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Lecture: Bldg. 17 Room 2654 Course# 50646 (MFE 126-E01) Tuesday 8:00-9:50 AM
Lab: Bldg. 17 Room 2654 Course# 50647 (MFE126L-E01) Thursday 8:00-10:50 AM

Instructor Prof. W. Dixon Davis, PE, CMfgE (IME Dept.)

Fundamentals of Graphic Communication, Sixth Ed. by Bertoline, McGraw-
Hill Science 2010 (B=Bertoline)
Introduction to Solid Modeling Using Solidworks 2015 by W.E. Howard,
McGraw-Hill Higher education (H=Howard)
Interpreting Engineering Drawings Seventh Edition by Jensen, Delmar
Cengage Learning; September 2006 (J=Jensen)
Stapler (to staple your homework, lab assignments, etc.) Points will be
deducted from assignments not stapled (appropriately.)

Due to the large amount of material to be covered in the class, I highly advise
that you read the materials to be covered in class PRIOR to coming to class.
Office Hours Monday 6-6:50pm (I may be in 9-117) - Tuesdays, 10-10:50 am (I may be in

To help ensure that there is sufficient time for you to discuss matters that
are important to you and minimize scheduling conflict, please make an
appointment by sending a calendar invite to On the
subject line, please indicate which course you would like to discuss and a
short description of the topic to be discussed (e.g., MFE 126 - Review
Midterm #1)

Those who make prior arrangements will be given priority.

Please be there on-time (or early). No show will have consequences.
No office hours will be offered 30 minutes prior to exams.
Office Location Building 9 Room 145
Office Phone 909-869-4798 (leave message)

Engineering graphics for product design, manufacturing and construction. Emphasis on graphic
communication used for processing parts and layouts. Orthographic projection, pictorial views, section
and auxiliary views, dimensioning for production-processing, and the four fundamental views of
descriptive geometry. Use of instruments and CAD for engineering drawings.

NOTE: The laboratory content of the class is subordinate to the lecture content. The laboratory
instruction will be instructed in the major elements of the computer package being used that are
common to similar computer programs. The student is expected to be able to read references to solve
minor difficulties that arise due to the nature of the specific program being used.


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TIME REQUIREMENT: It is anticipated that this class will take up to NINE (PLUS) hours of work in
ADDITION TO the five hours in lecture and lab.

Specific outcomes of instruction:

1. Develop the ability to interpret and construct engineering drawings.
2. Develop the ability to recognize and apply the fundamentals of engineering graphics.
3. Recognize general and specific rules of the convention of technical drafting.
4. Develop the ability to integrate the fundamentals of geometric construction with product
specification and manufacturing process capabilities.
5. Develop the ability to work effectively in-group settings with diverse team members.
6. Improve on the ability to communicate using traditional and technology aided methods

Student Outcomes (SO) Addressed by the Course Outcomes Check List

Interdisciplinary Team

Communication Skills

Contemporary Issues
Design Experiments

Engineering Skills &

Professionalism &
Apply knowledge

Global & Societal

Lifelong Learning
I = Introduction

Problem Solving
System Design

Business Skills

K = Knowledge



S = Skill
A = Application
or Ability


Lecture and lab are integrated. Thus, the same grade will be given to both
Homework and assignments 20% (includes lecture homework and laboratory drawings)
(Note: You must attain at least 15% to receive credit for the class.)
Late homework will be graded in Week 10.
Quizzes 30%
Team final project and class participation 15%(includes presentation and/or drawings)
Final Exam 35%
Extra credit possible as indicated in laboratory assignments. Must be complete and correct
when due, no redos or extensions on extra credit.
Cell Phone Rings, Computer Usage in Class/Lab, Texting during Class/Lab, iPad/iPhone, etc. =
Pop Quiz------You have been Warned!
Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary.


for your benefit. They are IMPORTANT to you ... IF you want to get the proper credit for the
work you do.
For ALL assignments, STAPLE the upper left hand corner. No cover page.
o Please separate Jensen HW from Howard HW (Solid Works drawings) from REDOS.

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o In class/lab, there will be 3 STACKS of papers of assignment due for the day:
1. First is for Jensen
2. Second is for Howard, and
3. the 3rdone is for Redos with ORIGINAL attached.
o Put yours on the appropriate pile. Staple each of these Individual assignments in
the UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER and put each in the appropriate pile.

For ALL assignments/quizzes, to receive credits, please include the following information on
every piece of paper and/or drawings you are submitting. (HINT: The instructor may not be
able to give you the proper credit without this information. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be
very clear. Handwritten is fine but make sure it is readable.)
1. Last Name, First Name as it is shown in the class roster/Bronco Direct e.g. Name:
Smith, Jonathan (not Smith, Jon)
2. Full Bronco ID e.g. BID: 123-456-789
3. Course#/Quarter e.g. MFE 126/Fall 2011
4. Assignment # e.g. Assignment#: Ch. 1 Tutorial Flange - fig. 1.98
5. Due date of Assignment e.g. Due Date: 10/5/2011
6. Page X of Y (if you are turning in multiple pages this is the entire package you are
submitting for the particular pile) e.g. Page 1 of 5


Name: Smith, Jonathan

Bronco ID: 123-456-789
MFE 126/Fall 2011

Assignment #: Ch. 1 Tutorial Flange - fig. 1.98

Due Date: 10/5/2011
Page 1 of 5

Make sure you label each problem

Laboratory assignments are due AT THE BEGINNING OF LAB.

o The laboratory drawings will be checked when due. If incorrect, an

symbol will

appear in the upper right hand corner of the particular piece of work, which stands for
REDO. One week will be given to correct the assignment. Staple and turn in your
corrected work along with the paper originally submitted for grading. Place this in a
separate stack for the redo assignments. Multiple failure may result in an F grade
for the course.

o Proof read your work product. I am NOT the proof reader. So watch for your mistakes.
Repetitive evidence of not proof reading your work product may become costly.

The class will be separated into working groups to peer review each others assignments prior to grading
by the instructor. Each member of this group will be required to review the drawings of the other two

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prior to submitting to the instructor. Flagrant errors will be penalized harshly as you have multiple
people who are checking these documents. As engineers ..."We must get it right!"
o After this is assigned, the laboratory assignments must be turned in with the
respective checklists(where appropriate) or will not be accepted. (See checklist
towards the end of the syllabus. The instructor reserves the right to update/revise the
checklist throughout the quarter. Updated version will be posted in the Blackboard).

Expect a quiz on every laboratory day, at the beginning of the lab. No make-up on
missed quizzes.

Late work will be considered only on a case by case basis (emergencies, etc.) and only if turned
in promptly after the deadline. Penalties for late assignments will be imposed and tend to be
severe. But remember, some credit is better than no credit..and you do not learn anything if
you do not make an attempt!

As many students will prefer to do laboratory work at home, they may leave the laboratory
session ONLY after the quiz has been taken, their work has been graded and returned, and any
announcements or instruction are finished.

Jensen HW solutions: The instructor will attempt to make the solutions available. Once they are
ready, instructor will inform you (via Blackboard) as to how to access them.

You may download a student version of Solidworks for your personnel computer. This is a 9-
month "freebee" with very limited Solidworks assistance. Depending on your internet
connection, it may take over 3.5 hours to download& install!
o SW 2015-16 Student Design Kit (365 day)
o Website:
o SDK-ID: 92015GGG
o Serial #: 902000579362642567DZVK59
WARNING If you plan to use the computers at Cal Poly lab as well as your own
laptop/computer at home, be sure that you download the same version as the
one installed in the lab. Otherwise, you may run into versioning issue
(=cannot open files).

Academic integrity will be enforced strictly according to university policy as

described in the university catalog. ANY act of dishonesty will result in expulsion
from the class and a failing grade. Acts of dishonesty include but are not limited
to: Copying assignments or providing them for this purpose, copying during
quizzes, copying during exams. Particularly tempting is to copy a
lab/homework/SolidWorks assignments. I routinely find people cheating and the
consequences are SEVERE! If you will miss the assignment dont turn it in at all, it
is better than failing the entire class.

If you cant dedicate the necessary time, drop the course now, and
take it later. The difficulty on this class is not the difficulty but
rather the quantity of material.

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Memory storing device
Manual Drafting tools (ruler, 30o/60 o and 45 o triangles, compass, combination scale, pencils,
eraser, etc.)
Drafting paper: 1 grid sheet (.10 squares and 0.25 squares), isometric paper. (One option is
to use this There are other options.)


Most of the computer labs in building 17 have Solidworks. A schedule will be posted outside of each lab
to indicate when the labs are available for independent work. Some instructors allow students to work
during their own lab time, if appropriate. THIS IS UP TO THE INSTRUCTOR. Proper etiquette is to ask
the instructor BEFORE his/her class begins if it is OK to do work there. DO NOT interrupt their class to
see if you can use the lab and do not just go in without their consent.

Being enrolled in this class, some computer memory will be allocated to your account. This memory is
for schoolwork use only. If music files or video files are stored, or your excessive use of memory
becomes a problem for the network, the administrator may have to erase all your files. Also, the
memory will be taken away at the end of the quarter, so ensure that you save elsewhere any files that
you want to keep.

Printing privileges for this class are 40 sheets of paper at the beginning, increasing by 10 pages/week.
This quota will not be increased, so make sure to manage your printing usage.

Always back up your work somewhere in addition to the schools account and/or your computer.


Construction geometry as it relates to technical graphics
Ability to interpret and construct multi-view drawings
Recognize and apply the rules of sectioning, auxiliary views, dimensioning, and tolerancing
Recognize tolerance as the deviation from design specifications, relate them to process
capability, and apply lateral tolerances
Recognize and apply allowances as special relationship between mating parts
Develop the ability to interpret and construct detailed drawings and assembly drawings
Learn Solidworks for generating technical drafting and solid modeling


Turn off cell phone BEFORE entering the class/lab. Leave cell phone off during class/lab.
Put away all headphones, laptops/iPad/tablets, MP3 players, gameboys, etc. in your book bag
and leave it there through the end of class/lab.
Tardiness or leaving early without prior permission will definitely impact your overall grade.
No-show to a scheduled office hour will result in a reduction of your score.


NO cell phone during Quiz/Midterm/Final. Turn them off and put them in your book bag, NOT in
your pocket. Violation will result in automatic F for the course (including lab).
NO QWERTY calculator.
NO Bathroom breaks during Quiz/Midterm/Final. Go BEFORE test begins. If you must go, your
exam becomes VOID.
NO hooded sweater, hat, ball cap, etc.

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Anytime during a class session, I may pass out sign-in sheet(s). I may pass it out at the beginning of the
class, in the middle of the class, towards the end of the class, or anytime of my choosing. It is YOUR
RESPONSIBILITY to make sure your presence is reflected at the time the sign-in sheet was routed.
For example,
If you came late and everyone has signed-in (hence, I have the sign-in sheet), your presence may
not be reflected or you may be marked late. As stated above, "tardiness or leaving early without
prior permission will affect your overall grade."
If you left early and I passed out the sign-in sheet after you leave, please do not e-mail me to let
me know that you were there. Your early departure may be the exact reason for the sign-in
sheet to be passed out.
If you did not sign-in because you were not paying attention, YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE.

Cal Poly e-mail and Blackboard will be used as one of the communication channels between the
professor and students. Please ensure that your Cal Poly e-mail account is capable of receiving e-
mails (e.g. not full) and check Blackboard regularly for announcements and grades received. WORD

Occasionally, I will send out a survey (using survey monkey) to have you signed-up for
extracurricular activities, such as plant tours and extra lab session. These activities are offered for
your benefits. These types of requests require quick turn-around. Please make sure your email
does not block this type of survey and please respond promptly by filling out the survey (i.e., do not
send me an e-mail to sign-up. It will not be recorded).

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to the information on this

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Fall 2015
Lecture: Bldg. 17 Room 2654 Course# 73131 (MFE 126-05) Mondays 4:00-5:50 PM
Lab: Bldg. 17 Room 2654 Course# 73136 (MFE126L-05) Wednesdays 3:00-6:50 PM

Week Topic Reading Homework -Due at the BEGINNING of Laboratory

Lecture Lecture HW - Lab HW - Howard Book Quiz
(Bertoline) Jensen Book (Tutorial) 2015 version
1 Introduction, B: Ch. 3, 5, None Ch. 1 Tutorial Lines
Lines, 7 Flange. Submit printout of and any
6/21 Construction, both views as shown in the materials
Multiview/Isome book (fig. 1.112 and fig. covered in
tric class, lab, or
2 Multiview/ B: Ch. 3, 5, J: A7,A8,A9, Ch. 1 Tutorial Necessary
Isometric 7 A10 Pulley. Isometric printout Views
6/28 only, undimensioned (fig. and any
1.146) materials
covered in
class, lab, or
Ch. 2 Tutorial (flange with 4
holes fig. 2.97)

Prob 2.7 Break Rotor.

Submit both views,
multiview, undimensioned

3 Multiview/ B: Ch. 3, 5, J: A11, A12, Complete Ch3 Tutorial until Isometric

Isometric 7 A23 (Iso only) the end. Submit printout of Multiview
7/5 A24 (Iso only) bracket similar to fig. and any
3.101) materials
covered in
class, lab, or
Prob 3.7 Muffin Pan.
Multiview, dimensioned.
Answer the question!!!*

4 Dimensioning, J: A13, A14, Ch. 5 Tutorial Multiview

Tolerancing, SF, A15, A16, Flange with 5 holes (fig. Isometric
7/12 Allowances A17, A25 (Iso 5.79 and 5.100, show and any
Only), A26 cosmetic thread.) materials
(Iso Only) covered in
class, lab, or
Screw (fig. 5.149)

Prob 5.10 B Flange . Two

views, multiple parts,

Page 7 of 13
Week Topic Reading Homework -Due at the BEGINNING of Laboratory
Lecture Lecture HW - Lab HW - Howard Book Quiz
(Bertoline) Jensen Book (Tutorial) 2015 version
5 Dimensioning/ B: Ch. 9 J: A18, A21 Ch. 4 Tutorial Any
Tolerancing/SF/A (Base) A20 Fig. 4.48 materials
7/19 llowances (C, D, E, F) Fig. 4.52 and show mass covered in
class, lab, or
Fig. 4.53 (Make view so that
you could build the part)
Fig. 4.75
Fig. 4.102& calculated mass

Prob 4.2 Multiview Dimensioned

6 Auxiliary Views B: Ch. 9 J: A39 (Tol Ch. 6 Tutorial (Hatch Dimensioni

and All), A42 Assembly(Exploded ng,
7/26 (Allow), SF view)) figure 6.104, but Tolerancing,
A27. A37M, show entire door. Allowances
A38 Ch. 7 Tutorial of Advanced and any
Hatch Assembly) fig. 7.1 materials
covered in
class, lab, or
Prob6.4 and Prob. 7.8(for
Prob. 7.8, see SPECIAL
handout on BB), Isometric
printout only, dimensioned
See Prof. Davis for Prob. 6.7
if you wish.
7 Section Views B: Ch. 6 J: A56, A59, Ch. 8 Tutorial (Door fig. Auxiliary
A60, A61 8.37) Views
8/2 and any
Prob 8.3. Full Assembly materials
Drawing. covered in
class, lab, or
Extra Credit: Chapter 11
tutorial (to be done
independently) save work
in CD or thumb drive and
turn it in for credit. Provide
animation with parts
rotating. (Note: you
may/may not get these

Use a screen capture and

print for all Quantitative
Calculations developed by
Solid Works such as surface
areas, weights volumes. Turn
this in with homework.

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Week Topic Reading Homework -Due at the BEGINNING of Laboratory
Lecture Lecture HW - Lab HW - Howard Book Quiz
(Bertoline) Jensen Book (Tutorial) 2015 version
8 Working B: Ch. 8 J: A29, A30, NOTE: ALL DRAWINGS from Section
Drawings A31M, A32, this point forward should Views
8/9 A51 have title blocks, dimensions, and any
and borders. covered in
class, lab, or
Ch9 Tutorial text.
o fig. 9.42
o fig. 9.45 and 9.48
o fig. 9.55 and 9.56

Prob 9.3 Dimensioned.

o Show the house or outline
of the house within the
o Show dimension to closest
property lines on each side
of the house as well as
overall dimension.
o There is a question in the
assignment 9.3. Make sure
you prove your answer
with a drawing.

Extra credit Chapter 12

Special Sheet metal design
See Instructor
Surfboard Rack....or other...
(to be done independently )
Will fabricate one design,
time permitting.

Extra credit Chapter 12

tutorial (to be done
independently )
o Fig. 12.16
o Fig. 12.17, fig. 12.18,
and fig. 12.19
o Fig. 12.78, 12.80,
12.82, and 12.83
Use bend geometry rather than
sharp corners.
Note: the better the detail, the
better the quality, the more points
you may receive.
Note: you will be competing
against everyone in class that
completes this assignment.

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Week Topic Reading Homework -Due at the BEGINNING of Laboratory
Lecture Lecture HW - Lab HW - Howard Book Quiz
(Bertoline) Jensen Book (Tutorial) 2015 version
9 Special Topics/ B: Ch. 10 Solidworks projects TBD
8/16 Project
10 Solidworks Comprehensive test
(Working Drawings, any materials covered in class, lab,
8/23 textbook, assignments, etc.)
Final Project Due 8/30 @ 8AM
Group Evaluation Due @ 8AM

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Reviewer Name:______________ Homework Title/Section:_____________
Last 4 digits of Bronco ID: _____________ Date of Review:_____________
Signature: _____________ Group Number: ____________

Laboratory Assignment Review Checklist

The students will be separated into groups of three. Each member of this group will be required to
review the drawings of the other two prior to submitting to the instructor. Flagrant errors will be
penalized harshly as you have multiple people who should be checking these documents. As engineers
....."We must get it right!"
a) Is the geometry correct? Are the angles the correct dimension, part the correct shape, all
features in proportion? Yes _____
b) Are all hidden lines showing in ALL views EXCEPT for section, partial auxiliary and isometric
views? Yes_____
c) Are all wireframe lines of tangency off? Yes______
d) Are the line types correct (hidden-dashed, object-solid, center-line dash line, dimension-solid,
hidden-dash space dash, etc.) Yes _____
e) Are the line weights correct (0.6mm for object, cut lines, break lines; 0.3 mm for hidden, hatch,
dimension, center lines)? Yes ______
f) Are threads properly designated (if necessary)? Yes _____

a) Are ALL features indicated once and ONLY once? Yes____
b) Are the values for the dimensions correct? Yes ____
c) Are the locations of holes and necessary radii properly indicated? Yes____
d) Are all circles dimensioned with a diameter dimension with proper symbol and likewise for
radii? Yes____
e) Do all dimension lines have proper gaps? Yes ____
f) Are dimensions in the proper places? Yes _____

Tolerances, Allowances and Surface Finish

a) Is the tolerance block complete? Yes____
b) Does the tolerance block include a surface finish (numeric)? Yes _____
c) Have additional surface finishes been used properly? Yes____ Not Applicable _____
d) Have allowances (if appropriate) been properly indicated? Yes______ Not Applicable ______
a. What is the Fit Class? ______

Title Block:
a) Is the part properly identified by a part name? Yes_____
b) Is the authors name clearly indicated? Yes_____
c) Is the page number of indicated? Yes ____
d) Is the third angle projection symbol indicated? Yes _____
e) Is the correct material indicated? Yes ____
f) Is the proper revision level indicated? Yes____
g) Is there a draft date and drafters initials? Yes ____

For assembly drawings only:

a) Are all the parts (including standard parts) shown in operating position? Yes____

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b) Do all parts have leaders and balloons? Yes ____
c) Is there a BOM with part ID, balloon number, and quantity? Yes ____
d) Is the BOM anchored on a proper corner? Yes _____
e) Are there assembly instructions (if appropriate)? Yes_____

Professional Presentation and general:

a) Is the border complete? Yes _____
b) Is there a revision block (if appropriate)? Yes _____
c) Is the drawing balanced: (Not crowded) Yes_____
d) Font Size in proportion with drawing: Yes ____


The class will be divided randomly into teams.

The assembly Butterfly Valve (Figure 10.66 in pages 539-540 of Bertoline text) should be prepared in
the following manner:

Report: Each report will consist of the following elements:

One working drawing for each component excluding standard components (washers, pins,
One working drawing for the overall assembly (assembled or exploded) including standard parts.
Allowances are to be determined and calculated where the shaft mates with the body and also
where the shaft meets the arm.
Dimensions will be toleranced by the team following the following scheme:
o Critical dimensions: +/- 0.005 (those that move or mate functionally)
o Non critical dimensions: +/- 0.030
Surface finishes will be 125 rms on non-critical surfaces, and 16 rms on critical surfaces. The
team will decide which dimensions and surfaces are critical.

Due date is Week 9 of lab

Note: The drawings should be dimensioned and toleranced adequately (look at appendices in your texts)
and they should have uniform formats and a clean professional look. Information that must be given in
the drawings includes drafter, checker and supervisor (second checker), revision, part name, number,
surface finish, tolerances, material, 3rd angle projection, page x of x, etc. That is, as complete a title
block as you can make. Create your own company name/logo. Professional appearance as well as
accurate drawings are expected and will be rewarded accordingly.

STAPLE (no plastic report cover needed) on the left hand corner in the following order: cover page,
assembly, body, shaft, arm, retainer, and plate.

Each individual in the group will be asked about the level of participation of the other
members to see if adjustments in grades (up or down) for individuals within the group are

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My Name is: __________________________________ BID No.:______________________

Group#: ______________________________________ EGR-402 Section _______________

NOTE: This evaluation form is DUE on Week 9.

Failure to submit will impact your overall score.

Ability to Work with the Amount of Intellectual
Rating Group Effort
Never showed up or was Wasn't/Never Never said
0 disruptive of the group process
turned in anything anything
Participated, but wanted to go
Got things done, but Overall,
1 in a different direction than
usually late what is the
the group
About what Usually got things
2 Okay
was expected done on time
Was helpful level of each
member of
Always participated, made
Always got things the group.
3 sure everyone had a chance to
done on time Overall total
MUST equal
Could be counted to 100%
Helped gets the group moving Did the thoughtful,
4 without dominating it. whole thing
on to pick up the

Student Name(s) Ability to Amount of Depend- Intellectual Overall

Work with Effort ability Contribution Contribution
the Group (Must equal to

1. (My Name)







Explain how you came to the above conclusion:

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