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International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(1): 95 102

DOI: UDC: 338.45:005.8


Edoardo Favari1
Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Received 2 January 2013; accepted 6 February 2013

Abstract: This paper presents the project of designing an agile physical progress measurement
system for the construction management department of a multinational company operating
in turnkey railway projects field. It has been pointed out that the classical physical progress
measurement, based on Earn Value Management (EVM) and so financially based, is not suitable
for modern high-tech and, in one word, complex, construction projects. So it has been looked
for something different, more agile, to easily fix the problem of monitoring on a weekly basis
the physical progress of sites. The work starts by describing the process of choosing KPIs,
defines an overall physical progress index, than discusses the choice of a baseline to measure
against, and at the end it illustrates the visual management implemented.

Keywords: construction, project, management, physical progress, KPI, visual management.

1. Introduction some player have some problem in sending

information (in invoicing and so on), and for
It has been asked by a multinational engineering this reason the information on physical progress
and contracting company operating in the measurement is updated in the best case on
railway sector, mainly in the signalling field but a monthly basis and often it is not complete
providing turnkey system, to develop a way to (Fleming and Koppelman, 2010). The aim of
keep under control the performances of the the Company was to be able to get a physical
building sites managed by the Construction progress index on a weekly basis, even losing
Department. The problem faced by the some information detail, in order to be able
Company is that the classic physical progress to see the trend of works on the building site
measurement based on Earn Value Management and to be able to take promptly measure to
(EVM) and so financially based (Bassioni et correct it, in case. The project is still going on,
al., 2004), is not suitable for project in which and this paper describes the first results of it.
schedule is compressed, many players all over
the world are involved (departments of the In the Company, building sites have always
Company in many parts of the world, many been managed in a traditional way. The
suppliers and subcontractors), and building site manager was responsible for controlling
sites are not just around the corner, so its almost all sides of the building site: reviewing
not possible for middle management to get the design, surveying the quantities, fixing
there and monitor and control so easily. In any problem, checking and reporting the
fact, in this case, financial information arrives physical progress, and take corrective actions
no more often than once a month, and often in case.

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Favari E. A New Way for Physical Progress Monitoring in High Tech Infrastructure Construction

Site managers have historically been site site experience. So, each regional site have been
workers been upgraded to managing level asked to develop its own way of measuring
without a specific training, and, as a result, physical progress of building sites, and, at
they interpret their role as a boss of the site, the end, during a world meeting, all systems
responsible for everything. This attitude is developed have been presented and discussed.
known in project management literature as
Halo Effect, and it is not considered the The reason why a common way of measuring
best way for choosing management personnel has not been developed at central level, but each
because it is not automatic that the best regional site has been asked to do, is due to the
technical skilled worker is also a good manager history of each site and to its specificities. The
for the other workers. multinational company was created by acquiring
smaller companies all around the world during
The poor culture on management topics let the three decades, and the construction department
constructions department being more and more of each regional site maintained the former way
technically skilled, able to fix design problem of working, since a central department was not
in many cases, but not able to investigate the established until 2010. In addition, different
root causes of problems fixed time by time, regional sites are specialized in certain part of
and, while projects become more and more the market, so a topic that is key to measure
complex, the costs for non-quality activities for a certain site could be not so relevant for
increased in a worrying level and a new attitude another site, and vice versa.
in managing projects in construction phase
was demanded by top management. 2. The Choice of Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs)
The main issues on the traditional managing
were related to: 2.1. Traditional Physical Progress
Measurement Limits
Lack of evidence of the overall physical
progress of sites, and, above all, the What traditionally is done to measure physical
correspondence between the plan and progress for construction sites is divide the
the actual situation; actual costs by the total budget (Eq. (1)), or
Lack of certainty that the project will to divide the earn value by the total amount
fulfill the objectives in terms of time, of the contract (Eq. (2)).
cost and quality;
Lack of feedback to the rest of the
company and stakeholders in general 1 = (1)
from the site;
Lack of return of experience at the end
of projects to improve processes. 2 = (2)

When an international construction department Where:

was established in 2010 the definition of 1 is the physical progress measured by costs;
physical progress indexes has been required, in
order to compare one regional site performances K i are the direct and indirect costs of the
to another, and to make synergy of each regional project at the cut-off date;

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(1): 95 102

2 is the physical progress measured by earn Be a kind of Yes/No items, without

value; uncertainty on if a specific item should
be or not counted in a certain review (an
EVi is the Earn Value at the cut-off date. item must be installed or not), without
any grey areas;
By doing in this way, the physical progress can Must be relevant in terms of workload: it
be given after the accounting office send its has been decided to avoid recording items
reports, typically on a monthly basis, and any that require short time to be installed,
problem in accounting, for example a late or and would not have given a relevant
incomplete invoice, let the physical progress contribution to the increase of the overall
measure be imprecise and not updated. physical progress.

W hen projects become more complex After a long debate, it has been made the
(Kaimann, 1975), with challenging constrains categorization below for signalling:
in terms of delivery time, the updated physical
progress percentage of building sites become Track circuits installation [nr]
crucial to let the project team timely take Switch points installation [nr]
corrective actions when a slippage from Balises, pedals, indusi etc. [nr]
the baseline occurs (Favari, 2012). So, the Signal masts and bridges [nr]
traditional way of measuring physical progress Main signals [nr]
by financial drivers becomes useless in a Dwarf signals [nr]
complex and fast project environment. Cable laying (any cable) [m]
Cable trenches (with or without pipes,
2.2. Effort-Based KPIs pegs, ) [m]
Concrete ducts [m].
According both to managing directions and
in site personnel experience, effort related For track works, it has been decided to
KPIs are the most significant to record the monitor the following:
physical progress of building sites. Nevertheless,
the choice of consistent KPIs has not been Track laying [m]
immediate. In the railways field, the items to Turnouts [nr]
be installed are a great variety, different from Insulated joints [nr].
project to project and from country to country,
due to the fact that almost all railway systems And similarly for other railway specialities.
have been developed in a specific country,
without taking into account the problem of Due to the most experienced site managers
interoperability, since the issue emerged starting in the Company, those KPIs are enough to
from the European Unions TEN-T project. monitor the physical progress of a signalling
building site (see below).
The characteristics that KPIs must fulfill to the
purpose are (Kerzner and Sponholtz, 2011): 2.3. Comparison

Small number, in order not to require much At this point, it is possible to state the physical
time to be record on a up to a weekly basis; progress of each item defined, but the overall

Favari E. A New Way for Physical Progress Monitoring in High Tech Infrastructure Construction

physical progress index is defined in the next Each weight is equal to the inverse of the
paragraph. Time (effort) based KPIs are the production per day of that KPI. So, if it is
best to monitor the physical progress of a assumed that the average production of cable
signalling building site. Moreover, they are laying per day is 5000 meters per day, the
quite easy to count, and do not require a big value of weight for the cable laying KPI will
contribution from the personnel in site. They be 1/5000 [day/meters] = 0,0002. Equally,
are also easy to check, and, in case of suspicion assuming to require 5 days to install one signal,
of not correct information provision from the value of the weight for signals installation
the personnel trying to hide problems faced would be 5 [day/nr].
in site, can be easily checked by a third party
by performing a site survey. The physical significance of these numbers is
that it is required 5 days to install one signal
3. The Overall Physical Progress Index and 1/5000 of day to install one meter of cable.

The need for an overall percentage expressing In this way, the physical progress provided by
the total physical progress of the building site installing one signal bridge is the same than
emerged since the beginning of the work. In installing 5 x 5000 = 25000 meters of cables.
fact, traditionally, site managers were able to
provide the physical progress of each item (e.g. It must be pointed out that it has been
70% of track and 30% of main signals installed) chosen to make rough assumptions in order
but, in this way, it was not possible to state if the to have an agile instrument. For example,
building site was, overall, at a certain percentage the contribution given by the installation of
of physical progress (e.g. the building site is at a double turnout is the same than a single
60%). The problem laid in the difference of turnout, even if it is known that the effort
units of measure and in the effort required to required is significantly smaller in the second
install items that concur in defining the overall case. To avoid big gap in the evaluation of
physical progress, for example meters of track the overall physical progress index, these
and number of signal bridges. problems in the definition of weights have
been taken into account, defining an average
3.1. The Weight Matrix production of the best and the worst case,
using the well-known formula (Eq. (3))
The best way conceived to put together KPIs (PMBOK 4th edition):
having different significance and different
physical dimension (in general, meters and D= (3)
absolute numbers) was to make all KPIs
uniform by multiplying the value of each KPI Where B stands for best case, W for worst
by a coefficient based on the effort required to case, N for normal and D for average duration.
produce/install one unit of that KPI.
In addition, it has been decided to define the
In this way, a matrix has been built, having weight matrix once for all, so it is not possible
on the first column the KPIs, and in the to take into account specific local condition,
second column a weight given to each KPI for example the hardness of ground to be dug.
in the overall physical progress measurement It has been estimated that the loss in accuracy
equation. in the physical progress measurement due to

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(1): 95 102

local condition is less important than having to provide an immediate overview of the
an easy-to-use tool. building site progress.

3.2. The Overall Physical Progress Equation 4. The Baseline to Measure Against

The overall physical progress equation has There are two possibilities to design the
the (classic) following expression (Eq. (4)): baseline in the time-% of physical progress
chart, to compare the actual status to: a
baseline build by planned values according
= (4) to the project schedule, and an ideal baseline
built with same characteristics in all projects
Where: and referring to historic data from well
KPIi,t is the value of the KPI at the cut-off managed projects in the past.
date (t);
KPIi,tot is the value of the KPI at completion;
4.1. Planned Baseline
pi is the weight of the KPIi. The planned baseline is simply obtained by
indicating, step by step, the value of each KPI
It provides a synthetic percentage that according to the project plan. It can be created
represents the overall physical progress of for the whole project since the beginning by
the building site, at a certain cut-off date. inserting the planned value of each KPI for
each cut-off date (e.g. nr of main signals or
Being a percentage, it is required to pay attention meters of track laid planned to be installed
that it doesnt overcome the 100%, because at a certain date).
this would be meaningless. This could happen
due to errors in writing the total amount of This kind of baseline must be built for each
items to be installed, but, more often, when project and required some effort to be built,
during the project execution phase a variation and some effort to be updated in case of
order is required by the Customer and the the baseline is changed during the project
baseline is not updated consequently. For execution.
example, if in the original contract 100 signals
are required, and during the project execution 4.2. Ideal Baseline
5 additional signals are required, at the end of
the project the physical progress would result In this case, the baseline is automatically
of 105% if the baseline is not updated as soon drawn when the duration of the construction
as the variation order is signed. The example activities is defined.
is regarding a single KPI, but it can be easily
extended to the whole amount of KPIs. It has been developed a historic research on
the physical progress of project considered
3.3. The S Curve of the Overall Physical successful, and defined that, for example,
Progress after the 30% of time, the physical progress
was 15% etc., and an S-curve has been
The percentage of physical progress can built which is a function depending on the
be easily put on a time-percentage chart, variable time.

Favari E. A New Way for Physical Progress Monitoring in High Tech Infrastructure Construction

This function is very easy to implement, As a consequence, there is no need for

and does not need to be updated in case, for personnel skilled on project management
example, of project time extension. who can understand what a baseline is,
but just people able to count how many
4.3. Comparison items have been installed.
The advantages of adopting the planned
baseline instead of the ideal baseline The choice between adopting one type of
are easy to underline. In fact, the planned baseline or the other must be made case by
baseline: case, according to the detail required by the
physical progress analysis, the qualification
Is tailored to each project, so take into of personnel in site, and the level of effort
account specificities of the planning of the company want to allocate for physical
the particular situation. progress detection.
Allows comparing the actual physical
progress of each single KPI, instead in 5. Visual Management
the ideal baseline environment where
all the KPIs have the same progress grade Implementing a visual management both in
at a certain moment. the central Construction Department office
Is basically more refined and allows a and in each building site was a clear goal for
more detailed analysis. the project since the beginning.

On the other hand, some advantages of the The information which has been decided to
ideal baseline can be pointed out: show on each building site office blackboard is:

It is very easy to implement, it is required 1. Chart of S curve for actual physical

no effort by the personnel in developing progress and S curve of baseline of
the baseline, but they are only focused physical progress;
on noticing the actual status of KPIs. 2. List of effort KPIs (see 3.3) showing for

Fig. 1.
S-Curve Actual and Baseline
Source: Sample Plot from the Tool Developed

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(1): 95 102

each actual physical progress, baselines At central level, the fine tuning of indicators is
expected at cut off time, emoticons happy in progress, in particular regarding the weight
till 2% of delay, neutral between 2 and matrix: sometimes site managers state that the
5%, sad for more than 5%; percentage represented by the overall physical
3. Overall physical progress percentage and progress percentage does not represent the
emoticon happy till 2% of delay, neutral actual situation of the building site. So some
between 2 and 5%, sad for more than 5%; adjustment of values in the weight matrix
4. Cost overall KPI / budget and emoticon will be required.
happy if bigger than overall physical
progress percentage, neutral between Visual management is working pretty well:
0 and 5% bigger than overall physical from the central office is sent by email,
progress percentage, sad for more than 5%; monthly, the A3 sheet to each building site
5. Quality KPI and an emoticon related to manager, and during quality audits the display
quality goal defined together with the of the visual management sheet is checked.
quality department.
Currently it is ongoing the development
All this information is resumed on an A3 of indicators able to monitor and control a
format sheet. complete railway building site, starting from
the infrastructure and building works up to
Information which have been decided to show high tech system putting into service. The
on the central Construction Department office same approach has been recently applied, but
blackboard are: managing a greater number of indexes is critical
for the easy-to-use approach implemented,
An A4 format sheet for each opened and the fine tuning of the larger weight matrix,
building site containing only the points encompassing all KPIs, is a key for having a
1, 3, 4 and 5 of the list above; realistic physical progress percentage.
A geographic map of Italy showing
the physical progress percentage in A problem pointed out at some meetings is the
correspondence of each building site level of so called granularity of indicators,
position; that is the quantity of information collected to
An A3 format sheet containing general define the progress index: many site managers
performance information in the department. are not comfortable with indexes that put
together civil works and electric works, for
6. Conclusion example in the case of the construction of
a signal, a team of civil workers have to be
The tool described in this paper represents considered for building the basement and the
the first stage of the project of implementing mast, and then a team of electrical workers for
good control practice on the Companys signals installation, wiring and putting into
building sites. Even if this work has been pretty service: if the indicator is just nr. of signals
appreciated by top management, the putting the contribution of the activities performed
into service phase is still to be completed: site by the teams is zero until the putting into
managers, who were used to be the only person service of the signal, and this is frustrating site
to know all the information on their building managers that see the progress percentage of
site, are not at their ease in cooperating. their site not increasing even when they are

Favari E. A New Way for Physical Progress Monitoring in High Tech Infrastructure Construction

working a lot. This is an open point the team Kerzner, H.D.; Sponholtz, J. 2011. Project Management
is currently dealing with. Metrics, KPIs, and Dashboards: A Guide to Measuring and
Monitoring Project Performance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
The topic which is being considered for ISBN: 9781118026526.
further development is the definition of
forecasts for this system: the classic Schedule VVAA, 2008. Project Management Body of Knowledge
Performance Index (SPI) is applicable to this (PMBOK 4th ed.), Project Management Institute, ISBN:
approach, but the Cost Performance Index ISBN 9781933890517.
is currently not, and so a lot of classic EVM
Finally, the team would like to define a INFRASTRUKTURE
performance index merging cost, quality
and time performance, to assess projects in
order to better analyze the historical records Edoardo Favari
for return of experience purpose.
Saetak: U radu je predstavljen projekat
koji ima za cilj razvoj metodologije za
Acknowledgements aktivno praenje izgraenosti pri sektoru za
upravljanje izgradnjom jedne multinacionalne
The author would like to thank Valeria Corsini
kompanije koja posluje po sistemu klju u
for the big effort made for the first elaboration
ruke u oblasti projektovanja eleznike
and the tuning of indicators, and Stphane
infrastrukture. U radu je pokazano da
Romei and Giulio Salerno for their trust and
upravljanje procesima izgradnje i monitoring
support in the project.
u konvencionalnom smislu, zasnovani na
upravljanju ostvarenom vrednou, nisu
References pogodni za moderne visokotehnoloke, tj.
sloene, projekte izgradnje. Iz tog razloga,
Bassioni, H.; Price, A.; Hassan, T. 2004. Performance
u radu je razvijena metodologija za lake
Measurement in Construction, Journal of Management
reavanje problema monitoringa procesa
in Engineering. DOI:
izgraenosti na nedeljnom nivou. U radu
(ASCE)0742-597X(2004)20:2(42), 20(2): 42-50.
je najpre opisan proces izbora kljunih
indikatora performansi (KPI) i definisan je
Favari, E. 2012. Reducing Complexity in Urban
opti indeks napretka izgraenosti. Takoe,
Infrastructure Projects. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
razmotren je izbor referentnog plana izgradnje
Sciences, SIIV-5th International Congress - Sustainability
i predstavljeni su vizuelni alati za upravljanje
of Road Infrastructures 2012, Volume 53: 9-5.
projektima koji su primenjeni u radu.
Fleming, Q.W.; Koppelman, J.M. 2010. Earned Value Project Kljune rei: izgradnja, projekat, upravljanje,
Management - Fourth Edition, Project Management Institute, napredak izgraenosti, kljuni indikatori
ISBN: 9781935589082. performansi (KPI), vizuelni alati.

Kaimann, R.A. 1975. Defining the Complexity of a Project

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