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LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’sName: dadenee Aero Practicum Purpose (check one) Introduction to Teaching L Pre-service Hours Requirement for College Course Name of Course (if applicable) Practicum Loestion (check one)" ‘Area School we Location Other Placement (yp to 15 hours) Location Practicum Type (check one). Regular Classroom SL Unpsid tutoring (up 10 15 hows) Note: Classroom teachers are requested o sign student los at gach Vit ade by practicum sadent Date 2/3 Time_!40 Acti ‘Teacher Signature, Date 2/19 Time 1100 Activities, ‘Teacher Signature Z Date 3/ 3 Time _+%D Activities, Teacher Signature Date 3/Al Time |: 0p Activities, Teacher Signature={_J Dateifalt Time : 1.00 Activities ‘Teacher Signatur Datel/|i_ ‘Time }:00 Activities ‘Teacher Signature DateG EEE Time pes A. is Datel4/i4 Time 2:20 Activities______ Teacher Signature ite Saecai Date 4/23 Timeg.00 Activities Teacher Signature” /J/, Total Time: OL College Director of Field Experienc RATE BY NUMBER 5-Superior 4Good —_3-Average 5 Assuines responsibilities, Follows school policies/procedures. Performs assigned duties. Is punetual. Dresses professionally. Shows enthusiasm and commitment to the profession. Receptive to and engages in professional development. Initiates appropriate, professional communications. a Acts ethically in professional relationships. —— ——~ — Uses effective communication skills. Semester FA year 19. LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’s Name: Jeumee Aynold Practicum Purpose (check one): Introduction to Teaching Preservice Hours x Requirement for College Course." Name of Course (if applicable) fee Practicum Location (check one): Area School X_ Location Sod4y Deits y thigh B>PRne Other Placement (up 10 15 hours Location —_ ¥ Phone Practicum Type (check one): Regular Classroom X._ Unpaid tutoring (upto 15 hows) ‘Note: Classroom teachers are requested to sign student logs al eagh visit made by ppag Date W/e4_Time3:00 Activities ‘Teacher Signature_ Date 0/\ Time 2.40 Activities Teacher Signature Date (0/93 Time B:00 Activities, ‘Teacher Si ignature © C ‘Teacher Signature Teacher Signature. Date, ime, Date___ Time. Date___Time. DateTime. “Teacher Signature DateTime “Teacher Signature Date__ Time. ‘Teacher Signature Date___Time “Teacher Signature Total Time: ; hes. College Director of Field Experiences: RATE BY NUMBER aii 2-Poor Follows school pol Sapciae Performs assigned duties. Is punctual. Dresses professionally. ‘Shows enthusiasm and commitment to the profession. Receptive to and engages in professional development. Initiates appropriate, professional communications. Acts ethically in professional relationships. Uses effective communication skills. COMMENT! HERE Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: 1-Failure ident, semeser Svea IS. LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES stodent'sName Joime.é Apagld Practicum Purpose (check one): Introduction o Teaching Presservice Hours Requirement for College Course Name of Course if applicable) Practicum Location (check one): ‘Area School Location Aheex. Cousmty Atade try Phone. Other Placement (up 10 15 hours) ___— Location _ Phone Practicum Type (check one): Regular Classroom A__ Unpaid tutoring (up 10 15 hours) Note: Classroom teachers are requested to sign student logs at each visit made Date */3 Time J9QActivities ‘eacher Signature 224 Date/Time 3:30Activities ‘Teacher Signature a Date3/a__ Time Ju0g-Activities. ‘Teacher Signature-~p7szrq Date. ‘Time ajG0 Activities ‘Teacher Signature 7522 Date. Time. Activitic Teacher Signature Date ‘Time. Activi ‘Teacher Signature. Date Time__Activities ‘Teacher Signature Date____Time__ Activities _ “Teacher Signature Date. ‘Time. Activities, ‘Teacher Signature ‘Total Tim c College Director of Field Experiences: RATE BY NUMBER 5-Superior 4-Good 3-Average Assumes responsibilities. Follows school policies/procedures. Performs assigned duties. Is punctual, Dresses professionally. Shows enthusiasm and commitment to the professi Receptive to and engages in professional development. Initiates appropriate, professional communications. Acts ethically in professional relationships. Uses effective communication skills. semester: FA veer: 2015 LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’s Name: dimes Avyuoid Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours): Practicum Location: Dayton ich = AAS) Wor Seid ‘Note: Classroom teachers are requested to Sign student logs at each visit made by practicum students ime In: 32Time Out {1: 3Teacher Signatu 2. Date. Datel ov ‘ime Outij:20 Teacher Signatw | Date{0/ Time In@?3OTime Outyy30 Teacher Sienrare 3 Dateyp /pTime Inj): 7Time Out | $30 Teacher Signatured a 3 Datelt i /b Time Ind 2yoTime Out | 30 Teacher Signature ret Teacher Signature Teacher Signature Date___Time In. Teacher Date___‘Time In. Teacher Date____Time In, Teacher Signature, ‘Total Time: College Director of Field Experiences: COMMENTS. Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: semester: OP_vear: 1b LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’s Name: armed Acmord Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours) Nese. HAL Practicum Location; Nafe: Classroom teachers are requested to sign student logs at each vi Date2/ap Time In bout. Teacher Signature Miatanil Aa df rade by practicum student, DateTime InTime Out Teacher Signature Date. ‘Time In ‘Time Out. ‘Teacher Signature_ Date___Time In___Time Out____ Teacher Signature DateTime InTime Out Teacher Signature DateTime In___ Time Out___ Teacher Signature Date “Time Out, Teacher Signature Date____Time In___ Time Out. Teacher Signature DateTime InTime Out Teacher Signature Date. Time In Time Out. Teacher Signature Date Time In ‘Time Out. ‘Teacher Signature. Total Tim dws College Director of Field Experiences: COMMENTS: Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: %, Oa Semester: SP Year: LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’s Name: Sxoarte Ornotel Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours): Cop worcD Kade wt Wert Tassroom feachers are requested to sign student logs at each visit made by practicum student. Date |1_ Time In3:2Time Out_3_ Teacher Signature, Date____Time In__Time Out___ Teacher Signature Date___Time In ‘Teacher Signature Date___Time In, Teacher Signature DateTime In. Teacher Signature Date___ ‘Time In. ‘Teacher Signature Date ime In Teacher Signature Date___ ‘Time In___Time Out___ Teacher Signature, Date ime In____Time Out___ Teacher Signature Date___Time In___Time Out___ Teacher Signature, Date____Time In____Time Out__ Teacher Signature Total College me: Vis enter irector of Field Experiences: COMMENTS: inal Signature of Classroom Teacher: ye Oph $9 Student’s Name: Semester: LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES la Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours): Gonevas Hows Practicum Location: Lue [4 £yev nal. Marristown tal Sp Year: 6 ‘Note: Classroom teachers are requested to sign student logs at each visit made by practicum student. 4.5 Date Time In3\0) Time Out 7:30 Teacher Signature_(artive Slane Date/Time InTime Out____ Teacher Signature, Date__ Time InTime Out___ Teacher Signature z DateTime In___ Time Out Teacher Signature DateTime InTime Out___ Teacher Signature Date___ ‘Time In___ Time Out___ Teacher Signature DateTime InTime Out___ Teacher Signature Date__ Time In____ Time Out____ Teacher Signature DateTime InTime Out___ Teacher Signature DateTime In__ Time Out Teacher Signature, Date___Time In___Time Out____ Teacher Signature. t ‘Total Time: dz hes College Director of Field Experiences: Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: Sy DISD Semester: SP year, 1b LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’s Name: limee Acnala Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours): ome rerio Practicum Location: Spa ty Wd dle Schaal Ne | Date 2/3 Time In 7:20 Time Out ():> Teacher Signature! } Date2/\7_ Time In4:3f Time Out jo 30 Teacher Signature YJ), | Date3/4 Time In4i20 Time Out io: 30 Teacher Signature. Oe? 1 Date3/1g Time In4730 Time Out jp: 30 Teacher Signature _(,] 4 Datelllz Time In 9% Time Out ia Teacher Signature, Date! Time In___ Time Out___ Teacher Signature ‘Classroom teachers are requested to sign student logs at each visit made by practicum student. Date___Time In__ Time Out____ Teacher Signature Date. “Time In. ‘Time Out, ‘Teacher Signature. Date___ Time In__ Time Out____ Teacher Signature DateTime In___Time Out___ Teacher Signature Date ‘Time Out___ Teacher Signature Total Tim shes College Director of Field Experiences: COMMENTS: Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: NM semester. FA vear Jb LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’sName: _JScwwd Armotd Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours): Ge, Hows = Practicum Loca! Rhea camby Hain Achool = Revty Wee oO ‘Noter Classroom teachers are requested to sign student logs at each visit made by practicum student. \pDate 452 Time In 3.45 Time Out jl:25 Teacher Signature Shh “Dates Time Info Time Outio:o5_ Teacher Signature, Lt uoDate/ay Time Ing: 4o'Time Out 08> Teacher Signature, 125Datel3 Time Ing Time Out :04 Teacher Signature {iaDatell/ig Time Ing.40- Time Outyp 90 Teacher Signature jeqpDate® “i Time Ing:35. Time Out0.05 Teacher Signature, Date___Tim@Ta_~Time Out____ Teacher Signature Date____TimeIn____Time Out__ Teacher Signature, DateTime In____Time Out_____ Teacher Signature Date____Time In____ Time Out___ Teacher Signature, g:s0D8te___Time InTime Out__ Teacher Signature, Total Ti College Director of Field Experiences: Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’sName: __Jainwe Amoid Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours) Gener HowrS Practicum Location: Turocna ~ ANGE Hurdon /Alaeher LD) oS os Note: Classroom teachers are requested (o sign student logs at each visit made by practicum student. \DateV%S Time In5:06 Time Out 6:00 Teacher Signature, # Date /i2_ Time Ing ime Out_6-00 Teacher Signature { Date 4a Time Inf:00 Time Out 00 Teacher Signature, t Date@i2b_ Time Ing:po Time Out{:90_ Teacher Signature { Datei Time In 6.0 Time Out )'0) Teacher Signature, ‘Date Gio Time In§.9 0 Time Out )-00 Teacher Signature | Date {24 Time Ing: 00 Time Out b:00_ Teacher Signature 1 Date % Time Ing:00 ‘Time Out i009. Teacher Signature, i Date'/iq_Time Inf: Time Out-90_ Teacher Signature. ! Date Yip Time Ing:00 Time Out_b:00 Teacher Signature 1 Date#/z Time Ing:00 Time Outb:20_ Teacher Signature. Total Time: IS hes, College Director of Field Experiences: COMMENTS: Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: De vearle ‘Semester: LOGSHEET FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Student’s Name: a id Practicum Purpose (Class or General Hours): (repeal Howe! Practicum Location: Autocad = Allee Hutson (Algebtor) Note: Classroom ieachers are requested to sign student logs at gach visit made by practicum student. DateY29_ Time InG:0O Time Out co Teacher Signature: L, {DateH{zo Time In 5.00 Time Out_h:00 Teacher Signature {Datei2/4_ Time In§.00 Time Out 6:20 Teacher Signature. 1 Datei2/z Time Inigo Time Out.) :00 Teacher Signature Date___TimeIn__ Time Out___ Teacher Signature Date_ Time In Time Out. Teacher Signature_ Date_ Time In ‘Time Out. Teacher Signatare_ Date___Time In___ Time Out____ Teacher Signature Date___Time In___ Time Out____ Teacher Signature Date___Time In___ Time Out____ Teacher Signature gaDate__Time InTime Out___ Teacher Signature, e Total Time: College Director of Field Experiences: COMMENTS: Final Signature of Classroom Teacher: ze

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