I. Choose The Most Appropriate of The Underlined Words

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I. Choose the most appropriate of the underlined words:

1. He looks very pale. I think hell faint/ he is going to faint.

2. My brother will be/ is going to be a famous scientist when he grows up.
3. Somebodys at the door. Ill/ Im going to see who it is.
4. They need to be home early today so they leave/ are leaving at six.
5. Our guests will be in plenty of time providing the traffic is not/ will not be bad.
6. Sue asked me if I would/ will be so kind as to give her a lift.
7. What sort of job do you think he will do/ will be doing in a few years time?
8. By the time our parents get back all the food will have gone/ will go.
9. Ill do/ going to do that for you, she told me.
10.The two politicians are to/ will discuss the current political affairs

II. Rephrase the following sentences so that they mean the same:
e.q. She hadnt seen her granny for three years.
It was three years since she had seen her granny.
1. I havent seen him for ages.
Its ages..
2. Ive lived here since twenty-five years.
How long
3. Julie has visited Rome twice this year.
How many times
4. Father has read 200 pages up to now.
How many.
5. He hadnt phoned her for two weeks.
How long
6. When did you last have your car repaired?
When was.
7. While he was cleaning his room my brother spilt the ink.
8. First they had dinner, then watched TV.
9. She has never been given such a nice album.
10. After he had written his report he went for a walk.

S III. Complete the sentences with who , which or where, so, such.

1. The street. I live is very noisy.

2. This is Alison, .works in the same company as my sister.
3. Theres a shop near here .. I buy magazines.
4. People . smoke can get a lot of disease.
5. I live in Cluj Napoca, ..is a beautiful city in the west of Romania.
6. My teacher, isnt English, lives in Bacu.
7.There was ..... a lot of trouble that the police were called.
8.Ive never eaten ....... dreadful food.
9.The book was ..... interesting that I didn't go to bed until I had finished it
10.There was ..... much smoke in the room that I could hardly breathe
11. They went to bed at eight o'clock because they were ...... tired
12.It cost ...... a lot of money
13. He's ....... an unfriendly guy
14.It's ..... hot in that club. This language is .difficult that foreigners cant learn it.
15. It was ..a dark night that we couldnt see anything.
16.There was ..a strong wind that we couldnt walk.
17.This book is ...good that I read it whenever I feel depressed.
18Your house is ..beautiful!
19.They are ...nice people that everybody likes them.
20. It was raining heavily that we stayed in.
a)Jessica showed little Tom photos from their last holiday.
b)She will throw me a ball.
c)David is telling us funny jokes.
d) Grandma Helen always buys her nice presents for Christmas
e)Father has given him a car as present.

SV. Translate the words and phrases:

A. winter bugs B.raceala

aches boli
She gasped for air Par de animale
Dust mite droppings Bursa scolara
achievements A pierde tipul
Itchy skin Vase de sange
cure gustari
A sore throat Mediu inconjurator
Runny nose Durere de dinti
You feel weak and intepaturi de insecte

S VI..Write a letter to a friend to tell him/her about a memorable day of your life.(8-10

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