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Exercise 2.

1020 minutes
Fill in the following sentences, allowing yourself to write whatever comes to your mind,
uncensored. By getting at the ideas that are just below the surface we can begin to identify our
stereotypesand, if appropriate, discard them.
Typical philanthropists are:
(example: from old money; older than fifty-five; live in mansions, give millions)

1. Activists

2. Generous

3. Wealthy

People I know who give are:

1. Compassionate

2. Friendly

3. Intelligent

As a giver I am:

(example: generous, focused, scattered, impulsive):

1. Impulsive

2. Well Rounded

3. Generous

What have you learned about yourself by doing this exercise? For example, you may have found
that your stereotypes contradict your experience or that the terms philanthropist and giver elicit
different reactions.
I recognize that the philanthropists I have met might not be wealthy, but all of them are
definitely passionate and have a heart for giving.
Exercise 2.2
15 minutes
What have you received, and how might you pay it forward?
The Greatest Gift You Have Received
Who has most deeply touched your life, or the life of your family, as a giver?
My mother has always been extremely selfless and giving and has set a great example for me.
What did this mentor, hero, or heroine pass on to you that you most treasure?
My mother helped me by providing countless opportunities that I would not have had otherwise,
she worked and went to school full time to get her masters degree and provide for our family.
What are you most grateful for?
My mother was a kindergarten teacher and always prioritized education, and it really made me
appreciate all my learning.

1. What Have You Given

There are many ways to pay forward the gifts you have received by passing on your own gifts
of yourself to others. Rate yourself below using a scale of 0 to 5, with 0 meaning you have no
interest in that activity, 1 meaning you are not doing enough, and 5 meaning you are very active
in the spirit of giving.

0- Parenting 3- Committee work for a nonprofit

1- Teaching 1- Service on nonprofit board

0- Coaching 4- Artistic accomplishment

1- Mentoring 0- Spiritual assistance (meditation, prayer,

4- Volunteering

2- Government service 3- Giving financially while living

0- Military service 4- Legacy gifts

___ Other _______________________

3- Service through religious
organizations ___ Other _______________________
Exercise 2.2
Gratitude, Contd
Looking at the ratings above, in what areas are you active and satisfied with your action?
I am most active in mentoring, volunteering and giving financially. While I do not have a lot of
money to give, I have lots of drive and passion as well as a good work ethic.
I really want to become an environmentally focused architect and build sustainable communities
around the world, and I would love to work with non profits to make that happen.
Giving While Living: What Do You Want to Do Now?
In the next three months I will extend my gifts to others in these ways:
I want to find a nonprofit organization that I identify with strongly and start getting plugged in
and volunteering my time there. I also want to research other non profits that are focused on my
Leaving a Legacy
The one thing I want people to remember about me as a giver is:
My compassion for all living things, and my desire to leave the world better than I found it.
After I am gone, my hope is that my gifts continue in these ways:
I would like to continue my giving through a charitable donation in my will, as well as
continuous annual donations after I am gone.
Exercise 2.3
Vision and Values
1520 minutes
Put a check mark beside the values below that resonate for you. Then circle the three that are
most important to you.

Community * Harmony* P

Compassion* Healing R

Courage* Honesty* S

Creativity* Humility* S

Determination* Independence* S

Diversity* Innovation* S

Empathy* Integrity* S
Equality* Interdependence S

Excellence* Justice* T

Fairness* Knowledge* T

Faith Leadership* T

Family* Love of comfort T

Freedom* Love of others* O

Generosity* Loyalty* O

Good sense Patience* O

Hard work* Peace* O

Issue Areas and Concerns

Following are words or phrases that describe issue areas and concerns that you may care about as
a contributor. The areas listed are only for inspiration. You may never have donated time or
money to these areas of interest before; this exercise is simply to give you the chance to
recognize what has meaning for you among things you could give to. Put check marks next to
those that have the most meaning for you. Then go through the list again and circle your top

Aging Catholic charities

Children or child care

Animals and species Preservation*
Civil rights*

Anti-Semitism* Coexistence*

Anti-Racism* Community gardens*

Arts and art institutions* Computer literacy*

Biodiversity* Corporate

Business development Death and dying

Disability rights*

Disaster relief*

Domestic violence*

Drug and alcohol


Economic justice*


Exercise 2.3
Vision and Values, Contd

Elder care
Immigrant and refugee rights and services
Electoral reform*

Employment training and job creation* International development*

Islamic causes*
Environment or environmental justice*
Jewish causes

Legal aid and services

Faith-Based community service

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered rights*

Medical research*
Global climate change*

Gun control Native and indigenous peoples rights*

Health care and prevention* Nutrition and hygiene

HIV and AIDS* Parks and land preservation*

Homelessness and housing* Peace or conflict resolution

Homophobia* Poverty solutions*

Human rights* Prison reform*

Public policy or advocacy*


Reproductive rights*

Science and technology*


Spiritual development

Sports and recreation

Sustainability and sustainable development*

Womens leadership and civil liberties*

Youth development

Reflection: Do you see a relationship between your top values and your top interest areas? Here
are two examples:
I definitely see a connection between my values and my interests.
1. Community and Equality
2. Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development
Write down the relationships you see among your own values and interests:

1. I am deeply passionate about making more sustainable living communities and protecting
the environment.

2. Civil Rights and Equality are a major part of creating a better society for everyone, and
that, combined with improving the quality of life will make a better world.
Exercise 2.6
Time, Talents, and Treasures
1525 minutes
In the list below put a check mark next to each characteristic or item that is true for you. These
may stimulate you to think of specific ways you want to share your abilities in the second part of
the exercise.
I can donate my professional skills to a nonprofit.

My workplace has equipment or services or a meeting space I could offer to a nonprofit

for their use.

*Im good
at organizing details and creating plans. Im good at motivating people. Im
good at planning events and giving parties.

I know many people in my community who might be good resources.

I like to teach what I know.

I am a good listener or writer.

I have experience designing or administering Web sites.

*I am a supportive person to work with.

Im good with financial information.

I like to raise money.

I can translate or know people who can translate documents into other languages.

*I have graphic skills or artistic talents.

I love kids or am good with elders.

*I am a passionate public speaker.

I have ___ hours of time per week, or would be willing to take a day or more each month,
to donate.

Other: ________________________________________________________________
Now look back at the top three values and issue areas you circled in Exercise 2.3. Think about
the time, talent, and resources unique to you and your community that you can offer in working
on those issue areas. For example, if youre a breast cancer survivor and one of your issue areas
is breast cancer, you might write, I have been through diagnoses and treatment and could help
others know what to expect or simply provide support. Or, if youre passionate about electoral
reform and belong to a civic group or business roundtable, you could invite a speaker on the
topic to make a presentation.
Write a statement here of how you can offer your time, talents, and treasures:
As someone who is deeply passionate about the environment and architecture I plan to combine
the two to make my impact on the world. Through sustainable building and development, we can
create livable cities that are free from pollution and that have happier communities living within.

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