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April 20, 2010

CORE’s 2010 PV Rebate Program

Starting on Monday, April 19, 2010, CORE will be offering Roaring Fork Valley residents and businesses a
rebate of 50 cents/watt, up to 2 kW nameplate.


1) Not available to customers who take the Eco-Build PV rebate or commercial Xcel electric customers.

2) Not available to City of Glenwood Springs Electric customers who receive the GEO + Glenwood Electric
$3.00/watt rebate. After this partnership offer is over, CORE will resume offering its regular 50 cents/watt, up
to 2 kW to Glenwood Electric customers.

3) Not available to systems that are installed to offset building code-mandated installations.

4) System must be installed by or signed off by a COSEIA or NABCEP certified contractor.

5) Only one PV rebate per household/business per five year period.

6) Please file a pre-application with us to reserve rebate money. The final application must be submitted within
180 days of pre-application approval and within 90 days of the system’s installation or final inspection date.
The pre-application is on the reverse of this page.

7) Applicant must be the home/business owner.

8) System falls into CORE’s geographic guidelines:

 CORE covers the following zip codes, with a few exceptions: 81611, 81612, 81615, 81654, 81656, 81621,
81623, 81601 (south / east of I-70) and 81602 (south / east of I-70).
 Exceptions:
o Residents/businesses of Gunnison County are not eligible to receive any of CORE’s rebates
o Residents of Eagle County are not eligible to receive CORE’s PV rebates if they take the Eco-Build PV
o Commercial Xcel electric customers are not eligible for CORE’s PV rebates.

Please inquire with CORE staff if there is any uncertainty regarding rebate availability.

CORE • P.O. Box 9707 • Aspen, CO • 81612 • (970) 544-9808 •

PV Rebate Pre-Application

Resident/Business Information:


Physical Address:___________________________________________________________________________________


Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number:____________________________________ Email:_______________________________________

Installer Information:


Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number:____________________________________ Email:________________________________________

Submitted By:_________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Requirements (please initial each item and sign below):

_____ I have read and understand the PV rebate guidelines on the reverse page. The system complies with all
the guidelines.

_____ I understand that by submitting this pre-application I am not entitled to any rebate money until notified by CORE.

_____ I understand that rebate money will be reserved for 180 days following CORE notification of pre-application
approval. CORE reserves the right to offer the rebate money to someone else if the system is not complete or the
final application or the final inspection have not yet been submitted by this time.

Signature:________________________ ___________ Date:_________________________________________

CORE Approval: CORE will complete and return to you. Final application due within 180 days of approval and no
later than 90 days after installation or final inspection.

Approved by:____________________________________ Date:_________________________________________

Rebate Amount:__________________________________ Rebate money reserved until: _____________________

CORE • P.O. Box 9707 • Aspen, CO • 81612 • (970) 544-9808 •

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