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Area and Perimeter

Carpeting Our School

Transformative Lesson: This lesson is transformative because students are empowered through the
research required in the lesson to have voice in the design and function of their school and the
contribution of their research and opinion to school-wide decisions. A transformed classroom is when
teachers and students work together, on real products, with real problems. Activities are rich in
language, and the curriculum is taught through activities that relate to the students' lives and
experiences in their families and communities. Teachers challenge students to think in complex ways
and apply their learning to solve meaningful problems. Teachers and students converse; the teaching
interaction is a conversation, not a lecture, and a variety of activities are in progress simultaneously.
(Tharp et al., p. 8, 2000)

CREDE Standards:
1. Joint productive activity
2. Competence in language and literacy instruction
3. Contextualize teaching and curriculum
4. Challenge students
5. Instructional conversation
6. Critical stance

Majoritarian Story Framework Application: This lesson plan addresses the fourth Majoritarian Story
Framework as stated, [it] embraces English as the only language to be honored and respected within
our society and non-native speakers need to be fixed (to become English speakers) in order to be
productive members of society. This fourth framework is supported in this lesson plan by the
provision of mixed language proficiency groups and Spanish supports on the math worksheet.

Stage 1 Desired Results

Students will be able to independently use their learning to
Standard: Apply their knowledge of area and perimeter to measure for new carpeting in
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.MD.D.8 pre-designated areas of the school (CREDE Standards 3 and 4).
Solve real world and mathematical
problems involving perimeters of Meaning
polygons, including finding the UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS
perimeter given the side lengths, Students will understand that How do area and perimeter play a
finding an unknown side length, and Area and perimeter have a vital role in our daily lives? Why is it
exhibiting rectangles with the same real world function important?
perimeter and different areas or with Acquisition
the same area and different Students will know Students will be skilled at
perimeters. How to measure and calculate area Calculating area and
and perimeter of a designated area perimeter
How to turn raw data into a report Recording their findings
for school administration and composing a report
for school administration
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
Students will correctly calculate both PERFORMANCE TASK(S):
the area and the perimeter of pre- In order to assess the students understanding of area and perimeter in addition
designated areas and rooms in the to the correct calculation of each component, students (in small groups) will
school (CREDE Standards 3 & 4). selecting their preferred method of information delivery
Written, formal report of findings and calculations
Visual graphics presenting findings and calculations
All presentations must include the shape of the room or area, (square, rectangle),
individual measurements of each side and show calculations and steps behind
applying the formula.
Students will be graded on validity of calculations and presentation of final
Stage 3 Learning Plan

Level 1: Identify the difference between area and perimeter.
Level 2: Collect measurements of assigned rooms.
Level 3: Summarize results of measurement activity on provided worksheet.
Level 4: Practice research and reporting skills by presenting information from project in specified format.
Level 5: Apply measurements to formula and complete equation to calculate final area and perimeter for
each room assigned.

Planning and Materials:

Pre-designated areas and rooms of the school requiring measuring with permission from teachers and faculty
Pre-formulated small groups consisting of purposely varied language and ability levels (mix of native and non-
native speakers and also ELL proficiency levels)
Written lesson instructions to be used as needed by the group throughout their research including formulas
7 measuring tapes (1 per group of 3)
7 Clipboards

Before introducing the lesson review area and perimeter including the respective definitions and formulas from previous
unit. Group students into pre-formulated small groups and ask them to briefly discuss real-world applications of area and
perimeter, ask groups to share out and record answers on white board. Next, introduce the students to the measuring
tapes. Teacher will demonstrate how to measure the length of a wall and teachers desk to demonstrate practice.
Students will then practice using the measuring tapes throughout the classroom on labeled sections and items (including
desks, all sides of the room, etc.); each group member should take a turn practicing with the measuring tape. The teacher
will observe students and intervene only when necessary or upon identification of misinterpretation of method (CREDE
Standard 1). Envelopes taped to labeled sections and items throughout the room will contain a paper with a key, the
measurements of the item or room section and both the area and perimeter of the item to inform the students of the
correct answer (CREDE Standards 3, 4, & 5). If students struggle to come to the same answer as the key in the envelope,
teacher will intervene and provide remedial instruction or assistance in measurement methods.

Day 1
Introduction of the lesson. The principal and school administration are preparing to re-carpet the school during winter
break, but before doing so they need the measurements of each room in order to ensure the correct amount of carpet.
Each small group will receive a clipboard, (3) worksheets, and a measuring tape and has been assigned an area of the
school to measure and record the dimensions for the new carpet (CREDE Standards 3, 4, & 5). The individuals office we are
entering and measuring have given consent to have the students enter and measure. Additionally, the lower primary
classes (K through second) are all at specials during this time and permission was granted prior to lesson construction and
delivery. Each group member is expected to track measurements on their individual worksheets. Groups are as follows:

Group 1: Administration office, lobby, and hallway

Group 2: Kindergarten grade classrooms 101, 102, and 103
Group 3: First grade classrooms 201, 202, and 203
Group 4: Second grade classrooms 301, 302, and 303
Group 5: Teachers lounge and hallway
Group 6: Recreation/Indoor Recess Room
Group 7: Speech and Language Pathologists office, SPED directors office, and adjacent faculty overflow office

Each group will work together and measure their assigned section in thirty minutes recording the dimensions on the
provided worksheet. Calculations of the area and perimeter of each room should be calculated as a group (CREDE
Standards 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6). Teacher will circulate and check in with each group as they work through the measuring and
recording process. At the expiration of the thirty minutes class will reconvene back in the classroom to discuss findings,
challenges, and address any questions.

Day 2
Groups will reconvene and have one hour to work on the presentation of their research findings in the agreed upon format.
Groups can selected from the following formats to present their information:
Written, formal report of findings and calculations Example: A written report
Visual graphics presenting findings and calculations Example: Poster board
Reports must have the following components regardless of which type of presentation is chosen. All presentations must
include the shape of the room or area, (square, rectangle), individual measurements of each side and show calculations
and steps behind applying the formula.
Teacher will meet with each group throughout the hour to answer questions and observe progress. (CREDE Standards 1, 3,
4, 5, and 6)

Lesson Closure:
Students will deliver finalized research projects to school administration for review. School administration will provide
comments and questions back to students on their work, as prearranged prior to lesson delivery.


Tharp, R. G., Estrada, P., Dalton, S. S., & Yamauchi, L. A. (2000). Teaching transformed: Achieving excellence,
fairness, inclusion, and harmony. Boulder CO: Westview Press.
Group Members
Area & Perimeter
______________________________ Activity


Rooms Assigned


Perimeter (Perimetro) Area (Zona)

square = 4a rectangle = 2a + 2b square = a 2 rectangle = ab

Record Your Findings!

Include measurements for each side of your room and your calculations for each room below


Kindergarten Room 103 is shaped like a rectangle and measures

Side 1= 22 feet Side 3= 22 feet

Side 2= 15 feet Side 4= 15 feet

Area = 74 feet Perimeter = 330 feet2

Record Your Findings!

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