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ITMD 566 Assignment

Kedar Naresh Naik A20389660

Web Services allow interoperability whereby all the different services can talk to
each other even though they are on a different platform. This serves as a
advantage of web service over web applications.
Web service is used to represent data of any kind and it can be interpreted that
web service is used to represent the data and web application is used to utilize
the data.
Web services are better because of this advantage.

Difference between Servlet and a JSP

Java Servlets JSP
Java Servlets are programs that run on a Web JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology for
or Application server and act as a middle developing web pages that support dynamic
layer between a request coming from a Web content which helps developers insert java
browser or other HTTP client and databases code in HTML pages by making use of
or applications on the HTTP server. special JSP tags, most of which start with <%
and end with %>.
Servlet is html in java. JSP is java in html.
Difficult to code compared to JSP. Easier to code.
In MVC Servlet acts as a controller. In MVC JSP acts as a view.
No custom tag functionality. We can build custom tags that call java beans.

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