This Template Can Be Used As Educators Create New Learning Activities/Lesson Plans. 1. Name of Learning Activity

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This template can be used as educators create new Learning Activities/Lesson


1. Name of learning activity :

Patah Tumbuh Hilang Berganti.

2. What did you hope your students would learn from this learning activity?

Murid boleh membanding dan membezakan set gigi susu dengan set gigi kekal dari
Segi :

a) kekuatan
b) jangka hayat
c) bilangan.
3. Did you have learning goals from more than one discipline (for example,
literature and history, or science and math) for this learning activity?

Aktiviti menekankan penguasaan murid dalam kemahiran Teknologi

Maklumat, Kreativiti dan Nilai Murni.

4. Were students required to work in pairs as a group on any part of this learning

Working in groups was optional. Please describe below the work that students
did together.
Working in groups was required. Please describe below the work that
students did together.

Murid perlu menghasilkan satu model set gigi susu dan satu set model set gigi
kekal. Murid perlu membentangkan rupa bentuk model dan penerangan
berkaitan set gigi susu dan set gigi kekal.

5. Were students allowed to work with technology (ICT) such as computers or

digital cameras for any part of this learning activity? Please describe.

No technology was used for this learning activity.

Students could use technology for this activity.
Students were required to use technology for this activity.

Murid boleh merujuk pada blog, gambar atau video pada pelayar web sebagai
Rujukan semasa menghasilkan model set gigi susu dan kekal.
6. What criteria will you use to judge the quality of students work on this learning
activity? Are students aware of the criteria in advance of completing the learning

Pengunaan Teknologi Maklumat dalam pembelajaran.
Kemahiran Berkomunikasi.

7. How long will the learning activity take?

Completed in a single class period

Completed in 2-4 days
Required one week or more to complete

- Murid membina model gigi daripada bahan dantapak yang telah disediakan
oleh guru.
- Murid membentangkan rupa bentuk model dihadapan kelas beserta
dengan penerangan berkaitan model set gigi susu dan kekal.

8. What verbal instructions did you give to students?

Set Induksi :
- Murid melihat paparan video berkaitan gigi. Murid bersoal jawab dengan guru
- Mengapakah gigi kanak-kanak tersebut begoyang walaupun masih elok ?

- Murid menghasilkan satu set model gigi susu dan satu set model gigi kekal
berserta penerangan di hadapan kelas.(kumpulan)
- Murid melengkapkan peta pemikiran berkaitan dengan persamaan dan
perbezaan antara gigi susu dan gigi kekal.
Penutup :
- Murid menyanyikan lagu berkaitan gigi susu dan gigi kekal.

9. Is there any other information you would like to include to help another
educator using this learning activity be successful?

Pada akhir tajuk berkaitan pergigian guru boleh menjemput doktor atau jururawat
pergigian untuk memberi taklimat terperinci berkaitan gigi, dari segi penjagaan
kebersihan dan lain lain.

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