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Coffee The edition for coffee connoisseurs

With a feature in latte art
Table of Contents

EDITORIAL PAGE A few words from the

During the planning process of my blog, I would jot down notes of people I plan to in-
terview and feature due to my interest in sharing their story and showcasing their tal-
ents. Usually, They are either a friend or an acquaintance since I am so accustomed to
reaching out to those closest to me. However, when I received one of my first journal-
ism assignments in Principles of Journalism (Professor Rick Brunson at the University
of Central Florida), I suddenly found that I could no longer rely on interviewing friends
or family members because it was considered unethical due to conflicts of interest in
accordance with the Code of Ethics, humbly honored by professional journalists (Luck-
ily,it's still O.K. in the blogging world). This was a new challenge to me; professionally
speaking to a stranger is a daunting experience. Human instinct groans danger around
strangers, and causes us to deviate from speaking to people unacquainted with us. It
took a lot of self control and focus to approach strangers, introduce myself and ask
for an interview. Fortunately, this experience was an ultimately a success! I am glad to
have taken my baby steps as a journalist and am excited for the new challenges that lie
ahead! So here is one of my first pieces written as a journalist. Enjoy!

Latte Artist Experiences
form the art of latte artistry. Latte art is the terns that require multiple pours to attain
meticulous method of preparing coffee by the silhouette, such as the tulip design that
pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso, is Sius favorite ta is quite fulfilling, Siu says. When people
resulting in a beautiful design on the surface and the pour he is
I would have to do it come in sleepy with a long day ahead of
of a cup of coffee. Here, distinguished arti- famous for. I like again, if people ask for them and are given cups of coffee precisely
sans are at work on your cup of Joe. the shape more, a specific shape, you dialed in with the perfect balance of espres-
something about want it to look good. so and milk, the look of pure satisfaction
Edd Siu is the owner/barista of Vespr Craft the tulip shape on their faces is the goal that Siu strives to
Coffee & Al- that clicks in my brain. And the person achieve. Some customers tell him their latte
He has poured countless looks too pretty to drink and he observes
lures. He has who taught me said tulips were the hard-
poured count- gallons of milk and ded- est, so I decided to practice that one first, them adding sugar to side of the cup careful-
less gallons icated endless hours of he said. When Johnson first started to get ly so, stirring the coffee up from the bottom
of milk and practice to teach himself tulips she kept showing it to Siu, I was so in attempt to not mess up the design. Mo-
dedicated end- latte art. proud and happy that I was overflowing it ments like these are cherished and confirm

POUR ME A ROSETTE less hours of onto the people around me. that he has done his part well.
practice to teach himself latte art. The tradi-
tional technique of mastering this art is using The worst moments are when customers
soap and water as substitutes for espresso The experience as a latte artist and baris- ask for a specific shape and he messes it up,
and milk; however, he preferred using the I would have to do it again, if people ask for
authentic ingredients to work with the real a specific shape, you want it to look good.
texture of milk. When asked how long it took
him to master his art, his reply was, You
always keep learning.

Free Pouring
Vespr Craft Coffee & Allures

Katlyn Johnson is the head barista at Vespr

Sometimes, beautiful works of art are hid-
Craft Coffee & Allures and a novice in latte
den in plain site. Amongst the chaotic and
artistry. I learned that latte art is a reflection
busy shops of the Waterford Lakes Town
on the skill of the barista and the quality of the
Center lies an unassuming, dimly lit, and
espresso, she says.
aesthetically modern coffee shop: Vespr
Free pouring is the type of latte art where the
Craft Coffee & Allures. Theres something
cup is either kept level or tilted in one direc-
intangible about it that whispers foreign.
tion, and as the milk is poured into the cup, the
It looks almost as if it were picked up from
foam begins to surface on one side, due to the
the streets of Chelsea and the Meatpacking
tilt. The barista then either moves the pitcher
District area of New York City and by some
side to side as they level the cup or wiggle the
serendipitous mishap, slipped, bumped and
spout back and forth finishing with a quick
fell its way into the city of Orlando, Florida.
strike through the previously poured design,
creating the stem portion of the flower pat-
Here, surrounded by the hustle and bustle
tern, and bends the poured zigzag into a flower
of Orlandos ever-grinding lifestyle, time
shape. A more undeviating pour blossoms a
and dedication are metered off daily to per-
heart shape. There are also more complex pat-

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When Johnson first started pouring latte art, she poured a beautiful rosette pattern unintentionally.
She was so ecstatic, she took a photo of it, and the woman she gave it to was impressed. Unfortu-
nately, it made her upset that she was unable to do it again no matter how hard she tried. There are
instances when Ive gotten so frustrated and annoyed with the espresso and milk, that I just have to
walk away from it.

Siu is very critical of himself in regards to his liquid art pieces. He recalls a time they were working
on a photo shoot for the Vespr Craft Coffee & Allures website where he had to concoct perfect pours to
capture images of. Unfortunately, he was having a bad day and the pours were not meeting his impeccable
standards. People said it looked good and kept taking pictures of it, I didnt like it at all! So I dipped my
hand into the milk and destroyed it.

At the end of the day; however, latte art is not the most significant part of coffee. If the espresso is off, the

Latte art is the mark of a profession.

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