate drivers, and any two consecutively congruent.
mounted re?ectors de?ne proximate re?ectors; a total 7. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein said
distance across said proximate drivers de?ned by a slope of said re?ecting surface of each of said re?ectors
combination ofthe distance across said proximate driv has a relatively constant deviation from the geometric
ers; said vertical alignment being such that the ?ring height of each of said re?ectors so that a steeply con
axis of each of said drivers and the geometric height of 45 caved re?ecting surface is eliminated: whereby energy
each of said re?ectors are substantially segments of a absorbing multiple re?ections of high frequency sound
straight line. said straight line substantially coinciding waves is avoided, whereby focusing of directional
with a vertical axis of said dispersion system; said align sound waves in vertical planes is avoided thereby elimi
ment being such that each of said drivers faces the re nating sound wave interferences, whereby directional
?ecting surface of one of said re?ectors; said proximate sound waves are re?ected at decreasing angles of re?ec'
drivers being reproducers of adjacent bands of audio tion as points of re?ection approach said base of each of
frequencies; said vertical alignment being such that said said re?ectors thereby maintaining substantial disper
proximate supporting means are in a spaced relation sion of said sound waves in vertical planes.
ship. and such that the apex of the re?ecting surface of 8. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein said
each of said re?ectors and the acoustic center ofa fac 55 spacing means separate said supporting means so that a
ing driver are in a spaced relationship; and said align spaced relationship exists between said proximate re
ment being such that said re?ecting surface of each of ?ectors such that said vertical separation of said effec
said re?ectors disperses said directional sound waves tive acoustic centers is substantially equal to one-half of
away from said vertical axis of said dispersion system a combined distance across said proximate drivers fac
360 degrees about said vertical axis in substantially hori ing said re?ecting surfaces of said proximate re?ectors.
zontal planes; said sound waves radiating outwardly 9. A sound dispersion system as in 8 wherein in said
from points on and proximately about said vertical axis vertical alignment there is a sequence in which said
in the region of the geometric height of each of said drivers and said re?ectors are positioned, said drivers
re?ectors, a median point of said points being on said alternating with said reflectors in said sequence.
geometric height and de?ning an effective acoustic 10. A sound dispersion system as in 9 wherein two of
center of the dispersion system; a straight line segment said drivers face toward each other and wherein be
having ends thereof on said effective acoustic center of tween said two drivers at least one of said re?ectors is
proximate re?ectors de?ning a vertical separation of mounted in a facing relationship.
15 16
11. A sound dispersion system as in 9 wherein said re?ectors. said apex and said base of each of said re?ec
perimetric outer edges of the mounting surfaces of each tors defining a re?ecting surface that is a substantially
of said supporting means and the perimetric edge of the true geometric cone so that a progressive decrease in
base of each of said re?ectors are substantially congru angles of re?ection occurs as directional sound waves
ent. strike said re?ecting surface closer and closer to the
12. A sound dispersing system as in 10 wherein the base thereof, said progressive decrease in angles of re
distance across each of said supporting means approxi ?ection being substantially proportional to a progres
mates the distance across said at least one driver repro sive decrease in corresponding angles of incidence of
ducing midrange frequencies. said sound waves; the apex of each of said re?ectors
13. A sound dispersion system as in 10 wherein the O being outside a space de?ned by a horizontal plane of
spaced relationship of the apex of the re?ecting surface the mounting ?ange of a facing driver and a front sur
of each of said re?ectors and the acoustic center of a face of a conic diaphragm of said facing driver; said
facing driver is such that the apex of each of said re?ec slope ofthe re?ecting surface of each of said re?ectors
tors is outside a space defined by a horizontal plane of cooperating with said spaced relationship of said proxi
the mounting ?ange of a facing driver and the front 5 mate supporting means so that directional sound waves
surface ofa conic diaphragm of said facing driver. generated by a facing driver are re?ected substantially
14. A sound dispersion system as in 10 wherein said directly into ambient air; said conic re?ecting surface of
slope of said re?ecting surface of each of said re?ectors each of said proximate re?ectors dispersing said direc
has a relatively constant deviation from the geometric tional sound waves away from a series of points on the
height of each of said re?ectors so that a steeply con geometric height of each of said proximate re?ectors
caved re?ecting surface is eliminated: whereby energy with essentially even intensity 360 degrees about said
absorbing multiple re?ections of high frequency sound vertical axis in horizontal planes and with essentially
waves is avoided; whereby focusing of directional
even intensity in vertical planes that include said verti
sound waves in vertical planes is avoided thereby elimi
nating sound wave interferences; whereby directional cal axis, whereby dispersion of directional sound waves
sound waves are re?ected at decreasing angles of re?ec by said dispersion system for multiway loudspeakers
tion as points of re?ection approach said base of each of approximates point-source omnidirectional sound.
said re?ectors thereby maintaining substantial disper 17. A sound dispersion system as in 9 wherein in said
sion of said sound waves in vertical planes. vertical alignment there is a sequence in which said
15. A sound dispersion system as in 8 wherein means drivers and said re?ectors are positioned, said drivers
are provided to alter the spaced relationship ofthe apex alternating with said re?ectors in said sequence.
of each of said re?ectors and the acoustic center of a 18. A sound dispersion system as is 9 wherein two of
facing driver. said drivers face toward each other, and wherein be
16. A sound dispersion system as in 21 wherein said tween said two drivers two of said re?ectors are
perimetric outer edges of said mounting surfaces of mounted in a facing relationship; the slope of each of
each of said supporting means and said perimetric edge said two re?ectors having a deviation from said vertical
of the base of each of said re?ectors are essentially axis of at least 45 degrees.
circumferential edges. said circumferential edges being 19. A sound dispersion system as in 9 wherein means
substantially congruent; said distance across each of are provided to alter the spaced relationship of the apex
said supporting means represented by a straight line of each of said re?ectors and the acoustic center of a
segment in a plane of one of said mounting surfaces and facing driver.
having ends thereof on said circunferential edge of said 20. A sound dispersion system as in 1 wherein the
one mounting surface; said distance across said support spaced relationship of the apex of the re?ecting surface
ing means approximating said distance across said at of each of said re?ectors and the acoustic center of a
least one midrange driver; said perimetric outer edge of 45 facing driver is such the apex of each of said re?ectors
said diaphragm of each of said drivers being essentially lies outside a space defined by a horizontal plane of the
circumferential: said slope of the re?ecting surface of mounting ?ange ofa facing driver and the front surface
each of said re?ectors having a substantially constant of a conic diaphragm of said facing driver.
deviation from said geometric height of each of said 1 i i i i




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