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Reflection Paper for Mental Health and Higher Education

For the selection of written work, I have selected my Reflection Paper from Dr. Jessica

Horowitzs Mental Health in Higher Education course. The program learning outcome that most

directly aligns with this artifact, I believe is communication skills.

This reflection paper was done in two pieces. The first was the completion of the paper

itself, and the second was a reflective dialogue of our paper on the last day of class. I believe that

the reflection paper shows how I have effective written communication skills that demonstrate

high levels of clarity, comprehension, and synthesis. I believe that the importance of alliance and

inclusivity in higher education is still a phenomenon that institutions are still currently dealing

with. This reflective piece was showing my comprehension of inclusivity regarding mental

health in higher education, as well as my synthesis and analysis of how I believe there are still

issues within higher education.

The second piece of the presentation was narrating my reflection to my peers in my class

which created a healthy dialogue. I believe I showed effective oral communication, sharing

different perspectives with my peers and professor. As I facilitated the dialogue around my

reflection paper I believe I showed effective interpersonal skills as well as facilitating effective

intergroup and intragroup relations.

While I have not addressed how I was able to use technology in administration, research,

and instruction, I believe I was able to address that competency in work regarding research and


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