PV NRT MPV MRT: (A) - by Eq. (A)

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Jawab .

The Compressibility factor is related to the measured quantities by :

PVt MP V t
Z= nRT = mRT


By Eq. (3.38)

( Z1 ) M V t
B=(Z-1)V= m


(a). By Eq. (A)

dZ dM dP dV dm dT
Z = M + P + Vt - m - T


Thus Max |% Z| | M|+| P|+| V t|+| m|+ T |

Assumsing a Aproxximately equal error in the fiv variable, a 1 Maximum error in

Z requires error in the variable of <0,2%.

dB Z dZ d V t dM dm
(b). By Eq. (B) = + + t +
B Z1 Z V M m

Z dP dT 2 Z 1 d V t dM dm
By Eq. (C)
B Z1 P (

+ )
Z1 V t
M (

m )
Max |%
B | Z1
|(| P|+| T|)+ 2ZZ1
(| V |+| M |+| m|)

For Z 0,9 and for approximately equal error in the five variables, a 1

maximum error in B requaires errors in the variables of less than about 0,02%.This is

because the divisor Z-1 0,1thelimit as Z 1, the errorB approaches

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