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Name: ______________________________ Period: ________________Date:


Graphic Organizer Assignment Checklist

Part I. Venn Diagram
Assignment Possible Points Points Earned
Mitosis Portion 5
- Should have at least 5
items that have been
discussed in class
Meiosis Portion 5
- Should have at least 5
items that have been
discussed in class
Similarities Portion 3
- Should have at least 3
items that have been
discussed in class
Total Points 13

Part II. Chromosome Numbers

Assignment Possible Points Points Earned
The table is filled out with the 3
correct numbers
The question is answered 2
completely using the words
diploid and haploid
Total Points 5

Part III. Meiosis Flow Chart

Assignment Possible Points Points Earned
Interphase: 3
- Each phase (G1, S G2) is
labeled and contains
Interphase: 3
- Each phase (G1, S G2)
Name: ______________________________ Period: ________________Date:

contains 1-2 sentence

explanation of what is
happening in the phase
Meiosis I: 3
- Prophase I is labeled and
contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
- Crossing-over is shown
Meiosis I: 3
- Metaphase I is labeled and
contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
- Chromosomes should be
shown at the metaphase
Meiosis I: 3
- Anaphase I is labeled and
contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
Meiosis I: 3
- Telophase I and
Cytokinesis is labeled and
contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
Meiosis II: 3
- Prophase II is labeled and
contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
Meiosis II: 3
- Metaphase II is labeled
and contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
- Chromosomes should be
shown at the metaphase
Meiosis II: 3
- Anaphase II is labeled and
Name: ______________________________ Period: ________________Date:

contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
Meiosis II: 3
- Telophase II and
Cytokinesis is labeled and
contains a visual
representation and a 1-2
sentence explanation
Total 30

Total Assignment Points 48

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