RFP SBG00059 2013 - Core Part

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We have certainly gone away and thought about how
we can better serve you, how we can tweak the way we
go about building a relationship, bringing our skills and
expertise to bear and ensuring that we are supporting
you on the next phase of the journey.

Message from Mark Otty, EY EMEIA Area

Managing Partner

Understanding the Leadership, Business Leadership and the coverage without increasing costs
Banks Governance forums. Introduce Programme Health Checks in
Wheel for Foundation to obtain better
The Core Banking Transformation (CBT) We have heard you and we coverage
Introduce Interim Feedback Reports to
Programme for the Personal and Business have responded make the on-going assurance more visible
Banking Division of the Standard Bank of
South Africa (PBB) reached a number of
critical milestones over the past two years Our reporting will focus more on the root
by successfully deploying Business Releases
2, 3 and 4. As would be expected in all and this will contribute to making reporting
large Programmes, and due to a number of and effective programme assurance more concise. Reports will be shorter and
changes in the environment in and around services that are aligned to the needs more issue-driven, supported by detailed
the Programme, Programme Leadership of our clients programmes. Based on
reviewed the roadmap options for the our knowledge of the Programme, the use to support detailed discussions.
journey and received a re-commitment increasing maturity of the CBT delivery
from Standard Banks Manco during July processes and our experience at many
Our team is familiar with Standard Bank,
2013 for the continuation with Option 1a. other programmes, we believe that this
its strategy, operations and culture. In
The Programme also committed to driving is the appropriate time to modify our
addition, we have a deep understanding
savings against the originally planned approach as follows:
of the programme, its priorities and
estimates and have established an e2 Flex our risk based approach, thereby challenges. We are committed to the
focusing assurance efforts and gaining success of the programme and continuously
this purpose. It is thus a good time to take strive for improvement in the way we work
a fresh look at the programme assurance with you. We have used the opportunity of
services. We have been in discussion with Wheel Reports (dashboards) and make this proposal to:
the Strategic Initiative Assurance (SIA) use of a root cause analysis page to
leadership to tailor the EY method and revisit the key stakeholders with whom
summarise the detailed observations
approach to better address the Banks needs we as programme assurance service
(symptoms) that we have noted, making
and have captured the amended approach providers need to engage
reporting more effective
in this proposal. While this proposal focuses assess the frequency and format of these
Replace the Business Release (BR)
on the the changes that we understood engagements
you were looking for from the RFP, you propose a measure of the success of the
BR Gated Review Reports, covering
would appreciate that there are many engagement
the aspects of our methodology most
permutations of how we can deliver this relevant to the gate being reviewed and
We will use the updated reporting frequency
thereby reducing assurance effort
discuss alternatives, should you require. We to engage better with the key stakeholders.
Introduce Control Self Assessment to
remain committed to working with SIA to Our preparation for the interim feedback
the CBT programme for the areas where
provide appropriate ongoing, independent reports will enable us to have topical
processes are highly standardised and
programme assurance to the Programme forward looking discussions with these
repeatable and thus maintain assurance

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 1
stakeholders. We will also change our Standard Banks culture, understands the services experience in the areas of system
approach to stakeholder engagement Programmes preferences and that the and SAP implementations, business and
to ensure more proactive and frequent team members are appropriately skilled operating model implementations, change
engagement with key stakeholders. to continue delivering the programme management, enterprise information
assurance services. We have also built management and programme assurance
succession during the period of our
engagement and have a number of subject sectors.
We have listened to your request for
matter resources that are familiar with the
savings and by considering the above
Bank and the Programme, making on-
changes believe that we can reduce the We are able to deliver very strong Black
boarding minimal when additional services
core programme assurance hours from Economic Empowerment credentials. Our
are required or if core team members
10212 to 9220 per annum. We have also organisation is 31.1% black-owned, which
become unavailable. Together with
reconsidered the rates to be applied and is the highest percentage of the big four
have offered Standard Bank the maximum
team members that can add value to the
discount as offered to Group Internal achieved a number of key milestones in this
Programme and they remain available
Audit as part of RFI/SBG/SIA0001. In
as a sounding board and to provide
combination this results in a fee reduction achieve amongst our big four competitors.
programme insights where appropriate. Our
of 17% on the current programme With our recognition as a Value Adding
assurance costs. Enterprise, and combined with our Level
international skills available to support the
Two Contributor status, clients of EY
delivery team.
are able to claim B-BBEE recognition for
Continuing to work with 156.25% of spend with EY.

EY on the Core Banking

Transformation Programme bank, the programme assurance team
You can plan with certainty that our fees
has the following unique our roles within the Bank and will be fully
and expenses will be as agreed. There will
be no surprises or unanticipated meetings
advantages: prepared to convey tough messages, should
for fees or scope variations once we have
this be necessary.
agreed the scope and fee. Our fee model
We have established a core team that is clean, clear and simple. There are no
understands the very complex CBT dependencies or cross subsidisations built
Programme, the Programme dynamics and The continuous successful teaming with SIA in with other services being provided to
the key stakeholders in the Programme. We and interaction with other service providers Standard Bank. This is what you would have
have been engaged on the CBT Programme remains an important factor to consider experienced so far. What you see is what
for just short of two years and have also during this Programme. We have designed you get.
previously performed a programme an approach together with you and will
assurance role on other Programmes within continue to look for areas to improve this
We have had the pleasure of working
the Bank. We have seen the Programme approach. We understand that we are
with you over the past two years and
grow in maturity and capability in a number operating in a dynamic environment and
remain committed to adding to the CBT
of areas, including governance and risk
Programmes success going forward. We
management. We are thus in the unique
have deliberately chosen to have no vested
situation to tailor our approach further
interests and have ensured that any other
to respond to this progress and remain
We are the most globally integrated of all work done will not compromise our position.
relevant in our comments and contributions
to the Programme.
have received international accolades for of independent assurer on this Programme
our knowledge management processes. As and working hand in hand with SIA as an
We pride ourselves in the regular a single integrated practice across EMEIA integrated team.
we have the ability to mobilise the strongest
These factors combined will enable us to
people are key differentiators in respect teams to service our global priority
continue to provide objective challenge,
of the services that we provide. We have accounts like Standard Bank. We offer a
relevant insights and informed improvement
continuously strived to staff the CBT EY uniquely broad range of service lines and
team with the best people in terms of skill experience, with global reach and scale.
that the Core Banking Transformation
We have a dedicated Financial Services Programme will have in transforming your
checked with you before they were on-
Organisation (FSO) integrated across EMEIA business. We look forward to continue
boarded and we have been responsive
and linked to corresponding FSOs globally working with you in successfully delivering
to requests for team member changes,
in Asia, the USA and Australia. This enables this challenging Programme.
whatever the reason. We believe that
the current team is acclimatised to

2 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Our Service
Worldwide, EY is seen as among the most capable

clients manage risk. EY is also seen as among the

most capable at integrating its project team with the

Source - IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Business Consulting

Services 2012 Vendor Analysis, doc #233425, March 2012

EY has a wealth of experience providing

programme assurance services on large underpinned by the key questions used Wheel Reports (dashboards) and make
programmes at Standard Bank, at other to form a view on the outer ring of the use of a root cause analysis page to
South African clients and globally. At summarise the detailed observations
Standard Bank, in addition to our role as the current Programme Board reporting) (symptoms) that we have observed
the incumbent provider of programme and Level 3 has all the detailed questions (please refer to Appendix C for a further
assurance services on CBT, we have applied used when performing a deep dive in any explanation of the root cause reporting)
our methodology and approach to many Place a greater focus on on-going
other programmes, including Africa Core Wheel. assurance across the Programme and in
Banking and ReFINe. We have continued to BRs by introducing an Interim Feedback
tailor our methodology to your needs, while Report
keeping pace with further developments of
the methodology by EY. Business Wheels with BR Gated Review Reports

that cover both a view of the gate being
monitoring Programme
reviewed and relevant elements of our
Overview of Methodology Programme
and delivery
Introduce Control Self Assessment (CSA)
to the CBT programme for the areas
where processes are highly standardised
support the effective management and
and repeatable

pillars, Vision and Direction, Governance

We will also change our approach to
and Compliance, Programme Execution Adapting the Methodology stakeholder engagement to ensure
and Delivery, Measuring and Monitoring,
more proactive engagement with key
and Business Acceptance underpin
stakeholders. For this purpose we have
Programme Assurance drawn up a stakeholder interaction matrix
dashboard) and are described in more
Our aim is to provide innovative programme (included later in this document), including
detail in Appendix A. Our methodology is
engagement both at the commencement
closely aligned to the Managing Successful
effective manner, aligned to the needs of and close out of reviews, with update
Programmes (MSP) framework and PRINCE
our clients programmes. Based on our meetings at appropriate frequencies in
II (PRojects IN Controlled Environments),
knowledge of the increasing maturity between.
your chosen project management
of CBT, our experience of many other
framework and methodology. A mapping We highlight below what this will mean for
programmes and the principles explored in
between our methodology and MSP is also each of the review areas.
the methodology above, we believe that the
provided in Appendix A.
time is appropriate to modify our approach
As a reminder, our methodology has three as follows: At Programme level our on-going assurance
levels of questions. Level 1 makes use of will be in the form of Interim Feedback
Place a greater emphasis on a risk based
Reports to the CBT Board, alternated by
level assessment in support of each of the quarterly detailed Programme dashboards

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 3
EPP and therefore, any adjustment required
interaction with the Programme Sponsor on the high risk areas in terms of the point to our review process has not been included
in the project lifecycle. in our costing estimates.
pre-board preparation meetings. We will
continue to attend the CBT Exco, POM and
for review we will work with SIA and
ADA on a regular basis and will request a
assess criteria such as size, number of
Application of the
more regular Exco slot to share feedback
from recent reports (gated reviews or health
dependencies, historical performance, Methodology
technical complexity and impact of a failure
checks). To date we have applied the entire
or delay on CBT.

each review, asking Level 1 questions in

At Business Release (BR) level our on-
Due to the unique nature of PED we propose areas judged to be less risky or not yet
going assurance will also be in the form
to produce interim feedback reports every relevant, and Level 2 questions for all the
of Interim Feedback Reports for each BR
second month, with one Programme other areas. In consultation with you over
Board meeting. In addition, we will select
the last couple of months we have agreed
four gates per year for review and cover
This would be scheduled for when the PED to adjust the usage of the method to a
the various topics of our methodology at
process is between 30% and 40% complete, predominantly risk based approach, i.e.
the appropriate gates, instead of providing
which should be approximately four months only covering the relevant sections (based
after PED commences activities for a new on a number of criteria) during each review.
must be noted that both BR5 and BR6 are
BR. We also propose that a gated review We will apply this principle at both the
considering multiple releases. We would
should be done at the end of the PED Programme level and in BR reporting.
therefore need to work with SIA to agree
activities to enable a BR to assess the
on criteria to apply to identify which gates For example, as the Programme processes
handover and the close out of the PED
should be reviewed during a year. mature, it has become less valuable to
activities, budgets and projects. Overall,
review the full scope on a periodic basis
We will continue to attend at least 50% we will therefore typically produce one full
in BRs. By applying a risk based approach
of key meetings within the BRs to ensure
we can move away from Programme
that we remain aware of progress and key four Interim Feedback Reports for PED
issues facing the BR. Typically these would during an annual cycle.
scope that would have been covered to each
be RAID meetings, architecture and/or
gated review, covering the relevant topics to
change request meetings and operations
that particular stage of the BR.
management meetings. We will agree the
In the response to our questions during
the preparation for this proposal, you
each of the gated reviews with the TMO and the Programme could derive from deploying
SIA to streamline the process and ensure CSA to monitor those areas that have
our programme assurance activities after
BRs are fully prepared for reviews. reached, or are close to, the desired level of
hand-off to business. We will continue to
We will work with you to introduce CSA
should become increasingly responsible for
for those areas where the programme has
providing the assurance over areas that are
embedded repeatable governance and are not being realised according to plan,
management processes. If this capability we will agree with you whether a targeted
review the CSA process results each quarter
is deployed, we will review and comment assessment is required.
and use its outputs to inform our thinking
on the CSA results quarterly and consider
on these areas in the Programme in a true
the impact of anomalies in our regular
The methodology and approach outlined third line of defence role. We will however
reporting. Alternately, we will cover the
above relates to the current environment. continue to ask Level 1 questions in those
necessary areas using Level 1 questions
EPP, the environments provisioning areas where CSA has not been deployed.
from our methodology.
programme, may have a substantial impact At a Programme level the full Programme
on CBT and how the assurance activities
For Foundation we will also present should be organised. It is expected that quarterly.
monthly one-page interim feedback reports there will be a monthly gate for entry
To demonstrate how this will work for
(seven in total) with a combination of a into CIT, a monthly gate for progression
a BR, the following table shows how we
from CIT to SIT, a monthly gate for
propose to map elements of the Programme
two health check reports in a year. The implementation in ProdSim and a monthly
gate for implementation into Production.
execution phases and outlines what MSP
the portfolio level processes and we will At a maximum, this would represent forty
recommends at each stage gate typically
introduce health checks for major projects eight gates per year per Business Release. It
followed by the Programme:
in this portfolio. A project health check will is not yet clear how the Programme will use

4 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Initiation CTA (Analyse/Design/Build/CT/CIT) SIT Deploy Warranty
use on

use n

use n

use n

a nd e ntation

use on

a nd e ntation

use n

a nd e ntation
me for

me for

me for

e for


me for


e for

a nd ntatio

a nd ntatio

a nd ntatio

a nd ntatio
imple din esse ss

imple din esse ss

imple din esse ss

implemdin esse ss

implemdin ess ss

imple din esse ss

implemdin ess ss

implemdin ess ss

implemdin ess ss
a nd ntati

a nd ntati
rea Bus ine

rea Bus ine

rea us ine

rea Bus ine

rea us in

rea us in

rea us in

rea us in

rea us in



Business Busine ss Busine ss Busine ss Busines s Business Busines s Busine ss Busines s
a cce ptanc e a cce ptanc e a cce ptanc e ac ceptance acc eptance a cce ptanc e acc eptance ac ceptance a cc eptance
Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision
M eas uring and Me as uring and Me as uring and Me as uring and Meas uring and M eas uring and Meas uring and Me as uring and Meas uring and
and direc tion and direc tion and direc tion and dir ec tion and direc tion and direc tion and direc tion and dir ec tion and direc tion
monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me monitorin g Program me

Gover na nc e Gover na nc e Gover na nc e Gover na nce Gov er na nce Gover na n ce Gov er na nce Gover na nce Gov er na nce
Program me and Program me and Program me and Program me and Program me and Program me and Program me and Program me and Program me and
ex ecutio n compliance exe cutio n c ompliance exe cutio n compliance e xe cutio n c omplianc e e xec utio n compliance ex ec utio n compliance e xec utio n compliance e xe cutio n c omplianc e ex ec utio n compliance
and deliv er y and deliv er y and deliv er y and deliver y and deliver y and deliv er y and deliver y and deliver y and deliver y

Analysis | Design | Build | CIT

Business Impl (Hard Closure)

BR Closure (Soft Closure)
Combine Team Approach
Start-Up & Initiation

Test (SIT & UAT)


1 Vision and Direction ( Envisioning and Communicating a better future)

1.1 Strategic Considerations (remaining aligned with Corporate Strategy)
1.2 Strategic Business Case and objectives (Vision) (The Business Case)
1.3 Executive commitment (Leadership & Stakeholder engagement)
2 Governance and Compliance
2.1 Regulatory Environment
2.2 Governance business and project (Programme Organisation)
2.3 Gateway & Quality Management (Quality and Assurance Management)
2.4 Risk Management (Risk & Issue Management)
3 Programme Execution and Delivery
3.1 Resource Management (Programme Organisation)
3.2 Data Considerations (Blueprint Design & Delivery)
3.3 Solution Integrity (Blueprint Design & Delivery)
3.4 Programme Management processes (Planning & Control)
4 Measuring, Monitoring & Reporting
4.1 Continuous Improvement (Learning from Experience)
4.3 Project Reporting (Planning & Control)
5 Business Acceptance (Delivering the Capability)
5.1 Support Readiness for Implementation
5.2 Change Management (Also for data and solution see Solution and Data Integrity
5.3 Business Readiness for Implementation and maintenance

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 5
our review process while remaining effective We will modify our current two reporting
in the commentary that we provide. At templates to the following four reporting
these gated reviews we will develop both templates:
a retrospective view on compliance up to
the gate and a forward looking view on the Report (detailed dashboard), covering
strategy, planning and approach for the next
stage. Refer to Appendix B for a summary
Level 2 of our methodology,
of the key areas on the Performance Gated Review Reports, covering the
relevant gate and methodology aspects
Gated Reviews for the different stage as per the table above,
gates. Ongoing assurance Interim Feedback
Reports, covering key issues at a point in
time, and
During the last two years we have worked
with the Programme and SIA to deploy Project Health Checks, covering Level 1
an agreed upon combined assurance reviews of Foundation projects.
approach with underpinning protocols. To
Details of these reports can be found in the
to capture our own delivery sample reports section that follows.
process and review points. Please refer to

Appendix G as a reminder of our Programme

Assurance role.

6 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013

Changes introduced more sustainable solutions. (Please refer more issue based we believe we will
Appendix C for more detail)
As part of the review of our approach to the Reports will be shorter and more issue- review time).
CBT Programme Assurance assignment, we
have considered the nature, frequency and Per the RFP, your expectation is for
in an observation log. The observation
content of our reports. We have taken into monthly reporting for each BR and at the
log will not be issued with the reports,
consideration that our reports need to be Programme level. Over the December
but will be used to discuss the details
more concise and impactful, that we need holiday period we anticipate that there will
only be one Board meeting for December
will reduce the amount of time spent on
reporting and that we need to enhance our and January. Therefore, we only propose to
shaping detailed wording. The bulk of the
stakeholder engagement. produce one report for these two months.
reports will therefore focus on identifying
Furthermore, the nature of PED means that
root causes for issues and through this
the programme management processes and
to achieve the above: analysis strategic insight will be provided.
governance do not change as rapidly as for
Our aim is to differentiate clearly between
We will focus more on the root cause of the other BRs, hence we propose to report
on a bi-monthly basis on PED. Should this
Programme Advisory recommendations
use the Behavioural Engineering Audit however not be acceptable, we will produce
in our reports.
Model (BEAM) to conduct root cause Interim Feedback Reports for these months
analysis and help the Programme develop as well.
By shortening reports and making them

Work product
delivery schedule
We have taken the CBT

reporting frequency and

prepared the following
indicative work product
delivery schedule for your

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 7
The reports would be tabled in different CBT Programme CBT Programme BR and PED Boards Foundation Board
fora according to this matrix: Board Exco

Stage Gate Reviews X X

Ongoing Assurance/Interim X X X X
Feedback Reports
Detailed Dashboards X X X X

Health Checks X X

Example Reports analysis and improvement priorities. The

traditional detailed section of the report will
Outlined below is a brief description and be summarised in the Symptoms-Findings
examples of the four types of reports we We expect that a standing agenda item for section on each root cause page. We expect
referred to in the service approach section. programme assurance be will maintained
The examples below are included as in the Programme Board. The Quarterly
Appendix J. Programme Board Report will consist of will be maintained in an Observations Log
and discussed with the respective project
(Dashboard), supported by a root cause managers.

Example of the Overall Programme


8 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
A Project Health Check will cover the full

The same type of report will be produced questions to gain an understanding of the
for both Gated Reviews and Project Health status of a project.
The report will consist of an Assessment
In a Gated Review, the report will focus in Dashboard supported by a root cause
detail on the section of the Programme analysis, improvement opportunities and

reviewed and to other elements that may be review.

Example of the Project Health Check and
Gated Review Reports:

During the months that we do not publish a Detailed Wheel Dashboard, Gated Review
Report or a Health Check relevant to a Board meeting, we will, jointly with SIA, publish an
Interim Feedback Report. This report will be informed by our attendance at the standing
meetings of the Programme and the BRs and will be supplemented by occasional

these observations.

reports will enable us to have topical and based on the fact that we now have
At the Programme ExCo we will present forward looking discussions with these established relationships with these
a summary of the reports that we have stakeholders. individuals, we propose to reduce the use
presented or are about to present at other of formal meetings and to rely partially
We recognise that it takes a considerable
fora. The focus of our voiceover will be to upon telephone conversations and emails to
amount of time within the Bank to complete
emphasise common themes and root causes facilitate the report review and socialisation
the review and socialisation activities for
and to recommend what the Programme process.
each report and that there is a need to work
can do to address the issues raised.
We will continuously clarify expectations
Where stakeholders are not available for and measure relationships through more
in-person meetings, we will make use of feedback and interaction. For this purpose,
We will use the updated reporting frequency alternate means of communication to keep we will make use of relationship scorecards.
to engage better with the key stakeholders. the frequency at the planned level. Taking
Our preparation for the interim feedback our cue from the Programme leadership,

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 9
Key changes to scope and
approach currently being applied
Method: for those areas where the programme has Team:
embedded repeatable governance and
At Programme level we will change the management processes. We will review We will ensure a high degree of continuity
frequency of the detailed Programme and comment on the CSA results on a by making use of the team currently
quarterly basis and consider the impact engaged on the Programme, with the
to quarterly and make use of Interim of anomalies in our regular reporting. following changes:
Feedback Reports in the alternate We will continue to play a true third line Remove one senior manager from the
months. of defence role focussing on those areas team.
At BR level we will focus on Gated where the Programme is not at a level to Replace some of the Partner time with
Reviews and cover the various topics undertake self assessments. Associate Director time.
of our methodology at the appropriate We will focus on engaging better with the Reduce Leon du Rands advisory time.
gates. In intervening months we will key stakeholders. Our preparation for the Leon remains available to the programme
produce one-page Interim Feedback Interim Feedback Reports will enable us to for 64 hours per month, but any
Reports for discussion at the BR Boards. have topical forward looking discussions additional advisory time will be separately
For Foundation we will continue to do with these stakeholders. contracted.
Where stakeholders are not available for Reduce the in-budget time for interaction
portfolio level (in the shortened format) in-person meetings, we will make use of with our international subject matter
and will introduce Health Checks for alternate means of communication to resources (e.g. David Boyle). These
major projects in this portfolio (two keep the frequency at the planned level. parties will remain available to the
reports per annum). We will also produce We will continuously clarify expectations Programme, but use of their time and the
Interim Feedback Reports for discussion and measure relationships through cost thereof will be agreed on an ad-hoc
at Foundation Board in months where more feedback and interaction. For this basis.
no Wheel or Health Check reports are purpose, we will make use of relationship This means that the core team will have
presented. scorecards. about 30% partner time, an associate
For PED we will do only one Programme Deep dives have been excluded from director, senior manager, senior associate
our core engagement and will be agreed and an experienced junior full time and
scheduled for when the PED process is separately. 64 hours per month of Leon Du Rands
between 30 and 40% complete, and a We will be more disciplined around items time.
Gated Review at the end of the PED cycle. that may result in variations.
We will work with you to introduce CSA Reporting:
The table below summarises the reporting

5-7 pages 7 one-page Interim Feedback Reports with a forward

looking bias
4 Gated Review Reports per BR per year, with coverage of
Gated Review Reports at major gates (equivalent of
2 targeted assessments) 7 one-page Interim Feedback Reports with a forward
looking bias

portfolio level 2 Health Checks at project level

7 one-page Interim Feedback Reports with a forward
looking bias

1 Gated Review Report

4 one-page Interim Feedback Reports with a forward
looking bias
Presentation of the relevant Programme Board Presentation of a summary of the Interim Feedback Reports
reports from time to time and the above reports that are on the table at that point in
6 targeted assessments reports time
Targeted assessments will be agreed separately

10 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013


We have listened to your request discounted rates offered for purchases of Standard Bank. This adjustment has not
for savings. We have reworked our over 18000 hours per annum (as offered been accommodated for in the indicative
methodology, our approach and our to Group Internal Audit as part of RFI/SBG/ fee below.
reporting to reduce the core programme SIA0001 in January 2013).
The hours also already take into account
assurance hours from 10212 to 9220 per
After allowing for these discounts, we will that our full time team members will be
annum. We have also reconsidered the rates
unfortunately not be able to accommodate taking their normal leave during the year
to be applied and, even though it is unlikely
and that the Programme will be closed from
that the threshold will be reached, we would
in January 2014 as well. We would thus the middle of December to the second week
like to offer Standard Bank an additional
expect this increase to take place as per in January.
discount on the rates by making use of the
the terms of our Master Agreement with

Our estimated fee is as follows: In calculating the estimated fee, we made the
following assumptions:

experienced team that is based in South Africa

1 September 2013 31 August 2014 R16 827 440

would equate to approximately 9220 hours per

the team for 1 hour per month

You also asked us to provide an indicative rate for each of the proposed matter resources will be negotiated separately
resources on the permanent team. Below we show the current rate that will
duration of the programme
January 2014. These are as follows:
fees on January 1st each year

in the RFP document (in particular, our proposal

does not account for any change in effort that
might be required to accommodate EPP) and
Partner/Director Marius van den Berg R2870 there will only be 2 BRs running concurrently
Partner/Director Paul Nel R2870
other assurance providers
Subject Matter Resource Leon Du Rand R2870
Associate Director Ria Greyling R2420
Senior Manager Robert Waters R2010
is excluded from this pricing and will be priced for
Senior Associate Maria Antropova R1140
Experienced Junior Katie Roller R930
should these be required

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 11
Management Model

How our team engages In addressing the above, we have taken into To ensure we deliver on the above
consideration the demanding schedules that commitments we will re-introduce a
with you the stakeholders have and the need for us scorecard to manage success from
We have assembled a team of professionals our involvement. The scorecard will
with the experience and skills to deliver We therefore propose a model that consists
successfully on this programme. Our of a combination of formal structured stakeholder engagement and maintaining
team structure will directly align with the meetings and updates via electronic media. independence. The proposed stakeholder
programme management, stakeholders and In engaging with these stakeholders, we engagement model is however dependent
governance structures of the Bank. will work closely with Group Internal Audit on the availability of these individuals.
and the Strategic Initiative Assurance team
Our team is familiar with Standard Bank, We have described below our proposed
to ensure meetings are optimised (e.g. one
its strategy, operations and culture. In Relationship Management structure for
meeting may be used to cover more than
addition, we have a deep understanding both the individual stakeholders and
one objective).
of the programme, its priorities and key fora. In the same section, we have
challenges. We are committed to the Furthermore we recognise that certain also included a schedule of proposed
success of the programme and continuously stakeholders (e.g. the individual BR stakeholder meetings with the programme
strive for improvement in the way we work sponsors) will have an interest in the management and executives.
with you. We have used the opportunity of successful delivery of the individual BR
this proposal to: for which they are responsible but also in
the overall programme for the delivery

stakeholders that we as programme they are responsible. Our engagement with

assurance service providers need to these stakeholders will therefore have to be
engage with balanced between BR related matters and
Assess the frequency and format of these those at an overall programme level.
Propose a measurement of the success of Lastly we recognise that our level of
stakeholder engagement engagement with the programme team
is currently higher than the engagement
In all of this it is important that the with other stakeholders. Our proposed
programme assurance team remains model has addressed this and we have also
independent and objective and to proposed engagement with sponsors earlier
recognise that although there are multiple in a review cycle so that we can pro-actively
stakeholders for the programme assurance focus on and respond to areas that may
function, our primary stakeholders are
Group Internal Audit and the governance share results of reviews as is currently the
structures they report to, and the PBB CEO case.
and PBB South Africa CEO as the main

12 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Peter Schlebush CEO PBB
Funeka Montjane CEO PBB South Africa
Mike White CAE
Phumzile Gebashe Head: IT Internal Audit
Michelle Anderson SIA : Strategic Initiative Assurance
Willie Stegmann Head: Core Banking Transformation
Wally Fisher Head: Business Implementation and Change
Sean Berrington Head: CBT Finance
Jeff Lopes
Lynette van Reenen Business Release Executive
Klaas Kruger Business Release Executive
Shane Ferley Head: AMS
Wayne Wiltshire Business Release Executive
Adri Zaayman Business Release Executive
Ken Holtshousen Head: IT Foundation
Hannah Sadiki CRM Sponsor; Head: Customer Channels
Jean Ochse Head: Business Banking
Audrey Mothupi Head: Inclusive Banking
Kabelo Makeke CFO: PBB
Vuyo Mpako Head: Channel Design and Development
Sugendhree Reddy Head: Banking Products
Andrew Broadley Head: Insurance and Wealth
Riaan Dreyer CIB IT
Wilma Konig Head: Business Architecture & Design
Head: PBB Testing Solutions and Environment
Mike Hawthorne
Brenda Niehaus Group CTO
Dawie Olivier PBB BIO
Marius Bosman Head : Enterprise Architecture
Itumeleng Monale Head: Business Architecture

To further enhance our engagement with key Programme Stakeholders we have drafted a RACI model summarising our key
Programme Assurance activities. This model is indicative only and will be further developed with SIA and Programme Leadership.
Refer to Appendix E for the proposed detailed RACI model.

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 13
Yet as important as they are, our brand name,
logo and tagline are just symbols there to signify
something deeper. We build our brand every day
through everything we say and, more importantly,
do. Our brand lives in the minds of our clients, past,
present and future, our people, and our communities.
Through living our values, which remain the bedrock
of our culture, each of us helps to build greater trust,
making the working world better for our clients and for
our colleagues.

Mark A. Weinberger, Global Chairman and CEO of EY

Core team

Paul is the incumbent leader of our programme assurance Leon du Rand is a seasoned Banking and IT professional who
team at the CBT Programme at Standard Bank. He has led has been serving as an advisor to the EY programme assurance
this team since the start of our engagement in October 2011. engagement on the CBT programme. Having spent more than
He previously led a number of the largest IT and data related 30 years with local and international banks in various senior
transformation programmes at our clients and has also spent a management and executive roles, Leon brings a wide range of
tour of duty as EY Global and Africa sub-area Data Risk leader, skills to the assignment. He is well versed in all areas of general
responsible for information management, analytics and related and executive management and has extensive IT background. He
services. has assisted EY on a number of key IT Governance and Advisory
assignments at major institutions over the past few years.

Ria has been working on the CBT Programme since February Robert transferred from EY in Germany to Johannesburg in April
2013 and has also been managing programme assurance work 2012 and since that date he has spent all his time managing
elsewhere in Standard Bank for 12 months before this. She programme assurance reviews on the CBT Programme. His primary
is a multi-disciplinary Performance Improvement programme experience lies in the implementation of business change within
leader with experience working across Africa. Ria has built up a transaction environment (post-merger integration, carve-outs,
extensive experience in performance improvement initiatives
through enhancement of strategy and implementation. services and automotive industries. He has also performed
standard IT implementations and reviews and consulted on many
other areas including strategy, TCO, procurement, technical support
and litigation support. He has led programmes of up to 1,000 FTEs
in over 50 countries with budgets exceeding USD 100m.

14 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Maria is an associate in the Performance Improvement practice of Katie is an associate in the Performance Improvement division of
EY Advisory Services. She joined EY in 2010 and holds a Post- EY Advisory. She joined EY in 2012 and holds a Post-Graduate
Graduate Diploma in Management and a BSc (Hons) Molecular Diploma in Management and a BSc (Hons) Ecology degree.
Other involvement in advisory work includes the design of client
presentations for EYs Africa Business Centre (ABC), conducting
experience in various Performance Improvement and Internal and analysing research for the ABCs Africa Attractiveness survey,
as well as assisting with the construction of a business case
improvements and the Agile and Waterfall methodologies. She has for a smart metering project. She has been a part of the team
been engaged in executing programme assurance reviews on the conducting programme assurance reviews on the CBT Programme
CBT Programme since 2012. since January 2013.

Marius current responsibilities include that of our Advisory Banking and Capital Markets

engagements. Marius is also the Chair of the IT Governance sub-committee of King III
and was involved in the development of the proprietary Ernst & Young IT Process Model.
He previously was the engagement partner on programme assurance engagements at
Standard Bank. Marius has worked with multiple clients in the assessment of project and
programme risk and advising on roll out strategies, mainly in the Financial Services Sector.

Our international network

input as and where necessary. Amongst others, the following people have deep industry experience and have worked with Standard
Bank and can provide valuable input on a variety of subjects:

Omar is a Partner in our Financial Services Formerly from our Financial Services
Practice and leads our Banking & Capital Organisation in Sweden, Henrik is now
Markets Practice in the UK. He has extensive based in Cape Town and is focussed
experience in advising Global Financial on managing, delivering and assuring
Services organisations on strategy and Business Transformation Programmes
market development, cost reduction, revenue (Post Merger Integration, Operational
generation and large transformations. He is
currently playing a leading role on the Lloyds
banking transformation programme. industry.

Sharon is an Associate Director in our

David is a Partner in our Financial Services
Practice in Australia and has 24 years
experience in systems implementation , IT
experience in delivering large scale technology
Audit and Internal Audit, both in execution
and methodology development, which
services. Prior to joining EY, David held various
management roles in information technology at
has previously been involved in our
the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
programme assurance services on the CBT

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 15
value add
to the Core Banking
Transformation Programme

You have requested us to provide detail of Rethinking analytics We provide the Change Management
other areas in which we believe we would framework and expertise to realise
be able to add additional value to the CBT We would like to introduce the concept
programme within our proposed role of of whole brain analytics. Although many shift from current to future state.
assurance. We have detailed a number of banks have established analytics as a
strategic priority, success depends on their By methodically addressing the three
additional services related to programme
ability to build a robust core capability and critical success factors for change, through
assurance in Appendix H. Furthermore, we
would like to discuss the value of enterprise competency that can be leveraged across
the enterprise. Whole brain analytics Management enablers, we minimise risk
performance management, data analytics
and people and organisational change provides a catalyst for embedding analytics
management, as well as to highlight into the business value chain, utilising Our framework follows a phased approach
recent work we have done around channel methods and processes that bring business to performance improvement; while guiding
convergence in transactional banking. intuition, technology and data closer stakeholders through the phases of the
together. By combining analytics expertise change experience.
with business knowledge, you will uncover
Enterprise Performance the real cause of your toughest problems,

be able to anticipate the future and identify Channel Convergence
opportunities to differentiate and grow
Enterprise Performance Management your business. However, its not enough to
capture, integrate and analyse your data, specialising in transactional banking. Their
(Strategy Management & Scenario
team was responsible for driving various
Analyses, Fast Close & Reporting, Planning
requires a culture that is ready to embrace components of a channel convergence
novel and counter-intuitive ideas. Just like project for one of the big 4 banks in
Management) programmes present unique
any other strategic asset, you can create South Africa. This project consolidated
challenges that are different to pure
online banking functionality across their
technology enablement projects. Enterprise
for your information. Whole brain analytics retail, business banking and corporate
Performance Management solutions
is the key to unlocking these untapped channels into a new system. The team
impact directly on the raw nerves of how
areas of value. was responbile for concept design, high
businesses and leaders are measured and
managed; how business decisions get
planning, client migration and product
made; and the relationships between a
corporate centre and its divisions. Effective change operationalisation. The team had ownership
for re-enigineering the onboarding process
EY has developed a successful approach management of the new system, which resulted in a 70%
to Enterprise Performance Management EY has a practical change management turnaround improvement and 25 times
implementations that has been carefully methodology that delivers outcomes capacity gain.
constructed to address businesses throughout the end to end performance Further information on these topics is
priorities and deliver a quality solution with improvement process, whilst recognising provided in Appendix I.
certainty and return on investment. the journey that individuals need to take.

16 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 1
In an ever changing world the

our challenges requires new

Appendix A
Our Methodology

Standard Bank Environment

SAP Programme environment

Drivers Challenges Outcomes Bene ts

Keep us out Keep us out
Time Increased
of trouble: predictability of trouble:
Reputation including
Recognition as Market
fraud & risk
Cost Leader
Compliance across
various regulatory
environments Business
and transparency
Make our and direction Make our
business better Programme business better
Enhanced ability to
Effective technology & Enhanced operate & execute
systems across accountability
technology businesses Governance
Programme and Robust core system for
Resource execution compliance medium term
Standardisation & and delivery sustainability
quality in
implementation Enhanced Comparative & integrated
management capability results
statement close process
Accurate Management
and savings

Increased market share

Maintain competitive
advantage Enabling standardsed

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 2
Vision and direction

Governance and compliance

Execution and delivery

Data Considerations

Measuring and monitoring

Business acceptance

3 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Aligning our approach to the MSP framework

Managing Successful How does our methodology support the

EY Programme Assurance Methodology
Programmes Framework approach?

and advised on through...



guidance which is addressed through...

review within...

consolidated view across....


should be ....

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 4
Putting our risk based approach into practice

- -- --

- - -

- -

--- - -
--- - - ---

- -

--- - - -

- - --

- - -

- -

- --
--- - -
--- -
- ---
-- -- -
--- -- - --
--- -- - -

- -

- - -

- -
--- - -

- -


5 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Appendix B
Summary of key areas
covered in a Gated


Initiation Gate

The business case has been documented

Measuring and
and direction
monitoring Programme

Programme and relevant stakeholders
execution compliance
and delivery

Execution Checkpoint

acceptance requirements have been taken into account
Measuring and
and direction
monitoring Programme

Programme and where required data issues are considered
execution compliance
and delivery

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 6
Combined Team Approach- Analysis and Design

to the business requirements

Measuring and
and direction
monitoring Programme

Programme and
execution compliance
and delivery


Measuring and
and direction
monitoring Programme

Programme and
execution compliance
and delivery

7 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
BR Closure (Soft Closure)


Measuring and
reviewed and actions assigned
monitoring Programme

Programme and
execution compliance
and delivery

Business Impact (Hard Close)


Measuring and
and direction
monitoring Programme

Programme and
execution compliance
and delivery
reviewed and actions assigned

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 8
Appendix C
Root Cause

Root cause approach Overview When to use

5 Whys

Fishbone diagram
(Also known as cause and data.
effect analysis or Ishikawa

Behavioral engineering
audit model (BEAM), a
proprietary EY Methodology

9 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Example of Root
Cause reporting

EYs Behavioral Engineering The framework contains:

Auditing Model (BEAM)

control environment

organisational objectives

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 10
Appendix D
Process Flow

- -



- -
- - -- --
--- - - -

- - - - - -
- - -
- -

- -

-- --



- -

- -


Description of Review concerns as well as a meeting at the


with business stakeholders has been

should continue.

11 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Appendix E
RACI: Engagement
with key Programme

Programme Director




Overall Programme Wheel A A R R I C I R

Gated Reviews R A I I R

Health Checks R I A I R



Overall Programme Wheel A A I I I R I

Gated Reviews I A I R I

Health Checks I I A R I




R Responsible
A Accountable
C Consult
I Inform

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 12
Appendix F

Control Self
Faced with increased scrutiny of the corporate
governance environment, companies are turning to
an internal audit tool to help them dig deep: Control
Self Assessment. Turning up risk information that
may otherwise be overlooked, self assessment
programs can provide the basis for annual audit
plans and help auditors expand their reach and


The automation achieved through the use

can be introduced into the Programme

13 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
IA Programme Assurance:
key steps & outcomes
Year 5 programme process
Delivery through consistent
maturity here
Management (L4)

Control maturity Dipstick

Year 4
Delivery through

Year 3

Control maturity Dipstick

Performance through
n ag

Control maturity Dipstick


Year 2

Embedding the basics

n ag
Repeatable (L2)


Year 1

Establishing the Basics (L1)


Ma n




a ge




Key initiatives






u ra



ra n


A ssu

P ro

g ra

Outcome / impact/KPIs
P ro
Assurance mix (Note: categories will vary based on client focus areas)
Core Governance 100% 10%

Key Initiatives 00%

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Control Self Assessment (
00% 00% 40%
Core Governance)

Continuous control environment improvement
1. Themes should indicate annual focus and be progressive in nature, year over year
Appendix G
Our role as independent
programme assurance
service provider

dealt with on a continuous basis. Risks

will not be highlighted in isolation but engagement team does not agree to the
with risk management solutions and

we considered to be most relevant to our

this engagement.
consideration on a continuous basis.

we cannot attend all meetings and review

at their own risk.

on issues that have come to our attention

will have a direct bearing on the success

15 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Appendix H

assurance services and in addition to
Focussed Assessments,
the detailed reviews that the Programme Special Reviews or Deep which would then be utilised as the guiding

These services can be structured and Programme Governance

audit requirements. review is targeted at evaluating the detailed

The diagram below illustrates the various subsequent to our initial assessment. The

- -




assurance services on high risk areas and



- -

these areas in more detail in the sections







Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 16

Business Process Controls controls should ensure that transactions

users are not granted access to

requirements through the establishment

in order to ensure that the internal

these decisions and the overall balance

controls and residual risk.

ongoing basis. Our testing techniques include a

Authorisations and Segregation

of duties (access controls)

within roles and the subsequent allocation


overall internal control environment. Our

controls need to ensure that the business

or access management risks.

distinct users in order to ensure that maintenance. We will also evaluate the
naming conventions used.

17 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013

Post go-live support and
Test Approach: sustainability requirement

Information Management

solution. The review would consider the

User Acceptance Testing:


establish whether the solution has been

regular basis. Our methodologies have

requirements can be measured through

alike. We tailor our solution to each

Training assessment Go-live readiness assessment

recommendations and concerns with

Data governance framework design and



the right questions and gathering the right

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 18

due to challenges in the data migration.

Data quality management (DQM)

management is to obtain an objective and

used to obtain the data so that controls

enrichment as well as activities aimed at the resolution in order to determine whether
the data migration activities have been

Additional services we offer that may be

of interest to you include:

based on the organisations needs.

Organisational Design and
on enabling clients to maintain a high
Review Services

trusted and reliable data.

Data Migration (DM)

shoulder to shoulder with our clients to

the data issues during the data migration

and its environment and stakeholders as an

19 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Risk Management

requirements; building and validating


Governance Risk and Compliance requirements

for Financial Services Internal Assurance


including the board monitoring and review

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 20
Appendix I

Value add

Enterprise Performance

collaborative working between client


businesses and leaders are measured and

managed; how business decisions get

Our proposition

...delivered with greater ...and better value for

A higher quality solution...
certainty... money

Business led advisor, not just Competitive fee proposition

an SI structure to allow you control
Specialists in EPM solutions A better delivery model ...and a commitment to and no surprises
and Banking industry with less risk... teaming and success Transparent disclosure of
premium elements e.g.:
Leading capabilities in SAP
BPC/FC, Oracle|Hyperion and Senior A team specialists A mindset and approach that is SA led core team
IBM|Cognos combined with dedicated to the solution with totally focused on working Additional finance process
Finance process and change global reach and authority collaboratively with the Group and change management
management skills and divisional teams
Strong SA-based core team to support
Proven driver based match yours, supported by in Excellent reputation for Application specific
methodology country skills consistent delivery of highest support
Ability to develop best quality across our customers
Efficient off-shore factory
practice for the future model in Mauritius and India A culture of continuous
business environment improvement
Centralised application control
Use latest advanced features (development production and
of leading EPM suites support)
Unparalleled range of EPM Senior QAS authority and
implementations in Financial direct top of the office access

21 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
The future of decision making: Driver Based Performance Management

with considerable knowledge and skills

Over the recent months we have



Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 22
Rethinking analytics

statistical techniques to the data to suggest


-- --- --
-- - -




driven decisions and encouraging test and

data closer together.

23 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Effective change management


that individuals need to take.

Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 24
Key changes to scope and
approach currently being applied
Method: Team:

where the Programme is not at a level to

gates. In intervening months we will

with these stakeholders. contracted.

with our international subject matter

This means that the core team will have

our core engagement and will be agreed




Previous Delivery Proposed Delivery

Programme Board

looking bias
BR Boards (BRs 4, 5 & 6)

looking bias

looking bias

looking bias


25 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Appendix J


Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 26
27 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 28
Gated Review and Project Health Check Reports

29 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013
Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013 30
Interim Feedback reports

31 Standard Bank I Performance of ongoing Programme Assurance on the Core Banking Transformation Programme I RFP/SBG00059/2013

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