Extreme Dislike of Conflict and Criticism

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Interviewees personality questions:

1) Please select from the list below the option that matches your gender,
age, marital status and education:

Gender: Male Female

Age: 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60+

Marital Status: Single Married Divorced

Education: High school diploma Bachelor degree Master degree PHD


2) On the scale of 1-4(1=disagree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=agree,

4=strongly agree) Please rate the following statements regarding your

Introvert: energized by their internal world of experience

Extrovert: energized by the external and social world

Sensing/observable: gather information primarily via the five senses

Intuiting - gather information through intuition, detecting undercurrents,

possibilities, etc.

Thinking - a preference for logic, deduction, 'objectivity', rationality

Feeling - a preference for 'subjective' response based on emotion, values, etc.

Judging - a preference for order, predictability, structure

Perceiving - a preference for spontaneity, going with the flow, flexibility


3) On the scale of 1-4(1=disagree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=agree,

4=strongly agree) please rate the following statements that best
describes your personality:

Extreme dislike of conflict and criticism

Good listener

Need to always be in charge

Interested in resolving conflicts rather than ignoring it

Able to move on relatively easily after a conflict


4) I often make slight modifications in my goals to meet other people's


1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



5) If I feel people won't respect my opinion, I will keep it to myself.

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



6) I am always willing to consider other people's opinions, but I make my

own decisions.

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



7) When I have a conflict with my team members, I am usually willing to

adjust my priorities to reach a consensus.

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not


8) I like to ask others for their opinions and try to find ways to cooperate.

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



9) When there is a conflict, I make a point of presenting my view, and I

invite others to do the same.

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



10) I try to avoid or not interact much with people who have strong

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



11) If I believe I am right I will usually not change my opinion no matter

how hard other people try:

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



12) I dont like arguing with people so often times I keep my opinion to

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



13) When I am in disagreement with other team members, I usually

propose a middle ground.
1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not


14) During an argument, I often say things that I later regret.

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



15) Because of past disagreements, there are people I dislike to work


1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



16) I try to win every argument, even if I lose friends over it.

1= definitely true 2= True 3= somewhat true 4=not true 5= definitely not



17) On the scale of 1-4(1=disagree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=agree,

4=strongly agree), please rate the following statements when you are in a
disagreement, dispute, or difference of viewpoint with another team

I set out to win the argument

I withdraw to check my facts
I let emotions and tensions cool before taking decisive action
We find some formula or other criteria we both agree on
I give in on some points to get my way on others
I place more emphasis on similarities and less emphasis on differences

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