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Student Workers in

the Service Learning

Program Office at

Group Leader: Meghan Coletta

Group Members: Meghan Coletta, Lauren Jones, Emely Medina-

Rodrguez, & Samantha Ng

Loyola University Chicago

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2

Session 1: What is my Type? ........................................................................................................................ 4

Session 2: Learning the Art of Guestology .................................................................................................. 6

Session 3: Becoming an Ally ........................................................................................................................ 8

Session 4: Serving and Learning: the basics .............................................................................................. 10

Session 5: Critical Reflection ...................................................................................................................... 12

Session 6: Privilege & Oppression ............................................................................................................. 14

Session 7: Role Play & Facilitation ............................................................................................................. 16

Session 8: The Kaleidoscope ..................................................................................................................... 18

Session 9: Critical Education for Social Justice .......................................................................................... 20

Session 10: The Service-Learning Student Manfiesto & Express .............................................................. 22

Final Thoughts ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Appendix A................................................................................................................................................. 25

APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................................................. 27

APPENDIX C .................................................................................................................................................. 28

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Situational Factors:
Student workers are diverse in terms of race and faith but the minority gender is male.
Student workers are highly involved on campus and leaders in other organizations.
However this does create scheduling issues and the student workers are very busy.
Student workers have majors across disciplines and are required to maintain a 3.0 grade
point average.
All of the student workers have participated in service learning before.
Student workers do not have a strong understanding social justice and are nervous about
facilitating reflection sessions.
Student workers are apprehensive about their professional and administrative skills when
working with faculty and community partners.

Learning Goals:
Learning goals were selected for each activity in order to create a strong design for each section.
Our goals for the overall program were to:
Create an enhanced professional development curriculum related to service-learning for
undergraduate students working in the program.
Integrate the eight course topics throughout the 10 sessions in a creative and engaging
Scaffold the themes by switching between professional development & social justice.
Built-up the difficulty of topics, starting with knowledge about the self and moving to
civic concerns.
Create an ongoing reflection alternating journal entries throughout the sessions and
creating a final group statement from the students shared ideas throughout the sessions.

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Teaching and Learning Activities:
Students will participate in activities that will allow them to develop professionally and
personally. Our goal for each activity was for students to engage in reflection and application of
tools and foundational knowledge being learned in each section. The combination of professional
development and self-development we created throughout the curriculum will engage and
empower students to be agents of change. Every activity have clearly define learning goals,
implementation instructions and assessment activities.

Feedback and Assessment:

At the end of each session, student workers will complete a five minute free-write
reflection in their journal. Students will be given a physical journal in Session 1 that they
will keep for the 10 sessions.
The Service-Learning Student Manifesto: this will be a cumulative assessment in which
students will provide a final statement in which they debrief on their growth from the 10
sessions and their time from the Service Learning Office. Student workers will need to
reference their journal entries and may quote themselves or make insightful comments
about their work. In the last session, the facilitator will bound together all of the final
statements into one Service-Learning Student Manifesto for the office to keep. This book
will showcase to future students and visitors of the office the mission of the Service-
Learning Office.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__X_ Team building
__X_ Leadership

Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to name all members in the cohort including Kim & Tianna
Students will be able to connect how individuals find energy and how they focus their
attention (extraversion or introversion).
Students will be able to articulate ways in which individual chooses to take in and
process information make decisions (sensing and intuition)(thinking or feeling).
Students will perceive differences in the way their teammates relate to the external world
(judging or perceiving).

Assessment Activities
Completion of the Myers-Briggs test (to be done before the session)
End of the session written reflection
o Guiding Questions: How you feel about the accuracy or inaccuracy of your
o How do you feel your MBTI type will show up, if at all, as a leader?
o How do you feel your MBTI type will show up, if at all, as a service-learning
facilitator at Marquette?

Learning Activities
Taking the Myers-Briggs test
Partnered Sharing
Large Group Discussion
Introduction to the culminating Serving-Learning Manifesto project and passing out of
the journals

Budget required
Journals for students- pack of 5 notebooks @ $8.00 X4: Total: $32.00

Outline of Session:
Introductions (10 minutes)
Grade the MBTI during training (15 minutes)
o Explaining the concepts of introversion/extraversion, sensing/intuition,
thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving while grading
Students talk with a partner about their reaction to their type. Compare and contrast types
with each other (10 minutes)
Open the dialogue up to the group to share their reaction of their type or their partners
type (5 minutes)

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Orally explain and answer questions about the culminating project, The Service-Learning
Student Manifesto & pass out a physical copy of the Manifesto Guideline (see Appendix
A) (10 minutes)
End of the session written reflection (5 minutes)

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)

MBTI Test:

Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

The MBTI test assists staff and lead facilitators in identifying key situational factors. The
first step in integrated course design is identifying situational factors. For example, are there
more of internal or external processors in the cohort? There are many different opinions about
the MBTI. Some see it as lacking credible scientific evidence. Some refuse to believe people can
be whittled down to 1 of 16 types. Regardless, the fact is, the MBTI is a tool is used in hiring
processes and professional development programs in many fields and students would benefit
from at least being exposed to this tool.
After self-grading the MBTI test, students will be able to reflect with a partner about their
experience and then reflect in a large group. The dialogue and large group discussion is
collaborative learning. As students collaboratively search for the meaning of experiences and
reflection, they create a foundation for their community (Fink, 2003). Rounding out the end of
the session is the introduction of the Serving Learning Manifesto. The Manifesto will be a
substantive written piece that attempts to present an organized statement about a specific topic
(Fink 2003). In this case, the specific topic will be Service-Learning and Social Justice. During
the last session students will physically create the Manifesto using quotes and ideas from their
journal reflections. This involves putting the reflections together in a coherent substantive form.
A Framework outlining the Manifesto will be passed out during this session so the students have
a clear sense of what is expected of them.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__x__ Classroom management
__x__ Leadership

Learning Outcomes (based on Finks Taxonomy)

Foundational Knowledge
Students will be able to remember the structure of Guestology.
Students will be able to articulate how to apply Guestology to assess the needs and wants
of the people they are interacting with.
Human Dimension- Others
Interact with customers in an effective way utilizing their knowledge of Guestology.
Students will be able to identify the behaviors of the populations that they interact with
and be empathic when a situation does not go as planned.

Assessment Activities
Complete Guestology Table (Needs, Wants, Stereotypes, Emotions) for different populations:
students in facilitations, community partners, and students participating in sites.

Learning Activities
Role Playing with different populations using Guestology.
5 minutes reflection

Outline of Session:
Pose the question: What companies are known for their customer service? Allow students
to give a few answers and then show them this video of a Disney Example:
NBNnf-95 (10 minutes)
Explanation of Guestology and Importance in Current Role (15 minutes)
Recognize that guests will have:
Needs = Specific items that must be addressed
Wants = Desiring something greater than a need
Stereotypes = Preconceived notions that customer has about your
organization or industry
Emotions = Feelings that customers experience through their contact with
your organization
Have students complete Guestology Worksheet (20 minutes)
Debrief of Worksheet Exercise (15 minutes)
Reflection of how they will use Guestology in their current role. Give them a situation as
an example and have them reflect on how they would use Guestology to deal with that. (5
Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)
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Use to broaden instructors understanding of Guestology in order to effectively explain to
students how to employ it in their current roles:

Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

The ability to understand and apply the Guestology model will be key for students in order to be
effective in their role within the service-learning program. Being good at customer service is a
skill that they can use with every population that they interact with. It also allows them to reflect
on what each population really needs which is necessary for them to understand. A key
situational factor that influenced this session was that students were not skilled in professional
and administrative tasks. Learning about customer service and how to apply it to any population
that they work with will allow the student workers to overcome their nervousness.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__X_ Social Justice
_ X_ Caring
__X_ Human dimension

Learning Outcomes
Foundational Knowledge
Identify prejudices and privileges related to gender.
Identify fundamental concepts related to sexism and heterosexism.
Identify the variety of social skills needed to be a good ally.
Develop new feeling related to gender equality.
Develop interest in topics related to gender equality.
Identify their own values around gender equality.
Human Dimension:
Connect with other people from different gender identities
Reflect about their gender identity and performativity

Assessment Activity:
5 minute free-write reflection

Learning activity:
Activity: What is an Ally?
Students will evaluate the meaning of the world ally in the context of gender equality. Small
groups are designed to encourage students to actively participate of the discussion.

Outline of activity:
Learning activity: (30 minutes)
Participants will break into small groups to brainstorm the definition of the word ally. After they
have finished, all groups will come together to share their ideas. Following this, the facilitator
will expand on and clarify the definition. Duration: 20 minutes. Materials: for this exercise you
will need: flip chart paper (about 4-5 sheets), markers, ally definition (prepared earlier)
1. Go around the room and have participants count off into 3s1, 2, 3. Ask for all 1s to get
in one group in one part of the room, 2s in another part of the room and 3s in another.
Give each group a piece of chart paper and a marker.
2. In this group youre going to brainstorm about what it means to be an ally.
3. Try thinking about who an ally is and what an ally does or should do. Pick a person in
each group to be the recorder and write your definition on the flip chart paper. Ill give
you a few minutes.
4. Give the group 15 minutes to discuss and develop their definition.
Note: its helpful to warn groups before their time is up. If the group will discuss for 5 minutes,
make sure to tell them when they have one minutes remaining.

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Now each group is going to present their definition to the group. Select one person to
present. Each group will have one minute. Who wants to go first?
If no one wants to go first, select group 1 to begin.
Note: be sure to encourage each group and compliment them on their definition. Creating
definitions is tough; make sure to recognize that theyre working hard!

Assessment activity: (5 minutes)

Student will receive a blank paper and write down two open ended question before the learning
1. What does being a gender equality ally mean to you?
2. In which ways do you become a gender equality ally?

Budget required (if any)

Markers- Sharpie Markers set of 8 @ $5.48 X2, Total= $11.96
Flip Chart Paper- $26.99
Total: $38.95

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)


Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

This course will allow students to see themselves as agents of change, it will allow them to
reflect on gender equality and allyhood. Students will explore the concept of allyhood as a source
of solidarity towards gender equality. Students will reflect on their own values related to gender
equality and their commitment with social change. This session will integrate the ideas of caring
and with social justice, and human dimension, and will integrate a journal entry reflection where
student will be able to assess their learning regarding gender equality. This activity is meant for
students to develop their LGBTQ competency when working with other students and community

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__X_ Students as creative educators
__X_ How to facilitate Critical Reflection

Learning Outcomes
Foundational Knowledge
Compare different types of service experiences.
Identify the characteristics of a well-integrated service learning experience.
Judge the virtues of different service learning experiences.

Assessment Activities:
5 minute free-write reflection

Learning Activity:
Students will be acquiring fundamental knowledge on student-service and the creation of an
integrated curriculum. This activity will allow student to manage basic knowledge and apply it in
their current work.

Outline of activity:
Learning activity: (30 minutes)
1. Students will be divided into 3 groups where they will be given written materials about
foundational knowledge about service-learning, students will read the material for 10 to
15 minutes, and will do a summary of the material in each piece. Students will present to
the class a summary of the information of their written material.
What is service-learning? Christine M. Cress. Chapter 1: p. 7-16

2. Student will create a final outline of a service-learning experience using the fundamental
ideas of the writing in 10 to 15 minutes. They should make sure to identify a population,
and the objectives of the experience. This outline is not meant to be a final product but a
group exercise students might reproduce in their job further on.

Assessment Activity: (5 minutes)

Student will receive a blank paper and write down two open ended question before the learning
1. How can you apply this knowledge to your work?
2. Does the reading described your experience in service learning?

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)

Cress, C., Collier, P., & Reitenauer, V. (2005). Learning through serving. Sterling, Va.: Stylus

Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

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We consider this is foundational knowledge which will allow students to be creative educators.
They will be learning about experiential learning and integrated course design, knowledge from
which they can create a better service-learning experience for their peers. This experience will
allow students to find creative ways to communicate ideas to their peers at conferences or

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__x__ How to facilitate Critical Reflection

Learning Outcomes
Foundational Knowledge
Identify the parts of the DEAL model.
Human Dimension- Others
Interact with others regarding how critical reflection creates long lasting learning for
those that experience it.
Use DEAL model to create critical reflection activities within reflection sessions.
Learning How to Learn
Be able to identify the need for critical reflection in reflection sessions and how it can be
done in many different formats.

Assessment Activities
Group work- how to implement DEAL in the reflection sessions you lead
Five minute free write reflection
Mid-semester check-in

Learning Activities
Example DEAL: Group Activity and Reflection (Meanings of Service)
Explanation of DEAL model

Outline of Session:
As a group, define in your own words what is Critical Reflection? (5 minutes)
1st Handout about What is Critical Reflection
Explanation of DEAL model (10 minutes)
Example DEAL: Group Activity and Reflection (Meanings of Service) (20 minutes)
0d791a6/1378239947935/DEAL+Model+for+Critical+Reflection.pdf pg. 4
2nd Handout about Designing Critical Reflection
Group work- how to implement DEAL in the reflection sessions you lead (15 minutes)
Share out ideas based on upcoming or past reflection sessions (5 minutes)
Reflection on how you will use the DEAL model in your current role.What surprised you
about the DEAL model? Give an example of where you think this could apply in a
session that you lead. (5 minutes)

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)

Handouts for Students:

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Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

This whole session is important not only for what the students do in their current role but also for
themselves personally. It will help them to more fully understand how effective critical reflection
can be beneficial to them and also the students involved in the reflection sessions they lead. It
will give them the tools to be able to create sessions using the DEAL model. It will allow them to
make meaning of the experiences that they will be creating the reflection sessions and what that
kind of reflection can look like when it is manifested in service-learning too.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__X_ Classroom management
__X_ Social Justice
__X_ Operating in multicultural spaces

Learning Outcomes
Foundational Knowledge
Students will be able to articulate how privilege and oppression are manifested in society
Students will be able to engage in meaningful conversations with peers around privilege
and oppression

Assessment Activities
Five minute free-write reflection

Learning Activities
Recycling bin activity:
Privilege Walk Small Group Activity

Outline of Session:
Recycling Bin Activity and group discussion of initial thoughts (10 minutes)
Power and Privilege Key Terms Matching activity- students will be given a sheet of
terms to match to the definition and go over answers in larger group (10 minutes)
Privilege Walk Small Group activity- instead of a larger group activity, students will get
into groups of 3-4. Each group will be given a piece of paper with rings of circles and
each student will be given a game piece that will represent themselves. Like the larger
group activity, different statements (Peggy McIntosh's Invisible Knapsack) of privilege
and oppression will be read aloud by the facilitator. (10 minutes)
Discussion with smaller groups about activity (10 minutes)
Larger group discussion (15 minutes)
Five minute free-write reflection (5 minutes)
o Guiding question: How did the activities (Recycling bin and privilege walk) help
you understand your own privileges? How will you help others who are unaware
of their privileges understand the concept?

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)

Peggy McIntoshs Invisible Knapsack:

Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

Understanding privilege and oppression is one of the key foundational knowledge learning
outcomes for students working in the Service Learning office. In this session, students will learn
how to navigate the complexities of privilege and power, a theme throughout service
learning. The activities in this session are intentionally interactive. Rather than lecturing on the
various concepts with power, students will learn firsthand what it means to be in an oppressed or

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privileged group. The recycling bin and privilege walk activities are interactive and will give
students a firsthand experience in power and privilege. Students will then be able to reflect on
the activities and share with the larger group their thoughts. As a result of this session, student
workers will have a greater understanding of the privilege and oppression concepts, and be able
to articulate the ideas in the service learning setting.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
_X__ Facilitation techniques

Learning Outcomes
Foundational Knowledge
Students will be able name at least five elements of an effective group discussion.
Students will be able to facilitate service learning reflections.
Human Dimension- Others
Students will be able to collaborate with others to create more powerful ways of

Assessment Activities
Students will provide each other real-time feedback and affirmations using FIDeLity
feedback techniques
Five minute free write reflection

Learning Activities
Big group discussion on facilitation experiences and techniques.
Facilitation techniques
Small groups
Discussion exercises
Buzz groups
Lectures and presentations
Using visual images and diagrams diagram, photo and video exercises
Producing songs, posters, poems
Personal reflection diaries and logs
Role plays
Lead coordinators and staff share tips from previous facilitation experiences
Introduce yourself and any other facilitators with you
Body language
Seating arrangements
Facilitators are not experts

Role Play (5 minutes per person). The first person will mock facilitate a topic for the
current semester. Cohort members will decide whether to add positively or negatively to
the dialogue. Take the next few minutes for cohort members to provide constructive
criticism for the facilitator. Repeat.

Outline of Session:

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Discussion about what makes a good facilitator (10 minutes)
What makes a good workshop facilitator?
What makes a facilitator not so good?
Types of facilitation (5 minutes)
Tips for facilitation reflections (5 minutes)
Role Play (30 minutes)
End of the session written reflection (5 minutes)
o Guiding Questions: How did it feel to facilitate during the role play?
o How did it feel to give or receive feedback?

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)

Dry erase markers (for discussion/brainstorming)
Prompts of previous or future topics

Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

The role play activity is a form of direct active learning. The role play should replicate real-life
context as closely as possible. The role play can be as open-ended and/or as structured as needed.
As the students work to learn how to perform well, students and moderators need to provide
feedback. High quality feedback will have the characteristics of FIDeLity feedback:
Frequent: Give feedback daily, weekly, or as frequently as possible.
Immediate: Get the feedback to students as soon as possible.
Discriminating: Make clear what the difference is between poor, acceptable, and
exceptional work.
Loving: Be empathetic in the way you deliver your feedback.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__X_ Social Justice
__X_ Operating in multicultural spaces
__X_ Team building

Learning Outcomes (based on Finks Taxonomy)

Foundational Knowledge
Students will be able to define intersectionality and the complexity of group membership.
Students will learn how to apply social action in regards to intersecting identities.
Human Dimension- Others
Students will be able to identify that others hold intersecting identities through the Living
at the Intersections activity.
Human Dimension- Self
Students will come to see themselves as holding multiple identities interact with each

Assessment Activities
5 minute free-write reflection

Learning Activity
Living at the intersections
Kaleidoscope activity

Budget required (if any)

Colored Pencils- Pack of 2 @ $24.50:

Outline of Session:
Watch TedTalk: (5 minutes)
Kaleidoscope activity (10 minutes)
o During this activity students will be given round blank pieces of paper and they
should fill their kaleidoscope with different colors and size identities based on
how salient an identity is for each student.
Group share (10 minutes)
Living at the Intersections activity (20 minutes)
o For this activity students will need to identify their most salient identity. Then be
broken up into small groups and handed an envelope with small pieces of papers
with other identities listed on them. In their small groups, students will pick out
one other identity and discuss how their most salient identity intersects with the
chosen identity. So for example, if a student chooses their race as the most salient
and then gender is picked out of the envelope students will need to share their
experiences and their own understanding of how those two identities intersect

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with each other in the small group. Depending on the size of the groups students
can pick a second identity out of the envelope and discuss multiple times. If a
student's salient identity is the same one picked out of the envelope them for that
turn they wont speak about the interaction between those identities.
Debrief of Living at the Intersection activity (10 minutes)
5 minute free-write reflection about their understanding of intersectionality (5 minutes)
o Guiding question: Was it hard to map out your identities in the Kaleidoscope?
Which identities were easier than others and why?
o Think of a time that you realized you had an intersecting identify and what did
you learn from that experience

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)

Round pieces of paper for each students and coloring materials
Envelopes with identities inside for Living at the Intersection Activity

Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

This session relates to ICD because it will require students to engage in a lot of reflection about
their own identities and experiences. It will cause them to think of things in a new way and
create a long lasting experience that they will bring with them for many years. It also requires
them to consider social justice in a new way and how others identities can intersect as well. This
session will also allow for student workers to be more vulnerable, and thus bringing the group
closer. Student workers will also be more cognizant of the intersecting identities of the students
they will work with in the discussion groups.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__X_ Facilitation techniques
__X_ How to facilitate Critical Reflection
__X_ How to operate in multicultural spaces

Learning Outcomes
Foundational Knowledge
Identify the most important characteristics of participatory education.
Recognize their role as educators-students within a community.
Coordinate their own activity utilizing participatory techniques.
Connect the participatory techniques with social justice.
Critically analyze the ideas of others and challenge them respectfully.
Create new ways to communicate with others in effective ways.
Learning How to Learn
Question new topics related to their communities and oppressed communities.

Assessment Activities
5 minute free-write reflection

Learning Activities
How to create a participatory activity?:
Students will be participating in a hands-on activity where they will be creating a participatory
activity. First, students will receive a brief explanation on the participatory techniques and
problem-posing questions. Then, students will work in groups to create the activity. They must
choose a theme, objective, or intervention and they must create a question to for the discussion.

Outline of Session:
Learning activity: (30 minutes)
1. In groups of 3 to 4, students will learn how to create their own participatory
activity, first facilitators will introduce the topic and answer these three questions (15
Participatory Learning and Action: A trainer's guide
Why participatory techniques?
How do I identify an objective for my participatory activity?
What are problem-posing questions?
2. Students in groups will construct each element (theme, objective, technique, and
questions) needed for a participatory activity, each group will show their work to the rest
of the group for feedback. These can be display in the programs office for future
reference (15 minutes).
3. Elements of the construction of participatory techniques

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oThemes: Choose one theme (e.g. empowerment, sexism, racism, heterosexism,
ageism, etc.)
o Objectives: (e.g. Cooperation Identify the importance of teamwork and the individual
o Techniques:
Must be able to achieve the objectives
Number of participants and time
How far along we want to take the conversation
4. Creative and flexible intervention
Active elements (watching people in the bus), symbolic elements (the national
flag),audio techniques, visual techniques, role playing
5. Procedures: Must create clear procedures and must be practice beforehand
6. Review activity: Deepen conversation using problem-posing questions
Comprehension questions, interpretation questions, experiential questions,
opinion questions, context questions, counter opinion questions, power relation
questions, Reconciliation questions

Assessment activity: (5 minutes)

Student will receive a blank paper and write down two open ended question before the learning
1. How could you apply participatory techniques to your work in the program?
2. In what situations could you used the problem-posing questions?

**Reminder, brief discussion, and time for questions about Service-Learning Manifesto due by
the next session! (5-10 minutes)

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)

Participatory Learning and Action: A trainer's guide

Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

Participatory techniques are basic skills for students who want to further their effectiveness as a
social justice agent. Students will learn about the origins and objectives of critical pedagogy and
gain some practical skills about how to talk to other students and community members to
democratize their knowledge. Students will understand their role as facilitators from a
participatory perspective where oppressive power dynamics are avoided and a horizontal
dynamic is implemented where everyone is a teacher and a student. This course will increase
student self-awareness, help in the team building and leadership development, and most of all
will increment their consciousness about power dynamics in their lives. Problem-posing
questions allow students to build a critical-mass of knowledge to discuss with others in a
respectful way. In the spirit of participatory education, the criteria to evaluate this activity will be
chosen by students and instructors together, this will set the mood for the student-
teacher/teacher-student dynamic participatory education advocates.

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TOPIC(S) covered in Professional Development meeting:
__X_ Students as creative educators
__X_ Social Justice
__X_ How to facilitate Critical Reflection
__X_ Team building
__X_ Operating in multicultural spaces

Learning Outcomes
Student workers will synthesize what they have learned over the course of the semester
from the sessions in the form of painting and the final Manifesto
Human Dimension- Self
Student workers will reflect on how their thinking of social justice and service learning
has evolved creatively
Student workers will be able to identify the impact of their time as student workers in the
Service Learning office

Learning Activities
Canvas Painting activity

Budget required (if any)

Canvases (20 count)- 8X10 pack of 12 @ $12.36 X2: Total:. $25.72
Acrylic Paints- pack of 18 @ $18.07 X2: Total: $27.14
Sponge brush set- pack of 25 @ $7.99: Total: $7.99
Brush set- pack of $25 @ $8.10: Total: $8.10
Total: $68.95

Outline of Session:
Introduction of activity. For the final cumulative session, the final Service-Learning
Student Manifesto will be created. First, the students will be able to represent their
statement through art. They will have the opportunity to use paint and canvas to convey

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their messages from their Manifesto. This will provide students a way to reflect on their
time in the Service Learning office and the sessions they have completed. (5 min)
Canvas painting activity. Students will be given a small canvas and paint. They will need
to express themselves and their growth through art. They can choose to use quotes from
their journal entries, symbols, and any other way to express themselves on canvas. Play
some relaxing music while they paintthis will give them time to truly sit with
everything they have learned from the semester (25 min)
o Some guiding questions:
How do you see yourself as a social justice leader?
How do you see yourself aligned with the Service Role-Model?
How have you developed (professionally and personally) as a result of
your position in the Service-Learning office?
Group share. Students will go around the room and give a brief explanation of their
paintings and manifest statement. (15 min)
Final conclusion & hanging paintings on wall. As a group, students hang up all their
paintings on the wall in the Service Learning office. This will serve as a reminder for
students on all of their hard work and their learning. The facilitator will also collect
everyones manifestos and create a bound book (15 min)

Resources or artifacts needed for lesson plan (e.g., links, etc.)


Connection to Integrated Course Design (ICD) Model

For the conclusion of the series of sessions, student workers will reflect critically on their time in
the Service Learning office. Critical reflection is a key component to integrated course design,
according to Fink. Through painting and creative expression, student workers will personally
reflect on the lessons they have learned on social justice, classroom management, and
leadership. In the end of the session, students will share their painting and the canvases will be
hung up on the wall as a reminder of their hard work.

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Thank you for reviewing our curriculum module for the Service Learning Program Office
at Marquette University! We hope that you found this module interesting and useful in
providing the Service Learning student workers professional development. This group project
for all of us was challenging in various capacities, but we learned a lot about curriculum design
throughout the process. One of the first themes that emerged from our group work was the
assessment piece. Since these ten sessions were not in the formal classroom setting, we believed
that it was inappropriate to have the conventional grading process or rubrics. However, as part
of Finks model, it is necessary to have an assessment piece in a course because they help
students learn better. As a group, we discussed how we wanted to incorporate assessment in our
module and we determined that reflection journal and the Service-Learning Student Manifesto
would be most effective given the situation. The reflection journal and Manifesto would show
the Service Learning staff how the student workers learned and developed over the course of the

We also learned that in curriculum design, situational factors play a major role. The
situational factors in the Service Learning Program Office at Marquette provided us with a
unique challenge unlike any traditional classroom. The population for the student workers varied
in academic standing, experience, and background. When designing our module, we had
multiple discussions on these situational factors and how that impacted our learning activities
and assessments. We wanted to make sure that we were cognizant of the varying identities and
backgrounds the student workers. This allowed us to design sessions that would meet the student
workers at their level.

Creating multiple drafts of this professional development curriculum cemented to us that

curriculum development is a process and it will not occur overnight. It will require reworking
activities and assessments and revisiting learning outcomes to make sure they fit the criteria that
Fink outlined in the Integrated Course Design model. When crafting learning outcomes we had
re-evaluate them to make sure they were measurable, correlated to what we wanted them to learn
in the sessions, and if we had the ability to asses that learning. We had to make sure that learning
activities were effective and allowed student to obtain the important information that is in the
learning outcomes. We had to be conscious of the time restrictions that the length of the sessions
created. It meant we had to find learning activities that were concise and allowed rich learning

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Manifesto Guidelines
Due Date: Session 10

The culminating assignment for the professional development sessions for student
workers in the Marquette Service Learning program will be a final manifesto of all of the
reflections that students engaged in during each session. Each session reflection is meant to
guide students to critically reflect on what they experienced and learned during the sessions,
how they developed professionally and personally, and what they can use in the future.
Before the last session students should take the time to look over past reflections and
consider their experiences throughout all the sessions.
Some guiding questions to consider:
How do you see yourself as a social justice leader?
What is your comfort level with facilitation and critical reflection now?
What is Service-Learning you to?
How have you developed (professionally and personally) as a result of your
position in the Service-Learning office?
What will you take away from this experience and how will you utilize what you
have learned in the future?
Make sure to include ideas from at least seven of the nine reflections.
The quotes and ideas from previous reflections should be used and reflected upon to make
meaning of the experiences after the fact. Student workers should explain why the specific
quote or idea was chosen to be included in the final manifesto.
This assignment is an opportunity to express your journey during this program and
what you gained from it.

Manifesto Guidelines:

Does not meet

Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations

Response demonstrates a Response demonstrates

Response demonstrates an a minimal reflection on,
general reflection on, and
in-depth reflection on, and and personalization of,
personalization of, the
personalization of, the the theories, concepts,
theories, concepts, and/or
theories, concepts, and/or and/or strategies
Depth of strategies presented in the
Reflection strategies presented in all presented in the
sessions. Viewpoints and
the sessions. Viewpoints sessions. Viewpoints
interpretations are
and interpretations are and interpretations are
supported. Appropriate
insightful and well unsupported or
examples are provided, as
supported. Clear, detailed supported with flawed
examples are provided, as arguments. Examples,
applicable. when applicable, are not
provided or are

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irrelevant to the

Writing is clear, concise,

Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear and/or
and well organized with
concise, and well organized disorganized. Thoughts
with good are not expressed in a
Structure sentence/paragraph logical manner. There
construction. Thoughts are
construction. Thoughts are are more than five
expressed in a coherent
expressed in a coherent and spelling, grammar, or
and logical manner. There
logical manner. There are no syntax errors per page
are no more than three
more than five spelling, of writing.
spelling, grammar, or
grammar, or syntax errors per
syntax errors per page of
page of writing.
Response shows little
Response shows strong
Evidence Response shows evidence of evidence of synthesis of
evidence of synthesis of
and synthesis of ideas presented ideas presented and
ideas presented and
Practice and insights gained insights gained
insights gained throughout
throughout the entire course. throughout the entire
the entire course. Future
Future practice is general and course. Future practice
practice is evident and well
explained. is not evident or
explained and detailed.

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Reflection Journals Framework

Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does not meet


Considers and evaluates Somewhat mentions Barely mentions position

Connections to how the session relates relation to current and how the topic of the
Student to current position. position and how it will session can relate to it
Worker Indication of how future be utilized in the future. and hardly considers
Position practice will be impacted implications for the
by content of session. future.
Sophisticated and Adequate degree of Simple observations and
thoughtful views and insight and insights. Mostly
Insights & insights from session. analysis. Reflection is descriptive analysis, and
Observations Evidence that outcomes touched upon, but not in a lack of reflection on
have been processed depth. learning.
and deeply reflected.

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Session 1 Journals $32. 00

Session 2 -
Session 3 Markers $38.95
Flip chart paper
Session 4 -
Session 5 -
Session 6 -
Session 7 Colored Pencils $24. 50
Session 8 -
Session 9 -
Session 10 Canvases $68.95
Paint brushes
Total = $164.40

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