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SIOP Lesson Plan

Content Objective 1
Objectives: Investigate plants and plant growth.
Standard c.
Observe and describe plants as they grow from seeds.
1st Grade. 6 ESL Students: All students speak English fluently.
Students will investigate plants and plant growth. SWBAT observe and
describe plants as they grow from seeds.
Students will learn the parts of the plant and learn to say them and write
them. They will write in plant journals what they observe as their plant
grows. I will have them help me with reading and restating what I am
telling them.

Supplemental Picture book. The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. Animated pictures on
Material: overhead projector of the steps to plant seeds. Demonstration from me
(teacher) on the steps to plant the seed, while the students tell me the steps.
Live plants for them to touch and pass around.

Adapt Content: Students will be shown step by step how to do this lesson. They will be
given the choice to draw pictures or write or both in their plant journals.

Activities: Plant their own seeds and watch them grow so they can take them home.
For ESL students: I will class members help me as I demonstrate how to
plant the seed.

Building Background

Culture and I will ask them what types of plants they have seen where they live, if they
Experiences: have gardens, these questions will introduce the topic and get them
thinking about what they already know about plants.
I will have real plants that they can touch and feel these plants will be
Past Learning: basic plants that people have in their gardens.

Key Vocabulary: *Stem * Leaf * Root* Seed* They will say the words, see the words on the
board, and spell the words as a group and then individually.
Comprehensible Input

Appropriate I will use normal first grade appropriate speech. I will have pictures and
Speech: walk around to make sure everyone understands.

Academic The students will plant seeds and write in their journals about planting
Tasks: them and what they observe each day as the plant grows.

Variety of Students will have the option to either draw pictures or write sentences
about what they are observing, they will be encouraged to write though.


Strategies: They will have to organize their materials so they can plant their seed, they
will be doing this project independently so their will be self-monitoring. I
will walk around and help where needed.

I will start out reading a book with them about planting seeds, showing
Techniques: different plants, and having them feel them and pass them around, then I
will visually show them how to plant a seed, I will have instructions with
pictures and I will be doing it along with the students.
I will have them describe what a seed does, how to plant a seed and label
the parts of a plant.
What are the 4 main parts of a plant?
What does it take to make a seed grow?
Why are plants important to us?

Opportunities They will be working on this independently at first but will be able to
for observe other students as they finish. They will be able talk with one
Interaction: another about what their plants are doing and share their journals.

Group This will be an independent project because each student will have their
own plant, but they can help each other as they finish with their own.

Students will get to take their plants home after they have sprouted so that
Student they can share them with their families.
Clarification For any questions that I ask I will give hints and a wait time for each
Opportunities: answer. Wait time before I give hints will be approx 5-10 seconds.
I will have the ESL student help me by helping pass around the plants, and
holding the cup while I plant the seed.
The students will give me instructions as I plant the plant.
I.E. Put in dirt, make a hole, put in the seed etc..


Hands-On Live plants that they can pass around and have in their classroom. Seeds,
Materials: cups, soil, they will be able to plant their own seeds and take care of them.
Application of Three stations will be set up (dirt station, seed station, water station.)
Content: Students will go and get their dirt, then plant their seeds, and water their
plant in an organized manner. They will also have journals to write in or
Language Skills draw pictures of the progress of their plants.
Integration: We will read a story and the students will write in journals. They will be
given the option to draw pictures of the progress of their plants as well.


Key Vocabulary: Roots, Stems, Leaves, Petals, Seeds,

Content SWBAT plant seeds and watch them grow, they will observe these plants
Concepts: and take care of them and describe them in writing or drawing in their
Assessments: plant journals.
The students will write in their journals every day or so, I will check them
to make sure that they are understanding the concepts of the plants and
how they grow.

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