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Lab Session 4: Examination of microscopic liver lesions.


Liver is usually the heaviest internal organ, and the most durable. A healthy
liver regulates the composition of blood, including the amounts of sugar
(glucose), protein, and fat that enter the bloodstream. It removes bilirubin,
ammonia, and other toxins from the blood. Liver is divided histologically into
lobules. The center of the lobule is the central vein. At the periphery of the
lobule are portal triads. Functionally, the liver can be divided into three
zones, based upon oxygen supply; Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3. The purpose
of identifying between normal and abnormal liver tissues is to be able to
describe the differences and to recognize some of the liver diseases
condition. The example of abnormal liver tissues are such as cirrhosis,
hepatitis, and liver cancer. Liver diseases are vary greatly in symptom and

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