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Classroom Management Plan

By: Heather Turner

Basic Procedures:

- Entering & Starting the school day:

I will greet each student as they come into the classroom. Students will begin sharpening
pencils, turning in homework, filling out their daily planners, writing 2 goals they have for
themselves for the day, and will begin a short warm up. Once these tasks are completed
students will be expected to read quietly until instructed. We will do the Pledge of Allegiance as
a class, and recite our class Pledge. (This is also the time we might recognize birthdays,
achievements, and upcoming activities.)

- Exiting and ending the School day:

When ending the school day we will discuss what we have learned and students will be given a
few minutes to write their reflection on their goals for the day. Students will then pick up their
homework in a designated box, put it in a designated homework folder, clear off their desks,
and stack their chairs in the back of the classroom. Backpacks will be stacked outside out of the
way before we go to recess.

- Restroom breaks
When taking restroom breaks we will form two lines (a boys line, and a girls line) there will be
no talking in the restroom, and no messing around. This time is strictly for getting business done
and getting out. As students come out they will form back into their two lines and I will have
different activities for them to do as they wit seated on next to the wall. (Some days we may talk
with a partner about what we have learned, we may have a self-reflection time, or we may do
some kind of brain break activity.)

- Student centers
Students will have a chart on the bored in an easy to read/ refer to place. Each center will be
listed and a safety pin with their names will be located on the chart. Before beginning centers
for the day the teacher will go over what will be done at each station, and will call out each
students name and they will be directed to which station to begin at. Stations will be all around
the room and the students will move clockwise to the next center when it is time to switch.
During Center work, students should keep their voices low, and make sure they travel with all
the materials they may need (Notebook, pencil, eraser, etc.) The teacher will have a whistle.
When the whistle blows 1 time, students will be expected to finish what they are doing and
begin cleaning up. They will have 3 minutes to do so. At the end of the three minutes, the
teacher will blow the whistle 2 times and students will rotate to the next center. The students
will have 1 minute for their transition, and then the whistle will blow 3 times queuing students
to begin their work at that station.
- Transitions/ interruptions
Students will be given directions prior to every transition as to what is coming next. Once
instructions are given, students will be asked to repeat instructions for clarification.
Everywhere we go in the school, whether to the cafeteria, recess, specials, restroom, or to
another classroom, we will walk in two lines (a Boy line and a Girl line) in alphabetical order. This
will make the line shorter and easier to manage.
Students are expected to walk quietly with their hands behind our back (unless holding a lunch
When there is an interruption in the class during teacher instruction, students are to remain
silent. If the interruption occurs during a discussion time students will continue the discussion in
an appropriate tone. If the interruption occurs during group/ independent work, students will
be expected to continue working.
During school Drills, students as expected to stop what they are doing, line up quickly in their
two lines in alphabetical order, and will be prepared to walk quickly and quietly wherever we
are designated to go for safety.

- Use of materials/ equipment

Students are expected to come to class prepared every day with needed materials. Each set of
desks will have a storage box next to it where students will have stored extra paper, markers,
crayons, scissors, and glue so they do not have to move around the room to get it if needed.
Every morning, pencils will be sharpened and students will not be given the opportunity to get
up and sharpen pencils through the day. If their pencil breaks and they do not have an extra,
there will be a bucket of sharpened pencils available for their access. We will thoroughly discuss
the handling and safety of using all items and materials in their storage boxes and bins.
If students are using teacher materials/ equipment, such as counters, clocks, iPads, etc., they
will gather them from a designated location and will be expected to put them up when the time
permits and they and instructed to do so. We will also practice and discuss treating these
objects with respect.
Students will also have a designated box to put their work in for the class that doesnt come
home, a homework box, and a late work box.
All materials and books in the classroom will have bins, and be in placed in areas that are
labeled. We will go over the proper way to take, and put back material, and students will be
expected to respect the material that they use.
I plan on having class leaders to distribute any other material that the students do not need to
get up and out of their desks for.

- Group work
During group work, students will be expected to behave politely, patiently, and be prepared.
Each person in the group will be assigned a role (Depending on the tasks this may vary.) Roles
may include: voice monitor, group gather (of materials), group questioner, and group mediator.
Students will be expected to listen to each others ideas, help each other, and will be asked to
reflect on how they might improve. Most group work will be with assigned groups and these
groups will be mixed up every grading period. At the end of the grading period, student will be
given a group reflection and self-assessment so I know how each student worked/ thinks they
can improve.

- Independent work & Teacher led activities

Students will be expected to follow along, and stay on task during teacher led activities. Most
teacher led activities will involve discussions, so students will be expected to be mindful of
others, patient, and participate. During Independent work, Students are expected to work by
themselves, and there should be no talking. Voices should be off. On occasion, students will be
permitted to work around the room in comfortable spots, but the other times independent
work will be done at desks.

Classroom Rules and how they will be established:

*IBPs and FBAs will be taken into consideration and properly adapted into the Rules/ Procedures.

Class Rules:

1. Be Prompt (students are expected to be on time, enter the classroom quietly, and be ready to
listen and learn for directions on what will be done for the day.)
2. Be Prepared (Students are expected to bring all necessary materials and work to school every
3. Be Productive (Students are expected to maximize the learning time by staying on task, and
following directions)
4. Be Polite (Students are expected to be kind to everyone, respect their self, other classmates,
and the teachers, and keep their hands, feet, and objects to their selves.)
5. Be Patient (Students are expected to wait calmly for their turn, do not interrupts others, and to
stay in their seats unless otherwise directed.)

Our class Rules will be established by Routines that the students will begin starting the first day of
school. We will learn about our 5 P Rules, and discuss what it means to be Prompt, Prepared,
Productive, Polite, and Patient. Together we will examine different ways their rules can be applied
through the school day and practice them all together. I, as the teacher, will hold myself accountable to
these rules as well. Our classroom will be fair according to the rules, and if rules are broken the same
consequences will be applied to everyone.

All of our rules will be practiced regularly, especially at the beginning of the school year. I plan on having
multiple days where we act out specific scenarios to ensure students understand rules and procedures,
and see what is expected of them. The Rules will be clearly posted for reflection and reference
throughout the year.
Within my first few Days of school I plan on writing a class pledge with my students. We will agree on
what the pledge should say and we will all sign it. Each day the class pledge will be read and recited. It is
my responsibility to make sure every student is, and feels safe. The intention for the 5 P Rules is to
establish order, routine, and expectations that everyone can clearly follow. I do not want my class to be
full of rules, but these 5 will prompt an all-around cooperative, safe, and thriving environment for my
students to learn and engage in.

Allowing my students to have a self-reflection journal on their goals, and if they met their goals will also
provide students the opportunity to evaluate and assess their behavior and learning. They will be able to
take responsible for what they have done for the day and will have a place to personally document it.
This is a great tool I feel will deviate problems, remind them of what they should be doing, and give
them a place to see their improvement and accomplishments!

Our class will have a class ticket system that they will be rewarded with as they are displaying
appropriate/ exceptional behavior/ deeds. At the end of each week if their overall performance was
good they can trade in tickets for specific prizes. The Tickets can also be used as a consequence tool. If
the students are not on task, tickets can also be taken away.


5 Tickets- Sticker

10 tickets- Pencil

15 tickets- Treasure Box

20 tickets- pick from box of rewards (Ex: No shoes for the day, bring snack, free choice center, etc.)

25 tickets- Lunch with teacher

(These rewards can be molded to the likes and interest of the students and we would agree on them

Along with the ticket system, I will send Good Notes home to parents when students are on task and
will be giving my students encouragement and accomplishments verbally through the day as they are on

Plan for preventing behavior problems and dealing the disruptions:

I strongly believe that once I get to know my students needs, parent involvement, and learning styles, I
can better prepare my curriculum and instruction to meet their needs resulting in more cooperative
behavior. I also believe that with a strong and consistent routine my students will be aware of what is
come and will know how they need to behave.

When my students know the rules, procedures, and what is expected of them every day and I practice
these consistently and fairly, I will be able to deviate the majority of behavior problems.
When dealing with misbehavior, I will take the steps necessary for dismissing the misbehavior:

1. 1st Verbal Warning

2. 2nd verbal warning ( reminding student of the first) (taking tickets away)
3. Conduct mark
4. Discussion out in hall/ parent phone call
5. Principles office

When dealing with interruptions, my students will know their expectation of voice volume. If the phone
rings, or the office calls, or a teacher comes to the door. My student will be expected to carry on with
whatever they were doing in low voices. If it is during a time I am teaching, I will have my student turn
and discuss a concept with their neighbor/ partners.

Physical Layout of the classroom

Approach to communicating with and involving parents:

As the school year begin I plan on immediately getting my parents involved and informed on the
classroom, our rules, and opportunities for us to communicate and work together. I will do this weekly
by sending home newsletters and allowing parents an easy way to contact me. (email, phone numbers)

I would like to have a parent come to school and participate in a mystery reader every other Friday.
Through the week of our mystery reader, I will post clues of this parent example: likes to run, has 4
kids. Etc. Students can have fun trying to guess which parent it is, and on that Friday that parent can
come and read a book to the class. This will be a fun way to get parents/ guardians involved and will be
something my students can look forward to.

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