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Classroom Management Plan

The band hall is a safe haven for all band members. A successful band program is a direct reflection of its

Classroom management is key to having an effective learning environment. My classroom

management plan will facilitate a safe environment for making music. The band hall will be set
up in a way that will minimize behavior problems. If behavior problems arise, proper steps will
be taken to resolve the problem without taking away from other students instruction time.

I believe that the appearance of the band hall is the basis to having an efficient rehearsal.
Working in a neat space is one of the first steps in creating a positive environment for students.

When one walks into the band hall, each student will be greeted by a band director. One of the
first things the students will see when they walk in are numerous musical and spirit posters on
the wall that band members or the band directors have made.

The band hall and office will be organized and neat looking. This means that chairs and music
stands will be setup for the biggest band. When not being used, stands will be in a uniform
position. Rows of chairs will be evenly spaced front to back and within each row there will be an
equal amount of spacing between each chair left to right. All percussion equipment will be
stored in a closet or drawers when not being used. All larger percussion equipment will be
organized neatly at the back left of the room from the podiums perspective. The walkways are
clear so that anyone can reach any part of the room quickly.

The music library will be organized by section: popular music, holiday music, and UIL music (by
grade). Each section will be filed in alphabetical order by title.

The office space will be organized using shelves that will hold all of the band binders (rosters,
contact information etc). When I am not present at my desk, the only thing that will be on my
desk is a calendar and a pencil holder for a minimalist look.
Rules and Guidelines
There are three simple rules of the band hall.
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be safe
Any action, verbal or nonverbal, can be checked along these three rules. If a students action
breaks one of these rules, the student is subject to disciplinary action by the band directors.
These three rules will be printed on a large poster to put on the wall in the band hall. These
rules are in place to ensure the safety of the members of the band.

Guidelines to ensure that rehearsal is ran as efficiently as possible:

Enter the classroom with a positive attitude and ready to create music.
Have all necessary materials for music class such as instrument, music, pencils, and
any other supplies so that you can have a successful rehearsal.
Be seated, warmed up, and ready to play your instrument at call time.
Engage and actively participate in rehearsal.
Students should raise their hand when they want to speak.
It is the responsibility of the student to practice their part. It is the directors
responsibility to rehearse and put the parts together. Practicing is learning your own
part while rehearsing is learning other parts.

Any infraction of a rule or guideline will be documented. Band directors will respond to
exceptional positive behaviors with positive feedback; I appreciate the hard work of the
students. Complimenting students facilitates learning.

Consequences are contingent upon the severity of the infraction. A consequence may
included, but not limited to:
a verbal warning
Sent to the island table
Removal from rehearsal and put up instrument
Parent or guardian contacted/Conference
Referral to Vice-Principals office
Actions that are subject to IMMEDIATE removal from the band program include, but not
limited to:
Under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during any band or school function/
Intentional damage to any school owned instrument, school property, band property,
or other band members property.
Instigating, provoking or engaging in a fight
Conviction of a crime on or off campus

Consequences are at the discretion of the band directors and school administration.
Disciplinary actions will always be documented. Negative behaviors will not be tolerated and a
contingent consequence will be given out.

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