ECE 514 Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Problem Set #2: Dr. Meeko Oishi Due March 31, 2017 at 11pm

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ECE 514

Nonlinear and Adaptive Control

Problem Set #2
Dr. Meeko Oishi

Due March 31, 2017 at 11pm

1. (10 points) Use Poincare-Bendixsons Theorem to show that the system

x x2 x 2 )
+ x = x(1 (1)

has a periodic orbit.

2. (10 points) Consider a generalization of Bendixsons criterion for planar dynamical systems.
Dulacs criterion states that for a smooth function p : R2 R, if (pf ) does not change
sign or is not zero anywhere in a simply connected region D, there are no closed orbits in D.
Apply Dulacs criterion to the system

x 1 = x1 (2 x1 x2 )
x 2 = x2 (4x1 x31 3)

with the function p(x) = x1 x2 . Show that no closed orbits exist in quadrant I.

3. (10 points) Consider the system

x 1 = x1 + x2 (x1 + a) b
x 2 = cx1 (x1 + a)

with positive constants a, b, c such that b > a.

x1 +b
Let D = {x R2 | x1 < a and x2 < x1 +a }.

(a) Show that D is positively invariant.

(b) Show that there can be no periodic orbits through any point x D.

4. (20 points) Consider the planar system

x 1 = (x1 x2 )(1 x21 x22 )

x 2 = (x1 + x2 )(1 x21 x22 )

(a) Determine the stability of (0,0), the only isolated equilibrium point of the system.
(b) For the linear system that approximates dynamics around the origin, find the coordinate
transformation into real Jordan form.
(c) Sketch the phase portrait and discuss the qualitative behavior of the system. Does the
behavior of the linear approximation match the behavior of the nonlinear system near
the origin? Why or why not?
(d) Does a periodic orbit exist? Why or why not?

5. (10 points) Consider the following three phase portraits of planar systems.

(a) Use index theory and the Poincare Theorem to determine which of the above phase
portraits are correct, and which are incorrect.
(b) Modify the incorrect ones by changing the stability type of equilibria or by adding new
orbits or equilibrium points. (Do not delete any orbits to correct the phase portraits.)

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