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Make up sentences using the prompts below as in the

Example: Read/ a newspaper
I have not read a newspaper.
1. Have/ a break
2.Watch/ TV
3. Buy/ a present

4. Write/ a letter
5. Eat/ dinner/ at a restaurant
2. Make up questions using the prompts below as in the
Example: Find/ a new job?
Have you found a new job?
1. Buy/ a bigger car?
2. Move/ a new house?

3. Finish/ your studies?

4. Start/ taking judo lessons?
3. Match Column A with Column B.
Column A ColumnB
1. Jerry hasnt typed a) visited Japan?
2. She has always b) talked to them.
3. Have you ever c) the letter yet.
4. We have already d) to New York twice this year.
5. Tim has already been e) known them?
6. How long have you f) wanted to be a singer.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the

Present Perfect Simple.
1. A: Have you ever given an interview?
B: No, I .. that. (do)
2. A: What time does the train leave?
B: It . . (leave)
3. A: Is the new restaurant good?
B: I . there yet. (eat)
4. A: Shall I do the shopping now?
B: No, I . already . it. (do)
5. A: Would you like to have a lunch with me?
B: No, thanks. I .. already . . (eat)
5. Fill in the gaps with have/has been or have/ has gone.
1. Where are Tom and Lucy? They to the theatre.
2. I dont live in London. I.. only there once.
3. Im alone in the house. My parents . on holiday.
4. Anita has just come home. She to the theatre.
5. Where are Tim and Dave? They have gone the sports centre with
their friends.
6. Correct the mistakes.
1. He has envying them.
2. She have played tennis for five years.
3. I hurried have home.
4. Dave have spraying the wall with paint.
5. They have try hard to solve the problem.
6. Nick has grow tall.
7. My mother heard has it.
8. Italians have winned the competition.

7. What has happened? Write true sentences.

1. I, my, have, car, cleaned.

2. has, rained, It.

3. TV, has, She, watched.

4. Thomas and Philip, basketball, played, has.

5. Melanie, on, has, her, typed, computer, her.

6. teacher, got, has, our, angry, us, with.

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