CD Souza 590 Ep Proposal

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DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

MET ePortfolio Proposal

Claude DSouza

ETEC 590-65A

Dr. Francis Feng

University of British Columbia

January 30, 2017

Statement of Purpose & Audience:

This is my proposal for the final submission of my MET Program experience, an ETEC 590

ePortfolio. The purpose of the ePortfolio is primarily to meet the objectives of the ETEC 590
DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

course and serve as my capstone experience for The Teacher Qualification Services (TQS)

category 6 designation. However, on a personal level, this ePortfolio is intended to be a

cumulative reflection of my overall experience in The MET Program.

The audience for my ePortfolio will likely consist of past, present, and future MET students and

instructor, family members and friends, and elementary teaching colleagues. However,

considering the link to my site will not be made private, the audience could include anyone

online who is interested in ePortfolios and/or the MET Program.

Rubric Design and Objectives:

As indicated in my assessment rubric below, the intended objectives for my ETEC 590

ePortfolio largely consist of the TQS and MET Program requirements. These include

demonstration of familiarity with theory/research in Educational Technology,

generation/application of ideas across courses, generation of research findings, analysis of

presented work, educational relevance for the intended audience, and demonstration of

individual learning via a concrete product with linkages. Many of the aforementioned objectives

are addressed in the Artifacts and Reflections criteria sections of the assessment rubric.

Additional objectives of the ePortfolio are related to the design, formatting, and referencing.

ePortfolio Design and Procedure:

As I really enjoying traveling and learning about new cultures, and completed my first few MET

courses whilst working overseas in South Korea, I have decided to use a travel metaphor for my

ePortfolio. However, I have decided to compare my experience in the program to preparing for

a trip overseas. The ETEC courses that focused on research will comprise of the initial stage of

traveling, when one conducts research about the destination and makes plans. The technology-

based courses will be included in the next stage, when one gathers supplies and packs for the

trip. ETEC 590 is in the third stage of the travel metaphor, where our traveler takes off for the
DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

destination. In my opinion, the full benefits of my MET experience, like arriving at ones travel

destination, have yet to be fully enjoyed. As I move forward in my teaching career, the

knowledge and skills that I have developed and reflected on in this program, in addition to how I

apply them in my teaching, will shape my identity as a Master educator. My final stage will

consist of a Travel Blog, in which any visitors can post their endorsements of specific

educational technology, including a brief description of how they used it successfully.

As I have completed a few course projects using Weebly with much success, I have decided to

use this platform for my ETEC 590 ePortfolio. This platform will allow me to organize my

metaphor sections with tabs, and use links to share artifacts and connect ideas learned between

courses. The table below outlines how I plan to organize my sections:

Metaphor Course Included Artifacts

ETEC 500 - Research
Research and Methodology in Research Proposal
Planning for Education
the Trip ETEC 511 - Theorizing Educational
Foundations of Technology
Educational Essay Proposal
Technology Scholarly Essay

ETEC 512 - Thought Paper

Applications of Group Presentation
Learning Theories to

ETEC 530 -
Constructivist Final Assignment: Online ESL
Strategies for E- Lesson for writing a news story

ETEC 510 - Design of Education by Design

Technology Supported Collaborative Project
DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

Gathering Learning Design Wiki contribution -

Supplies and Environments Gamification
Packing ETEC 532 - Distance Learning Visual
Technology in the Arts Framework
and Humanities Collaborative Inquiry Project -
Classroom iPads

ETEC 533 - Group Lecture Video

Technology in the Presentation on Learning Theories
Mathematics and Group Tutorial on Explain
Science Classroom Everything

ETEC 540 - Text Individual Research Project -

Technologies: The The Overhead Projector
Changing Spaces of Collaborative Major Project -
Reading and Writing Flipped Learning

ETEC 565A - Individual Course eP

Learning Moodle Course site
Selection, Design and

ETEC 590 - Proposal (will include my Final

Boarding the Graduating Project Reflection of this course and eP)

The Travel N/A Blog on Educational

Blog Technologies
Link to ETEC 510 Design Wiki

Time Plan for Completion:

Dates Week Task Checklist

Jan 30 - 5 complete draft of proposal

Feb 5 review peer proposals
Familiarize myself with Weebly tools; watch online
Set up shell of my Weebly site with introduction
page, additional pages and tab titles, background images,
DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

Feb 6 - 12 6 Make final changes to my proposal based on peer

suggestions and submit in instructors dropbox
Add artifacts for all sections

Feb 13 - 19 7 Work on reflections for Research and Planning for

the Trip courses; 500, 511, 512, 530

Feb 20 - 26 8 Complete reflections for remaining courses 540,

533, 532, 565A, 590
Indicate which 3 artifacts will be peer reviewed and
which 1 of those artifacts will be reviewed by instructor

Feb 27 - 9 Review 3 other artifacts of peers and provide

Mar 5 feedback
Review feedback on my ePortfolio from peers and
Complete final summative reflection, references,
and blog on educational technology

Mar 6 - 12 10 Make changes to my ePortfolio based on feedback

Work on virtual tour
Send list of peer reviewers

Mar 13 - 19 11 Post my ePortfolio for peer review

Peer review one ePortfolio
Complete virtual tour and add to site

Mar 20 - 26 12 Make final revisions to my ePortfolio

Test my Weebly site in multiple browsers and

Mar 27- 13 Submit final ePortfolio in instructors dropbox for

Apr 2 submission
Provide final feedback to peers

Assessment Rubric:
Criteria Competencies Rating (M = Evaluator Comments
Meeting /
NYM = Not Yet

-eP meets expectations of

TQS and MET Program

Purpose & -eP is educationally valuable

to intended audience
DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

Audience -chosen metaphor

effectively addresses
purpose of eP and engages

-critical analysis and

synthesis of artifacts is
evident in reflections

-conclusions drawn in
Reflections reflections are supported
with theory/research

-knowledge gained from

MET program is thoughtfully
applied to professional

-variety of artifacts chosen

to demonstrate learning (ie:
audio, visual, text)

-artifacts clearly support eP

Artifacts objectives outlined in

-relevance of chosen
artifacts and/or rationale for
their inclusion is made clear
in eP

-eP is visually appealing,

easy to navigate, and
contains working links
Design &
Structure -Use of multimedia is varied,
engaging and appropriate to
eP theme and design

-formatting is consistent
throughout presentation,
and eP is free of grammar,
Conventions capitalization, punctuation,
& Citations and spelling errors

-all inclusions of, or

references to, text/media
created by others is
DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

appropriately and accurately

cited in the eP

Possible References:

Anderson, T. (2008). Towards and Theory of Online Learning. In Anderson, T. & Elloumi, F.

Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University.

Barab, S., & Duffy, T. (2000). From practice fields to communities of practice. In D. Jonassen

and S. Land (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of learning environments. Mahweh, NJ:

Lawrence Erlbaum.

Bates and Poole. (2003) A Framework for Selecting and Using Technology. In Effective

Teaching with Technology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Pages 75-105.

Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., & Cocking, R.R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind,

experience, and school. Washington, DC: The National Academic Press.


Brown, J. S., Collins, A. & Duguid, S. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture of

learning. Educational Researcher, 18, 32-42.

Cambridge, B. L. (2001). Electronic portfolios as knowledge builders. Electronic portfolios:

Emerging practices in student, faculty, and institutional learning, 1-11.

Can, T (2006, April 7). Learning principles in constructivism [Web log message]. Retrieved from


DallAlba, G. & Barnacle, R. (2005). Embodied knowing in online environments. Educational

Philosophy and Theory, 37(5), 719-44.

Duffy, T.M. & Cunningham, D.J. (1996). Constructivism: Implications for the design and

delivery of instruction. In D.H. Jonassen, (Ed.) Handbook of Research for Educational

Communications and Technology. New York, NY: Macmillan Library Reference USA.
DSouza ETEC 590 ePortfolio Proposal

Lefoe, G. (1998). Creating Constructivist Learning Environments on the Web: The Challenge in

Higher Education ASCILITE98 Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from

Moon, J. (2001). PDP working paper 4: Reflection in higher education learning. Higher

Education Academy.

Papert, S. (1984). New theories for new learning. School Psychology Review, 13(4), 422-428.

Roehl, R., Reddy, S.L., & Shannon, G.J. (2013). The flipped classroom: an opportunity

to engage millennial students through active learning. Journal of family and consumer

sciences, 105(2), 44-49.

Von Glasersfeld, E. (2008). Learning as a Constructive Activity. AntiMatters, 2(3), 33-49.

Retrieved from 66-1- PB.pdf

Zhao, Y., & Frank, K. A. (2003). Factors affecting technology uses in schools: An ecological

perspective. American Educational Research Journal, 40(4), 807-840.

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