What Is Organisational Behaviour?: Applying OB Knowledge

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What is Organisational Behaviour?

Hi, and welcome to organisational behavior. Im Dr Jennifer Spoor.

In this video, we will overview some of the challenges that contemporary managers and
organisations face, and we will discuss some of the ways that OB knowledge can help
managers to meet these challenges.

Applying OB Knowledge

Current managers face a number of challenges and differences in the workplace that
actually bring opportunities for them to apply their OB knowledge. Well talk about a few of
these in turn.

Applying OB Concepts

During economic downturns, there is an increased need for effective management. Limited
resources may force managers to make tough decisions, such as laying off employees or
limiting hours. And it can be difficult to motivate employees when resources are limited.
Moreover, managers must be able to deal with employees who are stressed and anxious
about their futures.
Now in some respects, anyone can be a good manager in good times, but understanding
how to effectively reward, satisfy, and retain employees is a key management skill.

Globalisation refers to the increased connections between economic, social, and cultural
factors in other parts of world. As a result of globalisation, the managers job has changed
substantially. Managers today need to have a broader perspective when making decisions.
For example, managers increasingly work with individuals who come from cultures that are
different from their own. Managers need to find ways to accommodate these employees
needs and help them adapt to the organisations workplace culture.
When working in other countries, managers also need to understand the implications of
different cultural and legal practices on their operations. Violating local regulations and
practices could have serious consequences for the organisation.

As the borders are disappearing, partly due to globalization, we are seeing more and more
heterogeneity or diversity in the workplace. Managers today need to embrace diversity and
find ways to manage it effectively. The changing demographics have shifted management
philosophy in a way that recognizes and utilizes and values differences to create
productivity, profitability, and welcoming workplace cultures.

Applying OB Concepts

Improving customer service is also a management challenge. Service employees have

substantial interaction with customers. Managers can increase the chance that these
interactions will be successful by focusing on their employees attitudes and emotions, as
there is strong evidence that these affect customer satisfaction.
Organisations also need to develop an organisational culture in which employees are
friendly and courteous, accessible, knowledgeable, prompt with their responses, and willing
to do what is necessary to ensure that customers are satisfied.

Organisations are made up of people, so organisations cannot be effective without them.

Therefore, people or social skills are essential for effective managers and leaders.
OB provides the concepts and theories that allow managers to understand, predict and
change employee behaviour across a range of situations, which can help to create a more
effective organisation and can accomplish desired goals.

Applying OB Concepts

In our highly competitive, global and networked organizations, work pressures and
expectations have increased substantially. Employees are working longer hours and
expected to do more, often with less. But at the same time, employees increasingly value
their personal time and seek work-life balance. Managers and leaders need to be able to
help employees find ways to balance work and life roles to ensure that those employees
remain effective and viable members of the team and organisation. Employees who feel that
they dont get a break can suffer from stress, dissatisfaction and burnout, which can reduce
their effectiveness.

Creating a positive work environment has been found to improve employee satisfaction,
increase productivity, and reduce turnover. Creating positive work environments is not a
traditional management practice, but there is increasing evidence that being a good place to
work is very important for organization success. Positive organizational behaviour focuses
on what is good about organizations.

Finally, increased scrutiny by a range of stakeholders has increased concerns with ethical
behaviour in organisations. Ethical dilemmas require managers to make decisions involving
right and wrong conduct. Managers and leaders must clearly define what constitutes
appropriate, ethical behaviour by the organization and its people, and they must lead by

What is Organisational Behaviour?

This is the end of the video. Im Dr Jennifer Spoor, and thanks for listening.

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