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Jennifer Atchison

Jennifers Class


Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction

Integrating Instructional Technology

When it comes to teachers giving instructions, some can be very boring and bland.

However, technology has and still is changing the way teachers give and present instruction with

in the classroom. With the help of technology tools, students are starting to enjoy or at least pay

attention to the instructions being given by the teacher. Teachers are learning how to use and

integrate tools into their lesson plans every day. Over the last few years, teachers have used

Smart boards, personal websites, and the internet to help them with instructions and lessons

inside the classroom.

Smart Boards (100-150 words)

Teachers and educators have tried to make their instructions interesting. Luckily, there is

the invention of the smart board. A challenge is to create appropriate conditions in both the

organization system and in the information system enhancing knowledge sharing among

employees, and promote organizational learning (2016). Educators created the smart board so

that teachers can improve instruction. Students and teachers can even write on the board with a

smart pen to pint out certain things or highlight something. I think the smart board would really

benefit in the core of mathematics. Students could work out problems on the board in front of the

whole class.
Website (100-150 words)

A new huge breakthrough is when people came up with software for teachers to create

their own websites. Teachers can put their specific class on their and students can access it

through the link. Teachers can put their due dates, assignments, and other papers that the students

will need to complete the course. The key to a well-adjusted, modern, society is an innovative

education system that uses new technologies (Aktas, pg 125). In this new day and age, students

need to be on top of their game with technology. The teacher can put the instructions on the

website and even add videos for the students to watch to get a better understanding of what they

need to do.

Internet (100-150 words)

When the internet was created, there were countless door open for the education field.

The internet is an organic system with humans and machines in a never-ending dance of

interaction amplifying each others capabilities (Denning, pg. 29). Teachers can now create their

own websites, have the student do research and other things like help with assignment

instructions. The internet is changing every day along with technology. Teachers must teach

their students how to handle technology and navigate the web safely for them to survive in the

technological world today. Teachers can put their classroom instructions on a power point or on a

Prezi that way students can access the information no matter where they are if they have internet


Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning (200-300 words)

Technology has brought the classroom to life. The use of technology is a wonderful

benefit to teachers who are trying to advance students in their learning ability. Technology was

adopted to support students in their inquiry based learning processes by using online logs, group
wikis and quizzes and with sections of laboratory work (2016, pg. 115). Teachers can type up

their lessons and put what they expect from the students onto their own personal websites.

Technology can be used to teach an entire lesson or as a visual while the teacher is the one


Even though technology is one of the most used things in the classroom for lessons, there

can be huge setbacks and other barriers that come with the use of technology. Issues may curb

the optimized benefit of weblogs as a teaching learning tool (Ayao, pg. 193). If the web log

cannot be loaded or if it cannot be accessible, teacher would have to think of an alternative other

than technology. With the use of technology comes along updates, computer scams, computer

glitches, and computer viruses. Teachers must be prepared for anything because technology is

not always dependable. If the school uses Wi-Fi, there are one hundred and one more problems

that can go wrong.

Wired and Wireless Classrooms (100-200 words)

In classrooms, teachers will more than likely have both wireless and wired electronics

and technology in their classroom. The high-rise demand for wireless communication and its

customized services has experienced tremendous growth over the last decade (Sethi, pg. 13).

Some teachers allow their students to use their cell phones to access the internet or other

technological items for assignments. I pads are also another huge wireless item with in some

teachers classroom. However, Having the computers that plug into the wall are better secured to

the internet. IPads and cell phones rely on Wi-Fi or signal from a cell phone tower. If anything

were to happen to the Wi-Fi available, then the students would not be able to use their wireless


Technology will probably never make its way out of classrooms now. It is the teachers

job to learn how to manage things like the smart board, their own websites, and the internet.

Teachers must be up to date on technology because they will need to know how to keep their

students safe from harm and show their students how to use technology efficiently in the

classroom. When it comes to wireless and wired electronics, it is a preference.

Aktas, S., & Aydin, A (2016). The effect of the smart board usage in science and technology

lessons. Eurasian journal of educational research, 125-138.

Ayao-ao, S. (2014). Emerging issues in the utilization of weblogs in higher education

classrooms. International journal of teaching & learning in higher educational. 193.

Denning, P.p. (2014). Learning for the new digital age. Communications of the ACM, 29-31.

Digitalization of meetings- from white boards to SMART -boards. (2016). Procedia CIRP, 1125.

Rethinking chemistry in higher education towards technology enhanced problem -based learning.

(2016). Education inquiry, (2), 115.

Sethi, S.K., & Paramita, S. (2016). Network technology trend for next generation wireless

communication. IWP journal of telecommunications, 8 (2), 13-24.

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