E-Portfolio - Course Reflection 2 Health Assessment

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Health Assessment is the first nursing course which contained a lab

component paired with a lecture. This course allowed for the building of
essential entry level nursing skills which require hands-on practice and
application to master. We were trained on how to obtain vital signs on a
patient including heart rate (from multiple sites, including auscultating
apical), temperature, respirations, and blood pressure. We were also required
to perform a complete head-to-toe assessment where we had to thoroughly
assess all body systems under the review of an instructor as a final for the
lab. This assignment built our assessment skills of the entire body and
allowed for us to begin collecting some of the field data taught about in
pathophysiology through our own assessment.

Health assessment, as a whole, is the assessment/evaluation of any

particular individuals health status through both physical exam and health
history (both recent and far past, surgical, medical, and familial). The
importance of building rapport with a patient was stressed as it is often the
case that patient input and participation is an essential component to
receiving a full picture of the situation at hand to provide the best possible
care for the patient. Lastly, this course, both through lecture and lab,
reinforced the importance and necessity for documentation. It was often
stated to ensure one documents everything, because in nursing, if it
wasnt documented, it wasnt done.

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