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Head Office : 812, Tulsiani Chambers Factory : V lage Kumbhva i

212 Narima. Poinl Mlmbai 400021 Savrol Kharpada Road,

Iel. 91 -22492a 4aA9 I 22A2 4OA9
Fa\ 91-22492A 4AA1 t 228! 12a1 D st. Ra aad (l4aharashlra)
Emai Iel 42192 - 27614a
Web: M ma
Emal inro@mafaalamorqai cs com


cr\ Lzd'rov-.98 PLaO, 4-
Vilage Kumbhivat Savroti Kharpad;Ro;;
Khalapur-4r02O2 oisl: Ra gad (i,taiaiashtra)
\o euarterended on Tt:;;;;;:-;
Nine monrhs endedon
I 3i.12.16 Jo.oe.2o16 I 3ai2r5 I,i:lr:l-T 13rc3r016 31.12:lr
---l I ".- ."",.". 1...",,""1,"".""" f*
lr,"oln" r,.rn9Ee,"ti.*
la. Net Sdles l_cone'Jon ope dro.< 51214 40 !,81e.qt 14 719.9e aE 24L77 18,85753
I -
includ ng Trad ng Sales
| 1"55 E,c <e DL$ 4oC n 5835 38C 10 1.517.0- 1,529 90 1.894.19
4 01210 4,630.4! 3 429 9L 13,199 09 13,711.87 16 963.34
l&Lolher incglE ao 30 1424 840 50 08 43.59 3XU.A9
lrotal lncome from oper.tions Ia +b l 4,042.40 4,644.69 3,438.32 13,249.17 13.755.46 20,087.43

l- L

ll l cost 9114ateraE9$umed 23ra.:a 493.48 2i79.70 g, t jts et n,2ai.ti
lbl PLrrchase of stock-ln-trade 1q3.63 63.45 @37 521,1!
?99.72 !6q.21
lcl Change oilnveniories orfn shed goods
u )r. - pro_ass dr o rro.. 'lrado 323 88 831.60 1512.1E 1 559 47 ( 2A17A 564 33
loi cno, oe.ef > e, oe rses 242A7 19414 241.i 638r6 825 49 q98.9e
['l Dep_a , ror "_rJ anot,aron e pe--5 133.28 ! q,58 1q9.78 ?q l2 530.10
.ll Or e, E,o"- >es 596 53 359 21 389.04 1.182 08 1,797 62 3 319 14
Told'l.oen:e,,a.-o+.c.'d-.e,- I 3,796.88 4-375-16 3,174.47 12-494-17 13,988.55 20.173.89
rro_t-. os: 'o-r ooerdlons DAtore ofia. 1oT"l
Ina' .e, o<_ E e,Leo rorai ,ren< 2. 755 OO (233 09) (86 46)
Or -' -'o_ e
5 o'ofr oss,'ror o.o -dl a.t, te)be-o.e 245 52 269.53 j,55.00
I ?63 8s 1?33 0s) (86.46)
'lr .- .e _oqr 8 e,repLro. . rers 3-a. I
":::"..,...n, ua
7 ::":,
..c1-- cost 8 bLr oerore e
r"e-i-" ,e". .5
80 78 7a 362.85 479 67 644 42

164.74 137.10 11s.07 392.15 | 012.76) (730.88)

8 T .eptorr l.ei q
- (3 059.51)
9 Profit (.)/Lossr.) trom Ordinrry Aclivities ]
belore tax (7-8) |
164.74 137.10 1,15-07 392.15 l.3,772.271 (730.88)

10 Ta E,penses Defe ed ta. (343 22)

11 Net Profit r+y' Loss (-, trom or!,inary activities
afler tax {910) 164.74 137.10 115.07 (3,772.27) (1,034.10)

12 E tra-O d nat, lem!lNetofta,eipensesl

13 \et prorit i+,/Lossr-, for th" p""":,lK 164-7 4 137.10 115 07 392.15 13,772.271 (1,034.10)

/.1. - _\"o\
k;/7 (., \
' ciamphor
Head Office : 612 Tulsiani Chambers, Faclory : Vi aqe Kumbhivali,

Manqalam 212 Naiman Poinl. [,,lumbai 400 021
Ie :91 22492a4Aag 122a2 4AAp
Fax : 91 22-4920 4Ae1 I 2284 12A1
Savro -Kha.pada Road

D st. Ralgad 1[4aharashlra)

Organic-s Limited Emai
Web : !! nqalamorqanics..oh
Iel.42192 276144
E-mal info@mangalamorgaics.con

Share of Proft /lloss) of assocates

15 L{inolE nterest

16 Net Profiv(loss) aftr taxes, m no4qqp-est ano

share oi proft /( oss) of associates f]3-14-15) 164.74 137.1O 115.07 392.15 13.772 27\ 1.034.10)
17 Pa d-up equlty share capital
lFaceValue ofeach share Rs 10/,i 905_27 945.27 905_27 905.27 905.27
18 Reserve exc uding Reva uation Reserves as
per Balance sheet of previous accornt ng yeai 3 306 35

19 Earn ngs Per Share (before e*rraorOinary Gms

19 Rs ltra each) [aOtannua ised)

a) Basic 1.82 151 433 (41 6Z) (11.42)

b) D q!9q 18? 15 a-3 g-97) (11.42)

19 Earn ngs Perslrare (beforc exiraordrnt ilems)

(ofRs. 101each) (not annua sed)
a) Basic 'I 82 1.51 1?1 433 \!1.97) \1142)
b) D lled 182 T.51 1.27 433 (4167) 11142)


1l Theabove Lriaudiied Fnancia Resulis were reviewed !y ta;Audi Cffm tiee and thereatterwere appioveO Ol
ihe Boj'd o' Drr. ro.s oi Lhe Cor aan, al ls reelng-ed o. 28r'.ar-a-v 2Ot. he s-;---ol a -o lo.s 1d.,e
carlied o i a .r red ertew oi l.e abo,e +tn.n( a resL rs

4 Durng the quarier, we have not receved any nvasiorb comptainis & trere were no nveitors comparnrs pend ng
b, 'ed.-ssa ar r e -ro ofre qLalc
3l -"eseqmerrs >e eoonrngasde reo Ao 17 s -ol dppiabi":.r(e he CoTpa,r) -as onry o'le repolao e
.eg_ e1 Cr"T (d ,

4l P,o\isro forla' a oeraO"arr-eeroorre,ea,

5l Crcrrespond ng ligures of the previols perod/ yearllve been re grcuped i re-arrangeO whe;er necessary
ro nr.e laer.onp:.aoe
Forllrangalam Organics Limiteq

tC eY't,\
P.r(e' IVumoa KamalDutodwa a
DIe 28rl_ -arLar) 2017
4 '_ l :':r\ lirtlroi

(ii'r# 'li

NGST & Associates
Chartered Accountants

The Board of Directors,

MUMBAT - 400 021

Sub: "Review Report" for the quarter and period ended on 3,lst December 2016.

We have revrewed the accompanying statement of Lrnaudited financial results of M/S. MANGALAM
ORGANICS LIMITED for the quarter and nine months ended on 31'r December 2O'16, being subrnitted
by the company pursuant to the requirement of clause 4'1 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock
Exchanges which has been approved by the Board of Direciors. This statement is the responsibility of
the Company's l,,lanagement and has been approved by ihe Board of Directors / Commlttee of Board of
Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financ al statements based on our review.

We conducted our review tn accordance with the Standard on Review Enqagemeni (SRE) 2410,
Review of lnterim Financial lnformation Performed by lndependent Auditor of ine gntity' issued by the
lnstitute of Chartered Accountanls of lndia- This standard requires that we plan and perform the review
to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of Material misstatement.
A review js limited primarlly to inqulries of company personnel & analy,tical procedures applied to
financal data and thus provide less assurance than an audit_ We have not performed an audit and
acco,di.lgly. we do nol exp.ess an aLdit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, except that:

a) Compliance of the Accounting Standard-'l5 on Employee Benefits will bedoneattheyear
b) Compliance of the Accounting Standard-2g regarding disclosure on provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets will be done at the year end-

Nothing has come to our notice that causes us to believe that the accompanylng statement of
unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards and other recognised
accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of
Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it
contains any material misstatement.

For: NGST & Associales

Charlered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. - 135159W

Place: Mumbai ,< ll. )l^/>,

Date: January 28,2017
{BhE6;dra candhi}
(Membership No. 122296)

111U11th Floor, Ghanshyam Enclave, Laliipada Police Chowk, Link Road, Kandivali (West), Mumbai - 400 067.
Contact No. :022-6550 4535 / E-mail : contact@ngstca-com / Website :

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