The Second World War Homework Ok

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The Second World War was arguably the most significant period of the 20th century. The war was caused by Adolf
Hitler and Benito Mussolinni. It had been commanded by the Nazi Party leader Adolph Hittler. It brought about major
leaps in technology and laid the groundwork that permitted post-war social changes including the end of European
colonialism, the civil rights movement in the United States, and the modern womens rights movement, as well as the
programs for exploring outer space. The axis of the Nations was directed by the combatants (Nazi Germany, Facist
Italy, Imperial Japan and their smaller allies) and the Allied nations, led by Britain (and its Commonwealth nations), the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America. Germany, Italy and Japan were defeated by the
allies of the United States. The D-Day invasin had been launched by the British and American forces in June 1944.
The victory had been obtained by the Allies. Two superpowers, the USA and USSR, had been emerged by World War
II to begin a Cold War with each other that would define much of the rest of the century. 50 million service personnel and
civilians had been killed by the nazis in the second world war.

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